
Story by Faora on SoFurry

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#34 of Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special!

Ahoy there, furries, and welcome back to Fae's Christmas Music Special! 2014 has kicked off a little late because life has been crazy these last few months, but it's here at last! As with previous years, you have five days and five stories as my presents from me to you, themed around a piece of music I'm particularly fond of. Jubilation! And yes, for those wondering from previous years, the final story of the series this year will indeed continue the tale of Lucas and Taylor. I'm giddy!

Until tomorrow, read on and enjoy the third piece from Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special 2014!

  • Ol' Saint Fae


Slammin' the door shut isn't likely to shut him up for long, but it feels good.

The fuck does that little snot-nosed rat think he is, anyway? What, did I need him to pluck me off the street when everything went to hell for him? No! Did I _need_his fucking charity when he was the one out on his ass? No! Do I-

Oh, Jesus fucking Christ, there he is. Following me everywhere. What's it gonna be this time, huh? "I'm sorry, Jake," or, "I didn't mean that, Jake," or maybe the always-fun, "You're not my god-damn whore, Jake."

No, let me go you prissy little shit. Get those paws off my shoulders. You wanna bring me down, make me seem like I'm the lesser one of us in this equation, you got another thing fucking coming, alright?

Yes, I'll shout, and no, I don't care if the neighbors hear us. You know why? 'Cause you're the little shit who got caught bangin' the homeless cat in the ass and you're_the one who got yourself thrown out of home! You're the one who got in this mess, and you're the one who, for some fucked up reason, _wanted me here!

Christ, Warren. I don't fucking get you at all. No, let go of my fucking shoulders; you don't get to touch me right now. I'm the stray you brought home to fuck every now and again because you were too scared to go out and hunt for a guy of your own. You made me very aware of what I was when I was scaling the wall of your fucking palatial family mansion or whatever the fuck your mom called it, just so you could dip your dick in my ass.

It's not my fucking fault that she threw you out, and it's sure not my fault that your rich daddy understands you. It's not the kinda thing that impresses me, this whole scraping by in a three bedroom, two bathroom top-floor apartment in the middle of the fucking city. Your mommy threw you out for being gay, and your daddy bought you an apartment on the down-low so you wouldn't have to suffer by... I dunno, getting a job, or some shit.

No, it is different, you asshole! I sold myself! I fucking whored myself out on the streets down there, out that fucking window, when I was tossed out. For the same thing as you! Jeez, I'm gonna tear his head off at this rate. Breathe, Jakey boy. Breathe or you might just do it.

Alright. Alright, I'll give you that. You didn't mean to insinuate that I was your personal fucking whore. So what'd you mean, smart guy? Said it plain as day. If it weren't for you offering to let me stay, where'd I go? I... hey, fuck you, rat; I did live out of a fucking box!

Oh yeah, you forgot about that bit, didn't you? Wanna go see the club I first tried to whore myself out behind? Wanna go hit the cruising spots where it started working? How about the place I first bought a hot meal with the money I earned from taking a hot load up my ass? Don't you fucking dare think for a second you having an all-expenses paid bank account from your dad and your own fucking apartment is equal to the bullshit that I had to go through!

Yeah, you keep justifying it that way. You keep telling me that you 'saved me' from that life. God, I actually thought it'd be an improvement. No, I mean that! Good grief, he just can't get my meaning at all, can he? Yes, Warren. I meant it.

Why? 'Cause out there, I relied on me. I didn't need to ask permission before I did anything. I didn't have to share. I didn't have to justify. Now that you've 'saved' me you seem to think I'm beholden to you. What kinda white-knight, chivalrous bullshit fantasy are you trying to live out here? Rich-boy rat saves broke, homeless snow leopard cockslut from the cold, dark streets and whisks him off into the fucking sunset? Did you think that locking me in some fairy tale tower like this would make me fall in love with you or some bullshit?

Oh shit, he... fuck, he really...

Well, shit.

Okay. Okay, breathe. Breathe, Jake. So... somewhere in all this stupid, he's decided that he fell in love with you. Breathe. You can figure this out. You can deal with this. You can... something. You can something. You better something the fuck out of this situation, because he's waiting for you to say something. Say something. Now's a good time. Muzzle. Tongue. Start working.

Any time now.

Aaaaaaany time.

I'm really bad at this.

No, Warren. No, I don't fucking hate you. No, I... no, shut up. Don't tell him that you don't love him. That's just gonna wreck him worse. Yes, he should fucking know by now that you're not in love, but he's obviously been getting off on some white-knight bullshit until now, so... walk soft.

Huh? No, I know you've been trying to help me, and... yes, I know you spent half a month trying to find where I was after you got kicked out, but... yes, I know you only want to help me. Christ, can I get a word in edge-wise?

