Chapter 2: A dream to remember....

Story by Dave-8ball on SoFurry

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#2 of Freindly Group

Dave was on a beach he looked around at the scenery noticing it was a foreign country he got up to properly survey his surroundings as he got up he could tell it was foreign due to the sun baked sand and crystal blue waters, also the foliage around him was exotic, (defiantly a dream) he thought to himself,(what are the chances of getting such fine weather in England?)

Either way the sun was slowly cooking Dave, Since Dave's fur was used to more humid areas he was drying up like a prune thanks to the areas dry atmosphere so he decided to take a dip in the water although it was supposed to be a dip it was more of a splash as he dived into the warm water.

Thankfully he was already wearing a pair of bright red swim shorts.

After a while of drifting Dave saw a pair of beautiful Grey legs under the water walking towards him. He pulled himself slowly up to see who the beautiful pair of legs belonged to. He stood straight as he saw Imogen in a thin line bikini and approaching him in a seductive manner.

", h-hi?" Dave said timidly as he saw Imogen smile at him

Imogen didn't say a word instead she ran at him and leapt for him wrapping her arms around him in a passionate hug.

Dave blushed wildly as the suddenly frisky husky hugged him holding him as closely as she could "well y-you seem very l-loving today." He said stuttering.

Imogen smiled then kissed him affectionately wrapping her thin tongue around Dave's wider rougher tongue.

Dave returned the kiss which pushed him over the edge, his erection grew under his shorts tenting them and pushing against Imogen's Bikini.

Imogen broke the kiss and lowered herself lapping at Dave's body as she lowered herself, first licking his muzzle, then his chest, past his stomach and the licked the peak of the pointed shorts sending a spur of ecstasy up Dave's body sending him to wobble in the current almost falling he caught himself and allowed Imogen to continue.

Imogen playfully and gently bit the end of the peaked shorts causing Dave to yet again wobble, but he then stopped hoping his dream wouldn't turn into a nightmare. Imogen continued to nibble at Dave then lowered his shorts for full access to his eight inch cock.

Dave was relieved by the actions of the frisky Canine now lapping at his length. After a small period of pure pleasure Imogen took Dave's length in a few inches licking every possible point gently caressing his shaft with her tongue.

Dave was getting more and more light headed as his orgasm approached shaking slightly, he held it in as best he could, buying him a few more precious moments, as Imogen's went all the way down taking in his entire length deep throating him.

He was about to cum as she stopped, "Wh-why'd you stop?" he said dazed with pleasure. Imogen swirled around and lifted her back pointing her tail hole in the air for Dave, He just positioned himself when he heard a buzzing sound and everything went white, then picture returned as he opened his eyes.

It was morning and his alarm was going of he threw his arm out hitting the alarm turning it off.

"Well my weeks already ruined by Monday." He said to himself as he sat up. As he sat up something prodded him, "It seems my dream has left over some side effects" he purred to himself as he gripped himself.

"Might as well finish the job..." he finished his voice trailing of to a purr as he began to pump, It didn't take much for his orgasm to approach, he'd been so close in the dream and it had seemed so real it affected him in reality. He moaned loudly as he came sending a few rockets of cum onto his towel which had been draped around him, a little of the cum landed on his chest fur.

Dave squeezed the few final dribbles of seed from his softening cock and allowing it to land on his paw. He held his paw up to his face, he'd got some cum on it and curiously sniffed at it taking in the masculine pheromones, (hm) He thought to himself (I wonder why all the girls and gays go so mad for it......maybe, the taste)Dave held the liquid up to his mouth and stopped ( No....maybe I'll find out next time the chance arises) He thought pushing his hand away and picking up the towel (Although, the smell is kinda nice, and slightly arousing) He thought as he sniffed at his paw one more time savoring the smell.

He wiped his seed from himself and onto the towel and reached for a pair of boxers "Well maybe this Monday won't be as bad as i thought." he hummed to himself pulling on the loosely fitting under garments.

"This is one dream I'm going to have to remember, for as long as I can" He said to himself quietly keeping his voice down so his father couldn't hear him, like it really mattered, his dad would already be downstairs and if anything he had a better chance of hearing the teenager pawing off so all in all he didn't need to whisper but it was a force of habit.

Dave looked outside as he grabbed some trousers from his cupboard. It was a nice day sunny and very few clouds, but enough for a bit of shade as it passed under the high sun Dave smiled he liked sunny days, he also liked rainy days, but he hated it when it would drizzle a bit of rain, the stop and clear up just to cloud over ten minutes later.

He watched as the early workers ran to their cars and vans to get to work early to try and miss the traffic, ironically every one did the same so all in all they were the traffic, Dave chuckled at the thought of the angry drivers trying to blast each other out of the way with their horns all blasting away and after half an hour there would be hardly any traffic there at all and all would be quiet, but then again that's' life.

O.K. That's it i hope there's not to many problems with it i read it through three times ^^ please comment ^^