The Dragon's Attendant

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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This story was written by myself and my amazing pet Macabre Dragon

It features the first appearance of two of our characters, his dragon Samael and my otteress Tamara. The story will illustrate the circumstances of their first meeting, and also what happens when you put them alone together in a private room. Although there is a vore tag, there's not fatalities in the story whatsoever. In the interest of not giving any spoilers, keep reading and you'll see what happens to our two lovers after :)

This was very fun to write, and as I'm sure you'll see, both characters are fun to play with and have great quirks that made them easy to play with one another.

Flying silently over the treetops, Samael glided smoothly through the air, his black scales shimmering palely in the vanishing light of the setting sun. His giant, ghostly form made hardly a whisper as he streaked towards his destination, a dark shadow spread widely across the greenery below acting as the only sign of his grim passage. Dropping a bit more, the dragon briefly raked his elongated claws across the tips of the evergreens, his narrow muzzle a mask of delight as the branches bent and snapped under his touch. Then, with a single, powerful flap of his wings, the dragon climbed quickly upwards, the muscles along his serpentine form tensing with mild effort before angling himself to the left and turning towards the receding treeline a few miles ahead.

The route was quite familiar to the drake, despite the absence of any notable landmarks or signs amidst the endless landscape of trees and low valleys. He made the trip once every few months, crossing the seemingly endless forest from his homeland to raid the wealthy caravans that travelled the roads just beyond. Though Samael had begun his devastating raids the year before, the inexperienced, wealthy humans that awaited him had done nothing to prevent his inevitable appearance. Whether the pathetic creatures were simply uninformed or overconfident he had yet to determine, but either option made little difference to the hungry beast. All that mattered to him was that the goods of each caravan swelled his riches, while the human travellers and guards filled his gut.

There was however, one particular place of interest that the Samael hadn't visited yet. On the western borders of the forest there was an inn. According to one particularly informative person in the last party of humans he'd raided, this place resided about halfway between his home and his hunting grounds and was equipped to serve every single urge of a predacious beast like himself. He'd heard some fairly elaborate tales from some of the prey he'd eaten over the years. Most of them either lies, worthless begging, or promises of reward that a lowly morsel couldn't possibly hope to give him; however, this one had turned out quite unique, and certainly merited a brief detour on his way back. Whether or not the man was telling the truth or not, the dragon had yet to see. There was no telling how a human could possibly have known of the place's existence, but there was no harm in finding out. It was the least he could do for something so tasty.

After a long while, Samael turned his head and narrowed his red eyes on a tiny, inconspicuous glow coming through the darkening woods ahead. Lifting himself higher and propelling himself forwards, he quickly saw that the source was in fact an impressively large building resting just on the outskirts of the treeline: just as the human had said. Its construction consisted of large, heavy-set wood, with massive pillars of oak decorating the outside walls for support. There were five floors, each of them oddly tall and much larger than the normal, human-sized accommodations the beast was used to seeing. Approaching the grounds he also noticed that although most of the surrounding area was strewn with high grass and twisted, molted roots, the patch directly outside the enormous front door had been cleared away and filled with clean, short-cut grass and gravel. The perfect landing pad for a dragon.

With a surprised mid-flight shrug, Samael dropped down towards the inn. He landed in the soft, round clearing with a heavy thump, bending his legs to absorb the jarring impact before standing up and folding his wings proudly across his back. He remained there for a few moments, squinting his slitted pupils at the arching wooden doors in front of him. He could hear muted noise coming from within and the sounds of bustling activity coupled with the odd booming laugh or scrape of claws. Unsure of what to do the dragon took in a deep breath, tilted his head curiosity, and stepped forwards with the intention of bursting in. It was then however, that the door cracked open, and two figures stepped out to greet him.

They were both female, about a quarter of his height: a pair of slender anthropomorphic she-wolves with wide smiles on their faces and clipboards in their hands. The dragon was somewhat surprised at their appearance, but not as much as they were at his.

"A dragon!" the one on the left exclaimed in unexpected excitement, her paw quickly dashing to a pen. She scribbled down a quick note and then both of them turned their expressions of surprise to ones of professionalism and service.

"Greetings, dragon," the one on the right said in a formal, yet friendly tone, "welcome to the Moore Inn. My name is Clara, and this here is Samantha. May we ask yours?" Both of them stood there expectantly, and the dragon huffed slightly. He wasn't quite used to being talked to in a friendly manner by any species under half his height.

"I am called Samael," the black-scaled beast replied reluctantly, and the pair quickly scribbled that down on their notes too.

"Greetings Samael," they said together, and then then Clara continued, "we haven't had a dragon in these halls for quite some time. It is quite the honor indeed. Just for you, we'll throw in a complementary twenty percent discount on the usual rates." The dragon blinked, looking down at their happy faces with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance. They expected him to pay for something? A beast who took whatever he wanted? He decided to probe a little further.

"I have not graced this place with my presence before," he spoke confidently, "I find myself curious as to what you are offering me here that I would consider spending gold for." They both quickly stowed their clipboards and gestured to the large building behind them.

"Moore Inn is a place where your needs are taken care of," Samantha stated simply.

"If you need a rest, we have the best beds for all species to clear their weariness," Clara said. "We offer massages and special therapies, and let me tell you, they are second to none." She winked slowly at the dragon, rubbing her paws together slowly.

"We can have 'all' of your needs taken care of, Sir Dragon, Samantha said, excitement creeping into her tone. "We have many willing staff who do not mind getting 'hands on' with their clients, for the right fee. I imagine a male of your stature would enjoy a bit of pleasure after a long flight." The two she-wolves definitely had his attention now. The dragon's head leaned in, a smirk on his face. So it was a hotel... with benefits, he determined. He'd never heard of something like this before.

"We also offer a service to beings of stature, like yourself," Samantha said in a low, seductive tone, "where you can have your appetite sated... a select few on our staff roster offer very exclusive treatments: such as belly rubs and massages from the inside. Of course, you must release them afterwards... it would be difficult to keep retraining the staff to keep such an intake flowing."

Samael pondered all of the information for a moment. So he could stay the night, get his rocks off, and sate himself with a living meal... although only temporarily. He growled softly; he'd never let prey leave his belly before.

"So..." he stated flatly, staring down the twin she-wolves with a fierce glare, "what would happen if I wanted to just take those services like any sensible dragon would and leave my coin at home?" Instead of terrifying the pair, however, they stared right back and smiled.

"Moore Inn is a place of pleasure and relaxation," Samantha responded, "and if you think we haven't dealt with dragons like yourself here before, you're mistaken. So please, relax and enjoy the services. Troublemakers will find themselves very forcibly evicted." With that, she gestured up to the roof of the inn, and the dragon looked up to see two very large gryphons perched stealthily on the edges. The dragon blinked; he hadn't even seen them on his approach. They were good.

"Security," she smiled, "more than capable of taking down any threats to our business. Now, if you please, follow us inside and we will find you a room.

Following directly behind the two ladies, Samael kept his gaze tilted upwards, narrowing his eyes on the two gryphon guards standing motionless on the corners of the inn. He knew the creatures very well: strong, proud beasts like himself that he had no intention of fighting for a bit of pleasure and squirming meals he could find elsewhere. Perhaps the wonders of this place really were as rewarding as the two she-wolves claimed, to keep those two monsters in check.

As his companions reached the front entrance they each gripped a separate door handle and paused, looking back with a small, eerily similar grin stretched across their twin muzzles. The dragon eyed them with annoyance.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Open it," he said, growling low and dangerously. They looked at each other, their eyes radiating with amusement as the one on the left, Clara, let out a strange, purring giggle.

"We like a dragon that takes charge sweetie," she said, flashing her canines in a wolfish smile. "I think you're going to like it here." And with that, they opened the doors.

As Samael stepped inside, the first thing he noticed was the smell. He wrinkled his nose at the peculiar stench, inhaling the odd mixture of wood and what he could only describe as sweat laden with a hint of bestial musk. Despite his experience with human dwellings, the dragon had never smelt such a raw, potent odor in his life. Were he to experience it alone he could only assume that it came from the cave of one of his relatives, or perhaps a small group of drakes that had just finished with a lengthy, messy orgy. Blinking as his eyes adjusted to the light he cast his gaze around the room, his jaw slowly dropping in surprise at the sight.

Dark, wooden floorboards covered the entire expanse of the room, with beige, dimly lit walls enclosing the wide area to each side. There was no furniture to speak of save for a few benches pressed up against the walls, a few giant cushions, and a lone, chest-high counter in the far corner. Behind the counter, he saw another small group of she-wolves scampering about in behind the assorted glasses and cutlery to prepare a variety of multi-colored drinks. What shocked him most however, were the customers. Every single one of the creatures standing or sprawling about in the various corners and cushions of the room, were beasts. A various assortment of werewolves, horses, felines and other anthropomorphic creatures were strewn about the hotel's interior: lounging on pillows, standing and conversing in small groups, or sitting on the benches surrounding the room. Also, darting in the midst of them all were some of the most beautiful women the confused dragon had ever seen, besides those of his own species of course. Female foxes, otters, wolves, horses, and even lizards were all walking around, serving them drinks and occasionally disappearing with one into the many varied rooms that branched off from the main hall.

Samael had never seen a more queer sight in all his life. He paused in the doorway, staring at them all with an odd sense of displacement before with a start, he suddenly realized that all of them were staring back. The continuous motion of various activities had stopped completely as every single eye turned to regard him with a look of amazement. All conversation paused as well, with some of the creatures freezing mid-sentence to turn and look at the nightmarish creature that had graced their presence. Though the odd, hushed whisper of "dragon" could be heard in the stationary crowd, nobody dared move as the reptilian beast regarded them all, his piercing red eyes scanning the populated room.

For that long, silent moment, the dragon simply remained where he was, his scaled muzzle scrunching as he felt a hot anger rising slowly in his chest. Did they think he was some sort of prize? A statue to be studied and stared at like the lowly servants of this establishment? Lifting his front high into the air, Samael spread his wings and slammed his paws down onto the ground, shaking the floorboards in a menacing display as he opened his maw and let out a ferocious roar. Everyone in the room flinched and moved back in one, solid mass, some of them turning and pushing through the creatures behind them to escape the dragon's wrath. Snarling viciously, the dragon watched them all scamper back with a grin of delight. Though there were many pleasures in life that he enjoyed, there was nothing quite like the joy of reducing an entire crowd to a helpless, disorganized throng of panic.

"What? Did you all think I would stand idly by while you ogled me like one of your precious 'attendants?'" Samael growled, baring his teeth at the teetering mass. "It's quite rude to stare, and I find it hard to believe that any of you would dismiss manners so readily, especially in my presence..." Huffing and pouting, he let a low rumble rise threateningly in the bottom of his chest, causing the occupants to drag themselves back further in fear. He remained low to the ground, focused on the tiny creatures in front of him. They were still staring at him, but at least now they contained some measure of respect for his superior nature. He was just about to speak again, when he felt a small paw touch the scales of his left foreleg. He looked down, his red eyes widening as he saw Samantha at his paw.

"Yes, of course dragon. They should all be very ashamed of themselves, staring at you like that. How rude indeed," Samantha said, casting a disappointed glare in their direction. "All of you, back to what you were doing!"

In a quick, flurry of motion, everyone in the room returned to their original positions, sitting or standing uneasily in the assorted groups they were in before. Although the stances were somewhat strained and the conversation seemed artificial, Samael was happy that they were no longer looking his way. It surprised him how quickly they obeyed the little wolf, especially when she was smaller than some of the creatures in the large, intimidating group. He stood there, admiring her work before another paw touched the foreleg on his right. It was no shock this time however, when he craned his head down to find the other wolf from the entrance, lightly stroking his scales.

"Lets find you a room then shall we?" Clara said, purring happily as she lightly pulled on his foreleg, directing Samael to an adjacent, dragon-sized hallway.

"Yes, lets," the other wolf answered, backing up and assisting the lumbering beast towards the dark archway ahead. "You've had a long flight; I think it's about time you had one of our fine service-girls take care of your needs."

Samael huffed in answer, allowing himself to be led around the foyer to whatever room they had in mind. These wolves obviously held some kind of power here, and he appreciate their help. He could've snuffed those creatures out easily if he wanted, but that would've made his paws very messy. Looking down as he walked, he noticed one of the wolves look back and make a slow, slicing gesture with her hand across her throat. Curious, the reptile looked back, his eyes narrowing as he spotted the two gryphons from before, hovering just outside the two open doors. With another start of surprise, the dragon realized that he'd never even seen them move. Regarding him with an impassive, deadpan stare, the two avian beasts watched Samael as he walked away, their yellow, glowing eyes never blinking until the door slammed shut in front of them.

After a few moments they reached a very large door. The wolfess pushed a button on the wall and it swung open with a quiet groan of wood, revealing the room within. Samael stared, impressed, as he entered a luxurious chamber, well lit by many lamps that glowed by the walls. As he stepped through into the dragon-sized accommodations he noticed an extremely large bed sitting against the back wall. He was amazed they even had such a bed, but he supposed it was foolish to assume that such a rich establishment couldn't find a decent bed for a dragon. It looked very comfortable.

"Welcome to your room," the she-wolf said with a wide gesture, "I hope you find the accommodations to your liking." She paused, and the dragon nodded absent-mindedly, still drinking in the details. It was certainly better than any place he'd stayed at before. He slowly stepped forward and looked around, enjoying the sights; perhaps it had been worth it after all.

"If you need anything, simply push the red button next to your bed and we'll send an attendant to you right away," the wolf continued, smiling up at the black-scaled beast, "we also provide a 'menu', which you can find on the table to your right. If you wish to order anything from the menu, simply poke a hole in boxes next to the item you wish to purchase, and then press the red button so an attendant can get that for you." The dragon huffed and looked over at it, seeing a large sheet of paper with many items listed down its length. He shook a wing dismissively to his host and flicked his tail.

"Send me the best you have," he told her without bothering to look at the sheet, "give me your most skilled attendant." Samantha nodded and slowly bowed, before moving away towards the door.

"I'll send someone right away," she said finally, before disappearing into the hall, closing the door behind her with a dull thud.

Alone again, the dragon pondered what he was doing. It felt strange to be doing things the common way, by paying and waiting, but he didn't feel like brawling a pair of gryphons to get himself nowhere. Besides, they seemed to know what they were doing. Perhaps it would be fun to play along and see what they could offer. If he didn't like the service he would leave. His red eyes slowly brushed over the menu on the table, and he plodded over to it with a curious stare. His eyes suddenly widened as he saw what was on offer.

-- Moore Inn Customer Services --

Note: All prices in gold coins

Single Room 10g/night

Double Room 14g/night

Group Room (Max 6) 20g/night

Penthouse Suite 30g/night

Dragon Suite 50g/night

Note: All rooms include 1 personal attendant

Extra attendant(s) 7g/night ea

We have many special available upon request:

  • Canines

  • Felines

  • Equines

  • Lizards

  • Mustelidae

  • and many more!

All attendants will perform acts of oral, anal or vaginal pleasure as part of their services, included in the price of their nightly hire. Any customer requests not considered 'vanilla' are subject to extra fees as follows:

Bondage 2g/night

Spanking 3g/night

Rough sex 5g/night

Pegging 5g/night

Felching 10g/night

Watersports 10g/night

Scat Varies per attendant (not all apply)

Note: This list is not exhaustive, and additional fetishes are priced on request.

For the predators, a number of exclusive attendants are prepared to take the plunge to your belly and provide you with the ultimate massage. For just 20g/night you can dine upon one of our skilled attendants. You may keep them inside for twenty minutes, upon which time you must bring them back out again. Failure to do so is frowned upon highly, and will result in your permanent ban from the establishment and a fine of 1000 gold pieces. This is not a common business, and the guards won't hesitate to put down anyone who does not comply. The safety of our staff is of utmost importance. You have been warned. For those who will play by the rules, the service is yours to enjoy.

Note: This does not include attendants who go willingly by signed consent.

-- Moore Inn Customer Services --

Samael paused for a moment, his eyes scanning the page as he reread the last paragraph a few more times. The wolfess greeter had mentioned something about this when he'd first arrived, but this was the first time the dragon had viewed the policy described in detail. Their prices were quite steep, yet nothing he couldn't easily afford. Besides, they seemed reasonably fair for the danger the attendants would put themselves through entering his belly. He didn't care much for the little morsels, but he wasn't ignorant to the horror most of prey experienced when they disappeared down his throat. The attendants must be quite brave to agree to such a task.

What really interested the large beast however, was the very last line. From what he'd been told, the dragon knew he would have to let any of the attendants out, which was what made that final note quite curious. What would it mean if his female companion gave him permission? Would he be able to disobey the rules? Would the two she-wolves and their gryphon guards stand by while he enjoyed a nice, filling meal of one of their staff members? It seemed unlikely, but the information was concrete. Perhaps he would have to ask the attendant they sent, whomever she was. She was supposed to be their best, but she could still be quite miserable if the rest of the attendants turned out to be hideous along with her. If the dragon wasn't impressed, he was going to be leaving this place in quite the hurry.

Turning to move further into the room, Samael stopped and turned as a small brochure slipped from underneath the menu and onto the floor, knocked loose by a small gust of wind from his left wing. Narrowing his eyes on the slip of paper, he plodded towards it and craned his head downwards, studying the pamphlet with interest. The front of it was rather bare, yet the single, scrawled line of text was enough to make the reptile pause with interest. Impaling the paper with one of his claws, he sat down and slammed it back down on the table to get a better look. The line of text written on the front in italicised, decorative letters simply read: "Meet Tonight's Beautiful Room Attendants." Curious, he flipped the front page open with his claw before slowly unfolding the entire piece out onto the table. Immediately, the dragon's face lit up with immense joy at the enticing sight that spread out before him.

In contrast to the front, each and every section of the brochure was covered with complete detail, along with a large, surprisingly-good quality picture of each of the available room attendants for the evening. Samael grinned. None of them were wearing clothes. Their names were printed at the top of each appropriate page with the image residing just underneath, along with a brief description of their personality, sex, physical features, preferences, and specialties below. Starting from the left, the dragon scanned through the list of his possible guests for the night, wondering which one of them would have the pleasure of his powerful company.

First, there was a slim, greyish female she-cat with an array of black stripes darting across her toned frame. She was staring out from the page with an unsure expression, her face filled with a certain concern and innocence that suggested a lack of experience and control. Samael huffed, diverting his attention to the next. He supposed some of the hotel's guests would get off on ordering a tiny, helpless female kitty around, but not him: he needed somebody with a little more fight.

After that, the dragon's eyes widened as he found himself staring at a rather large, busty female mare. Unlike the others, she was standing with one of her hooves perched upon a stool, bending her massive, muscular thigh upwards and pushing out her chest for the world to see. Her brown fur was covered in an assorted pattern of white splotches down her entire body, and she was holding a black, leather whip across her shoulder. Scrunching his nose in discomfort, the dragon looked away. He didn't need to do more than stare into her sinister, amused smile for more than a second to know what her dominating specialty would be. Good luck trying that on him. If she pranced into the room waving her whip around at him he would snap it and swallow her whole, gryphon guards or not.

