Bonding Moments (Chap15, Book9)

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#15 of Twilight of the Gods Book9

Some hetro, some bisexual m+m/F in this. Just tying up loose ends before poo hits the fan.

Chapter -15- Bonding Moments

Thursday, September 30, 2049 - late afternoon Seattle ...

"This is goddamn stupid." Albert DeLioncourt walked through the airport gate and into the baggage claim. He took a deep breath and sighed in disgust. "I was going to San Francisco, and these airheads can't even get that right. Plague my ass, there's no goddamn plague in California." He headed through the main exit and into the crisp autumn air. "Didn't have a jacket, don't got the goddamn fair for the MagLev train, don't have money for a goddamn hotel. I don't believe this."

"You Al?"

DeLioncourt froze. He turned around to face a man with long dark hair. Albert tilted his head and scrunched his brows.

"You's Albert DeLioncourt, reckon?"

"I can't fault you for having a southern dialect. Who're you?"

"Rufus." The man pushed some of his bangs back, approached, and offered his hand. "Georgia native; I was from Savannah. I was told by this guy, Simon Linden, that I need to find you. I know you ain't got no clue who Linden is, but he been watchin' you because what'cha can do. You're a damn sight more important than you may realize. Hell, I reckon you're downright special, ain't 'cha?"

Albert adjusted the lay of his shirt, not used to the cooler climate. "You know what I can do? I haven't told anybody about that."

"I do it too; different animal, though. You didn't think you'ns was the only one like that, didja?"

"I hadn't given it much thought. My life's been shit right now. I mean, yeah, some part of me figured I wasn't the only one. But I'm not ... it wasn't like I was out looking for others like that. So your friend was watching me?"

"There's a government for people that do things like we do. You're important for a few reasons. Simon don't get up to Seattle very often, but he said you're the father of a girl whose mother was werewolf."

"Wait, if I have another kid out there ... shouldn't she be the same as me?"

"Were-genome is passed by mother. I'll help you find'er but you should stick with me. Forget about San Francisco, don't worry about'cher connector to Sarasota, tomorrow night. C'mon with me, I'm headed to what's left of the village of werewolves." Rufus took off his jacket and passed it to Albert. "That look like it'll fit'cha."

"If nobody else knows about this, why are you talking about it in public like this?" Al took a moment, as if to deliberate. He shook his head. "No, I don't want your jacket. Savannah, Georgia huh? You don't look near old enough to be from Savannah."

Rufus grinned. "After first transformation, your metabolic rate changes. You slow with yer aging." Rue slid his jacket back on and fixed the collar. "Simon say you like bein' in control, that it makes you comfortable. You wanna drive?"

"I can't fuckin' drive. I used to be a cab driver, but that's out the window now. Lost my license over some stupid state rule, probably made by a democrat or something. So, you drive."

Rue nodded. "C'mon, then. Let's get back to the village. Ain't much left of it, but that's a long story. I'll fill you in on the way there, hoss."



Meanwhile, San Francisco, California ...

Rachel Razin sat up , eyes wide. She turned to James and reached for him from where she sat on the bed. They embraced. She looked over her shoulder at Tamae, the host of Tamamo-no-Mae. She closed her eyes again. "If I knew it was going to be that simple, I'd have done it weeks ago."

James cupped either side of Rachel's face. "I've missed you being ... you."

Rachel rested her chin on his shoulder and spoke to Tamamo. "Will these memories come back if Someone talks about things I've forgotten?"

"The memories are suppressed," said Tamamo, adding, "If you find out what you forgot, it is unlikely that will trigger the memories of how you felt about such."

"I ... what?"

Tamamo frowned looking for a proper way to explain. "The memories will trigger in one of two ways - powerful emotions, or possible electrical current from Reno. It is my understanding that electricity applied just the right way to the hippocampus will unlock forgotten memories. I cannot promise that a shock from Reno will 'do the trick' for certain, but it seems I cannot repress his memories."

"And the other way?"

"To give you an example, Rachel-san, Sinopa was told Fox and Topaz are her children. She was living amongst them at the time. Yet she did not remember being their mother until she grew emotionally attached. Then, over time, she began to remember everything."

"Will I get those memories back eventually?"

Tamamo tilted her head. "While it is impossible to be sure one way or the other at this point, those memories were never yours, so you may never have them again. At least not in the course of your short mortal lifetime."

James replied with an expression of discomfort. "A simple 'maybe' would have sufficed."

Conner leaned in the doorframe. "So if I say that Tammy kissed me when she was in your body, would you freak out?"

Rachel made a sour face. "Oh, ew. You're, like, a kid. No offense. But you're not my type." She cut her eyes to Tamamo, adding, "No offense to you, either. I know you guys are an item."

James breathed a sigh of relief. "Good. I guess it doesn't trigger anything, Conner."

"Good." Conner replied with a slight smile. "That's good. I wouldn't want her to freak out later on if she overhears something she doesn't like."

Rachel shrugged. "Tamamo made me kiss you. Gross, but it wasn't me. It was her. We didn't do anything more, did we?"

