Morning Warm Up: Part Two

Story by Felldewan on SoFurry

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#2 of Poke Love

Managed to get this written out and felt satisfied enough with it to upload. Hope you enjoy part two as much as you enjoyed part one. The cover art was drawn and colored by the very talented artist, Bosey, who I appreciate taking the time to answer my request for me. :) Please read and hopefully enjoy!

+ Morning Warm Up: Part Two +


It was as a rapidly pedaling biker, followed closely by his dashing Mightyena, was passing by the front of their apartment that excited Flare hauled chuckling Ryan out the front door and into the brilliance of the morning sunlight. At once, when seeing his city bathed in the golden light of dawn, when breathing in the very crisp yet energizing air, it seemed that Ryan's former focus was shattered into a thousand pieces.

Such a reaction from him wasn't a shock to his happier than happy she-Blaziken, mind. She'd kinda expected him to react in such fashion. As it'd been said for him many a time before, it'd been forever since the last time her mate had joined her for a jog like this. And during his absence, during all of his hours working, it seemed that he'd gradually forgotten how pleasant it was to be an early bird, to go out for a little exercise in the nearly empty world, to spend some alone time with his "one and only" in all of this natural beauty.

"Wow. Look at that sun. Look at that sky. There's no cloud to be seen. It's blue up there. Blue and beautiful." Ryan muttered distractedly, his amazed eyes taking in the clear, cloudless, grandeur of the summer heavens. Then, his awed gaze came to rest on Flare before him at which he smiled warmly, took her claw and admitted truthfully, "But I see something more beautiful than that dawn sky above. I see someone whose feathers have forever been as crimson as roses, whose eyes shine bluer than anything else. Guess who I'm talkin' about."

Heh, having done this many times in the past already, it was very obvious who Ryan was talking about at the moment. His question was a bit embarrassing. Yet, being the kind of girl who had forever adored his romantics, trying her best to look at him without blushing too hard, Flare questioned happily even though she knew the answer, "Who? Who are you talking about?"

"Duh. I'm talking about you, ember of my life. You're prettier than anything else."

Trying not to be too embarrassed by the romantic talk, feeling her feathers bristling with happiness, Flare couldn't help but turn her eyes shyly away towards the ground rather than look at her admiring master. Truly, the flustered Blaziken was a brilliant fighter, a heroic pokemon, a grand companion who had faced many a trial for her love to make him happy. Nevertheless, even though so confident in herself, she never could handle the generous words of her human. She never could look him in the eyes whenever he began telling her how splendid she was.

For Flare was, well... she was just Flare. Yet, no, that wasn't correct. Flare was her adoring human's everything, through and through!

Still, to her, even though overjoyed to have heard so from her praising lover, it was kind of ridiculous for the she-Blaziken to think she was prettier than the summer heavens overhead. That sky at the moment was a memorable one. It truly was! So, how could she compare to the splendor of Mother Nature? If anything, with his kind heart and humble looks, Ryan stood a better chance of being grander than this dawn. He was just that great, just that special, you know.

This current situation where one lover thought the other as more unique than themselves was a bit humorous, was it not? Who would have it any other way, though? That was how the magics of love worked.

So, where Flare thought her simple trainer was far more special than herself, where Ryan thought his humbled pokemon was the most beautiful thing in the world, that was just how true love for them worked; their two souls were melded together, thinking the world of one another. That was how their funny, goofy yet loyal relationship had worked out since the day they'd first met. That was what made them currently nuzzle each other's cheeks cheerily before focusing back on the task at hand.

"Alright so... I have to admit, it's been WAY too long since the last time we went out for a morning jog like this. Er, I can hardly remember the route we used to take, love. Therefore, if you don't mind, you'll lead today, okay?" Ryan awkwardly admitted, rubbing the back of his neck before going into stretching his limbs for the coming activity. It was as he bent over to touch his toes next - where he did touch his littler piggies, he was still THAT flexible it seemed - that Flare casually walked up behind him, cracked her shoulders and laid herself over him. As she softly traced circles on his back with her claw, her human wondered warmly, "Hah, I could do without you placing extra weight on me. Ah, still, I can't complain about those claws of yours. Keep tracing circles like that. It feels wonderful."

With a happier than happy heart, smiling to herself, the she-Blaziken obeyed the request of her mate. With gentle strokes, smoothly tracing along her relaxed lover's spine, she lifted the back of her mate's shirt and playfully dragged her claws down his skin. The glorious response she received from her companion was a bit of a surprised grunt at first. Then, as the practice continued, as she kind of increased the pressure of her rubbing him so that her talons nicked as well as made him jump on occasion, the two lovers outside of their apartment enjoyed the next few moments to their fullest. That was until, with an excited glint in her eyes, Flare leaned forward and seductively nipped the back of Ryan's neck.

