Chapter 8: It Never Ends...

Story by Duffin on SoFurry

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#8 of The Pizza Party

Pizza Party

By Duffin Caprous


The following story contains the following acts:






Not to mention, it's furs going at it like rabbits, er...bad pun, sorry.... Anyway, young 'ens...if yer too young...that is, under 18...go away!

Chapter 8: It Never Ends...

Tre moaned as Terry drove into him over and over, the golden retriever trying to grab anywhere he could as the thick ottercock filled him as well as it always did. He was on the verge of orgasm despite the chastity when an odd buzzing sound started.

"Fuck..." the dog sighed as he woke up, reaching over to slam his alarm clock, shutting it up. He looked down, wincing as his straining erection pressed against its cage. Teribold had been at the hospital for almost three days straight now and it was starting to get to Tre.

Tre was barely able to get up out of bed before he heard the doorbell ring. A quick glance to his clock revealed it to be 10 o'clock in the morning and he had no idea who would be calling at this hour.

Fear suddenly overtook the retriever. What was Him? What if he's found him? He found his place before. He suddenly rushed over to his closet, digging through it before he found the box which held the revolver he'd bought. Sure, maybe he was overreacting, but everyone he knew was at work.

The person at the door began knocking at the door now and Tre slowly slid toward it. Very glad that there weren't windows on either side of the front door, Tre glanced through the peephole and saw a wolf. His guard immediately went down and slid the pistol into the side table next to the door. His paw went to the door and spoke through it.

"Who is it?" he asked.

The wolf's eyes perked up as he heard Tre, looking toward the door, "Police, Sir. Can I ask you a few questions?"

Tre looked a bit confused, not sure what this could be about. It had been months since the police took his statement about the shooting. He slowly unlocked the door and unchained it.

"Uh, of course, what's this about?" he asked in confusion.

The wolf smiles slightly to Tre and held out a paw, "I'm Detective Petro Aegis. May I come in?"

Tre made a mental tour of the home. True, neither him not Terry ever really did anything illicit, he couldn't help but worry slightly. After just a moment, he nodded and gestured for the detective to walk in.

Aegis walked in as bidden and turned once Tre closed the door, "You're Trelute...Cubano, right?" He asked, looking at his notepad.

"Yes," Tre replied in a way that sounded like a question.

"And, you work at that...Pizza Palace?" he asked, looking to Tre.

"Um...Pizza Party, Sir," he replied.

The wolf nodded, "Ah, of course. How well do you...know your boss, Ashlan Delaraeux?"

Tre swallowed slightly, but tilted his head slightly to seem cofused, "Well...he's my boss...he rescued me from McDonald's and got me a better job."

" a pizza parlor. Is that better?"

Tre blinked and never thought about it before, "Well...of course. I mean, it's not corporately owned and the people I work with are...nice."

The wolf nodded and wrote things down in his notepad, "I you have any other jobs?"

The dog's teeth clenched a little and was the glad the wolf was looking at his notes. He shook his head, "No, Sir. Other than making and delivering pizzas, I don't do anything else there."

The wolf smirked slightly, "I meant: Do you have any other jobs other than Pizza Party. I mean...I'll be honest, this is a pretty nice place you've got here. I bet it's pretty expensive."

Tre did his best to not appear nervous at all. He shook his head, "'s kind of personal, boyfriend's a nurse, so...he does get paid quite a bit."

The wolf nodded and scribbled some notes, "Ahh, I see. Well, in any case, I'm not here for...that reason," he said while looking into Tre's eyes. He could wear that the wolf knew everything about his job, but wanted him to say it. Instead, he moved on, "Has your boss been acting strange at all lately?"

That question made Tre pause. Sure, Ashlan had been much more protective of him as of late: didn't send him out at night, usually made him go with a partner, or just didn't send him out.

"Not any more than usual, Sir," he said, settling on that statement.

The wolf nodded, "You were shot, correct? By a feline"

"Y-yes, Sir..." Tre said, obviously troubled by the question.

