Developing Prints - Chapter 2

Story by Sabi Kitsune on SoFurry

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#2 of Developing Prints

Chapter two of Developing Prints (for Jaki-Kun)! This was a lot of fun to work on. ^_^ Enjoy!

Cam played with the Zigzagoon at the shore of the small lake. On some level he knew that he shouldn't - the Zigzagoon was clearly wild - but the two of them were having a lot of fun chasing each other around in circles. The Zigzagoon was cheering and taunting him with shouts of "Wheee!" and "You'll never catch me!" while she darted back and forth and changed directions randomly. On that same level he knew that he shouldn't be able to understand the Pokemon, just like he knew he should be able to see the other side of the lake, or some trees or grass or dirt in the distance, instead of the fuzzy gray fog that seemed to surround them. He had no idea how he had gotten here or where here even was. And even though those things were odd they simply didn't matter to Cam at all. He was having fun, and so was the Zigzagoon, and that was all that mattered at the moment.

Although that moment might have actually been an hour, or a day, or even longer. Time was just as fuzzy as the horizon, with no way of telling how long it had been... but the Zigzagoon finally stopped running and looked back at Cam. "Thanks for playing with me! It was a lot of fun! I'm sorry you have to leave, but I hope you come back soon!"

Cam stopped in confusion. "I have to leave?"

The Zigzagoon giggled and opened her mouth to reply...

Cam jerked to a sitting position as he suddenly woke up. He looked around but there was nothing but darkness in every direction. His back hurt as if something had cut it, his head pounded as if he had hit it, and he was cold. With everything being dark he wasn't sure where he was, and he had no idea how he had gotten wherever, and fear began to nibble at him. He pulled himself to his feet and put his hands out to try and feel out where he was. His left hand made a soft thumping noise as it bumped into a wall. He moved in that direction, feeling something soft under his feet, and made out a very faint line of dim light. It was just a dark gray in the greater black, but it was all he had. Cam moved to the light and felt around... then felt a knob. The door! He turned the knob and pushed opened the door, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the sudden light. When they finally adjusted he looked around again to try and figure out just where he was.

There was nice carpeting, plain white walls, a shelf... oh. Cam suddenly felt a little silly as he realized he was just standing in the closet he used as his dark room. He looked around some more and tried to remember how he got there. His eyes moved to the floor and he saw the soft thing he had stepped on before - his clothes. His pants, his shirt, his socks, his...

Cam blushed and scrambled to put his underwear back on, followed by his pants and shirt, as he realized he had been standing in the open door without any clothes on. He didn't think anybody was around to see, but he was still disoriented and didn't want to risk somebody from the cleaning staff being around. While he was putting his clothes on he noticed a lot of glass shards scattered along the wood floor, along with a few photographs and what could only be a Pokemon egg.

Cam paled as events suddenly rushed back to him. He recalled the Ditto, and the transforming, and being in the dark, and... and...

It couldn't be real. It couldn't be what had happened; those things weren't possible. Cam looked around the room and back out into the hallway but there was no sign of a Ditto. And he knew it wasn't possible for humans to turn into a Ditto or anything else or lay eggs or any of those things that he remembered. He must have... he must have hallucinated; that was it. Maybe a vent was clogged somewhere and the chemical fumes had built up while he was trying to develop his pictures and he had what amounted to nothing more than a really bad dream. That would explain both his headache and the unusual smell that lingered in the room.

That didn't explain how or why there was an egg in his dark room, but Cam simply wasn't willing to accept the only explanation for that just yet. He knelt down and began collecting the scattered photos. A picture of a Swanna resting on a pond, a picture of a Lotad hiding, a picture of a Shinx half hidden inside a bush...

Cam stopped and looked closer at the picture of the Shinx. It was a side shot - the bush was obscuring the Shinx from the stomach up, but on the left side the Pokemon's back legs and star shaped tail were sticking out from the bush in what Cam had thought was an amusing angle. But what Cam noticed this time was that the Shinx had blue feet.

He looked down at his body again and patted himself just to be sure. Cam had photographed enough of them to know that blue back feet on a Shinx meant it was a girl, whereas black feet meant it was a boy. And he remembered from before... he remembered from his dream, rather, that the Ditto had said he would turn into a Pokemon if he saw a girl. But here he was looking at a picture of a female Shinx and nothing was happening. His body remained firmly as it was under his pats and pokes.

He breathed a sigh of relief and added the picture of the Shinx to the pile of organized photos. That confirmed it. It was all just a really messed up chemical nightmare. The egg had gotten in the dark room through some other explainable reason. Cam had probably shattered the overhead lightbulb while hallucinating. He looked around the room again to see if anything else had been damaged and found that the far wall had a few strange scratches in them, as if a needle had been dragged along the wall in random places. Cam also found that one of the strings that held up drying photos had been snapped, which explained all the pictures that were scattered along the floor.

Cam cringed a little at that. If the pictures were still wet and had fallen face down on the floor it could have messed up the pictures... and as he looked back at the floor he noticed that a few of them had fallen face down. Most of them seemed to have landed face up, though, like the picture of the Shinx. He gathered up most of the remaining pictures without looking at them and put them away on a shelf, then looked back at the one picture he had been avoiding.

The picture of the Zigzagoon drinking from the pond rested face up near the side of the room. Feeling safe that his memories were just of a hallucination, Cam reached for it and gave it a closer look, remembering back to when he had taken the picture in question.

He remembered being surprised by the Zigzagoon - she had waddled up to the far side of the pond as Cam was preparing to move on. She had glanced at him warily for a few seconds before leaning down and drinking. She had stopped drinking to give him a nasty look when he took the first picture, then had gone back to drinking after a few more seconds, but had kept her gaze on him the whole time she was drinking. The situation had made for several unique and interesting photos of a wild Pokemon drinking while facing the viewer. The picture on the floor in particular had captured the Zigzagoon's tongue sticking half out of her mouth. As he looked at the picture now Cam had a surge of new insight - the Zigzagoon hadn't actually been annoyed at or scared of him, but had actually been hungry and was hoping he would try and bait her closer with some food. The bright brown eyes in the picture had watched him hopefully, not angrily, and the pink tongue had been lapping at the tasteless water in hope of tasting something sweet or crunchy instead.

As Cam stared down at the picture and wondered how he could know something like that he felt a depressingly familiar wave of dizziness. He felt wobbly, and when he tried to move his legs to steady himself he found he was unable to move. He lost his balance and fell to the floor, hitting his head on the way down. Then everything seemed to grow, and grow, and grow...

A few minutes later a Zigzagoon crawled out from Cam's shirt and stared back at the egg nervously. It hadn't been a hallucination after all, and now Cam was stuck again. She wondered briefly why she hadn't transformed after looking at the Shinx, but decided that could wait until later. Right now she needed to figure out how to turn back into a human. Preferably in a way that didn't put a second egg next to the one she already had.

Almost as soon as she had that thought a voice came from the hallway. "Gooooood morning! Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up - you were fast asleep, and I was hungry, so I slipped under the crack in the door and went looking for food. Seems like you wanted something else when you woke up, though!"

Cam jumped and backed up to the far wall while Delta was speaking. The Ditto was back in its Furfrou form, the black coat giving him an ominous look as he stood outside the unlit dark room. Delta just smiled and stepped forwards into the room, moving slowly towards Cam. "Oh, come on, there's no shame in admitting it. You made the most delightful sounds last night; I can't blame you for wanting a repeat. You might have let me get some breakfast first, but I won't hold it against you. Holding it in you is so much more pleasant, after all..."

Cam rolled her eyes and growled. "That's not what happened! I thought it was all just a bad dream; I was just cleaning up the pictures! Doing that with you again is the last thing I want!"

The Furfrou just chuckled. "Well, regardless, there you are. You don't want to be stuck like that, do you? I would be more than happy to turn you back to your normal self. Then you can open up that pantry door and get us some breakfast." He stepped forward again, closing the distance between himself and Cam.

Cam tried to back up more... but was stopped by the wall behind her. She gulped as she saw the Furfrou tower above her in the dim light from the hallway. She looked around the room desperately, searching for anything to help fend off the poodle's advances. The only thing she could find close enough to be of use was the fallen photograph, and that seemed more interested in mocking her than helping. From this angle the Zigzagoon seemed to be sticking her tongue out at Cam and staring mockingly. She wasn't likely to find any help from it.

Even as Cam had the thought the wobbly feeling began to come up over her. And even better, the Furfrou didn't seem to be able to move! He was stuck with one paw in the air in mid step, his tail frozen in a wag. As she watched he began to dissolve before her, even as she felt her own body dissolve. His limbs shrunk inwards, his fur and skin turned gray and blended together, his body grew thinner and thinner. The two of them were soon formless blobs on the floor... then Cam felt his body begin to form again. Arms, legs, stomach, head, hair, ears, fingers, toes, penis. All the things he was supposed to have.

He dressed quickly. Again.

While he started pulling on his clothes, the Ditto wobbled nervously on the floor. "I'm so sorry, Cam, I'm so, so, so, so very sorry. All the things that happened yesterday, and what almost happened, and, and, and... and... I'm sorry, I mean it, you were so nice to me and saved me and then gave me food and then that happened and I didn't mean to just leave and oh no you must think I was going to steal your food, I really wasn't, I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't and you were just hugging the egg and I was really really hungry and... and... I'm sorry, I really am..."

Cam finished dressing, then picked up the last photo, being careful not to look at it. He started to put it on the shelf with the other photos, but something stopped him. It obviously wouldn't be smart to put it somewhere he would accidentally look at it by mistake, but... for some reason he didn't want to part with it just yet. He slid it into one of his pockets, then took a deep breath and tried to think.

The situation wasn't actually that complicated. There were really only two things that could be happening, and two ways he could deal with it. Either this really was a hallucination and he was somewhere having an epic freak out, or this was real and he was in the middle of the strangest situation of his life. He wanted to think it was the first option but everything looked and felt so real, so he had to at least consider the second. And either way, his options were the same. He could panic and freak out about what was going on. He wanted to do that about as much as he wanted to believe he was having a bad dream, but it wouldn't really accomplish anything. His other option was to stay calm and try and figure out what was going on - and how to get out of it.

He took another deep breath and tried to detach himself like he did when he took pictures. What he was seeing was happening to somebody else. He was just an observer, a watcher, and he could let the feelings soak in sometime after he had gotten the pictures he needed. He successfully calmed the part of him that was panicking and turned to look down at the still-apologizing Ditto. "Delta."

The Ditto kept rambling on about how sorry he was and he didn't mean for it to happen and to please not be angry, so Cam tried again. "Delta!"

Delta stopped talking, instead making a nervous 'meep!' and quivering on the floor. Cam sat down next to the Ditto and scooped it up in his hands. "It's okay, calm down. I believe you. It wasn't your fault. It was whatever the scientists did to you. But I need to know what's going on, and how to stop this, and I need your help for that. Can you do that? Answer some questions, help me figure this out?"

The Ditto wobbled in another one of the strange motions that Cam was recognizing as a nod. It didn't say anything, though, and Cam had the feeling that Delta was still feeling afraid, guilty and nervous.

"Okay, first question. When you were the Furfrou just now you said something, and I need to know about it for sure." Cam rose to his feet and looked down at the Pokemon in his hands. "Do you want some breakfast?"

The Ditto quivered some more, completely surprised by the question... then its face changed into a small smile. "If that's okay?..."

Cam smiled back at the Ditto and nodded. He went to pick up the egg, and on an afterthought he grabbed the picture of the Shinx, then Cam headed to the dining room. He could use some food too - he had just laid an egg the night before, after all. A good breakfast was probably the least he could ask for.

Cam's stomach twisted in hunger as he stood in front of the open refrigerator and stared at the contents. He had scooped some of the PokeChow into a bowl for Delta and left him on the table before going to the kitchen to scrounge something to eat, but now he wasn't sure what he wanted. Or rather, his stomach was telling him it wanted something in particular while his brain vehemently rejected that idea.

The unassuming carton of eggs sat on the top shelf innocently, but it still managed to mock Cam. There was nothing else on the shelf, a situation that somehow made the eggs simultaneously attracting and intimidating. His stomach envisioned a plate full of steaming hot scrambled eggs, with ketchup, and maybe some bacon on the side... but his mind kept going back to the spasms, the discomfort, the confusion, and the feel of an egg growing in and passing out of him.

He stared at the eggs and argued with his stomach while the cold air escaped from the fridge, but finally his stomach relented and instead agreed to anything edible. Cam looked farther down and found some sliced ham; he grabbed it and some cheese, closed the fridge, and moved to the counter to make a sandwich. Two slices of bread later and he walked back to the dining room table.

Delta had already finished his own breakfast by the time Cam got back. The photographer kicked himself inside for taking so long and missing it - he was starting to really wonder how the Ditto managed to eat. Did it make arms and scoop the food into its mouth, or just sort of climb into the bowl and absorb it, or some other method Cam couldn't even imagine? Cam didn't want to ask, but he was curious.

He put it out of his mind and took a bite of his sandwich. The sandwich was a little bland and probably not the best thing for breakfast, but his stomach was more than happy to have it. He swallowed then looked over at the Ditto. "So... I turned into a Pokemon yesterday. A girl Pokemon. And then I had sex with you, laid an egg, and woke up the next day with a headache."

Delta wobbled on the table. "Well... it wasn't me, really. When I transform now my personality changes and I turn into someone else. I didn't want to do any of those things or be like that; that's one of the reasons why I ran away from the scientists."

Cam chewed on another bite while Delta was talking and nodded once he was through. "I understand."

"You do?" The Ditto stopped wobbling and looked at Cam in what seemed to be surprise.

Cam sighed. "Delta, yesterday I had so many strange things happen to me that I was sure were impossible. Your personality changing with your body is probably the only thing out of all this that makes sense. In fact it makes a whole lot of sense; you have a new body and new sensations, so it's actually not that big a surprise you're a different Pokemon when you transform. You literally turn into a different Pokemon."

Delta frowned thoughtfully before wobbling in a nod.

Cam looked at his sandwich for a second or two before trying again. "Okay... so I turned into a girl and... um... had sex with 'Delta B', we'll call him, just to help keep things straight." Cam motioned to the egg he had set on the table. "And then I laid the egg, fell asleep, and woke up a human."

The Ditto wobbled in another of its nods. "Yes... you changed back into a human a few minutes after you laid the egg. Then I turned back into a Ditto. I stayed with you for a while but when I got hungry I slipped through the crack and went looking for food, and then I turned back into the Furfrou and... well you know the rest."

Cam took another bite and thought some more. "So... what the scientists did to you - you said it was to make you the ultimate breeding machine?" Delta wobbled in a nod and Cam continued. "It makes you and somebody else turn into a breeding pair?"

"That's right... the scientists would bring in a test subject and a psychic Pokemon, and they would do some stuff, then the test subject would look at a Pokemon they had - always a girl - and then we both ended up transforming."

"So... why are they doing that? Why not just have you breed with the original Pokemon?"

"I'm not really sure. The scientists didn't really tell me that much." Delta frowned, then smiled again. "The eggs were laid really quickly... though... you know that... but maybe that was it?"

"Maybe... but Pokemon don't usually take that long to lay eggs anyways. It doesn't seem like enough to go through that kind of trouble for." Cam chewed some more of his sandwich and thought it over. "Was there anything else? Did the eggs hatch any quicker, or was there maybe something special about the babies when they hatched?"

"Oh... the eggs never hatched. They moved me to the room where they kept the eggs; I saw all of the eggs that I had helped make, plus a bunch of others which I assumed came from the other Dittos. Months and even years after they had been laid they were all still there. Even if they took longer than normal, at least one of them should have hatched."

Cam was surprised at that news, and paused with the rest of the sandwich held halfway to his mouth. "_None_of them? Not even one?" Cam leaned over to look at his egg. It looked like a normal Pokemon egg, though Cam admitted to himself that he wasn't really an expert on them. He set the sandwich down on the table and picked the egg up to take a closer look. He turned it around but it looked the same on all sides. The egg was dry and cool, and it felt heavy, though again Cam wasn't sure how heavy an egg was supposed to be. The shell gleamed in the dim light of the dining room as Cam turned it around in his hands, and it felt thicker than he would have expected. He doubted that he could break the egg with anything short of a determined swing of a hammer, and even that he wasn't too sure on.

"None of mine... I don't know how many eggs the other Dittos made, so one of theirs might have hatched, but all of mine were still there when I escaped."

"That doesn't make any sense... they aren't really making an ultimate breeding machine if the eggs never hatch."

"Maybe they were still working on that part?"

Cam put the egg back down on the table. "Maybe. It's still really weird though." Cam ate some more of his sandwich while Delta just wobbled in place. "Oh! And speaking of weird... well, I guess everything about this is weird, but this was unusual too." Cam picked up the photograph of the Shinx and showed it to Delta. "I looked at this earlier this morning. Back when I thought it was just a bad dream or hallucination. The Shinx in the picture is a girl - you can tell by the blue on her back legs - but I didn't turn into a Shinx when I saw her. But then when I looked at the picture of the Zigzagoon I turned into one again. So... why didn't I turn into a Shinx too?"

The Ditto slid closer to Cam to take a closer look at the picture. "Huh... that's a good question. I'm not really sure, honestly. All the times before people only turned into a Pokemon after a psychic Pokemon did something, and then they only turned into the one Pokemon. After it was done they didn't turn into them anymore. Maybe you'll only turn into a Zigzagoon?"

Cam bit his lip as he thought. "Makes sense, I guess..."

"...but then too none of them turned into the same Pokemon again either. It was just a one-time thing, but you've turned into the Zigzagoon twice now. Something's different about you either way... so... I guess I don't really know." The Ditto wobbled thoughtfully on the table.

"Well... I guess that's a start at least."

"Sorry. Oh! And it seems like you can turn back into a human without needing to have sex first! That's new too."

Cam finished the last bite of his sandwich. "That's an upside. Though I don't really know how I did it. I can't think of anything I did this morning that I didn't do yesterday. I can't think of anything I did at all, actually; you... or I mean, Delta B had me cornered, and I was looking around for something to fight him off with, and then I started... oh! I looked at the picture first! That must be it - since I saw the Pokemon again, I turned back to a human! Did that ever happen in the lab?"

Delta wobbled uncertainly. "No... but then... I don't remember anybody ever seeing the Pokemon again after they had transformed. That could be it, then! Instead of having sex, you just need to look at the Pokemon again. Or at a picture of them!"

"That sounds much better than having sex. Do you have any idea how to... undo this, or stop us from transforming in the first place? Even if it's just a Zigzagoon, I'd rather not have to worry about a Zigzagoon showing up while I'm around other people and stuff."

Delta wobbled from side to side in a no. "Not really... a psychic Pokemon might be able to figure it out, or one of the scientists might know how, but I can't think of..."

Cam held up a hand to stop Delta as he heard a sudden buzzing sound. He looked around the room for the source of the sound, then zeroed in on the cabinet by the door when the sound repeated itself. Delta looked towards the cabinet too. "Oh! Yeah, the cabinet kept making that noise while I was looking for food before. It stopped a few minutes before I turned into a Furfrou though."

Cam stood up and walked to the cabinet as his phone buzzed again. He usually left it at home when he went out on walks and would check for messages after developing his pictures, but last night he hadn't had the chance to.

The photographer grabbed the vibrating phone and winced at the number that was calling. He pushed the talk button and held the phone up to his ear. "Hey, Dave."

"Cam! Where have you been; I've been trying to reach you all morning!" Dave was the closest thing to an agent that Cam had. They weren't really friends or anything, but a lot of companies would let Dave know when they were looking for talent for advertisements - musicians, artists, and of course photographers - and Dave would line up what they needed. It worked out well for the most part, though every now and then Dave wanted some things that Cam just wasn't up for.

"Sorry... had kind of a complicated morning."

"Never mind, never mind. Got a job for you! Magazine is printing tomorrow, one of the companies advertising in it has some big wig that did a study or survey or some such thing and decided a Pikachu wasn't the Pokemon they should use to advertise their product with after all. They want a, uh, what was it, what was it... where did I put that note... uhhh... ah! They want a Buizel, and uh, what's the note... a hot looking one? Guess it's one of those fire types... anyways, they want a picture of one by three this afternoon, preferably sooner, so they can get the new ad sent over to the magazine before it prints. They know it's a hassle and they're offering quadruple your rate if you can do it; I sent you an e-mail with their contact info. Figured you probably already had a dozen pictures of that Pokemon, and if not then you could probably get what they wanted in no time. So what do you say?"

Cam didn't bother correcting Dave about Buizel's type, instead looking at Delta. "Well... um... things are kind of..."

"Come on, Cam, quadruple your rate. They're really desperate; it's gonna cost them a bundle if they have to pull the ad this late. You'll be really helping them out, and they'll remember it if you ever need a favor. Trust me Cam, whatever you've got going on, it can wait; you've got to help them out."

Cam sighed. He knew that if the company was offering four times his rate then the finder's fee they would give Dave had to be pretty significant too. Dave wouldn't stop until he agreed, and it shouldn't be that big a problem. He knew of a few Buizel out in the forest, and some had even come up to his pool for a swim. The clock on his phone said it was a little after eleven in the morning. He could easily be done before three. An hour, maybe two at worst to find a Buizel... it'd take less time than it would to get Dave off his back. "Okay, okay. I'll get some. Any specifics on the shot?"

"I put what they gave me in the e-mail I sent. Can't thank you enough for this Cam, you're helping out a lot here!"

"Uh-huh. I'll call you if there are any problems." Dave and Cam said their goodbyes, then Cam shut off the phone.

"Ugh." The photographer turned to the Ditto. "I need to check my computer and see what's going on specifically, but it sounds like I'm going to need to go out and take some pictures."

"You have a computer? Can I see it?" The Ditto wobbled on the table in excitement.

"Uh... sure. It's nothing special though. I pretty much only have it to scan photos and send e-mails."

"Thanks!" The Ditto was still wobbling as Cam scooped him up. He also grabbed the egg, deciding it was probably best to put it somewhere a little less public than the dining room, and then navigated the maze of hallways and stairs until he reached his bedroom. He reached to open the door but stopped suddenly.

Delta noticed and rose upwards to look over Cam's hand. "Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just... I always figured I would show somebody my bedroom_before_ I had sex with them."

Delta didn't really seem to know what to say to that and just sunk back down into Cam's hand. Cam shrugged off the strange feeling and opened the door to his room.

A comfortable but modest looking bed was in one corner of the room, and a desk stood against the opposite wall, but otherwise the room was empty. Two other doors were in the room, one leading to a walk in closet and the other leading to a bathroom. Cam ducked into the closet and set the egg down on the carpeted floor, then carried Delta back to the desk.

The desk was a sturdy computer desk with a pull out tray for the keyboard and mouse. A simple monitor sat on the desk, along with a printer and a scanner, and the actual computer itself sat on the floor beside the desk. Cam sat down in the comfortable office chair in front of the desk and pushed the power button on the computer, then placed Delta on the top of the desk. Delta slid over to be in front of the monitor and stared intently at the loading screen. The computer was going to take a few minutes to load, so Cam decided to plan the day out with Delta.

"So I'm probably going to have to go out in the forest to get a picture... are you okay with staying in my room until I get back? You should be fine in here, and I don't think I'll be gone that long."

Delta looked away from the monitor to give Cam a surprised look. "You want me to stay here? But... I thought I would go with you, and see the rest of the forest?"

Cam bit his lip in thought. "I don't think that's a good idea... If something goes weird and I turn into a Pokemon... it might be easier if I don't have to worry about Delta B? I don't have a lot of time to get this done."

Delta looked sad, and he wobbled almost pathetically slowly. "But... but what if you do transform, but the Pokemon runs away and you aren't able to turn back? You'll have to come all the way back here, and depending on what you turn into you might have to leave all your stuff out in the woods. And Delta B might decide to go looking for you, and if he does and you miss each other... you could waste even more time that way. And what if you can't turn back but we've both turned into Pokemon that can't open doors? We could be stuck like that for days!"

Cam had his doubts about Delta's arguments - this morning he had been able to change back without Delta's help, after all - but at the same time, he hadn't turned into the other Pokemon he had seen. It was probably safe... and he had a feeling that more than anything Delta wanted to see more of the world. The poor thing had been locked in a lab for as long as it could remember, after all. Cam suddenly felt bad at the idea of leaving it cooped up in another room all by itself, even if just for a little bit. "That's a good point... okay. We'll see what the client wants, just in case I have a picture already, but if I don't then you can come with me."

"Yay! Thank you!" Delta wobbled happily in response.

Cam smiled at the Ditto's happy tone, and then pulled the keyboard towards him as the computer finally finished loading. He opened his e-mail and searched through the list of messages. Spam, spam... sale in a week at one of the camera stores he liked... ah, there it was. Cam opened the e-mail from Dave and read through the details.

It was pretty much what Dave had said over the phone - they were changing their slogan and wanted a picture of a Buizel, and they needed it today before the magazine's deadline. They were actually offering a little over four times Cam's rate. Cam kept reading until he found specifics on the shot. The company wanted as much water in the shot as possible, with as alluring a pose as possible, and a shot emphasizing the red in the orange fur. Cam kept skimming but nothing else seemed to jump out at him. When he got to the bottom of the e-mail he saw an attachment with a description that labeled it as the old marketing ad.

Cam clicked on the attachment and blinked in surprise when the image loaded. He knew it would be of a Pikachu, and he wasn't wrong in that respect - a Pikachu was in the center of the image, with visible electricity sparking outwards from it - but the slogan was a complete shock. It read in bold blue letters, "Beedrilled's new sensational Intense Touch honey - not just stimulating, but electrifying."

Cam closed the attachment and went back to the e-mail, then smacked his head with his hand. The advertisement was for lube, and the magazine they were advertising in was Joyful Nurses - a well-known adult magazine.

Cam thought about calling Dave back and telling him he didn't really want to do this... but he knew Dave would just pressure him into it. And it wouldn't be the first picture of his that had been used for something like that... though he knew with absolute certainty that he didn't already have a picture they would want.

With a resigned sigh Cam turned off the computer, scooped up Delta, and went to get his camera.

Cam trudged through the forest. A Fearow was flying somewhere above him and screeching randomly, and the sound was starting to get nerve wracking. Delta had wrapped itself around Cam's neck in a loose scarf. It had felt a little weird at first, but Cam appreciated having both hands free. He was currently using those hands to organize his gear - because of the deadline he had left in a bit of a hurry, simply scooping up his things and setting off on the trip. His pack was a bit of a mess as a result, and he was trying to straighten them out while he walked.

Delta was looking around in excitement and chattering about how interesting everything was. Now that it wasn't scared of being recaptured the Ditto was relaxing and enjoying all the new sights. Cam moved some of his snack bars to the side pocket on his backpack while Delta marveled at the size of the trees around them and talked about how nothing in the lab looked anything like them.

Cam finally finished straightening out his pack and pulled out his camera. He had left his regular camera at home, instead grabbing a digital camera. He didn't like using it as much - he liked the feel of the film cameras, as well as the process of developing the pictures - but this job pretty much required it. There wouldn't be time to develop the photos, and he was going to have to e-mail them anyways, so using his normal camera would just be too much of a hassle. He flipped the knob at the top of the digital camera and watched while the screen lit up and displayed various menus. Cam scrolled through the menus to check the space remaining on the memory stick and felt relieved when he saw he had more than half of the storage free. That would be more than enough to get the picture he needed.

Cam noticed that the battery was a little on the low side though. He hadn't gotten a chance to recharge it last night, though with his preference for his film camera he probably would have forgotten to anyways. He flipped the knob again to turn the camera off, then tucked it safely back into his backpack. He would have to be careful to leave the camera off until he needed it so that the battery didn't die before he got a good picture.

With everything finally arranged to his satisfaction, Cam swung his backpack over his shoulders and picked up his pace. Delta seemed to notice the change and turned its attention away from the trees. "So where are we going?"

Cam smiled at the question. "A small lake I know of near here. It's mostly empty - a lot of Pokemon live near it and use it for water - but I know there are a few Buizel in it. I think there's also a Clamperl down there, but I've only seen faint glimpses of it when the sun is just right."

"It sounds like a nice place... is it near where you found me?"

"Nope! We're heading in the opposite direction - I thought it would be safer, just in case anybody is still out looking for you."

"Oh! That's a good idea... thank you!" Delta wobbled in relief on Cam's shoulders.

"No problem! And it is a nice place. It looks really nice when the sun is setting... though since we need to have the picture sent in by three, we won't get to see that today. It's still a nice place though. Very peaceful."

"I can't wait to see it! There are so many neat things out here!"

The Fearow screeched somewhere far above them again, causing Cam to shiver at the harsh sound, but Delta just laughed. "And there are some annoying things out here too. Is that bird following us?"

"It sounds like it... it might be the same one I ran into yesterday. It's probably still mad at me for waking it up." Cam shot a glance upwards, but couldn't make out the Fearow through the trees.

"I guess that's a good reason to screech at somebody... do you think it's going to shadow us the whole way?"

Cam shook his head and kept walking. "Probably not. Fearow tend to have a territory they keep to. They might stray from it a little bit if they're looking for food or another Fearow, but they won't go too far before heading back. I'm sure it'll go back soon." Cam tried to sound confident, but the Fearow let out another ear-splitting shriek right after he said that.

Cam felt Delta shift a little on his shoulders before the Ditto suddenly shouted upwards. "HEY! Leave us alone, we're not bothering you!"

The Fearow spat something nasty sounding back at the Ditto, but Cam heard the Fearow's wings flap rapidly and then start to fade into the distance. Cam relaxed a little, glad the bird was leaving. "Thanks. That was really getting on my nerves."

"You're welcome!"

Delta went back to looking at its surroundings, occasionally pointing out or asking questions about certain things it noticed. Cam's pace slowed now that the Fearow's screeches weren't startling him into adrenaline rushes, and he tried to answer Delta's questions and chat about the things they were passing. They spent about half an hour walking and chatting until they reached their destination.

The trees suddenly gave way to about fifteen feet of healthy grass that led up to a lake of sparkling blue water. Cam could see about a foot or two into the water, after which it got too dark to see, and Cam wasn't sure exactly how deep the water was. He could also see the other side of the lake; it would be a bit of a swim to reach but it wasn't out of sight. Cam had occasionally seen birds resting on the small clump of land that rose from the center of the lake, but it was empty today. The shore was also empty of Pokemon, at least for the moment, so it seemed like Cam would be able to work undisturbed.

"Wow... this is really pretty!" Delta wobbled in excitement at the sight of the lake.

"It is! I'm going to get set up and try and attract the Buizel. Do you want to explore around some on your own while I work?" Cam took off his backpack and held out an arm for Delta.

"I'd love to!" The Ditto slid over Cam's shirt and pooled into his hand; Cam knelt down and let Delta off in the grass. Delta quivered a bit and then started slithering happily through the grass.

Cam watched the Ditto for a moment before he went back to unpacking. He pulled his camera out, sitting it down on the ground beside his backpack, and then pulled out a snack bar from the side pocket. He took a bite for himself before breaking the rest into pieces to throw into the lake. The photographer wasn't sure just how much the candy would interest a Buizel, but he knew most Pokemon enjoyed sweets so he figured it was worth a try.

He picked up his camera and made himself comfortable in the grass. There was nothing else to do but wait and watch Delta explore... but at least it was a relaxing place for it.

A half hour passed uneventfully. Cam had started thinking about other places he might find a Buizel at, and he was just about to call Delta back so they could head somewhere else when he noticed one of the floating crumbs bob and then vanish. Cam leaned towards the water, trying to see what had gotten the crumb, when another one vanished. He was at an awkward angle but could vaguely see something orange flash under the water towards another crumb, one that vanished as well. Cam smiled to himself - it looked like his patience had paid off and he had found a Buizel.

He pulled another snack bar from his pack and scattered crumbs from it on the shore, making sure the crumbs led farther and farther from the shore so that he would have plenty of time to take pictures. Once that was done he flipped on his camera and kept an eye on the water.

One by one the crumbs vanished, though still at angles that made it hard for Cam to get a good look at what was eating them. When the surface of the lake was clear of crumbs Cam spotted a black nose peeking out of the water. It twitched back and forth, then vanished... then appeared again a little closer to the shore. This time the angle was better, and Cam was able to make out a curious face covered in orange and brown fur behind it.

The face vanished again, then appeared a little closer to the shore. Cam stayed still, trying not to scare off the Pokemon... and it worked. The furry face broke the surface, followed soon after by what looked like a yellow tube wrapped around the creature's neck. The creature took a deep breath, and the tube seemed to inflate with air, causing it to float a little higher in the water. Beneath the surface Cam could make out the rest of the Pokemon's body - two arms with flexible blue fins, two legs that stretched into paddle-like feet, orange and brown fur and a pair of flexible tails. Even though it was waterlogged in the middle of the lake the Pokemon's fur shown in the sunlight.

The Pokemon didn't seem concerned by Cam (or Delta, wherever the Ditto had wandered off to), instead staring hungrily at the crumbs scattered along the shore. It sniffed the air a few times, its cute nose twitching with the action, and then it swam towards the shore. Cam smiled in amusement as the Buizel zig-zagged through the water, propelled by powerful kicks of its back legs. The Pokemon emerged smoothly from the water and ran up to a crumb without even slowing down, the food disappearing into its mouth.

The Buizel rose to stand on its back legs and sniffed the air again, posing beautifully just in front of the water. It wasn't the most alluring pose, but it wasn't that bad either, and Cam figured it would do if he couldn't get anything better later. He moved the camera to eye level and looked at the display to try and line up the shot just perfectly.

The Buizel had apparently decided that now that it was on the shore it needed to groom its fur a little, and had twisted its head around to lick at one of its forepaws. Cam's sudden motion distracted the Pokemon, though, and it twisted its head back to look at Cam. It made for a comical image on the digital camera's display - the Buizel had its pink tongue sticking half out while it stared at Cam with nervous black eyes.

Cam smiled and went to press the button that would capture the image... but he felt a depressingly familiar sensation sweep over his body. His hands became unsteady and the camera tilted as his body became wobbly. He heard a click come from the camera, but he wasn't sure just what he had gotten a picture of. He had other things to worry about anyways - a wave of dizziness made his head swim. His body began dissolving into a formless blob, and he cringed as the camera fell from vanishing limbs to land on the ground with a scary thump. Within less than a minute Cam had dissolved into a formless blob wobbling on the ground.

The changes continued, as Cam knew they would - his body began to stretch and grow until Cam was about two feet in length. Six stumpy limbs sprang from his body, then stretched into tails, into arms, and into legs. The legs felt unusually strong, and paddle like feet formed at the end of them. The arms ended in paws that seemed able to slip through water just as well as they could grab onto things, and the tails felt like a rudder that subtly changed the position and direction of Cam's entire body when they moved. Cam's head pushed out from the body, a neck developing and then being surrounded by a strange ring of yellow flesh that seemed to puff a little whenever he took a breath. His nose emerged and twitched slightly, looking cute as it poked into Cam's vision, and he felt sharp pointed teeth grow inside his mouth.

Cam looked down at his body and felt a little embarrassed at the sight... but then fur began to grow, covering the exposed grayish flesh. It didn't feel very warm compared to the Zigzagoon fur, but it felt strangely comforting in a unique way Cam couldn't identify. It was a good feeling when it finished growing, covering his back and head in stunning orange fur and his chest and mouth in shiny brown fur. He also was aware of a plume of fur coming off the top of his head, something that made him feel oddly proud to have.

Cam also felt fin-like webbing start to develop along the outside of his arms, but that change was overshadowed by the other changes he felt. He knew they were going to come, but that didn't make them any less unnerving. He gasped as nipples developed along his chest, six suddenly sensitive spots that rubbed in unison against the fur coat. He felt things shift inside him, similar to when he transformed into a Zigzagoon, followed by a sensitivity between his - her - legs, but it was followed by a surprising wet feeling. Cam had vague (and embarrassing) memories of growing wet as an aroused Zigzagoon, but this feeling went beyond that... and she wasn't even aroused. With a flush of embarrassment she wondered just how wet she would end up becoming if she did get turned on.

Cam - now a Buizel - looked for the original Buizel, but she was gone. There was no doubt at all that the Buizel was a she. Water was still rippling along the lake where the Buizel must have dove down into hiding, but Cam couldn't blame the Pokemon. She had seen a person transform into a Pokemon right in front of her - Cam would have gotten freaked out and headed for hiding too.

She put the original Buizel out of her mind, instead worrying about the fallen camera. If she had gotten a picture of the Buizel then maybe she could turn back to human before anything bad happened. The camera looked okay, the display lit up and showing an image of the scenery in front of its lens. She reached towards it, stretching out her paw to pick it back up...

...but something suddenly knocked her to the ground. A weight settled on her back and a paw pushed her head into the ground, keeping her from seeing anything other than the grass and the lake before her. She felt the weight on her back shift a little, and then a voice whispered next to her ear. "Heyyyy sexy."

Cam struggled against the weight, but it was useless. "Delta! Get off me, I can't move!"

"Tsk, tsk... of course you can't move. That's the whole point. If you could move then you would run away, and then you would miss out on all the fun!" Cam's struggles were still useless, but she tried anyways, certain she wanted no part of the 'fun' Delta was planning. She did _not_want a repeat of yesterday - one sexual experience as a lady Pokemon was too many for one lifetime, and Cam did not want to add a second one.

Delta pushed down a little harder on Cam's head, not painful but enough to hold her still. "But if you really want me to get off you, I think we can work something out." Cam felt another paw rub along her back, sharp claws sending a shiver down her spine as they tickled through her fur. "Mmm... a water type... that means this will feel even stronger for you..."

Cam squirmed again, and again it accomplished nothing. "What will?"

Delta just chuckled in response, a foreboding laugh that promised something ominous. The paw on Cam's head shifted a little... then she felt a tingling sensation run through her. It started where the paw met her head but shot down her spine, branching out through her arms and legs, crisscrossing around her chest, spiraling along her split tail. The tingling grew in intensity, causing her fur to stand on end, a strangely pleasurable sensation... and then the feeling doubled, tripled, quadrupled. It became overwhelming all at once and her entire body jerked in a sudden twitch... and then it stopped entirely.

The weight vanished from above her.

Delta's voice came from somewhere behind her. "There, just like you asked, I'm off you. Is this better?"

Cam started to answer... but had a feeling of panic when she found she couldn't! She was trying to open her mouth, trying to speak words, but nothing was happening. She started to panic and tried to scramble away from Delta, but her arms and legs weren't working either! She couldn't even squirm - she could move her eyes, at least a little, but nothing else seemed to be working.

She felt something begin to brush lightly against the pads of her back paw. It tickled but there was nothing she could do about it. Delta's voice returned. "I'll take that as a yes. That's Thunder Wave for you... it causes paralysis. Of course, your involuntary functions still work. You can breathe, your heart beats. You can still feel things." The touch on her paw vanished, only to pick up on the other one. "You can still get aroused. Have an orgasm."

Cam would have gulped if she could have. She tried to move again but it was just as useless. There was nothing she could do.

Just as she thought that something moved out in the lake. Cam's eyes focused as the Buizel from before surfaced again. The Pokemon looked at Cam curiously, and the photographer had a sudden surge of hope.

Delta voiced her thoughts from somewhere behind her. "Oh, there's that Buizel again. I guess that's the end of our fun. Get a good look and turn back, I guess." Delta sounded disappointed, and the tickling stopped.

Cam didn't really care how Delta felt, though. She stared at the other Buizel, willing herself to change back to a human...

...but nothing happened.

Cam tried to stare harder, and tried to look at different parts of the Buizel, but it didn't help. Her body stubbornly remained that of a Pokemon.

Delta suddenly chuckled from behind her. "Ohhhh... now isn't this interesting. Not changing back? You must want to stay like this, then. Well, well, well... if you wanted to have fun that badly, you could have just stayed a Zigzagoon this morning. But then a Buizel will be a lot of fun too... and out here we have an audience! We can play out that lovely Buizel's fantasies right in front of her. What do you say about that?"

Cam tried to respond, but she couldn't. She wasn't even sure what she would say. Delta was wrong. She didn't want this! She... He was a guy, a human, a successful photographer. He was supposed to be observing Pokemon, not being observed by one, and he certainly wasn't supposed to be one! He stared at the floating Buizel one more time, willing himself to turn back.

He felt a flicker of doubt when nothing happened. Why wasn't it working? Was what Delta said true? Did... did she somehow want this to happen? She always liked learning more about Pokemon, and she had experienced firsthand what being a Zigzagoon was like... and what being female was like... was she not changing back because she wanted to experience what being a Buizel was like?

She banished the thought. This wasn't right, no matter the opportunity it offered. Cam wanted to change back. This entire situation was embarrassing!

Cam's thoughts derailed as Delta began to tickle her paw again. "I take it that since you're still a Buizel that you like that idea. Well, I won't keep either of you ladies waiting. Let's have some fun..." Cam felt another paw at her side, and then she was suddenly flipped over so that she was lying on her back. It left her in an awkward position, but she could make out parts of a black paw that adjusted her into a more comfortable position. The paw didn't stop with just straightening her out, though - it moved to her arms and moved them so they were held away from her body, and then moved to her head.

The paw felt warm on her cheek as it tilted her head downward. Her plume of fur helped keep her head in the new position, and she was given a good view of her body... and of Delta.

A four-legged canine stood before her. It had spiky fur that was mostly black, though its head was mostly covered in orange fur. There were also tufts of orange fur coming off of its hips, as well as around the ankles of its front feet. The Pokemon's head had a black 'mask' around the nose and eyes, and the bright blue eyes were staring at her body in a fashion that made Cam blush.

It was a Manectric.

It was also very, very male.

Cam saw a large red shaft hanging beneath the Manetric's body. The Manectric seemed to notice Cam's eyes shift, and he looked downwards... then chuckled again. "Oh, don't worry... we'll get to that soon enough. But we're going to have some fun first. We wouldn't want to disappoint our audience, after all."

Cam remembered back to the Buizel floating in the lake. She couldn't see the Pokemon anymore, but she had a feeling it would stick around. Yesterday Delta had said that the transformation was based on the Pokemon's inner fantasies. The original Buizel must have fantasized about being in exactly this position.

The Manectric - Delta - took a step closer to Cam. One of his paws reached out to tickle her back paw again, the sensation underscoring her helplessness as she was unable to even twitch her paw to get away from the touch. Delta tickled her for a few seconds, but then his paw moved up her leg. It pushed the leg, then moved to do the same with her other leg... leaving Cam spread eagled on the ground before her.

Delta leaned forward until his nose rested just above Cam's feminine sex. He closed his eyes and inhaled, a deep breath that was clearly audible, then let out a pleased half-growl. "Ooh... I like this smell... it's different from how you smelled as a Zigzagoon. It reminds me of peaches, I think." Delta's eyes opened slowly, meeting Cam's gaze and giving her a pleased look. "And you're so wet down here... you're practically ready already." The comment made Cam blush harder and again wonder just how much she actually wanted what was about to happen.

Delta shifted forward a little... but then moved off to Cam's side, sitting down beside her. It gave her another view of his erect member - the tapered red tip, the long shaft, the slight bulge near the base where his knot would form - but that didn't seem to be Delta's main purpose in moving there. "But you're a water type, so you're always wet down there. It wouldn't be nearly as fun for you if we went at it right now, and it would certainly disappoint our audience. I think I can make you really enjoy this... and I bet I can have you sopping wet without ever even touching you..."

The Manectric's paw lifted from the ground and moved deliberately towards Cam's chest... but it paused above her, just above one of her breasts. Cam breathed a sigh of relief when it stopped, though she couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of disappointment as well. The paw hovered just a few inches above her as Delta grinned...

An involuntary gasp escaped Cam's mouth as a sudden surge of sensation shot through her teat. It was slightly painful, as if somebody had flicked the nipple with a finger, but it felt good at the same time. A crackling sound accompanied the sensation. Cam looked helplessly at Delta's paw, trying to understand what had just happened... and then the feeling repeated itself. This time, though, Cam was able to make out a sudden blue spark dart from one of Delta's paws to connect with her stiffening teat.

Cam desperately wanted to squirm in response - she wasn't sure if she would be squirming away from or towards the sensation - but her body remained just as still as ever. Delta grinned down at her. "Electric types are wonderful, aren't they?"

Delta's paw drifted away from Cam's head. It still hovered in the air above her, but it passed over to another one of her breasts. Cam took a breath, bracing herself in anticipation... but nothing happened. The paw continued on its way, hovering over her bottom breast... but again, nothing happened. Cam began to feel frustrated at the lack of stimulation and at her helplessness. The paw journeyed across her body, pausing significantly above another breast... but again, nothing happened. Delta began to move upwards... and suddenly a spark shot from one of his claws, sending a surge of sensation through the teat it had just passed by. Cam let out another involuntary gasp, noticing as she did that the nipple began to poke through her fur.

Delta continued to tease Cam's breasts. He moved his paw in a slow path through the air above her chest. Sometimes he would hover over a breast for a long second or two, only to pass on without doing anything. Other times his paw would hover and then give her nipple a tiny jolt of electricity. Still other times he would surprise her by shocking her right as he moved on, or before actually reaching a breast. In no time at all her teats were stiff and desperately begging for more stimulation. Cam was just as desperate - her earlier objections were gone, and she didn't care if she was supposed to be human or a guy, she just wanted to feel something touch her.

Delta suddenly stopped moving his paw, hovering in the air over her chest. Cam tried to push herself upwards, wanting to feel it against her... and then electricity branched outwards from the paw to strike all six of her aroused nipples. Her mind was overloaded for a second as a spike of pleasure came from all of them at once, and then vanished just as quickly, leaving them slightly sore but desperate for more. A soft gasp of surprise and pleasure was the only sound Cam could make, but Delta heard it and chuckled. His paw resumed its journey, but the Manectric shifted his weight to his back legs, and a second paw rose into the air above her.

The two paws moved through the air in a pattern Cam couldn't figure out. She might have been able to if she concentrated, but the unpredictable jolts of pleasure kept her from doing that. She tried to beg for Delta to stop, or to give her more, or to reach down and touch her, but she could only manage a tiny whimper. The teasing continued, sparks of electricity leaping from a paw to a nipple, or sometimes to two nipples, or from both paws to all six. Sometimes it struck the very tip of a teat, and other times it hit the side, and other times it dove through the fur to strike the sensitive skin nearby. Again, and again, and again, random surges of intense pleasure and the slightest pain, her body desperately wanting more.

All at once a moan filled the air, and Delta paused and looked off towards the lake. "Well... it seems our Buizel audience is enjoying the show we're giving her. My, my, but those paws of hers are flexible..." Another burst of electricity struck all of Cam's teats, this one a sustained current that continued. She tried to arch her back, tried to push her chest into the air and towards the paws above her, but she was still completely paralyzed. The wonderful sensation consumed her as the electricity danced over her teats... and then it stopped just as suddenly.

Cam lay gasping for air, trying to get her breath back after the experience. But only a second or two after the shock there was another 'bzzt' sound, and Cam felt a jolt dance over the soft skin of her lower lips. She managed a yelp at the sudden feeling, the paralysis not enough to stop her from voicing the sudden pleasure she felt. But just as soon as it had started the feeling ended, and Cam whimpered as she panted for air.

Delta chuckled again. "You seem to be enjoying yourself, too. Let's see..." The Manectric lowered his paws to the ground and rose to all fours, walking around to stop between Cam's still-spread legs. He examined her, then the ground beneath. "Well, well, well... soaked doesn't begin to describe this. You must have really enjoyed that; you're working on making your own lake down here." Cam felt the Manectric adjust her tails so that they covered the ground, and they began to feel wet as they rested in whatever she had leaked onto the ground. Delta stretched forward, resting his head on her tails and bringing his face just out of reach of Cam's pussy... and then his tongue crossed the rest of the distance to lick just beside her entrance.

The tongue was rough, reminding her more of a cat's tongue than a dog's, and as it reached the top of her slit a jolt of electricity shot into the skin beneath his tongue. This time her pleasure was so great that she actually managed to squirm slightly in response, her reaction so great it reached through the paralysis. Her forepaws dug into the ground beneath her, and her legs moved together slightly, but Delta just grinned up at her and pushed her legs back apart. His tongue dragged back downwards, swirling just around her entrance... and then it vanished. "Mmm... definitely reminds me of peaches. So much peach juice to drink up down here... or is it peach nectar?" There was another lick, this one quick and short. "It's delicious either way."

The tongue returned one more time, bringing another spark with it, but this time the tongue pushed inwards, spreading her slightly but twisting to climb up the sides of her tunnel. Despite the coarse feel Delta's tongue slipped in easily, bringing a moan to Cam's mouth... and then the moan was replaced by a cry of pleasure as she felt electricity inside her, dancing along the walls of her tunnel and traveling through her to strike at her clit. The feeling was indescribable, a sense of pleasure more intense than just having it touched, as every part of it - even parts beneath the surface - was suddenly alive with pleasure.

Cam's vision blurred, and she had a feeling she actually blacked out for a few seconds. When she was once again able to sort through the sensations she realized that Delta had stopped shocking her with his tongue, but that he was still eagerly lapping up her juices. It was an intense feeling, and no matter how much he licked up she still felt wetter and wetter beneath the probing muscle. She heard distant moans and gasps of pleasure, and it was only after several intense minutes that she realized the sounds weren't coming from her, but from the Buizel out on the lake. She must have been masturbating at the sight of Delta pleasuring Cam.

Cam couldn't blame her for having this fantasy. His initial objections had vanished completely beneath the intensity of the experience.

To Cam's disappointment the tongue eventually withdrew, and the Manetric sat up on his hind legs, panting a little to catch his breath. The fur on his face was absolutely soaked, lying flat under the weight of Cam's juices. Cam couldn't help but blush - had she really done all that?

She couldn't ask the question, but she knew there was nowhere else for it to have come from but her. Her disbelief was pushed aside when Delta rose to all fours again, a crackling sound reaching Cam's ears as the cock that dangled beneath Delta's chests was wreathed in blue lightning. Delta grinned down at her. "I went easy on you as a Furfrou... but with how soaked you are, I think what you really want is a nice, hard fucking. So that's what I'm going to give you... unless you have something to say about that?"

Cam felt a sudden dread. The experience as a Furfrou had been him going easy on her? She was a little afraid to find out what his idea of hard was. She tried to object, tried to speak up and say no, to go easy on her again...

...but the paralysis held. She could only watch as Delta suddenly lunged forward, his body covering hers. She felt him poke between her legs, electricity jumping to tingle along her thighs... and then in a sudden push she was completely filled by the long canine cock.

She had the briefest second to absorb the feeling - it speared deep inside her, stopping as it bumped into something inside her that wouldn't give way to it. Her cervix, maybe? She didn't feel as stretched as she had with the Furfrou, but it was still an intense feeling, one reaching to her core, and there was a tingling all along her tunnel as the electrici-

The cock slid backwards against her walls, then thrust deep into her again. Delta wasn't waiting for her to take in the feeling. He bumped into that inner wall once more, then pulled back, then thrust again. The tufts of fur on his hips were a blur as he began to fuck her fast and hard, just like he had said he would.

Again and again he filled her. Her tunnel was soaking wet and she felt almost no friction from the motion... but her tunnel was soaking wet, and the sensation caused by Delta's electricity seemed all the stronger because of it. The electricity didn't just stop at the drenched walls, either - it reached deeper, bringing her a level of sensation that could never be reached by simple touch.

And that wasn't all. The black fur was charged with electricity, and when Delta thrust into her his fur rubbed over her nipples. They were in heaven - after being stimulated for so long they were finally feeling a touch, but they were still being randomly shocked.

It was too much for Cam. She didn't just have an orgasm - she had so many she couldn't keep track. At some point the pleasure broke through her paralysis, or maybe it just wore off, but either way she gained control of her body again. Delta's weight kept her pinned down, though, and she didn't really want it to stop anyways. She simply pushed back against his thrusts, causing the firm flesh to jab even harder into her, and gave voice to the sensations filling her body. Her cries joined the snarls and groans of the Manectric above her and the moans and whimpers of the Buizel out on the lake.

Sometime during the experience she was aware of another Buizel crying out in bliss as the observing Pokemon brought herself to her own orgasm, and then those sounds stopped entirely.

Cam had other things on her mind, though.

She had no idea how long it lasted. Half an hour, fifteen minutes, an hour, it didn't matter. Time didn't matter, only the next quick thrust of Delta's cock. His knot had formed at some point, but she wasn't deep enough for him to tie her; instead, the bulging flesh slammed into her clit each time the tapered tip slammed into her cervix. She had no idea how many orgasms that feeling alone had given her.

But after what seemed an eternity, the warm spear inside her suddenly throbbed against the sides of her tunnel. She barely noticed it through her own pleasure, and she was so drenched in her own juices that she didn't notice the feel of a new liquid unleashed inside her.

The jolt of electricity that accompanied each blast of his seed, and the ear-splitting howl he unleashed to the sky above her... those were what got her attention.

He held himself inside her as he filled her with his seed. Pulse after pulse of electricity radiated outwards from his cock. She cried out in pleasure - again - and joined him in one more orgasm of her own, the feeling extended by each shock he gave her.

Cam's latest orgasm died down sometime after Delta's did. The Manectric had pulled out of her and had flopped down onto the ground beside her. His sides heaved as he panted heavily, trying to get his breath back after the exertion. Cam had the sudden urge to roll over and snuggle against the spiny fur... but before she could, her body jerked in a sudden spasm.

She felt something hard inside her - an egg. There was another spasm, her muscles contracting against her control, and she felt the egg shift downwards. She whimpered, remembering how uncomfortable laying the egg as a Zigzagoon had been, and Delta raised his head to look at her. "Are you okay?"

"It's... ahhh... it's the egg..."

Delta jerked back to his feet, hopping to stand between her legs again. He spread her legs with his paws and looked up at her. "Take a deep breath. You can do this, it'll just be a minute."

Cam was so surprised that Delta seemed to be trying to help her that she almost forgot to breathe. Before, as a Furfrou, he didn't seem to care at all about her after he had cum in her... but now he was helping?

Another spasm wracked her body and suddenly Delta's strange behavior didn't seem to matter anymore. When it ended she took a deep breath like Delta had said... and she immediately felt a little calmer. "Good... just stay calm. This is going to hurt, but it'll be over soon; you can do it."

Another spasm, and the egg slipped a little further down. There was a stretching feeling...

...and then it was over.

Delta blinked down at her in surprise, and Cam lifted her head up to look down at her pussy. The egg rested on her tails. She had given birth, and had barely even noticed it.

Delta suddenly started laughing. "You're... ahahaha... you... it... you were so wet..."

Cam blushed furiously under her fur and took a closer look at herself. She was covered in her own juices. Her tails were completely soaked - she doubted they would look that wet even if she spent all day swimming. Her slit was still stretched from the recent sex (and egg laying), but it was utterly coated with her natural lubrication. Her legs were drenched, as were Delta's, and a good portion of the ground beneath her had turned damp. And the egg... the egg was so slickened that... well... that it could just fall right out of her. The juices coating the hard shell glistened almost mockingly in the sunlight.

Cam lay back down on her back and rested, trying to recover - although more from the intense fucking than the process of giving birth. Her gaze swept over the lake... but the Buizel had vanished. She had probably gone back to her den to rest after the surprise excitement. Cam blushed again at the thought that somebody had been watching her and Delta... but she smiled a little. They had probably just made that Buizel's entire month.

Delta finally stopped laughing, instead stretching back out beside her. "So... how did you like that?"

Cam blushed, feeling a little guilty... but she couldn't hide the truth. "That... that felt amazing."

Delta grinned back at her... then he started to dissolve. Cam felt wobbly... then his body began to dissolve. He collapsed into a Ditto-like blob, then his body reformed, until he was once again a human male.

Cam reached for his clothes... only to discover that they had gotten wet in all the excitement. He blushed, but he had no choice - unless he wanted to walk home naked, he would have to put up with it until he got home.

He dressed for the third time that day, then reached for the fallen camera. He wasn't sure what time it was, but the camera had a clock, and he could check what kind of picture he had gotten. If the picture wasn't that good he might still have enough time to attract another Buizel. Cam turned the knob at the top and waited for the camera to turn on... but nothing happened. The screen remained dark.

Cam cringed - the camera was dead. He had no choice but to head home to charge it, and hope the picture was good enough.

He packed the camera back up, then scooped Delta up in his hand. The Ditto had waited patiently beside the egg, though he had a reddish blush to his normally gray flesh. Cam tried to pick up the egg too, but it was far too slick to hold. He ultimately gave up and stuffed it as best he could into his backpack, though it wouldn't close all the way with the egg inside. "Okay... let's go home before we run into another Pokemon."

"That's probably a good idea... and... sorry again."

"It's okay! It wasn't your fault, and... um... I have to say, that time wasn't that bad." Cam blushed at the admission. He didn't think he wanted it to happen again any time soon, but... he couldn't say he was angry at what happened.

Delta just replied by blushing even harder.

The two walked home in silence, both of them tired from the sex. Cam unlocked the door and headed to his room, stashing the new egg in the closet with the first one. He set Delta down on the computer desk and turned it on, plugging his camera into the computer as well.

While he waited for the computer to boot up he thought back over everything that happened. "So... so I guess it's not just a Zigzagoon I'll transform into."

Delta looked nervous again but wobbled in a nod. "Yeah... there... must have been something different about the Zigzagoon and the Buizel. At least compared to the Shinx you saw."

Cam nodded in agreement. "And turning back isn't as simple as looking at the Pokemon again. I stared at the Buizel for a while, and nothing happened."

Delta went quiet. Cam thought the conversation was over, but just as the computer reached the desktop the Ditto wobbled suddenly and spoke up again. "I know what it was! You had already done it the second time!"

Cam blinked, not sure what Delta meant. "The... second time?"

"Uh-huh! Remember... all the times before, people only turned into a Pokemon once. And they had to lay an egg before they turned back. But you turned into a Zigzagoon twice. The second time you turned into a Zigzagoon you had already had an egg. That meant you didn't need to lay one again, to turn back! But when you turned into a Buizel, you hadn't laid a Buizel egg, so you needed to lay one first. I bet if you turn into a Buizel again then you'll be able to turn back the same way you did as a Zigzagoon!"

Cam bit his lip and thought about it. It seemed a bit of a stretch... but it explained everything. "Maybe. Still, I don't plan on turning into a Buizel or even a Zigzagoon again, if I can avoid it. Now... let's see if this trip was worth it."

Cam used his computer to browse the files on the camera. It was 2:15 - there wouldn't be any time to go back out if the one picture wasn't acceptable. He skimmed through the old pictures saved on the camera, until finally he reached the newest photo.

Cam groaned in disappointment. "This picture isn't going to work." Most of the picture was just of wide open sky. He had managed to get the Buizel's face - her eyes and tongue were clearly visible, as well as a little of the yellow ring - but that was it. The rest of the Buizel had been...

An increasingly familiar wobbly feeling came over Cam. He mentally kicked himself - he should have known better than to actually look at a picture of the Buizel. He tried to look away from the computer screen, but it was too late. The changes were already starting. Cam looked at Delta, noticing the Ditto was also changing, and was suddenly worried about a Manectric's weight breaking the desk. "Delta, quick, get off the computer desk!"

The Ditto sort of rolled off the desk while his body changed, but he managed to get to the floor safely. The two of them transformed once again, leaving a Buizel and a Manectric on the bedroom floor.

Cam sighed to herself. At least this was going to make changing out of the wet clothes a little easier. She started to climb into the chair so she could see the computer screen again, hoping that Delta's theory was right.

A paw on his shoulder stopped her, holding her fast. "Wait."

Cam turned her head to look back at the Manectric, sincerely hoping Delta didn't want to go another round. She gulped. "W-what is it...?"

"Don't try and change back yet. This could be a good thing." The Manectric let go of her and walked towards the door.

Cam spoke nervously. "Delta, I don't... think I'm ready for more..."

Delta looked back at her and chuckled. "Not for that... I meant... look, you still need a picture of a Buizel, right? Grab the camera and come with me to the pool; we can still get the picture for you."

Cam blinked. She hadn't even thought about that. "That's... actually a good idea." She was surprised that Delta was being so helpful.

"I know. Come on."

"I... the camera needs to charge some or it will just die again. I have an older digital camera... it's not as good, but there's still plenty of light, so it shouldn't matter."

"Great! Go get it." The Manectric gave her a commanding look. Cam nodded and ran to her closet, digging out the spare digital camera. She never used the thing anymore, but it was always charged because she just left it plugged in at the closet power outlet. Her Buizel paws were well suited to picking up and manipulating the camera, and she grabbed it easily; she also grabbed a tripod stand that was stored in the closet. She balanced the two and waddled back to Delta, opening the door for him.

The two walked out to the pool. Delta sat down by the door to the mansion. "There - go ahead and set it up, and you can get a picture of yourself in front of the pool."

Cam nodded, wondering why the Manectric felt the need to tell her that, but she went ahead and set up the tripod anyways. While she worked she looked back at Delta. "Um... not to seem rude or ungrateful, but... you're being awfully helpful..."

Delta looked at her with a confused look. "Yes? What about it?"

"Well, it's just... before, when you were a Furfrou, you just... didn't really seem to care about anything but yourself. I'm just a little surprised that you're being helpful now."

Delta chuckled again. "Oh - yeah, I was a bit of a dick then, wasn't I? That wasn't really me though. Remember, I change depending on what the Pokemon you see wants. The Zigzagoon wanted a Furfrou who was a bit of an asshole. Maybe she just wanted somebody who would fuck her and go, or something. The Buizel wanted something else instead. If I had to guess, I would say she wanted somebody who was dominant and forward, but still caring about her."

Cam nodded, finishing up her preparations and aiming the camera towards the pool. That would explain why he was giving her the unnecessary commands, at least. Still, it was probably going to take some time to get used to the differences.

"All done setting up?"

Cam nodded and pointed at the camera display. "I'll need you to take the picture though. Look through here and let me know when I'm standing in that circle. When you want to take a picture, just press this big button here, at the top - you should be able to with your paw?"

Delta nodded. "I've got it. Now go stand by the pool and pose for me. I think the request was for an 'alluring' picture..."

Cam blushed, but did as she was told. She felt odd standing on this side of the camera, but she stood at the edge of the pool and posed.

The Manectric just shook his head. "Not like that! Alluring! Sexy! Hold your tails to the side more. Try turning to sideways and facing the camera, with your arms held in front of your chest. Maybe blink a few times, so your eyes are wider... there! Just like that!" Cam followed the Manectric's instructions, freezing the way he told her too... and then the flash shone from the camera.

Cam sat in the computer chair, once again a human. Delta had been right - or at least right enough - and the two of them had changed back when Cam looked at the picture of the Buizel. Delta was fast asleep on the computer desk by the monitor, but Cam still had work to finish up. He scrolled through the pictures Delta had taken, trying to see what they contained without really looking at them. He finally gave up - it was just too hard.

He opened the e-mail again and attached all of the pictures Delta had taken. The marketing people could sort through and pick whichever one they wanted. It took a bit of time to upload, but finally the e-mail was sent.

Cam looked at the clock on the computer. It was 2:45 - he had made it just in time. With a sigh of relief he stood up and stretched slightly. He looked down at the floor and saw the crumpled pile of clothes he had worn out to the forest. The responsible side of him reminded him that they needed to be washed. Come to think of it, Cam needed a shower too. He had gotten sweaty trudging through the forest, he had some dirt on his back from lying in the grass, he had all manner of sexual fluids drying on his skin, and he swore he could smell peaches from somewhere.

A shower and a load of laundry... it needed to be done, but Cam flopped down onto his bed, deciding on a nap instead.

He had gotten wet enough for one day.

Status Update - Report 143

Subject Delta remains on the loose. At this point we are concerned someone from the area or a wandering trainer may have found it before us. We are advising a media alert to warn off potential interference - a cover story regarding an illness may be effective.

The guards responsible for the subject's escape are assisting in the search, with one exception. We have been unable to proceed with the Project as a result of the subject's absence, so we have determined which guard was responsible for feeding Delta; the researchers are even now administering the serum to him. While for obvious reasons we do not expect to duplicate the impressive traits found in Subject Delta, we have high hopes that the serum will nonetheless result in a usable subject.

We expect Subject Echo to be ready soon, and for the Project to continue with only a minimal delay.