A Forlorn Love Part 5

Story by Alex Foxxy on SoFurry

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#5 of A Forlorn Love

As Jessy and Brittany try to strengthen their bond something very unexpected happens.

Chapter 5: The Caveman Cometh

That night I had nothing but sweet dreams about Brittany. She and I were doing things like going on picnics, going to fairs, and laying in empty fields just looking up at the sky and talking. Sadly, all good things have to come to an end eventually and it was time to get up. I could feel the gentle touch of someone's paw shaking me, trying to wake me up. They began to quietly call my name. I thought the voice sounded like Brittany's but I couldn't be sure in my groggy state. The more I woke up the more clear the voice became. It was Trevor. He sat on the edge of the bed smiling at me.

"Morning, Champ."

"Good morning, Sir."

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, Sir. I haven't slept that good for years!"

"I'm glad to hear that. I tell you what, why don't you just get some more sleep then. You can come out and get some breakfast whenever you want."

"Really? Don't you and Trish have to go work soon?"

"No, we don't have to be at the store until later today."

"OK! Thank you, Sir."

"Not a problem. Well, I'm going to go get something to eat, I'm starving."

"Um, Sir? Before you go...."

"Yes, son? What is it?"

"About last night. I just want to say thank you for what you did for me at dinner and that I'm sorry for that." I said with a hint of embarrassment.

He sat back down on the edge of the bed and put his paw on my shoulder. Trevor had a look of deep understanding and caring on his face.

"You're welcome. I know that it's hard to meet your girlfriends parents and that can wreak havoc on your nerves." He said patting me on my shoulder before he got up and left the room.

I went back to sleep after that. It must've been several hours before I woke back up because Trevor and Trish were leaving for work. I could hear them talking about me to Brittany as they left.

"Poor boy, he must have been really exhausted." Trish said.

"Yeah, he was. When I talked to him earlier to see if he wanted to get some breakfast he was still very sleepy. So I just let him be."

"Well, he does walk everywhere. He doesn't have any vehicle or money to take public transportation." Brittany said to her parents.

"Well, our shifts are short today. I'll take him over to his apartment so he can get some clothes and whatever else he'd like to grab."

"Thank you, Sir. I would appreciate that very much."

"Well, look what that cat dragged in." Brittany said playfully.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny." I responded in an equally playful tone.

"Leave the boy alone, Brittany. He's had quite that night." Trevor said.

"It's alright, Sir. I know she's just playing with me." I said smiling at her parents.

"Trevor, we really do need to get going or we'll be late."

"OK, Sweetie. We'll see you guys later. Jessy, our shifts end at 5 today. If you'd like I can take you to get your things then."

"OK, that sounds fine."

"Alright then, see you then."

"Have a good day." I told them as they left. They smiled and waved at us as they got into their car and left for work.

"Are you hungry?" Brittany asked.

"Now that you mention it, yes. I am very hungry."

"Good! Come into the kitchen and we'll get you some food."


"What would you like to eat? You name it and I'll fix it for you."

"I like foods like eggs, sausage, bacon, pancakes, waffles, and cereals for breakfast. Can I have some of those?"

"Sure. We have everything needed for those things. Which ones would you like?"

"Surprise me." I said happily. Partly because I was finally going to eat again but mainly because she wanted to cook my breakfast for me. I really wasn't expecting her to do that.

"OK. Why don't you go sit down in the living room and I'll bring it to you when it's done? We have a TV you can watch and Dad has books you can read if you'd like."

"That sounds good, I'm not much of a TV person."

"Well, he has several science fiction books to choose from. Help yourself he won't mind."

"That sounds like its right up my alley. Especially since I do take writing classes."

"Well go on then! Get out of the kitchen so I can make our breakfast." She said pushing out of the kitchen playfully.

Trevor had quite the selection to choose from, there had to be hundreds of books. All of them look so good and I just wanted to read them all. There was no way that I could just stop after one, I had to read the whole section that he had. There was one, however, that seemed to stick out more than the other's did. It was called The Caveman and it was about a group of explorers who get attacked by a caveman that thawed out after several thousand years of being frozen. Taking this book I sat on the couch and started to read it. Sadly, it was a disappointment and I only read the first few chapters. It was just too boring for me.

The smells coming from the kitchen were driving me crazy. My mouth was salivating and my stomach was growling. Apparently it was growling louder than I thought because she heard it over all of the other sounds in the kitchen. Then again the couch was pretty close to the kitchen doorway.

"My I guess you are hungry, aren't you?" She asked laughing at me.

"I guess so." I started laughing with her.

"Well, it's almost done. Shouldn't be more than five more minutes."

"That's fine, Sweetie."

