A Son's Service

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#1 of Peter the Pet

This was a really fun one. It started off as just me doing a kitten having incestuous scat with his mother but became something much more gritty, filthy and hardcore. Made a pawful of new characters here that I will likely use more in the future and hope you enjoy them too.

If you like filth, you'll be in heaven with this one, if you don't... you'll hate it, as always

Special thanks to Dyre for the awesome thumbnail image ^_^

All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of 18. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.

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The small patter of feet was heard on the carpet floor as a young kitten ran eagerly towards her mother's room, the door locked as she must have been changing. The kitten knocked on the door patiently waiting for her mother to answer, "Mommy, I know you're busy, but do you know if big brother came home yet?"

Inside the room, the older feline struggled to keep her panting down, gurgling sputtering out from under her as she said, "N-no dear, not yet."

The disappointed kitten pouted as she walked away, letting out and unenthused "K" as she crept downstairs.

"Phew close one," the older female sighed out as she let out another rasp, looking down at her son as he kept his muzzle locked on her pucker. She could see the brown stains around his chin and it made her wet, the bad mother getting to her feet to get a better look. "Let mommy see," she whispered to her son, and he opened wide, showing off the chewed up muck that lay in his mouth. "Such a good boy," she purred, paws feeling up his little shaft as she kissed him on the forehead, "Mommy's gotta go a little bit more, then she'll help you out with that ok?"

The boy nodded after a firm gulp, flicking his tongue out as she got back to her feet. He swirled his tongue lovingly around her firm hole, cleaning it until it spread out, dropping another slippery log into his muzzle. The kitten clutched his mother's waist as he nuzzled her rear, sucking on the log as it descended from her beautiful pucker into his waiting mouth. His mother sighed with a loving purr as she let the rest of her business plop out into the boy's mouth finally giving him breathing room when she was finished.

The boy lay back comfortably as he chewed down what was left in his muzzle, shaking a little in surprise as his mother began sucking on his hard cubhood. "As promised" she giggled as she slurped the little shaft down, expertly coaxing her boy to orgasm as he chewed on her waste. It didn't take the boy long, with the taste and scent of his mother's wonderful shit, and the expert lips that sealed around his shaft. Before long he was whimpering and squirming as a trickle of cub cum filled his mother's mouth.

She let out a long 'mmm' as she gulped it down, kissing to boy's tummy as she went to get dressed, "Ok kiddo, go wash up, dinner will be ready soon... and make sure you eat it all up, even if you're full." She turned to flash devious eyes to the boy, "Your sister and father will be away all weekend, so I want that belly of yours full of 'fuel'."


The next day, Cynthia sighed as she made her way slowly back to her son Peter's room, holding the cub by the paw as she led him onward. They had just said their goodbyes to the boy's father and sister for the weekend as they started there daddy/daughter trip, and she had so many plans for the little kitten left in her care. She had a warm smile when she finally reached the boy's room, pushing him down onto the bad as the madness began.

"Ok kiddo" she chimed out in a bright radiant voice, jeans and panties dropping down so her tail and bright pink pucker were all that hung over the boy's face. The kitten purred as he felt his mother sit down over his face, her warm, musky pucker radiating over his nostrils. His heart beat raced as he could only grumble out in response, nose digging into his mother's pucker as he inhaled deeply, desperate for the wonderful scent.

"Hehe that tickles," She chuckled out, body clenching as a faint rasp flooded a warm stench into the feline's nostrils, "Mmm whiff it up boy!"

He inhaled deeply as he craved her endearing scent, quickly inhaling his sudden reward. "Thank you!" the kitten moaned as he began to paw off his little cock.

"You're welcome my little pet, now lick it!" his mother commanded, the kitten needing no other commands as he began to slide his tongue along her backside.

"Yes, good boy," she murmured as his tongue pushed deeper into her rear, sliding along each inch of her insides gracefully, "That's it, beg for mommy's shit!" The kitten let out muffled, needy groans as she pressed his muzzle tightly to her ass, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy with each little fart. Finally he was rewarded as the tip of a thick log began to girl out. "Don't bite it!" his mother warned before he could, letting more of it slide out, "I want you to kiss it, gently, slowly, show mommy how much you love it!"