As he reached the next one however, Samael paused, a lustful grin spreading across his face. This one was certainly up to his standards. Standing timidly, the young female fox glared at him silently from the page, her soft blue eyes piercing him with their delighted, suggestive stare. She was perfectly slim while the voluptuous shape of her body curved down to a sizeable pair of hips with ample, rounded breasts above. Her lavish fur looked extremely soft, with a fuzzy, enticing coat of red along her back and face with a strip of white to decorate her front and tail-tip. Scanning the text below, the dragon found that the woman specialized in felching, as was a willing candidate for predators who wished the inside of their bellies rubbed. Samael smiled, the corners of his scaled lips rising. He wouldn't mind if they sent him that one.

Looking over the next few candidates, Samael briefly studied them, quickly taking them in and not bothering to look a second time if they gave a bad first impression. There were a few she-lizards that seemed enticing enough, though they didn't seem to be the best the inn had to offer compared to the fox he'd seen before. After that however, he soon found himself practically gawking at the beautiful mixture of females the establishment had to offer. There were a few foxes, ranging in size and specialties, as well as a few equines that seemed more gentle than the mean-looking bondage expert on the second page. There were a couple more felines, along with a rather alluring female tiger that starred romantically out at the now drooling beast, a small trickle of saliva falling from the corner of his mouth to lightly stain the illustration. At that point, he had no idea which attendant he would prefer more. Though he originally fancied the fox, it became apparent that most of them contained an appealing quality, and he was glad that he merely told them to select one for him. He could've been at it for hours. That was, until, he came to the very last female on the list.

When his red eyes finally rested on the last page Samael stopped, frozen in place as he stood mesmerized by the beautiful creature that stared back at him. She was an otter, an amazingly sexy creature with golden brown fur along her back and a light tan color to compliment her front. Her slim figure was drawn standing casually against a wall, her arms resting gracefully down beside the sensuous curves of her hips. With a mischievous glare, she bore into the eyes of the dragon that studied her, the still, deep pools of blue piercing into him even as he moved closer, dragging a black claw across her face. Samael smiled. This one was certainly the best. Although a simple glance of her seemingly content posture might suggest a creature of passive tendencies, as the dragon looked deeper into her eyes, he could see the fire within. Looking down, he noticed with a delighted grin that she too was willing to enter the belly of a predator for an internal massage. She was perfect.

Having perused each of the available options, he slowly drew his claw back and grinned widely to himself. It seemed this place had some potential after all. He wondered briefly if they had any experience with men of his size, but shook the thought away with a chuckle.

"Probably not," he told himself under his breath, "but it'll be fun to see them try." He slowly moved over to the massive bed, and sprawled himself out on top of it. Despite its comfortable looks, the bed was more than sturdy enough to handle his weight. The sheets were a tough material, he noted as he tried to puncture it with his claw but it merely bent around it. It was quite a marvellous piece of furniture; he'd have to get one for his own cave sometime. Gold was lovely, but left little to be desired as a bed. He reached down into the space behind one of his larger leg scales and drew out a bag of coins, which he deposited on the table. It was certainly enough to buy him anything he needed. They didn't need to know he'd taken it from a wealthy nobleman.

A smile danced on his maw as he thought about the feeling of that fat human squirming around in his belly. Certainly a good start to any day: finding the man hardly defended on the road with a wealthy caravan in tow. He was almost going to get a bit carried away remembering the event, but a sudden noise at the door interrupted his pleasant thoughts.

"Come in," he growled, thinking that it would the she-wolf returning with news or an attendant. Instead, he looked over at the door and watched with wide eyes as a female otter stepped through. He moved to the edge of the bed, gazing down at the attendant with a somewhat curious gaze.

Visually she was exquisite: with sleek brown fur covering most of her body and a lightly tan belly exactly as illustrated in the pamphlet. She stepped in through the door with confidence, barely showing the slightest hint of surprise at the fact she was face-to-face with a real, live dragon.

Samael couldn't help but stare; she was even more beautiful in person than her picture had shown. Every inch of her body was immaculately groomed, and she wore the slightest of smiles confidently on the edges of her lips. She stopped in front of the bed, staring up at the beast that stood over five times her height, and smiled widely. What the black dragon wasn't prepared for, however, was what she said.

"So you're the dragon," she said matter-of-factly, rubbing her paws together with excitement and a gleam in her eye.

"Yes I am," he replied with a low growl, leaning over the edge of the bed, "and you're the otter I spotted in that motley little pamphlet by the door. I assume that you were sent here that you're the best this establishment has to offer?" The otter girl nodded her head vigorously.

"That I am," she agreed with a bright voice, "the best in the land. There's no male I can't please, not even a dragon."

The big male chuckled, opening his maw and releasing a loud, fearsome roar directly into her face. The noise made the windows shake, and had sent many a brave soldier fleeing in terror at the ferocity of his tone. He slowly closed his maw, expecting to see the confident little otter cowering on the floor. Instead, all he got was a rather critical female staring right back at him.

"Your breath is a little iffy," she said with a deadpan gaze, "and if you think something like that scares someone like me then you're mistaken." Samael blinked; that hadn't quite been the response he'd expected. He wasn't sure if he was impressed or annoyed.

"You should be afraid of me," he stated flatly, and she smirked up at him with cool, blue eyes.

"We haven't had a dragon for years," the otteress informed him, "and that was before my time here. I was quite excited when I heard you'd appeared, so I volunteered." She smiled sweetly, before slowly stepping forward and jumping, grabbing the edge of the large bed and pulling herself up onto it with a single push. Samael slowly moved back to give her room, growling a little at her rather presumptuous attitude and climbing up onto his bed without his permission. Once back on her feet, the little otteress looked up at the growling dragon with a smile and a clap of her paws.

"Look here, Mr. Dragon," she said with a raised paw, wiggling it confidently, "lets get this out of the way nice and early. You wanted the best, and now I'm here. There needs to be a bit of give and a bit of take in this situation. If you relax and let me do my work, I'll make you the happiest client in this hotel. I can do things that will make you squirm like a dog having his knot squeezed. I might be small, but I'm more than capable of taking anything you give me. Have a little trust, and I'll make this a night you'll never forget. I promise you you've never had anything like me before, and if I fail to live up to your expectations, which I won't, then I will let you leave free of charge. So are we going to play bad dragon all night, or do you want to cum like a fountain?"

Samael stared blankly at the insistent little otter, his giant face impassive as he considered what to say next. They'd certainly sent the perfect attendant, that much was certain. The fearsome beast couldn't remember the last time someone had taken one of his violent outbursts directly yet still remain perfectly calm. In fact, he didn't think that had ever happened. His wrath was enough to shake the ground and bring entire crowds to their knees such as he had done to the simpering creatures in the hotel lobby, but this one didn't seem affected at all. After a few more moments, the corners of his black lips lifted into a pleased smile.

"I suppose I could refrain from my usual, animalistic tendencies for one night of bliss," Samael purred, winking in the otter's direction. "I don't believe we've been formally introduced, my name is Samael," he said, taking a small bow in his companion's direction. "What's yours?"

"Pleased to meet you Samael, my name is Tamara," she said, giggling and putting her paws on her hips. "It seems you do have at least a small measure of courtesy underneath all those scales and muscles." She tilted her head with a seductive smile, bringing a tiny, clawed digit up to her cheek as her eyes glistened with curiosity. "You may be worth the trip up here after all."

Samael returned her statement with an annoyed grimace. Worth the trip? Of course he was worth it, he was a dragon. Besides did she really have a choice in the matter? Keeping his anger bottled up inside for the moment, the beast simply smiled, leaning in close to her and giving a slight sniff.

"Courtesy isn't the only thing I have beneath all of these scales and muscles," he growled, taking a small step across the bedding to stand at her side. "I hear you're one of the attendants that give giant predators such as myself a nice, soothing belly massage." He opened his maw, exhaling heavy, warm air across his naked upper torso. "What do you say we - "

Taking a step back, Tamara smacked the dragon across his nose, interrupting him mid-sentence. Samael stood there, stunned for a few seconds at what the otter had just done before she gave him another one of her amused smiles and lifted her paw into the air.

"No no no..." she chided, happily reprimanding him and circling around to the other side of the bed. "We don't know each other well enough to start doing things like that. And just when I thought you knew how to be a polite dragon... tsk tsk, how disappointing."

Though he was sure he had to react in some way to this horrendous aversion of power, Samael simply remained where he was, his jaw practically dropping at the attendant's nerve to smack him as she did. Outside of this room, no creature her size would've gotten away with insulting him in such a manner, not to mention interrupting him in the middle of his sentence! He'd never been treated in such a manner in his life. Tamara, whomever she was, was certainly the most fearless creature the dominant beast had ever encountered. Although every instinct told him he should attack the little otter, for some reason, her grin made him stop. At that moment, Samael suddenly found himself taken to the smaller, adorable female. He found her need for control amusing rather than a serious affront to his dominance as a superior creature.

Giving the otter his best polite expression, Samael dipped his head. "Apologies Tamara, it's been quite a long time since I've had to display any modesty towards a female such as yourself. Can you forgive me?" Smiling, Tamara skipped up to the dragon's nose, giving it a light rub with her soft, silky paw.

"Of course I can, sweetie," she exclaimed, trailing her hand down the beast's snout and giving him a light bop with the tip of her blunted claw. "A brute such as yourself is probably used to taking what he wants, but we'll fix that and make a proper, polite dragon out of you yet." Samael felt another, abrupt surge of anger rise in his chest at that remark before he closed his eyes, taking a single deep breath to calm himself before replying.

"And how should we go about that, my little attendant?" He growled, fixing her with a delighted smile. "I'm the first dragon to come here for a very long time, as you've been so keen to remind me. Although I'm quite experienced with the world and its customs, it seems you have a different way of doing things around here. How do we proceed from this point onwards Tamara?" He asked, a curious expression filling his giant face.

The lithe otteress winked at him and gently rubbed his jaw in affectionate circles. She certainly seemed to have no qualms with being so close to his dangerous maw, and her insistent bravery and composure was starting to turn the dragon on. He'd never had an encounter like this before, and it was starting to really excite him.

"Well," Tamara replied, placing her paws down on her hips, "we have all night, and I've got nowhere better to be than here with you, so why don't you lay down on your side so I can get to know you a little better." Samael nodded and eased himself down on the bed until he was sitting on his rump before leaning sideways and sprawling out comfortably on the wonderful sheets. He tucked his wing in tightly under him and stretched out his limbs with a pleased grin on his face.

"Wow, you're quite a big dragon," Tamara said in awe, seeing his long body stretch the length of the bed. The dragon was smirking at her confidently, yet she continued to stare at his body without look at his muzzle. "I'm sure I can handle it," she added confidently, a smile on her face.

Samael couldn't help but snort; surely this little creature, smaller even than a human, could think that she would be able to handle someone of his majestic endowment? It was ludicrous to even consider, and yet the young female didn't seem worried in the slightest.

Samael flicked his tail lightly across the bedding, thumping the mattress lightly. "Have you ever seen a dragon's equipment before?" he asked with a casual smile, and she shook her head.

"No, but I've studied up on it. I'm sure I can give you the pleasure you desire," Tamara quickly responded, rubbing her paws together, "have some trust in me, and you won't regret it."

Having never been big on the whole 'trust' thing, the black-scaled dragon simply looked at her with a firm gaze. "Well..." he said slowly, "you have your chance now to prove yourself. I've been flying for a while, my limbs are in need of relaxation and rest, and to be frank with you little girl, I want to leave here spent."

Tamara frowned, and then walked over to the dragons head and stared directly into his eyes. "You're such a big, strong dragon... handsome and with beautiful, shining scales. It's a shame that all becomes an illusion when you open your maw and let words come out." The dragon growled deeply, but she didn't even break her gaze. "Trust in the fact I'm a professional at this, and that I personally guarantee that I'll have you so spent tonight that your balls won't be full again for a week."

Containing his natural irritation, he slowly breathed a sigh and let his annoyances wash away. He would let the otter have her way... it wasn't worth trying to assert himself for.

"Fine," he said, "show me these pleasures you offer me. I shall... put my trust it you, if it pleases you." A smile crossed her face and she bounded back with her usual gleeful expression.

"Yes Sir," Tamara said with a cheerful nod, slowly walking down to the other end of the bed where the dragon's hind legs lay. "I'm just going to spend a moment exploring," she said with a gentle voice, "I'm sure the real thing is oh so much more impressive than any textbook."

Samael grinned; he was certain he would be more impressive than any old book could describe. Seeing the otter approaching his groin, however, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't cleaned down there for quite some time. It was beyond a dragon's temperament to feel embarrassed, but he still found himself wondering if the otter would turn up her nose at what awaited her below.

Though she was slightly unsure of herself, Tamara kept her face fixed in a smooth grin as she dropped down to her knees, resting just behind the massive dragon's crossed hindlegs. The beast's tail stretched out beside her, flickering on the bedding in response as she laid her velvet paw across its muscled length. With a small smile, she began delicately sliding it up towards the beast's loins, rubbing the underside of her client's tail and tickling the rough scales with her claws in a smooth, relaxed motion. As she neared her intended destination her skilled paws began to pick up a change in texture as the beast's scales grew softer, the hard black fading to a pale, spongy grey with every inch. With her palm resting barely an arm's length away from the cleft of the dragon's folded legs, Tamara paused, tilting her head towards the beast with as she kneaded the supple flesh with her claws.

"Time to lift up draggie," She said.

Samael watched her with interest, a sly grin lifting the corners of his muzzle as he felt her move closer, pausing with that same, adorable smile on her face to massage the smooth scales just behind his thighs. The otter's soft touch tickled the underside of his tail, and the dragon couldn't help but shudder as he imagined the tiny creature's paws massaging the more sensitive areas of his body. Then, without a word, Samael lifted his leg high into the air and slid his tail gently to the side, opening his haunches to give the otter her first, real look at a dragon's crotch.

Tamara's eyes widened in surprise as the dragon revealed himself to her, opening his hind legs and exposing his privates for the little otter to study in all their bestial glory. The scales of Samael's middle matched those on the underside of his tail, a pale, grey swath of color that ran from his toned belly down to a bulging, fleshy opening directly in-between his massive legs. Keeping her mouth fixed in an amused grin, the otteress leaned in closer, placing her free paw on the inside of the dragon's thigh to glean a closer, more intimate look. Her inquisitive eyes darted across her client's private areas, taking in every juicy, sexual detail of the impressive beast sprawled so readily in front of her.

The first area that Tamara focused on with a lustful intensity was the dragon's vent. The moist, pink opening rested but a few feet from her face, surrounded by a delicate, sensitive rim of puffed, scaled lips. There was a thin layer of moisture lightly wetting the scales directly around the slit, giving the color a vibrant sheen. Due to the size of the reptile, the slit was easily a few inches larger than her head, causing a tiny smile to creep up the otteress' face as she fantasized about the true endowment of this giant creature. Though it showed no signs of arousal yet, she felt a surge of excitement well up from within her at the thought of seeing the beast's cock fully extended from that opening, his entire, throbbing pole of draconic flesh dripping and pulsing in her grip. Her fantasy only lasted for a few moments however, before the smell finally hit her, snapping her out of her trance.

Wrinkling her nose, Tamara lightly sniffed the potent odour that wafted up to her nostrils from the dragon's vent, baring her tiny fangs in delight. It was an intoxicating smell, a musky blend of reptilian bodily juices mixed with a tepid scent of rank, spent bestial semen. Although she was still a good few feet away, the aroma was surprisingly powerful. Inhaling deeply, the otter closed her eyes, focusing on the overwhelming stench as permeated through the air from Samael's open legs. As it entered her nasal cavity, she could almost imagine that it was flowing through her, teasing the back of her throat and coating her fur in a cloud of warm air before trickling further down, bathing the rest of her body in a thin, invisible layer of her partner's sexual pheromones. She opened her eyes, looking up to fix the dragon with warm, suggestive smile. Only with a partner as big as this magnificent beast in front of her was the enjoyment of such a sensation possible.

Noticing her reaction, Samael finally decided to break the silence.

"Like what you see?" He asked in a low, sensuous growl. "I imagine the true exposure of a dragon's maleness is quite a bit different than what you see in your precious books." Tamara giggled up at the dragon in response, drawing circles on the inside of his thigh with her claws.

"Oh yes, it's quite a bit different, the book didn't smell as bad," she chided, both her paws reaching forwards to tap the scales on each of the dragon's legs. "When was the last time you washed yourself you disgusting old beast?" Rolling his eyes and giving a small huff of derision, Samael fixed the otter with an indifferent expression.

"I'm not sure, I don't keep track," he said with a shrug. "Cleaning myself isn't exactly high on my list of priorities little otter, I'm not some noble-born snob. Having too many baths makes you weak, every dragon worth his salt knows this." Tamara gave a disapproving shake of her head before reaching over to her side and extending her arm, giving the dragon a hard flick across one of his toes. Samael gave a small grunt in surprise, as was just about to respond before she started wagging her paw in his direction.

"No, no, no! Baths are a good thing Mr. Dragon, you should never go too long without having one," Tamara said, feigning her displeasure for a few more moments before gradually lifting her furred face into a smile once again. "Though I must say, for this particular occasion," she continued, inhaling deeply one more time. "I'm glad you didn't."

With that, Tamara began to slowly lean forwards, sliding her silky paws along the inside of the dragon's legs until they rested a mere few inches from the beast's unclean, swelling vent. Samael gave an involuntary shiver in response, the new, welcome sensation of the otter's delicate paws sliding to his privates sending a powerful shiver down his spine.

The little otteress was no stranger to the smells and tastes of males. Many of them -- especially around these parts -- weren't the most hygienic specimens. Normally it didn't bother her as it was just a part of her job, but this time it was entirely welcome. Samael was not like every other male: he was a dragon. Dragons commanded respect, and even though she knew exactly how to make creatures with such large egos fall to her fiendish charms, they were still not to be trifled with. Pleasing him would be a firm task, as she had to prove that she was capable of more than he could merely do alone if the beast was to leave satisfied.

Tamara's nose wrinkled in delight at the promise of a raw male to satisfy. Her delicate little paws slowly began to rub in large, encompassing circles around his puffy slit, her cool blue eyes glistening brightly as she watched a small dribble of clear liquid leak from within and roll down the joins in his black scales. He was shivering pleasantly under her touch, but she knew he would grow upset if she continued to tease him for long enough.

