The King's shilling part 2

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#2 of The King's Shilling

Well here it is as promised part 2 of the King's Shilling, the cover art is courtesy of the wonderful Darkness (who takes commissions and is very sweet and produced this image quite fast) please remember to go fave it at his upload as well

This chapter covers the background of the pirate captain and his first mate and well, while there are some tears it has a very steaming ending as well as a steamy middle. I hope you all enjoy

The sun had gone down hours ago, the cloud was so thick that it was hard to tell, flashes of lightening illuminated a horizon of black angry giant waves. The black and purple clouds dominated the night, the only light were the star-like glimmers from the lanterns of the lone ship struggling to stay afloat in the hurricane that raged around it. The Amphion endlessly climbing the black rolling mountains that the waves had become, the storm had lasted almost all day and looked like it was going to continue long into the night.

The Amphion's polar bear captain at the wheel, his voice bellowing, above the crash of waves and rush of wind, as he commanded his crew. Trying to best this storm was no easy feat, it was a miracle they had survived so far, they had been too far from land to find safe haven. The bear had tried to flee before the storm, using the first high winds to drive his vessel, hoping to reach a safe harbour before the full might of the storm hit. However, he had soon realised it was a race he could never win. Stripping the sails his men had battened down the hatches as best they could.

William, Billy to his mates, was one of the quietest of the bear's crew. Unlike most of the pirates he was shy around almost everyone. Yet he had proven himself an able seaman and he had a cool head in a fight. He was showing his cool head once more as he helped on deck, moving the cannon's back and forth, trying to keep the weight of the vessel centred as the seas bucked under them like some giant angry bronco. Each step was different, one moment being thrown up into the air like a feather, the next being pulled down to the deck, like his blood was suddenly lead.

Exhaustion was the ever threatening enemy, there wasn't a single pirate onboard whose muscles didn't ache and beg, every moment, for rest. However, their captain's bellows and commands and the ever present danger of the storm kept them moving, kept them fighting.

As the rat struggled across the deck, moving a barrel of water with the aid of two friends, a cannon tied down only moments ago, by tired paws, was straining against the knotted rope. The knot that bound it down was just too loose and, with an extra hard jerk of the vessel, the huge weapon broke free. His tired muscles reacting too slow, the rat dove into the swinging cannon and felt his lithe body sailing through the air. The pain of the impact was barely felt, even though several of his ribs had fractured. It paled in comparison to the fear of the cry that could be heard above the storm. "Man overboard!" The last words he heard before he landed in the black oblivion.

The normally warm seas of the Caribbean felt icy cold, and the sailor kicked and struggled. He had lost his breath in the fall, his lungs were screaming at him as he reached out desperately trying to swing to the surface, to taste one last sweet breath, he fought more on instinct than any conscious effort. Then as the water sucked him down and his tired muscles accepted their fate his body began to still. Just as his eyes began to close he saw a flash of white and felt two strong arms closing around him.

Malcolm had been told to stay in the captain's cabin, he took no offence to it, after only three weeks on board he didn't know the Amphion or her crew well enough to help ride this kind of storm. A well meaning, inexperienced, man would have only been a hindrance and both he and the bear had known it. Instead he tried to secure the captain's belongings, doing anything he could to keep him mind off the storm, the bucking of the cabin and the thought that any moment his new love might be taken from him. The bear had become everything the to dog. He had let the dog's father and crew go free just a week earlier, the young male was unable to look his parent in the eye and admit what he has chosen to be. Instead the bear took the older dog's hate, letting the man think his son was being stolen. It was the easiest option for Malcolm and that was all the bear had cared about.

Eventually, when all other tasks were done, he lay in the captain's bed basking in the bear's scent, waiting for the storm to end. Thinking of how afterwards he would tend to his love's sore muscles and help him recover. That was his job, his life, the captain's boy. He loved every moment with the bear, submitting to him had seemed so wrong, until the bear had shown him how much pleasure could be found as the captain's boy. Since then he had fallen hard for the bear, he was even allowed to use the bear's name when the crew wasn't around. It was an honour, although he didn't truly know just how much of an honour.

After hours the door to the cabin slammed open and the wind howled through the cabin as the bear strode in. Aron, the grey pony first mate, was hanging off the bear's thick neck panting, as water poured off his body. The bear glanced at him and shouted, "Off the bed!" The corgi quickly rolled off landing on the floor and rushing to take the pony's other shoulder.

"What happened?" he asked as the two helped the exhausted pony to the bed.

"Someone didn't properly tie down a cannon, Billy took it to the chest and went overboard." Snarled the bear as he dumped the pony onto the bed. "This stupid fucker tied a rope around his waist and jumped after him. Somehow he managed to grab hold of the rat and hold him while we pulled them both up. He's in the mess, cook's seeing to him, he has his paws full, poor little rat is in one hell of a state. Cook couldn't deal with nursing this un, so I brought him here. I can't stay, the ship needs me, keep him here, I don't care what it takes. The storm is finally letting up, a few more hours and we'll all get some rest. He needs some rest now though, and a lot of care, give it to him!"

With that the bear was gone, back off into the storm and the corgi turned to the horse. His clothes and fur were soaking, with a lot of tugging the dog managed to strip the equine down, throwing his wet clothes into a splat on the wooden floor. Heating water was impossible, any flame in the storm was a risk to the vessel. So he poured a generous portion of brandy into a glass and lifted the horse's head up, helping him drink.

He couldn't help but let his eyes wander, the grey Clydesdale was a magnificent specimen. Light grey fields of fur, flecked with the occasional hint of black, pulled tightly around taught muscle. The male was a perfect physical specimen, not a scrap of fat on him. His eyes couldn't help but slip down to the treasure between Aron's legs, where a black leather sack held the two largest family jewels the dog had ever seen. His sheath was huge as well and Malcolm couldn't help but wonder just how the first mate might compare to his captain.

Such thoughts fled from his mind as the horse put a leg down on the deck and began to heave himself up. "No! You need to rest, Captain's orders!" Malcolm put both paws on the horse's chest and tried to push the mountain of muscle back down.

The horse glanced at the dog as if noticing him for the first time, a wry smile spreading across his lips, "I recon I'll be ok, John needs me."

The use of the captain's first name took the corgi by shock, every crewmember called him Captain, even the pony did on deck. "He needs you to rest, please...just for a moment or two, please. Besides, you aren't exactly dressed for duty."

Aron glanced down at his naked form and then up at the corgi, the young male had more than a hint of a pleading whine in his tone of voice. "Alright, just for a moment." The horse lay back with a grateful sigh, taking the brandy glass from him and downing it in one mouthful. "Another of these might keep me here a moment longer." It was as blatant a hint as the dog would ever receive and he acted on it fast, filling the glass and bringing it back.