"Augh, Flare! What was that? Okay, okay, enough. By Arceus, heh, you never miss an opportunity do you?" Ryan exclaimed cheerily, jumping up to attention as well as pushing his grinning girl away from him. As he went about pulling down the back of his jogging shirt again, the human next explained while keeping a close eye on his mate, "Alright, now, about us jogging. Like I just mentioned moment ago, you'll have to lead today. Okay?"

"Of course." Flare purred in her pokemon tongue, smiling a bright smile as her human shuddered happily underneath her talons grazing wonderfully over his spine. "Don't worry, I won't go too fast or be too hard on you. I'll just make you sweat a good bit, that's all. Just like the old days."

"Excellent. Now, seeing as I've gotten all of this stretching out of my system, we'll get to running right, er... after I head back inside and grab something I forgot." Ryan explained, impatiently cracking his neck in turn. Yet, as he passed by her to go back inside to retrieve whatever he'd forgotten, the trainer suddenly grabbed Flare by the left ass cheek which, in turn, made her involuntarily puff her feathers in surprise. Next, with her eyes the size of dinner plates, feeling happily insulted, the pokemon turned to grab her lover back when he jumped indoors, slammed the door behind him and locked it shut. "Ha ha, nice try, Flare, but I win. Look, I'm seriously not in any condition to go running or anything this morning. I'm too tired. So you go on without me. I'm going back to bed."

Mind, as he spoke his supposedly serious words to her through the front door, there was nothing but playful laughter in Ryan's words as shocked yet eager Flare listened to him. Again, everything was a game to her human. He wasn't being serious about going back to bed. No, rather, his resistance - like back in bed - was making this moment that much more exciting, happy and memorable for the both of them.

Therefore, if she wanted him to come along during this morning's jog, if she was determined to keep him from going back to sleep, Flare was going to have to break the front door down and drag her mate along behind her! Which she wouldn't mind at all. Indeed, after she caught him, she'd just tie his hands together as well as pull him along like the good pet that he was.

Or hold on... did she really want to tie his wrists up or have him wear a collar instead? Meh, public opinion set aside, why couldn't she do both things to him right now? Heh, of course, with the way the public would react to seeing a trainer being roped up by his pokemon, she couldn't tie up or dominate her love during the coming jog. Nevertheless, no matter her willpower, she couldn't keep from thinking about it; about showing the world that she owned this human and he trusted her completely.

One way or the other, if the said jog was going to commence this morning, Flare had to see about getting Ryan back outside. And the only thing between her and him was the front door. Yes, ha ha ha one blaze kick should do the trick of removing this obstacle. So, one blaze kick comin' up - Oh no, wait hold on. Just hold on a moment.

As she got a grip on herself, as she allowed her bristling feathers to lie back down, the she-Blaziken realized that shattering the front door with her professional if not iconic blaze kick would not at all go well with this event. Not only would the broken front entrance cost her master a pretty penny to repair but it could also char the apartment at which the land lord would be furious. In other words, her fiery kick would downright kill the playful mood in the air.

No, the appropriate action for Flare to take at this moment was simple; kneel down, lift the outside door mat, retrieve the emergency key and unlock the front door like any other good, civilized Blaziken would. So, with a shrug, with a giggle, Flare did in fact kneel down, fetched the outside emergency key from under the doormat and began to unlock the locked door in front of her.

"Oh shit!" Ryan exclaimed inside, hearing the lock being unlocked from outside, "Kinda forgot about the second hand key. Silly little me. Gotta take off now! I'm gonna get it."

"Yes. Yes, you're going to get it." Flare snickered, working with the lock with the emergency key. Even though she knew otherwise, her human did a good job of acting like he hadn't known about the outside door key. He was simply adorable. "Hold on. I'm coming in."

Smiling to herself, the Blaziken heard and enjoyed her happy master's panicked yelp when the outside lock clicked open for her. Next, as she casually stepped through the opened door, her sharp hearing detected the rapid thudding of feet running across the living room towards the bedroom in the back. Thus, knowing where to go, knowing what to do, as graceful as any other of her kind, Flare - almost lazily yet fluidly - leapt across the living room and landed neatly onto the back of the couch in front of the television set.

There, like a predator bird sighting prey, seeing the retreating back of her lover trying to escape down the hall ahead, building up power in her lean legs, she then launched herself down the hallway towards the bedroom! And in turn, despite his head start, despite his speedy efforts, the human didn't stand a chance of getting away. With a jolt of his heart, he saw the distance between himself and his lover close within the blink of an eye!

"Oh no-" Ryan managed to half say before, with much mirth, seeing her coming over his shoulder, he was tackled off of his feet by his entertained girl. Hugged tightly in his victorious Blaziken's vice like grip, balling himself up in her plumage, the human tumble across the hallway floor until both his and his love's momentum ceased. Then, lying there on the hallway floor for a moment or two where they chuckled, the trainer vainly attempted to claw his way back to bed on his stomach. "Ugh, I'm almost theeeere. Almost back in beeeeed. Leeeeeeeet go, Flare - AUGH! Ha ha - stop - no - oh no - Stop it!"