Pleasuring the dragon was a dance: Tamara had to keep him occupied enough to let her have her way with him, but her technique relied on patience. She kneaded her supple digits into his soft flesh, a smile lingering upon her features as she waited for the perfect opportunity. She could feel him looking down at her with those big red eyes, judging her every move. Closing her eyes, she counted under her breath, waiting for the moment she would hear what she was waiting for. After a few moments, she heard the intake of breath that signalled the dragon was about to speak, about to try and hurry her along. That was the moment she took both paws and ran then directly along the swollen lips of his vent.

The resulting groan was loud and somewhat embarrassing to the young dragon as the otteress got the better of him and drew his pleasure forth. His outer groin was a sensitive place, especially when he was aroused in the way he was at that moment. Tamara flashed a grin at him, and he knew he'd been bested. Her paws danced over his soft flesh, running tiny circled over each of his warm, moist ventlips.

Relaxing his muscles, Samael remained silent, watching with a satisfied rumble in his chest as his body was worshipped by the professional attendant. Curling her digits around each side, Tamara slowly peeled open the entrance to his interior. Even she wasn't quite ready for the outpouring of stench that wafted from within. As waves of reptilian odor filled her brain she struggled to process the sensory overload; the sheer power of his smell threatened to make her lose her composure, but she wasn't going to let it get in her way. She held the dragon open, making a big show of inhaling deeply as she drew in his masculine scent.

Samael was impressed. The smell reaching up to him was very intense, and he wondered how she had the power to withstand it. Humans had fainted when he'd tried to use them as sex toys before.

The little otter sniffed fondly, admiring the dragon's groin with appreciation for what she had to work with. He had evidently taken things into his own claw many times: jerking himself off with countless sessions of reptilian masturbation, working himself off to a sticky orgasm and letting his spent, sopping cock shrink back into its protective vent. There, the residue semen would collect, steaming away inside his hot body, growing stronger and stronger in smell and flavor until the dragon brought his shaft out for another play. Then another load would join the first, and then another, until many days, weeks, months, possibly even years worth of churned, thickened semen had accumulated within. Most would have been turned away by the idea, but not Tamara. To her, dragon semen was like a fine whisky, acquiring taste with age. As her muzzle slowly descended upon his open slit, she licked her lips hungrily: it was time to show him what she could do.

Tensing himself as the otter's mouth slowly opened and lowered to his genital slit, the first sensation Samael felt was a light rush of warm breath, delicately washing over the fleshy folds. The feeling lasted for only a moment however, before his attendant's tongue began to slide over the edges of his puffed lips. The talented otteress began from the base, wedging her small, blunt tongue in the cleft of skin at the bottom of the beast's slit before working her way up the edges with circling motions at a playful, leisurely pace. The dragon bared his teeth and scrunched his muzzle in response, curling his toes and kneading the bed sheets with his claws. His sharp fangs gritted together to provide himself with some measure of control as Tamara teased him, her inquisitive tongue dancing around the soft, rim of scales and lapping up the sticky, clear juices that had spilled from his steaming depths, even as more began to slowly trickle from the moist opening.

Samael could hardly believe the immense pleasure he was feeling from the tiny mammal's touch. Sure, it had been a short while since he'd managed to find an avenue to release his built up pleasure, but he found it hard to believe that such a little attendant could make his head spin with merely the press of her lips and tongue against his crotch. Already he could feel his draconic cock swelling deep within the folds of his vent, the massive pole of flesh throbbing with alarming strength as it filled with blood, pushing and struggling against the pressing walls of flesh that held it in place. As his reptilian penis continued to expand the increasing growth began to squeeze against the few pockets of meandering liquids and spent semen leftover from countless sexual activities from the past. With nowhere else to go, the powerfully rank, musky juices started to flow in a smelly, light stream from his open vent, trickling down at an ever-increasing pace towards the otter's questing tongue.

Feeling a surge of excitement rise up in her chest, Tamara began to lick at the sudden trickle of sexual moisture greedily, her thirsty mouth longing to remember the taste of the horribly odorous fluids once again. The otteress sighed with happiness as the salty taste entered her mouth with greater strength. Her confident face light up in a grin as she swirled the viscous substance in her maw, experiencing the raw, sexual flavor with every single inch of her eager taste buds. The liquids were not entirely solid she discovered, as a few spongy chunks of a mysterious nature danced across her tongue as she moved it from side to side. She could taste the reptile's semen, that much was easy to detect; however, amidst the salty mixture of heavy musk and bitterness she had a difficult time placing the variety of unique, bestial liquids that swirled within. There was hint of sweat, coupled with a hint of slimy, lizard saliva and the sweet stench of molding bodily juices.

With such a vivid, powerful conglomeration of flavors in her mouth, Tamara doubted the dirty beast had washed down there anytime soon. Though she knew some of her fellow attendants would certainly be turned off by this fact, she savored every moment of it. Almost involuntarily she felt one of her paws move from the dragon's slit to slide up the thin, tanned fur on her belly, adding to the warm sensations she felt with the potent meal washing to the back of her throat. Moving it to each pocket of her furry cheek, she gave the contents of the dragon's sheath one last taste before tilting her head back and giving a light swallow. For a few seconds, she allowed herself to bask in that moment, shivering with pleasure as the warm, soothing taste of the drake's semen and other bodily fluids washed down the back of her throat, leaving a pleasant, warming sensation to tickle the surface of her tongue and palate.

Panting heavily with exertion, Sameal squirmed under the otter's motions for a good while before he suddenly felt the pleasurable sensations stop. Curious as to why, the dragon glanced down at his groin, only to have his eyes widen as he watched the incredibly arousing seen between his legs unfold. It seemed that with every passing moment, the little otter pleasing him was apt to make him feel or see something new that the rough beast had never experienced before in his eventful, long life. As Tamara swallowed the some of the contents of his excreting vent, the dragon felt an overwhelming surge of sexual arousal course deep within him, stretching from the tip of his tail all the way to the depths of his cavernous chest. There was no doubt about it: in all his years, Samael had never experienced such a pleasing partner. Letting out a deep rumble of bliss, he shifted himself against the bedding, propping himself up into a more comfortable position before nodding briefly in the Tamara's direction.

"You are...amazing," he panted, his red eyes gleaming with an almost primal sheen. Opening her eyes, Tamara's only response was to fix the dragon with a dark, sultry grin of delight before diving right back in, her skilled movements gaining a new sense of electric energy. Immediately swooning from the contact, Samael dropped down onto the bedding, his throat erupting in a series of strained growls as his attendant worked her magic once again.

Bending down with enthusiasm to please the dragon once again, Tamara noticed the long, tapered tip of the beast's cock beginning to peak from the darkened depths. Knowing that it wouldn't be long before the weighty spire of flesh was revealed completely, the otter went back to work with all haste, sliding her tongue along the cushiony scales once again. As the otteress reached the middle of the broad opening, where her tiny paws were holding the smelly vent open, she widened the gap even further, giving herself enough room to lean inwards and move her tongue inside. Immediately, she felt the change in texture as her sensitive muscle began to push against the spongy, squelching interior. As she pressed against it the flesh would bend underneath her smooth, practiced motions, the living tissue twitching and squeezing at her welcome passage. Then, in a surge of leaking moisture and fluids, the giant reptile's cock began to slowly slide to the outside world.

The elastic, tapered tip brushed against the side of her cheek before sliding past, bending the fur and matting it with clear, sticky fluids to the side of her face. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, Tamara lifted her head up with a predatory growl, taking the slowly expanding tip inside her mouth. Lifting both of her paws from the red, puffy lips of the dragon's vent, she gripped each side of the monstrous cock, holding it in place and squeezing the expanding base with all her strength as her tongue danced along the hot, slimy tip. Engulfing as much of the engorging length as she could, the professional otteress tickled the beast's urethra with the blunted front of her muscle, taking the time to stick her mammalian tongue lightly inside the creature's widening cockhole.

With a roar, Samael stretched out and raked his forearms across the bedding, ripping at the sheets as a particularly powerful surge of bliss jolted from the base of his tail and up his spine. Although the sheets were strong, they tore against the onslaught of his sharp claws. He could feel Tamara's mouth squeezing every inch of the head of his cock, the back of her throat rippling against his tip as she swallowed the small membrane of slime that coated the red, pulsing surface. Practically whining, the once fearsome beast groaned and mewled at the oppressive wave of ecstasy that pounded into every aspect of his being, reducing him to an instinctual, primal state of need that sought only pleasure. He felt a tingling sensation creep up the length of his shaft, growing stronger with each passing as his dick grew larger and the soft, black lips wrapped around his tip grew tighter. In a few more moments, his reptillian maleness would be completely erect. At this point, the squirming beast doubted he could last very long in the perfect, talented grip of the enthusiastic little otter between his legs. After one, particularly long strained gasp on his part however, everything stopped.

Samael looked down, a growl building in his throat as the heavenly pleasure was paused. The otteress looked up at him sweetly, and his cock throbbed visibly as he saw he stained, matted face fur, slick with his old fluids. She slowly let his engorged phallus pop free from her skilled lips, the now fully-erect reptilian shaft a bit more than her little mouth was capable of handling in its entirety.

"You're quite a dirty dragon," she giggle lightly, licking her lips, "it's a good thing I like to get dirty too." She smiled widely and winked at Samael, letting his massive erection droop down onto the inside of his thigh. She took the time to admire the organ now that it was free of its smelly, steamy confines; a pure slab of masculinity indeed. It bent under its own immense weight, every inch slick with fluids, the smell making her body shiver with lust. This was what a real male looked like, and she appreciated every last bit of him. The tip was tapered, glistening with pre-cum and other liquids. It was connected to a long, thickening shaft; veins bulging along its length, the color slowly darkening as it got closer to the base. She could see every little pulse that pushed through the dragon's length, his powerful heartbeat visible in the contours and ridges of his maleness. Although she wanted nothing more than to study it for longer, she couldn't stare for too long: her client had needs that had to be fulfilled.

"You're very handsome," Tamara admitted in a sultry voice, "this is a truly... impressive endowment you possess." The dragon smirked confidently, enjoying having his ego stroked as well as his cock.

"I can't wait to make you cum," she whispered quietly, in such a low and sexy tone that it made the beast tremble slightly with lust. He'd expected to be in control and dominate the little attendant, but he couldn't help but notice he was becoming putty in her paws. What a talented and manipulative little creature, he thought. She didn't give him much time to ponder this, however, as Tamara leaned forward and planted a kiss right on the tip of his penis. It wasn't just a light peck, or anything messy, but a firm, affectionate kiss against his urethral opening. Her paw gently caressed the underside of his cockhead as she closed her eyes and smooched his breeding organ's crown with passion.

Samael nearly came on her face at the sight; the little otteress was worshipping his erection. He contained himself, and let out a long, breathy sigh of contentment. Breaking the kiss, the otteress leaned back and a thick, seedy trail of pre-cum stretched between the two before breaking and dripping onto her chest fur.

Without a word she slipped down, right past the dragon's length, pushing her muzzle up into the tight gap where his vent was still accessible. Pursing her lips together she pushed forward and sucked deeply, her cheeks suddenly bulging as a rush of his sheathslime filled her muzzle. Content with the amount, she pulled back to look at the curious dragon, before slowly stepping over towards him and standing a mere foot from his imposing head.

She slowly pointed to her mouth, and the black dragon watched in amazement as she slowly opened it wide for him. Inside her muzzle, all over her tongue and between her teeth, was a steaming concoction of his own fluids. It was a gloopy mixture of varying colors, months worth of spent semen, dragon saliva, and various other lubricants of his body. It was enough to turn most noses up at, but she seemed to revel in it. She winked at him again, and began to swirl the slop around her mouth with her tongue, pushing it up into the corners of her maw and ensuring not a single drop was left untouched. Samael's cock splurted a hot dribble of pre-cum over the sheets at the sight, her mouth swirling around the leftovers from his own vent, tasting them as she moaned loudly. Slowly, she closed her maw, making a show of swirling the mess around before swallowing it with an audible gulp.

"Oh my..." she breathed, letting him smell his own productions upon her breath, "what a dirty little dragon indeed. I even had to chew some of that it was so thick." She giggled softly.

Samael found himself in a daze. Who was this otter? It was completely alien to see a creature engulf his bodily fluids with such alarming ease. There was no revulsion in the small mammal's face, only complete, eerie contentedness in savoring every last drop of his smelly, sexual remains. Samael found the situation so hot that he couldn't help but stare dumbly for a few moments, his red eyes unfocused before he finally shook his head and found his words.

"How did you manage that?" Samael asked, narrowing his brow in an accusing stare. "I've been with dragonesses that haven't displayed such an experienced desire for the contents of my slit; you must have serviced other dragons in this place before me." Giggling again, Tamara slid her soft, pink tongue along her lips before responding.

"Nope, wrong again you old oaf," she chided, reaching over to flick him hard on the inside of his scaled thigh. "You're the first dragon we've had in the history of these comfortable, welcoming walls my doubting little beast; experience with other dragons like yourself has nothing to do with why I find your taste so...exquisite." Samael tilted his head in consideration for a few moments before narrowing his eyes even more.

"I don't believe you," he growled. In response, Tamara fixed the dragon with a brief, wicked smile before dipping down and running her tongue along the underside of the aroused reptile's shaft, evicting an immediate, startled moan of pleasure from the beast as he fell back against the bedding. Slurping the thin layer of slime into her mouth, the otter slid her soft, brown paws down to the base of her client's pole, gripping the trunk-like appendage in a strong, teasing grip.

"If you're just going to keep spouting nonsense dragon, I suggest you keep such thoughts to yourself," she said, holding the sizable weight of the beast's girth in her thin arms as best she could. "Besides, I prefer it when your having too much fun to talk anyway, you make the most adorable sounds..." To exemplify her point, the otter lightly dragged a blunted claw up the drake's shaft, her face beaming with a smile as her client closed his eyes and emitted a heavy grunt. "I would even go as far as to say that you sounded like a big, cute cat: a tiny, mewling little feline that likes to have his massive cock stroked."

Oddly enough, Samael felt no anger rise within him at the otter's insult. Though he tried to raise his head to give his attendant a glare, all he managed was a soft grunt of affirmation before grinding his fangs together in pleasure once again. The little mammal was doing all within her power to turn him into a mindless wyrm, with his thoughts only able to focus on his instinctual need to mate. Taking in a deep breath, the dragon tried to collect his wits, doing his best to maintain his proud nature and scrape some measure of self-control from Tamara's grasp. As soon as he felt that gentle, moist tongue running up the sensitive ridges of his cock however, he gave a sharp gasp and collapsed, giving in to the surging bliss that welled up within him at the talented creature's touch.

With the dragon squirming and whining under her every whim once again, Tamara smiled as she slid her soft lips up the wet, throbbing cock in front of her, opening wide to wrap them tightly around the bulging tip. She couldn't help but chuckle at her dominance of the powerful beast, exhaling a warm breath of air down the length of draconic shaft before taking it into her mouth once again. Keeping her paws wedged firm against the slimed bottom of the dragon's knot, the otteress slowly began to bob her head up and down, massaging and undulating her tongue against every inch of pulsing cock her tiny mouth allowed. Almost immediately, Samael began to pant heavily into the air, his delighted muzzle cracked open in a twisted smile as hot, rank breath wafted into the surrounding room. The horny beast was practically squirming with pleasure, his giant body twitching and shifting in an odd, strained sort of dance that almost made the confident otter laugh once again. She had the needy drake complete under her thumb; this was too easy.

With a light throb, the weighty cock soon began to leak with pre-cum into her open mouth, causing Tamara to audibly moan as the warm, salty substance filled her throat one more time. Opening her mouth as wide as she could, the otteress leaned forwards and swallowed the goopy fluid down while simultaneously taking the thick, fleshy head of draconic dick deep into her gullet. Relaxing the muscles of her neck, she skillfully suppressed the urge to gag on the giant length and immediately began to swallow at the dripping fluids with tremendous energy, her furry body practically trembling with glee as the sticky beginnings of the dragon's orgasm trickled down her esophagus. Her throat squeezed and rippled around the head of the engorged maleness, compressing every inch of the smooth, pulsing length within the steamy confines of her maw as Samael continued to purr with insurmountable gratification.

The otteress felt a swell of passion in her chest as she felt the reptilian spear jump animatedly inside her mouth, the giant length nearly slipping through her paws at the immense pulse that ran up it's cumbersome length. The beast was growing dangerously close to his orgasm. She could hear the soft, churning of moisture from somewhere deep within the dragon's groin, the viscous heat within her mouth growing as more and more pre-cum began to spit forth into her mouth. Samael's once ragged panting was and moaning was giving way to a series of barely audible whines, while the muscles along his impressive, black flank began to tense and twitch, preparing for the jarring release that was to come. This was it: the horny, giant creature was going to cum for her. Letting the cock slide briefly from her lips in a sticky trail of saliva and cum, Tamara took in a huge, deep breath before plunging forwards, engulfing it once again with a powerful, electric energy. Moving her head up and down in fast, spastic motions, the otteress sucked, slurped and squeezed with all the strength her maw would allow, hugging the massive cock against her chest in an eager display of sexual ferocity.

Samael's grunts and growls of pleasure were music to the little female's ears, but a surprise to the dragon himself. He hadn't expected any of the attendants would be able to get someone like him off, especially one the size of the little otteress. She didn't seem even slightly worried that he was moments away from unloading the full contents of his internal testicles right down her throat, each of which was probably a third the size of her body alone. He could only watch with gritted teeth as she went down on him, bobbing that sexy little head up and down the first half of his erection with a sort of gleeful exuberance. She certainly knew how to look like she was enjoying herself; it barely looked like a chore to be swallowing his oversized erection.

"I think I'll finish soon," he growled quietly, tucking his wings tight to his body as pleasure built more and more. It was only fair he warned the little creature after all, it was likely she'd choke if he actually came down her throat.

That was not the case, however. Instead of pulling back and finishing him off with her paws, the young otter only seemed to push further, the head of his cock reaching deep into her throat and bulging her neck spectacularly. Samael began to wonder if his shaft would enter her stomach, so deep in her body it was lodged. He managed a small chuckle between his grunts of contentment, fixing her with a stare as his body twitched once, twice and then a third time as he felt his climax overtake him.

Tamara knew, experienced as she was with pleasure, that the beast was cumming. She fixed a paw each side of the mighty organ, sliding it back until the tip rested upon her tongue, just as he orgasmed with all the ferocity of a fully-grown male dragon. The first spurt made his cock pulse violently, her paws barely managing to hold it in place as his urethra yawned wide and spat a thick, slimy splattering of piping hot dragon semen across her tongue and against the back of her throat.