"That was very brave, what you did," observed the corgi as he handed the pony the glass and kneeled down next to the bunk. "Reckless, but brave."

"Ah, your crewmates are your life, save them save yourself. I learned that from John a long long time ago," the pony chuckled as he took another huge sip of brandy.

Malcolm was a sharp young male, he saw a golden opportunity rising in front of him. To learn about his lover's past and keep the pony resting at the same time, as he had been ordered. "You've known the captain a long time?"

"Aye, since the first day I joined the navy," replied the Clydesdale as he lay his head back.

"You joined up? As in... voluntarily?" Malcolm asked in shock, the bear had been press ganged into service and the dog had assumed most of the rest of them had been as well. He knew the bear certainly held a grudge against the navy for press ganging the bear and for killing the bear's ex lover. After weeks in the bear's bed those were all the facts he had managed to weasel out of the tight lipped bear.

"Well, it wasn't like I had much choice, I needed a way out of the country. There was a female involved and a father who was rather annoyed to discover I had planted my seed in her." Snorted Aron with a half laugh.

"You knocked her up?" Malcolm asked in shock, a child out of wedlock, that poor female would have been shunned. "Why didn't you make an honest woman of her?"

"Ha! Me? Be a husband and father? She's way better off without me in her life, can't keep myself out of other peoples beds. It's my greatest flaw and my best talent, getting between the legs of some lonely filly and making her feel like god himself had paid her a visit." The horse replied with a little sigh and then he went on to add. "Besides, I'd also knocked up her sister and I really didn't want to admit that to them both. Though I guess they both found out shortly after I signed up."

The corgi was horrified at the thought, yet a small part of him found it exciting. The pony had daring far greater than he could ever believe he himself would ever posses. "So that's when you met the Captain?"

"Well he was on the ship and I knew him enough to say good morning, but I never had any words with him really. I was assigned to gunner when I was a landsman, he was an able seaman under the Yeoman of the sheets. He kept to his friends, a ram called Chris and a corgi named Paul, may god rest their souls." The pony lay back and let the alcohol loosen his tongue further. "We first really 'met' at Barfleur six months after I came aboard the Eagle."

Malcolm's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped, the storm outside forgotten, "you were at Barfleur?"

"Aye, in red squadron under Admiral Russell. Our captain was Rob Hancock, a beagle of all things, but with grit. Fuck me you should have seen her, served through the nine years war, more encounters than I can remember, we fought the damn Frogs and those blasted Spanish... she was glorious and deserved better... she deserved to die fighting, not thanks to some fucking stupid navigator who couldn't tell his arse from his elbow. All those battles and she sinks on a fucking reef, thanks to some cock sucking cunt not fit to lick my hooves clean. Broke my heart to abandon her, a beautiful lady should not be left alone to die. Though that was a long time after Barfleur."

The pony seemed happy to talk and the corgi wasn't going to interrupt, he had heard of the Scilly disaster, what officer in the Navy hadn't? Two thousand dead, yet the pony had lived through it and his bear too it seemed. He wanted to hear more, but feared if he pushed the pony would just clam up so he sat quietly and refilled the brandy glass. He could feel the pitching of the ship, it was easing minute by minute, the captain had been right the storm was easing off at last.

"Now the first time I really met John was at Barfleur, we were pushing, the Eagle got caught between two second rate Frenchies, fuck we took some damage. People died, good people, people I had knew. Takes something out of you that, seeing someone you talked to that morning laying there half their chest missing. The next thing I know we are being boarded and the cry goes out to repel boarders. I grabbed my cutlass, like a good seaman, and rallied to my ships defence.

Ha! Or so I tell everyone, really I was caking it, my fingers were trembling and I just kept thinking; it couldn't end , not at sixteen... fuck I would have married both those mares and their dad too to get off that damn ship right then. Then I see him, a fucking bull in a French marine uniform and he's charging this trembling little coward pony, and I look in his eye, I knew I was dead then, he was going to kill me.

I dropped my sword and whimpered, then out of nowhere steps this bear, he sliced that bull right across the midsection and down he went. John Watson, and damn he really was the most beautiful sight to see right then, blood and soot in his fur and clothing and a deadly look in his eye. He gave me one look and said, "they're pushing on the Captain, get your fucking sword boy, we got some work to do." That was it, one word from him and I grabbed my cutlass, my fear gone and with Paul and Chris covering us with rifles from behind, we charged the French marines.

I don't know how we did it, but we managed to cut our way through those bastards right to where the captain and the officers were fighting. We threw them off, Chris and Paul rallied the rest of the crewmen and we cut the Eagle free from the French embrace. Fuck what a day, what a battle! We lost a lot, but we kept the ship and gave better than we got. End of the battle, seven days later, the French had lost fifteen ships and we hadn't lost one. Ha! Now that's a result huh? Ruled the fucking waves that day, we did!

I remember when we pulled into Portsmouth, heroes that's what we were, people cheering, flags waving. The Captain promoted John to a petty officer and he invited me and him to his house for a drink... can you imagine, two fucking crewmen drinking with the damned captain and his wife. Oh Lady Hancock, oh stop my heart she was gorgeous, a sweet beagle, pert bosom and full body, oh curves all in the right places.

I knew I shouldn't but...she gave me all the signals, got me in the scullery for a moment and told me when her husband wouldn't be home. I was young, stupid and horny. Ha! I guess now I'm just stupid and horny. I went, and oh god I took her with everything I had and then when we lay panting and gasping for air I laughed at how great I was. Of course she laughed at how great I wasn't... never underestimate a woman; men they hurt your body, women hurt your soul.

She told me that she had known men with half my endowment who were thrice the lover I was. I don't know how to say how crushed I was, still she said she could teach me. With the Eagle in port for repairs I had some time, so I spent my days with her, learning the secrets that most men don't bother to learn. How to lick, how to nibble, how to take it slow and bring a woman to the screaming peak of pleasure. Ohh, what days they were, learning on my knees, her petticoats around my head as my tongue delved into her nethers. I can almost taste her, like strawberries and cream on a hot summers day.

She taught me more than just that, she taught me how to spot a women who was interested and how to catch a female's attention. She set me on her maids and friends, all the while she watched from some spy hole. It didn't matter to her who I seduced, and it certainly didn't matter to me either. She told me who and how and I followed her orders like a good sailor. Touching where she told me to touch, whispering what she told me to whisper. She was as fine a general as any you will ever meet, she knew how to command and she could always spot the weakness in anyone's defences.