When he tried to drag himself towards his bedroom, Flare had deviously allowed Ryan to almost get out of her reach. ALMOST, mind.

Next, with a smirk, with her awesome strength, she grabbed onto one of his ankles, dragged him back to her, flipped him onto his back, sat down on his waist and then proceeded to tickle him wherever she could reach. Oh yes, Ryan had a weakness for tickling. His pokemon had exploited such a flaw many times in the past and, like now, he'd loved it each time in some sick way.

At the moment, as her claws swiftly grabbed, poked along with pinched him, as he squirmed, kicked as well as yelped with delight, this was proving to be the best tickle session between giggle Flare and crying Ryan thus far. There was some kind of magic to it all. More so than any other time in a long while.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, Flare, I won't try anything else - Ack! - Please, Flare, spark of my life, I'm going to explode if you don't - Ha ha! - It was just a joke! I was going to come with you jogging, I swear. I swear it!" Ryan loudly pleaded through his tears, grinning with happiness as his hands useless tried to prevent his attacker from assaulting him with the giggles. It was when his girl grabbed both of his hands with her one talon and held them down over his head that the human looked concerned. Then, when his deviously grinning pokemon began to sneak her free talon underneath his running shirt towards his very ticklish right side, he exclaimed, "Augh! Mercy! Have mercy, I beg you. No more tricks, no more games, no more anything, love. Please, let's go jogging. Don't do this to me - Bah ha ha!"

"No more games? No more tricks? We'll go jogging?" Flare mused to herself, lightly tickling her vulnerable lover in his weakest place which, in the process, made him struggle fiercely while laughing up a storm. If he gave such a reaction to being "lightly" tickled, heh, he surely was going to explode if she "roughly" tickled him. "You promise, ember of my life? We can go for a jog now?"

"Flare, let me go. Let me go and we'll do what you want. I can't - I can't - I can't take this anymore!" Ryan howled, flinching roughly with twisted pleasure when his pokemon gently poked him in his right side under his t-shirt again, "We'll go jogging! I swear!"

"Then you promise?" Flare giggled, beaming fondly down upon her trainer. She nuzzled his cheek and he nuzzled back frantically to show that he meant what he said. "Yes, I believe that's as close to a promise as I'm going to get. Fine. Up you come."

With a gasp of relief, tears of merriment staining his face, blue eyes shining with glee, Ryan was more than thankful when his girl let go of his hands, nuzzled his cheek again affectionately, then - with splendid grace - pulled him back onto his feet. He'd been spared from further humiliation. For now, anyhow. However, if he tried anything else... he would be, within a heartbeat, be put right back in the same torturous place once more.

There was no denying Flare this morning. Especially not now when she wanted to make her master remember the old days which, truthfully, had been working out very well thus far.

"By Arceus, Flare, my entire body is aching now, thanks to that whole tickling episode. You suck sometimes. You know that right?" Ryan began to playfully lecture his girl before, with a gasp of surprise, he was pushed against the hallway wall and felt her claws purposefully gripping his ticklish sides. Quickly, lovingly, he saved himself under his acute lover's gaze by rambling sweet things. "I mean - I mean you suck in the best way, love! You really are the fire of my life. Now, uh, um, shall we get to jogging?"

"Yes, we shall." Flare answered, grabbing her human's hands next, pulling him away from the wall, stepping behind him and quickly pushing him towards the outside world awaiting them. "Come on, trickster. We're off."

"Okay, okay, I'm goin', mom, I'm goin'. No need to shove." The human laughed as his confident she-pokemon forced him out the front door into the brilliant world blessed by dawn's beauty, "Man, I hope you're not going to be as tough on me during this jog as you're being to me right now - Ack! Would you stop tickling me?! Alright, alright, you're not being tough on me. Yes, I deserve what I'm getting. I tried to trick all-knowing you, after all. Shame on poor, poor me."

"Yes, you tried to trick me. The nerve. Shame on poor, little you." Flare laughed, pushing her trainer to the outside apartment stairs. Descending the said stairs from floor two to floor one, they then stood on the sidewalk. As for where they would be going, respectable Petalburg Park was a good distance to the north. It would take the pair of them a bit of time to get there. If they kept up a good pace, anyway; a pace that the she-Blaziken started when she grabbed her love's hand and began jogging easily."Come on, spark of my life. We have some memories to relive. We have a morning to further enjoy together."


As it'd been said for it beforehand, there were few other places throughout Hoenn more peaceful in the morning than Petalburg City. With the sunlight bathing everything in a brilliantly golden illumination, with the streets lacking in passing cars, everything felt at peace as smiling Ryan trailed after happier than happy Flare. Occasionally, on foot or bike, another early bird trainer with his or her pokemon would pass the jogging duo. Each time that occurred, a brief nod, wave or "hello" would be said between everyone.

And whereas she never had an issue with another guy passing by her mate, Flare couldn't keep from feeling a sense of hostility each time a woman passed by. Mind, wanting to enjoy her morning with her love as best as possible, knowing her master would always be her loyal one and only, the she-Blaziken did her best not to show any negativity during her current jog. Yet, maybe it was due to her fiery genes but... every time a girl approached, she felt a sense of annoyance rise up in her heart.