The kitten did as he was told, pressing his lips against the deep brown log, its cracked surface laced with little hints of the day's meals. He gave it little pecks, slowly inhaling the bitter scent as he stained his lips brown. "Now suck on it," she commanded, "Suck on it like it's daddy's cock!"

The kitten blushed furiously at his mother's words. His father was not aware of their activities, but his mother had gotten a custom dildo modeled off of him. She had convinced him to donate himself to the mold as a funny and arousing toy for when he was away, but that was a lie. She in fact would use the toy frequently on her son, forcing him to imagine lewd acts with his father. There seemed to be no limit of what the ravenous feline would put her boy through, but luckily the subby kitten was overjoyed to be put through it.

The kitten sucked and gulped on the log as it curled out, its rich bitterness filling his senses as he let it tickle the back of his throat. Precum stuck to his bed as he was achingly hard, his entire head poked out of his foreskin. "Ok my little pet," the older cat finally spoke, "Chew!" Just as he began to bite into the log, more of it came piling out, a good half fitting in his muzzle before the rest curled over his face.

A second later the older cat pushed her son down, letting him chew on pile in his mouth as another pile dropped out over his furry chest. She began to relieve herself in tandem, spreading her folds out as she soaked the boy's cock in her urine. The jet of yellow soaked the boy's bed sheets as let it rain out, the cat laughing as she pushed another log out onto her son's nose, "You can sleep in that my little toilet!"

The boy nodded as he reached up, sliding the shit over his nose and face before gobbling down the rest. As soon as his mother finished, she turned around, reaching down with her paws to rub the pile of cat scat into her son's fur. She smiled down at him lovingly as he chewed and swallowed, letting out the occasional cute little gag.

She caressed his little butt cheeks gently, staining them brown as she spread them out. She slid a couple shit lubed fingers into him, poking hard at his prostate as she grinned, "I love getting to make you special meals when your father and sis are away."

"It's, so mff-good mommy!" the kitten moaned desperately as he chewed and gulped, looking up at her lovingly as he waited to hear what was next.

Cynthia grinned as she looked down at young Peter, pinching his nipples as she whispered in a sultry tone, "Ready for dessert?"


The kitten's legs wobbled as he clutched his mother's legs, the older cat fingering him hard as she opened the fridge. She brought out a little container and brought it to the nearby table, the chairs already fitted in plastic sheets so the messy cats wouldn't stain them. She finally slid her fingers out of her son's backside to let him take a seat, passing him the freshly opened container.

The kitten almost went pale as he looked at the heavy pile of treats in the container, looking to his mother for permission. "Well my little pet, here," she said as she pointed out details in the mixture, starting off with the darker brown, "If you remember the day our toilet 'couldn't flush'," she made quotations in the air with her fingers, "The darker is your father's."

The kitten nodded as more precum dripped from his needy tip, "An-and?"

"This," she pointed to soft, light brown chunks, "Is your sisters... that greenish one is mine, and the harder clumps are yours."

"Wh-what about those?" the kitten asked as he pointed out a few weirder looking turds, noticing small pieces of grass stuck to one or two of them.

"Oh ya, those belong to the neighbour's dogs," she kissed her son on the forehead as he was left in shock and awe, saliva dripping over his lips as he looked down at the bundles, "Eat up kiddo, I'm not done with you yet!"

"Y-yes mommy" the kitten said faintly as he reached in, grabbing little pawful of crap. He kissed the edges of the dog turd before scarfing it down, letting out a pukey belch as his stomach protested. He then moved to his sister's soft muck, rubbing it over his nose and lips cutely.

He flicked his tongue over its surface until the aromatic stench caught his taste buds. After that he was swishing the chewed muck around in his mouth, before nibbling on some of his father's non-consented donations. He was making quick work of his meal, blending the various pieces together as he chewed them around in his muzzle. His mother nodded on the chair next to him impressed, reaching out with her foot to stroke his hard little erection, "Look at you go kiddo, you must have been starving!"