Alright, you can grab the shoulders this time. I won't shove you off just yet. Just a moment. Maybe it'll help you get a grip. Shit. Good work, Jake. The boy's complete head over heels for you. God damn it. Maybe I should've just let him go after I got thrown out of home. Maybe I shouldn't have kept sneaking over to his place.

No, no don't you come any- and now you're hugging me. Greaaaaaat. Just... fucking... great. Huh? Well... yeah, I fucking give a damn about you. This is a nice step up from what I was living in before you found me. It's just...

Fuck, why can't he just figure it out? He used me to get off. I used him to get a bit cleaned up and a little comfort. It was a mutually beneficial relationship. A business relationship. No messy emotions. I used him, he used me, and we both got out good. Right?

... oh God, please stop crying.

I... alright, go ahead. Sure. Rub yourself all over my shoulder. It's not like I just showered an hour ago. Gonna need another after this to get the snot and tears out of my fur. Alright; there there. It's okay, you over-emotional little shit. Just remember, Jake. He basically admitted to treating you like a whore. He promised he never would, and he just did. Don't forget that.

Breathe. Keep yourself calm. Don't let him know how frustrating this is. He's lost the fire now. Now he's all embers, burning out. Sobbing, slobbery, snotty mess. Fucking hell. Sure as shit I didn't bawl like this when I was tossed out. Maybe I needed my own apartment and credit cards paid for by someone else to really break me down.

Hold on there, mousey. Kisses? You fucking kidding me? You still screwed me over. You think talking down to me's gonna make me interested in a kiss to make everything up? You think it'd make everything better? Some of us haven't forgotten how insensitive and fucking mean you were five minutes ago. Crying and saying sorry over and over might win mom and dad over, but it's not gonna do shit for me. Not even close.

Yeah, that's it... let it all out. Tell me I'm not just a whore. Remind me I'm special. Jesus, you're really going all out on the savior clichés aren't you? You _really_wanted to swoop in and save me. I didn't need saving, you idiot. I was in control of my life. Why can't you just understand that you took that control away and changed it for a little comfort?

Oh, now you want me to be able to do whatever the fuck I want. That include walking out the door right now? I... aww, shit. No, I didn't mean I_would_ walk out the door. Just that I could, and.. Oh, fuck me. Stop. Fucking. Crying. Got fucking swimming pools behind those eyes of yours, don't you? It's like he wants to misunderstand everything I say.

I don't know why I bother sometimes. I don't know why I... ah, shit. Who'm I kidding? 'Course I know why. It's safe. It's comfortable. That's why I put up with his old, rich boy reflexes pissing me off so much. That's why I deal with him losing his fucking mind when I still go out and do what I can for a couple bucks while I try'n find a real job. I don't have to, but it keeps me independent.

Why can't you just understand that, you little shit? I'm thankful! I appreciate it! I... fuck, I just wanna wring your god-damn neck right now. You just need to stop looking at me like some homeless fag you can save and start treating me like a person. Maybe I'm not that great a person sometimes, but fuck it all, you treat me decent and you won't see my claws come out. I'm not your damn pet.

Holy shit. The fuck was that? Was that a fuckin' apology? From _Warren? _Okay. Okay, stop. Take a breath. Savor the fucking moment, 'cause it won't come around again soon. Reassure him. Let him know he's okay. Let him know you understand 'cause, fuck it all, you do. His heart's in the right place, or whatever the fuck that platitude means.

Jesus, Warren; not so tight in the middle! Gonna crush my ribs if you keep hugging me like that; get off! Okay. Shit, okay. Are we good now? Are we done with this bullshit? I don't have to leave or anything and you're not gonna- hey, were's that paw goin'?



Well, I didn't expect the makeup sex perk when you plucked me off the streets, but hey, I haven't gotten off in a bit, so... yeah, that feels pretty damn good. No. No, stop him. Don't let him know this is okay. Don't let him know he can degrade you like that, bawl his eyes out and... and... ah... hmm.

Ah, forget it. I'm just gonna fuck the shit out of him.

You know, you forget what it's like when you're selling yourself for spare change. You forget what it's like to have someone looking out for your pleasure. You forget the simple pleasures in life, like... ah, shit; yeah, like a rat worming his tongue down into your sheath. Just like that. Yeah...

Maybe you need to yell at me more, Warren. You're never like this. Fuck! Slow down! You wanna suck me off, that's fine, but ease back on the ffffuckin' teeth. Damn, I take it back. You wanna keep nibbling on my tip like that, you go right the fuck ahead. I think the wrong one of us's the whore here. You sure I'm the only one you've ever fucked around with?

