Domination and Submission Chapter 7: Power Exchange

Story by Neptune on SoFurry

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The Muse, she calls me at such odd times! I wrote this one in less than a day! it's one of my best chapters, yiff wise, to date! It may have a few slight error in consistency but don't worry, nothing big. In short, I hope you have as much fun reading this chapter as I did writing it!

Warning! This story contains yada yada yada. If you are under the age of 18 then you shouldn't be reading this. yada yada yada, lawsuits, yada, yada yada, yiff.

Map: To the right is 7mile rd, take that all the way down to the where the Texico gas station used to be and make a right (I think it's a Kmart or something like that now), once you hit the three-foot-deep pothole make a left (if you can), keep going three blocks until you see brown stop sigh and make another left, once you see the pasty faced kid dressed as a slice of pizza go into the parking lot on the right, get out and walk down the hill that's off to the side and then your there.


Domination and Submission

Chapter 7: Power Exchange

by~ Neptune Wolf


In the White Palace . . .

Markillian's body shook when he felt the reverberation. The four furs at the table with him stood up and ran to the sound through the darkness of the White Palace. The German Shepard followed close behind them. They moved swiftly through the twisting hallways until they got to the small, pitch black room where Apollo once stood. Markillian could see nothing but he could smell Apollo's bloody body on the floor.

"Luminance Spell Number 21!" one of the Blues said. There was a quick flash of light then the entire White Palace was illuminated by a yellow light, as if a thousand candles were lit. The blue lion was on the floor covered in his own blood. He wasn't moving. The four furs gasped and whispered amongst themselves.

Markillian could finally see the four Blues clearly; a Fox, lynx, hyena, and what looked like a cross between a rottwiler and a pit bull. They were all in brown cloaks and only their faces could be seen. The Hyena's gold pocket watch around his neck with the diamond cuts gleamed in the light. The seemed like a cult of kind to Markillian.

He knew the lion had to be dead. There was just too much blood on the floor. It looked like about 2 gallons of it on the floor. Mark stepped back when he noticed the pool of scarlet getting larger. The rottwiler/pit bull kneeled down and touched the blue lion on his chest and held his paw there for a moment. He stood back up.

"It's no use. He's already gone."

"DAMN!" The lynx yelled. "That means Dontae got away!" He started to pace in the small, stone-walled room. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it from what looked like the tip of his claw to Mark.

"You know. . . there is still a way." The fox said in a shy, somewhat feminine voice. He still had the large book in his paws. The rottwiler/pit bull growled and snapped at the small fox.

"You know that's a highly illegal act! It's Illegal for a reason you know!" he growled in his deep blacksmith-like voice. The orange makings above his eye were furrowed when he spoke. "We have to dispose of the body, before Dontae decodes to come here and take his memories and knowledge."

The Shepard had a confused look on his face. "Take his memories?" he asked, having a short flashback to his times at the Wayne Academy for Boys.

"Yes. When a Blue dies, another blue can obtain his knowledge, but he must have physical contact with the body." The Rottwiler said while cleaning the warm blood off the tips of his fingers. "Before we destroy his body we must all cast a spell to obtain out brother Apollo's memories and knowledge." The four furs made a circle around the blue lion's body. They all knelt down and touched Apollo's body. Mark only stood out of the way in the small, 8-foot-by-12 room. Each Blue made a symbol with the paw that was not touching Apollo's body. They began to chant in a strange language that seemed like a mixture between Russian, Latin, Chinese, and maybe even a little Swahili.

The excluded German Shepard playfully mimicked the sign the Blues were making with their paws. It reminded him of a gang sign that was drawn on one of the alleys he and his brother had worked back home when they were prostitutes. That alley could easily produce five customers for the both of them. It made the Shepard smile a bit.

The chants seemed to get louder and more intense right before they all said in unison, "Blue Memory Spell Number 940: 4 Way Transfer!". There were two deep pulses that were felt by Mark that knocked him to the ground. The light flickered and then went out. Markillian felt something warm and wet on his paws but he couldn't see.

The four Blues stood up. Something wasn't right. It made each their fur stand up on end. There was a strong disturbance in the energy around.

"Markillian! Are you alright?" The Fox asked. When he didn't answer, the fox said, "Luminance Spell Number 21." Nothing happened. The hyena laughed.

