Savannah Heat 2

Story by Tarrik on SoFurry

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A sequel to the commission for the imaginative Simbron, who I hope won't mind a "part 2" to his really cool idea. The story popped back into my head vividly and seemed to deserve a comeback. M/M/M anthro on human teenagers experimenting with kinky stuff, so retreat to safety with great haste if any of the tags disturb you. if not, dive in!Most of these kinks are new to me too, but they sure seemed to fall on their own into the over-all smutness.

The long, dark shaft slowly pressed deep into the human's burning red depths , with a delightful sucking sound as it pushed even the air out of its way and deeper; the soft pink walls contracted in the anticipation of even greater pleasure. The insides of the human felt warm and moist, and offered no resistance, all the way to the medial ring, crowned with spots of pink, where the tissue looked gentler than silk; but it stretched Sam's innards mercilessly like a small hand, creeping deeper in his most intimate areas. The zebra, enjoying the human, who was spread on the flood and held by a grinning cheetah, paused and pulled back his member; he exited the human's stretched ring with a sucking sound that culminated with a gentle "pop" as the wider head of the equine escaped the warm depths, stretching the opening so hard, for a fraction of the second could not properly close. Then it contracted longingly several times, begging for more. The hole stayed open and leaked lubricant;

-Man, this is art- said the cheetah, putting a furry finger deep in the hole, pressing hard to stretch the opening again; he managed to get three fingers almost to the base before the human moaned a faint, frail protest. The cheetah disregarded that and spread his fingers slowly, stretching the muscular ring to its limit, then relaxed, only to stretch harder.

-Squeeze as tight as you can -instructed the cheetah, and the human reluctantly obeyed; to his surprise, the cheetah pulled his fingers out at the last second; then, to the human's surprise, it suddenly opened all on its own, letting the cool air touch the burning insides.

-What happened? - asked Sam, confused.

-A little trick I saw in human movies; Sammy, you don't know the pretty tricks your body can do, now do you?

-But _you_sure know your human anatomy, spotty; now watch me ruin it- noted the zebra, lubricating his thick, dark length before pressing the ring on his member's head against the opening the cheetah had just abused, entering the sleek tunnel amidst moans of protest from the human. Once he had reached the necessary depth, the zebra noted: -I know a trick or two as well; but this one is felt ,rather than seen.

With these words he pressed the tip of his penis against the small, vulnerable bump that was Sam's aching prostate, and plowed into it mercilessly, changing the angle of penetration to abuse it from every possible point. Sam gasped and his hard length dripped a trickle of something that was too dense to be pre.

-Look at that - praised the cheetah, grabbing the human's length - If you keep milking him like that, will he even cum later?

-Let's find out - grinned the zebra and pressed deeper into the human, abandoning the prostate stimulation in favor of the tighter depths that briefly resisted him in vain; he pushed in, pull out slightly, only to go deeper a second later despite Sam's pain, until the medial ring that split the equine's length in half was as deep in Sam as his own penis could go partner. The zebra touched balls with his human lover and started to slap his larger, much heavier equine sack against the human's cold balls; the cheetah held the human's testicles in place so that the zebra could smack them with his own as hard as he wanted.

-Harder - said the cheetah and the zebra went so hard on Sam, the human cried, and the slapping sound echoed in the narrow space.

Sam cried to say that ha was cumming, but the cheetah shook his head and squeezed the human's penis firmly in both paws, forcing the urethra to close under the crushing pressure and giving the seed no way out.

-Oaah! - screamed Sam as he felt something he had never even imagined; his own seem, pressing against the blocked opening, rushed harder and harder against the unbeatable obstacle angry muscles forced themselves to work harder than during any of his previous orgasms, unleashing violent sensations that made him cry out in pleasure, not caring who could hear; the burning increased, shaking his pelvis with the desire to thrust into something, to finish, but the cheetah held on calmly, noting;

-Yeah, feel that in you. It hurts so much the first time; but you can take it. You just have to.

