Red Moon: Chapter 13.5

Story by LiquidHunter on SoFurry

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#20 of Red Moon

I tried to make this so that it wasn't a total domination. I think I managed that with Dmitri giving in voluntarily and for reasons that he felt happy about.

Chapter 13.5

_Just let him smell. Scent was a universal language among werewolves. If one wore some kind of perfume or cologne, then they were automatically under suspicion of masking untrustworthy scents. It was also a comforter. Werewolves were at their calmest when surrounded by the scent of their pack, it made them feel safe and secure._Dmitri told himself this as Trevor smelled him all over, from his face to his tail. He took note when Trevor lingered behind him longer than other areas, his wet nose probing and blowing warm air across the fine fur of his sack. As arousing as it was, Dmitri kept calm. Trevor was not himself, not once when he was human did he ever show any signs of true aggression and yet here he was, being sniffed up and down not one minute after Trevor had slaughtered several deer and just a few hours after he had done the same to at least one human. He needed to tread lightly for the time being.

Trevor on the other had was rather enjoying himself to the scents. He inhaled the scent of this familiar new wolf which had a smell that sent tingling sensations through his body, most notably his groin. At the moment, he didn't understand the feelings. The wolf was male, not a female that needed to be bred and yet he was getting the urge to just mount him as well as the urge to submit to him as well. The two feelings fought at each other, trying to gain dominance over the other, neither gaining the upper hand. With no real desire at the moment, Trevor just kept to his sniffing.

Once again, he shoved his nose under Dmitri's tail, crouching slightly since he was larger. Dmitri tensed up as the cold nose touched his underside, but did not resist. The Alpha and Sergei would be here soon enough and he just needed to keep him occupied until then. His father would know what to do.

Trevor sensed Dmitri tensing up. Was it afraid? It did back up when he first approached it. There was a little bit of fear in the wolf's intoxicating scent, but not the fear that he had smelled on the human. That smell of fear, to know that he had all that power over his helpless prey was truly great. This wasn't that kind of fear, it was cautionary. The wolf was unsure of what to do, it needed guidance. Who better to give it guidance and protection than a big powerful wolf such as himself?

That desire to submit to Dmitri faded away. Trevor didn't even know why it was there in the first place, maybe he had met the wolf sometime before and it had been stronger then. He couldn't remember and when he tried to push farther back, he only got blackness. This didn't trouble Trevor as much as it should have, he was too occupied with the present and Dmitri's bad nose never smelled it coming.

Thick paws and a heavy body threw itself onto Dmitri's back, much to his dismay. He tried to pull away from it with a snarl which he didn't intend to let out, but the paws held onto him, pulling him back. This was not right at all. Trevor was an omega and this was way beyond his usual behavior and position and yet that thought was torn away as a heavy grind of Trevor's thick sheath rubbed against his balls. Again, Dmitri pulled away. He threw himself to the side, going to a roll and throwing off Trevor who gave off a startled yelp.

The red wolf who had been caught off guard from his need to "comfort" the smaller wolf, got up slowly, eyeing Dmitri who had put some distance between the two. Maybe it was too direct? Even though he couldn't remember anytime that he wasn't a wolf, despite that only being for a few hours, Trevor couldn't really read the facial features of the other wolf. There was still some fear in the air and some anger as well, but the scent alone just wasn't enough. Didn't it want to be mated to him? Who wouldn't? Yet, the other wolf had shaken him off, maybe some encouragement was needed.

Dmitri was unsure of what just happened or what he should do. He had never been mounted before. Though as much as he wanted to hate the feeling of being pushed down under another, it was oddly tantalizing. For nearly all his life, he had wandered with no real purpose. There was little to do, he never had any way to make a name for himself beyond his relation to the alpha. During times of war and crisis, that had changed. He fought, he had true purpose, a mission. It was those time in between, when things were slower and he had nothing to do that were the problems. Now, they were mated. Dmitri had claimed Trevor as his mate despite both of them as male. Being mates went beyond reproduction, it was a bond between two and a commitment to keep one another happy. If being mounted made his mate happy...

