New Beginnings Ch 21

Story by Redarian_Foxhood on SoFurry

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#22 of New Beginnings

Numerous Plot lines included in this chapter as I finally begin to link Reuben's and Vael's stories together. Prepare for trouble, and make it double ^_~

New Beginnings Ch 21(Planning for Trouble)

(In this chapter, Lizana runs into a problem at the Pokémon center concerning the state of Rend as Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy are unable to reach their family. Meanwhile, Reuben focuses on helping Rattata and Snivy after some recent impeding to his plans as Lopunny and Lucario return to base. Will contain N/C Raping of humans and Pokémon (though I only really gloss over it rather than fully describe it), so just fast forward if you still want the plot. Reuben's part in this chapter is small, so if you don't like his portion of the story, that's okay for this chapter at least. On the flip side, there's some tender loving towards the end of the chapter *smiles*)

As Reuben reached the room with the video feeds of his Pokémon, he saw that Snivy's and Rattata's were pitch black, though Lopunny and Lucario's were just fine. He left the two large bipeds alone and focused on his two smaller ones that were outside of Noir, calling out into their microphones. "Rattata! Snivy! Where are you my pets!" He heard the talking again and it sounded like a male and a female. The male voice was saying "Did you see the color of that Snivy? I bet it's going to be great if I capture it!"

The female echoed the male's tone of excitement with her own. "That Rattata looked super cute too! Hurry up and finish fighting so we can add you to our team!"

Reuben snarled to himself, knowing he should have taken precautions before the mission and put his Pokémon in pokeballs. "Don't you get caught. Rattata and Snivy, I need my two stealthy pets by my side, so you better not give in!"

Sure enough, their master's voice was enough to make them escape the confines, their camera feed lighting up again as they escaped the balls. Now in front of Reuben's view were two teens that looked like they had been traveling together.

The male called out a charmander and the female called out a clefairy. The male spoke up and sighed. "That was one of the best pokeballs we were given. I was sure those would have worked on you two. Fine....I guess we will just have to weaken you. Charmander, use Ember on that Snivy."

The female told her clefairy to use Sing on Rattata, but Reuben wasn't going to let either attack hit. "Snivy, use those vine whips of yours to dodge and counter to bring down that charmander and Rattata just focus on my voice and don't fall asleep then use those teeth of yours to bite back that Clefairy.

Their master's voice made the two Pokémon come alive with activity and as commanded, Snivy used his vines on Charmander's feet to trip up the fire type and send his ember soaring harmlessly through the air while Rattata dashed in with her teeth bared, taking the magical notes that appeared head on as she dashed through them to bite the clefairy hard on one of her arms while focusing on her master's voice. Even in the midst of battle, his voice lubed up her nether regions.

Reuben smiled at his two Pokémon through their cameras. "Those young trainers are nothing to your two improved stats. Beat them down. Snivy tackle that Charmander before it can get up and Rattata bite down again on that clefairy." The two trainers could not keep up with Snivy and Rattata's movements and in short order, both their Pokémon were down and fainted, but before they could call them back into their pokeballs Reuben interrupted with a wicked grin. "Snivy...use your whips to knock away their pokeballs. It's time to show these humans and their Pokémon that my pets are not to be trifled with."

Snivy grinned as wickedly as his master, though he could not see his face, and did exactly as commanded, his whips launching out to slap away the two trainers' pokeballs at the same that the appendages grew thicker and sturdier. Snivy's body became covered in a dark light as corrupted liquid pooled around him and covered his body. As the liquid shrouded around him, his body grew larger, longer and the two humans stared dumbfounded and in shock as the corrupted evolution turned Snivy into a Servine. Once the dark light and liquid covering his body drained off of him, his meaty cock was throbbing from his sheath. The vines, now twice as thick as before, moved from the humans' stinging hands to around their faces to stop them from any screaming they may want to do.

Rattata stared awestruck as the leftover juice from Snivy's corrupted evolution pooled around her four legs, exciting her even more when she saw his shaft twitching and dripping dark pre, also giving her master a nice view of his slave's evolution, but she immediately focused on master's voice when it filled their heads once more.

" are now an even more magnificent pet than before. Drag those humans into the woods and Rattata, you grab their Pokémon. You're going to take care of business where you can't be seen or found out. But I don't want you to damage them. Fill them with as much shame as you can." He watched through Rattata's camera as Servine preened at the praise from him before he saw the teens struggle uselessly against the evolved grass type's much stronger vines. Rattata grabbed the still unconscious charmander, a male, and clefairy, a female, placing the fire type on her back with his flame dangling while she dragged the thicker and heavier clefairy with along with her arms restrained similar to what they had done to the Audino in Rend.