She swallowed quickly, but didn't account for just how thick his ejaculate would be. Struggling to take the entire amount down her throat, the second pulse delivered a much, much larger quantity. The dragon's member leapt from her muzzle, pulling free of her firm grasp as a hot rope of spunk jetted from the tip and poured into her open mouth and all over every inch of her surprised face. She closed her eyes, doing her best to reach up and grasp the wildly throbbing dragoncock as it unloaded on her proper. Rope after sticky rope of dragon sperm lashed her smaller body, drenching her face, chest, legs, and every bit of her mouth that it could while she swallowed hungrily. Samael watched in pure bliss, noticing that even though she was being utterly soaked in his essence, she was still gulping down copious amounts of the milky fluid while the rest of it buried her alive. After about thirty seconds the last few pulses left him, adding to the immense pool of liquids that he had made on the bed and all over his attendant's body. All he could see now was an outline, vaguely otter-shaped, standing in the middle of his cum-pool, clutching his spent penis as it slurped and sucked from the opening at the tip of his glans. It was an unbelievable sight, and the black-scaled beast had never been more satisfied in his entire life. He couldn't even begin to imagine what else this little pleasure-giving creature could do for him.

Pausing to take a deep breath and recover from his immense outburst of energy, Samael closed his eyes, shaking his head in mild disbelief at the little otter's enthusiasm. Even now, in the aftermath of his powerful ejaculation, he could still feel the eager mammal toying with his slick shaft, toying with its immense weight in the soft grip of her paws. Then, upon hearing a soft giggle come from the cum-soaked sheets in front of him, his red eyes shot open, focusing in mild confusion at the white, furry shape at his hind legs.

"What?" The dragon asked, wrinkling his nose at the mixture of musk and spent semen that wafted towards his nose. "What are you laughing about?" Lifting her paws away from his shaft, Tamara wiped at the goopy, reptilian semen covering her nose and eyes, only to laugh further when more of the warm liquid dropped down from her forehead.

"O, nothing dragon," she replied with another chuckle, trailing her paw down the soaked fur along her side, "it's just that I've never seen such a mess before; you really are a horribly dirty little beast aren't you?" Samael responded with a snort of derision.

"I think you know well enough by now that there's nothing 'little' about me Tamara, you would do best to avoid that word when describing me," Samael said, a light smirk cross his features as he eyed the otter with amusement. "Especially when a single orgasm of mine can leave you covered to such an extent; I must say, that look really suits you." Flashing the dragon a quick smile, Tamara licked her lips, sucking in more of the delicious fluids surrounding her mouth before maneuvering to the side of the bed. The puddle of semen underneath her made wet, gushing noises as her furry legs pushed through the swath of thick, sexual juices.

"I always look good dragon, which is more than I can say for you," she said, her tone a low, sultry growl as she ripped a small part of unsoiled bed sheet from the side of the mattress. "I'd heard some whispers of warning from my fellow attendants on the way over here you know, something about a dragon's orgasm being a powerful, messy affair." She lifted the small piece of cloth, wiping the viscous cum from her face before tossing the stained rag at the beast's face with a playful giggle. "I'm happy to say that I wasn't disappointed."

Samael closed his eyes as the cloth impacted the bridge of his snout, matting against his scales with a moist, splorching noise. He felt the warm trickle of liquids begin their long descent down the slanted cracks and ridges of his muzzle, letting a low growl rumble deep in his throat as he slowly opened his red, gleaming eyes.

"Even after all this, there's still no end to your playful torment," he mumbled, lifting a claw to fling the cloth from his nose. "How unkind of this establishment to leave me with such an unrelenting menace on my first day! I'm going to be leaving a very stern letter of complaint on my way out..." Samael smiled as he finished speaking, feeling slight elation as the otter stood, placing her paw on the side of his leg. He was finding himself in a wonderfully happy mood in the aftermath of his ejaculation. He hadn't felt this satisfied in days, and he could tell from the otter's sly grin that the two of them were only just beginning their night of pleasure.

"Will you now?" She said, sliding her velvet paw across his scales, leaving a smear of spent cum, "and just when I was considering calling you a perfect gentleman for warning me, tsk tsk." Tamara shook her head, flicking the dragon's knee with her claw. "Once a beast always a beast I suppose." Samael couldn't help but bare his fangs in a vicious smile at the tiny mammal's taunts. What he once took to be insults now seemed to contain a hidden joy for himself, something he'd never felt when such words came from the mouth of a smaller, edible creature.

Returning his grin with a flash of her own teeth, Tamara placed her paw on the top of the reptile's leg and hoisted herself up, jumping and landing on the his belly on all fours. Samael let out a small grunt at the impact, his eyes widening in mild surprise at the impressive display of agility. The fact that she'd completely cleared his massive, spent pillar of a cock was a feat all on its own. Continuing to study her in silent curiosity, the giant reptile watched her slowly begin to crawl up to his mouth. He also couldn't help but notice the way she paused, just for the briefest of moments, to knead the toned skin of his belly, her eyes glancing down at it with a shiver before continuing her long, teasing journey.

"And I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself you fearsome monster, I never said that you could leave," Tamara said, continuing to drag her semen-covered body up to the dragon's chest, leaving behind a trail of white. "I've a feeling you've got at least one or two more of those powerful ejaculations remaining, or am I wrong?" She giggled, reaching up to cup the side of his mouth. "Is the big, bad draggie all spent after one go? If that's the case then I suppose you can leave after all, though I may have to tell the gryphons at the door of your serious... ineptitude." Samael scrunched his face in distaste, despite the warm, pleasant touch of Tamara's paw on his lip.

"I could take them," he growled, giving a light snort. "They aren't so tough with their flat, pouty faces and weak, feathery behinds." The dragon bared his teeth in anger at remembering the formidable sentinels that guarded this place. Distracted with the thought however, it came as a complete surprise when he felt as sharp, searing pain on his lip as the otter pinched him hard with her claws.

"Now now, there's no need to speak ill of them dragon, they're my good friends after all. Let's not let your little brain get distracted with such thoughts hm? Not when we have so much fun that we can concentrate on here..." Tamara said in a low, suggestive tone, trailing off as she finished. Standing up and lifting her other paw to gently hug the front of the dragon's face, the otter leaned forward and licked the small puddle of semen that still rested on the bridge of the giant reptile's nose, swallowing it with a soft sigh before giving the beast a quick wink. "Because I don't know about you, but I think we can make that miniscule puddle of your cum just a little bit bigger..."

The dragon chuckled at the otter's words, smiling as she stood before him with that enthusiastic, beaming face. He didn't know what land this little creature could have come from, but he wasn't quite sure he could handle such a place. How an otter a tenth of his size could stand up to him without the slightest inkling of fear, handle his dragonhood better than any other partner he'd known, and yet make him feel active and happy was beyond his understanding.

"Is that so?" he replied, gazing at the otter above him. It didn't even seem strange to have her on his chest, only entertaining. She rubbed her paws together joyfully and slurped a little more of the sticky spooge off them.

"How about you stay right here while I go and spear myself on that floppy organ you call a penis?" she chirped, glancing back down to where the dragon's half-hard shaft lay against his belly. It gave a throb at her words however, and a gleam appeared in the dragon's eye.

"You think you can take that inside you?" he chortled in deep amusement, "you struggled towards taking half of my length in your mouth." He fell quiet as her paw pressed against his muzzle, and she glared at him while shaking her cum-soaked head.

"It'll be a tight fit," she responded with a smooth wink, "but don't worry yourself. I can take all of it." Samael opened his mouth wide and laughed, his hot, foul breath wafting over the otter as his amusement got the better of him. She crosses her arms crossly and dealt the dragon a swift slap to the nose, making him growl loudly.

"Oh quiet you," she snapped, giving him another slap. He closed his maw and looked at her, unsure if he should listen or just eat her for being so rude. He chose to wait; her infectious smile cooling off his normally quick-to-anger attitude.

"How about this," the otter began to offer, leaning in to his muzzle and pressing her lips up against it in a firm kiss before pulling back. "Not only will I take you to the hilt, but you can roll over and fuck me into the mattress once I do. If I can't take every last inch of your handsome cock then I will be your dinner for free tonight." Tamara's confident smile never left her face, and the black-scaled beast's eyes glowed with lust.

"Now who's laughing?" the attendant smirked in amusement.

Samael offered a small snort is response to the otteress' question, finding himself too excited and merry to come up with a reasonable response. Although he did his best to keep his powerful emotions inside, his tail began to beat heavily upon the mattress and the curves of his lips lifted into a more ridiculous grin than before.

"I'm not so sure that's a wise bet to make," he offered, smirking at Tamara with satisfaction. "I'm coming to love your confidence my dear, but I'm afraid that if you're mistaken this time you're going to end up in the belly of a dragon." He bared his fangs and offered her a quick lick when he'd finished speaking. Even for one as forward as his companion, Samael would've never expected to hear such a tiny creature promise to dive into his gut. Although his questioning of Tamara's decision might seem like one of concern, the dragon knew exactly the kind of response that would embolden the mammal in her unlikely claim. "Perhaps you should take that back," he finished with a teasing grin and flick of his tongue.

Tamara bristled at the suggestion. "I'll do no such thing," she said, patting the side of the dragon's muzzle and offer a tiny lick of her own right across his serpentine lips. "I would smack you again for saying such stupid words if I didn't think you were trying to be a gentle-dragon." She gave a small laugh of her own before dragging a claw down across the bridge of his nose. "Now, you stay right here."

The otteress' words filled Samael with pure elation. They came rolling off her tongue with a light, purring quality that sent a shiver rippling through his flanks: a powerful effect to have on a dragon for one so small. He watched with wide eyes as the lithe female turned and made her way down to the cleft of his hind legs on all fours. Much to his disappointment, the otteress kept her rudder-like tail down, further teasing him with a blocked view of her ladyparts from behind. He spread them wider, opening them almost too quickly to allow the otter access as his tail continued to twitch animatedly in his view. A small, whining noise escaped his throat before he managed to quell it, cursing himself for displaying such a lack of control. The otter paused and glanced back at him with a small smile.

"What was that?" Tamara asked, teasingly.

"Nothing," Samael replied, a little too quickly for his liking once again. He growled a little under his breath while Tamara let out a small giggle.

"Don't worry dragon, you can behave like an eager little puppy if you want," she said. "It's how most of my clients behave anyway, so I'm used to it."

Samael let out another soft growl and shook his head, not bothering to give a response. There was no excuse for such behavior, even if he was about to have a cute, amazingly sexy otteress impale herself on his cock. He could only imagine what it was going to feel like: having that furry little body hovering over his length, smiling warmly at him before dropped herself down slowly, taking inch after inch of his dripping shaft inside her... He whined once more at the thought and shook his head with a snort.

Stopping just in front of the dragon's throbbing member, Tamara paused, inhaling the rich, heady scent of spent cum greedily into her nostrils. Thick pools of ejaculate were still evident among the dips in the beast's haunches, feeding the air with their musky stench and making the soft scales wet and slippery with viscous fluids. Bending low to take another lick of the sexual fluids and gulp it down, Tamara stood up at the base of the dragon's belly and turned, sliding her claws sensuously down the curves of her hips.

"Are you ready for me Samael?" She asked, subtly sliding her leg over to the side as she trailed a paw down to the inside of her thigh. "I want to hear you whine like a good little dragon..." With a low moan, Tamara pressed the tips of her claws into her sex, arching her back visibly and biting her bottom lip. Lifting her leg and placing it up on the dragon's belly, she opened up her legs and gave the beast a brief, teasing show. She purred audibly, running her tiny claws down the length of the body and swaying her hips in soft, sensual movements. Her tail moved back and forth steadily for balance as she did, keeping her upright while the bulk of the dragon's body moved up and down with excited breathing.

"Are you going to whine for me yet dragon?" Tamara asked, tilting her head and pouting out her lips in mock concern. "I know you want me on that thick, juicy cock of yours. Uh... I'm so wet..." She let out another harsh moan and closed her eyes as she dragged her paw down the inside of her thigh a stuck her claws into her cunt. Peeling back her lips, she tickled the soft folds of her cunt eagerly, grinning as the dragon's wide eyes followed her movements with a powerful lust. There was a small, wet smacking sound from behind her as Samael's cock jumped with excitement, splattering the spent cum on the back of her legs. Then, the dragon let out a long, low whine of need and made a small, submissive face.

"Please... do it," Samael said, panting heavily through his teeth.

Tamara gave an oddly low, lusty growl for an otter, and wrapped her paw around the tip of the dragon's swaying shaft. He growled back in pleasure as she firmly grasped his tip and pressed it up between her thighs, the fleshy breeding organ touching her sensitive opening for the first time. Samael watched in utter bliss as she began to hump back and forth, grinding her dripping pussy against his phallus with enthusiastic motions. With a sly wink she slowly gripped the head for support and slid down his shaft with a slick crouch, dropping low and grinding on his cock with her clit.

Samael's eyes widened as he watched the show, the otter somehow... dancing, in a way, using his erection as some kind of pole to support herself. Her eye contact never broke as she worked her body up and down his impressive length, slimy semen in her silky fur making the motions even smoother. It was something he had never dreamed of, and now that he was experiencing it the sublime sensations only made his maleness even firmer under her attentions.

"Ohhh yesss..." she moaned, her digits gently massaging his oozing tip with affectionate rubs while she ground her cunt into the side of his shaft. The dragon could only watch in awe as this little creature, this small otter female, made his muscles tremble under her touch. It was humiliating to be brought to such a state by a prey species, a smaller and weaker female, but here he was. He couldn't say no to her, and even though he actively knew she was playing him and wrapping him around her finger, there was little he could do. He wanted her... he wanted to be vent-deep inside of her and he finally let out a loud, gasping moan.

"Please..." he said again, a word he was very unaccustomed to using, "Tamara..."

She slowly slid back up to a standing position, releasing his organ from her grasp before slowly stepping up and swinging her leg over the top before lowering it down. As her soft ottercunt sat itself on top of his eager, drooling length, the tip squished up against her slit, she looked down at him with a firm, confident gaze.

"One more time," she whispered in her most luscious, sexually-fuelled voice, "beg for it dragon. Beg for the otter to ride your cock until she takes a full load of your fertile spunk deep inside her receptive womb."

Samael was practically shaking with excitement as the otteress pressed the warm lips of her cunt against the tip of his member. At this point, he could care less if he lost some of dignity begging to his tiny partner. He needed Tamara inside him; he'd never felt a stronger urge in all his long life. His cock trembled in-between Tamara's legs and coughed up a small glob of precum that began to drip steadily down the length of his shaft. It took all of his willpower to resist fucking the teasing mammal hard into the bedding immediately, but he'd been able to suppress such uninvited reactions for this loving creature. He could last a little bit longer and be the nice dragon she wanted him to be.

"Please..." He moaned again, begging to her with that unfamiliar word for perhaps the fifth time this night. "I need you to fuck me Tamara; to ride my cock and push it deep inside your ripe, luscious womb until I cum deep inside you. I know you want it as badly as I do, I can see it in your eyes...* His voice dropped low as he let out another blissful keen, gritted his teeth in a ridiculous expression as Tamara grinned and flexed her wide hips overtop his sensitive shaft. "So please, I'm begging you... give me what I want. I'll behave for as long as you want me to," He finished with an unsure expression, hoping that his words had swayed the otteress to his desires. He lifted his head excitedly when Tamara gave him a broad smile.

"Alright Samael," Tamara said, her voice nearly breaking with excitement. "Time for the nice dragon to get his reward." Opening her thighs wider and gripping the dragon's cock in both her paws, she slowly began to ease her weight downwards, purring happily as the smooth lips of her pussy began to spread over her prize. She kept her eyes fixed on the dragon's face, watching with glee as the horny creature's face twisted from a happy expression into an odd, cringing grin as she pushed herself onto his cock. It was no easy task, she soon discovered: The bulbous head of the dragon's cock was thick and pulsing when she allowed herself to fall. She rotated her hips in agile, circular motions over the male's thick girth, working it inside her body with the patient experience of taking in something much larger than she should've been able to handle. It took a few moments for her to get it inside, but eventually, the thick semen already coating its length gave her the slickness she needed. As soon as she felt it slip into her cunt, she spread her legs wide and dropped the full extent of her weight, crying out as she took the incredibly thick length a few inches deep into her throbbing folds.

Samael opened his maw and let out a sharp roar as Tamara's hot pussy finally enveloped the head of his cock, releasing all the pent up energy he'd been holding back to remain complacent. The velvety folds clenched dutifully around his sensitive tip, squeezing him powerfully in a warm embrace of smooth flesh and squelching, dripping bodily fluids. The otteress' heat was more intense than he thought possible for such a small creature, and he immediately found himself bucking his haunches involuntarily on the bedding, hoping to help the female work herself further down his shaft at a quicker pace. He needed to feel that sublime warmth on the rest of his shaft; his cock was only now getting a mere taste of as Tamara's sweet nectar began to mix with his semen and drip steadily onto the rest of his groin. Gritting his teeth and panting heavily, he weakly opened his eyes and stared down at his crotch, only to find Tamara grinning at him with a clouded expression of bliss across her furry face.

"Told you I could take it," she gloated, before slowly moving her hips in circular motions to keep working herself down the dragon's pole.

Samael grit his teeth as the skilled ottergirl worked her impossibly stretchy body down inch by inch on his rock-hard dragonhood. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight of her perfectly shaped, dripping wet cunt as it swallowed his length with enthusiasm. She was by far the best partner he'd ever had, and that included dragons as well. As the lithe otteress sank another inch onto his cock and stared back at him with a twinkle in her eye, the black beast knew that Tamara was going to win the bet.

It was hardly disappointing, having his proud cock stimulated in such a fashion was well worth giving up the prospect of some free after-sex dinner. Tamara gasped loudly as a thick ridge sank inside her, a bulge beginning to show inside her from the sheer stretching that big reptilian dick was giving her. It was a sublime feeling for both parties, with the young otteress having never taken quite so much inside her. Even after that one time, when both of the gryphon guards had taken their time fucking her brains out on the roof, she couldn't remember herself getting this stretched; this dragon was much larger.

After what felt like a good five minutes, Tamara suddenly stopped. Her breath came in short pants from the effort, and her companion was similarly struggling to handle the tightness gripping his shaft. She fit like a condom, wrapped snugly around his penis, ready to catch his load when it spewed forth from the depths of his body.

"You're... not so little," she huffed appreciatively, earning a grin from the dragon.

"You're bigger inside than you look," he replied, ruffling his wings, "how can you hold so much?" The attendant smiled broadly, standing proudly on his vent while her inner muscles began to ripple along the length of his cock. It was a talent she had learned over the years, and Samael was not quite ready for it.

"Oh... f...fuck," he growled, baring his fangs as the pleasure washed over his body. His legs twitched from the sensation and he threw his head back in a deep growl.

" You're going to... make me... cum early... if you... keep that up," he breathed between her caressing squeezes. As suddenly as it started, she stopped, looking down at him with her arms folded and a mock-cross expression on her face.

"Questioning my methods is only going to make this harder on you," she warned him with a small giggle, wiggling her hips around his shaft, "so be a good boy for me and let the professional do her thing. I've still got another third to go... and that'll be a good challenge for me I think. How about... I let you inside my womb?"