You see, every time girls of about Ryan's age passed by him this morning, Flare - with her heightened senses, having experienced the event repeated times in the past - noticed how they quietly yet eagerly measured her trainer up. Truly, whenever a female jogger or biker would go around Ryan or come from the opposite direction towards him, their eyes would always if not admiringly stick to him like Ledians trying to find pollen in the prettiest flowers.

Hmf, what the hell were they looking at? Well, duh, despite the fact that he hadn't worked out in a while, Flare clearly knew that Ryan was modestly handsome with a mostly physically fit body showing underneath his jogging outfit. And seeing as he was so charming in looks, what was there for the human girls to wonder about exactly? Why were they inwardly judging him as they saw him? What, did he appear to be sinister in some way?

These questions, this paranoia, it was something of a familiarity to Flare. Seeing as she had been jogging by herself each morning for the last few months, it'd been a long time since she'd had to deal with other females sizing up her mate. And that was just it. She wasn't exactly angry about girls looking at her mate. She in fact felt smugly proud each time she caught a girl trying to catcher her Ryan's eye. For she knew that, despite their efforts, those said girls couldn't take her human away from her because he was hers... and he had promised long ago to forever be hers like she was his.

No, what really angered Flare were the devious looks, winks along with smiles from the braver females who didn't pay her any mind. Instead, they dared to flirt with her mate who modestly nodded back, waved along with did his best to not pay too much attention to the girls teasing him. Rather, repeated times, he took Flare's claw in his own hand, squeezed it reassuringly, smiled up at her as well as resumed confidently jogging at her thankful side.

"It's okay, Flare. It's alright. Don't look so worried." Ryan once admitted, holding her hand again when he'd spotted her discomfort over a girl having beamed at him, "You're my girl. I've told you that numerous times, up to this day. You have nothing to fear. You are everything to me. You are my one and only in this life."

Ryan always knew what to say to calm Flare down. And when he spoke so sweetly to her, when he held her talon so tightly, she couldn't keep from nuzzling him happily. Love had its annoyances, of course. She was being childish every time a girl neared. She was being stupid by question her mate's love. He trusted her more than anything else in the world. And she... she had to do the same! Urgh, she had to push aside these feelings of paranoia before she roasted an unfortunate female just passing by.

Thankfully, whenever a girl - no matter her bravery - would come along Ryan's way, she wouldn't slow down or stop in whatever she was doing. That was more than likely due to tall, aggressive Flare's presence. Honestly, as far as Flare knew, it was kind of hard to flirt with a cute boy like Ryan when he had a fire/fighting pokemon - secretly his lover - towering over him every moment. It was harder still to flirt with him when his said pokemon was glaring daggers at you in the background.

Hm, maybe that was how Flare had caught Ryan in her net in the first place, huh? Perhaps she'd scared off of every human girl until she had been the only available option for her lover to take? Alas, no, that wasn't true at all. That was downright silly to think of.

No, long ago, Ryan had had many admirers. He'd - to Flare's growing frustration if not depression - had many girlfriends while his best friend in the world, his secretly admiring she-Blaziken, had watched him be happy from the background. And even if it had cost her a great deal, she'd forever wanted him to be happy with whoever then. She'd adored his smile, his laugh, his gladness.

However, despite his many attempts, he'd never found true happiness with any human girl. Not the kind that he'd discovered with his loyal pokemon in Fortree Forest that stormy night three years ago; that he now had with his loyal pokemon while they jogged.

During the jog to Petalburg Park, shockingly, there was actually one girl who came up from behind as well as began to keep pace with Ryan. She was cute beyond measure who sported shoulder length black hair cut short, earth brown eyes, who wore a violet bandana around her head, was dressed in short shorts, running socks and shoes and a very, very loose tank top.

Smiling a gentle smile, looking pleadingly to Flare so that she wouldn't roast the newest girl to jog his way, Ryan truthfully hadn't minded the company. She was trying to be friendly. That was all. Yet, his prediction changed when he noticed the seductive grin from the newcomer girl. In turn, frantic on the inside, he'd shaken his head furtively at the dangerous glint that shined in Flare's own eyes.

With the stranger girl was in fact a Flareon with a red ribbon tied around her tail, keeping up easily behind her charming female trainer. The said Flareon exchanged a brief glance with Flare and immediately regretted it. Again, no matter her willpower, Flare was letting her paranoia cloud her judgment of what was taking place.

_"What are you looking at, fuzz ball?"_Flare's glare had snarled.

"Nothing." The Flareon's averting eyes had replied, looking everywhere else, "Nothing at all."

"Howdy." The newcomer girl greeted Ryan, beaming as bright as the rising sun. She didn't notice the snort from Flare at her greeting. "Howdy"? Pft, who the hell said that? Some country chick from - Ahem! "Heh, I haven't seen you around here which is surprising. I've been running this route for the last three summers. You new to the city?"