Once she and Servine had the trainer's and their Pokémon out of visible sight, Reuben commanded Rattata to corrupt the Pokémon first so that together they could gang up on the humans. He chuckled as he saw his slutty Rattata set the female clefairy right in front of Servine's dripping cock, so he could keep the humans restrained with his vines while he penetrated the smaller ball of fluff. They forced the humans to watch as Clefairy jerked awake as soon as she felt Servine's tip pound into her dry folds. She cried out and tried to escape his shaft, but with his new longer body, he twined himself around her and held the pink ball of fluff fast, continuously ramming into her as both her trainer and the clefairy started to cry.

Meanwhile, Rattata had taken it upon herself to hold the male charmander down as she sat on his crotch and forced his shaft to respond to her body friction as she soaked the tool with her dripping juices before ramming herself down upon its length.

Reuben gazed upon his Pokémon's work while the two herm hatchlings, barely two hours old, were studiously watching their parents take the Pokémon, shafts and pussies dripping as they licked their lips and enjoyed the show. He took another glance at Lopunny and Lucario's feed and saw they were heading up the path to the lab and so he spared a moment from the porn feed to reach for the two larger biped's microphones. "Lopunny and Lucario. There is a Pokémon entrance that I have opened up around the side. Enter and come downstairs. I am prepared to buzz you in to the basement entry once you are inside.

Their ears perked as they heard master's voice and nodded, moving around the side like he told them and made their way to the entry to the basement. Lopunny was eager to see her and Lucario's child so she was dragging Lucario by his hand waited for the buzzer that Master had mentioned. Once she heard it, she hurried inside and down the stairs, still dragging Lucario.

By the time Reuben went back to watching Servine and Rattata, the Charmander and Clefairy were already black with corruption from the orgasms his two pets had. They were now working together to rip off the clothing of the two humans. "Good job my pets. Once those humans are thoroughly done, knock them out and then immediately head back here. We'll be abandoning the mission to corrupt Noir for now as I don't want another incident like trying to capture you again. I'll give you both a nice pokeball to guarantee you belong to me." He laughed when both Servine and Rattata shivered in pleasure at being more thoroughly owned by their master, increasing the tempo with which they raped the humans to hurriedly head back home. He left them to it, not wanting to get distracted from the task at hand.

Both the herms Snivy and Riolu were thoroughly going at it right there on the table as they watched the video feed. Riolu was on all fours with Snivy buried into hir pussy just like hir father had been in the clefairy as Riolu was rubbing up and down along hir shaft.

He smiled and let the two of them continue as the more they gave in to their carnal pleasures, the easier it would be for them to spread the corruption. Instead, he looked to Lopunny and Lucario as they entered, heading over to a desk with empty pokeballs. With Lucario and Lopunny, along with the two herms and Servine and Rattata, he would have the 6 Pokémon a trainer was limited to and wouldn't need a storage bank. "Alright you two. I will now tie you even more to me by giving you pokeballs and preventing capture from anyone else. This is only because Rattata and now Servine had a recent run-in with some trainers."

Lopunny and Lucario glanced at the feed as the four Pokémon were thoroughly raping the humans with their corruption. Servine was buried balls deep in the female while her own clefairy was bucking against the female's face. Charmander was forcing his own trainer to suck his blackened shaft with the threat of fire should anything go wrong while Rattata once more had her slutty hole filled with human cock this time. It was quite a turn-on to the two Pokémon, but they looked back to master when he threw the pokeballs at them.

In short order, the humans were passed out and covered in the black liquid of their corruption, so Servine and Rattata left the two other trainer Pokémon to lick up the mess. The humans were fine, but going to be sore once they woke up. Reuben waited for the two herms to finish and when their dual release was draining off the table and covering the floor, he finally tossed the two other pokeballs he had. Ironically, the red and white pokeballs turned to black and white as the corrupted Pokémon seemed to warp their home. He was sure to make note of it before he called all four of his pets back out. Once they were back out, he went to Servine and Rattata's microphones and spoke into them as they were already wandering away from the humans and heading back the way they had come initially. He made sure to praise them as they had done exactly as he said, showing his approval to entice the Pokémon to do even more under his bidding. "My stealthy pets have been a huge success, now head back as quickly and quietly as possible and do not be seen."