"Nope," Conner said.

"No, thankfully," James said almost overtop of his nephew.

Tamamo spoke in unison with the boys, as well, adding, "Certainly not. It was not the kiss that upset you, Rachel. It was remembering my feelings for him. You had knowledge of those feelings and it confused your heart. That is in the past, now."

Rachel slid off the bed, fixed the wrinkles in her shirt and moved towards Conner by the doorframe. "Come here. You get a hug for having to go through all that crap."

"Oh geeze." Conner rolled his eyes.

"Shaddap." Rachel hugged Conner and ruffled his hair. "You're gonna be my nephew. I'm engaged to your uncle, after all." She released Conner and said, "I remember some of the stuff, but I don't _remember_it, if that makes sense. Like, I know Tamamo had a pretty dark past. She apparently tortured people a long time before Christ was born. She was married to an emotionally abusive Chinese emperor. She acted the way she did because the man victimized her. It was the lifestyle she adapted to."

Tamamo frowned. "And you have no memories of ever killing anyone before?"

Rachel blinked and scrunched her brows a bit. "I remember the guy on the airplane. I broke his neck. He stabbed me in my leg."

No one spoke.

Rachel shrugged. "I lost my temper and attacked him, but if I didn't attack that guy, he would have murdered everyone on the plane. Is ... is it weird that I don't feel bad?"

Tamamo approached her and put her palms on Rachel's shoulders. "No. You defended yourself, and the lives of everyone else aboard that plane. You acted with honor. There is no shame in such."

"So it's not weird I don't feel bad I killed that guy?" Rachel grimaced. "Because I definitely don't feel a thing, but I mean ... I should. I should have some sort of PTSD for killing a guy, and I just ... I don't feel bad."

James approached Rachel on her left and drew her into his arms. "You were amazing, babe. You _are_amazing. Can you speak Japanese and do you still have three thousand years of experience involving hand-to-hand combat?"

Rachel grinned, returning the embrace. "You want to go get some bamboo sticks downstairs and find out how good I am?"

"Right ... right now, hon?" James cleared his throat.


Tamamo grinned. "She said 'please?'"

James returned with a blank expression. "Yeah, got that. Thanks."

Tamamo's grin broadened. "I am quite satisfied that she has made a full recovery. I will find Sinopa; we have to address the hunters in the tents behind the mansion. We leave tomorrow for the celestial realm. And many of them may not survive."

"What about our secret weapon?" Conner asked. "We've got Sekhmet and Reno to help you lead the battle."

Rachel linked her arm with James' and said, "We can train later. I just want a few minutes with my fiancé so I can reconnect. I remember how much I pushed away. He and I have always been close until recently." She turned directly to him and said, "We need to reconnect. Just the other day, I was reading on a tablet in a hot tub, practically ignoring you, hon. It must have broken your heart when I said we're only friends with benefits. You've put up with a lot of crap from me."

"So you feel the way you used to?"

Rachel smiled softly. "You are such a patient man, baby." She touched her nose against his. "I've never felt stronger about how much I love you."

Conner smirked. "You don't remember Karla?"

Rachel rolled her eyes, looking away from Jaye. She scrunched her brows at Conner. "I do. I remember that. I asked Tamamo to leave that one as a reminder. I didn't have my weird college 'experience' while I was actually in college. Now I have no reason to be curious about it anymore. And, no Conner, I won't have any desire to try it again."

"That would be best," said Tamamo.

Rachel added, "I slept with James again, after Karla, and it was way more ... you know, 'my thing.' Now," she trailed off and gave a tug on James' arm. "Let's go do 'my thing' again." She led him out of the room.


Nobody spoke at first. Finally, Conner cleared his throat. "That was awkward. But good for Uncle Jaye. Guy really loves her. I'm glad they'll be happy again, and I'm glad there won't be any drama with Karla. I was a little worried there would be a thing between those two."

"You mean like a secret romance?" asked Tamamo.

"No," Conner said with a shrug. "Like a caddy snarling ex-girlfriend drama thing."

Tamamo grinned a bit. "Give Karla and Rachel some credit, love."

Conner reached for her hand and rubbed his thumb over hers. "Do you have to talk to those jokers out back right now?"

Tamamo replied with a sly grin. "What Rachel was saying about reconnecting..."

"Yeah, it sounded like a good idea to me. And those guys aren't going anywhere yet."

"Mm, true, love. Why don't we 'reconnect' as well? I can speak to the hunters soon."

"Yeah, after all, you want to make sure you're not missing any late-comers."

Tamamo walked to the door and pushed it shut. She locked it and turned to Conner with a playful smile. "I've missed this. We haven't had nearly enough of this as of late."

Conner ran his fingers up over Tamae's temple, guiding a bit of her hair behind her ear. "You know I love you, right Tammy? I know I don't say it enough, but you do know that's how I feel right?"

"Mm, yes. But in Japan, it is part of the culture not to say it often. Saying things is nice, but we prefer to show our affections. So why don't you show me how much you love me?"