"It's so good mommy," the kitten moaned desperately as he chewed down a bunch of his mother and sister's waste, sucking on the last log that belonged to one of the neighbour's dogs, "You spoil me so much!"

"Well good pets deserved just rewards," she said as she kicked him back in his chair, squeezing his balls painfully with her foot as she played with two capsules in her paw, "Now... mommy's got some special plans for you."

"Yes mom," the kitten whimpered as he was pushed over, the cat's fingers pushing the two capsules into his backside before she got up, "I love you."

The cat walked to the kitchen and opened up the bottom shelf, returning to drop a small diaper on the floor in front of her son, "I love you too, now get ready kiddo, we're going for a little drive."


"Hey honey," the cat spoke as she answered the call on her car's Bluetooth, using the earpiece she had to limit the background noise, "How are things going at your folks?" The cat gave several responses and chuckles.

"Well that's nice... yeah we're good, just going for a short drive" as she spoke to her husband, her son dragged his dirty tongue against her damp folds, getting them good and wet as he bent over in his seat. His stained fur was all clumped with dried scat and his body continued to shake as he let out heavy rasps, his diaper getting heavier as he emptied his bowels. The suppositories his mother had given him, had worked very well, and he continued to shit himself as the pair drove on.

"Say hello to your father kiddo" his mother said as she pulled his head up from her crotch.

"Hi dad" the kitten chirped out, the car's stereo temporarily relaying his father's reply. The kitten could barely pay attention to his father's words as he opened his mouth, catching various strands of saliva his mother spit out over him.

The conversation was thankfully short and the boy's mother gave one last goodbye before hanging up the call, pushing the kitten's head back down as she moaned, "Keep working that cunt, my pet!" He did as he was ordered, gratefully slurping at his mother's folds until the car finally stopped, the boy looking up as he found himself in the back parking lot of a shady looking bar.

"We're gonna visit mommy's friends ok?" she said with a smile, open the car door as two rather hefty looking men stepped up. The first was a strong looking boar with several piercing, holding a can of beer. The second was a skinny, somewhat muscular husky, almost lanky looking in certain aspects as he smiled with a sick slyness.

The pair of rather intimidating looking men walked forward to the pair of felines, each sharing a kiss with the boy's mother that was far too sensual to be a simple friendly display. The boy shuffled his feet a little as he looked slightly uncomfortable, meeping out as the boar suddenly stepped up to him, "Your son is damn cute Cynthia, I know he works wonders on your pussy, but I wonder how well he can suck dick."

"Try him out" she offered cheerfully as she pushed her son forward, the kitten looking up at the boar with his cute little eyes as he unzipped his pants. He looked forward as the boar's underwear was pulled down, the boar's thick shaft hanging half limp and covered in its appealing foreskin.

He was reluctant at first as the stranger so expectantly revealed his genitals, but soon was more willing when his mother coaxed him again, "It ain't gonna suck itself kiddo!"

The kitten gulped anxiously before pressing his lips to the boar's cockhead, kissing it gently before swirling his tongue around it, snaking it into the male's musky foreskin. At the same time the husky was just finishing kissing the boy's mother, fingers sliding into her pussy as he nipped her neck. "He's cute," the canine whispered as he rubbed his cock along the cat's folds, "Mind if I get him to lick my ass?"

The boy's mother chuckled as she sighed from the teasing touch of the husky's member, "Why do you think I brought him here?"

Nearby the kitten grumbled softly as he gulped down the boar's shaft, eyes watering from the size of it despite his demeanour for the act appearing quite cheerful. He would push the foreskin back with his lips before licking the shaft, making sure to add pressure when his muzzle moved over the length. His mother had taught him these things, and he even made sure to allow himself to gag occasionally for the boar's amusement.

"Your kid's good!" the boar groaned enthusiastically as he thrust his cock back and forth in the kitten's mouth, unable to hold back a smile as he listened to him gag and shit himself. "Gonna bring him around more often?" he waited for a response from the boy's mother, "Huh are ya? You listening?"