The horny dragon's eyes brightened out of his haze of lust when he heard those words. If Samael hadn't seen the Tamara fully impaled upon his dick, he never would've thought it possible. It was almost absurd to think that the otteress could take his shaft in more at this point, but he wasn't about to argue. He'd been wrong so far, and his companion seemed to know more about fucking massive beasts than she let on. Besides, what male can say no to a woman when she has an iron-like grip on your cock?

"I think that would be a splendid idea," Samael said, doing his best to remain pleasant through the rising, savage excitement within him. "You might be able to manage it, though admittedly, part of me wants you to fail..." He exemplified his words with a growl, licking his lips in delight before wriggling his haunches teasingly. "I could use a good snack."

Tamara moaned as the dragon squirmed underneath her. His cock grinded hard against her inside even with such a small movement, causing her to clamp down to steady herself as her legs wobbled with waves of pleasure. Although she still had control of the beast, her playmate was certainly no pushover. If she didn't make him start mewling like a little hatchling again, Samael's lust would certainly get the better of him, and the complacent nature she'd work hard to achieve would be lost. She wanted that to happen, but not quite yet. She needed to have some more fun first.

Another gasp left her muzzle as the reptile's thick girth throbbed inside her. After that, Tamara growled and lifted herself back into position, matching the dragon's red-eyed stare with equal challenge.

"You'd have to be a much bigger dragon to manage that," she said with a cheerful smile, her eyes shining with the same fire that Samael fell in love with when he first saw her picture. "I don't like it when you're mean, dragon. Let's get you moaning and mewling once again, shall we?" With a confident smirk, she rippled her muscular cunt over Samael's shaft one more time, drawing another warble from her client's massive mouth before she arched her back and allowed her weight to drop.

Both creature's began to let out unified gasps of delight as Tamara worked her way down. Though her weight was minimal, the slickness of the beast's cock and wet, secreting nectar of her experienced sex was more than enough to manage her slow descent. She opened her thighs as wide as she could, stretching them over to either side while opening her little body up as much as possible. Her hips wriggled back and forth in sharp, jerking motions; there was no longer a need to be smooth about her movements, not when she struggling to jam the last few inches inside her widened cunt. The outline of Samael's cock was noticeable in the front of her body, standing out as an impressively large bulge through the sleek, brown fur at the lower part of her tummy.

With a ragged gasp, Tamara fell gritted her teeth and looked down, finding that she had managed to fall about halfway towards her goal. Samael was twitching and keening along the bedding in front of her, his tail whipping against the mattress as his face twisted and huffed with a powerful passion. Smiling at the sight, the otteress took in a deep breath and pushed, finding the tip of the reptile's cock pushing against the tight wall of her cervix. Although she only had perhaps an inch or less to go, this was the hardest part. No amount of motion or flexing of muscles would allow the massive length to penetrate her womb: she would need to time it right. Widening her stance and flexing her claws, she dug into the soft scales of her client's groin, eliciting a sudden moan from the heavy beast as he thrashed underneath her. Once again, she rippled her cunt around his length with a professional's skill, quickly forcing another eager throb from the sensitive length. The thick heat of precum splashed against her insides, lubricating her walls at the exact moment that she let out a desperate snarl and pushed herself down the rest of the way.

With the moist liquids helping it along, Samael's maleness slammed forwards into her womb, squeezing its flaring tip just barely past the otteress' tight cervix. His roar was loud and ragged as he felt a pressure and warmth around his length that was unparalleled to any he'd ever felt before in his life. He lost count of how many minutes he lay there, whining audibly for perhaps the entire building to hear, but he no longer cared. Tamara had definitely won the bet.

Despite that fact, the otter had not won it easily. She was speared on the dragon's shaft, her body firmly upright as the firm pole that ran through her core kept her standing straight. Her body trembled around such a filling girth, and she wondered briefly whether it was such a good idea. Samael grunted hotly as his shaft was squeezed tighter than it ever had been in his life. He'd been with some good partners and prey, but hadn't ever imagined anything quite like this before. It was pure heaven, and as Tamara gazed down at him with those warm eyes, he felt a sudden twinge of something he'd never felt before. Regaining her composure quickly, Tamara managed an extra squeeze or two with her abused inner muscles, milking a hot glob of seedy pre from his crimson spear. The viscous fluid drooled unhindered into her egg-chamber, and pooled around his glans with nowhere to escape to. His seal was tight, and their union was seemingly unbreakable. With the amount of effort she'd expended getting the big beast inside her, it was going to be hard to get him back out. She smiled down at her reptilian partner, and knew he was trying to figure out how he felt about this new-found bliss.

"Oh my..." Tamara breathed, wiggling her hips slightly as she gazed down at Samael's handsome face. He certainly was an attractive dragon, and his length locked inside of her was even more beautiful. "I've never been this full before," she whispered, giving him a wink and dropping her paws to her belly. Her soft pads traced the outline of the reptilian cock where it bulged out of her stretchy body, before squeezing it and making the beast moan.

"My poor cervix was no match for you it seems," she continued, rolling her paws up and down the lump in her belly. "I can feel... your entire cockhead sitting inside my womb. I bet you've never had a girl that can do that before." Samael gave an affirmative grunt, staring at that huge bulge he'd made, wondering how she was even remotely capable of taking such a thing. It didn't help that her dripping words made him even more aroused with every breath.

"You're not even cumming and yet you're making such a mess," she purred affectionately, "I can feel you leaking inside me. Look here..."

Tamara pointed to where the tip of the dragon's pride was lodged inside of her, dangerously deep inside of her belly. She knew at this point that Samael needed some real magic to make this a night to remember.

"Oh yes," she added, "you're just dripping pre-cum inside my egg-chamber. I bet some of it even has sperm in it... mmmph... deliciously fertile dragon semen drooling from your sexy cock and sloshing about inside my vulnerable little body. I bet some of your swimmers are busy knocking me up. I'm all fertile you know... I bet a big dragon like you would leave a girl like me with a big, fat clutch of eggs. I wouldn't mind... oh no, that'd be an honour. I could probably only hold one or two though... but... mmm... there's nothing between your cock and my breeding chambers. If you think you're such a big dragon... then roll me over onto the bed, and fuck me like a dragoness wanting your hatchlings. Fuck me Samael, fuck this little otter until she's full of your hot cream. You know you want to. Pin me down and use me until you've spent those big internal balls of yours to claim this little otter as your property."

Samael keened and gritted his teeth as the otteress finished speaking. Tamara was right: at this stage of his arousal, his length was dripping with an almost continuous stream of hot, reptilian jizz. Although the mammal's womb was incredibly hot and tight around his cocktip, his cum was making it all the more moist and warm as it kept on leaking its sexual juices into the deepest parts of Tamara's breeding chambers. With the otteress being as small as she was however, some of the drooling cum couldn't help but lather in a humid, viscous layer about his buried tip. His semen increased the furnace-like temperature just enough to have him panting and grunting like a needy dragoness in her first heat. Every instinct in his body wanted to flip over and breed her hard right away, before his surmounting pleasure has a chance to tease him any further with the prospect of a powerfully satisfying release. He paused however, as he thought of what such an act could do to such a vulnerable creature.

"I want to Tamara but, I don't want to hurt you," Samael cooed, the words causing his eyes to widen with disbelief even as he said them. In his entire life, he'd never uttered such words to anyone, especially not a tiny creature such as Tamara that would more than likely have been inside his belly by now were it not for their situation. Saying as such was putting her well-being over his instinctual need to mate, which was by every definition a miracle in his case. Perhaps this otteress had managed to make him soft, or perhaps he was simply worried about having to pay for her unless he damaged her. Ya, that had to be it, he thought.

Tamara smiled at him nonetheless. "You're not going to hurt me Samael, I thought you would've learned this by now," she said, giving a roll of her hips that caused the dragon to seethe with desire. "I know you want to do, so why are you hesitating? Are you a weak dragon, hm? Do you want those gryphons guards to know that you couldn't even satisfy a little woman like me?"

"No," Samael growled, bucking his hips up into her with a little more confidence. "I won't have you spreading lies about me Tamara, I can satisfy any female I want."

Tamara gasped as the dragon's cock pressured her insides before she relaxed and fixed him with a taunting smile. "It would be the truth if you don't do as I ask my little dragon," she said teasingly. "Go on, throw me onto my back and stand over me like the big, dominant beast that you are and fuck me raw until your seed swells every needful inch of my womb. Show me that you have what it takes to be a proper dragon instead of some whiny, puffed up little reptile that only talks of his fearsome deeds instead of doing them."

Samael inhaled deeply and glared at Tamara, his red eyes practically glowing with passion at the otteress' bold words. With a small roar, he rolled over on the bedding in a single fluid motion and pinned his companion underneath his haunches, squishing the little mammal into the bedding with the weight of his body. He growled eagerly, baring his teeth as warm gusts of air came blasting out his open maw to hit the messy bedsheets below. Then, slowly, he extended his claws into the mattress and lifted himself up, hunching over as he did to keep Tamara where she was, with his cock buried deep inside her. His companion let out an audible gasp as his weight left her, her furry body squirming on bedding with a mixture of need and excitement.

"You asked for this," Samael growled, pumping his hindquarters once to evict a tiny cry of surprise from his newest partner. "Which is more than I can say for most little creatures that have been in your position." His words came in sharp, ragged gasps now. Any reluctance he'd once felt at fucking the otteress had given way to instinct now, and he was no longer in control. The muscles along his flanks tensed in anticipation as he let out a violent snarl, shifting his haunches into a more comfortable position to begin his savage mating.

He looked down at Tamara one last time, his red eyes locking with hers as he prepared to fuck her with every ounce of strength he had. Although he was searching for any sign of concern, or perhaps regret in the otteress' eyes, all he say was confidence and fire within those radiant, beautiful pools. She bared her teeth at him and lifted her tiny paws to grip his middle, as that was going to do her much good once his body really started moving.

With one last chuckle, Samael gave another roar and moved his haunches back before pumping them forwards again, beginning the deed that Tamara had been teasing since his arrival. Their mating had begun.

A deep, savage growl escaped the dragon's throat as he began to pound the comparatively smaller creature into the sheets. It wasn't particularly refined or smooth, simply a big, feral beast thrusting his oversized cock into a little female that couldn't have been happier to receive it. Samael grew more and more confident in the otter with each thrust, fucking his little companion into the already sizeable pool of his spunk that coated the bed. Mostly certain she was made of magical indestructible dragon-proof rubber, the horny dragon had no reservations in putting his weight onto the girl as he ravaged her tight pussy with sloppy strokes. Tamara was in heaven as she was used, and her nerves sparked with fiery passion as the thick ridges that lined his shaft flicked her clit as they sunk in and out of her velvety sex. Dragon and otter grunted and gasped in unison as they mated in the private room of the Moore Inn, each getting more than they had bargained for going into the encounter.

Looking down between his legs, the bulky dragon watched as his crimson spire burrowed into the otteress repeatedly, making her bulge dangerously each time. Despite how powerful and feral he felt on top of her, seeing the smile on her face and the way she continued to squeeze as hard as she could manage around his encroaching length softened his heart. For the first time in his life, the dragon had thoughts during sex about someone other than himself. She was so unique, so different to everyone he'd ever met before. She knew exactly how to make him happy, and even if it was part of her job he knew nobody could do what she did. His claws flexed into the sheets as he breathed out slowly, and continued to admire her with every thrust. His hips continued to bury him to the hilt inside of her, but he was finding it more and more difficult to concentrate on getting off. Something else was clouding his mind, and his teeth bared silently as he figured out what it was. Tamara was too caught up in handling his girth stretching her to new limits to notice his expression, and he huffed softly, keeping his pace steady and firm. It was heavenly to breed this otter, her body so warm and soft inside that he knew he wouldn't last too much longer.

Reaching down with a claw, he scooped up a large glob of his cooling seed that had splattered the bed earlier and held it over the otter's head, slowly dropping his foot down and smothering the otter's face in the thick semen. She didn't even complain, instead simply reaching out with her tongue to lick and slurp at the offering being slathered across her facial fur and into her mouth.

"D...delicious..." she moaned between his heavy thrusts, and Samael looked away, a deep heat flushing his face. That was the final straw for the dragon, who looked up at the wall and sighed to himself.

I love her, he thought silently, damn it...

Pausing his savage mating for the moment, Samael hunched low overtop the otteress and placed his claws delicately over her shoulders to hold in her in place. Then, looking down with a glowing radiance, he slowly eased himself inside Tamara once more. He shifted his haunches in a teasing fashion as his cock sunk deeper into her cunt, evicting moans of pleasure from his lover as the rigid length massaged every sensitive inch of her wet interior. It wasn't difficult to make the mammal squirm underneath him. Every small movement of his hindquarters was enough to press his member into her throbbing walls with immense pressure, the weight of his fleshy organ more than enough to stretch Tamara wide and set her gasping with every little twitch.

Samael let out a pleased huff as the soft scales of his groin met with Tamara's lower body, his maleness fully buried inside her once again. With a smile that betrayed his new feelings for her, he bent his neck down and extended his tongue to lick her softly across the face, taking in the minimal amount of seed left behind before closing his mouth and pursing his lips to meet her in a kiss. His scaled lips pressed lightly against her face, enveloping the entirety of the otteress' face due to the immense difference in size between them both. Regardless, the corners of his mouth lifted upwards in a smile as he felt Tamara press back against him eagerly, raising her tiny paws to cup his reptillian chin before extending her own tongue to run it across his scaled chops.

Despite the differences between them, Samael felt no awkwardness in his kiss. The otteress shivered underneath him, giving his buried cock as few squeezes with her rippling muscles that caused him to huff and exhale warm air out his nostrils in delight. The action seemed to excited his lover more, as Tamara suddenly pressed her face past his lips to lick at the smooth enamel of his fearsome fangs with an insatiable glee. His cock leaked with an almost constant stream of precum inside her, warming the depths with his excitement at his partner's enthusiasm. His length throbbed heavily as the otteress lapped at his teeth, spitting out his viscous seed to wet her moist interior even more. When he eventually pulled away, he let out a pleased growl and licked her one more time, his red eyes glowing with lust and happiness.

Tamara smirked up at him. "What are you doing dragon?" She asked, her bright eyes flickering at him with some amusement through her wide expression of pleasure. Samael lost some of his confidence in that moment. Why had he done that?

"Why, only thinking of you of course," the dragon replied, the words sounding odd in his mouth. He truly cared for her now, but it was more awkward than he imagined expressing such feelings. Tamara stared at him for a second longer before her face lit up with passion and she squeezed her legs together tightly, evicting a sudden, surprise warble of delight from his open mouth.

"I don't want you to think of me Samael, I want you to be a dragon," Tamara growled. "I want you take me like the big, dominant beast that you are; so quit pausing and grinning at me like an oaf and fuck me with the same viciousness you had before. I want to be your toy, not some damsel you treat with respect." She was breathing heavily now, he tiny chest moving up and down in an exasperated fashion over the bulge of cock still buried within her. Her eyes were radiating with desire, and her claws were gripping Samael's scales in a vice-like grip that sent chills arching up the beast's spine.

Slowly, Samael bared his fangs in a wicked smile and drew himself up above the eager otteress, towering above her with confidence once again. He drew his haunches back slowly and teasingly, the fresh globs of cum squelching noisily inside Tamara's tight folds as he drew back and lifting his paws onto the bedding, impaling the mattress with his pointed tips once more. It wouldn't do to disappoint his lover now, not after he'd given her such joy from the promising display from before. If he really wanted her, he was going to give her what she desired.

"As you wish, my little fucktoy," He growled, evicting a smile from the otteress' lips before he let out a roar, spread his wings, and began thrusting forwards again with all his strength.

Tamara closed her eyes as the big male imposed himself on her, pressing down into her little body with force and passion. She hadn't mistaken the look in his eyes; more than just making the dragon calm down and follow her wishes, she had also made him fall for her. Gasps escaped her muzzle as she was bred hard, rutted into the bed with deep thrusts from her companion for the night. She'd never been pushed this hard; her belly bulged with the girth of that reptilian cock, and her wet vent had never been spread like this before. She was balancing on the edge of breaking under the strain, but the erotic fire that coursed through her nerves at the thought of being taken and fucked ferally by a full-sized dragon in his prime was too appealing to deny.

As her body was used like a sex toy for the dragon the otteress found herself thinking, despite her position. She'd never felt this good in her life, and even though she had worked at Moore Inn for a long time, she thought she'd never feel anything quite like this before. She knew she had a thing for big beasts, especially when both of those handsome gryphons on the roof had taken it in turns to fuck her repeatedly until she was unable to walk for days. This was different though... this was a feral dragon, one who took what he wanted and did as he pleased. She knew she could handle him: there was no creature who could match her craftiness and ability in lovemaking, but there was something there she'd never felt before. Something she never thought she would feel: a desire to stay with the dragon. Maybe... she could leave with him. A cock like this would be all she would ever need, and the handsome beast's personality implied - as far as she knew about dragons - that he was wealthy and lived quite well. Could she really do it? Every attendant had a 1000 gold piece release clause in their contract. A particularly hard thrust shook her from her thoughts and made her cry out in passion and lust.

"Fuck me!" she yelled up at him through gritted teeth, "pound me... full... of your hatchlings." Samael hardly needed more encouragement, but for some reason the thought of knocking up the young ottergirl with his potent seed was even more arousing despite knowing that it was not actually possible. He huffed from the exertion and continued to penetrate her rapidly, his fluids sloshing around inside of her as he buried his maleness deep inside. Her cervix was completely defeated; his shaft had never given her body any chance. When he came, he would be cumming right inside her womb. He would be dousing her eggs in his bubbling ejaculate and bloating her out like a balloon from the sheer quantity he was churning up in his internal testicles.

At Tamara's words, Samael began to feel his energy rising. His massive body was pounding the tiny mammal down into the bedding with a force that would've certainly harmed her on any other surface, but the elasticity of the mattress seemed enough to keep his fragile partner comfortable. His gleaming red eyes remained fixed on the otteress as he rocked his haunches forwards, slipping his weighty cock in and out of her with a passion usually reserved only for beasts that matched his size. He watched with an ever-growing lust at the sight of his length disappearing inside her, swelling her furry body with its girth and wet, squelching sound before slopping back out for another thrust. Every time he entered her, he felt her warm sex grip tightly around him, flexing and throbbing with pure eagerness before relaxing to allow him to back out again. The heat was anything like he'd ever felt in his life, as humid, sexual juices began to drip down the length of his shaft and drip down onto the dishevelled sheets. His partner surely was talented, there was no denying that.

