Christmas Sale! - ALT - ToS

Story by Dragon_S_Wolf on SoFurry

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Christmas Sale!

Normally my book is on Kindle for 5.99 (that's pretty cheap considering how much work I put into it!),

but for Christmas you can own my first ever published book, which is part 1 of about a 9 part series, for only

$0.99 USD!!!!!

Now that's a Christmas special if I ever saw one!

The sale will start on December 24th at 12:00 AM EST (or UST -5:00)

So please, buy my book for Christmas and love it! Then get the other ones when they come out too :b hehehehehe

Here's the links!:



Save this in your bookmarks or something so you remember!!!!!!!!!!!

All the Little Things: Tests of the Soul: in-stores (online) NOW!!

thanks go out to all of you who supported me to make all this possible! Thanks to you guys, my first book has been properly published to amazon and is ready to buy! With a minor purchase you can own it for yourself! I am already starting on the second...

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All the Little Things Release Update 2!

As I get closer toward the release of my first book (Which is still ON SCHEDULE I might add), I will be editing the chapters that are already in this folder, removing about half or more of the contents of each chapter. This way I will not ruin the...

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All the Little Things Release Update!

Thank you for all of you who have been reading this story and showing me support along the way. It's meant a lot to me and I hope you can continue to support me as I near the finish of the book. I will be finishing it HOPEFULLY within the next month or...

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