"Ah Dough, ye-yes I will fuck!" the cat exclaimed in mild irritation, her body spread out on the hood of her car as the husky thrust his unprotected cock in and out of her soaked folds, "Just enjoy him and leave me be," she giggled, "I'm trying to cheat on my husband here!"

The boar rolled his eyes and pat the kitten on the head, the boy sucking on the boar's sweaty balls firmly, "No respect huh kiddo?" He turned himself around, spreading his cheeks apart to show off his warm, unwashed asshole, "I bet she's just as rude to you huh, even after you eat her pussy and everything... c'mon get let's feel that tongue!"

"I'm gonna cum inside you ok?" the husky moaned as he thrust even harder into the kitten's mother.

"You better not," she replied with a laugh, smacking his head, "How awkward would it feel to feed my son shit when I'm all preggers."

"No problem," the husky retorted, "Me and Doug can feed em while you make my pups!"

"Ok just for that," the cat laughed as she kicked the husky off her, "No more pussy for you, it's Doug's turn, go feed my son!"

The husky sighed in a grimace as he reluctantly pulled away, walking over to the kitten to catch a view of what he was doing. His tongue was swirling around the boar's ass in strides, brown saliva trickling down onto the boy's chest as he left the boar's pucker nice and clean. "Hey brown nose," the other said as he pulled the kitten back by the hair, "Have a taste of this."

The kitten reached with his lips as the canine pressed his cock to his muzzle, sucking on the head gently for a moment before moaning out, "Mmm, tastes like mommy!"

"Jesus!" he exclaimed as he buried the shaft into the boy's throat, "You're so housebroken its sick." He stopped to chuckle as he heard the other feline howl and moan, the boar banging her quite hard on the hood of her car. His attention returned to the boy again as his tummy rumbled another squirted rasp ringing out as he filled his already far soiled diaper even more. The canine sighed as he felt the kitten swallow his shaft whole, lips pressing the surface of his knot, "That must feel uncomfortable huh, having to stand there with your waist weighed down by your own filth?"

The kitten sighed out long and hard as he kept swallowing the throbbing shaft, eventually resurfacing to take a breather as he looked up at the canine, "Not if you love filth."

The husky laughed as he nodded to the boy, turning himself around to spread out his furry cheeks, his pucker spread as a little fart rumbled out, the head of a log starting to push out, "Well then, come get your fill you cute little shit slut!"

The kitten let out a deep, needy moan as he reached up with his little lips, stretching his lips around the dark black log as he started to suck on it, as lovingly as if it was the canine's own cock.

It was quite different than the shit he was to eating from his mother, its dark colour and rough texture matched with a bitter, pungent aroma.

There was the odd sticky bits that broke way to pieces of half-digested food matter, and every time a heavier chunk was bitten into it unleashed a sour stench that nearly made the kitten gag. "It's disgusting stuff I know," the husky said with a laugh, "But it's cute to hear you fight back all that vomit!"

The kitten kept feeding as his mother kept getting fucked on the hood of the car, the boar eventually sliding out to finish in the cat's muzzle. By the time the two had hugged and laughed, they returned to a rather gross smelling, and belching kitten. "Jesus Zack," Cynthia said with a laugh, "You really know how to make a kid messy..." She looked to the husky as she rubbed his still hard cock, deciding to leave him pent up for the night, "He looks about ready now though, ok bouncers, show us to the club."

Peter looked shocked and nervous as he found out what was about to go down, the boy clearly nominated by his mother as someone's entertainment. He remained silent as he was soon ushered towards a small, dimly door, the sound of music thumping from the walls as he looked over the questionably unkempt sign that read 'The Bottom Feeder'.


The kitten's eyes went wide as he looked around the unbelievably indecent club he had just stepped into, the sights, sounds and smells leaving him in a state of awe. All the bartenders wore next to nothing, their breasts and genitals exposed as they served drinks. Most of the club's patrons were either fucking, getting filthy or stained from either of the two previous activates.