"You could say that. I've only been around for a year now. This is the first time I've actually been able to get out and enjoy the fresh air, truth be told." Ryan explained politely. With the way this girl had come out of nowhere, judging by the glare that Flare was giving her, he was aware of what was going on. Still, there were no worries. He already had a girl to love, the she-Blaziken whose claw he squeezed lovingly. This human girl in question was simply looking to try to get to know him. "See, with summer starting up, work has been a hassle. I work over at the Perior Hotel in the city center. There's been so much to do these last few months with tourists, travelers and such coming through. I don't get out much. It's work, work, work."

"Oh, yes, I see what you mean. Summer is a tough season on all of us workers." The new girl laughed, nodding her head, "Still, this season is the best. The warmth, the sunshine, the going out and enjoying the day like this. It raises the spirits, doesn't it?"

"It certainly does." Ryan replied, smiling. To be polite, he next gestured to his pokemon who did her best not to glower at the stranger of a girl who had joined them, "My name is Ryan. And I'm only able to enjoy this certain morning because of my best friend here, Flare. She acts as something like an alarm clock for me. A stubborn, irritating alarm clock that can't be told "no", quite honestly."

"Ha ha, I know what you mean. My name is Amber." The new girl, Amber, explained as she held out a friendly hand to Ryan who took it. As they shook hands, Flare's feathers bristled. At least until she regained control of herself. She had to stop being stupid. She had to quit being immature. "My Flareon here, Ruby, she won't let me sleep through the morning neither. Not when she likes to go for a walk at this time. But how is your Blaziken stubborn or irritating? She doesn't look like any of those things. She looks absolutely beautiful."

The comment about Flare being beautiful was something that would have impressed any other Blaziken. Yet, feeling irritated already that her mate was being distracted by another female, having her mind clouded with uncertainties, Flare did not see it as a compliment. She saw it as a means for this Amber girl to get closer to Ryan!

Hmf, this girl from out of nowhere was trying to use Flare to flirt with her man? The nerve!

"Ah, yes, Flare is beautiful. Well said. Still, all of that glamor you see hides her true nature. Underneath it all, she's something of a beast. I think that applies to all fire types. No offense to your Ruby there." Ryan began to explain politely, winking at the trailing Flareon behind them.

When he called her a beast, mind, Flare's trainer didn't at all mean it. He was just having a conversation with his newest acquaintance. And as for Flare being something of a beast, well, yes, she had just held him down back in the apartment while she'd tickled im nearly to death. She was the best kind of beast; the delightful one that made every day brighter. Still, when Ryan noticed his Blaziken looking at him nervously over his calling her a "beast", he immediately felt apologetic. In turn, he actually did something to reassure her he loved her.

What he did to his uncertain lover was not at all expected but was more than welcomed on her part. You see, what he did was not at all like him. It was rebellious, dirty, encouraging. Out in public view, if he hadn't been so subtle about it, his action would have been frowned upon if seen; he swiftly grabbed her ass which made her joyfully yelp, flinch a bit as well as sneer at him as he smiled innocently.

Between Ryan and Flare, as they smiled at one another, something was happening here. Something very "exciting" was about to begin right under a certain girl trainer and her Flareon's unknowing noses.

"Oh? Your Blaziken is a... beast?" Amber wondered curiously, looking disbelieving, "That can't be right. She's gorgeous. You're just teasing."

"No, no, I'm being honest." Ryan replied simply, smiling at Amber and slowing down the jog into a walk. As Amber slowed too with her Flareon, Flare would have had a problem. That was if her master wasn't grabbing her rear at every opportunity and distracting her. "You see, if I don't get up when she tells me the first time, Flare pulls the blankest off of me. If I still don't listen to her, she drags me out of bed. Then, if I STILL don't listen to her, she'll dress me herself. It's crazy."

"You... don't say. Well, I have to admit, I know your pain. Ruby just keeps licking my face until I can't deny her anymore." Amber replied, looking half amused-half confused about the conversation. Where she hadn't noticed Ryan continually grabbing his lover's butt since they'd begun talking, the newcomer girl now noticed how panting, jumpy Flare was twitching a little. "Er, speaking of her, is your Blaziken alright? She looks a little winded, doesn't she?"

"Does she? That would be a first. It's usually me who is the one without breath so early into the jog." Ryan innocently declared, his eyes shining with wicked glee as his hand out of sight rubbed his pleasured pokemon's tight rear through her magnificent plumage. He grinned cheekily when Flare glanced at him happily yet angrily.

Hmph, was that the best he could do? Come on! Behind them, Ruby, the Flareon, watched in building, innocent curiosity. As it happened right in front of her observant eyes, the fire-eeveelution didn't seem to understand what exactly was happening as the Blaziken arched her back, tried to fend off her trainer's hand and attempted to keep from yelping with joy over... being touched? Hm, was Ryan tickling Flare in some way? There were far more ticklish region of the body than the ass, wasn't there?