Trevor was surprised to see Dmitri walk up to him with more confidence than before. He had been planning on playing a game of cat and mouse as a form of foreplay to get him into the mood, but he was willing to see where this was going to go.

The other wolf walked up to him and licked at the underside of his jaw slowly. Trevor didn't know what had caused the sudden change in behavior, but he liked it. It saved both of them some time.

Dmitri took it slowly, the experience was all new to him. He had never had to appease to anyone like this. He started by grooming Trevor, trying to get the blood out of his fur which was freezing into his fur. He moved down the larger wolf's neck, leaving cleaner fur in his wake. He heard Trevor give off a low growl of approval. Eventually, he got to his back leg. He hesitated when Trevor lifted his leg, revealing a plump sheath and a pair of hefty testicles that hung heavily.

When the much needed grooming stopped, Trevor looked back to see Dmitri staring at his package. He did admit it was something to admire, perhaps he should take a closer look. Hooking his raised leg over the back of the other wolf's head, Trevor pulled him in closer, practically now mounting him from the front.

Dmitri yelped, but that only managed to get him a mouthful of the musky meat. It was salty and gamey, not as bad as he expected. A light hump pulled the sheath out of his mouth and poked him in his left nostril which caused him to sneeze into it. Whether or not Trevor noticed, he kept up the light humping, grinding himself into Dmitri's face and thoroughly rubbing his juices into his fur. The scent wasn't going to be coming out anytime soon. Not seeing any end to the prodding of his face, Dmitri really had no choice but to take it back in his muzzle. The top of the sheath caught on his upper lip, letting the pulsing member inside slide free.

The feeling of his breeder being suckled on got a Trevor to hump harder and more erratically as he lost control for a few moments. He lifted his front paws off of the ground to wrap them around the wolf's waists where his paws brushed up against the sheath below and kneaded at them with his claws, coaxing out the prize hidden inside. It didn't come quickly, but soon enough, he had it out in the cold air where he sheltered it by pressing it up against its owner's furry abdomen.

The two kept at this for some time. Dmitri found himself actually enjoying the act more than he cared to admit and having his own cock being handled so carefully was a wondrous sensation that was new beyond having it simply jammed into a wet hole. The rough pads of Trevor's paws tugged and rubbed at his sensitive skin while the claws teased at just how much he was at the mercy of the red wolf whose knot was not bumping into his nose, begging to be plugged into something.

Thinking himself lubed up enough, Trevor slipped off of the smaller wolf, letting his thick cock hang limp, dripping with both saliva and his pre. He gave some time for a breather before he walked around Dmitri, towards its backside. It was so enticing and ready to be claimed.

Dmitri knew it was coming. Trevor was intent on this and Dmitri didn't think he could even fend him off if he tried to resist it. He was just astonished at how quickly Trevor had changed. It took centuries for a werewolf to get to that size and that was only if they were lucky. Even his father, who was the eldest in the pack, was only just barely larger than himself. Now he was going to get mounted by what could easily be the biggest wolf in the world. If this was going to happen, he needed to relax.

Trevor gazed at the tight pink hole as he brushed aside the tail that had been guarding it. It was virgin, but not for long. Trevor gave it a long slurp that traveled from the balls up to the hole where he drilled his tongue into it, penetrating it with enough force that it might as well have been a less endowed wolf already trying to shove a cock in it. It was very tight, the sphincter clamped down around his tongue, trying to stop his pushing, but he kept going. Eventually, he got as much as he could deep into the wolf. He flexed his tongue, giving it a little bit of extra stretch before slowly pulling out.

Dmitri clenched his teeth, it had stung immeasurably at first with all of the sudden stretching and having that tongue, which had to have been a foot long, go all the way into him. He was left panting and as hard as a rock. It was erotic and exhilarating to do this even if it hurt. Pain was hardly an issue since he had a high threshold, this was nothing compared to other things he had done. Even if it did hurt, he found himself wanting it more and more. He wanted to please his mate.