"You really need to study more. It takes a long time to learn to cast a spell without Karo. Give it another 200 years." The hyena said. Karo was the paw signs and gestures and elaborate movements that were part of spell casting. It took hundreds of years to learn how to do it without them. The Hyena Continued, "Luminance Spell Number 21." Nothing happened. A smart remark was at the tip of the Fox's tongue but he kept it to himself. He would be disciplined if he mocked his superior. The rottwiler shook his head, embarrassed for the hyena. Mark made a grunt as he got up and dusted himself off.

"You ok?" the rottwiler's deep voice asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. We need some light in here."

"We're workin' on it." The Rottwiler said. Markillian shook his head. He could hear chanting in his head, gradually getting louder and louder but still a whisper. It sounded muted but sharp. In his mind, the Shepard could see his paws moving, making rapid gestures. The chants became tangible objects in his mind. He could see them, spell them, and understand them. "Luminance " escaped the Shepard's mouth.

"Wha-" but before the rottwiler could finish, the entire White Palace was once again bathed in light, only this time it was a pure white light that seemed as natural as the sun.

There was a silence in the room.

Markillian's foot paws were covered with Apollo's blood. He had been standing in it during the entire ritual. Mark suddenly felt embarrassed now that everyone was staring at him. The Lynx looked at his paws and wondered.

"Darkness Spell Number 759!" The feline said, but nothing happened.

"Darkness Spell Number 759!" The rottwiler said and had the same results. "No. NO. This cannot be happening! MEETING IN THE LIBRARY! NOW!" he said enraged. He stormed off down the hallways but the others did not follow. They still looked at the German Shepard with awe. His dark brown and tan fur was turning blue, just like Apollo's.

* * *

In the Library, the three Blues sat silently as the rottwiler closely examined the stripped-naked Shepard. The Rottwiler sniffed at his fur, ran is paw though his now blue fur, and tasted the blood on his footpaws. He hated to admit it, but this was a remarkable event.

"Fetch me my book and pen, Bret." He said without taking his eyes off the naked canine. The fox got up from his seat and went over to the other side of the huge library and picked up a large leather-bound book and fountain pen and came back and put it into the rottwiler/pit bull's paws.

"Here ya go, Hasani." The fox said. The thick, tight muscled, black dog said nothing to the fox. He took the two items and a quick sketch of the Shepard and wrote some things down. He seemed to spend a long time drawing the Shepard; his lean physique, clean fur, his musky scent; it all added up to a sexy specimen. He tilted his head slightly to the left as he sketched the smaller canine. When he was finished, he went back to the table where the Blues sat.

"Well, I can conclude that this dog here-" Hasani said gesturing to Mark, "has all of our powers including Apollo's. He was in contact with his blood when we were doing the ritual and half-assed made the Karo."

"Well, how can we be sure of that? He's just a regular fur." The lynx said arrogantly.

"Go ahead and ask him anything! I bet anything that he will know the answer." Hasani said.

"Um, what is the 3,978th spell in Darcia's Identities' book?" The lynx asked.

Mark could see in his mind, like a long ago memory, a feline sitting in a garden reading a book. He was dressed in what seemed like a 17th century European outfit, complete with stockings. Mark was able to move about in the memory as if he were actually there. The Shepard walked over to the feline and looked over his shoulder.

"It is a spell specifically made to change the appearance of one's eye color called 'Yeux Coloure Spell Number 3,978'." The Shepard said. As soon as he said it, his eye color changed from deep brown to crystal blue. The lynx was in shock.

"How could he know that?!?" The lynx said in outrage.

"Ask him something hard, something only you or I could know." Hasani said. The Hyena asked the next question.

"What is my real name?"

Mark saw an alley between two old buildings in the next vision he had. Mark recognized the city he was in from the architecture; Rome. There was a window and he peaked inside. A woman was giving birth to a baby, a hyena. Mark heard voices, "What shall you name him?" A pharaoh hound in ceremonial garb said as he held the new born baby. "I shall name him Oppius Titinius Caninus."

"Oppius Titinius Caninus." The German Shepard simply said. "You are called 'Trio' because you have three odd names." He continued. Only Trio knew his real name, none of the other Blues ever knew of it.

". . . it's true." Trio said. The room was hushed.

"Ok, ok, where is Apollo's first book?" The fox asked. Mark had a vision of Apollo with the book I his paws. He put it on a shelf. Mark pointed behind the group of furs at the table.