Just across from him in fact were two leather-bound skunks. They appeared to be brothers, one older, one younger, and the two were making gurgling moans as they were fed piles of shit from the backside of a handsome bull.

He looked to a nearby table to find a female goose, wings spread as her date, a male zebra, spread shit over her feathers. The equine held his empty drinking glass out as a waiter walked by, the gazelle pulling his foreskin back to obediently refill the zebra's glass full of urine.

Before he could focus too long on the couple, the two moved on, his eyes catching a glimpse of a chubby pig girl, laying on a table after clearly emptying her bowls onto a plate that several scrawny furs were feasting from.

He smiled at a few bondage scenes that were going on nearby, but then almost puked when he passed at a lizard that was eating out his girlfriend as she had her period. There was a beer bong fitted with multiple hoses, where patrons were swallowing down fresh vomit, and a hot tub sized pool which smelled as if the four sitting in it were covered in nearly fresh manure.

"Max there you are!" the kitten's mother cooed out as she dragged her son by the paw, the two waltzing up to a chubby but incredibly sexy polar bear wearing a jet black harness.

"Cynthia," the bear said as he hugged the beautiful feline, looking down to smile at the kitten, "This must be Peter."

"That's him alright," the cat said as she scritched her son behind the ear, "But tonight you can call him slut."

The polar bear let out a grumbling murr as he rubbed the boy's side, looking over his body that was all naked with the exception of his heavily bloated diaper. His cock began to harden as his thoughts strayed to the activities soon to come, the thick, meaty shaft poking its head just lightly out of its foreskin sheath, "Come with me, my little shit eater, I've got some fun planned for you."

"Y-yes sir" the kitten whispered as he was led away with his mother to the centre of the club, the trio taking up shop at a large glass table near the middle of the stripper poles.

"Please, call me daddy" the bear added as they stepped over the stained leather chairs, the kitten pushed down suddenly by the bear as his mother began ripping his diaper off. To Peter's anxious surprise a crowd had already started to gather around, all wanting to get a better look at Max's famous performance. "We'll start slow ok?" the polar bear said with a wink as he reached into the boy's freshly removed padding, the stench of an hour's worth of shit flooding into the air.

Peter moaned and whimpered as he felt the slimy mess glide over his chest, Max gently lathering pile upon pile of the boy's own waste over his entire body. Max groaned as a young wolf snuck up behind him, giving him a respectful little kiss on the rear before digging his tongue deep into his backside. Max grinned as he was worshipped by one of the club's regulars, his paws moving higher as he began to face paint the boy with his shit.

"Damn you smell good," the polar bear said with a grin, getting a good whiff of the feces coasted feline, "You like how that feels boy?"

"Yes daddy!" the kitten moaned, whimpering as someone suddenly starting pawing his shit slicked shaft.

"My first cub cock," the wolf murred as he moved away from Max's ass, the two shifting positions so he could get closer, "What a treat!"

Max nodded as he realigned himself above the kitten's face, pressing the musky head of his cock over the kitten's lips, "He's a cutie ain't he? His mother trained him real well, didn't ya Cynthia?"

The polar bear looked over to his friend with a chuckle as he watched her deeply focused on something else, her eyes following the body of a plump alligator as he smoked form his cigar. She eyed his thick cock as it stood erect, not currently attended by anyone as he made his rounds through the club. "See something you like?" Max asked with a giggle, realizing just how spaced out the feline was.

The cat looked back to reality suddenly as she swallowed the heavy pool of saliva that had formed in her mouth, "Sorry hon, I gotta go!"

Max laughed heartily as she scampered off, looking back down as the kitten suckled the head of his unwashed meat. Peter gulped and slurped each inch down his gullet, uncaring of the musky scent of the bear. At the same time his entire length was buried down the wolf's muzzle, the shit coated on it being cleaned carefully by the canine's powerful tongue.

"You like that little kitty?" Max groaned as he pushed it down the boy's throat a little more, the sweaty stench of it driving the boy wild, "I only get to wash it when I get boys like you."

