The story of the glowers Pt3

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#106 of Exploration

It was fairly crowded, and those on break were watching each party leave. Silverine spotted me, and I walked down the length, with people looking at me, nudging each other and talking amongst themselves. Simba whispered.

"Hah, plague carrier."

"Not really, but I get the drift." I replied, and came up to Silverine.

"Is everyone else ready?"

"Javid's just grabbing some ammunition and iron rations." the Lupogriff replied.

I took my place with Billy Carlson and Draco. The bunny bounty hunter would be coming with us.Simba stood by Salbar, and we watched as Alex, Brendan, Ryan, tiger Ryan that is, and Thomas teleported. Kodey was industriously typing one handed next to Silverine. Javid arrived as Valmeero's team vanished, and Javid came up.

"Sorry, left my rounds in the wrong drawer."

"Don't worry, Javid, there's no rush."

"I'm not keeping Alduin or Silverine waiting." the wolf replied, he appeared slightly out of breath.

"I'm quite prepared to wait, the glower gave me a few lessons on patience."I replied.

We stepped forward in our group of seven,Alecto would not be left behind, and Silverine spoke.

"I'll be coming this evening to see how you are, enjoy yourselves."

We teleported on his signal, I did not touch my teleporter, I was holding onto Draco. After the usual feeling, we arrived on the planet.

It was sand barren. The waves of heat were very noticeable by everyone, I was immune to cold, not heat, and we sweated profusely. Shirts came off, sun lotion was applied, and we set up scanners. As we did this last bit, I saw my first creature on this new planet. It was about twenty centimetres long, and a variant of shrew. It scampered across the hot sand, and wrinkled it's nose at me. I stayed perfectly still, and the shrew shifted it's head to look at me. I mentally switch my head set to record, normally I would have to lift a hand to do so, and whispered.

"First life form appears to be a desert rat, highly agile and fast moving."

The creature pricked it's ears up, and ran off. It disappeared over the dune, and Draco changed into his F-111 form, he had been messing around with his forms so often I had lost count.

"I'll do some aerial reconnaissance, if no one minds."

Normally I would volunteer, but I smiled. "Go ahead, Draco."

The F-111 rumbled over the sand, and launched into the air, immediately scanning the land. But his engine also had another unexpected consequence.

The ground heaved, and a huge worm like creature erupted from the sand, blindly looking at us.

"Nobody panic." Javid said calmly, while backing away. Alecto knelt behind me, quivering. I could feel his arms grasping my leg.

"Nobody move would be more sensible." Simba replied."They react to movement through the sand."

We stood rigid still, as the sand worm blundered nearer. It was about thirty metres in length, and thick as a family sedan is long. It guessed we were here, and while we weren't moving, it knew it had a way of making us move.

It slammed itself down hard on the ground, and the ground heaved back and forth. Draco came around for a bombing run, but Billy told him to pull out of it. We stayed motionless. The sandworm crashed nearer, and I could feel Alecto shaking. His chains weren't clinking, but I could hear his short breaths. Simba had his phaser levelled on a high setting, Billy the same. Salbar had his swords out, and Javid had his sniper rifle aimed at it's head. It's armoured plates made a hell of a racket, the sandworm would probably not hear us even if we were talking.

It swung around towards us, having another guess, and while we tried to duck, it successfully clouted Billy and Javid.They were knocked to the ground, and I scowled.

"That's right, Alduin, channel your anger." Keen said softly.

"I'm not angry, I'm slightly annoyed." I replied firmly.

"Alduin's pulsing red! Get away from him!" Salbar shouted, and everyone but Alecto turned and ran. Alecto was still holding me tightly, and reckoned being behind me was the safest place to be. The sand worm felt everyone's footsteps as they ran, and turned to face me.

Anger is such a powerful emotion, and so easily used. It was like magic in certain cases, you could focus it and mould it to your wishes. And the glower could turn it into a pure burst of power. The fox closed his eyes and looked down as I thrust my arm forward, palm outwards in the traditional stopping pose, and white core light erupted from my hand in a conical shape.I was surrounded by white light, but it was only dim, and I could see the worm. The light hurled itself at the worm, and caught it about mid body. It howled, and fell to the ground. I closed my eyes, breathing deeply and getting over my furious burst.

"Ah, one thing about those bursts, Alduin. You can see where you are aiming, but to everyone else, it is just a supernova of light, you experienced it when the glower vaporised Drason's troops. He was firing at twelve different targets, but all you felt was a gale like wind and brightness. For all they know, you could have fired any direction.That's one thing that worries the scouts, they are completely blinded by those bursts, helpless like everyone else. Only the glower can see."