"Over there. Section P, fifth case, ninth shelf, fouth book, faded red cover, two pages missing . . . which are folded up . . . inside that book you are reading." Mark said. The Fox pulled out the two folded sheets of paper from the book.

"It's true!" the lynx's face grimaced and the fox's ears went flat against his head as if here has said something bad.

"What have I told you about tearing pages from books?" The lynx said.

"I'm sorry Roy." Bret said apologetically, "But putting it back can be an exercise in integration spells!" he said with a smile at the end. He reminded Markillian of his lost brother, Tomas, and smiled. The lynx, Roy, smiled at the fox, pleased with his eagerness to learn.

"Ok, enough fun for now." Hasani said. "We have to stop Dontae as soon as possible, but we have to find him first."

"How do we do that without out powers?" Roy said.

"We will have to do it the old fashioned way: actually looking, but we will have help! With a little bit of rigorous training, this dog can be our . . . well, our bloodhound to find Dontae." Hasani said with a smile. Trio rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right. That's impossible! He's never even read a page of 'The Grehgmaz Method' and that's like Art of the Blues 101."Trio said.

"But he has our knowledge, or at least our memories." Bret said.

"He does not have out knowledge or he would have made some kind of input on this subject." They all stopped and looked at the naked blue German Shepard. He said nothing, and was even aloof; staring out into space. "So we will have to teach him some basic training tomorrow morning and get on the trail to catch the Black Wolf." Hasani continued.

"Tomorrow morning it is." Roy said. Hasani picked up and old brown cloak that was laying on an empty chair and tossed it to Markillian.

"Put this on and go to sleep. Believe me, you will need it." Hasani said.

"Should I just sleep here or what?" Mark said sarcastically. Hasani just stared at him.

"Uh, bunk with Bret if you like. But before you go anywhere, turn out these lights!"

"How do I do that?" Mark asked. The other the furs were already standing. They were tired. It had been a long day and having their power taken by a common fur who didn't know anything about being a Blue in a time of crisis was depressing.

"Me, Roy and Trio have a lot to do tonight. Have Bret teach you, but don't get carried away, and for the sake of all that's holly, do not do anything stupid with out powers, ok?" The rottwiler/pit bull mix said aggravated. Mark put on the drab brown, cult-like cloak with a smile.

The three Blue, Bret not included, filed out of the library into another chamber of the huge White palace. As they left, all noises left with them. Mark could hear the wind and leaves rustling outside. There was only himself and Bret there. Their heartbeats seemed amplified by the spaciousness of the colossal library. The small fox sighed.

"So . . . my name is Bret. Yours is Markillian, right?" he said almost child-like; so child-like that Mark questioned the fox's age in his mind. He nodded. "I can show you a few cool tricks up in my living quarters if you like." Mark smiled and simply said, "Ok".

The small fox guided him through doors and rooms, up flights of stairs, and down elaborate, yet ancient corridors of the White Palace until they reach the Northwest Wing.

"This is my portion of the palace. That's one of the perks for being a student here, but it does get kinda lonely here." The fox said. The large book was still in his paws. Bret pushed open a door and walked inside. Unlike the rest of what mark saw of the White palace, this room seemed to be well kept. The furniture, though 200 years or older, looked like new. It seemed to be a room of a young prince long ago. Markillian walked into the room in awe. The windows had a beautiful view of the forest and the moon. The only thing wrong with the room was the books. There were everywhere; on his bed, covering the floor, and on just about any other surface study enough to hold a book, but there was a neat path through the room.

"Please excuse my mess. I don't have many visitors." The fox said with a smile.

"I can see that you are very serious about you education."

"Yes, I am. I have dedicated my life to it. On my first day here, they gave me a portion of the palace . . . and a dug grave, complete with headstone." The fox rolled his eyes. "Those guys are way too serious sometimes."

"How long have you been here?"

"I am 17 years old now, so I have been here for about 9 years. I am learning to make an immortal spell to preserve my youth. It is my first real test here. If I fail, I will continue to grow old until I learn the spell. If I do it too late, I will be old forever. But anyways, I have to teach you your first lesson: how to turn out the lights!" The fox said with a smile.

The young fox taught him the fundamentals of learning the specific spell, the basics of Karo and Karpo, which are the symbols for Art of the Blue training 101. In about 2 hour's time, Mark learned the Karo of how to perform a Darkness spell.