Peter groaned as he gulped it down deeper, tongue sliding into his foreskin to clean some of the dirtier places. The wolf was sucking on the cub's balls now, tugging ever so gently with his lips. The polar bear reached very carefully underneath the kitten's tail, pushing two fingers up into his backside as he humped the boy's muzzle. "You taste so good little one" the wolf moaned as he kept sucking on the kitten's hard cock, precum dripping onto his tongue as kissed every inch of his little shaft.

A sexy young lynx stepped up to watch the three as they began to go at it, reaching carefully to grab the discarded diaper. She reached into the padding carefully, pulling out a pawful of thick mess to snack on. She sniffed at it curiously, licking her lips in appreciation of the fresh scent. It only took a minute longer for the lynx to decide, her lips soon stained as much as her paws as she gulped the kitten's waste down.


Elsewhere the alligator from earlier finished up his cigar as he spoke with a friend of his, the sable and him having a delightful chat as the reptile moaned a comfortable grumble. Cynthia was nestled between the gator's legs, palm rubbing saliva over his balls as she swallowed his shaft in long satisfying gulps.

"So who's this?" the sable asked his friend as he sipped his drink, sneaking a peak at the feline's backside, grinning at the sight of her soaked slit and tight looking pucker.

"Your guess is as good as mine," the gator chuckled as he gripped the cat's head, ramming his shaft down her throat, "She just showed up and made herself right at home."

"Well shit," the sable chuckled, kneeling down to sniff at the feline's fragrant folds, "Don't mind if I just go and do the same thing."

"Suit yourself," the gator growled as he rubbed a thumb gently over the cat's cheek, glaring at her as she stared up at him with mocked innocence, "...but her ass is all mine!"

Cynthia let out a long hungry purr, wiggling her rump as the sable started dragging his tongue over her slit in long strides. He sighed and moaned as he tickled her clit with his tongue, swallowing all the juices as they fell to his tongue in a gentle flood. The sable wiggled his muzzle over her petals for another moment before getting up onto his knees smacking her slicked entrance with his hard cock, "You a condom girl?"

The cat laughed as she raised her ass up, getting into a position that could support both men, "Condoms? God no!"

"Heh, good girl!" the gator growled as he rubbed his thumb over her lips, stepping around behind her. The sable slid under the cat carefully, allowing her to lay on his chest as he pushed his cock roughly into her.

The cat let out a long "Ahhh!" before the alligator pressed the tip of his cock against her pucker, pushing against it until it began to sting. "Nnnn-fuck!" she cried as it forced its way in, making her feel heavy and bloated, her ass tingling with a stinging pain. Other than the saliva from her earlier blowjob, the gator had gone in completely dry, giving a hard, unforgiving thrust any time Cynthia's body gave her any resistance.

Cynthia teared up as she clawed against the floor, eyes closing and tearing up as grit her teeth together. She was grateful that her husband was still going to be away for another night, her ass was probably going to bleed by the end of the night, and she could use some time to heal.


Back over by Peter and Max, the lynx from earlier had reunited with her girlfriend, the lovely lady rubbing kitten shit all over a chubby elephant's heavy breasts. The bigger gal sighed as her lover dirtied her body, both girls getting quite ravenous as they watched the trio on display just above them.

Tears streamed from Peter's eyes as Max road his ass good and hard, the hung polar bear driving his thick member into the kitten with a high velocity. He wasn't able to make much noise in protest however as the wolf he was with aided Max in spit roasting the cub, his cock humping down the kitten's throat, saliva dripping down the sides of his legs.

The big beautiful elephant watched on with a little blush as her girlfriend kissed her back, planting kisses all the way down before resting it on her pucker, the lynx nuzzling her face into the big, heavy cheeks as she lapped at her mate's musky tailhole. Her eyes closed as she sniffed at the sweaty scent of her buttocks, her tongue digging as deep into her tight pucker as it could.