Alecto took hold of me, and stood up.I turned, looking concerned, and he held his arms in front of his face as he looked down.

"Alduin, I can't see anything.What did you do?"

Draco shouted into my headset."I was not blinded, I was out of range.But I got it recorded, because I could see nothing but a huge glowing white light."

"Oh good."Keen said,"We've always wanted someone to record one of those bursts.Was the camera aimed directly at us?"

I relayed this question to the F-111.

"Yes it was, Alduin.You want to see yourself go completely hyper?"

"No, but Keen wants it for later perusal."

"Yes, sir." Draco replied, he knew the glower was listening."I'll send it to your laptop immediately."

"Don't watch it yet, we can do that later." Keen said,"Right now, we've got five blinded scouts to worry about."

"How long does it last?"

"About a minute or two." the glower replied.

Billy was on his hands and knees,and the lion had thrown himself down, covering his head. Javid was on his back, lying very still. Salbar was standing very still, trying to listen for anyone coming closer to him. Alecto managed to find my own arm, and gently pulled himself closer to me.

"Alduin, what happened?"

"I fired a burst of white energy at the sand worm, like a glower did with Drason's minions."

"Does this mean I'm not blinded?"

"Not for long, just don't panic."

He held me very tightly, his head against my shoulder, looking away. Billy was getting to his feet, and keeping remarkably calm for someone without sight. Simba looked up, but even eyes closed and facing away into the sand, he had been affected. Javid was still recovering from being knocked to the ground, his eyes were the least of his worries compared to the blow he had received in the chest. Salbar was still motionless, eyes shut.

"Alduin." he asked."Tell me this isn't permanent."

"It isn't Salbar, it's happened before to me." I replied.

"Can you see?"

"Yes, it would be silly if I was blinded by my own burst." I replied. Billy was walking unsteadily towards my voice. I was more paying attention to my comrades, so Draco surprised me when he spoke.

"Alduin, have you seen what you did to that thing?"

I turned my head, and looked at the remains of the sand worm. It's head was there, it's tail was there, but in the middle was a big hole of nothing. No blood had been spilt, all the wounds it had suffered had been sealed up by the blast, so we had a perfect cross section of a sand worm.

"Wow." I said.

"I'm impressed, Alduin."Keen said in my ear."You are quite fast at learning.Care to guess how intense that burst was?"

"It vaporised bone, muscle, everything, it was searing hot."

Alecto whimpered right next to me.

"Is there any way that I could cure the temporary blindness?"

"We've never tried, you're welcome to give it a go."

I gently took the fox's muzzle, and lifted it so it was pointed my face. I saw the black eyes that saw nothing, and placed my hand against them, closing my own eyes. I could actually see the nerves and all the tiny bits of the eyes that makes it so beautiful, and saw the after glare lingering at the back of the eye.

With delicacy, I gently mentally commanded the glare to move, and it surged to the front of the eye, and dissolved into nothingness.

"You made that look easy." Keen said in my ear."We've never tried that before."

I removed my hand, and Alecto saw me.

"Master." he said, and then kissed me square on the lips. It was a brief kiss, but I could sense his passion for me flooding through him.

"Thank you, Alecto, now if you can unfuse yourself from me, we shall see how everyone else is getting on." The fox reluctantly released me, and I realised I wasn't needed to do everyone else.

"I'm seeing a long yellow blur." Simba said.

"That's O.K., that's all that we can see too." Billy replied.

"I must be getting better." the lion chuckled.

"I'm seeing a large amount of blue, I think?" Javid said.

"Are you on your back?"Salbar asked. Draco was flying some distance away, I couldn't even hear his engine.


"Then look to your side." the lizard suggested. Javid twisted to look at where I was.

"I see yellow, blue, and something dark.It's all blurred."

"The dark thing is me."I said to the wolf, coming closer to him.

"Is that Alduin?" he asked, as I took held of his arm, and helped him to his feet.

"Same old me, Javid, can you see me?"

I felt him tense at my voice." Not really, no thanks to you. Did you have to obliterate it?"

"Would you rather be swallowed and digested?" I smiled. The wolf didn't smile.

"I know you're there, but all I am seeing is black blur."

"Give it another minute, Javid.There's nothing that can hurt you here."

"Except you. Where's my rifle?"

I saw it lying on the ground, and bent down to pick it up, and handed it to the wolf, who couldn't distinguish the black blur that was me, and the black blur that was his sniper rifle. But he took hold of it, and I left him standing there, and moved over to Billy, who was standing looking around, sniffing the air and turning his head listening.