Conner put his hands on her hips and lifted the demure woman up then set her on the bed. He untied the sash of her kimono and pushed it open.

He was surprised to see she wore a rather provocative matching bra and panty set. "How ... westernized," he teased, guiding her kimono from her shoulders. It pooled around her hip on the mattress.

She replied with a sly smile. "The succubus was right about one thing - there is something satisfying to have one's bra and bottoms match. She said it would bring order to my life."

Conner smirked. "So far as I'm concerned, the succubus can take a chill-pill tonight." He pushed Tamamo onto her back and climbed up on the bed over her.

She looked lovely in the lighting of the lamp on the nightstand. Her long dark hair was turning vanilla white at the roots. Tamae's soft brown eyes sparkled with delight and desire. She reached up for him and drew Conner to her.

Their lips met.

Conner reached down and guided her panties from her body.

"Let me taste, first, Conner."

Conner worked his pants and boxer-briefs off, quickly, and tossed them off the side of the bed with both of his shoes and one of his socks. He moved over her waist, straddling her torso.

Tamamo propped her head up on a pillow, opened her mouth and closed her lips over him...



Meanwhile... Several rooms away ...

Rachel clutched at James as he sank into her body from tip to hilt. She wrapped her legs around his waist and groaned softly in delight, eager to make love to her betrothed.

They twisted and rolled together, touching one another's bodies with feverish need and passion. Everything around them was forgotten; they focused on one another and nothing else. The rest of the room melted away.

Their touch was familiar, yet fresh and new. Everything was perfect, just how they remembered, before falling into the drama and the mess. And, for now, all those things didn't matter. They were one again - in love, and happy.



At the same time, New Atlantis ...

Fox Parker groaned softly , atop of Topaz. He ground his hips against his twin, buried deeply in her, while her husband, Vincent Nevada, was on his knees between their legs.

Vincent, buried within Fox from behind, leaned down, over Fox's shoulder, and kissed Topaz Nevada - his beloved wife.

The three made love as one.

Topaz laid on her back, legs raised to accept Fox. She used her hands on her brother's rump, keeping Fox's backside spread to take every inch of Vincent's length. The trio writhed together, physically enthralled, and bound by the love they felt for one another.

Fox clenched firmly, trying to help the man he came to call 'husband', so that Vincent could find release.

Vincent groaned softly and shuddered hard. Vince broke the liplock with Topaz and turned his head to the side, nibbling on Fox's neckline. Then, in a sultry sort of voice, he whispered to Fox, "I'm cumming, babe."

"Mm, go for it," Fox goaded, nearly at his own climax with Topaz.

Topaz, with her arms around Fox, pushed her hands inwards, pressing her brother's rump tightly together, to help with her husband's release. She grinned over Fox's shoulder at Vincent, whispering encouraging words, wanting Vincent to fill Fox.

Seeing Vincent's face was such a turn on to her. Topaz tensed up and groaned long and loud. She kissed Fox firmly, clenching herself around her brother's flesh.

Fox felt both of his partners achieve sexual bliss. He felt Vincent's hot release geyser into him from behind. He felt Topaz, beneath, become tight. Her aching hot walls clenched and released, as if milking him.

Pleased he'd done his job as a lover, having helped both of his lovers to achieve satisfaction, Fox let himself go, flooding Topaz with a gush of gooey cream. He whispered into her ear, playfully boasting that it felt incredible to fill her.

She sighed in delight, sharing a kiss with Fox, and then with Vincent, over Fox's shoulder.

Vincent rolled to the left, Fox rolled to Topaz's right and they held one another's hands.

Topaz sighed again. "God, it's never dull being married to you two. I swear."

Vincent ran his thumb over his wife's knuckles. "I need to talk to you guys. It's important."

Fox grinned, eyes closed. "Did you figure a way to get us out of the laser cell?"

Topaz elbowed her brother. "Fox, we both know you could short out the lasers by focusing. And you won't dare do such a thing until our friends come down here for us. I don't want Falcon knowing we could get free until it's too late."

Vincent gave her hand a squeeze. "Guys, Falcon wants me to go topside for a while."

"What's going on?" asked Topaz.

"Karla tagged Nichole with a radioactive isotope. This means I could find her. I can search her out like a bloodhound. Dr. Falcon decided he's ready to bring Nichole back into the fold to prepare for something big. Presumably, he expects an attack on New Atlantis. Despite the virus Fox put onto Falcon's computer, which made it so Nichole cannot go back into stasis..."

"Sorry, not sorry," Fox whispered with a wan grin.

Vincent shrugged indifferently, adding, "Now that Falcon can't toss her into stasis, he wanted her out of the city. She's unruly. However, Nichole is very good at enforcing the rules in this city. She's fiercely loyal to Dr. Falcon."

Fox sighed through his nose. So now he wants her back, and it's up to you to bring her home."

"I'm afraid so, Fox."