Unlike the dragon, Tamara had her radiant eyes fixated on his haunches, watching with unparalleled glee and concentration. She gasped loudly and squirmed every time the beast's maleness pushed inside, flexing her tiny muscles and squeezing her nethers together as best she could. She doubted she could manage to do it as powerfully as some of the other female dragons Samael had been with, but she had small size and tightness to her advantage, not to mention experience in pleasuring larger creatures than herself. As Samael entered her, she felt every ridge and moist, fleshy spine of his feral cock rub against her sensitive walls, making her muscles twitch with delight. The copious amounts of reptilian pre-spooge already leaking into her from the throbbing length coated her undulating interior in a heavy layer, warming the furthest depths of her cunt and making it easier and easier for the large dragon's cock to pound itself inside. Growling happily and spreading her legs wider, she clamped down hard on the intruding cock, only to let out a sharp cry as it slipped out of her once again. She could feel her orgasm building inside her; she wasn't going to last much longer.

"Ah... fuck," Samael groaned, pausing a moment for forcefully grind his cock against his tiny lover. "I can feel myself getting close my little toy," he mocked playfully, his tone getting ragged with exhaustion and lust. "Make sure you're a nice, receptive little creature when the time comes." He grinned down at her, daring to quickly sneak in another lick on her head before continuing with his relentless humping. The otteress offered no response other than a surprisingly primal snarl to answer his statement, clearly enjoying the small exposure to his more imposing side. He suddenly closed his eyes and gasped as another throb of pre-cum left his aching cock.

Keeping his mouth opened, Samael was breathing hard now, his hot breath leaving him in desperate gasps as he struggled to keep his thrusting at a steady rhythm. HIs tail curled and thumped excitedly along the bed behind him, tangling up around the edges and swishing in the air before flagging up and down once again. His claws kneaded the bed as he readied himself for his final plunge, while the sharp, beastial growling that had once been the source of his ferocity soon turned to a desperate series of whines and low keening. He was only moments away from release, and he could feel his hot, draconic spunk building in a warm, tingling mass at the base of his pumping cock. All he wanted was for his little otteress to roll her hips in that same, amazing way once again... just one last time.

Tamara was at her limits; despite all of her skills being taken this deep for this long was exhausting her beyond belief. Samael was still a dragon and she was still an otter, and nothing could prevent him from eventually winning out. Somehow he was still maintaining control, but she was an expert at this kind of thing and knew he was ever so close to tipping over the edge. Many of her colleagues believed males came harder when given some encouraging squeezes and a tighter hole, but she knew better. Males responded to words.

"Please..." she begged in between deep, huffing breaths, "do it... Samael... cum... for me... I want... your seed... inside me." Samael rocked his hips back one last time, her voice pushing him over the edge as images of unloading himself inside the otter filled his head. With one almighty thrust the black-scaled beast dropped his body low, slid himself in to the hilt and came with gusto.

The dragon's cock pulsed violently as the first thick, seedy rope of his semen was slung against the back of the otteress' womb. Tamara moaned loudly as she was stuffed beyond her limits, the first spurt alone filling the empty space around his cockhead and her egg chamber. She lay back on the bed, vulnerable and worn as the big beast pumped her full of his fluids: hot, viscous breeding liquid travelling the distance from his inner testicles all the way into her body. The next few splashes make her body swell dangerously, the thick, bubbling seed locked inside by his oversized cock, making her stretchy belly expand dangerously from his impressive ejaculation. Her moans matched the shuddering huffs of exertion coming from her client's muzzle as he attempted to empty every last drop of himself inside his attendant. Eventually he realized she was not going to be able to cope with any more, and he reluctantly pulled his cock free with a sloppy schlurp.

Almost immediately the next pulse sent a thick wave of his spunk straight across her already matted fur, re-coating it in a healthy glaze of his masculinity. Tamara lay there, her supple sex gaping from the raw fucking as she was coated in more and more of the fertile dragon's rich emissions. Her eyes closed as he painted her face, urethra yawning wide to expel syrupy gushes of his well-churned sperm right across her smiling features. He looked down at her with concern, worried he might have gone too far with the poor otteress, but as she slowly began to disappear until the milky quantities of his climax, a happy smile was all he saw across her muzzle before he buried her under the last few heated streams of his hard-earned orgasm. As the last few, weaker spurts left his shaft, the dragon slowly rose to his feet, sat back on his haunches and stared at the pile of cum that he had made in the center of the bed. He had never produced that much in his life, and he breathed heavily as he admired his handiwork. That had been the best mating of his life, and it hadn't even been with a dragoness.

Looking down into the lake of his spent seed, Samael couldn't even begin to guess where the satisfied otteress lay. The bed was covered in massive pool of his steaming jizz, the palpable heat rising from the thick, sexual cream in a noticeable layer of moisture that matted against his neck and muzzle. He inhaled the aroma of his own release lovingly before narrowing his eyes in search of his vanished companion. He thought it would be easy to spot her brown fur in the midst of so much white, but he not a trace of Tamara remained. Not a single inch of fur or even an exposed limb remained: just a sea of weighty dragon cum that made a noticeable dip in the soaked mattress due to its sheer mass. He surveyed the mess with a proud smugness before looking down at his spent cock. His length was milky with the remnants of his seed as well, and a small trickle of seed was still flowing at a steady pace down his shaft to leak into his wetly throbbing vent. Allowing himself a small smile as he thought about the otteress' comments on his vent being messy, Samael waited patiently for his companion to surface, his tail twitching expectantly.

When Tamara didn't surface after a few moments however, Samael began to get nervous. He dipped his claws into his spunk and began to trace his eyes carefully over the spent cum, searching for her with mild concern. He hoped he hadn't hurt her...

"Tamara?" Samael said in a worrisome tone, shifting around to the other side of the bed. His paws made dips in the mattress that caused his semen to rolls towards them at a slow, trickling pace before he moved on. It never occured to him that the otteress could be hurt, not after such a vibrant display of eager sexuality, though he began to wonder if there was some signal he missed when he was caught up in the overpowering bliss of his orgasm. He hoped dearly that his companion was alright.

He'd only gotten a few paces into his search however, before the otteress emerged from the depths of his steaming seed.

Tamara pushed herself from the hot spunk liking a rising Goddess, arching her back and stretching her head back with grace. She opened her mouth as she did, displaying a milky-white interior frothing with the dragon's cum before she closed her lips and swallowed, sending the heady fluids down her tiny neck. Although her belly was thick and bloated with Samael's seed, she displayed no loss of love for the reptile's fertile load. She leaned forwards with a sigh afterwards, opening her mouth to display its pink, spotless interior before hunching over and relaxing with an extreme look of satisfaction and contentment. Her legs swished around in the viscous, sexual emissions with pure elation, pushing the steaming semen around with as much energy and gusto that the dragon had displayed earlier in his desperate search to find her. Her paws came down, scooping more of the reptilian seed towards her middle as if to push more into her abused cunt. Then, she lifted her paws and began licking at the soft fur, moaning all the while and gulping even more down as Samael watched with ever-growing, wide eyes. She was distracted for a long while before she finally giggled and slumped back down into the lake of cum, laying on her side and staring upwards to fix the beast with an impressed expression. "You were better than I ever could've imagined sweety," she purred, lapping at the semen with a low growl.

Samael was at a loss for words. Just when he thought he'd gotten his fill of amazingly sexy sights for the evening, the otteress managed to surprise him again. Already the dragon's thoughts had turned from concern to the idea of fucking the immortal mammal once again. He'd never gotten this horny so fast after an orgasm, yet his cock was rigid and at attention, demanding yet another go with his divine partner.

"I... that's good," the dragon managed, smiling to hide his renewed arousal as Tamara scooped up more cum and swallowed.

Tamara giggled before dropping her paw to begin rubbing at her swollen gut, massaging the sopping fur with love and adoration. "Yes it is," she replied. "You did everything that I asked of you perfectly." She sighed once more, turning to dip the back of her head in the pool once more. "There's no doubt that your beautiful cum has left my womb completely filled." Lifting her head, she smiled at him, her tiny face beaming. "You're my dream come true, Samael."

The dragon's face flushed for the first time in his life from the otter's words. He looked away uncomfortably, unable to properly deal with the feelings he was having for the creature that, in other other circumstances, would be his food by now. He pawed the bed slowly, unsure of what to say. It was hard to face up to how the otter had made him feel.

"Thanks..." he said quietly, and then looked back towards her form in the pool of semen. She didn't seem to be in any hurry to climb out, instead just letting it all stew around her. Her face was one of contentment, and she continued to gently scoop little quantities into her maw so she could savour them with her supple tongue. Samael's cock hung low, aroused by the sight of the professional attendant worshipping the contents of his inner balls with such genuine enthusiasm. He could hardly believe he was up for a third round, but his groin told him that he could spend days fucking this little creature senseless and still find more to give her.

Tamara looked up at him, wiping away some of the sloppy cream that dripped from her head. She saw his bashful expression and giggled softly, before slowly moving forward so she could be closer to him. It was more difficult for her than the dragon realized; her body had been beaten into submission and ached quite a bit from the rough rutting. Her sex was quite stretched, and fresh sperm flowed freely from its depths as her swollen gut tried to return to its natural shape. His ejaculate was also like a thick syrup, difficult to move through in itself. She eventually stopped at the edge of the soupy mess and placed a small, delicate paw on her breeder's leg.

"Lay with me," she requested in a quiet voice, smiling up at him with an honest eagerness. Samael obeyed, finding a clean patch on the sizeable bed and laying down on his side, Tamara's body next his head. She reached out and rubbed his jaw slowly, the dragon not minding that she was making him a little messy too. It was an affectionate gesture, and he almost found himself rumbling happily at the contact.

"I enjoyed that a lot," she admitted, her breaths still deep from the mating, "I haven't been taken quite like that before. I think you may have just made me pregnant." Samael chuckled, and looked at her with a smirk. The otteress was never going to stop satisfying.

"Look at the mess you made," she remarked, gesturing around the bed, "I must have a nice, big clutch of dragon eggs inside me now. All those healthy sperm are busying themselves inside my womb, I can feel it. I bet you're fertile enough to even make a different species gravid, aren't you Samael?" Her smile was wide and happy as the dragon's looked at her with a condescending gaze.

"You really are a tease," the dragon commented, his erection betraying how he really felt, "but I guess you were right after all. I'll leave here with my balls empty and quite pleased with the service. Maybe I won't have to make a scene after all."

"I would hope so," Tamara replied with a smirk, continuing to gently rub at his jawline with genuine affection. "You are much better behaved now that you've had a nice fuck and some sense put into the thick head of yours." She smiled flicked him light on the cheek, her tiny claw making a light tapping sound on the hard scales.

Samael didn't get mad at the comment, but instead curling his around them both, pulling the little otteress against his middle with a playful flick of his tail. "Don't press your luck Tamara, I've had one of my urges sated by that doesn't mean I won't go about eating your fellow employees if you cross me," he said, chuckling to himself and getting comfortable on the drier part of the bed. "I must admit that you did more than satisfy me Tamara, you surprised me. You're the first creature I've mated with that hasn't balked or hesitated during any moment of our interactions, nor did you show the least bit of fear. Even when I've mated with dragons, gryphons, and other much larger, stronger beings than yourself, they all demonstrated some kind of reluctance when I've fucked them." He continued to look down at her with a curious expression, his red eyes beating with a form of honesty that they'd never displayed before. "And even now, I've never talked to anyone like this... usually this is the part where I swallow you and storm out the window without paying, which is what I was going to do at first but now I'm not so --"

"Shh," Tamara abruptly said, giggling and putting her paw on the dragon's lips to silence his rambling. "My my, you're certainly not the big, tough beast you were when you walked in the door." She gave him another pat before sinking down into his middle once again, cuddling with the warmth of his belly and hard, muscular length of Samael's tail. "You're not the first client I've surprised Samael, I've had more experience than you might think, but that little expression on your face is adorable." With a another small giggle, she sprawled back against the dragon's stomach, resting her cheek on the warm scales with her eyes closed before she popped them open and stared up at him with excitement. "And what was that about eating me?"

Samael smiled back at the otteress, curling about her a little tighter. "Oh, you know, it's what I always do: promising the little mammals I catch that I'll let them go if they give me a nice fuck, but then I simply eat them when I'm done and fly away," he said, baring his fangs in a wicked smile. "But don't worry, I won't do that to you," he quickly added, nuzzling her a little bit and licking some of the semen off her cheek. "You're too special for me to do something like that." He looked down at her hopefully, wondering whether or not this remark would hold some ground with her.

"Mm, I see," Tamara mumbled distractedly, tracing her paw along the dragon's belly-scales. "And what if I wanted you to eat me? What would you say to that?"

The dragon stared down at her dumbfounded and raised his brow questioningly. That hadn't been the response he was looking for. "You would... want me to eat you?" He asked. "I suppose I could swallow you and spit you back out after if that's what you really wanted." He let out a small chuckle before fixing his eyes on her again and smiling. "You might even come out cleaner than you are n--"

"No Samel," she said, looking up at him with that same expression the dragon had seen in the pamphlet: one of fire. "I want you to swallow me and not let me out," she said with a lustful growl. "I want you to slurp me up into your mouth with that big, slimy tongue of yours with the same hunger and ferocity you would show any of the other, helpless meals you would devour without second thought. I want to know what it's like to be trapped inside your belly, knowing that I have no purpose other than to become a nice, nutritious treat for a big, powerful beast like you." As she finished speaking, her eyes wandered once again, looking down the length of Samael's body as the dragon continued to stare at her with a confused expression. His radiant eyes flickered across every feature in front of her, starting at the sleek, curve of the beast's muscular neck, down to his cavernous chest, his toned, smooth belly, and the now flaccid, spent cock that still continued to pulse weakly on the stained bed sheets between his legs. "What do you say?" She said, purring low in her throat.

The dragon looked at her incredulously, unsure if what he was hearing was true. This otter... wanted to be eaten by him! Surely she couldn't understand what she was asking.

"I..." he began, for the first time in his life not sure what he wanted. His claws scratched at the bed idly as he tried to figure out what he wanted to say.

"I don't want to," he muttered finally, looking away. A silence passed between the pair, before he felt a soft paw press against his stomach. Looking back down, he saw the otteress looking slightly crestfallen.

"I have a feeling," she accused quietly, "that you normally don't let your prey go so easily, that when you finish enjoying them, you devour them without a second thought and pack them away in your big, handsome body. So why then won't you do that to me?" Samael flushed from her words, and glanced away anxiously. He hadn't ever been in this situation, but he found it hard to explain himself to the curious ottergirl.

A short silence passed once again, before he reached down and planted a kiss on the top of her cum-soaked head.

"Because those creatures are prey," he stated firmly, pulling back and staring deep into her eyes, "inferior little animals that scamper at my very presence. Humans who hide behind their walls, foxes who tremble at my growls, birds who don't dare share my airspace and all manner of other beasts who cower before me. Cowardly creatures whose best use is as nutrition for myself, muscle and energy to fuel my being. You though... you are not a coward. Despite being small you look me in the eye, you struck me on the jaw, you taunt and tease me like an equal, knowing I could devour you at any moment. You are... interesting Tamara. You are proud, strong, fierce, and were you a dragoness I doubt even I could best you. That is why I do not wish to eat you, otter. For the past hour you have made me feel the most pleased I have ever felt, and I would see to it that you are shown my gratitude for it."

The otteress listened closely to every word, smiling up at him as he explained himself. It made sense, but she knew he was also not admitting he had feelings for her.

"I'm glad you've developed such a soft spot for my personality," she replied with a smirk, running her paws across his stomach lovingly, "but I have a soft spot for yours. I came here tonight expecting to service a dragon. I knew full-well that dragons are predatorial, and I expected that come the end of the evening, I would likely be eaten. I know I can wrap you around my finger, make you squirm and gasp under my touch, but in all honesty Samael, I also have desires. None of the other girls wanted to deal with a dragon, but I did. I came forward to service you in every way, because I just adore a male who I can sharpen my wits against. You're a strong, proud dragon, and I know that you've fallen in love with me. Don't deny it, you know it's true. However, I came here to serve a dragon, a beast of power, pride and prestige, and I want to experience all of it. I want to be your food just like I would be to any other dragon who came to enjoy my body. I want to become a part of your majestic, beautiful self and soar with you in the skies. Would you deny a willing meal her dreams?

Samael had a desperate look on his face as he stared down at the otteress that was so clearly excited by the prospect of being eaten. Her eyes were slowly looking up and down his body, pausing at certain points in his long neck before travelling down to stare long at hard at his grumbling belly. It was here that she would remain transfixed, staring at his gut as if it would hold a new sort of pleasure for her. She laid her cheek upon his warm scales again, purring softly as his middle rose and fell with the rhythms of his breathing, coupled with the odd, gurgling noise as his empty stomach complained of its lack of food.

Samael had no desire to swallow his new companion. He was terribly hungry, and he wanted nothing more than to have a nice, weighty meal moving around inside him as he drifted off to sleep; however, it wasn't going to be Tamara. He needed to find some way of convincing her that being eaten wasn't a desirable fate, and that few the seconds of pleasure she might get from the thrill of being swallowed would quickly disappear once she reached the unforgiving, merciless environment of his stomach.

"But you couldn't possibly want to get eaten," Samael began, trying to sound confident. "I'm honored that you would consider me so worthy a creature as to sacrifice yourself for my benefit, but I don't think you realize how terrible it will be for you." He craned his neck forwards and nuzzled her gently, purring softly in his throat at this remark before continuing. "I've swallowed countless creatures of your size whole, and enjoyed every second of their fear and desperation as they struggled within my mouth. Even when I tilt my head back and swallow them down, they continue to fight and scream, pushing against the strong, muscular flesh of my neck as it drags them down into my belly. Some are feistier than others, and I suppose being in my mouth and being pressed inside my neck could have some pleasure for you but... but..." He swallowed nervously, struggling to find the words he wanted that would hopefully deter his companion. So far it was having the exact opposite effect that he desired: as Tamara began to rub his belly scales, her eyes lighting with happiness at every pause in his complaints. He needed to be more horrifying.

"Once you're in my stomach, you would have only have an hour or so before things would start to get truly unpleasant," the dragon whined, trying to urge the little otteress towards reason. "If you stayed in there too long then my belly would break you and melt you down to be nothing more than nutrients. Your perfect fur..." he gave her arm a lick and let out a low rumble before he continued: "would fall off while you writhed in agony as my strong, fleshy stomach squeezed and crushed you. I've fallen asleep many times to the wonderful complaints and amusing bargains my meals give me. Not one of them enjoyed their circumstances, even if they were submitting themselves to the noble cause of being food for a proud dragon like myself." He stopped at that, slamming his jaws shut and exhaling with an exhausted breath. "Do you see now, how bad it would be?"

Tamara let out a small laugh. "I don't think it would be all that bad," she replied, "not when I'm the one voluntarily climbing down your throat. Of those other meals, the ones you so --" she shuddered briefly at the thought, running her paw down the side of her body. "So wonderfully described, none of them were prepared to give you what I am now. I'm ready Samael, and there's no other dragon in the world right now that I would trust to give me as much pleasure as possible as I live out the one, single fantasy I've been craving my entire life." As the dragon gave a soft whine once again, Tamara lifted herself up, semen still dripping from her body as she did, and gave him a soft kiss directly on his lips, extending her tongue to drag it lovingly across his moist scales before rubbing gently at his lower jaw. "Please Samael?"