The two Pokémon wandering the field nodded and hurried their pace, and he abandoned their microphones to look at Lopunny and Lucario before praising them too. "And my two wandering corruptors have done just as well." He smiled and stroked Lopunny and Lucario possessively, causing them both to close their eyes and nuzzle into master's scent, covering themselves with it. "Our plan is coming closer to fruition. I would have liked to take Noir already, but that can wait. We'll let nature take its course for now." He smiled as he continued to stroke his pets all the more before reaching down to pick up Snivy and Riolu, still covered in their slick with the corruption of their recent engagement. He placed them on the two taller Pokémon's' shoulders and even covered in the juices of their release, Lopunny and Lucario still nuzzled them affectionately. "Once the other two get back...we'll move on to the next phase of our plan." He smiled wickedly as he looked at the cam once more to view Servine and Rattata.

Meanwhile, Lizana is wandering around town, making her rounds to ensure the urban Pokémon are doing well. She hadn't seen those two Lillipups since she and Vael had scared them away so thing seemed to be running smoothly. She was surprised, however, when walking out of the alleys in front of the Pokémon center like normal revealed Noir's Officer Jenny speaking to Nurse Joy and taking notes. She got along real well with Nurse Joy as she often brought Houndoom and Zorua here after gym battles. When she approached, the white aproned female ushered her over hurriedly.

"'re a gym leader so I want to know if you know Rend's Gym leader Karth? I can't seem to get hold of my cousin at Rend's pokecenter and I have nobody else I know there."

The dark gym leader nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I've ran into Karth a few times while transporting goods for Daddy. I can try calling him on the communicator here right now." She pulled out her device, but Officer Jenny gently stopped her.

"I can't reach the Officer Jenny in Rend either and so I don't want to cause a scene if something is indeed wrong over there." After that, she gestured into the Pokémon center, before making her way inside.

Curious that something might be wrong, Lizana looked down at Houndoom and Zorua who were always at her side and shrugged before they both did the same thing and followed their trainer into the empty Pokémon center. Once inside, she contacted Karth using the number he had given her after one of their delivery drop offs. As a gym leader, he couldn't always get the time off to go do his own things.

He picked up, but his face was worn and ragged. "Oh's you. I was expecting another call from Jenny or Joy."

Both Noir's Jenny and Joy spoke up at the communicator, but Jenny spoke louder, being a police officer and all. "What happened? I haven't heard any reports of what's going on and Joy here can't speak to your Joy."

Karth sighed and his image appeared to be looking around. "We think there might be some kind of Pokémon outbreak here, and we wanted to contain it without spreading panic. So we've cut off communications with the other cities. I haven't battled anybody for days now because of what's been going on."

Officer Jenny huffed. "Well quit beating around the bush and tell us. We are alone here and will keep the information to ourselves for the time being."

The male gym leader sighed again, apparently too tired to argue. "About two days ago, Nurse Joy's Audino here mysteriously changed to a black color. Then, it started happening to Pokémon all around town and many are acting aggressive towards their trainers."

Joy blinked. "But that shouldn't be a problem. Just have the trainers put them in their pokeballs."

Karth's image in the communicator shook his head. "It's not the anger type of aggression. So far we've had 15 reports of rape here." All three of the females on the other end of Karth's communication gasped before he continued. "And each incident was reported as a Pokémon being the instigator. Further investigation has shown that each victim was raped by a Pokémon with the same black coloration. Thankfully, Nurse Joy's Audino here, though black in color, doesn't seem to be affected. It must be exposure to something outside that causes the fits, because even being treated at the center seems to help the Pokémon. Also of note, my ghost type Pokémon as well as other ghost types don't seem to be affected. But ghost types are rare to this region and only found in a few places anyway. So that pretty much leaves every other Pokémon as vulnerable to whatever it is that's causing this outbreak." A scream on Karth's end of the communication draws his attention. "I have to go now. But be on the lookout for any black colored Pokémon who aren't normally black, like Lizana's Houndoom and Zorua."

Before Lizana could push for more information, he cancelled his end of the communications, leaving the three females to stare blankly at the screen for a moment before Officer Jenny cleared her throat. "If what he said is true, whatever we're dealing with here means things are about to get far more dangerous and hectic between Pokémon and human relations."

Lizana nodded and frowned. "I have to get going now. I'll keep an eye out for anything strange. I will also get a hold of some traveling friends that I trust and tell them to be on the lookout for something out of the ordinary like black colored Pokémon." Before Jenny could halt her, she dashed out of the Pokémon center with Houndoom and Zorua on her tail, but once she was out of sight, she headed back to her room behind the gym and cuddled Houndoom and Zorua as they hopped on her lap. "I thought people could learn to love Pokémon like I love you guys, but if this stuff is happening and Pokémon are raping other humans, it's going to be frowned upon even more so than it already is. We have to tell Vael and Alyssa to be on their guard with what they do around others."