"What's up Flare? It's me who hasn't been out and about like this in a long while." Ryan wondered blankly, doing a fantastic job of acting like he wasn't aware of what was going on. All the while, with Amber looking increasingly confused to the side, his fingers danced and latched onto Flare's butt with painful yet delightful grip. "Maybe... are we going too fast for you? Is that it? Imagine that. A human outdoing his Blaziken in the ways of exercise."

"Hah, you wish - Augh!" Flare began to reply in her native tongue when she, with a gasp, felt her lover suddenly probe her dampening pussy with his forefinger. By Arceus, this was so very dirty... that was already THAT wet? Where was this rebelliousness on Ryan's part coming from? I was amazing!

Still, arching her back, shaking her head, knowing they could get into serious trouble if caught doing this, the she-Blaziken reached down and purposefully grabbed her invasive human's wrist. However, he made her yelp once more when, as she looked to pull his hand away, he grabbed firmly onto her ass again where he held tightly. Then, with an action that shot shockwaves of pleasure through her frame, Ryan's hand randomly squeezed her rear that made her twitch, jump along with tremble with building eagerness.

Honestly, coming from usually obedient Ryan, this was new. This was sexily, heatedly, excitingly new.

Only a half hour ago, Flare had engaged in sexual pleasure with her lover back in the apartment. Nevertheless, in between panting Flare's legs, a fire was now building again. Oh Arceus... Yes, she was getting hot and bothered and wet down there. Ugh, it wasn't her ass that needed to be probed! If her knowing master kept taunting her like this right in front of this girl, if he continued being uncharacteristically rebellious out in public, it was eventually going to be her pussy that needed probing in whatever fashion; in front of Amber or not!

"Uh, maybe you should see about getting your pokemon to the pokemon center." Amber actually admitted next, looking a bit worried as Flare's eyes rolled up into her skull, her tongue hung out and her body trembled a bit.

In the end, everyone stopped walking and stood in place. All the while, evilly grinning inwardly, Ryan went on assaulting his Blaziken's rear as well as pussy with his hand. In the process, doing her best to not reveal what was being done unless she wanted to get her trainer in trouble, Flare huffed heavily while she leaned against him hotly. As she leaned against him, the Blaziken's plumage covered her master's working hand, giving him the proper window if not permission to keep doing what he was doing only faster, firmer and dirtier.

In the meantime, Ruby was smelling the air with interest. Not knowing it was Flare getting wet right in front of her, the Flareon wondered if there was something cinnamon being baked close by? Or was it another kind of enticing spice? If only she knew. If only she could tell.

"Here, Ruby, come girl." Amber actually commanded next, looking a bit concerned over how uncomfortable Flare looked at the moment. What the human girl couldn't understand was that the Blaziken was secretly not suffering from discomfort. With Ryan's hand massaging her damp slit in between her legs, she was in fact having the time of her life! "Um, yeah, look, Ryan, if it wasn't obvious before, I think there's something up with your pokemon there. You should have Nurse Joy help her before doing anything else."

"Heard and understood. Sorry about all of this. Flare is usually pretty well behaved. I don't understand what's going on." Ryan innocently yet evilly fibbed as he felt Flare longingly push up against him, encouraging him to go on teasing her sex with his talented hand.

This was going grandly. His dominant plan of driving away the new girl and making Flare love him even more was working like a charm. As his she-Blaziken pushed against him, resting her beaked head against his shoulder, he moved from playing with her lower slits to hugging her tightly by the waist. At feeling his touch leave her, at realizing he was hugging her rather than fingering her, Flare whimpered indignantly for her lover to resume loving her.

It was okay. Ryan had a plan. The loving was just getting started. "I'll bring Flare to the center for a check-up. You go ahead and keep jogging, Amber."

"Alright." The stranger girl answered uncertainly, grimacing as Flare shuddered slightly. Unseen, Ryan had just placed his leg in between the fire/fighting pokemon's legs, allowing her to slowly grind against him and ebb the fire building within her. "I'm sorry, er, what did you say your name was again?"

"Ryan. Ryan Halberd. It was a pleasure, Amber." Ryan replied, holding out a hand for his newest yet unknowing friend to shake, "Excuse us, won't you?"

"Yeah, okay. I hope she does alright. Flare, I mean." Amber admitted good heartedly, nodding towards panting Flare who didn't need the human girl's damn sympathy but departure!

You see, the longer the human girl remained around, the longer Ryan had to subtly torture his increasingly horny mate. By Arceus, if it wasn't forbidden in public, if it wouldn't scar Amber for life, Ryan's loving pokemon would have dragged him into the nearby ally at the start of his teasing her. There, they would have gotten their sexual tension out of the way in no time. But this... this was RIDICULOUS! Sexily so!

"Okay, Ruby, girl, come on. We're going." Amber chimed, waving for her own fire pokemon to come along. Funny enough, Ruby still hadn't caught on to what smelled so spicy in the air. She just could put two and two together; the smell and Flare's strained expression. "Say good-bye to our new friends. Adios, Ryan. Maybe we'll meet again sometime in the future."