He gazed at the otter for a while, seeing her eager expression and unshakable desire for him to eat her. It was a strange sensation, one that he hadn't ever experienced before. Prey, when presented to him, was very quickly devoured and sent to his belly for a long, drawn-out digestion. He normally enjoyed their struggles and pleading words, and slept soundly as they slowly fizzled out as the powerful muscles churned up his food into nutrients for his bulky frame. For the first time in his life, he found someone he didn't wish that upon. He wanted to keep her instead. He wanted to take the otter with him and mate with her more often, plant his brood inside of her, maybe even call her his permanent soulmate and settle down. He wanted these things, and all she wanted was to pack away in his stomach and feed him. With a loud sigh, the dragon's thoughts spiralled around in his head. The fact she wanted to be his dinner only made him want her all the more.

"I..." he stammered, unable to come to a decision easily, "I... love you." He flushed profusely as he said it, but Tamara looked at him with a small, lopsided smile. There. He'd said it, and it made him feel vulnerable. A small, cum-soaked otterkiss was pressed against his cheek, and he managed to turn his gaze back to face her. Reassuringly, she was still looking as happy as always.

"I love you too," she replied, causing the dragon's heart to beat faster at her words, "and if you really feel that way about me, then you would eat me." He looked at his attendant for a moment, sizing her up before he shook his head slowly and breathed a ring of smoke across the room.

"You really want to be devoured by a dragon?" he asked in a somewhat confused tone. He'd never had willing prey, the general consensus seemed to be that being dragonfood was a bad idea among most species.

"Yes!~" she repeated in an exasperated tone, "I am an otter, you are a dragon, you have fucked me to a point where I can barely walk, near-drowned me in the contents of your balls, and now I'm defenceless and ripe for the taking. Eat me, take me down into your belly, and show me what a real predatorial dragon is all about. I did not work this hard to satisfy your ungrateful reptilian body only to have you wimp out on me at the last moment. Do I make myself clear you lazy lizard?"

Samael opened his mouth in protest before snorting in frustration and looking down at the bed. There didn't seem to be any argument that the otteress was willing to accept. She was right about one thing however: he was a dragon, and she was only an otter. If he wanted to refuse her and keep his mouth sealed, she would be powerless to stop him. All he had to do was shoo her away and go eat somebody else. That would sate his needs, and allow him to resist any urges that might convince him otherwise. Tamara would get mad at him certainly, but at least if would be better if she were around -- better for him at least.

Would she even want to stay with him after if he refused?

The otteress was being stubbornly insistent. Although Samael was having difficulty understanding why, refusing to eat her would be a firm statement of detachment towards her desires, and demonstrate a carelessness that would hardly be typical of a beast that just proclaimed his love.

"But... I don't want to..." Samael proclaimed stubbornly, keeping his snout pointed towards the mattress. "Why can't I just swallow you and let you out after? If I do that then we can both be happy, and I don't have to-"

"No Samael, we've been through this," Tamara said, interrupting him before he could finish the thought. "I don't want you to let me out. I want you to swallow me, and show me exactly how strong and powerful the dragon I've laid with tonight really is." She let out a small huff as she finished speaking, clamping her jaws shut with a bit of anger before staring up at the dragon's sad expression with her stern eyes. After a moment, her grimace faded, and she patted her friend's jaw with her claws and stood up, hugging his snout as best as she could with her tiny embrace. "Don't be sad Samael; this isn't what you think. Trust me on this ok?" The ferocious beast looked up at her at those words, snorting softly and blowing hot air against her chest. She shivered lightly at the sensation, and then pried open his heavy lips with her paws, saying, "be a good dragon and open up now Samael. Be sure to make your throat nice and wide, so I can see where I'm going to end up."

Reluctantly, Samael obeyed, lifting his lips at the otter's touch to showcase his gleaming fangs before cracking open his jaws the rest of the way, bathing his companion in the warm, heavy lathe of reptilian saliva. Hot air wafted from his maw as he opened it wider, flattening his tongue and making his throat nice and wide, just as the otteress had said. More than once he thought about closing his jaws and preventing the Tamara from getting in, but almost as soon as he'd opened them, his companion had placed her paw in the way, resting it just on the tip of the largest tooth on his bottom row. He let out a soft whine as Tamara peered further inside, pushing her little head between the most lethal part of his fangs. He definitely wasn't going to even think about shutting his mouth now. Despite his dislike of the situation, an amusing thought crosses his mind: unlike all of the other mammals soon to be residing within his stomach, this was the first time that any creature was going to throw themselves willingly into his maw. Although such a thought would've normally given him some cheer, nothing could distract him from what he was doing, and who was so willingly putting herself into danger.

Tamara, on the other hand, was having the exact opposite reaction to her situation. As soon as the dragon's mouth opened in front of her, she let out a gasp that was a mix of sheer delight and a small amount of terror. Samael's mouth was more impressive than she could've possibly imagined. The dragon's curved fangs parted, bathing her in the warm, rank air directly from the back of the beast's throat, and revealing the hot, darkened red flesh within. She shivered at the sensation before leaning forwards and placing her paw on the biggest tooth she could see, her curious, excited expression taking in every little detail of the predator's fearsome mouth. The dragon's thick tongue pulsed lightly in front of her, undulating wetly within the pocket of Samael's jaw and glistening with slime. What drew her attention the most however, was the back of the dragon's throat. Although it was difficult to see in the darkness that enveloped it, Tamara watched with pure fascination at the shadowed, fleshy tunnel as it opened wide, allowing her to look far downwards into the reptile's esophagus before it squeezed together once again and curved down his muscular neck. For the briefest of moments, she imagined herself jumping in and sliding down that encompassing tube, passing through the dragon's body and falling into his stomach to be nothing more than a soft, weighted meal within his gut. That part would come soon however; for now, she needed to savor every moment, and take her time with the beast that she'd managed to shape to her every desire.

"You're so beautiful..." she breathed, inhaling his heated breath with admiration. Her fingers moved slowly up and down his curved fang, feeling the firmness of it under her touch. It was lethal, but she knew the big beast wouldn't let it fall upon her. Samael huffed, still quite unsure what he was feeling, but he allowed the otter to proceed unhindered. She gazed inside his maw for a few more moments before leaning forward to place her hand on the soft, wet tongue. The dragon could taste his own seed as the otteress entered his mouth, sliding her body down between his lips and onto his tongue belly-first. A gasp of pleasure escaped her lips as his tongue's warmth and softness surrounded her, the dragon keeping his maw open wide so she could rub herself against his bumpy oral organ. Tamara wriggled around enthusiastically, smearing the gooey sperm all over the inside of the beast's maw, as well as her own refined flavor. She wanted him to taste her, to enjoy every bit of their combined flavor on his powerful tongue, and enjoy it.

The dragon didn't know what to think. As his attendant settled in on his tongue, he could feel the predatory side of him heating up. She tasted deliciously vulnerable; well-fucked and easy to swallow, a perfect little post-sex treat for him to fill his belly with. Only it was Tamara, and he wanted to carry her out of there and make her his mate. She was utterly delicious, however, and her constant rolling on his sensitive tongue only made her seem all the more appealing. With a soft sigh he closed her eyes and let her climb into his maw, her legs finally leaving the ground as she pushed herself into his mouth. It wasn't an easy fit, but she gave a loud, energetic moan as she slid inside.

"Your breath is so strong," Tamara commented, as though it weren't to be expected. He snorted despite the situation, and exhaled over her powerfully. She wrinkled her nose at the appalling smell, but continued to rub her face into his tongue. It was a strange, full-body kiss that she was enjoying immensely, and the heat and dampness of his mouth was certainly erotic. Her paws wandered down between her legs, pressing against her stretched sex eagerly as she felt more of his sloppy spunk drool from between her legs.

"It felt so good being bred by you," she admitted softly, rubbing herself and that strong tongue with her supple digits, "it's only fitting I help you recover some of that energy." She planted a kiss on his saliva-slickened flesh before petting it fondly.

"What are you going to do with a tasty little otter inside your mouth, Mr. Dragon?" she whispered softly. "I want to be inside you, in the deepest, most intimate region of you, giving everything I am to better your magnificent, muscular, handsome body." A small smile crossed her face, and she gave a small shudder of delight as her mind turned even dirtier.

"Maybe... maybe I'd get turned into more of your hot dragon cum..." she moaned, paws dancing over her slit as she spoke, "help refill those big, virile balls of yours."

Samael whined a little at those words, which sounded like a high pitched gurgle from the back of his throat as he kept his mouth open. He had to admit that the thought of consuming prey to help fuel the needs of his body appealed greatly to his predatory side, but he still remained conflicted about the whole situation. The otteress didn't seem deterred at all by the danger of her current predicament. There was nothing he could do to convince her otherwise it seemed, save for forcefully removing her. Although it would've been against his better judgement, the temptation to push her out of his mouth with his tongue was growing stronger with each passing second.

That was, until she started exploring.

"I thought we were long past you feeling bad about this Samael," Tamara cooed, laying down on his tongue and rubbing her moist cuntlips up and down the broad expanse of his muscular appendage. She wrapped her paws around and hugged his tongue lovingly, kissing it with her mouth and shuddering as hot saliva entered her mouth. She could taste the heavy, spicy taste of the dragon's fluids at the back of her throat, all of which seemed to hang around and coat the inside layers of her flesh even long after she swallowed. Her cunt continued to leak with the beast's cum as she pumped himself against her prize, her rounded belly squishing against the massive tongue as it undulated against her in an almost involuntary response to her pleasured movements. Tamara sighed with a combination of satisfaction and pure, overwhelming lust. This was her dream come true.

Samael couldn't help but let out a small shudder himself as he felt the otteress move so lovingly against his tongue. He couldn't talk to answer Tamara's words, but the truth was that he didn't think he would ever shake his negative feelings for what he was about to do. The little mammal was enjoying herself so much. He could feel her little hips pressing against him, her throbbing pussy pushing into him and moving in a similar fashion to when she impaled herself on his cock. As such, he found himself sharing in her enthusiasm. Slowly, he began moving his tongue back and forth across her body, licking at the soft, semen-covered fur of her body while making sure to focus a great deal of pressure between her legs. He could taste the leftovers of his emissions and her slick, sweet-tasting vaginal juices as they flooded into his maw and lathered over his flesh. As more leaked to the back of his mouth, he gulped them down, his powerful neck flexing to take down the buildup of fluids and make room for more. It was all he could do to distract himself from the inevitability of what was to come. If the otteress was going to be insistent, the least he could do was make enjoyable for her.

"Oh Samael," Tamara uttered with a shaky breath, shivering despite the overwhelming heat. She wanted to say more, but found herself unable as the dragon's tongue slid backwards underneath her again, the rough, yet slimy appendage massaging her entire body and pressing hard against the lips of her pussy. As the tongue came forward again she tightened the grip of her thighs and squeezed it hard, riding it up to the front of his mouth and grabbing two of his long, curved fangs on the bottom of his jaw for support. The saliva covering the beast's pearly-whites made it somewhat difficult to gain purchase at first, but it wasn't long before Samael slipped his tongue behind her, poking the fluid length against her backside and licking under her tail at the soft, leaking lips of her cunt before dragging slowly upwards to tease her anus with slow, circular presses of his tip. Letting out another sharp cry, Tamara hunched low and moaned happily at the sensation, her soft paws gripping the dragon's teeth hard as jolts of pleasure spiked through her body. Then, with a deep sigh of arousal, the otteress brought her mouth down and began to playfully suck on the dragon's tooth, suctioning her soft lips halfway down the pointed enamel before licking at the hard, tapered length.

The dragon had never been treated this way by his prey before, the otteress licking over his hard tooth and sucking it like it were his cock all over again. Her lips curled around the sharp tip as she slid her mouth down upon his lower tooth, bobbing her head up and down upon it like she were giving him another talented blowjob. The dragon grunted and held his mouth open; closing his maw at this point would likely kill the otteress. Her eyes shone with delight as her tongue swirled around his curved tooth, before she pulled back and swallowed the saliva in her maw with a shuddering sigh of contentment.

"I bet nothing can get away from these teeth," she noted in a whisper, rolling back to continue rubbing the dragon's soft, bumpy tongue, "I doubt any prey has ever escaped your grasp." It was true, but the beast continued to keep his maw open wide as the ottergirl stroked and caressed his tongue with her cum-stained paws. She tasted mostly like his semen, unsurprisingly considering how hard he'd mated with her minutes beforehand. Underneath that rich, creamy flavor however, there was the clear and distinct taste of Tamara. As her body sprawled across his tongue, he began to undulate it across her fur, clearing away as much excess ejaculate as possible so he could get a better taste of her natural flavor. She was willing to give herself to his body, and the dragon knew that if he didn't give the otteress everything she wanted, then he would regret that more than anything else. A small puff of smoke escaped his nostrils as he sighed, rolling his tongue underneath the beautiful otteress. He would devour her whole and make her into part of his body. He would make a meal of his attendant and leave satisfied and full. For her sake, he would enjoy everything she had to offer.

He allowed her to enjoy his maw for a little while longer, flicking his tongue around her soft body while she slicked and tasted every inch of his mouth she could reach. Ten minutes later, she stopped what she was doing and slowly positioned herself in the center of his tongue, a smile on her features.

"Oh Samael," she moaned, clutching his flexible oral organ with her delicate paws, "I'm ready to be your dinner now." Her voice was cheerful and satisfied, something the dragon hadn't heard from any of his prey before. Still... there was something about her that set him at ease. Slowly but surely he closed his maw, finally sealing the otteress in the permanent darkness that would follow her all the way down into his stomach.

"Swallow me," she begged softly, "drag me down into your belly and show me what a dragon can do to a vulnerable little ottergirl." The black-scaled beast nodded slowly, and gave her body one last rippling taste before he tilted his head back and took a long, powerful swallow.

As he gulped down his companion, Samael did his best to only focus on the little otteress' pleasure. Tamara has made it quite clear that all she wanted was a big, strong dragon like himself to show her what it was like to be helpless: to give her a final, powerful demonstration of the complete dominance a predator had over the last moments of their prey.

His swallow was slow and hard; almost sensual as he began the process of pushing the smaller creature down his neck. He closed his eyes and sealed his lips, allowing only a small trail of drool to fall down the corners of his lips before he cringed with the effort of engulfing his willing lover. His throat opened and his neck ripple once, the wet sound of his swallow echoing around the dim-lit chamber. This first motion didn't engulf the otteress completely, as the spongy flesh of his gullet opened for only that brief moment before closing strongly about his meal's waist. As the slimy tissue of his esophagus sealed around Tamara's legs, Samael could feel the distinctive purring and pleased wriggling of the otteress' hips within him, clearly enjoying every second of his effort to push her down into his body. Although he wasn't entirely sure why, he opened a single eye and cast his gaze towards the closed door, wondering if anyone outside realized what was going on. It wasn't out of fear for being caught in the act, especially since Tamara was willing; however, he couldn't shake the worry of someone seeing him swallow the only creature who'd managed to make him swoon. He wanted it to be a private dinner.

With a small grunt, Samael closed his eyes and resumed working the otteress down into his body. Cracking his mouth open slightly, the dragon curled his tongue and grimaced as he swallowed once more, the muscles in his throat opening and squeezing his meal down into the thicker parts of his long, slender neck. With his second gulp, he could feel Tamara's entire form sliding past the encompassing flesh at the back of his maw. Her soft chest dipped down into his esophagus, followed quickly by her head and arms, accompanied by a thick swathe of gathered saliva that followed her down in the depths of his foodpipe. It was then that the female became a noticeable bulge at the top of his neck, her slender form making a tiny, rounded shape in the usually smooth curvature of his scales.

Samael swallowed a few more times to assist in his body's natural taking of prey before he leveled out his head and purred long and low in his chest, allowing Tamara's weight, and the clenching expanse of his esophagus to do the rest. He needed to show her that he could be the ferocious predator that she wanted him to be: he needed to enjoy her. With a deep growl that reverberated throughout his entire form, he remained perfectly still as the otteress began her slow descent into his belly. This is what he normally did to prey to make them feel hopeless, and to ensure that they knew he was enjoying their struggles and their last, stubborn attempts to avoid their fate, even when they knew it was too late. He couldn't help but smile as he felt Tamara doing the same thing, pushing at the sides of her fleshy prison as his muscles squeezed and pinned her arms to her sides, making it almost impossible to do anything more other than wriggle and involuntarily assist in the fall. As he opened his eyes, he watched with a neutral expression as the bulge in his neck slowly moved about half way down to his chest, growing closer and closer to the depths of his body with each passing second.

The steaming scent of sex was all he could smell as the otteress slipped through his neck, leaving the dragon still aroused as the potent odor washed over him. It made the previous events difficult to forget, and the sensation of swallowing prey also made the dragon feel more at ease despite who he was consuming. Devouring morsels always made a dragon feel satisfied, and he couldn't help but shudder as he inhaled a deep whiff of ejaculate and felt the bulge slip further into his inescapable body. Tamara, on the other hand, was experiencing a cocoon of sensations all around her ingested form. His heartbeat, strong and steady, became increasingly loud as she travelled further inside of him. The tight, slick walls of his throat bound her paws tight to her sides, leaving her almost breathless from the constricting force shaping her down his gullet. Every time she opened her muzzle, a thick dollop of dragon saliva slipped inside and she swallowed it down automatically. She was completely and utterly powerless, and yet only thought about how nice a bulge she would be making from the outside. She wanted to relish her role as prey, to experience every bit of what a feral dragon had to offer. Sure some clients could be rough, dominate and pretend like they had any form of sway over her, but only big, feral beasts could stoke that true fire within. Only a dragon could eat her whole and conquer her entire body like she was nothing, even if that dragon was a bit soft at heart.

The only other time she'd felt this exhausted and used was when she had visited the two guard gryphons that cold winters night. Not only had they provided her with two large, living blankets, but they had taken it in turns to fuck her raw again and again and again while the other kept watch. Hours of that treatment had left her feeling quite similar to what Samael had done to her on his own, and she craved that well-bred sensation. Eventually, however, her ride had to come to an end. She felt her legs reach a somewhat spongy ring, and she was pressed down against it by the beasts' rippling throat muscles. It began to expand to accept her, and she knew that she had finally traversed his throat and was now being admitted into his stomach. From the outside she was almost barely visible, the large bulge in his neck now merely a slight bump in his otherwise rounded gut. Samael tracked her progress with both sight and sensation, and knew she was entering his belly. He only hoped she would enjoy it as much as she had said, and he slowly lay back on the bedding, stretching out his limbs to look at his underbelly intently. He wanted to see the otteress inside of him, as his prey. Inside, Tamara felt the ring grow wider until she was suddenly able to fit through it, her body forced out by the strong contractions of the neck. With one motion she slipped inside of the stomach, the cocoon of flesh much smaller than it looked from the outside. Her body was forced to curl slightly as she was pressed down into the dragon's gut, and she knew she was finally where prey belonged. All around her was thick, damp, rippling stomach flesh, dripping with gooey liquids as it immediately coated her silky fur and matted it down. Opening her maw she took a deep breath, and immediately regretted the decision.