No way you learned that from me. I never did that to... ah, heh, so you watched a lotta porn when I wasn't around. That musta been where you got the idea. Just give you a couple little thrusts... yeah. Shit, you don't know how good you look with a dick in your mouth. Look at it just... yeah, just vanish down your muzzle. Good boy, mousey. Fuck, you suck dick like a champ. Why've you never gone down on me before, anyway?

Nevermind. I don't want you to answer. I just want you to keep sucking away like that. Shit, that tongue of yours can really move. There a single spot you haven't gotten to licking yet? How do you even do that? Your muzzle's not that big and I'm not that small, and... fuck it, I don't care. Just keep doing it.

Shit, are you moaning when I thrust? Let's see... heh, yeah you are. You little slut; you wanna be used, don't you? Ha! You even moan when I call you a little slut. Let's see how much you can take, then... aww shit, that's it, keep swallowing... I'll pull out when I'm_ready, rat boy... just keep swallowing around... _ah... yeah, good boy.

I don't know how the _fuck_you didn't gag, but I still don't fucking care. I could throat-fuck you all day, but I'm gonna get under that tail just as soon as I'm done with your muzzle. Just grab a hold of those big ears... yeah, still sensitive there, aren't you? Just rub around the rim and... yeah, there you go. Puddle of rat with a mouthful of kitty cock. Jeez, look how happy you are down there, just goin' to town on me. You'd think you didn't just have me buried in your throat for goin' on half a minute.

Jesus, Warren; you really been holding out on me. Where you been keeping this side of you? You're fuckin' feral, dude. You're gonna rip my hips out the way you're grabbing them. You keep face-fucking yourself on my dick like that, you're gonna tear your throat open before I blow my load down it. Shit, I'd tell you, but then you might stop. Don't you fucking dare stop.

... so you fucking stop. No, don't fucking tease me, just... oh! Well hell, if you're gonna bend yourself over the couch, who'm I to argue, huh? Hope you didn't want me to be gentle, Warren. You wanna be treated like a slut? You're getting off on being used? You don't know used. Don't worry. You're about to.

Right, here we go... yeah, there's the tip. Shit, you've come a long way since that first time I fucked you in your shower, huh? You were a fucking squirming, squealing mess when I popped that cherry. Look at you now. Just wagging your hips and pushing back and begging like a common slut. Aww, shit... aww shit. Fuck, did you just take me whole? Bitch, you are a slut. When'd this start?

Fine. You can handle my cock, that's cool. Let's see how you like it when I'm moving. Just... yeah, shove you down against the couch. Stay down, bitch; you wanted to be my cocksleeve and that's what you're gonna fucking be.

Dammit, stop fucking squeezing down... so damn tight I can't get out of you! When'd you learn that tr... you know, fuck it. Still don't care. Don't care at all. Relax a bit, rat boy. You're not gonna get fucked good if you don't let me pull out a bit. Shit, you'd think that spit lube'd slow you down a bit. Insatiable. That's the word for you right now. You're fucking insatiable.

Alright, fine. If you're not gonna make it easy for me... yeah, let's... fuck, let's just force it. Shit, now I know why those guys always do it to me. Feels like I'm tearing you up inside and you're moaning for more and holy fuck this is amazing! Yeah, c'mon you little bitch, try'n squeeze me now. I can fuck you harder than you can squeeze down. Fuck, fuck... fuck, just keep squeezing. Keep that going. That's... shit, yeah; that's awesome.

You know, I don't mind being the bottom for you. You know just how to work my hole and you always do it nice and gentle-like. But fuck it all, Warren; if you're gonna take a dick like this, I'm gonna have to start topping you more often. It's like you're just fucking pulling me into you. How bad do you want my load, huh? How bad you want me blowing in your guts? You keep this shit up, and you're gonna get it sooner rather than later.

Christ, look at that. We're pushing the fucking couch with how hard I'm fucking you. Listen to you! You're fucking howling, you little slut. You're screaming for me to fuck you harder... shit, if I do that you're gonna hit the ground. The couch is gonna slide away and you're gonna be on the ground and fuck that's a good idea. Alright... three, two, one... fuck!

Heh, almost hit your head, didn't you? Hey, that's whatcha fucking get when you wanna get plowed in an unsafe location, rat boy. C'mon, pick your ass up... there you go. Yeah... yeah, this is better. Floor's nice and hard, and you're not gonna go sliding anyway. Better brace it up, Warren. Now I don't have to hold back for the couch's sake.

Jeez, you're gonna wreck the floor with your claws if you're not careful, Warren... ah, fuck it. It's your apartment; you can do what the fuck you want. Forget the floor, Jake; you got a hole to fuck. Heh, that's right, Warren; lay your head down. Get comfy. Just keep that ass up for me.