Then after I'd had my way with the target, I would make my way to her room. There she would be, naked, panting, sweating and so deliciously moist and ready. She didn't want me to be soft or tender then, no nibbling or nuzzling. She wanted a brute, a beast and that is what I was for her. We didn't make love; we fucked, hard and hot, bodies slapping and grinding, sweating and swearing, as she rode me to peak after peak after peak. I've had my way with dozens and dozens of women, a good few men too. She's the only woman I think about. She taught me the pleasure that comes from bringing pleasure to another. I was always a slave to my cock, if not for her all those women would have hated me. As it is, I like to think I'm at least a pleasurable memory to keep their nethers warm on those cold nights laying with a husband who only cares for his own pleasure."

"Oh my!" Gasped the young corgi as his eyes caught the sight of something pink, his gaze was drawn to where the pony's cock had dropped. It was huge, at least fifteen inches long, wide as the captain's but with a huge flared tip. Black leathery at the base, giving way to mottled pink flesh at the medial ring the tip glorious pink and drooling pre. The cabin was heavy with the ripe musk of a masculine male and the corgi could feel his pants tightening as he gazed at the huge member.

"You can touch it if you want," whispered a voice in his ear, he looked up embarrassed into the smiling eyes of the grey horse.

"I... but the captain," whispered the dog and the pony smile broadened. Oh he knew what that answer meant, he heard it from women all the time, worried more about their husband catching them than doing something wrong. He knew what it meant, they wanted him and all he had to do was convince them they wouldn't get caught. Of course with the corgi he had the best answer for his concerns.

"He'll understand boy, hell he's tasted and felt this beast before too, after all we were shipmates for a long time. Me, him, Paul and Chris...we helped each other out all the time." The horse leaned closer to the dog's ear to deliver the final blow to the dog's defences. "He sucked me in my cabin three days ago, he knows I need to drain my balls regularly and has always been a good friend to me."

Gasping the dog looked up at the horse, he felt betrayed, the captain was supposed to be his. Of course, if what Aron said was true he had been the pony's for a long time too. He pictured his bear, muzzle wrapped around that mottled flare and he gulped deeply at the thought, it was so hot, he found himself wanting to see it for himself. More than that though he found himself wanting to taste what his captain had tasted. His head turned on it's own and his paws moved without his bidding.

Before he knew what he was doing, the thick throbbing pony length was in his hands and his nose was sniffing the tip. Grass and musk mixed together on his nose and then a musky gob of pre shot across his muzzle. He opened his mouth and licked at the dribble of pre as it ran down his cheek. That was all he needed, the taste took hold of his mouth, pure maleness dominated him and his mouth opened again and this time he licked the flavour right from the source.

"Fuck, yeah that's a good boy...mmm yes lick it. Oh both paws, one on my ring the other working the top of my shaft," the pony commanded with a happy smile as he watched the little dog lapping at his swollen cocktip. He reached out with a paw to lightly stroke the dog's head and ears reassuringly. Truth was he thought John wouldn't mind, though usually he would ask permission first. However, as always his cock ruled his mind and he never said no to it's desires. Right then it's desires were to be thrust into the delicate canine's muzzle.

Malcolm moaned as the pony forced his head down, his jaw stretching as wide as it could, he managed to get the flare into his mouth with just an inch or two of the thick shaft. His nose and taste buds were overrun with equine musk, the bitter taste somehow tangy and pungent. He gulped and swallowed as much as he could, he had sucked down enough bear pre and cum to have developed a taste for it, and tasting something new was definitely welcome. He could feel his heart beating rapidly, with each beat his cock throbbed harder in his pants. However, his paws were busy as he obeyed every command the older equine gave him.

Aron closed his eyes and moaned as the corgi's muzzle began to slide back and forth on his length, even the inch or two of movement was enough to send waves of pleasure through his body. It had been three days since he had last emptied his balls and the bear had been in a hurry, that quick suck had been all he'd gotten since they dropped off their captives. There had been two very willing mares in that group who had shared his bed nightly. Mares in heat were far too easy a target for him, no doubt they would tell their husbands' they were raped. He had never needed to do something so low as to force a lover, in fact the thought of taking someone less than willing made him soft, it was all about making them want it, making them submit to him.

Now at last he could watch his cock sliding into someone new, the pink flesh shining in the candlelight as it thrust between the corgi's black lips. A new pretty conquest, though hardly a difficult one, the bear had already shown the boy how much he wanted men. The boy knew a thing or two about sucking cock, that much was clear, a very eager young male who his friend had given a few lessons too. "Ohh fuck, that's it, faster, ohh more suction... don't stop moving your head or paws."

The corgi responded to every command, the thrill of being instructed making him more eager and willing. All worry about being caught slipped from his mind, his mouth moved faster and faster on the hot throbbing length. His paw squeezed the pulsing shaft, he wondered how many females the horse had defiled with his amazing phallus. The male seemed virile and very willing to bed anyone, male or female. It was so very wrong and yet the young male was turned on to be the latest in a long line of the equine's conquests. His muzzle moved faster and faster, he heard deep panting groans coming from the male.

"ohh good boy...good boy!" Whispered the horse unable to do anything but lay there as his cock was treated to a wonderful small corner of dog heaven. Each touch of the canine's tongue or fingers sent thrills of pleasure through his body, he wanted to hold out and make it last, but he knew he wasn't going to be able. Taking his friend's lover, in his friend's bed, the very notion turned him on far too much and he could already feel his balls beginning to churn.

Moaning and thrusting his head faster and faster, the corgi was so lost to the wonders of equine cock that he didn't hear the whispered warnings that Aron gave him. The first signs he had of the equine's orgasm was a strong pulse, that ran up the pony's cock and then erupted at the back of his throat. Horse cum flooded his muzzle, milky and yet musky, with strong notes of sea-salt and hay, he swallowed out of reflex, gulping desperately trying to hold it all in his mouth. The horse's flow proved to be too great for him and after a third jet he pulled his mouth off, warm horse cum spilling from his muzzle down his shirt. Then a thick jet of spunk hit him in the face, followed by another and another as the horse emptied himself onto the boy.

Whinnying softly the pony felt the afterglow begin to take hold of him, he cast his gaze to the young corgi. It was a beautiful sight, the dog covered in his love, floods of it dripping down his cheeks and shirt, pooling on the tent in his pants. The pony was many things, but he was never a selfish lover, "stand up boy." He commanded and Malcolm obeyed, in that moment there was no order or request he was able to refuse the horse.