"Goodbye." Ruby's eyes said for her.

"Get lost already!" Flare's own eyes screamed.

It was as Amber, trailed by Ruby, ran ahead and out of sight around the corner ahead that - with a hungry snarl, her eyes narrowed with impatience, her heart pounding against her chest - Flare wrapped her arms around confident Ryan neck and pulled his forehead against her own. For a few moments, right out in the open, nuzzling cheeks, breathing in each other's scent, the two lovers took part in a most steamy occurrence. With his forefinger kneading through her lower, silky plumage into her pussy, looking straight into her fierce eyes, Ryan - throwing caution to the wind, with no one around to see him doing so - casually probed, fingered as well as blasted the living hell out of his fiery girl's clenching, shaking, heated sex.

"You should know better than to get all huffy and bad tempered about a girl wanting to come up and talk to me, Flare. After how long you and I have been together, you should be aware that there's only one perfect girl for me in this world; you." The trainer whispered in his moaning fire/fighting pokemon's face, making her hiss with ecstasy as he now pushed two fingers - his fore and middle fingers - in between her craving, lubricated slits, "There was no reason for you to be jealous of Amber back there. You mean more than anything else to me. You always have. I thought we made that clear to each other back in the bedroom, no?"

Suddenly, wickedly, when he didn't get a reply to his words, Ryan stopped fingering his lover who looked at him in indignation. What the hell was he doing? Why had he stopped? He couldn't just stop halfway through! Hell no!

"Did we not make that clear to each other back in the bedroom, Flare?" Ryan questioned again, his face simple yet caring as he teased her lower lips but didn't penetrate them. He was taunting her now. For the first time in a long time, he was controlling her. "Have I not told you numerous times in the past, Flare... that you are the fire of my life?"

"Y-yes. I know that I-I am the fire of your life. You are the fire of mine." Flare gasped, her claw grabbing her human's hand and trying to make him go back to fingering her, "Please, Ryan, I need your touch... You can't just stop. That's not fair-"

"Always and forever, Flare, you will be my girl. Always and forever, I will be your man. We agreed on that three years ago, back in Fortree, didn't we?" Ryan pondered aloud, purposefully rubbing but not penetrating his girl like she wanted of him, "Didn't we, Flare?"

"Yes! We agreed on that!" Flare hissed, her hunger growing by the moment, "Always and forever, we are each other's one and only."

"I love you and only you, Flare. That will never change." Her master stated truthfully, his fingers actually pressing into her pussy as well as delighting her. As the she-Blaziken leaned into her trainer's embrace, as he went back to pleasuring her, she heard him breathe in her ear, "So no more being jealous of other girls, alright? Amber was simply being nice. She was being a friend. But you... you are my everything."

Of course, tussling in bed, the love between Flare as well as Ryan had been made clear back in their bedroom in the apartment earlier. During that rainy night three years ago in Fortree Forest, their feelings for each other had been made crystal clear the first time where he, being something of a rookie, had awkwardly pushed his own sex into craving hers.

Nevertheless, even after learned that he would always be hers, Flare just couldn't help but feel hostile towards every female that tried to win her man's attention. She was very sorry about that. It was perhaps her one flaw. It wasn't that she was possessive, mind. She just loved her mate so very much... she couldn't stand the idea of losing him for any reason; be it simple or complicated. She loved him. She wanted him. She needed him.

And Ryan knew that. After so many years of being at her side, he knew that Flare only became so grouchy around other females because she felt a bit threatened, because she didn't favor losing his admiration. Truth be told, being fiery passionate by nature, it was common fact that fire pokemon had a tendency of letting their passions get a bit wild. That was why Flare became so very aggressive or dominant when taunted, when loved, when being fingered like now out in the open on the sidewalk where she, with her feathers standing on end, groaned softly.

During all the while her master's fingers reached deeper into her, twirled in antagonizing yet delightful circles, pushed against her inner walls, she never looked away from his eyes. No, she stared intensely into his soul as he kissed her beak, loving him all of the while.

Yes. By Arceus, yes, even though she already knew it deep down inside her fiercely beating heart, Flare wanted to be shown for the thousandth time that her trainer loved her like no other in the world. She was ready for him to take advantage of her, to go on uncharacteristically yet awesomely be a bad boy, to grab her around the waist like he presently did as he pushed his fingers even further into her begging sex.

It was when unruly Ryan - usually gentle Ryan - rather roughly pulled her closer to him next, when he picked up his pace in fingering her, that Flare finally if not reluctantly broke eye contact with him.

She had to do so. For if she hadn't lowered her eyes when she did, if she hadn't bitten her tongue, if she had not pushed her face into the nape of his neck, she would have screamed out much too loudly with happiness. Instead of screaming though, clenching her claws around the back of her trainer's head, she took to shrilly whimpering; a sound that both entertained along with heartened Ryan.