Just get up a bit higher over him... there we go. Perfect angle. Shit, it's like you're not even there. Just slamming down into you until I'm all the way in. Don't know what hit you, do you? You hear that? That's the sound of me pounding your ass as hard as I can. That's the sound of a stuck-up little rich rat boy getting his tailhole wrecked. That's the sound of him begging for more. That's you, Warren. That's you begging for it. Look how far you've come. Heh... look how far inside you I'm gonna cum.

God, it's like you don't feel pain. Look at me! I'm plowing you. I'm taking you as hard as I can and you're just taking it. Again, and again, and again, and again, and fuck you feel good. Like your whole body's just there, wrapped around my cock. Like you need it in you. Like the only thing you're there for is to take my load. Not like you've got a choice in that; you're definitely getting bred.

Not that it feels like you mind. Feels like every ounce of your body's begging for it. You're just pushing back on me, like you're dying to feel it. You're almost making it a pain in the ass to thrust, Warren; back off the slut thing for a moment so I can... ah, there we go... yeah. Fuck yeah, that's better. Now you got the timing right. Yeah, keep pushing back. Shit, is that all just pre on the floor? Never seen you so leaky before. Let's get a hold of that cock, huh? Do you the favor you never do me.

Aww, poor Warren. What, you don't wanna cum? Scared I'll make you pop if I keep stroking you off? Well, too bad. I wanna feel you cum while I'm plowing you. If it feels as good as you do getting ready to blow your wad, then it's gonna be amazing. Almost feels like you're losing it now, anyway; you just keep squeezing my dick like your life depends on it.

Shit, you really are close, aren't you? Well, better put my back into it now, heh heh. Fuck, that's good. Just keep squirming like that, Warren. That's all you gotta do. Just keep squirming and wriggling down there while I pound you. Don't gotta move or do anything else. Just gotta stay there while I rut'cha. C'mon, rat boy. Quick soaking my fingers in pre. Gimme the good stuff. I can feel it, you're right there... just... a little... bit more...

Shit! Fuck! It's like you're suckin' my cock right off! Shit, shit, shitshit_shitshitsh- Fuck!_ Ah, shit! Yeah! Yeah, that's it, slut! Milk it all out! Take it all! Every... last... fuckin'... drop!

Fuckin'... Fuck. Fucking fuck. Shit. Dammit, Warren; I've fucked a whole lotta guys, but... fuckin hell, rat boy. Never anything like that. Not even close. Yeah, look at you, beaming with pride right there. So proud of yourself for taking it so rough, aren't you? Like you did some great thing?

Yeah, well there's a few guys I know that'd put my pounding you to shame. Maybe I'll invite a few over sometime, see how big a slut you really are. Ha! Look at that blush! You never would, but damned if you don't wanna, huh? Eh, don't worry about it. Now I know what your ass can do, I'm sure as hell not in a sharing mood.

Still, now I got your hole all slicked up and full of cum. Oh yes. Now you got it. No, I'm not done. You wanna be a slut, huh? You're gonna milk me dry.

C'mon, Warren. Sit yourself back down on this sticky kitty cock at tell me how much you love takin it.

This time, you're doing all the work.

Listen to Bent by Matchbox Twenty with this Grooveshark link!

Bent lyrics

If I fall along the way,

Pick me up and dust me off.

And if I get too tired to make it,

Be my breath so I can walk.

If I need some other love, then,

Give me more than I can stand.

And when my smile gets old and faded,

Wait around; I'll smile again.

Shouldn't be so complicated.

Just hold me and then,

Oh, just hold me again.

Can you help me? I'm bent.

I'm so scared that I'll never,

Get put back together.

Keep breaking me in.

And this is how we will end;

With you and me,


If I couldn't sleep, could you sleep?

Could you paint me better off?

Could you sympathize with my needs?

I know you think I need a lot.

I started out clean but I'm jaded.

Just phoning it in.

Oh, just breaking the skin.

Can you help me? I'm bent.

I'm so scared that I'll never,

Get put back together.

Keep breaking me in.

And this is how we will end;

With you and me,


Start bending me,

It's never enough,

As I feel all your pieces.

Start bending me,

Keep bending me, oh,

Until I'm completely broken in.

Shouldn't be so complicated.

Just touch me and then,

Oh, just touch me again.

Can you help me? I'm bent.

I'm so scared that I'll never,

Get put back together.

Keep breaking me in.

And this is how we will end;

With you and me will let them,

Without understanding.

Here I go there again.

Can you help me? I'm bent.

I'm so scared that I'll never,

Get put back together.

Yeah, you're breaking me in.

And this is how we will end;

With you and me,