Topaz rolled towards Vincent and propped herself up on an elbow. "Babe, Falcon trusts you. I mean, you've completely earned his trust by now. You've got your husband and wife in an electric prison. You did that just so the man would believe you're loyal to him."

Fox put his hand on Topaz's hip and eased up, speaking over his sister. "Paz is right, you should make the best of leaving here."

Vincent tilted his head a bit. "How do you mean, guys?"

Topaz grinned. "Find Evan's wife and daughter. Take them with you. They're innocent, Vincent - we can't have them down here when this place comes unglued. You need to take Patty and her kid to the surface with you."

Fox nodded in agreement. "It has to happen at some point. And things will be too dangerous later, Vin. Your radiation can interfere with surveillance cameras. You're the only one who can do it unseen at this point. You're the only one who can get them out safely before this place gets locked down. And we all know that will happen soon ... why else bring back Nichole unless Falcon is expecting something bad in the near future, right?"

Vincent sighed and shook his head. "Okay, I'll find them. How young is Evan's daughter?"

"I'm not sure," Topaz said with a frown. "I doubt she's a toddler or an infant. I'm sure she's old enough, by now, to know how to be quiet and hide if necessary."

Vincent nodded. "Fair enough."

"When do you leave?" Fox asked.

"I asked to have a little private time with my husband and wife before leaving. So ... after we're done, here. I'll miss you two."

Topaz brought her hands up and cupped Vincent's face. She kissed him softly. "We'll miss you, husband."

Fox sat up, leaned over his sister and kissed Vincent. "Come home safe. But when you do, don't bring Nichole. Bring our friends. Bring our children. Bring everybody... except Nichole."

Vincent returned the kiss. He asked, "What about Karla?"

Topaz smiled, watching her brother and husband kiss. After their lips parted, she kissed Vincent again. "Everybody," she said, muffled against Vincent's lips. "Even Karla. Make sure she knows I forgive her. We need everyone working together. Even Watson. Even Fara and James. Everyone. This is the final play. For everyone to get out of here alive, you need to bring everyone. And if there are any relics left on the surface, you need to handle that business too, before coming back down here. Have everything in order. This will be our only chance to do everything the right way."

"We have faith in you," Fox added.

"Do whatever has to be done," said Topaz. "I don't care what it takes. Whoever you have to kill, or fuck, or vaporize, you do it baby. We only have once chance. So do whatever it takes."

"Fuck?" Vincent asked, confused.

Topaz nodded firmly. "If you have to seduce the enemy to gain their trust; if you have to make out with someone, or if you have to kill - you do what it takes."

"I don't know if....

Topaz put a finger on Vincent's lips to silence him. She looked into his eyes and said, "Your success is bigger than the three of us, Vincent. Stopping Falcon means you might be saving millions of people from dying in another earthquake. You do whatever it takes to succeed, baby boy. You have to. If you die, or if you can't help to rescue everyone down here ... I don't think anyone will have a happy ending. Millions of innocent lives, babe. Possibly billions. We don't know what Falcon is capable of, we just know he's the most dangerous man alive. So we have to treat this situation like he could potentially kill everyone on this planet and preserve only the people in this city."

"Jesus," Vincent whispered against her finger. "I never really thought about it like that."

Topaz nodded. "Anything is possible. So if you have to beg, borrow or steal your way to success, then you do it. If you have to seduce, kill, or lie, then you do it. Am I clear? You have carte blanche to do whatever it takes."

Vincent swallowed. "Right. Failure isn't an option. I understand. But who the hell would I have to sleep with? I doubt it would come to that."

"Whoever you have to trick into trusting you. I'm not saying it will happen," Topaz explained, putting her hands on his face. "I'm telling you that you might come up against a situation you're not prepared to handle. I need you to know, right now, that whatever it takes to succeed ... is perfectly acceptable. I won't be upset."

"You really think that things could become that serious?"

Topaz sat up a bit more, keeping her palms on his cheeks and her gaze locked with his. "If you have to kill a family to save the rest of the world, that's fair play. It might mess you up, emotionally, but that's a small sacrifice compared to the lives of everyone else. If you have to sleep with the enemy to trick them into trusting you, I won't be jealous. Do whatever needs to be done, do you understand? Nothing, and I mean nothing is too far."


She kissed Vincent's nose. "Babe, this is why I forgive Karla. I've been thinking about it a lot, lately. Sometimes you have to do a few bad things. She lied about Watson in order to make me happy with my life. Fine, I forgive her. But Karla is also one of the few people capable of understanding that hard decisions save lives. She sacrificed Rufus to safe Eric, her baby, and the three of us."

Fox cut in, adding, "Yet she still somehow managed to pull Rue's tail out of the fire. Karla had her cake and ate the batter off the beaters, too."

Topaz nodded in agreement with her twin. "Karla is important. Bring her. Do not bring Nichole. You need to _end_Nichole."

"She's your aunt..."

"Vincent," Topaz leaned forward until her forehead was pressed against Vincent's head. She had a sad smile. "I love you. If it comes down to you or her, I need for it to be _you_that lives. Aunt Nicky will do whatever she can to kill everyone else. Do whatever it takes to make sure Nichole never comes back here. Please, baby. Lie to her. Trick her. Confuse her. And when her back is turned, I want you to vaporize her."

