Distant Earth CYOA part 11

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#13 of Distant Earth text adventure

Well it's been a long break but I am back writing this as promised. I hope that I haven't lost too many followers of the series, I was enjoying it and getting some great feedback.

Anyway he's the next chapter, Zack getting a glimpse of how good a friend the Hyena can be for him.

34 for believe him so you guys really want to believe the hyena

Nodding his head in acknowledgment of the statement, "I believe you, maybe I'm a fool but you don't seem like a rapist to me." The two sat in silence for a few moments, the hyena head hung low eyes closed cheeks soaked in tears.

Eventually Reggie broke the silence, "thanks, it means a lot to have another friend on board. Loyal friends are hard to come by out here, you got my back and you'd better believe I'll have yours." Standing up and wiping his eyes and cheeks the hyena offered a paw saying, "After we drop this load we'll be hitting another ship, you will be on the raid party and I will make sure you will be ok."

Grasping the proffered paw Zack found himself for the first time really thinking about what he had become. A pirate about to raid another ship, his life of crime had started and he hadn't been paying enough attention to notice, "t... thank you."

Reggie actually chuckled as he gave the rabbit's paw a squeeze, "you'll be ok, it's no big thing, we bust in guns waving and act all threatening, grab what we need and bust out with the cargo. Usually nobody gets hurt, sometimes we have to rough up a guard or two who decides to be a hero."

Zack felt a blush creeping across his face as he realised the hyena had guessed what he was thinking, "I... I don't now how to fight or anything. I'm not sure anyone will take me seriously."

"They won't see you, they'll see some pirate guy who rushed in through the smoking remains of a door waves and a blaster in their face. They'll piss themselves and do what they are told." The hyena replied reassuringly as he sat down on the bed opposite and smiled. "I remember my first raid, I was seventeen and I was pissing myself, I mean really fucking pissing myself with fear. Only human in the raiding party, stuck out like a sore thumb I was so excited and terrified at the same time that I couldn't sit still. Then bamn we were in and out before I even realised. Only about one raid in ten goes bad and even when they do mostly nobody gets hurt. Our guns are set to stun, killing people would bring the navy down on us like a ton of bricks. I'll be there so will the other guys, you'll be fine, just focus on your job."

"Thanks," whispered the blonde rabbit a little timidly. "I... never really thought I'd do this, but then hell I stole the money to get my transformation, guess I was meant for a life of crime..." Zack stopped talking as he heard a deep rumbling snarl from the hyena.

"We are not criminals!" Reggie barked loudly his teeth showing as the hyena leaned close. "The stuff we steal keeps thousands of people from starving."

Unable to reply in anything other than a fearful nod Zack tried not to panic, as quickly as it had come the hyena's temper left. His expression changed to one of regret and he muttered, "sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you, damn aggression makes me snap at even the smallest slight. Carmel used to know how to stop me, I'd be ranting about something random and stupid and she'd just stroke my cheek or my arm and I'd stop."

"She sounds like a special person," observed the rabbit as he felt his pulse returning to normal.

The hyena couldn't help but smile, "yeah she was; really sweet an idealist like me. Out to save the galaxy, we bunked together for years. When I finally decided that I needed to go through the change, she talked to me about what I should be and about my fears. Made me feel I was making the right choice." Reggie smiled at the memory and then asked suddenly, "so why'd you sign up?"

"I... " Zack paused, he'd always hated the elitists but he knew the reason he signed up was because a cute panda guy asked him to, he wasn't sure how to put it.

"You followed your dick didn't you?" Smirked the hyena putting it in succinct terms with a lacivious grin and wink.

Squirming internally and blushing heavily the rabbit could do nothing but nod in reply.

"Let me guess, chunky, cute innocent panda boy stole your heart?" Reggie asked with a knowing smile. "You can see it all over your face and his. The pack is usually in the mess this time of day, if you want I could run some interference, and you guys could use my room. You'll not get him away from the pack without help. Or you could head back to your room, though your roommates...they ain't gonna just let you sleep. If you want to just rest up though, I got a couple of spare beds, I swear I won't touch you...though if you strip I reserve the right and privilege to oogle as much as I damn well please!"

Alright sorry for the long break, but if you've read my journals you'll know why.

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Your choices for what Zack does next are:

a) Take him up on the offer to get to spend some alone time with Qerry the red panda

b) Go back to his bunk and probably be dragged into a romp with Kelo the pony and Reese the raccoon.

c) Stay where he is and get some sleep

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Vote as always by clicking on the thumbs up in the comments i will post below.