Houndoom and Zorua nodded, watching as she dialed the number she had on the communicator for Vael and Alyssa.

Once Vael picked up, she smiled at him, remembering how kind and brave he had been upon first meeting the two trainers and their unique Pokémon. "Vael! How are you and Alyssa doing?"

Vael smiled cheerfully and once her voice was heard over the communicator, Eevee hurried over to view and use that Pokémon language to greet Houndoom and Zorua cheerfully. By the time he spoke, Alyssa was also by his side and smiling happily at her image. "Alyssa and I are doing fine. We're in Glendale and I am challenging Ren tomorrow morning. How are things over there?"

Alyssa jumped in on the conversation. "Lizana! Did you know Ren is actually Renolio Lillossom! The wonderful beautician and famous artist?"

Lizana laughed and smiled. "I sure did. Remember when I told you he was well known among the region if you were into the right stuff? I'll tell you a secret if you can promise to keep it." When both Alyssa and Vael eagerly confirmed they would keep it to themselves, she continued. "Well on top of professional public paintings, he is also well known in the black market as an erotic Pokémon painter. Though he goes by a different name. If you get brave enough...maybe you can hint an interest in having an erotic pose for your sexy Mightyena."

Alyssa giggled and nodded. "Yeah...We went to the gym earlier today and were lucky enough to catch him painting his Lilligant in a very erotic pose. But he was quick to cover it up. And now he promised to make me a perfume from Bellossom for the contest in a couple days. On top of that, he's going to let me help him set up for the event after the battle with Vael tomorrow. I'm sure I can get some wonderful advice."

The raven-haired gym leader nodded, her long wavy locks swaying as she did so. "You are a lucky pair of trainers. I am so happy for you." Her smile she had been wearing faded though as she started with the real reason she had called. "However, be doubly careful what you do with your Pokémon in front of others. Our neighboring town of Rend is having some sort of outbreak in rampant Pokémon."

Vael spoke up again, curious about the warning. "Well what does that have to do with our relationship we have with our Pokémon?"

Lizana sighed. "A lot of Pokémon affected by this outbreak are raping humans. If it continues, no doubt having any sort of sexual relation with your Pokémon is going to be even more taboo than before and upset many people."

Vael and Alyssa looked to each other as their eyes widened. But it was Vael who continued. "Are you absolutely certain about this?"

Even though that was not the reaction she would have expected, she did answer the question with a nod. " Karth, Rend's gym leader is a real great fellow. He wouldn't lie about this, and when I spoke to him earlier, he was very tired dealing with this issue. So I say again. Just be careful. I don't see how it could make things with my Houndoom or Zorua any worse since I already make love to them as they already are, but as a precaution, I'm going to be exploring the alleys a little more often with both my Pokémon to make sure that this outbreak doesn't reach here. If you want to stay out of trouble, I would recommend avoiding this area for a while. There's another gym in Mitana on the other side of the mountains from Glendale's Wintergreen Woods. That's the ONLY way to get there without using a flying ship from here in Noir. I don't want whatever's happening on this side of the region to interfere with the love you and your Pokémon have for each other. I'll keep you posted as and when I can, but I'm going to head out for now. I still have a gym to run here."

Vael watched the Lizana's image on the communicator fade to black with a smile, but as soon as it was over, he waved off Alyssa's panicked look with a smile. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure it's nothing. You...go take a bath with Mightyena...I'm sure you can have some fun to take your mind off of it. After all, I'm still a little excited myself after watching that cute Bellossom of Ren's." He chuckled as Alyssa's panic gave in to a blush and he winked to her and Mightyena. "Take good care of her boy. She needs some good loving."

The dark hound looked at Vael carefully before he nodded and ushered Alyssa into the bathroom, kicking the door shut with his hind legs after she was in. The female trainer was giggling as Mightyena teased her by placing his head along her rump to push her.

However, once he heard the water running, he leaned back and the smile faded as he sighed heavily. Eevee climbed into his lap and cuddled against him. "I have to remain strong Eevee, for Alyssa. She worries too easily. I think this is the beginning of whatever was going to happen, but we can't be certain without being there ourselves. I may need your help to stay focused and strong." He tenderly stroked along her fur and smiled softly at her as she nodded and stood up, using his legs as a cushion and placing her forepaws against his chest for balance as she arched her body up to lick his face. He laughed softly at the licking, smile broadening. "This concern is something we'll have to keep to ourselves. Mightyena noticed it, but I think he understands what I'm doing. But I wasn't lying when I did say Bellossom got me excited. Will me forget about what just happened for now, my dear Eevee?"