Aegis held up a paw, "I'm sorry, I know it was a traumatic event for you, I'll get through these quickly. I ask because Ashan has been looking into the criminal records of some pretty seedy individuals. They were all feline. And now we can't locate any of them. Has Mr. Delereaux spoken to you about finding your attacker, Trelute? Or has he been acting suspicious in any way that you've noticed?"

Tre's breathing increased a bit upon hearing this from the detective. He knew that the wolf would pick up on it. Tre didn't have to lie or bend the truth on his answer.

"No, Sir. I don't think he would do anything like...that," Tre replied.

The wolf smiled slightly, "Well...just covering our bases, alright? If you think of anything, here's my card," Aegis said and handed the card to Tre.

"Of course, Sir, I will," Tre replied and held the door open for the detective, then closed it, leaning against the door, panting heavily.

Had his boss killed all of those...cats...for him? It made him sick to his stomach to think of such a thing. Tre found himself wondering if the Detective had gone to other employees and asked them about the Bosswolf. At any rate, he knew he had to go into work to try and convince Ashlan to take off the device, so he went into his room to get dressed.

Fifteen minutes later, Tre was driving toward Pizza Party. With the chastity cage on, Tre found that clothing was very uncomfortable. He arrived and walked into the place. Sam was at the front counter and smiled, waving to him.

"Hey! You're not on the schedule, what's up, Big Boy?" she asked with a smile which made Trelute blush as his thoughts were drawn back to his trapped member.

"Oh, um...I need the boss something, "said Tre as he tried to hurry to the back, but the vixen caught his arm.

"I still need to give you your birthday present..." she whispered in his ear, giving it a quick lick before letting him go. He gave a nervous smile and nodded as he went to the back to knock on the door to the wolf's office.

"Yeah!" came the familiar wolfish voice. Tre walked in with a deep blush as he saw the instant smile that grew on the big wolf's face, "Ah, hello there, my faithful employee. Come in, close the door."

He did as he was told and closed the door. He opened his muzzle, hoping to beg for mercy, but the wolf spoke first.

"Oh, I already know what you're going to say, boy," Ashlan said, emphasizing the word, "but I'm not so sure I'm ready to let you out yet."

Trelute let out a quiet whimper, "Please, sir...please, it's...starting to hurt..."

"Oh, well, that would certainly be the point, now wouldn't it?"

"Mr. D-Delareaux..." the dog started.

Ashlan chuckled again and stood up, "Alright, alright. You want out?" He asked and before Trelute could respond, someone knocked on the door to the wolf's office. The wolf told whoever it was to come in. The door opened and in came a familiar wolf in a suit: Detective Aegis.

Ashlan was still standing and looked a little confused as the older wolf walked over, "Ashlan Delareaux, you're under arrest for the murder of Horace Pritch. You have the right to remain silent..." he says as he moved behind Ashlan and pulled his paws behind his back. The wolf looked very pleased with himself as the click-click-click sound of the handcuffs closed around Ashlan's wrists, "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you..." He continued and began to lead the wolf out. He continued reading Ashlan his rights as he was lead out the front door. Aegis was loving the fact that he was showing off his "catch" to Ashlan's employees.

Ashlan, oddly enough, seemed calm and remained silent. He was smart enough and savvy enough to know not to say anything without an attorney present. He only stared at Trelute as he was pushed into the detective's car. Petro Aegis closed the car door and approached the gathered employees standing in the front of the restaurant, "Everyone is to stay where they are. I have a search warrant," he said and slapped it against Tre's chest. Treltue blinked and was dumbfounded as to what was happening. Police officers began entering Pizza Party as he opened the warrant to read it even though he would likely not understand the legalese.

Samantha rushed over to look at the retriever, "Tre, what the hell is going on?"

Tre looked up from the warrant to her, "Ashlan...he's under arrest...for...for murder! They think he killed someone!" He said and frantically read the warrant, hoping for details of some sort, but there were none to be had. He looked to Sam, "He...he came to me this morning. A few hours ago..."