Vincent swallowed. "I will. I promise. I love you both."

Fox leaned over Topaz and kissed Vincent again. "Come home to us, Vince."

"I will. And I'll keep our children safe, okay? Conner and Carmen. Topaz, take care of that baby, okay? We're all going home soon." Vincent rolled out of bed and stretched. "I'll miss the sex."

Topaz grinned. "Come save us. We'll reward you." She winked playfully. "A lot."

Vincent pulled his pants up, and adjusted his boxers within. Nevada reached for his shirt and pulled it on. He looked back at Fox and Topaz with a sigh. "I'm forty-three years old. You guys really think I can save the freaking world?"

"God, you were seventeen when we first met," Topaz said with a grin. "Emancipated right?"

"I was just turning eighteen. I, uh," Vincent paused.

Fox grinned. "You can't remember if you were seventeen or eighteen when you met Paz? You can't remember if you were seventeen or eighteen the first time you died when that _thing_attacked you?"

"Lara, yeah. I kind of blocked it out, somewhat. You know, all these years later, I still have nightmares about that? Not lately. I guess I feel safe with you guys around." Vincent picked up his socks, his shoes and sat down at the edge of the bed, pulling them onto his feet.

Fox laughed. "I take it up the ass, but sometimes, Vince, you are such a girl in this relationship, I swear."

"Why, because he feels safe between us?" Topaz grinned. "Okay, maybe you're kind of right, Foxie." She turned back to Vincent and asked, "Why on earth let it bother you? I had no idea you still have night terrors, babe."

Vince pursed his lips together. "You know why? I felt like I failed you, Topaz. You kicked the gun to me. I grabbed it, and I couldn't take that thing down. I put a slug right in her shoulders, I think. It should have been her head, but I missed. And, according to Dr. Falcon, she's still out there. Still alive."

Topaz crawled across the bed towards Vincent. "You won't fail this time. You've got the most powerful ability of anyone. Nobody can fuck with radiation. You can stop people from getting radiation sickness. You can cure cancer. You, Vincent, can roast people alive with radiation."

"I can't 'vaporize' people. That's why I don't know if I can go up against Nichole."

"Radiation, in high enough concentrations, can vaporize organic tissue, Vincent."

"I've never tried to do that. Maybe I can, but ... I've never tried."

Topaz sat up on the bed and put her arms around his neck from behind, pressing her athletic, small chest against his back. "Vincent, you're the strongest supernatural. Radiation, babe. You are incredible. I wish Carmen had your gift instead of mine. I thought, because I got mine from my father, that she would get yours. You are a very lucky man, Vincent. God help anyone who pisses you off. You can save lives, and you have. You can kill millions by irradiating anyone who stands in your way."

Fox chimed in. "It doesn't matter if Falcon keeps you around because he trusts you or not - the truth is, he's legitimately afraid of you."

"Of me?" Asked Vincent, incredulous.

Fox nodded emphatically. "Why else bring me back from stasis? You told that man that you wanted the both twins awake. Here we are. Falcon granted your request, Vin. Obviously the guy is afraid of you."

"As he should be," Topaz said with a smirk. She rested her chin on Vincent's shoulder and said, "You've come a long way from that trembling boy in that elevator shaft the day we met, babe. You went up against that creature to help me. You were terrified but you gave your life to save mine. You evolved your powers, baby. And nothing has been able to match your ability ever since. You are unstoppable."

Vincent finished getting dressed. He stood up and turned around to face his wife. "Topaz, when Nichole is near me, she borrows my ability. She becomes immune to radiation, just like me. I can't turn her to dust, or whatever it is you think I can do."

Topaz met his gaze. "Your power works from much further away than her ability to absorb powers. You find her, you trick her, you lie to her, and you get her to trust you. And when it's time, you destroy her however you can."


Topaz frowned. "Look, if you can figure out a way to make her remember having feelings for your brother, or if you can somehow make her destroy Falcon, fine. But if she's going to be an obstacle, you can't let her back down here. She's surrounded by some of the rarest and most powerful supernatural beings down here. She would be unstoppable. And you can't get far enough away from her, down here, to fight her with your ability. You have to assess the situation while you're on the surface. And once you've made a decision, you do whatever it takes."

"How do I trick her?"

"Start by making her trust you, Vincent. From what I understand, she already trusts you. I don't care if you have to sleep with her, wait until she's asleep, and then take off her fucking head. You do whatever it takes to..." Topaz paused. She held her hands up. "I know I'm repeating myself and I'm sorry. I just need you to know how important this is, babe. Besides Falcon, she's one of the most powerful supernaturals in the world depending on who she's near. No one can fight her ... At least not head on." Topaz sighed.


Paz frowned. "She can heal fast, so hitting her with a goddamn ICBM is out of the question, unless it has a goddamn nuclear warhead. Vincent, outsmart her, okay?"