The Pokémon smiled and began to tenderly lick and caress her tongue around Vael's face and he returned the gesture by kissing her muzzle lips lovingly as he stroked his hands up and down her sides. She was still using him for balance, but murred happily as she felt his strokes along her flank, pulling slightly at his clothing, to which the human chuckled and complied, setting her down on the bed for a minute before standing up and fully undressing himself.

By now, Vael could hear some moaning from the bathroom, and he felt his cock harden even more. Mightyena was doing a good job helping Alyssa forget as well it seemed. He sat down on the bed again and Eevee once more hopped up onto his lap. He could smell her arousal and it caused him to take a deep breath and he sighed, only this time it was in pleasure rather than stress.

Eevee used her hind legs to stand on each leg and arched her body up once more to balance on his chest with her forepaws and she began to groom him like she did herself, licking along his face, and then his neck. She had intentionally places her dripping snatch over his erect member so he could feel the drops and her heat before she started licking lower along his frame. When she nuzzled into his chest, she began to lower her hindquarters, slipping his shaft into her slick depths that had grown more used to his size now.

When Eevee moaned against him, he couldn't help let out a small moan as well. "Oh feel so wonderful." He started to scratch her head lovingly as she started to slide her body up and down in rhythmic motion. He didn't mind letting his lover run the show this time and was quite thankful to her for it. Her walls gripping his member as she grinded her body against his. Her balance was slipping though as she got more and more excited, so he hooked his hands around her forelegs' shoulders and held her against him to keep her still standing up on her two hind legs. He then began using his thumbs to caress her small legs while allowing her to continue controlling the pace of her movements, leaning forward to kiss her muzzle lips once more.

Eevee returned the loving kiss by twirling her own longer tongue around his, murring happily as his grip around her forelegs allowed her to pick up her pace, starting to bounce up and down on him a little bit like a springboard, feeling his rock hard cock slip a little further into her depths with each downward buck she made.

Vael was amazed at how wonderful Eevee felt and moaned. Forcing himself to sit still while Eevee did the work was the hardest part. Had he started thrusting, she would lose what little balance she already had if his legs moved and she would likely fall hard onto him. So to prevent himself from thrusting up to meet her small and tight folds, he pulled away from their kiss and nipped her neck, causing the normal type to gasp and moan heavily. His own moans echoed hers as she started to move rapidly up and down his cock, making lewd slurping noises as they were both dripping heavily with their arousal. He held a small bit of the white tuft around her neck in his mouth since she smelled so good and he just closed his eyes, taking in her scent and moaning as he could feel his cock start to pulse, already close to the edge with how good of a job she was doing riding him.

Eevee panted out her name sexily between breaths until she finally cried out in pleasure and climaxed, her walls gripping like a vice as they splashed her love nectar and drowned out his cock in it. With her body standing, the fluid had nowhere to go but down and drained out and around his member. He could only groan as he too climaxed, shooting jet after jet of his hot seed into her depths, causing her orgasm to extend longer as she cried out again, spilling more juices, now with their combined flavor down and around their bodies, soaking the bedding between his legs.

After they recovered from their dual orgasms, Vael wrapped his arms lovingly around Eevee's frame, pulling her against him in an embrace as he whispered out. "I love you Eevee. So very much." Her response told him all he needed to know. She loved him too and the tone she spoke with enabled him to know that it was her own phrase for I love you too.

In the time he and Eevee had been having sex, Alyssa came out of the bath, still naked since they were so used to each other's bodies by now, looking as refreshed as ever while Mightyena strolled out proudly. His trainer and lover giggled and smiled at Eevee and Vael. "I guess we both needed to take our minds off of things. Let's get some rest. Tomorrow morning is your gym battle." She tossed him her wet towel and he took it with a smile. "Just make sure you shower so we don't get weird Pokémon looks." She giggled again and fell onto her bed on the opposite side, Mightyena wasting no time to hop up and cuddle next to her.

Vael chuckled and removed Eevee from his shaft as she had kept his cock inside of her in further attempt to get her used to his length before he stood up, using Alyssa's wet towel to wipe the mess he and Eevee had made before heading into the shower, leaving Eevee to clean herself up on her own. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting fight to be sure.