Savannah Heat 3

Story by Tarrik on SoFurry

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A zebra and a human have some (more) fun together. Of course, m/m, anthro on human (yay)

Sequel to the previous stories with the same title, but can be read as stand-alone just fine; plot to kink ratio is low, but the resulting potential for getting you off is still within acceptable range.

The equine flesh was still hardening inside of Sam; his stretched hole had become a pleasant, arousing shed of red, and burned with sensation; he felt every pulsing vein on the zebra's member as it penetrated him, every glistening inch of the thickening shaft that he could now recognize just by the feeling it made when penetrating his opening. The medial ring was just beginning to harden and was now painfully pressing an inch past his prostate. Sam's innards burned, with the silent desire to feel the ring crash into the tender bump of flesh where his prostate pulsed, but the zebra denied him that pleasure. Sam begun to feel the adolescent flare plow through his innards, crawling ever higher as it pressed against his second, inner sphincter and tugged against it. He winced in pain.

The zebra had grown in the past few months, and now had the length to go very deep; Sam winced and begged:

"We..." -but the zebra interrupted:

"Let's change positions, I'm hitting your second wall, and hard; let's not make you bleed this time. I want to conquer it, but now by hurting you. It will open for me, eventually. No need to push it all in" - said the zebra, panting.

"I've...I've taken you before, you know"- said Sam, confident that the length of equine pride would fit snuggly in him, even with the increase of size and thickness.

"Just because you've hilted a dick and not died or gone to a hospital, does _not_mean you have mastered it" - noted the zebra slyly.

"So... when do I achieve mastery, o wise one?" - teased Sam.

Instead of answering, the zebra pressed deeper into him under an odd angle, eliciting a pained cry from his friend.

"You master it when you start taking me like a mare; until then, I'll crash your insides once a day as I go through my growth spurs, and hope for the best. Cock growth is not an exact science; daily practice should help you adapt as I mature. Rome was not built in one day"

"Once... a day?! I need my off days for my butt to stop aching!" - protested Sam, silently adding to himself "and to take a normal dump, not caused by an equine manhood evicting all my contents the hard way."

"What you need a plug. Be open for my convenience; it's be nice" - said the zebra , resuming the painful plowing into Sam's insides, pulling a millimeter, and pushing back two.

Even though it was slow, the increased diameter made it too intense.

"It''s....all the hole feels soft and unresisting, you know.... Just taking you every other day and I feel like I can give birth to a fowl" -admitted Sam, voicing his worries. "I am a little worried about being so loose after sex"

"Well, in my defense, my dignity is meant, technically at least, to go into a tunnel wide enough to actually deliver a fowl. But I give you my word, I shall not impregnate you without your explicit consent. I'm all for planned births"

"Very funny"

"Don't worry. The rear end will become less tight, but it still functions fine. My ass is no better of, but it's working fine. Plus, I've seen tons of zebra-male-on-human. There are even forums on the subject. You'll be fine"

"Really? You've read...out of concern for me" stared Sam amazed, as the zebra added crystal clear lubricant and returned to plowing him with a varying tempo, as if he was playing to a tune only his equine ears could hear. There was an art to penetrating tight humans, and the zebra indulged into it.

"Believe it or not, humans mostly go for equines, felines and the occasional canids when they pair with furs. So there's plenty of tutorials. Me, if I was human, I'd go for a polar bear - the contrast would be great; I'm African, and I'd be plowing Antarctica, overfilling it. Score and score"

Sam burst laughing, realizing the two polar bear students at their school would have more than the sunlight to watch for - they'd have to ward against zebra cock, for example. And cheetah barbs, Sam was willing to bet.

"I swear" - added the zebra " It feels like I'm tending a garden here, plowing you. I have curves to smoothen, curves to straighten, tender spots to take it easy on; it feels like digging, and I seed it at the end. And if I neglect your ass for _one_day, your walls move in closer; even the entry tightens. Which.... on second thought, is pleasant... Returns to your ass some of the tightness you had as a virgin. Feels like your ass wants to return to being a tight, unwelcoming, defenseless tube of flesh with a tight end"

The zebra felt around Sam's insides with his sensitive member, quizzically, as if consirming that hypothesis.

"You crash all resistance you encounter, so don't complain" - moaned Sam, stretched in all directions.

"Five days without me and you're as tights as a water bottle!." -confirmed the zebra annoyed "I need you to get looser and_deeper_, because my mahnood's only gonna grow, man!"

"I fear the day it will" - said Sam honestly. "Your growth spurs only take two months, and look at what they do to my ass; I can put a flowerpot in it"

"Your flowerpots are small" - said the zebra, teasing,

"What's gonna happen...five growth spurs from now?"