Equine paws quickly pulled down his pants and then wonderful warmth engulfed his throbbing eager cock. The horse's tongue was long and strong, his muzzle so long he could easily fit the dog's average sized length. His large paws cradled and caressed the dog's creamy balls as he used every trick he had learned, after twenty plus years at sea, to pleasure the young male.

Malcolm cried out again, the feel of a thick equine tongue swirling around his glans almost overwhelming him. He felt powerful hands pulling his hips back and then forcing them forward. His cock slid out and then back into the wonderfulness of equine maw, it was all the instruction he needed. His body knew what it should do, even if his mind was lost to the bliss and sensations he was filled with. His hips thrust fast and desperately into the muzzle, breeding it like it was a willing bitch.

Aron resisted the urge to chuckle, he knew the boy was too horny and desperate, it wouldn't be long before he got to really taste his friend's new mate. Sure enough a few seconds later the canine cried out as his hips thrust desperately, muzzle fucking the pony wildly as his balls danced on the equine's chin. The cock throbbing and spraying his much smaller load into the willing muzzle.

The horse swallowed each blast, his lips and tongue kept milking the shaft, cleaning it of every drop until eventually he pulled a panting exhausted dog into his arms on the bed. Malcolm slipped his arms around the equine and held him tightly. They two lay together for a while, basking in the afterglow, before the corgi felt the guilt at what he had done rising.

"I...we..we" he whispered with a tear rolling down his cheek.

The pony kissed the tear away and knew he needed to reassure the young male, "it'll be ok, I'll explain to John, he'll understand. Hell, I used to fuck Paul all the time, he won't mind... though he might be pissed that I didn't ask permission first, kinda rude of me. Ha! but then he knows, more than most, that my cock dictates my actions."

"What... what happened to Paul?" Whispered the corgi, he had heard bits and pieces about his lover's ex. Part of him needed to understand the fate of his rival lover and he feared he might never get another chance to find out.

The horse squeezed him tightly, "that's a much darker tale I'm afraid and starts after the Eagle sank. All four of us got out alive, John, Me, Paul and Chris. We wanted to go with our captain but he decided to retire, and spend his days with his lovely wife. Can't say I blame him, I'd love to spend some more days with her.

I did get to see her one last time before we got new orders, she was in heat and, as you might expect, she didn't want me to mount her for fear I would knock her up. Instead I let her watch while I bred Chris. That was something new for her, to be in the room and watch two virile males rutting. She taught me too well, I spotted a weakness in her defences and by the end of the night we had both had our way with her. I do wonder if she had to explain to Captain Hancock, why his new kid was half pony, or ram. Though there is one thing I do know, she would be able to handle it better than any woman I have ever met. Hell more than likely she knew it was coming and made sure her husband was first in that night before she went out.

It don't matter now anyhow, a few days later we got our new orders and ship. The, Amphion, we could have walked away you know. We'd all done our service and then some. Truth is, we loved it, we loved sailing and serving. We were good men, well goodish anyway. We were proud to be part of the navy then, we were proud of what we had done. Paul and John, they still had their shilling, they had them made into necklaces to show they were the King's men."

Malcolm's fingers found the coin hanging round his neck, he knew the bear had one of his own. He never dreamed it would have been something his former lover had worn. An unpleasant feeling began to spread out from his stomach as he realised his lover was just using him as a replacement a shadow of what he had lost.

Sensing the unease spreading throughout the young dog, Aron placed his paw over the coin, pressing it to the dog's heart. "No, you're not Paul, he knows that and he doesn't see him when he looks at you. I know that because I don't see him when I look at you. You can't remake that which was taken from us, he chose you for our looks yes, I can't deny that. However, he sees something different in you, if he thought you were like Paul... " Aron paused as he tried to find the right words to express himself. "He would have sent you away with your father. He couldn't stand to be around someone so like him and yet not him. You may share a similar look, but Paul was loud, an angry little fireball, first into the fight last out of the fray. A good man, but a hot head and he would never have lain with me so sweetly. With him it was all or nothing, the only man who could make him still was John.

You only had to look at the two together to know you were seeing two people in love. They spent every minute they could together, when they were apart they were thinking of each other. They were my friends, my lovers, my brothers and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of Paul and Chris and how I wish I had drawn the short straw."

Malcolm could see tears in the eyes of the horse as he talked, he hugged the male tighter, feeling the urge to protect him and take his pain away. Yet he couldn't stop himself asking, "the short straw?"

"Aye lad, we drew straws, who would steal the food and who would stay behind. John and I won, and in doing so we lost so very badly, I can only hope they forgive me. The Amphion was our new vessel and we thought we were blessed, off a war ship an onto a cruiser. There's loot a plenty working on a vessel like her, shares for all the crew. Less battles, less life and death, touring the world a female in every port, more than one for me. Then when on board I would share my bed with Chris most nights, he was... he was very dear to me, like no other person has ever been. I think... I think it was love, though John says that it can't have been, he says when love hit him he didn't question it. Maybe he is right, but I think some people are so blind they can't see the truth in front of them and god knows I'm a stupid pony. It was love to me, or as close as I will ever come to feeling it.

The Amphion's captain was a huge bull by the name of Keiron, a stupid poncey name for a stupid poncey captain. Born to a Duke and Duchess, he was gifted with command before he knew what command was. He was a man who held discipline above all else, discipline and god. He worked his men harder than any captain should, even when there was no work to do, he would make us dance and sing, until our limbs and throats ached. Tired men do as they are told, they have no energy for disobedience.

John was a petty officer and me, Paul and Chris were all rated seamen... until the quartermaster heard us grumbling about our new captain. He was a grey fox by the name of Wyles, a snide character, who delighted in spreading rumours and mischief. He passed on our rather choice words... it wasn't the first lashing I ever took, but I must admit the others I earned. A man's entitled to his own opinion, no matter what the captain thinks.

Of course the bull heard about our less than Christian bonding below decks and made it his mission to drill that out of us. Kept us apart as much as he could, stripped us of rank and then we got the orders to make sail for the new world. Now Keiron took special delight in trying to break us. Fortunately there were a couple of officers from the Eagle on board, Lieutenant Carstairs, who commanded the marines and Lieutenant Michaels chief master at arms. They knew us and they felt some loyalty to their old shipmates, they managed to temper the Captain's will somewhat. Many of the crew respected us, the tales we told of the nine year war, of the battles we had been in, they helped cement our place among them.