Samael purred and studied his middle intently as he felt the familiar weight of prey begin to move around inside his belly. Rolling lightly over onto his back onto one of the cleaner portions of the bed, he watched with rapt interest as he eyes tracked the subtle motions underneath his thick, grey-colored scales. With each movement he saw he could feel Tamara moving around inside him, her motions suggesting that she was simply getting comfortable and more accustomed to the new environment she was in. With every touch and press of her light body against his insides, he left out a soft keel, curling his toes and growling pleasantly in his throat to let the otteress know that her stimulations were appreciated. Even if his prey was the very creature he'd grown to adore, the predacious dragon had to admit that there was a special reward in having a creature go so willingly to their fate: to desire domination to such a degree that they would be willing to place themselves as food for a hungry beast like himself. He had to make sure that she enjoyed every second of it while she was still conscious.

With a low rumble that travelled down the length of his body, Samael pushed himself back onto his side, allowing his slightly distended belly to flop onto the cum-stained bedding before he placed one of his paws on his flank, rubbing it gratefully and gingerly with the hopes that he could reach the otteress on the inside. Slowly yet firmly, he began to move his paw upwards, pressing back down into his rounded flesh to massage and rub the meal within. He purred continuously as he did, making sure the entirety of his body was rumbling with delight to hopefully soothe his partner into feel the pure strength behind his form, to make her feel that he was a strong, powerful creature enjoying the last struggles of a morsel inside him. Although he normally rubbed his belly with a satisfied carelessness to demonstrate just how little empathy he felt towards his most recent meal, with Tamara he couldn't help but be measured in his actions. He looked down with a watchful eye, his fangs bared in a grimace as he stroked back at every motion his eyes caught, pushing back down while occasionally clenching, squeezing the otteress in the depths of his flesh as it began to gurgle and hungrily growl around her. At one point, he felt a large, bubbling burp begin to rise from his gut, but he hastily swallowed and pushed it back down, hoping to allow his lover even more time to enjoy the final service she'd requested.

Tamara coughed and sputtered as she inhaled the acrid stench of the dragon's gut, blinking back tears as the humid air matted against her face in a palpable layer of moisture and stung her sensitive nostrils. All around her she could hear and feel the beating of the massive beast's heart, pulsing through Samael's stomach walls as they closed in around her, buffeting her around as she tried desperately oriented herself amidst the encompassing flesh. She found herself rolling about in darkness, slipping on the slimy flesh as smelly, liquid enzymes and digestive fluids began to mix in with the thick saliva already coating her fur. After a few moments, she realized that it would be impossible to fight back against such an unrelenting force and simply allowed herself to be squeezed and squished about with the dragon's powerful gut. She shivered with an electric pleasure as the walls closed about her, matting against her with a strength and dominance that only a dragon could provide. Eager to please and reassure Samael, she stretched out with her paws and began rubbing at the moist flesh. Even as it squelched and rolled about her body, she did her best to push back, even if she was already beginning to feel tired from the continuous onslaught of muscle and lathering fluids. Then, as the dragon began to rumble and purr around her, she let out a passionate gasp and began to move every part of her body in tandem with the undulating movements around her. A renewed energy coursed through her limbs as she felt something press down into her, accompanied by a happy growl that she knew to be the pleased keen of her obedient beast. The pure pleasure that she felt in that moment was paramount to anything she'd felt in her entire life. Slipping a paw down between her legs, she stuck two of her digits inside her cunt and began to rub her claws passionately up and down her velvet walls, crying out in bliss at the reptile's hot cum began to spill out to further wet her fingers with warmth and join the frothing liquids around her. Finally, she was getting what she'd been craving for the whole evening. Finally, she'd found her dragon.

The otteress masturbated eagerly inside Samael's tight, rippling belly, her paw flicking over her clit with firm motions before delving right into her cum-soaked tunnel. It was loose and stretchy from the stuffing the dragon had given her, and she relished in the warmth of his spunk as it soaked into her paw and splashed out to be lost in the large gut. The constant self-pleasure felt incredible with the added sensation of a feral beast's hot, rolling stomach caressing her from every side. She knew exactly what her place was, and she took pride in having fed the dragon. She belonged to him now, in every single way, and she couldn't have been more aroused.

"Oh Samael," she moaned as she thrust her paw inside herself, sloppy squelches lost in the loud sounds of the stomach all around her. The lining of the belly was sloppy with digestive juices, soaking into her fur and making it slowly fall out as she was squeezed and kneaded by her predator's fierce stomach. She knew it hadn't quite adjusted to her yet, and she was being spared the more terrifying parts of being food, but for now she could finger herself in comfort and enjoy the feeling of submissiveness that being eaten brought. She wanted to get off one more time before she gave in to his power entirely.

She worked her own body excitedly, her free paw stroking those damp walls and showing the dragon she was still thinking about him. Judging by the rumbles all around, he was contently purring in reply. The otteress hoped he might be masturbating along with her, but it wasn't really a requirement; she'd helped the mighty dragon get off to two massive orgasms, and he would simply be enjoying his meal. She gave a small gasp as she felt her soft skin start to tingle from his natural processes, and she knew she had to speed things up. Her pleasuring grew more frantic and firm, and she moaned loudly and appreciatively for the dragon to hear. After ten minutes, she felt her body tense up as a powerful climax coursed through her, making her tremble as her cunt squeezed tightly around her own digits. Thick, gooey dragon cum was forced from inside her in a thick glob, spilling into the dragon's gut to meld with the mixture of other fluids inside. The smell of dragon sperm didn't improve the odor in the air, the young otter drawing in the dragon's foul stomach scent with each huffing breath. As her body calmed down, she found herself wrinkling her nose and gasping as a sudden squeeze of the stomach pulled her in tighter than she had been before. As her body was compressed tightly, she felt the hot, tingling juices forced into her fur, making it red and sore. She pressed her paws against the stomach as it relaxed, feeling her breath return to her slowly. This was it; Samael was digesting her. It was terrifying, and thrilling simultaneously.

Sinking softly into the bedding, Samael opened his jaws wide and curled his tongue as he let out a yawn. He could feel the otteress moving inside him, pressing against him with a continuous, pleasant energy that was atypical to the usual mode of panicked struggles he was used to receiving. The motions were soft and soothing, yet strong enough to send a powerful, comforting warmth spreading throughout his body. With the weight of a meal in his belly and two loads spent from his drooping cock, he was beginning to feel the heavy embrace of sleep pressing down on his head. He could tell from Tamara's movements that she was happy. It was difficult to regret his decision to eat her when he knew that her ultimate desires were being fulfilled. Although his belly plates were thick and he could've been imagining it, the dragon was almost positive that at one point the otteress let out a long, distinctive moan that sent a rippling shiver throughout the rest of his sprawled form. With the knowledge that he was giving his partner everything she could've ever wanted from him, he was content to finally go to sleep. A long night's rest and the meal in his belly would rejuvenate his tired limbs.

With a soft sigh, Samael curled up at the head of the massive bed. His tail slid through the pools of cum that remained in the middle, making the sheets soggy and leaving the air thick and humid with the aftermath of bestial sex. Placing a single wing over his middle and bringing his paws into his stomach, the ferocious dragon let out a small, whiny huff and closed his eyes, concentrating on the lingering motions of the mammal inside him. With every push he felt on his stomach walls he emitted a delicate purr. He tried to keep his breathing soft and constant to hopefully lull Tamara to sleep along with him: to allow the rise and fall of his chest and the beat of his heart to caress her into blackness, where she would become a part of him forever. Cracking open his eyes a bit, he snaking his tongue forwards and lapped up a good portion of the spent cum near him, swallowing it down to add more of the familiar liquid to his gut. Tamara probably wouldn't notice, but that was alright. Hopefully it was enough to add to her pleasure as his body began its deadly process.

Inside the belly of the beast, Tamara was beginning to grow light-headed as well. Although she tried to continued wriggling and squirming her way through the stomach walls that enveloped her, she soon found herself dragged into a wet pocket of muscle and acidic slime that held her little body tightly, pulsating around her in a continuous, squishy embrace of undulating flesh. With a small whimper, she shuddered once before she simply closed her eyes and relaxed, listening to the wet, gurgling sounds of her environment reach her ears. Mixed in with the noises of digestion were the heavy, soft vibrations of the dragon's breathing, along with the constant pounding of the beast's heart that reverberated around her organic prison like a drum. It was impossible to tell what Samael was doing with the strong, overwhelming pulse of his reptilian body assaulting her, but she knew that he was going through with what she'd asked. Even in the final moments, there was no attempt to free her, no last-minute panic to get her out: only calm, relaxing breathing to make her feels like nothing more than just another meal, another block of nutrition to add to the dragon's powerful gut. She couldn't have asked for something more perfect. As the moments stretched on, the otteress grew more and more fatigued, until finally the beast's gut claimed her for itself.


Sunshine was filtering in through the window when Samael's body stirred. Opening one eye slowly, the dragon let out a long and satisfied yawn, slowly curling his limbs to stretch them out. A few seconds later both eyes sprung open wide as the handsome young dragon remembered the events of the previous night. All around him were the remnants of his exploits; pools of half-dried dragon cum staining the entire bed and many parts of his body. He grunted as he remembered the mess he had made, and hoped it wouldn't cost him any extra. His eyes slowly travelled down to his stomach, which was just a little bit rounder than it had been the previous night. A gentle claw pressed against his stomach, feeling the extra padding that hadn't been there before. He hadn't ever felt so comfortable in the morning before; usually he awoke quite cranky and disagreeable, but his perfect meal had left him entirely content. Still, he would have liked to have explored the otter more; she had been the most interesting little thing he'd ever met in his life. He lay there for a while, musing over what could have been, before he slowly climbed off the massive bed and walked himself over to the bath. He was amazed they had such a large tub, and doubted it saw much use.

Half an hour later he emerged from the bathroom, scales once again looking proudly shiny and clean. Part of him was now realizing he may have gotten ahead of himself; eating Tamara would cost him over a thousand gold pieces. It was a sizeable sum, even for a dragon. He thought about merely escaping as he opened the door, but as if they had read his mind, the two stony gryphons were right outside. He paused, and looked at them for a few moments, before sighing and fishing out his sack of money from behind his neck scales. Standing between the gryphons was Samatha, one of the she-wolves that had greeted him on arrival, a notepad in her hand.

"Fifty gold pieces for the room, fifty gold pieces for the intimacies enjoyed, and a thousand for the digestion of a staff member. That will be one-thousand one-hundred gold pieces," she informed him with a wide smile. Evidently it was a very large profit to be made. He grunted and slowly pulled out the coins, handing them over to her to count. It took almost ten minutes, but eventually the correct amount was tallied up and Samatha bowed curteously.

"We hope you enjoyed your stay, please come again," she said with a smile before turning around and whisking herself off down the hall, gryphons in tow. Samael huffed at them as they left, but they didn't even look back.

His mind was still thinking about Tamara as he began to walk down the hall, and it frustrated him to no end. Despite the unbelievable working-over she had given his powerful body, the absolute best sex he'd ever experienced in his life, the dragon found himself constantly thinking about how she had made him feel emotionally. It wasn't something the normally blunt dragon had ever dealt with before, and as he reached the doors to leave the Inn, he found himself disappointed that he wouldn't ever get to experience such a wonderfully intelligent and talented creature ever again. He hadn't met anyone like Tamara.

Samael padded outside as the doors opened for him, seemingly of their own accord. His paws made small crunching sounds as he stalked the pathway out to the landing pad where he'd arrived. A good number of gathered furs watched him as left, their curious expressions crowding the doorway and front windows as he did his best to hold his head high. Although he hated them for continuing to stare at as such, especially after his clear warning to the annoying creatures that he hated being gawked at as such, he found that he simply couldn't muster up the desire to roar at them again. It took a good deal of effort to remain strong in front of their eyes. He almost wished at this point that he had decided to leave out the back, or perhaps learn to tunnel underground to avoid dealing with their piercing gaze.

Keeping himself from looking back, Samael spread his wings and scanned the array of trees in front of him. His hot breath made white wisps of fog in front of him and the low-cut grass felt cool and dewy under his paws. The sun was just beginning to peak the evergreens to cast their pointed tops in a warm glow that hadn't yet reached the sheltered building below. The black dragon kneaded his claws into the ground as he prepared to take off. There was still a long journey ahead of him to get back to his cave, but even a full day's flight wouldn't be tiresome after his rejuvenating night.

As he crouched low and prepared to launch himself however, a familiar voice sounded behind him: "Oh my... now isn't that just the saddest, most pitiful looking dragon you've ever seen?"

Stopping himself mid-launch, Samael nearly gasped out loud as he stopped himself awkwardly and turned around. His wings flapped a few times to right himself and his tail whipped around, smacking into the foliage and snipping some branches before he settled and fixed his eyes on the small, young otteress standing behind him. Tamara stood at the front of the gathered crowd, walking slowly forwards with the exact same grace and beauty the dragon had beheld when she first walked into his room. She had an amused, confident smirk on her face, the kind of expression that suggested a clever trick or prank had just been played. She was wearing a light, purple cloak lined with black fur to shield herself from the prying eyes of those behind her. All of her other parts however, were visible for the dragon to stare at once again.

A mixture of happiness, anger, and arousal coursed through Samael all at once. "Tamara! You're alright!" He said, bounding forwards with a very un-dragon-like skip and slamming himself down directly in front of her, causing a few members of the crowd to jump back with fright. "How did you...? I mean, how did you escape? I can't believe you're alive! This is wonderful! This is..." He suddenly stopped himself, casting his eyes around to the numerous creatures gathered around. The gryphons had also gathered at the doorway to stare at him directly with their bothersome, annoying golden eyes. "I mean, did you trick me?" He growled, standing up and putting on a tough expression for everyone watching.

Tamara chuckled at the dragon's reaction before she looked backwards. "Samantha, could we get a little privacy please?" She said. The wolfess standing at the door gave her a smile in return before ordering all the guests inside, ushering them all through the doors with the odd threat of sicking one of the gryphons on anyone who cast a curious look backwards or lingered behind. After about a minute or so, the last creature disappeared behind the doors, which abruptly shut behind their little tail, leaving Samael and Tamara alone once again.

Samael bared his fangs. "How did you get out of my belly?" He said, growling down at her. "Did you get some of your friends to help you while I was sleeping? Did you drug me? I paid a huge amount of money for you, all because I thought..." He paused for a moment in thought, when suddenly his red eyes began to glow with anger. "I PAID for that! Almost 1000 golds pieces! I'm getting it back..." He snarled, starting to walk past her before the otteress moved to stand in front of him with a little smirk. Huffing down at her, he kneaded his claws into the ground to each side, doing his best to scare her away or to get her to move. "I'm warning you... "

Tamara stood in front of the dragon calmly, ignoring his threats for a few moments before reaching out and smacking Samael directly on the muzzle. The dragon flinched and moved back a bit, looking down with a curious expression as she gave him a smile in return.

"Oh, but you did pay for me Samael," she said, giving him a wink. "Don't fret dragon, there's been no trickery here. They would've told you right away that I was ok, though I told them to hold off with that particular piece of news. I wanted to watch you squirm for a little bit." She laughed at him as she finished speaking, filling the clearing with her rich, merry chittering. "It was definitely worth it to see you act like a sad, droopy dragon in front of so many clients." Although he was still angry at being tricked, Samael huffed once again, calming himself a bit at Tamara's reassurances. For the moment, his anger had subsided once again as curiosity took root. Sniffing lightly as his nose began to itch from the light smack he received, Samael raised a claw to scratch it before responding.

"But... how did you get out?" He asked once again. "I swallowed you; you were digested just like you wanted to be."

She giggled lightly and rested her paws on her hips, looking up at the beast with a grin.

"Did you really think this place would give up their investments so lightly?" she asked with a small chuckle. "a few years ago a very rich client brought us something we could use, a machine which can encode the exact structure of any living creature inside of it and replicate it should the original be found to perish. It's pretty incredible stuff, but we have put it to good use to satisfy more voracious clients like yourself." Samael huffed and scratched at the ground, unsure whether to be impressed or annoyed.

"You charge a thousand gold pieces for that?" he inquired with an irritated grunt, and she wiggled her paw at him sternly.

"Hey, you try being digested alive, it's not as easy as it sounds you know," the otteress replied haughtily, "I'd have you know that's a very fair price for that little activity." The dragon pondered that for a moment before agreeing with her silently. Now that he understood what had happened, it brought more lingering questions to his mind.

"Tamara..." he began, slowly thinking of a sentence that would express what he wanted, but she interrupted him with a small shake of her head.

"It's okay, I've already talked it over with my boss," the attendant told him bluntly, and he looked at her in confusion.

"Talked what over?" he asked with a bewildered stare.

"Coming along with you, of course. Since you paid her a thousand gold already, I gave up my share of the profit so that I could exit my employment contract early and come back home with you." She beamed at him proudly, but her smile faltered somewhat when his confusion lingered.

"Come... with me?" he responded slowly, "I... you want to come back to my cave?" His confused look didn't do much for the confidence of the otter.

"Yes, you silly lizard," she sighed, her smile dropping as she stepped forward, "I want to come live with you. You told me you loved me... I know you weren't just saying that. I wasn't just saying it either; I want to come back to your cave so I can be your mate. Ordinary folk just don't do it for me anymore; I need a dragon to keep me satisfied."

Samael blinked, and then sat down with a loud thump. He hadn't quite thought about this after eating her, but now that he did it seemed rather intimidating. She had been incredible to rut, and the best company he'd ever shared, not to mention a delightful meal. Looking over her slightly dismayed form, he slowly reached out with a claw and placed it on her head.

"You want me, a powerful dragon, to take you as my mate. A little otter girl?" He looked down at her with a glare, and for the first time he saw a true, genuine fear in her eyes. Tamara was scared... not of him like everyone else, but of him refusing her. He'd never experienced anything like that in his life. Her eyes fell to the ground, and Samael suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the waist, pulling the otter in tightly to his chest and folding both of his wings around her.

"I'd love that," he whispered softly, huffing a warm breath over her body, "nobody has ever made me feel as incredible as you did, and not just from what you did between my legs. I love you Tamara." He felt her clutch his scales and let out a small cry of joy, before he put her back down on the ground. She looked up at him, smiling widely as she gazed over his powerful features. She watched as he slowly lay down in front of her, pointing with a scaly claw towards his back.

"Get on," he commanded, smiling at his new mate, "it's a long flight home, and I'm going to have needs to tend to upon my return."

As the otteress clambered onto his muscular back, she nestled in between his spines and smiled: she wouldn't have it any other way.