Her whimpering meant that she was thoroughly enjoying herself. It meant that he was doing everything right. It meant that she was, for a change, being dominated which - for the both of them - was a very welcomed thing. Ryan being in control of Flare wasn't a familiarity. Usually, it was the other way around with Flare pinning Ryan down in some way or another.

This time around however, heh, out of nowhere, the trainer had his fiery girl in his grasp and with a determined burst of strength, he picked up the speed of his finger thrusts. In response to his increased pace, not knowing what else to do to deal with her increasing pleasure, his Blaziken pushed up against his leg eagerly. Heck, if she pushed anymore, she was going to be a living part of him!

Ryan was talented. True, his cock was the preferred treatment to the vicious fire that swelled within Flare's lower body but his fingers did things his manhood couldn't; like firmly swirl, spin and poke inside of her. And his said fingers invaded her deeper, harder, faster when another jogger - an older man tailed by a Linoone - appeared from around the corner where Amber had vanished beforehand.

The older man that'd just shown himself, he was coming in the loving couple's direction who were far too deep into their dirty dealings to think about stopping now. They had to finish, no matter what.

"Someone is coming, spark of my life." Ryan whispered softly to his pokemon, holding her head against his shoulder as he purposefully pleasured her harder than before. As his Blaziken whined with tortured enjoyment, he encouraged, "Come on, love. Let yourself go. Now is the time. Here and now. Go for it. I'm here for you."

The choices at hand were get the steamy job done or get caught. Either Flare had her orgasm or the two of them would get reported. Yet, with the way things were transpiring, with huffing Ryan truly fingering her wet sex now, being reported wasn't much of a possibility in Flare's opinion. Not when her master's fingers hit an especially pleasurable spot in her vagina next, sent a clear message of ecstasy through her trembling body, snapped what resistance she'd built up... and made her, scrunching her eyes, gasping heatedly, come all over her love's hand.

A moment of happy silence passed where Flare, feeling like she was in some kind of heavenly atmosphere with her trainer's scent in her nostrils and his hands affectionately caressing her body, leaned heavily against smiling Ryan. As the older man with his Linoone were passing by, they hesitated a moment to stare curiously at the young man supporting his heavily breathing she-Blaziken.

"Everything okay here?" The older man wondered, his Linoone wrinkling its nose as it obviously smelled the musk of sex in the air but couldn't tell what it all meant, "Need any help, friend?"

"We don't need any help, thanks. However, your kindness is appreciated, sir." Ryan explained modestly, still stroking the feathers of his loving Blaziken who just wanted to kiss him despite the present company. Damn. He'd rocked her world so very hard. "Myself and my Blaziken here have been having a long morning trying to beat a personal record of ours. Everything is okay. We're just a tad exhausted is all."

"That's all?" The older man questioned curiously, his eyes never leaving heaving Flare. It must have been odd to see a Blaziken - a physically fit pokemon - looking weary while her trainer looked fit as a fiddle. "Er, well... If you say so. Still, I think it'd be best for you two to lay off your record and get some rest. It must be a monster of a challenge if your Blaziken is tired out like that."

"It is a monster, sir. On that, we can agree. Me and my pokemon only need a moment. We're fine. Thank you for checking up on us though."

"Uh-huh. Alright, if you you're fine then you're, well, fine." The older man agreed, smiling warmly and not at all knowing what had actually happened between Flare and Ryan. His Linoone though, seemed to comprehend what'd occurred. Yet, before he could do anything, the ferret-like pokemon had to follow after his trainer when he was called for, "Stripe. C'mere, boy. Let's leave these two to go about their business. Everything is fine."

When the older man and his curious Linoone left them alone, several moments passed where Ryan held up Flare. Once in a while, regaining his gentle composure rather than remain dominant, the young man softly kissed his fiery pokemon's beak who enjoyed his tenderness. Eventually, gathering back her strength, not shaking so much, Flare straightened up to share a bright smile with Ryan; happy that they'd not been caught by anyone doing their dirty yet delightful deed out in public.

It'd been a fantastic experience, engaging in sexual desires out in the middle of the city. One they hadn't taken part in a very long time; too long, to be perfectly frank.

"You're my one and only, Flare." Ryan purposefully said next, walking ahead towards Petalburg Park with his girl's claw in his hand, "You always have been. You always will be."

"I know." Flare admitted, nodding her head, "I know, ember of my life. I've always known."

"On a side note, me doing that to you out here in the open... You should know that that was payback." Ryan suddenly admitted, sticking out his tongue at his shocked lover, "Payback for what, you may ask? For you having tickled me before, of course. Ha ha - Augh!"

Just after he'd said he'd fingered her as revenge for her having tickled him so badly back at the apartment, Ryan yelped when Flare swiftly tickled his sides. During the next moment, smiling happily to themselves, hand in claw, the trainer scoffed at his girl playfully, "Yes, well, ahem... I suppose I walked right into that tickle of yours, didn't I? Either way, come on. We have to get this jog over with or noon will be upon us."