It felt to Sam as if he was cumming backwards, constantly feeling on the edge, but with no release, until the burning thick seed reluctantly withdrew back deep inside him, eliciting such sensations along its way that he begged for more. Maybe this was what it felt like to have an orgasm if you were a woman; he could swear that he felt each part of his anatomy, little tubes filled with burning desire, heavy, aching, begging; every little tube all the way back to the aching testicles now surged with pain and pleasure as it was forced to accept its own seed back and knew not what to do with it. The cheetah, deeply satisfied, observed the contorted facial expression on the human and held him in a trap of pleasure, pumping the violently red human penis fast and hard with one paw while holding affirm grip on the base to prevent the cum from coming out . Deciding to take it to the next level, the cheetah pressed a paw against the human's bladder firmly, abandoning his pumping actions in favor of a different torture: now Sam's bladder was trying to empty, but only droplets bled through the opening, sealed by his prostate's contractions. He pressed harder and harder, a tickling feeling electrifying Sam's abdomen, forcing Sam to scream in pleasure as the bladder tried to empty but faced the unbeatable resistance.

-Too...too much. Stop...please -,moaned Sam, teary-eyed.

-You haveto push through the pain to get to the pleasure - said the cheetah wisely, adding: -Here is a biology lesson you won't forget, I bet my pelt: when you cum, the bladder closes off ; Urine is acidic, and semen is alkaline, so the body tries to keep the two from mixing.. But when somebody presses against your bladder...-the cheetah pressed so hard Sam backed away, but this only served to impale him more of the zebra's shaft; the zebra moaned with satisfaction, as the thick base of his penis, which he had not even considered "insertable" was in all the way, rippinga hole in Sam.

-Wow, that went deep; I know you're eager, but pushing back against an equine.... - said the cheetah satisfied, and then continued his lecture, as Sam's pain slowly dies out: -when I press like this, some of the urine leaks anyway, breaching that muscular ring, and that feels like a whole different kind of orgasm.

-Aa-aa- ah! -panted Sam, unable to control himself from pleasure.

-And when you're stimulating the prostate too, well, the body can't really stop it's futile attempts to get the seed out - added the zebra smugly, and plowed Sam's prostate as hard as he could, until the human was teary-eyed and a drop of seed appeared on the tip of his penis despite the cheetah' iron grip. The cheetah noticed it, and clasped even tighter, before licking the drop and pressing his barbed tongue so hard against the head of Sam's manhood, the boy had to brace himself as his body shook and trembled, almost collapsing to the ground.

suddenly the cheetah simply released his iron grip; Sam screamed as his body hit full climax so fast, he hit his own face, before he could close his mouth. the strength of the get of thick white fluid was too much, as burning hot jets exploded in uneven, intervals, each spur bigger that most of Sam's normal orgasms, some hitting his own face, reaching a distance the human never imagined possible. The bliss was so strong, with the zebra's penis getting harder and thicker in his rear end, pumping relentlessly for its own pleasure, that Sam failed to notice how the cheetah smugly put two fingers, claws out, on the human's penis, and pressed hard down, hitting just the right spot under the head to stop the orgasm, blocking its path again. Sam howled and nearly punched him, possessed by the animalistic desire to feel this orgasm finish; it had trailed off far too long for his untrained mind to endure, but the cheetah let go just in time, allowing the rest of the fluid to escape, along with a gasp from Sam, who collapsed on the ground. He trembled, covered in his own seed, breathing heavily, and cursing indiscriminately in a muffled voice as his insides tried to spasm and eject a little more seed; this time it felt to Sam as if the opening of his penis had grown in size, bigger than it should be; the strange sensation disappeared as his innards dumped a trickle of transparent, watery fluid on his abdomen. This obviously took a lot from his untrained prostate, which started to twitch inside him, a sensation that was completely new, and unpleasant. The zebra's length had half-slipped during the human's collapse on the ground, but the dark equine pride was bendy enough so that Sam had not sustained any injury, and neither had the zebra, who'd quickly followed him to the ground to impale his in loving punishment. If anything, this turned the equine even more, and he grabbed Sam's behind with the aid of the cheetah, the two of them working the sweaty, panting Sam forcefully, giving him no rest, moving his trembling limbs into a position where the zebra could enjoy penetrating him fully. The equine, smearing more lubricant on the portion of his manhood that was out of the human, topped the naked, furless body and mounted Sam furiously, slapping his balls so hard against the human's opening, the sound echoed in the basement. He came hard in the human, a horse-like sound escaping his throat, like a whinny, but with undertones of growling, hitting Sam's innards with a flooding warm sensation. There was so much, a trickle of thick, aromatic cream spurred out of Sam's abused hole and dripped on the ground noisily, splashing into a small pool. When the zebra pulled out completely, a whole torrent of the fluid rushed out of the human to make a second, bigger puddle next to the fist. Sam observed the giant release fascinated, with pupils dilated from pleasure, and felt his own abused insights stir again, protesting the huge amount of pleasure they had received. He was so aroused by the sight of the zebra juice coming out of him that a drop of white appeared on his thoroughly spent penis and he realized to his utter amazement that he could go again. As if reading him mind, the cheetah took the human's spent, sticky length deep in him muzzle , moving his harsh barbed tongue in wild demonstrations of skill, perfected from weeks of blowjobbing the same spent zebra that now moved to Sam's front. The zebra smeared his now much softer malehood on Sam's lips, pressing it against the human's face; this was something that the zebra enjoyed thoroughly, and considering Sam had insisted hi friends do their absolute best (and worse) to him, he could hardly protest; he was growing to rather enjoy the zebra using his face as a tissue.