In the large room, Markillian did a ten minute ritual of movements and paw gestures and floor markings. "Darkness Spell Number 759!" he yelled. The lights finally went out and Bret lit a few candles with a book of matches he kept hidden away from the other Blues. He started clapping.

"Congratulations! You've just legally executed your first spell!" The fox said.


"Yeah. See, since your powers were 'thrust' upon you, meaning you got them in a way similar to using a knowlergga spell, no spell you cast is considered legal unless you use the proper Karo and Karpo."

"So, how exactly would someone become a Blue? Do they just study hard and it happens?" Mark asked the younger fox.

"Well, that's kinda hard to explain. To put it in layman's terms, you have to be born it and how you are born with it something only God can answer. But in addition to being born a Blue you have to study extremely hard. Many furs are Blues but don't even know it, or they do know but do not take the time to study it. The minimum is 500 years to master Blue Spells, 600 to be able to cast spells without using either Karo or Karpo, and 850 to be qualified enough to make your own specialty spells, give or take a few years. But no matter what, two things are off limits; Time control and Mind Control. But Apollo once told me he was working on a few spells to get around that."

"I guess Apollo was one hell of a Blue." Markillian said.

"Yeah. He actually learned from a Great Dragon over a thousand years ago. He was also working on his own method book, 'The Art of the Blues: The Apollo Method'. I miss him so much already." The fox yawned. "So, what did you do back in your home town?" Mark hesitated. He doubt that this fox could understand his situation. He decided to try to clean it up a little.

"Um, I did services for other furs."

"What kind?"

"Well, I was sort of a massage therapist, you know, helping people relieve tension and stress."

"Wow! That is so great! I'm felling a bit tense right now. I rarely get breaks from the other guys. Um, could I get a back rub, maybe? That is, if you don't mind." The fox said. He had a wide smile. Bret was letting him sleep in his room, the least he could do was give him a back rub . . . and maybe a little more. The German Shepard nodded ok. The fox took off his brown cloak. He wore nothing underneath. The fox was completely unashamed of his naked body and had no reason to. His body was an almost carbon copy of his brothers; small yet perfect, the same red fur, the same creamy white chest, and the same tight ass. Markillian watched as the fox slowly walked to his soft bed with red Egyptian cotton covers and satin sheets. He laid face-side down on the bed, his legs spread and his soft tail swished back and fourth.

"Well, I'm ready when you're ready." The fox said. Mark couldn't believe how sexy the fox was. He walked over to the bed and softly touched Bret's back and ran a finger down from the back of his head to the top of the fox's butt.

"You can take off that cloak if it will make you more comfortable." Bret said. Mark slowly took it off but then thought of his brother. What would he think? Mark asked himself. He would want me to not worry about him. Mark said convincing himself.

The blue German Shepard began to slowly massage his host's back, kneading his taught muscles into relaxation. The fox murred. "Man, your pretty good." Mark only smiled as he began to start massaging at the base of his skull and working his way down the sides of his neck, over his shoulders and then slowly down to the fox's right arm. He did the same to his left. Bret's fur was soft like his brothers, but he smelled a lot earthier, more primal despite his civilized attitude. He had a sort of musk to him, like he missed a day or two from showering, but in a good way, allowing his natural scent to shine through the smell of the unnaturally scented soap.

The Shepard massaged circles with his finger tips on either side of his spine. The fox murred even more, causing Mark's blood begin to rush to his sheath. He kneaded, squeezed the flesh of the fox's shoulders then released. With his paws clinched slightly, he gently pounded the fox's left and right shoulder. It felt so good to the younger fox; Mark could feel him relaxing with every touch. Markillian stroked the fox's back, shoulders and neck in a circular rhythm making him moan instead of murr. Hearing him moan sent more blood rushing to the dog's sheath until about 2 inches peaked out.

Bret felt something wet drip onto his back. "What was that?" The fox asked.

"Eh, nothing." Mark said as he wiped it up with his massaging paws. He worked his way down to the fox's legs. The fox's tail moved out of the way as he began to knead Bret's thighs, squeezing and releasing the furred flesh with both paws. He clinched his paws again and gently drummed on his legs and thighs, increasing the fox's blood flow. Mark then moved down to Bret's footpaws. This caused the fox to giggle. "I'm ticklish down there." He said. This made Mark want to touch them even more. He bent Bret's leg so his footpaw was at eye level. His tail swished back and fourth playfully hitting Mark in the nose. Markillian gripped the fox's right footpaw and massaged the rough pads with his thumbs. The Fox giggled a little more when Mark licked his toes. Mark was leaking pre cum all over Bret's bed without realizing it. His red Shepard cock was completely out of it's sheath. How is he keeping his foxhood down? Mark asked himself. He licked more of Bret's feet, the top, the heel, the pads, the claws, while massaging. Markillian did the same with the left footpaw.

