My Journey Through High School: Chapter 4: Game, Set, Touchdown

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#4 of My Journey Through High School

After a lovely first date, Friday had finally come. It was my favorite day of the week ever since I decided I didn't really like school, despite the good grades I got out of it. I just didn't really get what was the big deal about it. I was especially glad because Friday's mean a short day of school and boy were we glad about it, even if it was the first week of school. The only chess club meeting this day was in the morning so I was there first thing in the morning. My friends and I all decided that we'd all meet up in the morning at the chess club because they wanted to accommodate to my schedule. They were always so nice thinking of me. Sure enough, all of them were there, including my boyfriend Morrell, who greeted me with a hug.

"Sleep well?" Morrell asked me.

"I sure did," I said. It was true, I always do when dreaming about my boyfriend, and my friends in that way as well. Unless some of my friends were reading minds, I could see Snow and Eq giggling at me. "What?"

"Oh nothing," Snow said, "Mr. I dream of you." Everyone busted out laughing after that which caused me to blush. Ryan stopped them, which made me glad.

"Okay guys that's enough," he said to all of them, "either way we got to think about what to do after this short boring day, before the big game."

"That's right," Morrell agreed, "the first JV game of the season, you coming to watch us Ryan?"

"Of course I am," I replied, "I'm playing in the pep band, so there's no missing this game." All of us continued to talk for a while, laughing and playing around in casual conversation. When the bell rang we were quick for heading into class. Despite being a short day of school, the classes still seemed to drag on. First, trying to stomach the first Geometry test of the semester, followed with an Earth Systems pop quiz. I couldn't stop staring at the clock it finally hit 11:45 AM. That signaled the end of the day, and boy were we glad.


"Oh finally," Nokemy said as we walked over to my house as a group, "I thought we'd never get out of there, even on a short day." We had all decided that we'd just hang out around my place for a bit, since no one was home at the time, while we waited for the big game to come.

"Anyway Ryan," Morrell said to me, "I got a call from my parents not too long ago, they said we'll meet up after the game tonight. I decided I'll surprise them with you then, sound good?"

"Sounds good to me," I replied smiling. I was looking forward to meeting Morrell's parents. I was exited and at the same time worried. I wanted to meet them because Morrell said they were nice people, but did he ever really tell them that he was gay like me. What would their reaction be? Would they accept us like my mom did, or would they start a tirade or even worse, kick their own son out of the house? I eventually put these doubting thoughts aside as we all approached my house. I opened the door to let them inside. Just to clear things up, my house isn't that big. So with Sun, Hinori, Runo, Nokemy, Jason, Morrell, The 4 Lucian Brother's Canad, Equinox, Blaze, and Snow, Alduin, Adair around, it made for quite the crowd in the house. I went to my room and brought out the games and movies from my room to the big TV in the living room, so everyone else could entertain themselves.

"Ryan," Morrell tapped my shoulder, "how about you and I check out your room?" he gave me a wink, signaling exactly what he wanted, and I was happy to oblige. We sneaked away from the group after five minutes and quietly shut the door. We took a seat on the bed and smiled at each other.

"I can't wait until you meet my parents," he said, "they're the best in the world."

"Me too," I said smiling. I was still a little worried, but Morrell's confidence helped settle my nerves about the situation.

"Until then," Morrell said smiling, "I can't think of any better way to pass the time than this." With that he smiled and gave me a kiss on the lips, which I happily returned. I opened my mouth, allowing his tongue to enter and explore. As he did I match my tongue with his and wrestled my tongue with his. It was about this time where we heard someone giggling in front of us, and we broke the kiss in time to see that it was Runo, chuckling and boasting with himself.

"AWWWW," he began, "SOO CUUTEE!" I blushed and scowled at him, for barging in on our private moment.

"What the hell Runo?" I shouted. I looked at Morrell to see that he wasn't phased at all by him, in fact he was smiling even wider.

"Enjoying the show?" he asked chuckling.

"Wha?" I began.

"Sure am," Runo said, "feeling a little jealous right now."

"Well why don't you join in then?" he asked the dragon before looking back at me, "doesn't that sound fun to you?"

"Wha?" I said again, my brain was in a state of turn off that Morrell wasn't bugged at all by the statement. Runo chuckled again and nodded.

"May I?" he asked looking at Morrell, who nodded and stepped off with a smile. Runo smiled at me and approached me up close, before locking his lips with my own. I was still a bit shocked, but got back into the swing of things quickly as I returned the kiss. Like earlier with Morrell, we danced with our tongues as our arms explored each other's body. Morrell came up from behind me and reached around, undoing the buttons on my shirt and sliding them off. Runo broke off the kiss grinning as he started stripping himself down. Morrell locked me in an embrace from behind, and I could tell without looking back that his shirt was already off, exposing his sexy muscles. I smiled, remaining in the position as one hand of his trailed to my bulge in my pants, giving it a couple of rubs before slipping off my pants and underwear together, exposing my cock.