The vixen blinked, "Who?"

"The detective. He came and asked me if the boss was acting weird lately. He said he was...looking up criminal records of...felines..." He said with a soft whimper, "Why would he do that?!"

Samantha looked over to the detective. She seemed almost ready to sob, "He...came to me too...last week. I just thought...I mean...Ashlan told me about him before. Said they had some osrt of rivalry...I never thought..."

Before they could speak further, Petro Aegis walked up to them. He was holding a hand held notepad, "Good evening. I'm sure this is a bit of a shock to you both, but we are finished and you can begin work again. I would suggest that if your boss has an attorney, you call them for him. He'll need it."

Trelute spoke up, obviously worried, "Mr...Detective...why do you think he did this?"

Trelute could have sworn the wolf was having a hard time keeping his professional demeanor, "I can't go into the details of the investigation, but let's just say...he left something behind," the wolf said and walked back to his car. The whole time, the wolf in the back seat remained still as can be and showed little to no emotion. The employees watched as their boss was driven off to prison. Once the cops were all gone, Tre turned around. Though he wasn't anywhere near the next in command, Trelute stood in front of everyone.

"Hey...everyone, look here," he started and after a few moments, everyone turned to look to him, "Guys, we...really need to finish up orders. I know...this is a surprise, but...the Bosswolf would want us to keep the customers happy."

He saw a few people nod a little worriedly. He looked to Samantha, who was also nodding. He wasn't on the schedule to work, but considering the situation, Trelute decided to pitch in and help get food in and out for delivery. The phone rang and the retriever walked over to pick it up.

"Pizza Party, will this be pick up or delivery?" he asked, ready with his order pad.

"Hey...yeah, delivery. Um...I'd like...a Double P Special," the voice said.

Tre's ears perked a little, recognizing this as a "special" request, "Of course, Sir. Did you have any specific requests?" He asked and immediately worried. What if the police had the place bugged. True, they often had their own language for ordering, some new customers didn't understand the subtleness of ordering from the special menu.

"Yes, I'd like extra...sausage, extra sauce, and onion," the voice said.

Trelute relaxed at those requests. So, he wanted a male canine with a larger-sized dick. Sausage obviously was for male, sauce stood for the size of the male, and onion represented the knot of a canine. The retriever then looked around and realized that he was the only male canine working that day. This was certainly not what the male wanted to do that day and he hid a sigh, "Yes, Sir, that will be 30 to 45 minutes."

The voice spoke, "I'm looking forward to it," before hanging up.

Tre hung up the phone as well and looked to Samantha, "I guess...I had an order," He said and held up the order. The vixen looked to him with a nod. There were some spare uniforms hanging in the employee lounge for times when a driver gets a...particularly messy customer. He quickly changed into the khakis and Pizza Party uniform shirt. Samantha walked in and looked about ready to cry.

"Tre...what are we going to do?" She asked and quickly flung her arms around him.

"It's okay, Sammy...we'll get through this. You know Bosswolf wouldn't do what they said. They're just after him because of what he does..." he said, trying to comfort his friend, "I'll try to be quick and try the lawyer if he has one and we'll get him out."

Samantha pulled back and nodded a little, looking into the dog's eyes before leaning in to kiss him firmly. Trelute returned the kiss, hoping to comfort her. After a moment she pulled back, the vixen sighed softly, "I think...under the circumstances...I should give this to you..."

She pulled a key out of her pocket and held it out to the dog. The key seemed to have two ends. One had the normal 'key' end. The other end looked like an embossed 'A', "It was weird...he...Ashlan...gave this to me this morning and said if...anything happened...that I should give it to you and tell you to the walk-in."

Tre blinked a little and slowly took the key. Their eyes met, "He...knew he was going to get arrested...." He said in complete surprise.