"You'll be ready." -assured him the zebra "I'll see to that." - he added ominously. -"Just stop getting tighter the deeper I go!" - he joked.

"I'm not becoming tighter, I'm getting looser, if anything! I tell you, your manhood's growing girth, and it's grown harder, too. Not unforgiving, but harder. And the flare is no longer soft and cuddly, it does real damage. I think all this sex you've been having with me is telling your body to mature, and boy does your body listen.

"It's telling my body I have a mare. And you're no mare" - sighed the zebra - "So maybe we'll get to a point where it won't be safe anymore.

"I don't think so.... it's been safe so far." -admitted Sam - "But I want it, very badly at that, so we will make it fit."

The zebra plowed into him a little deeper, and said, painting "Keep saying stuff like that, then you wonder why you're sore afterwards. You just hardened me like cement. Look at your frighten little hole trying to deny me entrance; resistance will be crashed, sweetie"

"My hole is just doing it's job; ow! Ouch! " - laughed Sam wholeheartedly - "My insides are just not designed for zebra use! Give them time!"

"Then we'll_redesign_ them. That's what the lube is for. And the plugs" - grinned the zebra. -"To fight nature!"

"Improve human nature. With giant, hard, equine rods" - said Sam, thoughtful "It's one revolution I can get behind"

"Ha! Nice one."

"Let's... try a position I saw in a one of the anthro-on-human tutorials" - suggested Sam, pain making him shudder. The zebra nodded. Sam moved, only to wince in pain again as the penis inside him suddenly hardened and twitched, moving the warm tube of flesh that housed it up and down. Sam had recently learned the tube was called the "descending" part of his colon, inside which the zebra's length now...slowly ascended. He would have to learn how to protect his fragile flesh, while dilating it with daily use. The first step he wanted to try was a simple change in position, to decrease the pain his second sphincter now pulsed with.

"If I lay on my right that...and you sort of ...lift my leg...and bend your knees a little, so our balls innards should position better. The second sphincter, that I officially name "my torturer", should be positioned for penetration better that way" -suggested Sam and moved accordingly, the thick, hard shaft slipping out of him an inch before it returned with more pressure than before.

"Needs more lube. That's the solution to all equine sex problems" -said the zebra, and tried to pull out.

Sam clenched his muscles to keep him in, and did it so hard the zebra moaned and instinctively pulled out against the tightening hole until his member was almost entirely out, stripped of the lube and pulsing with ecstasy.

"Fuck...that's...I_need_ you to do that again."

"Do what?" -asked Sam, confused

"I put it in, then, on my way out, try to keep me in by tightening...g-aaah! Yees...just like that..."

"I seem to recall someone complaining about my tightness" - teased Sam, as he repeatedly took the zebra member in, along with generous portions of new lube, and clenched on it, feeling his sphincter cut in the hard, but flexible zebra flesh. His tightening sphincter dug deep into the zebra, eliciting sweet, muffled noises from the equine.

"I think I've found a new way to get you off" - considered Sam, and, noting the pain in his opening, added "But it hurts after a couple of times. I promise to train that muscle like my life depends on it, to gain endurance. But right now, we need to stop because it hurts"

"Just once more!" - begged the zebra and Sam obliged him, clenching his teeth in pain.

The zebra took his time pulling out of the human, marveling and the sheer size his friend was taking, and enjoying the iron-hard, pulsing, tightening hole explode with his flare like a waterfall of red flesh escaping a burning red opening. The sphincter relaxed, and opened so wide, it looked ruined. The zebra knew from experience that would pass, but enjoyed the view immensely, indulging in the erotic thought that he had ruined this hole forever. He pushed back into the now prepared hole, feeling no resistance and enjoyed the welcoming surrender of the soft red walls, that gave underneath him. Upon pulling out, the crashed sphincter trailed its circular tightness loosely on the zebra's length, like a pair of lips, spat out lubricant and trickled pre. The zebra rotated, dragging and twisting the smooth , sticky surface of his manhood, and this time Sam's opening closed several times really fast after he pulled out.

"Testing if it still works? Or am I so good your hole is orgasming?" - asked the zebra, grinning.

"It's opening on it's own" -admitted Sam, blushing a little.

"Don't tell me I've ruined it already; I wanted to do that two birthdays from now with my massive flare, when it develops into a pretty, pink flower just made to rip your ass." - smiled the zebra, showing perfect, pearly white teeth.

"My ass better evolve into a singularity-inducing cavity along the way, to be ready for that" - said Sam half-seriously, feeling how it made the zebra primal and proud, then noted: "I think we've stumbled into something interesting; not only is it pleasant for you when I clench my opening, but also, relaxing it afterward seems me more fully."

