Gym sampling

Story by skynero19 on SoFurry

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And (finally) here's the second story to result from the request for quick story prompts from last week! This prompt was "Tiger at the gym" from Angrynightmob . Although no-one here is named, about half of the characters are technically cameos. X-D But no-one's named, so no-one yell at me please!

Contains: gym scenes, flirting, gay guys1,000 words (exactly again! haha!)All comments welcome!

The white tiger stretched as he got out of his car in the gym parking lot. It was the first nice day of spring, and he thought it was high time to try and fulfil his long-neglected new year's resolution to exercise more. He had been recommended this gym by some of his friends and had gone a few times in the past months, but nowhere near the three-times-a-week he had pronounced the final day of December.

He waved to the deer at the reception desk before heading in to the guys' locker room, smiling and looking around as he picked out a locker, dropping his bag on the bench. He stripped out of his street clothes and his underwear - a brightly-colored pair of assless boxer-briefs - and put them in the locker before fishing out his exercise clothes from his bag - a plain T-shirt, exercise shorts, and a sky blue speedo with a black-and-white diagonal stripe over the crotch.

He didn't put any of them on yet, though; instead, he went to the showers to rinse off like you were supposed to do before using the pool there. He set his clothes off to the side and got under a showerhead, letting the water run over him. A moment or two later, he heard a grunt at the entrance to the shower room, someone padding over and taking the showerhead right next to his - a big, buff Arcanine, he noticed.

"Hey there," the nude Pokemon said, turning on his shower as well. "I haven't seen you before, you new around here?"

"Kinda," the tiger answered, smiling up at the firedog and flexing a little as he rinsed. "I've been coming here for a while, but only about once a week, and not regularly. Trying to change that."

"Having a workout buddy to keep you honest could help with that," the Arc said, clearly eyeing up the tiger.

"True! You wanna swim and lift with me today?"

"Oh, you're on a pre-swim rinse; you goody-goody! Nah, I just finished my workout, gotta go meet my sister for brunch."

"Aw, okay," he said, finishing his rinse and going to pick up his clothes. "Well, hope to see you around! It'd be fun working with ya," he said, pulling on his speedo and making sure to "adjust" it around his junk for the fire-type to see.

"That it would," the other male answered, smirking in clear understanding and winking at the tiger before squirting some fur shampoo from the wall dispenser into his paw and started lathering himself up.

The striped feline smiled and hummed to himself as he made his way to the pool, grabbing a towel from the rack to claim a spot on the pool deck before sliding in to the water and beginning laps. There were two otter girls in the lane next to him that seemed to be giving him the eye, but he just waved friendlily when he was done, drying himself off first with a towel and then at the walk-in fur dryer before sliding on his workout clothes and heading to the weights-and-cardio area of the gym.

After doing some free weights, he started checking out the other gym-goers. He noticed his two horse friends racing each other over on the treadmills, and decided to go bother them - once they were done, that is. In the meantime, he surveyed the other guys and gals - mostly guys - that were populating the gym. Most were indifferent to him, but he did see this cute husky looking at him a few times, hastily looking away after the second and further times he was caught. The pup almost seemed to be shadowing him, too - going to machines and stations after the tiger had been there.

The cat was keeping his eyes on the racing equines, though, and when it seemed like they were finally winding down he walked over to them.

" 'Sup, nerds?" he said, sliding in to the space between the treadmills and draping one arm on each machine.

"Oh, looks what the cat dragged in!" the black stallion joked.

"How's it going stripes?" the Clydesdale panted as the two hoofers slowed down.

"Alright! Good to see you guys here again - hopefully I'll be seeing more of you here, too."


"Yeah, I think I'm going to actually get on a good workout schedule. Gotta keep up with this!" he said, leaning forward to give a playful slap to the Clyde's rump.

All three laughed before the black stallion said "Hey now! If you want horse ass, it'll be mine - my boyfriend's tail is mine and mine alone!"

"Oh, I know!" the tiger said teasingly, winking to the black before leaning over and pulling the Clyde into a kiss that was returned with a snort and a murmur.

The black waited for a moment or two before whinnying to break the other two up, causing them both to smile at him, the tiger leaning over to plant a quick peck on his cheek as well. "You cats love causing chaos, don't you?"

"All the time!" the feline responded, noticing out of the corner of his eye that a slumped-shoulders husky was shuffling off to the locker room. "Hey, are we still on for footy on Saturday?" he asked quickly.

"Of course!"

"Okay, I'll see you two lovebirds then," he replied, patting both of them on the back in turn before gathering his things and heading off to the locker room as well.

It was his turn to approach another guy in the showers, taking the position next to the pup's - though soon enough he was under the same stream of water, getting a good taste of the pup's mouth and getting husky pre on his paw. He didn't let the canine finish, but that wooed even better, and he left the gym with the husky's number.

All in all, a great day at the gym for him - and a good workout, too! He was definitely coming back.

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