The vixen nodded and pushed herself into another tight hug before going back into the main area to get back to work, knowing there was a lot to be done. As he looked down at the key, Tre couldn't help but feel totally stunned at the revelation that his boss knew he'd be arrested. Had he actually...done what they said? He wasted little time going to the cooler. He was still a bit confused as to why Ashlan would tell him to go there. Once he was in the cold room, he looked around. He saw uncooked food and ingredients, but not much else. He made his way into the cooler and looked around, still very confused. Finally, something caught his eye: a vent that had never caught his eye before. He now noticed the screws on the vent. Instead of the normal cross-shape, they were in the shape of an 'A'. After a quick inspection, he realized that no cold air was coming from the vent. He raised the 'key' and began unscrewing the screws. Once the four screws were off, he pulled off the vent and saw what appeared to be a black steel box. The retriever pulled it out and saw the obvious keyhole. It was a simple matter of putting the key in the hole and turning it.

Once the box was opened, he looked inside. His attention was immediately drawn to the small key which most likely went to his chastity cage. He saw some paperwork and some other things. He felt ashamed when he immediately reached in to grab the key, his thoughts filled with the chance of getting the hated cage off. He knew he should be more worried about his boss, but couldn't help himself. He quickly closed the box and put it back into the vent and screwed everything back in place. He'd come back for the box later after the restaurant had been closed.

Trelute quickly left the cooler and went directly into the bathroom. He only took a quick glance to make sure no customers were in before the went into the handicap stall and dropped his pants to his knees. His paw shook a little as he tried to push the key into the lock. He held his breath as it went in and didn't release it until the padlock popped down and he knew he was free. He exhaled and pulled the lock off before pulling the cage from his long sheath. He also pulled off the plastic ring trapped behind his sheath and balls. The dog almost wanted to jerk off right there, but he knew he had a delivery.

Tre tugged his pants back up and stuffed the parts of the cage into his pockets, not wanting to draw attention to them as he went to grab the pizza for his delivery. He headed out and waved to Samantha who gave him a grim smile. Tre got into his car and headed to the address he had taken down for the customer. It took him about twenty minutes to arrive and drove up to a large house. As he approached the door, it opened and a snooty-looking wolf stood in the doorway, "Good Evening, Sir...please come in..." He said, gesturing Trelute inside.

The dog blinked a little and nodded, "Uh, sure," He replies and walked into the house. His customers tended to be rich, but...he hadn't ever delivered to such an obviously rich person before. The butler lead Trelute into a sitting room. The butler took the pizza and set it aside. Almost immediately, another door opened and in walked a drop dead gorgeous bunny female. She was wearing a long black dress that reached her ankles, but was slit up along her left side up to her hip.

", I'm from Pizza Party," He said, a little taken aback. His eyes were then drawn to the male following behind the female. He first noticed that the male was quite naked and was on the overweight side. He was shorter than Trelute and had his gaze lowered, his long bunny ears hanging down in front of his face.

The female grinned a little, "Oh my...very nice..." she began and reached a paw back to give the male a slight push backward as she walked toward Trelute. The male didn't react and stayed in place. The female grinned a little and looked him over, "What's your name, stud?"

Trelute looked to the male for a moment and then to the female, "Trelute, Ma'am."

She smiled a bit and nodded, reaching a paw out to stroke over the dog's chest, letting out a quiet moan, "I'm Trina. That fat lump over there is Bob, my husband," she said. Tre's eyes opened wider at the way she spoke about her husband and quickly looked to him. The male stayed in his humble posture, not replying to her insult. Her paw slid down boldly and grasped Tre's sheath, squeezing it through his pants.

"N-nice to meet you, Trina," he said, looking worriedly to the fat male, gasping as she grabbed his package

She caught his gaze and slid her paw up, cupping his chin and pushing his gaze up, "Don't pay him any mind. He knows I need a real male to satisfy me. That's what you're here for and I can see you'll be wonderful. Come...let's go to the bedroom."

Soon all three were in the bedroom. Bob was left near the door, told to kneel down be his husband. He kept his head lowered, but was looking up to Tre from between his ears. The dog was pushed to sit on the edge of the bed as the female kneeled down between his legs. Her fingers eagerly went to work opening his pants and Tre was quickly glad that he was able to take the cage off of his dick. He gasped as the strong bunny tugged his pants open and reached in to pull out his thickening sheath.