"It sure feels that way" -admitted the zebra, deep satisfaction welling up in his chests. " me more harshly now" - said Sam, relaxing even further, enjoying the cool air that caressed his burning, pained insides.

The zebra's medial ring, now fully deployed, crashed against Sam's pulsing prostate and the human member expelled enough pre to cover itself; The small flare of the equine had a similar effect on the human, and the zebra took time, an awful lot of time, plowing at Sam's prostate, until the human was crying in pleasure and begging for his release.

Sam tried to push back against the length, to get the small, firm flare past his prostate, but the zebra masterfully kept crashing into the prostate, which to his equine penis felt like a gentle, giving, velvety bump.

No matter how hard he pressed against the bump, it seemed to want more; it crashed under the strength of his hardened flesh, and on the surface, the human spilled white fluids the zebra suspected were more than just pre. The zebra took it easy at that point, fearing the tender spot inside his friend has had too much.

The equine's length was flexible and, when the equine wanted it so, very forgiving on Sam's insides, but the flare was as hard as a bone. There was no softening that part, so he lubed it masterfully, coating the pesky, hard edge.

For a second, the human wondered if there wasn't an actual bone in his lover's dignity, but as the abuse on his prostate abated, he felt it spew its contents in delightful, weak spasms, a continuous trickle, as gentle as a mountain spring, until his inner tank was almost empty, without Sam ever cumming.

"That's called "milking" said the zebra proudly - all the equines I know are good at this in bed; my cousin showed it to me and taught me properly long ago, when I was still practically virgin myself. I figure, you milk me, I milk you. Your prostate if very small, though - I don't know how much it can take, so let's stop before I hurt you."

Sam only heard a part of that sentence "You... and your cousin? That... sexy beast with the huge muscles and the IQ of a brick wall?"

|"Yeah, he made a filly out of me two years ago. Plowed me so long and so hard I had to beg. I'll ask him to play with us next time he's around...but he's bigger than me and you'll need to work hard to take him. And he's smarter than most brick walls...well, not really, but brick walls can't stretch your hole like a friggin' tree trunk, so he has that going for him"

"He's....your relative" - Said Sam, not sure what to make of it.

"Common enough. Lions sometimes bang their own kids, sons especially, so a mere cousin is pretty tame. Ask a _certain cheetah_what he's done with his brother, and you can paw to the answer late in the night"

Sam's eyes widened in disbelief, as he tried to say "No way!" but the zebra just nodded with a good-natured grin, and noted:

"Hey, look at me, plowing a human. Who around here knew that was even possible? Good thing the internet has tutorials"

"And encouraging videos" -added Sam.

"That too. But, as I said, my cousin is huge, and not a bottom, so you'll need to stretch. And, honestly, I'll need to stretch too."

"Then let's work hard" -urged Sam dreamily, pushing against the zebra's member with his internal muscles, another trick learned from the web, that had required a ball on a string to learn; he moved his innards and massaged the invading member like he wanted to expel it, before doing the same motion he used to stop in the middle of peeing; this usually made his ball-on-a-string sex toy move wildly inside him, but now it was massaging the zebra's massive member. The move caught the equine member behind the flare and pressed down on the soft flesh there so hard, the zebra nearly came then and there.

"I love it when you do...things like that. Unexpected. You're just the most amazing bottom ever, crushing me so tightly and massaging it so well.."

"I do try" -grinned Sam, heart pounding, as he fought to not finish prematurely; he felt the zebra pull out of him, the small flare stretching him painfully on its way out, then back on its way in. The zebra took his time penetrating him, pressing and twisting his member's pink flare, adjusting it with his hand to plow into the hot, moist tunnel under different angles .

"I love those sounds your hole makes when I fuck it like that; as if it's full of water and my shaft makes vacuum inside it; sounds like two sloppy lovers kissing" -demonstrated the zebra, pressing his muzzle against Sam's eager lips, biting the upper one.

Sam glared at the zebra before bursting into laughter: "My butthole sound like loves smooching ?! You're mad!"

"If you don't believe me, hear that" - said the zebra slyly "Listen to the kind of sounds I can make your hole do; I'm a musician on an instrument here" - he boasted, making Sam laugh hard. The laughter made Sam's abdomen contract in unexpected ways, grinding the zebra's member with bursts of tightening, orgasmic pleasure. After the zebra had enjoyed the shuddering feeling, he proceeded to prove his point about the sloppy sounds. The equine stroked his shaft hurriedly to evoke a single trickle of crystal clean fluid from his tip, which slowly spread his urethra and held it open like a drop of water on a flower;

He smeared the sticky fluid on the burning hot sphincter that weakly tried to close Sam's hole, gaping being the best it could do, deformed and abused. The zebra then popped his dead in and out, disregarding Sam's half-voiced protests. Apart from the mixture of unexpected pain and pleasure this did indeed produce strange noises.