"Still here, but I have a blinder of a head ache right now."

"Sorry about that, Billy. Capable of sight yet?"

"No, but when I am, I want to see Draco's view of that, it was so bright.What's happened to the sand worm?"

"I...removed... about a third of it."

"Which third?" Billy sounded amused, and he smiled.

"The middle third."

"I've also got to see that." the bunny bounty hunter laughed, and I went over to Salbar. Simba spoke in delight.

"I can see colours! I think I'm looking at Javid, there is a lot of black."

"Sorry, it's not what you're looking at."I said, the lion was in fact looking at Salbar, and I told him this. He sighed.


This went on for about three more minutes, before everyone saw things properly. We sat around the scanners, and Alecto sat on my lap, his chains loose and draped across the sand. He was hunched over, and was watching the 3d projector.

"O.K., let's see this." Keen said, he would have rubbed his hands in anticipation, if he had any. The start of the video flickered into existence, and we saw from the distance a small figure, about ten centimetres tall in the projection. He raised a hand, and his hand glowed brighter than the rest of him. Then there was a pulse that went out about fifty metres in every direction, which was bright, but then there an almighty pulse that erupted in a straight line, and we only got time to see it zip through the sand worm before the camera couldn't cope with the glare.

The thermo scans ran up nothing though. The energy had no heat at all. Keen sounded satisfied.

"I thought so."

"It was worth a shot, so now what?" I said aloud.

"Now?" Billy repeated."Draco, what's the terrain like?"

"It's just desert scrub for miles in every direction. Nothing bigger than a small tree grows." the F-111 said over his head set.

"Kaos, what about water, even small things like that shrew, and god help us that sand worm need water."

"There are small rivers that run through the expanse, but they spring from nowhere, like wells of some sort. The animals that I've seen aren't much bigger than that shrew."

"Which doesn't answer much about how that sandworm came into existence." Simba replied. He drew a scanner, and pointed it directly into the ground.

We waited, and he spoke.

"Interesting. There are whole life systems under there. Underground is crawling with small , medium and large animals."

"Really, what types?"

"Mostly the sort of digger things, but also worms like nuked over there. Do we have subterranean scouts?"

"I doubt it." Billy shook his head.

"Wait." Draco said in his headset,"We've got grassland over here, and larger animals. Obviously we're just at the end of a large desert. Beyond that, I can actually see trees. No life forms beyond grazers and predators. There appears to be no bipedal life, and nothing capable of tool wielding."

"Well, we might as well go over there, it sounds more comfortable." Salbar said.

Draco dropped a scanner from his F-111, and we teleported. Instead of desert, this was merely plainland. Dry, bare trees, about fifteen metres in height, were dotted around, and the grass was actually grass, long, very pale green, but certainly grass. There was a variety of antelope, and most of them were running away from us. We actually landed right next to a large cat, and as it turned to bite at us, it ran into another outstretched hand, and stopped moving.

This one was Salbar, and the big cat had leapt past him at Javid. The lizard had thrust a hand, and caught it around the middle, and was currently holding the 100 kilogram predator.Both the predators and the prey were not that large, they were still developing, and the cat struggled in Salbar's grasp, as the lizard used both arms to hold him. It's claws scraped hard against the scales of Salbar, and failed to penetrate.

"I could kill you right now." the reptile said, using his translator. The cat flailed wildly.

"Let me go!" it said, in a snarling whining voice, and Salbar threw it away from himself. The cat landed on all fours, and scampered away.

"I didn't know translators could work like that." I said, watching the fleeing creature.

"Oh sure, you can converse with anything you like, the only thing is getting it tuned to speak to them." Simba stretched, yawning. Javid slapped Salbar on the back.

"Thank you again."

"Not at all, Javid." the lizard replied."Shall we set up camp?"

"What about the cats?"

"I've got a couple of prox alerts." I said helpfully.

"And I borrowed two of those automated blasters, so they can defend against an entire horde if need be."

Draco landed, rumbling to a halt.

"I suggest an hour of relaxation, we deserve it, I think." he said, as he transformed into his draconic form.I nodded, and lay against a tree. There was a growl from above, and another cat that had been in the branches leapt down at me.

He got within four feet of me. I thrust a hand as I saw him fall, and he stopped, hit by the same force that halted everyone in Central.

I brought him down, and stared into his eyes. I said not a word, but just looked at the cat. The cat hissed in defiance. I released the holding force, and hunkered down, glaring into it's dark black eyes. The predator retreated slightly, snarling as I took a step forward. Then I concentrated, hard.