The zebra slapped him in the face with his sticky penis as if to get his attention; but he did it repeatedly until the dark, musky junk was hard again; Sam licked the surface, trying to help the zebra get hard again and felt a strong aching in his groin as his own hardness, now folded nearly in two by the inventive cheetah, who proceeded to mount him, sprung erect again. The cheetah had put something on his penis, which Sam thought was a condom but it felt too thick and solid.

-That's an old toy of mom and dad's - explained the panting cheetah , dropping saliva onto Sam's sweaty back; he pushed his barbed, pink penis, covered by the soft contraption, balls deep into Sam without even bothering to lubricate it. The sheer amount of the zebra's load that filled Sam's to the brim was lubticant enough. Each trust of the cheetah caused more zebra juice drop on the floor, making Sam wander how much of the fluid was in him.

-It's a good one, this toy - noted the zebra, busy sticking his hardening member down Sam's throat until Sam coughed, and then backing up only to stick it again, massaging Sam's throat the whole time.

-They call it an "inflatable nod" -basically I get hung like a canid with it on, and can pump it so big, you'll beg me to stop - said the feline, with a tone that sounded as if he were bragging about a used car he wanted to cell. It was pretty convincing.

It was even more convincing when Sam felt something expand in his butt, right behind the opening; a small ball grew again, and again, and was now uncomfortably large; the cheetah squeezed the bulb he was holding once again, and Sam had to give him a sign to stop. He felt the distinct feeling that he really needed to go relieve himself, but instead felt the ball inside him grow in size again even as his eyes opened wider; he looked alarmed at the cheetah, but the feline lifted a messy, cum-crusted paw to reassure him:

-I know it's not perfect, but you dreamed of a knot you said ,and this is as close as me and Mr. Hung like a Stallion here who's too busy trying to rape your mouth can get. Anatomy, you know. We're just equipped differently; equipped to cause different kinds of pleasure and pain - said the cheetah and pulled back, tugging Sam with him, as the bulb was too big to get through Sam's hole.

-And that's what it's like to be knotted. Only in real life it hurts more, I suppose. And there's no "deflate it" valve for safety. Nothing big to it, if you ask me. Overrated, unless you can get the bulb to crash against your prostate, then it's a different story...The cheetah deflated the knot and proceeded to penetrate Sam deeper before inflating it again. Sam's eyes grew wide as he felt the golf-ball sized knot crash against his prostate.

-Yeah, - laughed the zebra - That was my idea. We discussed it all night how we'd do you. This little gem was mine; I saw it online a while ago. Tried it, and liked it - when you inflate that sucker against your prostate, and you reach your orgasm, the cum trickles out of you so slowly, it's like a sweet, sweet torture. If you can come again, this will be radically different. Of course, you'll be busy swallowing what I have to give first; I feel like I'll make it a second time, impossible or not - noted the zebra and continued to slap his friend across his face with his now fully hard, dripping length;

The cheetah felt he was getting close too, and pulled out of the inflatable toy, leaving it deep in Sam. He tinkered with it, and after giving it another squeeze of the bulb that made Sam moan and ache at the same time, looked at the zebra and said: - Let's trade places; you can't get it in there, and I can't get him off here, even with this strap-on; you've spoilt the boy with your size

-It happens - shrugged the zebra. You're close? Mount me hard. I'm so tight you'll beg me to open.