"Oh my...God...Bob, if you were as big as this stud, maybe I'd let you fuck me," she said as her tongue slide out, dragging up along the thick sheath. Tre moaned out softly, his toes curling slightly at the pleasure of the female licking up his maleness. He quickly began to grow from the ministration of the female. He again glanced to the other male and gasped as he saw the the male's small sheath was started to thicken.

Trina pulled back, her paw stroking the growing doghood as she heard the gasp and grinned, "Oh, yes...didn't I mention that my dear husband was a little pussy boy? He loved watching his wife get fucked by sexy young studs like you...its too bad you aren't a bunny, I'd love to have your buns baking in my oven," she said. The retriever was stunned at the two lapine's relationship, but didn't have time to think as the female's warm muzzle slid down his nearly hardened length. He moaned out loudly, amazed at the skill of her muzzle. The soft tongue slid around his tip before sliding back down. Her paws quickly tugged at his pants and worked to get them removed without taking her mouth from his throbbing red cock. Tre glanced to the male again who was now stroking his small dick. Tre looked back down to the female bobbing on the first half of his dick and decided that if this was what the customers wanted, he'd give it to them.

The bunny pulled back and grinned up at him as she swirled her tongue around his head and Tre moaned out, his paw reaching out to stroke over her headfur, "'re so good at that, baby..." Tre said as a bit of precum leaked from the tip. She lapped it up quickly before going back down on the big-dicked dog. His toes curled a bit more in pleasure as another shot of pre spilled into the bunny's muzzle.

After a few more moment, Trina pulled back and stood up, grinning to him. The beautiful lapine swayed her hips a little as her paws reached up to pull the straps of her dress from her shoulders and slowly let the dress slip down. It pooled around her ankles, revealing her naked body. The arousal immediately hit the dog's sensitive nose and it made him shiver, his cock throbbing in arousal. He mmmed a little and reached out to rest his paws on the slender hips, "'re gorgeous. You could have anyone you wanted, why would you be with him?"

Trina grinned a bit more as Tre also began to insult her husband, "Oh, it's a marriage of convenience. I get to spend his money, he gets to take me to his old man parties," She said as she walked closer and straddled the dog's hips, moaning softly as the tip of his shaft nudged at her lips, "Oh god...fuck me, him what a real man looks like..." Before he could react, the female's paw had reached down to grasp the base of his cock and aim it at her slick, hot pussy before pushing herself down.

He gasped and moaned out as he felt that tight wet tunnel spread around him and slide down. His paws pressed to her hips and felt her slide down, taking every inch of his cock deep into her, "Oh god, that's tight..." He looked to the bunny and slid his paws up, cupping her perfect breasts as he thumbed over her erect nipples. This made her moan and he pinched her nipples between his fingers as he leaned in to kiss along the female's neck, nibbling a bit as well. For awhile, they just writhed together as the husband pawed at himself frantically.

Trina suddenly looked over to the male, "Hey, fatass, get over here. This is about me, not you. Start licking us. You know where," She said and looked back to Trelute, leaning in to kiss him passionately, her tongue plunging into his muzzle. Trelute didn't have a chance to react as she kissed him and moaned in to it. The female began to ride him, a few inches sliding in and out of that tight silky hole. The other male sheepishly crawled over and looked up to Tre as the female rode him. He hesitated a moment before nudging between Tre's legs and licked at the male's balls.

Trelute moaned out at the addition of the tongue and tried his best not to hump up at the bouncing female. The two broke from the kiss as the dog leaned down to lick around the edges of her nipples, making her moan out loudly. The tongue travelled up to the junction of his cock and her pussy as he plunges into her, pre leaking deep into her. His knot began to inflate as the male's tongue licked quickly at the both of them, "Oh god...I guess he's good for something..."