Sadly our Captain was as poor a navigator as any I have had the misfortune to sail with. As the food stores began to run low on the long voyage, he made a miscalculation, he thought it would take another two months to reach land and re-supply. When we were only three weeks away from re-supply. He ordered our rations cut again and again. The crew were starving, the officers got four times our ration, and even they still complained of empty bellies.

We'd been across the Atlantic before, we knew he was wrong. We knew we were starving for no good reason. So did a good few of the crew and officers, Carstairs argued about it with the Captain in private, so did Richards, the ship's actual navigator. They both knew we were right. However, bulls have thick heads and royal navy captains doubly so. He refused to listen and every night we lay awake in our beds aching from exhaustion and hunger claimed our bodies.

Eventually a crewman, a fox called Stephen Murphy, lost his grip while climbing the rigging and fell to his death. It wasn't the first time that has happened, but we knew the cause, we were eating far too little and working far too much. Seeing his dead body on the deck broke something inside all of us and, not for the first time, we decided to disobey our orders. The four of us plotted to steal a few loaves of bread and a gallon or two of water from the supplies and share them out among the crew.

It was a simple plan; two of us would sneak in and steal as much food as they could carry, the other two would keep watch. We knew that the captain would find out about the theft, we hoped that everyone would keep their mouths shut. We knew this crew and almost every one of them knew and respected us. Plus we shared the food out and for the first night in a week the crew was able to sleep without hunger pains. The guys who actually stole the food would get the worst punishment, if we got caught, we figured lashes and probably a lot knowing the captain's temper. So we drew lots to see who went, John and I drew the long straws and so we kept watch.

There hasn't been a day that I haven't wished that I had drawn one of the short straws. It's stupid how close to death I came without knowing it at the time, I mean stealing food was never a capital offence. No Captain, I had heard of, would ever have done what he did.

The next day the Captain found out, he ordered the crew to be assembled on deck and then he went off like a cannon. I have never seen an officer of the navy loss his composure like he did. He ranted and screamed, like a madman, at the entire crew. His spittle soaking the poor crewman he was standing in front of, his eyes were roving over the entire crew. I am sure he glared at me a few times, his eyes definitely rested on the four of us far more than the rest of the crew. He demanded the culprits step forward and be punished. Of course we stayed put and then he said there would be no mercy for the thieves once he found out who they were.

That just made us all the more determined not to step forward, we expected two maybe three dozen lashes given how angry he was. We'd all taken lashes before and we knew how effective they were at making sure you never broke that rule again. Of course we hadn't factored in Wyles, now a snitch he may be but we underestimated his abilities as a spy. I don't know who told that fox, if I did he'd have died a long time ago, but someone blabbed.

We found out about it the next morning when the captain called us all up on deck again. This time was different, we knew it instantly, the captain had a satisfied grin on his face and Wyles was standing next to him grinning smugly. I could feel that fox's eyes on me, Chris and I exchanged glances, the ram knew as well. He shrugged his shoulders, I could see it in his eyes, he wasn't ashamed of what we did. He was ready to accept his punishment and so was I. Hell a few lashes for a night without hunger, we'd have both done it again.

Carstairs was there with his marines, I could tell from his face he wasn't happy. In fact I saw a look on his face I had never seen before, he was sick almost green. I like to think he had been arguing with the captain. It was clear he knew what was about to happen. Orders had been give in advance and as soon as we were all assembled the marines moved in. We had rifles pointed at us and the captain began a rather long speech. I won't repeat it, he just blabbed on about duty, honour and betraying your shipmates. Then he singled out Chris and Paul as the two who actually committed the theft.

Like some judge sentencing a murderer he pronounced their sentence, to hang from the yardarm until dead. I remember John shouting and struggling, two of the marines tried to restrain him. In the end it was Carstairs who stepped in and put him down with the butt of his rifle. I was useless, I didn't struggle I just couldn't take my eyes of Chris...he was so scared and I just wanted to reach out to him. I wanted to hold him and make it all ok.

Still wanting something never made it happen and so, like the useless waste of fur I am, I watched as a rope was tied around the necks of two men I loved more than life. Then I watched them dance in mid air, their eyes bulging as they kicked and fought trying to breath against a rope. I have been a sailor for most of my life, fought many battles seen things more horrific than most men know are possible. I have seen friends and lovers die in front of me. Yet nothing I had seen or done prepared me for that moment when I looked into my ram's eyes and saw the spark of life was gone from him."

Aron stopped speaking for a moment, his face was soaked with tears and he could see the dog was crying as well. "Whatever was good in me, whatever was noble or honourable, died on that rope. Since that day I have felt like a hollow shell of who I was.

Whatever pain I felt, was nothing compared to John. At first when he woke up he was like me, dumbstruck, he couldn't take his eyes off Paul's swinging body. Then the captain ordered our punishment, three dozen lashed, the bear to go first. I expected him to do something, to fight or shout or something. He just walked over to the rail, grabbed it tightly and closed his eyes. The captain lowered himself in a way no Captain ever should, he took the lash in his own paw. The glee on his face turned my stomach, he was enjoying himself, he loved the power he had.

Have you ever seen anyone take the lash?" Malcolm nodded, through the sea of tears soaking his face and the pony continued." Then you've heard men scream, everyone who goes under the lash ends up screaming. You promise yourself you won't and yet, even with a bit between your teeth, once that whip starts landing on your back you start to tremble. As the blows come in you begin to struggle to breath, you feel your skin breaking and the blood actually feels soothing for a moment before the next blow lands. The slight soothing makes the next blow so much worse. Eventually every man break and cries out... everyman except John.

That day I watched as the man who killed our lovers lashed him thirty six times. I watched as his back went from beautiful white fur to a red and bloody mess. He stood there the entire time and took every single blow as it they were raindrops landing in his fur. Then after the thirty sixth blow landed I saw him turn and punch the smile off that smug bovine face. It was as sweet a blow as I have ever seen and it sent the seven foot bull a foot or two into the air and a good seven or eight back.

I can still remember the sound of the bull hitting the deck, it was the only sound other than that of the wind and waves. Not a single man could believe what they had just seen, the bull was out for a good ten seconds. Then when he awoke he screamed, his rage was violent and bloody he demanded the bear's neck. He yelled for another rope, another noose, John wasn't going to go down that way and this time I wasn't going to let him. I found my courage again and prepared to fight at the back of my only friend, to the death if needs be.

Fortune stepped in the way though, in the form of Carstairs, he shouted back, countermanding the Captain's orders. He said there had been more than enough death that day, and for the sake of a few loaves and some water, he wasn't going to see any more. The captain looked at him for a moment and then drew his gun, he didn't pause or flinch he just shot the lieutenant dead. That was his final mistake, Carstairs was well loved by his men and many of the crew, myself included. John could not be contained and I was determined to not lose the last true friend I had.