"Impressive length," Runo said. He was now standing in front of us, naked with his own erection and he gave a couple of flexes before approaching. Runo got onto his knees until he was level with my cock, then began giving it a couple of licks. I gave a small sigh of pleasure from the warm wet tongue, and he chuckled at the response, before slowly sucking down on my member. Morrell let go of me as he finished stripping himself and smiled down at me. I laid down backwards so I could start sucking on his member. He gave a small moan as he got over me, making my job easier as he licked around my stomach and chest. Each lick of his earned a moan from me in response. After a few minutes of this treatment, I was getting close to climax as he pulled off my member. I was eager for release, and the others could easily tell that I was and looked at each other, then nodded. Runo grabbed my legs, and set them over his shoulders. Morrell took the mantle of sucking me off, setting us off in a sixty-nine position. Runo aimed his large member right at my entrance and slowly began to push inside. I let out a loud moan onto Morrell's cock in response as I continued sucking him off, and I could tell that Morrell was getting close for release, as I was too. As soon as Runo hilted in me with a moan, he began a slow thrusting rate in and out of my ass.

"Cum into my mouth Ryan," Morrell said to me, "I want to taste that sweet nectar of yours." He sucked on my cock harder and I couldn't hold back in the moaning. I tensed up as I let go hard into my boyfriend's mouth. Morrell sucked greedily as he let go of his cum into my mouth, which I struggled to swallow. I was mostly successful with a few amounts of cum sliding down my face. When he was done, he pulled out of me and milked me for more, playfully squeezing over my balls as he did. I moaned louder as Runo sped up, and after a couple more minutes, he let go into my ass. After satisfied with this he pulled out and gave me a playful slap on the ass.

"Damn Morrell," he teased, "how come you're so lucky?" he quickly redressed and left the room as I blushed heavily.

"See Ryan?" Morrell said, "he's jealous of us." I giggled as we got back into our clothes and checked the clock. It was about a half an hour before the team had to report to the field, so we left my room to meet with the others. Everyone was waiting for us, all smiling like they had something to hide, and Ryan Godsey was giggling.

"What?" I asked the lot.

"Had enough fun Lewis?" Alduin asked me and I blushed again.

"You just had to tell everyone, eh Runo?" Morrell chuckled.

"You can't really blame me for that now can you?" Runo replied. All of us busted out laughing at that comment. Ryan gazed the clock again and jumped.

"Come on," he shouted, "we got to get back before the game starts." We all nodded and headed out the door. After about 20 minutes of walking, we were all back at the school, were a whole crowd of people from two schools were there. It was our first game and we were going up against our rivals, Dixie High School. All of us in the band class were out in our pep band shirts with our various instruments about another 15 minutes later, as Ryan and Morrell had gone to the lockers to gear up for the game. I was warming up my alto saxophone as the announcer came online.

"Welcome to the first JV football game between the Pine View Panthers and the Dixie Flyers. Now, please rise as the Pine View pep band plays us our national anthem." Everyone did so as I pulled out the sheet music with the Star Spangled banner, and with Mr. Candland leading, we performed it quite well. After that was done the announcer continued. "Now everyone cheer as the Pine View football team approaches." There was thunderous applause as our team rushed out. The cheerleaders lined up where the team was running out from. I cheered as Ryan and Morrell ran out last, but noticed that Gloria was right there as well. She blew him a kiss right as she passed by. Won't she get it through her thick skull that Morrell's taken already? After a few minutes the first kick off started, with us on the receiving end. One player caught it and got twenty yards before getting tackled down. First down, and Ryan and Morrell did not disappoint. After receiving the ball Ryan backed up a bit before throwing hard right to Morrell, who caught it with quick precision and outran everyone to the end zone, instantly scoring us the first touchdown of the game. We all cheered loudly at this favorable mode of play.

It wasn't to say the game was over before we knew it, but it was with a score of 49-14, with us as the winners. After all the players shook hands across the field, a group of people approached the players, and I heard one of them shout something.

"PARTY AT MORRELL's house." That's not good, his parent's just got home. I wanted to go and congratulate my boyfriend. But I noticed one person spotting me and he quickly urged at the group, who ushered him away from me. Ryan came up to me and the others and waved.

"Great game," Lucian Canad complimented, "way to lay waste to them."

"Thanks," Ryan said looking at me, "what did you think Ryan?" I hesitated for a bit, ignoring his question, but I couldn't help but get concerned about Morrell.

"What the hell was that all about?" I finally asked. Everyone knew what I meant.

"Just a group of people feeling like partying after the game," Ryan responded, "you want to go check up on him.