A mental burst surged through me, and directly down the stare.The cat stiffened in surprise, and gently collapsed to the ground, breathing shallowly.

I moved up, and felt for a pulse.

"Out like a light." I reported. The glower looked intrigued.

"Using our power to send something to sleep, that is most unorthodox, but most interesting. I think I shall inform the other glowers of that possibility. It could make things a little easier and safer in the medical room, for example."

The wildly flailing were known for taking swipes at Arachno.

"So why send him to sleep?" Billy asked.

"I don't feel like hurting something else today." I stretched.

"Besides, "Draco yawned,"I think I'd like to have a talk with one of them.They might have some knowledge."

"Do it when he wakes up." Javid replied, rolling onto his front and laying his head down on his arms for a wolf nap.His sniper rifle was under him, and the strap coiled around his arm. Seconds later, he was asleep.

"I want to know how he does that." I said, looking at the wolf in slumber.

"Army training, most probably." Billy replied. Salbar hared up my tree to get an aerial view, and somewhere to take a nap himself. The scanners were retrieving data, we could see for miles around, and we deserved a lull in proceedings. Alecto came over to me.

"You hit him with a sleeping burst with nothing but eye contact." he whispered.

"I know, I was watching at the time."I replied. I turned to face him, and the fox ducked on instinct. I laughed out loud.

"Alecto, while I have the power of a glower running through my veins, I am still myself. Do you think I would seriously do that to you?" I asked.

"Do you want an honest answer?" the glower chuckled.

"Shut up, that was aimed at Alecto, Keen." I replied mentally, sticking the metaphorical tongue at him. He laughed, and Alecto relaxed.

"You scare me, Alduin.You have the ability to completely vaporise me, by mental power alone, and I'm helplessly in love with you."

"You and Gareth." I muttered, but the fox didn't catch this.

"I know I shouldn't be so scared of you," he looked down," but the mystery of the glower has been replaced by a certainly, that is Alduin, with the power of the glower. Now can you see why I'm treating you like my master?"

"There is a price that comes with power, Alecto, I have no intention of using anything potentially dangerous on you. The flash blindness was just forgetting the side effects of the burst, although if we're attaked by anything more than a big cat, I might be tempted to use it again."

"There is no price with a glower's power, Alduin. You walk among the gods..."

"Alecto, shut up." I didn't understand it, you would think everyone was acting like I was a lunatic with the touch of a god.While I had a reputation in the field, I wasn't going to hurt them. Unless, of course, they were thinking plainly of the sexual antics I had pulled, and confusing that with everything else.

Alecto snapped straight, backing away."Yes, Alduin!" he said, in a half panic. The glower sounded sympathetic.

"We never noticed this with Silverine, he was always so terrifying anyway.Do you want me to leave?"

"No not yet, we've barely gone a couple of hours.But I might as well test the sexual ability you have while we're on break."

"Oh good." Keen enthused, and I turned to the fox.

"Right, Alecto, stand."

He looked worried."What did I do?" he asked.

With a gentle movement of my fingers, I pushed my mental power against Alecto's will, and the fox's spirit crumpled against me. While shaking, desperately trying to fight my control, he stood up.

"Alduin, I don't like this!" he implored,"Please, don't hurt me!"

Draco and Billy were watching this new event with interest, Simba was getting readings from a scanner.

Now while I have described this power I have so far as mental, the exact and precise truth is that it is neither magical, physical nor mental. I doubt there is a word in any of the earth languages, the Centralite ones, or anything else that would accurately explain exactly what it was. Suffice it to say that it was the glower power, and that I, for the sake of simplicity, will just call it mental, even though that's not what it really is. Everyone else just thought of it as mental, just because they thought it was.

"Grief, Alduin's mental power is phenomenal." he commented to Draco, the dragon lying back with his head on a stone.

"As long as he doesn't use it on me, I don't mind." he said, stifling a yawn. Billy looked at the fox as I mentally pushed him towards me, while he tried to repel it. This was like a piece of paper trying to hold back a gale force wind.

"No, Alduin! Forgive me!" he had no idea what I had in for him.Draco looked at me.

"Using magic to make me submit does not count, only you and Dev earned the right to my ass, no one else."

"And fair enough." I replied, as the fox took another step closer. His arms were shivering, trying to pull away from me.With a gentle command, the fox stood astride me, and I knocked his legs from underneath him with my hands. He fell on top of me, and I held him with my mental power rather than my hands. He lay on me, naked, and very scared.

"Alduin." he whispered. I brushed a hand down the back of his neck, smiling.