In stead of a witty retort, the cheetah just nodded, while massaging Sam's testicles gently; - I have an idea - he said, and went to a table in the corner, returning with a rubber band in his paw - I can't guarantee you'll enjoy this, but you'll sure take it - said the cheetah. Sam thought the feline would slap his human pride with the rubber band but the feline grabbed his orbs instead;

-I used to do that to myself like every other night; but since I started having real sex, I totally forgot, It's a neat trick. He placed the rubber band around Sam's balls, tightened it, wrapped the remainder around a second time, then again, and finally tightened it a third time. Sam felt the distinct pain he only ever got from getting kicked in the groin, but much weaker. It was getting stronger though.

-OOh -commented the zebra as if he's seed something shiny - I want in on this ,too.

The cheetah grinned and brought back another rubber band, mercilessly tightening it around the equine's balls, which immediately bulged with huge, delicious veins, and stiffened; the zebra pressed his now neatly packed package against the human before mercilessly slapping it in Sam's face to cause himself more pain than pleasure; he quickly gave up and the balls rested on Sam's lips' Sam could feel the equine's pulse against his face even as his own balls begun to ache. He opened his mouth and carefully took the huge package, sucking on it.

-Oooh, fuuck - trembled the zebra, and the cheetah commented: - Now that is just beautiful.

Sam relished the salty taste, the unusual texture and the sheer size of the sack before he reluctantly released it on the zebra's request.

-I don't want to come too soon- said the zebra - But thank you, this little trick will be my new favorite.I think I'll call it Sam-and Eggs..

Thecheetah laughed hard, slapping Sam's poor testicles; thepain from the slap refused to go away and some pointed at the reddening orbs; The pain got stronger and the cheetah moved to inspect Sam's package, tightening the rubber band even further, while the zebra commented, slapping his newly freed sack in Sam's face:

-They still use rubber bands, only stronger ones, to neuter non-sentient stallions, with this same grip around the sack; only they spray them with anesthesia first. It takes up to a whole night, but for our purposes twenty minutes is plenty.

-Twenty is too much - noted the cheetah - To make sure none of our jewels get damaged - he demonstratively placed a rubber band around his own sac much tighter than he had done around Sam's; to Sam's questioning eyes the cheetah explained:

-I've done this for years, I need to make mine tighter to get off on it. Don't worry, ten minutes are perfectly safe, but boy is it going to hurt. The cheetah left a small box next to Sam, and pointed at it: - Now this was hard to borrow, so pay attention; this pretty baby is the best in electric stimulation specifically designed for cats. But we've "discovered" it works well on equines, too. Time to see what it does to a human.

The cheetah proceeded to take a thin wire, peel off Sam's foreskin gently, and tie a lasso of copper wire around the head, and connected the other end to one electrode on the device. Sam had no idea they would do any of that, but he had asked for a surprise, and he had certainly gotten it. Next time he would ask for two. He braced himself for pain, but none followed: the feline was busy tying another wire against the human's sack, and then tied a third wire behind the zebra's medial ring and a forth one around his own penis. Checking that they won't entangle or short, he switched the device on with a loud "click".

Sam felt itching and tingling, a sensation like a hundred ants crawling up and down his penis; compared to the rubber band that was around his sack, and the accursed inflatable knot that crushed against his prostate, this hardly factored. The cheetah reached for the dial, and cranked up the voltage, and Sam yelped;

-Relax; -laughed the cheetah - You just looked too comfortable and I decided to wake you up a little. He brought the dial back a little, but the popping sensation in Sam's groin persisted; the cheetah pressed a button and noted:

-Now let's try a pre-recorder preset; it's for two felines, but I figures a human and two Furs should benefit nicely as well.

The pulsations from the device were now much more pleasant, like a rhythm to a music, and the cheetah started to sign something to himself as he lifted the zebra's tail and penetrated his friend in one swift go, unduplicated. The zebra cringed in pain, then relaxed in pleasure; that's exactly the way he liked it.

