Zari The Zoroark

Story by xDECEx on SoFurry

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I went back and fixed some errors and I hope its better

Zari The Zoroark

(This is my first pokemon lemon story ever so I hope I didn't do as bad I though) (And if your under 18 do not read this story but we all know you still wil :b) (I don't own pokemon ok nintendo has all the rights)

Hi, my name is Jose I'm 16 years old now and I'am a Pokemon trainer and I'am still on my journey to becoming a Pokemon master, and meet my Pokemon Kari the Serpiror which was a snivy given to me as my starter Pokemon when I became a pokemon trainer and then meet Zari the zoroark whom I obtained first before getting my snivy. How I got her well... basically it's a long story.

It happened six years ago when I was 10 years old. I was traveling to a town by myself to see one of my uncles who was a Pokemon professor and he was going to give me my first pokemon a female snivy. On the way there the... well worse case scenario, it started to rain quite heavily "Hmm, maybe I should of checked the weather forecast before I left" I thought to myself.

I started looking for a cave to use for shelter from the rain which luckily I found one. I went inside the cave and sat down waiting for the rain to stop, but an hour later it wouldn't pouring. So I decided to stay here for the night and I will set off to my uncle labs in the morning. While setting up my sleeping bag and setting up an electric lantern, I heard rustling noises within the cave. Well, as stupid as I was, I went to go check out the noise and I saw a figure laying down on the dirt floor.

I got closer sneaking up to it so I won't alert "It must be a pokemon" I thought to myself and surely it was. It was a zoroark and it looks to be female from its stature. When I was about to head back to the entrance of the cave where I set up my little camp site, I tripped on a rock and fell on to my back. Surely she heard me fell and got up alerted.

"Zoro zoroark" she said while she looked around and then spotted me and walked closer to me with her eyes staring me down, but her eyes looked kind of weird. It was taller and bigger than me for sure, but she was acting really weird. Of course I was on the floor, terrified thinking that she will hurt me or worse for stepping into her territory.

She got really close to me and then I got a really good look at her. She still looked young guessing that she recently evolved a day or two ago. "Zoro" She said then she got too close to me and started sniffing my neck, but she pulled back with a blush on her face "Zoro Zoroark~"she said. "P-p-please don't hurt me or k-kill me, I didn't mean to disturb you" I said scardly.

She then looked at me very weirdly for some reason, but she backed away as if she was trying to control herself. I then got up and ran back to entrance to my little camp and hoping she wouldn't follow me. When I got back it was still raining hard and it was night. I was feeling a little tired, so I decided to get in my sleeping bag and sleep. I turned off the lantern and went to sleep not knowing that I'm being stalked by the same zoroark.

-Few hours later-

When I was sleeping, I started feeling this weird sensation all around my body and it felt pretty damn good and I liked it but something was off though. I was awoken by something moving inside my big sleeping bag. I then moan loudly by the same strange feeling going all around my body. I lifted up the covers of my sleeping bag and I gasped at the sight I saw.

It was the zoroark I encountered before and she was sucking my dick when I was sleeping " W-W-What Are You Doing!?!" I said in shock while she kept sucking my member. I've never felt like this before and it felt so good, but even if it did it was still wrong. I grabbed her head and tried to push her away, but she wasn't having any of it. She grabbed my hands and pinned them down so I couldn't do anything. There I was moaning which was all I could do since she pinned me down and sucked my member.

"Aaahhahh p-please stop it feels like something is going to come out" but hearing this only increased her paced even more as she sucked on my penis even faster. Then I cummed for the first time to a pokemon. "AAAaaahhh!!!" I screamed in pure ecstasy while still cumming in her mouth. She moaned while she drank all of my cum.

"Zoroark" she cooed when she was done drinking my cum. "W-why did you do that?" I asked in exhaustion. Them I smelled a familiar aroma as when our family female arcanie had when she was in heat. Then it hit me the zoroark was in heat and it was looking for a mate and it chosed me. "A-are you in heat?" I asked the zoroark and she nodded. "But I can't mate, I'm too young and I can't mate with a pokemon" but she didn't listen to me.

"Zoroark zoro~" she said then she started jerking me off to get me hard again which in no time I did. She got on top of me while showing her wet hot slit to me. I've never seen girls private parts before, so of course I was staring at her slit. "Zoro zoro zo~" she said "W-wait, please I've never done this before it's my first time" I said. She looked at me with such lustful eyes and then she lined my dick against her slit and she moaned as the tip of my dick touched her lips and spread them a little bit. She then lowered herself onto me and I braced myself for what came next.

My eyes shot widened and I flicked my head back at the insane pleasure I felt while my member was inside her feeling her walls clenching on me with a vice-like grip. "Zoroooooo~" she moaned while she felt me inside. A moment passed by then she got used to me inside her and then started to bounce up and down and my dick going in and out of her.

"Oh my god" I moaned in complete pleasure and she moaned too while riding me. I felt the same feeling again building up inside me. "I-I-I feel it coming out again" as I said that she started pumping me in and out of her faster to bring me to my climax.

I soon came inside her and when I was moaning loudly she brought into a deep french kiss and moaned with me while filling her inside with my seed. We both soon passed out and then morning came by and I woke up with the zoroark at my side.

I got up quietly and gathered my stuff and left the cave. Later, when I was walking to my uncle's town the zoroark came out of nowhere and jump in front of me with a happy expression on her face "Zoro zoro zoroark" she said like she wanted to join so I let her even if could of said no she would still follow me.

When I reached the town I went to my uncle's lab immediately. We both greeted and he was surprised that there was a zoroark following me."Hey, I thought you didn't own any pokemon" he said "I-I don't this zoroark just started following me like it wanted to join me *of course I didn't tell him about the sexual experience I had with her*. "Hmm, alright if it wants to join you then so be it, here's your Snivy and an extra pokeball for your new second pokemon".

And thats how I obtained my zoroark quite an embarrassing story I have to say but, I have to go now see you next time.

(I went back and read through my story and did the proofread thing and I think I gotten all of them)