"This does sound like a sound you'd make with your mouth" - admitted Sam, bewildered, watching the strategically placed old mirror on the wall in which he could see his gaping hole by peeking around the zebra.

Cold air entered his depths when the zebra abandoned them, and Sam let loose a sign of relief, saying:

"After such a marathon, I have the feeling that you're still in me....long after you dismount me. It even... feels bigger then when you're in, like it's expanding more and more.

The zebra nodded with understanding, saying:

"The first time I had the pesky little cheetah in me I felt the same way. It was...sublime"

"Yeah" - agreed Sam, fingering his hole, enjoying the ease with which it took all three of his fingers.

"I can never get it to open like that in the shower" - he said with mock sadness "It's almost as if equines are build to spread people "

"Well, we are" -laughed the zebra, and, cheered by the thought, pressed his pulsing length into his friend's face, rubbing it all over his cheeks before slapping him hard across the face with his lenght. it hardened even more, clearly ready to release at any moment, and the quine let it throb in the human's face. The eruption would not be pointed at his mouth, where Sam would have welcomed it, so he closed his eyes; but the zebra held his release in, with unexpected self-control.

"Submit to it"- ordered the zebra and Sam laughed, only to be slapped repeatedly, and hard, by the sleek length. This had to hurt the zebra too, but he showed no sighs of pain. The slapping continued, until the zebra was content to just hold it in front of the human's face, as if it were a precious work of art.

From so close Sam could see every nuance of brown and pink, could notice how much thicker the rod was at its base than it was eight weeks ago; the little red blood vessels that swelled and reddened more and more as the medial ring hardened looked menacing, like lines of lava on a volcano about to errupt.

"Okay, I submit. What are your orders, o, master of this biggest of manhoods?"

"Oral, my slave. Oral" - grinned the zebra, before elaborating: "Suck on it a little. Your insides are so warm, I really need some cooling."

Sam winced a little at the bare length that had come fresh out of him, but then chided himself for hesitating and went down on it. It was always easier to just do it without thinking, and once you got to doing it, all other thoughts disappeared.

The zebra cooed, gasped, and then, without warning, turned Sam on his belly, held him firmly, and mounted him like a filly.

The pulsing length slipped almost easily into the burning red tunnel that Sam's opening had become, and brutalized it for several seconds. Sma cried in pain; but still pressed back for ever deeper penetration. The zebra stopped all motion, and enjoyed the coming of his orgasm in a new way; It went against every instinct of his equine body, but he held still, feeling the wave of pressure climb his urethra in bold jumps, begging for just a little more coaxing out, which it did not receive. The thick fluid reached the opening at last, escaping in torrents,in an eruption so intense, the zebra'slength contracted a little and then burst in a wide torrent. The second eruption was more watery, but the third was so thick, it seemed to clog the opening before it too was expelled into Sam's abused depths. The last burst was weaker, but bathed Sam in a steady trickle of fertile fluids the sheer volume of which was unbelievable; his friend must have been saving it for the whole time they were apart. The zebra adjusted his hard , painful , ecstatic flesh deeper, ramming it against Sam's second wall, pressing the recently thickened base of his penis into the protesting hole, harder and harder.

The opening wasn't ready, but the pressure was great, and the grey shaft slid inside, one millimeter at a time, with Sam shouting in protest. Sam's second ring closed instinctively, trying to protect at least the deeper parts of his tunnel, but the flare spread it open and lodged past it.

It was the strangest, most intense feeling Sam had felt so far; as if someone had moved his prostate deeper down his tunnel, and it had received its first, painful stimulation.

"Man...we are....we are painfully good at this. "- said Sam, pressed by the huge, striped furry body, and it took almost a minute for the zebra to answer:

"I have no witty retort to that. Only to say that I think I've just died you, and I'm not even a dog; I can't get it out; not without hurting you"

"Fuck. Well, the canines say....when you're tied...the spooning is great"


Savannah Heat 4 part 1

Sam touched the electrode to the zebra's enlarging male hood and it twitched pleasantly, pressing against his fingers. The wet, warmth of the male's spear felt as pleasant against Sam's hands as it did when it was ravaging his insides. The human placed...

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Lion Trials

Jason was looking at the lion, the four-legged figure moving uneasily, the coarse mane, the smooth, golden back and the slowly moving tail, and found it difficult to believe that this was only a robot; the lion's jaws opened, as if he were yawning,...

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Savannah Heat 2

The long, dark shaft slowly pressed deep into the human's burning red depths , with a delightful sucking sound as it pushed even the air out of its way and deeper; the soft pink walls contracted in the anticipation of even greater pleasure. The...

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