Vincent cupped Topaz's face and kissed her. "I might have nightmares about letting you down, but I'm smart enough to know this isn't a dream. I'll stay focused, and I'll do what it takes. I promise I'll come back for both of you and help to rescue everyone. And I'll handle the situation involving whatever relics are left topside. I'll dot all my 'I's' and cross all my 'T's' before I come back. I love you both."

"Stay safe," Fox said, adding, "Come back to us alive. Keep the kid's safe, hon."

"I will." Vincent leaned down and shared a kiss with Fox then walked to the doorway. "I hate that you two are forced to live in this apartment. It's the best I could do."

Topaz shrugged with a weak smile. "It's, like, fifteen hundred square feet. It's a comfortable prison. We'll stay put until you return. Remember, Fox installed the virus on Falcon's computer systems. All we have to do is bring our friends out of cryogenic sleep. They'll wake up ready to fight."

Vincent swallowed down emotion, not wanting to leave his loved ones. He took a deep breath and sighed. "Just remember ...once I leave here, there will be no interference for any surveillance..."

Fox chuckled and interrupted, saying, "There's no surveillance, Vincent. I would have networked with any hardware in proximity and jammed it. Falcon was smart enough not to bother with it, between my ability and yours. Now get your butt out of here and find Patience Ubysh and her kid."

"Patty Balmoral," Topaz corrected. "Fox we should have hacked into the goddamn city network and found an address for her. I should have..."

Vincent held his hands up and cleared his throat. "You guys are telling me to lie, cheat and steal to do what I've got to do, right? You're telling me to fight, to fuck, and to kill whoever gets in my way, right? I get it, you want me to manipulate people to win."

"What's your plan?" Fox asked.

Vincent shrugged. "I'll tell Dr. Falcon that I'll find Evan Balmoral and bring him back, but I tell him that I need Patty and the daughter to do it. Falcon will let me take them to the surface to use as bait. Next time I check in, I'll tell Falcon they ran in the middle of the night while we were asleep at a hotel or something. He doesn't need Patience anymore. She's a scientist, but let's face it, she's not the only scientist in this city. Falcon will cut his losses and tell me to find Nichole, and ignore them."

Topaz stared at Vincent for a moment. She replied with a genuine smile. "That's my boy. Get to it, babe."

"I love you both." Vincent took a deep breath. "If I don't walk out this door right now, I'll be struggling with saying 'goodbye' to you two all day."

"Get movin' then," Topaz said with a sad smile. "Come home to us, Vincent. Keep our children alive. Keep Karla and Reno alive. You can do it. I believe in you, baby boy."

"I love you." Vincent turned around, took a deep breath and headed out the door. The last time he left Fox and Topaz, they were captured. But ... they were technically already _in_a prison this time, albeit a fairly large apartment with energy bars over all the windows and doors.

Vincent reminded himself that Dr. Falcon wouldn't hurt them this time because he needed Topaz to remain pregnant and behaved.

First stop, he had to find the doctor, propose the idea about Evan Balmoral's family, and then he had to get a trip booked to the surface.

A weary smile found Vincent's face. He thought back on how nice it was to make love to his wife, and then to his husband before leaving. His eyes became moist, knowing how much he would miss them.

Vincent left the apartment and headed out to the street corner. Fox was right ... sometimes, Vincent was such a girl about his feelings. Maybe that's what Topaz liked so much about her husband. Vincent took a deep breath to calm his emotions and headed towards the tallest building in the city, a few blocks up the street.



That very moment... San Francisco, California, Parker Mansion ...

Karla Loupe sniffed at the air , walking down the hall. She stopped in front of James Parker's room. She continued up the hallway and paused in front of Conner's room.

The succubus clenched her hands into fists. "How come everyone in this goddamn house is getting laid except for me?"

"What're you griping about?" Carmen asked from behind. She approached Karla and looked her over with a frown. "Hey, joking aside, are you okay?"

"Tired. I haven't been sleeping much. How've you been?"

Carmen frowned. "Worried about Kalen."

Karla tilted her head. "What's wrong with him? He seemed fine to me."

"He had his goddamn throat chewed through with a hacksaw."

Karla's mouth dropped open.

Carmen frowned. "He doesn't like talking about it, but he's really struggling with what happened in Seattle. This asshole named Jackson-something-or-other tried to torture Kalen for information. Then he tried killing Kalen by cutting his head off. But he did it slowly, like _really_slowly, with an old fashion saw. It was so painful that Kalen was able to break both of his thumbs and he didn't even feel it. He pulled his hands out of his restraints and killed the bastard. But it's been messing with his head lately."

Karla swallowed. "Did Kalen ever tell you about his time as a 'horseman' for the Esoteric Council?"

"Yeah, he's a legend and all, but he doesn't like talking about it."

Karla nodded in understanding. "Well, just know he's been up against some of the most dangerous people in the world. He didn't have a fancy power like Nathan. He couldn't teleport to safety like Ethan. He wasn't able to stay one step ahead of his opponents like Mike. Yet he outlived all his peers. You know how?"