Trina moaned as she leaned her head back, panting a bit at the large cock stretching her open, "Ohhh fuck...yeah, I let him eat me out sometimes..." she said, moaning out louder as the dog's tongue teased around her nipples. A few minutes later, she slammed her hips down and stopped moving, panting heavily. Her paw reached down and shoved the male back by pushing his head back, "Get back," she said as she carefully pulled herself off of Tre's long dick, moaning out. The female leaned in to kiss Trelute firmly before breaking the kiss. She grinned and bent over the edge of the bed, her ass up in the air, her fluffy botton tail flicking a bit in invitation.

The retriever got up from the bed and licked his muzzle, his paws caressing over those plump cheeks. The other male blushed deeply as Trelute moved behind his wife and plunged back into her. The couple moaned as the mating continued. Tre's hips pumped in and out of the bunny wife and she cried out in pleasure, her paws gripping the sheets. Tre fucked her harder, knowing that he wouldn't be able to last long since he'd been locked in that cage for what seemed like ages.

"Get your head down there and lick his balls," Trina ordered the other male. The humiliated and cuckolded male crawled over. He rolled onto his back, pushing himself up by his paws as he tried to lick Tre's large nuts. More often than not, he was just getting smacked in the face his the dog's sac as he fucked his wife. Tre moaned out and gripped at Trina's hips as his hips slapped against her ass, his knot hitting at he entrance. Precum drooled into the sexy female as she humped back at him, whimpering out in pleasure.

"Don't...don't tie me, stud...I want you to pull out so my husband can feel all of that cum spilling over his face," she moaned out. Tre nodded and bit and grunted as he mounted the bunny female. He shuddered and panted heavily, informing the lady that he wouldn't last long. She begged for his cum and he let out a fierce growl as he thrust into her three firm times before slamming a last time, thick dogcum firing deep into the female's cunt. After a moment, he pulled out and shot a few loads of cum on the male's face as the rest spilled from her pussy to pour over him. He moaned out and suddenly cried out. Trelute then glanced back and realized that the male had been jerking himself off and came on himself.

The female panted heavily and quickly sat up, "You did not just fucking cum. You bastard!" she said and swiftly kicked the male in the side, making him grunt as she kissed Trelute deeply. The dog suddenly felt very uncomfortable at the situation, "You are in so much fucking trouble. I hope it was worth it, you won't be coming for a month!" She looked to Tre and grinned a bit, " for you...I think you'll be coming sooner than that..."

Trelute bit his lower lip and swallows a little as he looked to the squirming male on the floor covered in canine and lapine cum. Trina smiled a little and walked to the clothing on the floor, obviously the husband's. She walked back with his wallet and pulled out eight hundred dollars, handing it to Tre with a smile, " time I'll make sure to ask for you again. Can I do that?"

Tre smiled politely as he took the money, "Of course, Ma'am...just request Tre."

Trina smiled and gave Trelute a final passionate kiss before he could get his clothes back on and walk out to his car, leaving the odd couple. If there was one thing he had learned in his months as a...well, a prostitute, its that everyone has things that they enjoy. As long as it's not hurting anyone, who was he to judge? He drove back to the restaurant and brought the heat bag back to its place on the shelf. It didn't really seem odd to him that it was only about 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Samantha walked up to him, smiling a little, putting on a brave face for the others, "So, how was it?"

Tre smiled a little, " was different."

The two went into the Manager's office. Tre had gone to get the box from the cooler and both sat at opposite side of the desk, looking into the box. The rummaged through the paperwork, reading things through. Most of the paperwork included a deed to the building, lease papers, and "special" customer lists. Suddenly Samantha gasped, her eyes wide.

"What?" he asked, looking to her.

Samantha seemed to have lost her voice, but eventually found it, "He...he left in your name. You own Pizza Party!"


Yes, it has been quite awhile yet again, but I keep having on and off writer's block. I am finding it a lot easier to write on my laptop than my desktop for some reason. Maybe it's the ability to move wherever I want and still being able to write. So, yeah...Ash is arrested. Oh noes! And Tre is now the owner of Pizza Party? What will happen next time? Stay tuned to find out!