The bear made a charge for the captain, who fled back to the upper deck where most of the officers were standing. The ship erupted, crew against crew, marine against marine, friend against friend, brother against brother. I have fought many people in my day, French, Spanish, English and a whole lot more. Nothing I had done compares to that day. It was different to any battle I had ever fought, killing a French marine or sailor was one thing, they were just their uniforms, men against me. I did not see the person inside; the worried parents, the orphaned children, the widowed spouses. The people I killed that day... many of them were people I thought of as friends, I knew their names, their faces and families.

We didn't win the day, only the devil won that day, but we did survive. I saw John on the upper deck standing over the body of Captain Keiron. Wyles had died to my sword, his death... did nothing to ease the pain, none of it did. There was less than forty of us left out of a crew of two hundred. I remember feeling numb, I think we all did. It was John who first started to move, pushing bodies of the officers overboard, muttering prayers over them as he did so.

We buried the crew in the arms of the sea they loved, with as many prays as we could utter said. Chris and Paul we cut down, but John wouldn't let us put them overboard. Their bodies were wrapped in spare sail and kept on board. We did whatever the bear told us to do and we grateful there was someone who could give orders, who had enough sense to keep the boat going.

He steered the ship back to land and less than a week later we made the new world. Our friends bodies were taken and burned on the shore, we took ash from their grave and filled a coffee can with it. Years later we managed to sneak back to England, to Yorkshire, to a small village called West Burton, nothing more than a collection of farm houses and an inn really. We walked out onto the moors to the north and up a hill, we stood on the bare hilltop and planted a small oak sapling. I don't know how John managed to get hold of it, but it came from the southern forests, an oak sapling from the forests that feed the naval docks at Portsmouth.

We scattered their ash there and cried for the love we had lost. We spoke private words to those we would not see again in this life and held each other. Then we left, I like to think that someday we'll go back and find that hill with the lone oak tree atop it and sit in the shade, remembering our friends, our love. So now you know why we do what we do." Aron finally stopped speaking, both he and the corgi had tears drying on their cheeks. The horse had never told the full story to anyone, it actually felt good to share it, thinking back he knew it had been a great life. If he could change that day he would, but if he had a choice of a different life or the one he had lived he would still have signed up.

Malcolm didn't say anything, he just held the pony as he had been doing for most of the story, resting the equine's huge muzzle on his shoulder and stroking his mane. He had his answers and he felt like he understood his bear and his pony friend far better. The feelings of worry and jealousy had gone, he just wanted to comfort his new friend.

The two lay, bodies pressed together paws stroking reassuringly through fur, for what seemed like an age. Sighing softly Aron pushed back a little to look over the young dog, his fingers stroked across the young male's cheeks, as he whispered, "you've changed him you know? For many years the two of us have roamed the seas looking for any ship to plunder. We never thought of stopping... one night with you and he tells me he's quitting the next morning."

Malcolm blushed and struggled to think of something to say, "what is he going to do?"

"Said he wanted to try running a vineyard, I said I'd go along. Drink the wine and seduce the wives of the neighbours." The pony replied with a chuckle laying his head on the soft pillow. "I have never told the full story to anyone, nobody ever really asked. They all knew we had some grudge against the navy, not many of them cared. There's no-one left out there from the original crew, most of them left quite soon after. We took what replacements we could, they're not a bad bunch... mostly. Well turn the ship over to them and they can figure out what to do for themselves. For me and John it's the new world we are going to head to, set up in one of the colonies and maybe someday sneak back home to sit under an oak tree one time before we expire."

"What about me?" Whispered Malcolm, suddenly worried he was about to lose his new life just as it was starting.

"He said that was up to you, you can stay on board, go home or come with us. It's your life and your choice really." Aron replied giving the young dog's shoulder a supportive squeeze. "What do you want to do?"

"I'll come with you, I... didn't want to join the navy really. My father insisted, said it was a good life, serving king and country. I don't want to see battle again, once was enough for me." The horse winced a little, as the corgi spoke, realising that he was referring to their attack on his former ship. "If I stay here I'll have to fight, I don't think I could do it you know, actually kill a man."

"Nobody does, not until it's you or them." Observed the pony with a smile. "Just goes to show you have a sweet and kind heart. There's nothing wrong with that really, though you know he ain't a spring chicken and neither am I. You could strike out alone."

"I could... but I don't want to. I like him and I know I could grow to love him, to love both of you. I just... " Malcolm stopped as he tried to find the words. "I just hope you two don't get bored of me, or..."

"You're not Paul or Chris, you're you. We know that and from what I've seen, you're a pretty special person. Though you will have to be to put up with his gruffness and my... knack for getting into other people's beds. We are not the two easiest people to live with. Though I doubt you'll ever be bored." Aron cut across the corgi, seeing the fear and doubt in his eyes and putting it to rest as quickly as he could. "It was nice reminiscing with you, I was able to think of some of the good times too."

"Tell me more about them," whispered the corgi, as he nuzzled into the strong equines neck pressing close to share his warmth once more.

"Hmm hard to think of a specific story, mostly the best times we had were just spending our days together... hehe and our nights." The equine licked his lips as he thought back to some of the times the four had shared. His hands started wandering over the you dog's body on their own, stroking his lithe frame and squeezing his muscles softly. "Mmm just the four of us and one candle, barely enough light to see by. Not that it mattered, we held each other, pressed close, we would share with each other, there were times when I could feel Chris around me, and Paul inside me and I could taste John. Oh... those were the nights, using the motion of the waves to rock into that ram, or bear, or dog. Sharing sweet kisses with them all, sweet words and touches so soft it was hard to believe they came from another man."

Malcolm bit his lip and moaned out as an equine hand grasped around his hard shaft. He couldn't help but imagine four sailors locked together in passion. As he did so he felt warm lips press to his and he returned the kiss passionately. His hips humping into the paw around his cock as he felt the huge stallion cock press against his thigh, the musk of the pony filled his nose, he found himself reaching out with both paws to stroke the meat.

The two kissed with growing passion, equine tongue claimed his mouth and he surrendered to it willingly. Their paws worked in unison stroking the two cocks, the equine phallus was pressed against his canine one. He felt two huge paws wrapping around both cocks and stroking them, he could feel the heat and pulse of the other male, through his huge maleness.

Aron wasn't gentle, he was strong and dominant as he milked the two cocks, stroking faster and faster. They both cried out into each others mouths as the expert hands brought them closer and closer to their climaxes. Just as they neared the point of no return the cabin door slammed open and in walked the polar bear captain. "Bloody hell what a storm, what a night..."