Carmen nodded. "He's resourceful and intelligent. He's shrewd. He knows his limitations."

Karla smiled a bit. "And that has kept him alive longer than any crazy supernatural ability. He's also experienced and well respected. Everyone loves Kalen. Plus, he has powerful allies."

"I'm not worried he's going to die," Carmen said bluntly. "I'm worried that what he experienced bothered him on a level I can't fix. I love him. I want to help him get through this, but there's nothing I can say or do to make him un-see what he lived through."

Karla frowned for a moment. And then she smiled. "Take him to see Tamamo-no-Mae. Repress it. We need everyone at their absolute best in order to beat Falcon. Tamamo can repress that memory. It's something she learned how to do a long time ago and she's very practiced at it. Like, she's so good that her old boss, in the Celestial Realm, used to ask her to do it to people for whatever reason."

"I'll talk to him when he returns with Natalia and Laura."

Karla eyed Carmen for a moment. "He's been spending a lot of time with Laura lately, huh?"

Carmen snorted with amusement. "He's the opposite of you, Karla."

"Hey, look, you don't have to be a..."

Carmen held her hands up. "I mean that you're full of hormones because your body naturally makes them, right? Well Kalen is undead. His body generates adrenaline, but it doesn't generate testosterone or other hormones anymore. He doesn't feel compelled to fool around. It makes loyalty come easy for him, Karla."

The succubus nodded. "I see now." She smiled again. "You know, it's always amused me how he wakes up with a scruffy face. I always thought he should keep the five o'clock shadow look."

"He does on some days."

Karla tilted her head. "Is it true he died with the facial hair, and that's why he wakes up with it every night?"

"Yes, he reverts to exactly how he looked when Natalia took his life and turned him into a vampire. He has to cut his hair every night, he has to shave every night - all of that." Carmen smirked and asked, "Is it true you're sleeping with Uncle Reno?"

"Nope. Friends with benefits. So far, we haven't gone all the way."

"Well ... okay, you keep doing that, then. Stick with Uncle Reno. Nathanial. Whatever we're calling him, now. I know Kalen used to have a thing with you, and it was emotional since it couldn't be sexual. I also know you had a thing with Natalia for a little while. That's staying in the past."

Karla sighed. "Carmen, I can_control myself. I'm not some sort of demon that lives in the moment based on urges. I used to think that about myself, but I've learned differently. I don't even _need sex, technically. I have pills that give me all the stuff I need from a feed."

"So why fool around with my uncle?"

"Because I'm lonely."

Carmen frowned and looked down. "Oh."

"How's your brother been about your relationship with Kalen? Is he still freaking out?"

Carmen shrugged. "He's been immature about it, but lately he's been minding his own business. He's actually more angry with me for treating him like a student. I'm just training him how mom trained me - detached and all that. To be honest it bothers me that my mom coddled him on his training."

"Yet she was cold and callous with you, huh?"

"Yeah." Carmen frowned. "It's like she went easy on him."

"How did Topaz treat you outside the training room?"

Carmen shrugged. "She was nice as hell around the house. She let me stay up later than Conner. She let me get away with stupid stuff, like when I'd sneak down to the kitchen in the middle of the night. She never let Conner get away with that stuff."

"Your mother treated women differently than men," Karla said. "She used to say she was a sucker for a pretty face. But when it came to training, it sounds like she held you to a higher standard. It's because she loves you."

"Lov_ed_. She's dead, Karla."

"Not according to Evan. When he escaped that place, he saw your folks alive. They're just fine, Carmen. They might be in suspended animation, but we're going to go down there and get everyone back, okay?"

"Why don't you go out to feed on some of those hunters, anyway? Are you starting to catch feelings for Reno or something?"

Karla rolled her eyes. "Okay, I know you're some badass master-thief, Carmen, but you're obviously still in your early twenties. Christ. 'Catch feelings?' That's kiddie shit, babe."

"You look younger than me. How old are you anyway?"

"I'll be four hundred fifty years old in a few weeks. Day before Halloween, to be exact."

"Jesus. You're older than Kalen."

"Yup. I'm older than Sinopa, too. Oldest person in this house is Sekhmet, but she's not much for conversation."

"You were walking down the hall sniffing at people's rooms, Karla. You were bitching about not getting laid - I assume that's what several other people are doing. So why don't you go out and find some willing hunters?"

Karla smirked. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Why don't you tell your brother the truth about how you escaped from Falcon?"

"I met with Evan and..."

"I mean before that."

Carmen frowned. "What're you talking about?"

"Carmen, I've known you since you were a child. You came over to play with Elvena; you had slumber parties and talked about boys. Now you think you're an adult and you think you can treat me like some peer. You forget that I watched you grow up. You forget that Elvena went through all the same training you did, even though she didn't have your gift. You forget how well I know you. So who got you out of cryogenic sleep? My daughter? Your mother? Because you sure as hell didn't lay low while you were down there. Not at first, anyhow. You were captured and put on ice, weren't you? Yup. See? I know your tells."