"You need to stop panicking, Alecto.I think a lesson must be taught,I am not someone to be feared."

"But, I,I can't...resist."he broke off with a cry, as I delicately placed two fingers in his vagina, and I felt him squirm."No! Alduin, please, don't do it."

With a burst of mental concentration, I sent a pulse of the glower's energy through my fingertips and into him. The fox writhed and howled, feeling the power earth through him, sending waves of pleasure instantly through him. His cock twitched, and a jet of semen burst from him and landed on my chest. His vagina also let go a flood of juice.

I let him go mentally, and he collapsed on me, sobbing into my shoulder. I held him gently with one arm.

"It hurts."he whispered," So much my body thinks it's nice.And then it does feel nice, but still painful."

"So that's a you don't want me to do that again?" I asked with my mystical voice. That was the glower's fault, and he shivered hearing it.

"No, and yes." he said quickly, still in a hoarse whisper."I love it, and I hate it."

I fired another blast, and he howled again, he ejaculated more semen, and his vagina began to leak fluid as well.He wrapped his arms around me.

"Let me go..." he whispered,"It hurts."

I removed my fingers, and instead pushed my cock into his well lubricated vagina. He moaned, shaking his head.

"No, no, not that." he said in a half stupor. He half tried to fend me off.

I settled that, firing another burst. I could do it with more ways than just fingers. He howled, and after releasing another burst onto my chest, slumped. The fox was gasping for air.

"Not again, I beg you."

"Then take my cock without complaining. I won't fire those bursts if you do."

"Yes, master." he lay back down on me, and I conjured handcuffs around his wrists and around the back of my neck, so he couldn't pull away.

Turns out I didn't have to. Alecto was back in command of his own body, and gently rose and fell on my cock. I lay against the tree, and sighed, feeling a wave of pleasure. This most surprised me, we had just started. He gave a sigh at the same time, and I took his cock in one hand, stroking it back and forth in tandem with his riding. I refrained from the bursts of glower energy, but Alecto seemed to be unnaturally hyped up. He worked harder, and more intensely, lost in his own passion. Keen spoke to me.

"I think those bursts had the same effect as an aphrodisiac." he chuckled.

"And did anyone think to tell me?" I thought back at him.

"No, I didn't mean literally, but he's enjoying it already." Keen pulsed back to me.

"Are you?"

"I do wish there was a creature that had the stamina for us normally, this feels nice." the glower said from within, and I could feel a pulse of energy, the wave of pleasure Keen was getting from this. The pulse also felt nice, and Alecto sighed as it earthed through him.

Alecto lost all control of his voice, he was just constantly moaning in absolute bliss. I was not that far gone, but by god it was so sexually wonderful.What, in effect, was happening was that the glower made it a million times more pleasurable than normal, but it still took the same time to get there as normal.

Alecto orgasmed. With a primal howl that could have been heard a mile away, he let go a flood of juice from his vagina covering my cock and legs. His cock twitched, and he let go several bursts of fluid, which fell onto my chest.

Keen shivered with delight, even he was feeling the moment. I wondered idly what this would be like in their normal form.

"We don't do this when not merged, Alduin.We can't. Oh god..." he broke off, as another larger pulse surged through me and Alecto. Keen and I would doubtless orgasm together, due to the merge, and I knew I was close.

Alecto shivered in anticipation, as he felt another orgasm approach.I thrust carefully and deeply, just as I reached my own climax.

It was a battering of my senses. Keen howled, pulsing hard through me, and all my pleasurable feelings were in overdrive. I stiffened, firing bursts of semen into Alecto, and these bursts of semen and the huge pulses set Alecto into his second orgasm, and he howled wildly. We both let go several times, until my lower chest was covered with the fox's cum, and the sensation faded as we relaxed.

"I guess you enjoyed it." Draco said from his bush.He was reading a book. Trust a dragon to break the moment.

"I could command you to recieve the entire party anally." I said, looking up, gasping in delight.

"And the moment the glower left you, I would rape you until you apologized and became my pet." Draco replied, not looking up. I could feel Keen panting in exhaustion.

"That...was...incredible." the glower breathed.

Alecto got off my cock, and looked at my chest. He got down on his knees, and began licking at the cum, now there was a fox who enjoyed the taste. I looked at him with a smile, and he nodded in return. His sensuous tongue dragged against my skin, but he efficiently cleaned me up, before diverting his attention to my cock. It was covered with both our efforts, and he began to suck on it, gently.He went down all the way on my cock, and I felt his tongue sliding around my still erect phallus as he was determined to get me off again.