-Need to put on some conductive lube to complete the circuit - said the cheetah apologetically , since the zebra did not like to be lubed for a backdoor entry and preferred it raw. Now, however, with one cable on the equine's medial ring, and another on the feline's tip, the contact between the two after the cheetah placed some electro conductive lube on his barbed length felt remarkable. The electric jolts brought a melting, warm sensation from the electricity being delivered straight where the zebra wanted it, and the feline's barbs reddened with extra blood and sensitivity. The feeling soon grew too strong though, even though Sam wasn't at his limits yet, and the feline pulled out of the zebra to go mess with the electric toy's settings, eliciting a gulp of concern from both Sam and the zebra. There were no painful shocks though; just a decrease in the tickling in favor of warm pulsations.

On his way back the feline casually reached for the bulb sticking out of Sam's opening, and pumped it until Sam's desperate gaze begged him to stop. The cat slapped the human's rear end, claws extended, and Sam shuddered from the sensation. The bulb pressed him so hard now, he could not help but imagine a bulky canine filling him to the brim. He tried to reach for his groin and stimulate himself at least a little, but the zebra was adamant about not letting him, and kept popping the tip of his equine penis in and out of the human's mouth, occasionally slapping the human's face and rubbing against it, to the great pleasure of both of them. The cheetah gave a sign that he was getting close, and did not intend to slow down this time; he pulled out, placing his spear right under the zebra's balls, accidentally shorting the wires that hang from them both and eliciting an angry "beep" from the machine; the idea was made clear, thought; the barbed penis was right in front of Sam and he had "only" to try and take it while fighting to keep the large tip and the fist five centimeters of the zebra's manhood in his aching mouth. After a while he managed to bend the equines' dignity, thankful it was so remarkably flexible, and managed to fit both the zebra's head, and half the cheetah's length; a pesky movement , it was not sure whose, caused the barbed penis to leave the warmth of Sam's mouth a little too close to the finish; but Sam's desperate attempt to open wider gave the cheetah a little opening through which he came in the human's mouth in copious volumes. The zebra did not give Sam any chances to swallow with dignity, forcing his huge equine penis back in the human's mouth with sheer strength, smearing the cheetah's seed and causing Sam to cough; the zebra and the spent cheetah had to pause to give Sam a chance to cough it out. The cheetah, though, confident he knew a better treatment for cum going where it wasn't supposed to go, moved decidedly, and masturbated Sam's aching length fiercely, casually pumping the inflatable knot that pained Sam more than anything now one more time; This last act released Sam's pent-up orgasm; his tortured prostate tried it's best, but the ballooned knot crashing against it was too much, and the watery seed that trickled down Sam's sticky manhood came out in slow bursts, giving him a sensation even more unbearably pleasant than having his orgasm denied. The cheetah, in a stroke of brilliance, unbound the human's balls, and opened the valve which deflated the knot, firing the electrical toy once to the end of the scale. Sam roared, released like a wild beast possessed of fury and an eruption of pressure hit him right in the face for the second time today.

-Wow. You can dub for the Lion King opening if you roar like that - noted the cheetah smugly, slapping Sam's ass hard.

  • so kinky and so good - noted the zebra, aroused so much that for the first time in his life he was about to go twice in a row; he rushed to Sam's rear end, plowed in it, pumped furiously and rode the human as his own orgasm exploded, more painful and even more dubious than before, filling Sam so much it sprayed out of him. The three friends lay on the disposable sheets, close together, panting, eyes closed, and Sam noted:

-We need to burn these sheets if we don't want anybody smelling us. And I really need to tell you two to "do everything you can think to me" more often.

-Wisest words ever - agreed the zebra, taking the rubber band off his own groin, noting that the cheetah did not do so, instead tightening it with the words: - What, I like it this way - really tight. Can we do soothing else kinky? Or do we need recovery time? The three prepared to engage in whatever came to their minds next.

Savannah Heat 3

The equine flesh was still hardening inside of Sam; his stretched hole had become a pleasant, arousing shed of red, and burned with sensation; he felt every pulsing vein on the zebra's member as it penetrated him, every glistening inch of the...

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Shifter time

was a matter of honor to get the exact thing he wanted to. Well, not really honor, unless honor could be the voice of a horny man with very specific preferences. -This is too long a dry spell- he said to himself, as he browsed the local shifter dating...

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Exchange of favors

The wind carried his scream far into the white nothingness that was the sky; there were too many clouds, too much wind, too much cold for him mind to process. The human closed his eyes and felt sick to his stomach when the dragon spiraled down,...

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