"No shit Sherlock," I said and quickly put my saxophone away, running with everyone else right to Morrell's house.


"I'm telling you, I'm seriously his boyfriend," Gloria said upright right to the old orca in front of her sitting on his easy chair in the master bedroom upstairs.

"Well then don't be talking to me Ms. Morrell's girlfriend," he chuckled, "give him a smack or two every now and then, you hear?"

"Sure thing Mr. Monteque," Gloria smiled widely as she ran downstairs to join with the rest of the cheerleaders and football team. There wasn't much going on other than bad rap music playing in the background, with everyone gathered around the couches. Some of the not so good people secretly popping pills when Morrell's parents weren't looking, much to Morrell's disapproval.

‘When will these guys just get the hell out of here?' Morrell thought to himself, ‘the sooner Ryan gets here, the better.' One of the other football players, a brown and red bull, the tallest of the group chuckled as he teased Morrell further.

"Come on Morrell," he sniggered, "why are you so fatuated with that human? No way that guy should be around turning you into a fag now." Everyone giggled and Morrell glared.

"So what if I am gay Jeremy?" he said outright, "if you guys can't respect that, then get the fuck out of here." Morrell's parents were upstairs so they couldn't hear anything from the conversation, and what happened next only proceeded to piss off Morrell even further.

"Hey there big boy," Gloria said from out of nowhere, she walked right up to Morrell and plopped herself on his lap. This erupted howls of laughter from the group.

"Well she doesn't seem to think you're gay," Jeremy said still giggling, "come on dude, she's leaving herself open to you. Star Player with head cheerleader, sounds like a good match to me."

"Leave me alone," Morrell growled but Gloria only proceeded to giggle.

"Come on," she teased, "not even one kiss?" She didn't even give him time to answer as he immediately began to kiss him. Everyone gave shouts of encouragement and approval. Morrell managed to push her away about a millisecond after the front door opened. Morrell turned and to his horror he saw his boyfriend Ryan Lewis staring right back at him. Ryan's look was one of complete shock and pure anger. Right behind him was Ryan Godsey and Sunrise, with undoubtedly Nokemy and the Lucian brothers behind them.

"Ryan!" Morrell shouted as he nearly threw Gloria off of his lap. The human just looked without saying a word, then turned to leave. "Ryan, wait."

"Oh don't worry," Lewis mocked, "I know exactly what I saw. Go ahead, I won't spoil your fun." Morrell reached out to grab his boyfriend, but missed as Lewis bolted out the door, Godsey looking over everyone then trying to follow him.

"Ryan wait," Godsey shouted. The rest of the group followed Lewis quickly, the Lucian brothers were exchanging looks of concern with each other. Morrell could only look on as his squeeze left his sight, the rest of the group couldn't stop laughing.

"Now that's something," Jeremy teased again, "so much for your fag relationship, huh?" he wasn't laughing long as he looked to see a quick orca fist slide across his muzzle. Instantly he was on the group, completely out cold.

"THAT'S IT," Morrell yelled, "EVERYONE OUT!!!" Let me tell you the SWAT team couldn't move faster than they did as they bolted out the door, dragging an unconscious Jeremy with them. Morrell quickly took out the rap CD from the player and tossed it out after them. "AND TAKE YOUR SHIT FOR MUSIC WITH YOU!" Morrell quickly slammed the door and collapsed on the couch, shaking about to burst into tears. Morrell's parents quickly descended the stairs to check up on him.

"Morrell," the orca mother said to him, "what's wrong?"

"Come on future NFL champ," the orca father boasted, "buck up, no football player cries." Morrell choked down for a few seconds before stammering what happened.

"I thought Gloria was your girlfriend," his father said confused.

"Fuck that bitch," Morrell said. He didn't care what he said at that point, despite his parent's obvious disapproval to his language. "I have to apologize to Ryan."

"Is he a friend of yours?" his mother asked.

"No, he's more than that," Morrell said sullenly.

"What's more than that?" his father asked.

"My...," he began, "my boyfriend."


"Ryan wait," Ryan Godsey said to me as I kept walking, but I paid no attention to him. I was too focused on what just happened with my supposed boyfriend.

‘If Gloria wasn't a girl I'd kill her,' I thought. Everyone else tried to catch up, but I didn't want them to, I just wanted everyone to leave me alone for at least the rest of the night.

"Just leave me alone," I said and turned to face him, "don't talk to me right now." From then I ran, not stopping until I got home. I didn't turn to see if any of them were chasing me down, but I figured they weren't because I couldn't hear any footsteps. I got home and ran up to my room, ignoring my mom's greeting and nearly slammed the door to my room. I didn't cry, but I sure wanted to. I could only beat up my pillow and toss it aside before lying flat on the bed. Some wonderful Friday this was...