Mark couldn't help it. The murring fox below him was too much to resist. The blue German Shepard began to massage to fox's butt; gripping and releasing. Mark grabbed the fox's tail and lifted it up and began to massage his inner thighs working his way up to the fox's tight, hot tailhole. Bret didn't protest when a finger massaged his tight tailhole so he kept doing it until he managed to get a finger completely into his tight rear.

"Ooo, I like this part of the massage. It kind of hurts but it feels so good. Where did you learn your technique?" The fox asked.

"Oh, I learned it hear and there." Mark responded. He slowly massaged the fox's tailhole thrusting in his finger ever now and then, until he was completely finger fucking the fox and he loved it. With his next thrust, the tried two fingers and once the fox's tailhole grew accustomed to two he moved up to three. Bret was moaning and biting down on the pillows in front of him, enjoying ever bit. Mark slowly made his way onto the bed without skipping a beat in his thrust with his fingers. He maneuvered so that he had a leg on each side of the fox. Once he was in place he stopped.

"You like it?" Mark asked, stoking the fox's buttocks.

"Oh, yes! I've never felt this good in my life!" Mark smiled once he said this.

"Well you are going to love this next part of your massage." Mark said and before the fox could say a word, Mark lifted Bret by the waist so that he was on his knees on the bed. The blue Shepard positioned his red, hot, canine cock to the fox's tailhole. Bret could feel the heat from his cock even though it wasn't actually touching him. He looked down at his own red cock. The bed underneath him was soaked with his pre cum and he was still dripping. Mark thrust his cock in at a steady pace, allowing the already stretched tailhole to accommodate his girth. He wasn't that thick, but he knew a virgin like the fox below him would have trouble taking him with a stretching first. He slid in with the help of his pre-cum that leaked out like a faucet at a steady pace.

Bret felt the heat enter him and it hurt like hell, but he couldn't make a sound. His body went ridged until the Shepard above him stopped when he was hilted. The fox felt his heavy ball sack hit against the bottom of his tailhole. He let out a sigh of relief, but then the cock slowly withdrew from his hole. It felt as though there was a foot of cock coming out of his ass, but in reality it was only 7 and half inches. Mark stopped when the head of his canine member was almost out of the fox's warm hole. It felt as though the fox was sucking him back in as he pushed forward. The fox moaned and cried a bit, his eyes teary but loving the feeling.

Mark got into a steady pace of thrusting into the fox, the he gradually increased the speed when he was feeling that the fox was loosing up until his hips became almost a blur. Mark wrapped his right paw around the fox's dripping member and began to stroke, matching his thrust. Marks knot was knocking at the fox's tight tailhole, but he decided not to let it force its way in. He didn't want to hurt the virgin fox with his baseball sized knot. His paw was already soaking wet with the fox's pre-cum when Bret yelled out, "I'm . . . I'm going to cum!" Less than a second later the fox's body tensed up and he pushed back onto Marks hard cock, his cock shot a thick jet of cum that reached the fox's chin. He let out another jet of hot, white, sticky fox cum that landed on the bed and was quickly followed by another two that coated Mark's paw. The Shepard kept squeezing the cock, milking the fox's balls until there was nothing left.

The sudden contractions of the fox's tailhole sent the dog over the edge. He unleashed the contents of his balls deeply into the fox's tailhole, filling him to the brim with his seed until it spilled out of his tailhole. Mark howled was he kept thrusting wave after wave of his voluminous canine seed into the fox. When he was done, cum ran thickly out of the fox's tailhole and down his leg. They both were spent. Mark sat down but did not allow the fox off of this hard member, even though his knot was not inside of him. He had the fox sit on his cock and then they both lied down on top of each other, more and more cum spilling out of the fox's spent tailhole and into the blue German Shepard's lap. They slept like that in the afterglow of sex, completely happy. Tomas was nowhere in Mark's mind and Apollo was nowhere in Bret's mind.