"I told Conner it was your daughter."

"Mmhmm, and it wasn't, huh? Why lie to him?"

"I don't want him to get his hopes up about my mother."

"Who _really_rescued you? I know your tells. You have the same tell, when you fib, as when you were a little girl. What happened down there?"

"It's complicated. I'd rather not talk about it right now."

Karla eyed the girl for a moment then nodded. "You've always been a complicated girl."

"Yeah? And you've always been a simple one."

Karla smirked. "I am_a simple girl. I'm the kind that gets excited when I see a construction street sign that reads, '_Men working.' I would wave and holler out the window at them. And if things are complicated for you, then ... fine. Keep your secret. Just don't lie to my face about Elvena. Tell me, truthfully, if she's still alive or not."

Carmen sighed and looked at Karla's shoes. "She's in stasis last I heard."

"See? That wasn't so hard, now was it? And remember, I'm your best friend's mother. Stop treating me like I'm some random bitch you know. I'm not going to snipe your man. I'm not even interested in Kalen. I'm just glad he's happy with you. Kalen has been a friend of mine for a very long time. If he's happy, then I'm happy for him."

"Fair enough."

Karla smirked. "By now, I should've earned your respect. You stayed the night at my house, sometimes a week at a time. Okay? I helped to raise you, kid. I even changed your diaper a few times. I helped clean you up when you wet the bed, when you were seven, staying over. And I never told anyone. So treat me with a little goddamn respect, Carmen."

Carmen didn't say anything.

"How's your brother's headache?"

"W-what?" The question caught Carmen off guard.

Karla crossed her arms. "Conner has had a headache since we left Ethiopia. Whatever he saw in Axum really messed him up, but he takes painkillers for it. That can't be good for his liver, Carmen. He's a teenaged boy. Not to mention he's always been so weird about his diet before, and now he's popping pills. So, since you're his sister, I'm asking you how his headaches have been?"

"I'll ask him."

"Good." Karla offered her hand towards Carmen. "Friends again? I'm not going to get between you and Kalen. I'm a hopeless romantic, deep down, and I want to see people happy. I want to see you and Kalen happy. So are we friends?"

Carmen took Karla's hand. "Friends."

"Thank God."


Karla shrugged. "I thought you were going to kiss either side of my face and curtsy. Being around Kalen means being around Natalia. God if I never have to act like I'm in a finishing school for one more day around her. I swear to Christ."

Carmen released Karla's hand. "I'm good with handshakes."

"Amen to that." Karla paused and looked the girl over. "So how's your headache?"

"My what?"

"Like I said, I've known you since you were a child. How's your headache? You've had once since you came back to California, haven't you? I'm assuming you've had one since leaving Falcon's place."

"How did you know?"

Karla rolled her eyes. "Because you all but grew up at my place, playing with my daughter? Damn, Carmen. I know when you've got a headache. And, like your brother, it's lasted for a long time. How is it?"

"I'm used to it. I've had it since leaving New Atlantis, like you said. It's just a tension headache. Two glasses of wine, or a few Advil help for a little while."

Karla frowned. "Have you talked to a doctor?"

"What? Why would I do that?"

"Because you're stubborn, and you need to stop that shit. We all need to be at our best before we fight for our lives. I need for you to see a doctor. Is that so much to ask?"

"Fine, I'll look into..."

"You're lying." Karla reached forward and slugged the girl's arm. "Quit it. You went through a spoiled brat phase, growing up. I've got child pictures of you. I could show your boyfriend what you looked like, picking your nose over ice cream at the age of ten. Oh, wait, that was just a few years ago to him."

Carmen held her hands up, defensively. "I'll go to the doctor. Burn those pictures."

"Hell no. I need my leverage, heh. Talk to people around the house and find someone who is familiar with supernaturals. I mean it. Talk to a doctor that knows our kind. Tell him that you and your brother are both having them, but that his are in his eyes, and yours are at the back of your head."

"You're perceptive, Karla."

"Yeah, yeah. Tell you what?"


"Talk to Steven Milford. I don't trust that guy but he's a hell of a doctor. You let him known you don't trust him either, and make him work for your trust. I want to know what that guy knows. We need to keep him close so we can keep an eye on him. You got me?"

"What's your plan?"

"I'll get word out, and we will wait until he shows up on our doorstep."

"Then what?"

Karla smiled. "You help me keep an eye on Milford and I'll delete your awkward childhood from my cloud drive."


Karla took her hand again, they shook and went their separate ways. She glanced over her shoulder, watching Carmen duck into the bedroom she'd been using since her return.

Karla walked to a study and looked out the large window to the lights of a construction crew working out on the road that passed through the neighborhood.

They were laying asphalt.

Karla thought about it for a moment. Everywhere she'd looked, lately, she'd seen crews laying asphalt for the past few months.

It was actually kind of weird. She glanced at her smart-watch, and then headed downstairs. The succubus made her way to the front door, and whistled at the construction men out in the street.

Next Chapter: