Brigit's Meal

Story by Sorakirin on SoFurry

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Another foray into the world and city that I set up in Night at The Galaxy. In a Vore club someone isn't paying their debts and now it's time for the owner to collect what she is due. Making this adult for a few instances of an adult situations. Also yes this does have Vore if you don't like it then stop reading. Other then that Please enjoy.

Brigit's Meal

By: Sorakirin

Brigit looked at the folder in front of her labeled unpaid tabs. The voluptuous raspberry colored cow furrowed her brow. A foxtaur named Lilly had been getting fat off of the prey of her vore club, The Gulp, and had yet to pay her tab. Her stomach growled in hunger causing her to grimace. A chubby Hippo girl walks into Brigit's office.

"Boss Lilly's back and ordering again"

The large bovine sighs as her stomach growls again. "Send her in Jess, I'd like to discuss her tab"

"Of course boss."

Jess turns and leaves. A few moments later a rather fat female foxtaur with bright pink and white fur walks in with a cocky smile on her face.

"Hey, Brigit what's shaking?"

Brigit looks at her and licks her lips. "Your thighs and my bank account. Your tab is past due for payment."

"Oh come on Brigy you know I'm good for it."

"It's three months past due and you've been adding to it."

"Listen money's a little tight and my boss and landlord are being dicks. I'll get you your money."

"You know the rules, if you can't pay with money then you have to pay in other ways."

Lilly gives Brigit a seductive look removing her shirt. "And in what alternative method should I pay?"

Brigit smiles "I think you have a good idea."

Lilly closes the gap and the two embrace and kiss. After a few moments Brigit pulls back and playfully licks. Lilly murrs and puts her hands on Brigit's ample chest and massages her breasts as she helps the Bovine remove her clothes. In a few moments Brigit is nude her ample curves and bust exposed to the air. Lilly licks her lips and approaches Brigit.

"You look good enough to eat."

Brigit smiles as her stomach growls; she licks her lips and puts her hands on Lilly's upper arms. "So do you."

The large bovine opens her mouth wide and engulfs the unsuspecting taur's head in her maw before pushing her upper body into her maw, sending the surprised foxtaur on a trip down her throat. Lilly flails her legs around trying to wiggle free but the cow's grip on her is to strong and she is forced deeper into the cavernous throat. Brigit licks Lilly all over as she gulps the foxtaur down into her hungry belly, savoring the flavors that entice her pallet. The foxtaur begins to get covered in saliva and slime as she journeys deeper and deeper into the cow. Suddenly, there is an opening and she begins falling into Brigit's stomach.

Brigit lets out a soft moan as she feels the taur begin to curl up in her belly. Only Lilly's hind paws, generous rump and tail remain outside of the hungry bovine's maw. She eagerly savors the Foxtaur's nether regions as they slide across her tongue. Soon the hind paws are slurped inside and she begins to slurp up the taur's tail like a fluffy noodle.

Lilly struggles and squirms inside the hot restricting stomach. The layers of fat that were Brigit's previous meals muffle her cries for help. With a content sigh Brigit makes her way to the door and out into the main room of The Gulp. It's done up in glossy dark reds and pinks giving the illusion of the patrons being in the belly of a massive beast.

Brigit lets out a soft belch "Oh excuse me. Jess don't worry about Lilly's account. She's paid me back in full." Brigit giggles patting her full belly.

Jess gives a knowing nod "I take it we won't be seeing her again."

"Oh not for at least a couple of hours. I'll be skipping my lunch break by the way, I just had a rather filling snack."

Brigit turns and heads back into her office. A knowing smile crosses Jess' face. Everyone pays their debts to The Gulp in one way or another and Lilly just found that out the hard way.

Night at the Galaxy: Chapter 2 Work Begins

**Night at the Galaxy: Chapter 2 Work Begins** **By: Sorakirin** ** ** The Galaxy was starting to stir to life as the sun dipped below the horizon as night fell across the city. The speaker system hisses to life as the porcupine Dj starts to play...

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**Night at the Galaxy** **By: Sorakirn** Dejection, That's all Marc could remember seeing in David's eyes when he came home without his job at the Diner. The red fox's look of pure sadness reflected in those two deep pools that the Clydesdale loved...

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