Max sighed out happily as he shoved his prick in and out of the kitten's tight rear, giving his little butt several smacks with his paw, "Dirty, dirty cub!" He grinned as he felt the slickness of feces on his shaft, using it as lube as it he rocked the boy's insides.

The wolf moaned as he rubbed the boy's head, leaning back as he moaned out with joy, the cub's muzzle so tight as it desperately stretched around his hard cock, "Good boy, mmm such a good little kitty!"

A gurgled moan could be heard from behind the elephant as she let out a sudden sigh, dark sludge pouring out over the lynx's chest as she was unable to swallow all of her girlfriend's heavy load. She chewed and slurped down what she could, almost gagging from the stench of its scent as she lathered the rest into her fur.

The elephant raised her hand shyly as a waitress walked by, the cute poodle clenching until she nodded, spreading her folds to fill a glass with urine. The elephant smiled with pink hews in her cheeks, swallowing down the acrid liquid as she continued to rain muck onto her girlfriend.


Saliva was coated onto Cynthia's face as she panted and cried, her body aching as it was roughly abused by the two males. A small crowd had circled around them to watch with invested interest, one in particular the scat covered goose from earlier, he looked on with sympathy as her zebra mate thrust his heavy shaft up into her asshole.

"Oh god, d-don't you dare stop!" the cat cried as she was repeatedly thrust into in both holes, the gator stopping just for a second to look at the small trickles of blood on his dick.

"Are you sure? At least want some more lube?"

"Fuck that!" Cynthia hissed as she stretched her cheeks out with her paws, the gator shrugging before he continued to push into her slightly damaged asshole.

Just as the alligator restarted his thrusts, the sable slipped out from under the cat, stroking his pussy soaked cock just a little longer before groaning out, coating the cat's lips and tongue with thick, creamy seed. He moved away as the alligator was able to thrust even harder, getting closer to orgasm as the feline screamed. Several more humps was all it took, the large reptile ripping some fur off of her sides as he filled her backside to the brim with warm seed.

He grinned down at her semi-limp body as she heaved out her breaths in a desperate whimper, already achieving orgasm from the treatment she had been dealt. Despite being a dom by nature, the gator had woken up her rarely explored submissive side, and the cat couldn't help but purr as she felt the warm trickle of urine was over her back. The gator laughed as he marked his territory, mutters and moans of onlookers surrounding the pair.


Back by the kitten the lynx was laying on the floor smiling, rubbing her girlfriend's shit all over her beautiful folds. The bigger girl moaned as she was teased with her own filth, looking back to the trio above them as the kitten swallowed a heavy load of cum, the last little bit sprayed over his muzzle.

The wolf leaned down to kiss the cub on the cheek before leaving, sighing as he left for the bar area in search of a drink.

"You wanna cum with me?" the polar bear whispered into Peter's ear as he thrust harder, quickly losing the ability to hold back as he kept humping the tight little cub.

Peter nodded with a sigh as his body had finally gotten used to the invasion of his little rear, his paw clutching his little shaft as he stroked in time with each thrust into him. The two edge themselves towards a climax together, spraying cum at the same time before falling into a heap together. Their afterglow was nice and calm until the boy's mother finally returned, the somewhat exhausted feline sighing heavy breaths as she asked, "Ready to go home kiddo?"

Peter smiled with a warm smile as he hopped down into his mother's arms, saying their goodbyes to Max before heading for the club showers. The lynx and elephant cuddled on the floor as they spread around the filth that covered them, the lynx whispering into the elephant's ear, in a low hungry growl, "Let's go find some fellas and ladies, and get more lovely shit on these tits of ours!"

Sin's Homecoming

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of 18. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _ _ _..._ Sin yawned as he looked over the warm, welcoming plains of his...

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Office Duty

A small yawn escaped a rather beautiful lioness as she sat in the bathroom of her work, the office job containing a rather big facility for its staff to use. She was naked as she sat, but seeing as she usually changed before heading home from work,...

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Filth on the Farm

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of 18. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _ _ _..._ It was a beautiful summer day as Tanya stood on the porch of her...

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