The two lovers stopped and turned to look at the bear, their kiss broken, though the bear could see the two hard cocks pressed together by strong equine digits. Even if he couldn't the air in the cabin was rank with the scent of their earlier rut as well as this budding one. Malcolm looked up into the bear's eyes fearful of his reaction, he realised as he did so it was not anger he feared from the bear. He feared began rejected by him, being sent home alone. He wanted, more than anything he had ever wanted before, to stay with the two pirates.

"Well... I might have guessed that was the only way you'd be able to keep him in the cabin." The bear smirked as relief flooded their bodies. The bear stripped off his hat and jacket and poured himself a generous brandy, talking as he did so. "Still, can't say as it's not a welcome sight. The two of you getting along so well."

Aron was the first to move, rolling over the corgi to lay behind him with a grin saying, "plenty of room for you John."

"Aye there had better be, it's my bloody bed after all!" Snorted the bear as he drained his glass and began to strip. "Billy's going to be ok, a lot of broken bones and plenty of bruises but no permanent damage."

"Good to hear," replied the pony matter-of-factly as he nibbled down the back of the corgi's neck. Malcolm shivered in pleasure, feeling slightly awkward to be laying down with the pony as his first lover stripped and talked about the running of the ship. However, as an equine paw grasped his length the dog could do nothing but thrust into it willingly, enjoying the warm caress of the strong fingers.

"The ship's taken a right battering, I told the lads to get some rest, we'll keep the sails down, while we make repairs for the next few days." Observed the bear as he pulled down his pants revealing a thick and fully erect bear cock. Malcolm whined and his cock dribbled pre as he eyed up that thick black bear meat. The bear had spent three weeks showing him just how much pleasure he could give with those ten thick inches.

"Sounds like a good idea, we could all use a little bit of rest after a storm like that." Muttered the equine as he lightly bit down on the canine's shoulder, then he stroked his huge flare up the boy's thigh and placed his length between those two small pert cheeks. Malcolm gasped and blushed deeply as he felt those thick inches wedged between his buttocks, he trembled a little at the thought of riding that thick member.

The bed creaked as the bear sat down and then lay down, pressing up against the corgi, his paws stroking down the young boy's body, taking hold of his cock, displacing the pony's paw, which slipped down onto the corgi's balls. Malcolm shuddered and cried out, only to be silenced by a rough kiss from the powerful bear, a thick ursine tongue delving into his mouth, the taste of bear, musky and brandy filling him. He gulped it down greedily suckling on the heady taste with relish as he found himself pressed in between two warm powerful bodies.

The kiss was broken and the bear growled softly in lust, "mmmm been thinking of you all night my sweet. Though the storm has worn most of the fuck out of me..."

"Don't worry about that, I have more than enough for both of us." chuckled the horse as he nipped down firmly on the corgi's neck, making the small dog gasp. Malcolm squirmed as he was pressed between the two larger, stronger and older males, the bear's eyes locked with his and he could see the unspoken question there. Nodding slightly the dog admitted to himself and the bear that he was not only willing, he was eager to serve the horse.

The bear reached out and grabbed a jug of oil, he had used quite a lot of the oil over the last few weeks. He hoped there would be enough for one more night, he certainly couldn't let Malcolm take the equine's flare without it. Though the dog had now taken his cock often enough he would probably be able to handle the horse's length without too much trouble. Hell, the last time they had fucked the dog had kept begging for him to fuck harder and faster. The sweet little canine had turned rather quickly into a willing and desperate submissive, the bear had spotted the love of cock in him at first glance. He'd spent the last few weeks showing the boy just how much pleasure a cock could bring.

Aron took the oil and poured a generous portion over his thick length. Malcolm trembled as he heard the slurping sound of the equine's paw as Aron stroked oil onto his thick length. His worries melted though as John pressed his lips to the young dog's the bear's paws caressing his cheeks reassuringly. The bear broke the kiss and whispered softly , "I can't promise no pain this time, but you I will hold you until the pain fades."

The dog didn't get the chance to respond before the equine added, "I will be as gentle as I can, if something hurts too much just tell me to stop." Aron whispered into his ears. Caught between the two powerful males Malcolm couldn't help but be glad they were both gentle. He knew if these two males wanted to they could hold him down and ride him roughly for hours, and all he would be able to do was lay still and take it.

Instead the two caressed him gently, a warm bear paw squeezed and teased his maleness keeping him aroused and relaxed with the pleasurable, feelings running through his body. Then he gasped and clutched at the bear as he felt the huge pony flare pressing to his pucker. John squeezed the corgi's shoulder and kissed his cheeks softly. The pony nickered gently, as he kissed reassuringly down the corgi's neck and shoulders. The kissing and caressing served to distract and relax the canine, then he felt the flare pushing forward. He whimpered a little, squeezing the bear as tightly as he could as pain blossomed in his rear. He felt himself stretching wider and wider, far past anything he would ever take and then with a triumphant whinny the pony's flare slipped inside him.

Aron held still as he felt the boy's ass closing around his flare, he let Malcolm adjust to his girth inside him. The pony knew that, even with John's recent stretching of the canine, Malcolm would need time and tenderness to be able to receive the pony's full length without damaging him. One thing both the older males had in spades was patience for their lovers, the two kissed and caressed the young dog, calming and relaxing him until the horse finally felt him relax around his huge girth. Then, as he rained kisses down on the dog's neck he began to thrust again, sliding in inch by inch slowly.

Malcolm could feel the stallion's cock sliding deeper and deeper, there was a twinge of pain every now and then. However, between the bear's passionate kisses and the four paws caressing every part of his body, he did not clench up again, he relaxed further letting the pony slip ever deeper inside him. Before long he felt the lump of Aron's medial ring pushing against his pucker. The horse paused in his thrusting and the pain quickly eased away, and Malcolm displayed his true love of males by pushing back wantonly and forcing that ring inside him, to the delighted whinny of Aron.

The pony could not believe what he felt, as he paused and prepared to thrust in past the medial, the dog actually forcing himself back onto his cock, impaling himself deeper on the mighty phallus. Courage and admiration filled the horse, very few lovers were that willing and eager their first time beneath him. He thrust forward with renewed vigour, driving inch after inch into the lithe corgi body, until with a mutual sigh he felt his balls resting on the boy's taint as he finally hilted inside him.