Trevor watched with obviously delight and arousal as the wolf raised its rear into the air more while lowering its front. It was beckoning to him and he was going to take it. He pushed himself onto the wolf and wrapped his paws around his waist, hooking them on its haunches to ensure a secure grip. His first jab missed the wet and stretched orifice, hitting where there would have been a warm vagina if it had Dmitri been a female. The hole he wanted was higher. He arched his back more to bring his drippy member to bear, aiming straight where it needed to go and then slowly pushing forward. It was a good thing he had stretched it out or it would have taken forever to get the first few inches in, but he slid in well enough.

It was big, too big. The thought sent Dmitri into a bit of a panic as the thick rod squeezed itself far into him, filling him up entirely. Inch by inch it went in and he was glad that Trevor was taking it slowly even then, he still dug his claws into the snow and the frozen earth below until the base of Trevor's knot was pressing up against him.

A slow and rhythmic humping began. Trevor pulled out about halfway each time and made sure to push in as far as he could, letting the walls of his mate hug and pull on him. Trevor pressed his head down snuggly against Dmitri's back and playfully nipped at his scruff and licked at him to help him calm down. As much as he was forcing himself onto him, he wanted the experience to be mutually beneficial. A good mate needed to think about the other.

The pain slowly faded away as Dmitri grew more and more used to the feeling and it was soon replaced with pleasure. With Trevor's sheer girth and length, it wasn't hard for his cock to find and rub up against Dmitri's prostate, pressing and massaging the walnut sized gland. Dmitri let out a low whine as he could feel himself approaching climax even though he wasn't even being touch down there at all. His insides were warm, heated from both friction and Trevor's hot cock that was shooting more and more lubricating liquid that seeped farther into him with each thrust.

Trevor began to ramp up his tempo now that he wasn't feeling as much resistance anymore. His balls began to slap up against Dmitri's taint which was matted from saliva and sticky pre that had leaked out of him. Each time their hips met, Trevor tried to push his overly engorged knot into Dmitri, though he had been aroused for far too long and it was just too big. Though he still did try. He adjusted his grip on Dmitri's hips, pushing them down to give him a better angle to go at him like a jack hammer.

Dmitri grunted and moaned as he was bred like a bitch. Each thrust sent a wave of electrifying sensations up his spine and into his groin. He could feel that knot pressing up against him with each thrust, the only thing truly separating them and though parts of him wanted it in him, to give himself fully to Trevor, a more sensible part was glad. Shoving that knot into him would most definitely cause tearing and he didn't fancy being tied for hours on end, he wouldn't know what to say if Sergei and his father caught him like that.

Dmitri sucked in a breath as he felt Trevor's grip on him tighten and his body tense above him. They were both on edge.

Trevor came first. He let out a muffled howl as he somehow managed to hump even faster before giving one last and hard push. He felt his balls pull up against him as they churned out their seed right into Dmitri who squirmed as he felt every inch of his intestines get coated in a powerful spray that felt like he was being pissed in. The sensation proved too much for Dmitri who began to shoot his own load onto the ground, humping into the air and pressing himself back into Trevor. His white, steamy mess hit the snow, melting it and began to soak into the thawing ground.

Trevor gave one final push as his orgasm came to a finish. Without the tie, any of the spooge that couldn't go forward went backwards and out where it seeped out and onto the ground to join Dmitri's creating a potent cocktail of steaming white spunk. He panted and listened as his heart pounded inside of his chest and let the afterglow wash over him.

Dmtiri's legs gave out, tired from both holding up the wolf that was a top of him and outweighed him and just from the pleasure. He plopped down right into his own mess and pulling himself off of Trevor's rod, letting all of the seed inside of him spill out. It was quite the site, between the two of them, there was no less than a liter of white sticky fluid which was slowly growing as both of their cocks continued to drool.

Trevor would have joined him there on the ground, but a smell on the wind broke his attention. The deer herd was still close by and all of that mating had reawaken his appetite. He could have just eaten the one deer he had left, but he preferred fresh and not marinated in both the smell of sex and sperm.

Dmitri looked up in time to see Trevor run off in search of food with his still throbbing member slapping up and down with each step.