The dog returned the bear's kisses passionately, suckling on the bear's tongue and even pushing back into the ursine's warm maw. Then he sighed as the warm lips and tongue were pulled away from him, the bear moving his muzzle and kissing the pony, their muzzle's just inches from Malcolm's. He watched in awe as the two males shared a long, deep and tender kiss, he reached out with both paws, one to each of his lovers stroking their strong necks and up to their ears.

It was strange to think that less than a month ago he would have been disgusted at the very notion of two men together, yet now he lay with not one but two men and it felt nothing but right and true. He knew his emotions for both men were growing deeper with each passing day, and watching the two make out, he felt no jealously or abandonment, he just wanted to make them both happy. Hearing their full story had made him realise just how much the two had lost and he was desperate to fill that hole in their hearts.

The length inside him twitched and throbbed, he could feel every thick inch stretching his rear out, the cock was leaking more warm pre into his ass. With a gasp he felt an inch slide out and the thrust back inside gently, the huge meat had no option but to squeeze his prostate with every motion, sending wonderful shivers of pleasure up and down the dog's spine.

Then, as the two above him broke their kiss, the unexpected happened. An equine paw coated thickly in oil gripped his cock and began to stroke it. As he did so the white mountain of a bear in front of him suddenly turned and rolled. Without a word the pony used his hips pushing the canine's hips forward and guiding him with his paw until with a gasp the canine's cock was pressed against the bear's pucker.

Malcolm had never ever fucked anyone before, the bear had always been on top of the dog. Since the first night the dog had never even thought the bear would ever just let him do that, he didn't even know if he wanted it or if he could handle it. Not that it mattered because as he opened his mouth to whisper his concerns Aron thrust forward hard with his hips. The dog's cock was forced forward and he found himself spearing into the tight wonderful depths of the bear. The warmth of bear's insides sending sensations so strong he lost control of his voice and he howled out in pleasure.

Aron chuckled softly and kissed the corgi's neck as they lay still for a moment, "feels good doesn't it, being inside someone, connecting with them as deeply as possible?" Whispered the pony as he pulled his hips back, a few inches of equine cock sliding out of the corgi, a few inches of corgi sliding out of the bear. Malcolm sighed deeply and nodded to lost in the pleasure to actually respond. "Let me show you how it's done."

Then Aron thrust hard again, slamming his cock home deep inside the dog so hard the corgi's hips slammed hard into the bear's. Canine cock speared deep inside the bear and as his own cries of pleasure echoed around the room Malcolm hear the bear groaning deeply and he felt the ass around him clenching, as if trying to hold him inside. He realised the bear wanted him, he wanted to be bred, the very thought was deeply arousing, taking a willing mate, breeding them, hearing their sounds of pleasure. It was a new experience and he found himself desperate to thrust again. However, he knew it was the pony who was setting the pace and so he waited for Aron to make the next move.

Fortunately he didn't have to wait long before Aron drove himself home a third time, this time pulling out the medial ring. The pony was desperate, the extra tightness of the young corgi around him felt too good, he wasn't able to hold back. Fortunately Malcolm seemed more than willing and he had to admit forcing the dog to fuck his friend, controlling their breeding, was an additional turn on. He began to rut as only a muscular horse can, using the power of his muscular thighs to drive his cock deeper and harder into the dog, with each thrust he forced the dog harder and deeper into the bear. He knew John so well, he could read his pleasure moans like a book and the bear was already getting close. The ursine never could last long with a cock under his tail.

Three bodies thrust and writhed in pleasure, their voices lifted in pleasure and moans. The cabin filled with the musk of their amour a heady mix of ursine, equine and canine arousal filling their lungs with each breath and driving them all to deeper acts. The slap off wet balls on dripping taint echoed round and around the room, punctuating every thrust. Malcolm knew he wasn't going to last long, the dual pleasure of the assault on his prostate and the bear's tight welcoming ass was already proving too much for him. He could feel his swollen knot pushing against John's ass and Aron's powerful thrusting was going to force it inside soon. As he felt the horse's huge shaft slamming into him again and again, he reached back, his arms holding around the strong equine neck as he panted and gasped desperately, "Harder! Please, Harder!" He begged, and surprised himself more than the others, as his body was lost to the lust of the moment.

Aron whinnied as he heard the dog begging for his cock and he obliged, like the gentlepony he was, and slammed his cock in harder and faster. His length being almost fully pulled out with each thrust, he used every inch to mate the corgi feeling his balls tingle with the need for release. However, he was an experienced hand and he had learned control, he would hold his release until after the corgi and bear had both blown their loads. From the sounds coming from the two of them he knew he wasn't going to need to hold back for long.

Crying out the dog felt the extra strength and length of the pony's thrusting. The huge cock sliding past his prostate again and again, each thrust seemed to last forever and yet be over in a heartbeat. With each thrust the pony's huge balls slapped harder against his taint, reminding him of what was waiting to flood him. The pleasure surround and filling him was almost too much to believe it could ever be equalled. Yet as the pony drove into him harder and harder the pleasure managed to grow more and more, his balls were screaming at him begging for release, yet he waited wanting to drive his knot deep into the ursine lover and tie properly.

The bear could feel the canine's knot pressing harder and harder into him, his paw was working quickly on his own maleness. He was on the edge and he was keeping himself there, waiting to feel his lover tie with him. He had not been tied to anyone for a long time, yet that night he wanted it more than he wanted air, he needed it to survive to the next morning. He drove himself back suddenly to meet a thrust and with a joint cy of triumph the dog and bear were tied together. Two cocks erupted, one spraying the sheets and floor with bear spunk and the other flooding ursine depths with canine seed.

The horse lifted his head, as he felt the corgi's depth clenching and squeezing around him, knowing his lovers had reached their peak. The equine let go of his control reaming the dog desperately with everything he had until with a deafening neigh he came. Floods of equine cum were shot into the depths off the canine, as his huge balls twitched and spasmed, he kept rutting and the sounds of their love grew deeply sloppy, as rivers of cum leaked out of the canine's abused ass.

Finally all three of them were fully spent and they lay still, three bodies pressed together as they panted and moaned. Aron kissed and nuzzled the neck and shoulder of the corgi. Malcolm kissed and nuzzled the back of the bear, being too short to reach his neck while held locked inside the bear's ass. Eventually the pony pulled back, his huge cock sliding out of the dog, as cum flooded the blankets.

Malcolm could not remember ever feeling as content as he did in that moment. His knot locked inside the bear he was falling in love with and his ass aching and yet feeling desperately empty as the equine he was developing strong feelings for nuzzled into his neck. Nobody spoke, nobody needed to say anything, and as the ship floated in calm blue oceans they floated on the warm cloud of their shared embrace, slumbering coated and filled with each others love.