To try and take my mind off of food for a while I decided to watch some TV. Nothing good was on as usual so I turned the TV to the local news. A reporter was at the scene of some crime where a young child was crying. His parents had been killed by someone.

"Here you go, Babe." Brittany said as she handed me a plateful of bacon, eggs, and sausage.

"Thanks! It looks great!"

"You're welcome! I hope you like it."

"Sweetie, if you made it, I'll like it." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Aww, you're so sweet. Thank you." She said giving me a kiss back. "So, what happened there?"

"I don't know a lot of the details but apparently that little boy's parents were killed by someone. The reporter hasn't said anything about the killer yet."

"That poor little boy."

"Yeah. I know how he feels."

Brittany sat her plate down and gave me a hug.

"Does it bring back bad memories?"

"Yeah, it does."

"Why don't we just turn that off?" She asked as she grabbed the remote.

Even though the TV was turned off and Brittany was hanging to me around my shoulders, resting her head on my left shoulder, I still thought of that night.

"Alex! Take your brother's and run as far away as possible! RUN!"

"OK, Mom!"

"Jessy, go with Alex! Now!"

"No! I don't want to go without you and Dad!"

"Jessy I said GO!" Mom shouted and pushed me to Alex who already had our little brother in his arms.

"Jessy, I don't want to go without them either but we have to go!

"No! I said I'm not going without them!" I screamed as I turned around to run back to Mom.

"Jessy, STOP! Go back to Alex, NOW!"


"But nothing! You need to survive with your brothers!"

"Mom....I don't want.."

"I know you don't want to leave but you have to!"

"Jessy, we have to go!" Alex started to jerk on my arm but I pulled away.

"Whatever happens, Jessy, just remember that your father and I will always love you!"

"Well isn't that touching?" A voice said from behind her.

"Alex! GO NOW!"

That's when I saw her get shot by the leader of the gang.


Brittany noticed the tears rolling down my face and started to wipe them away. I turned to her and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome." She replied sweetly. "You must really miss them, don't you?"

"More than anything in the world."

"Tell you what. Why don't we do something fun before Mom and Dad come home?"

"Like what?"

"Whatever you feel like doing."

"Whatever I feel like doing?" I said giving her a mischievous look, joking of course.

"No, not that, you dirty boy." She said swatting at my shoulder. We both had a little laugh.

"OK. Hmm... I know what I want to do but I don't think you'll want to."

"It doesn't matter if I want to or not, you do. That's enough of an incentive for me to do it with you, Jessy."

"OK. I want to go on the Ferris wheel at the fair. Ever since I was little I've had a fascination with those things."

"It's settled then, we're going to the fair. This is the last week for it after all."

"Thanks, Babe."

"No problem. Now finish your breakfast so we can go."


We got to the fair and found that it was closed down. There was police tape over near the Ferris wheel.

"Oh I'm sorry, Sweetie." Brittany said. "I wonder what happened here."

"Beats me. Let's ask someone."

We went looking for someone to ask but nobody was around. Not even a police investigator.

"Sigh...Let's just leave, Brit."

"OK. We can go do something else." She turned around to walk away with me but she walked into me instead.

"Why'd you stop, Jessy?"

"I remembered something. This is the place that the kid was at on the news this morning. I'm sorry that I made you walk into me."

"That's alright. Come on, let's get out of here."

"Yeah. Let's do that. Tell you what, you pick where we go next."

"Are you sure."


"OK. Let's go to the park and just relax. Does that sound good?"

"Actually, yes it does."

"The park it is then." She said with a smile.

Just then I noticed out of my eye something massive was falling towards us. I grabbed Brittany and jumped backwards just in time to avoid being killed by a club wielded by an enormous tiger. He had to be at least 9 feet tall and 1,000 or more pounds of all muscle.

"What happened, Jessy?"

"We almost met the same fate the parents of that child met." I said looking at her with concern. "Hey! Who the hell are you and why did you do that!?"

"Me have no name by friends call me Caveman. Me was trying to squish you!"

"What? Why?"

"No reason just because."

"Brittany, go hide while I take care of this guy."

"No way, you are not going to fight him."

"Brittany, I'm not going to argue with you now go hide!" I shouted looking at her with anger in my eyes.

"I...I...Don't get killed!" She said shocked that I had just shouted at her.

She went and hid near the Ferris wheel, watching me from the operator's booth.

"You know what, you psychopath? Nearly killing me is one thing, but when you nearly kill the ones I love! Well, I can't let you get away with that." I said with look of absolute fury upon my face.

"What you gonna do about it?"

"Beat the shit out of you, you illiterate ass hole!"

"Try it!"

Without any further invitation I leapt towards the Neanderthal. Unleashing my fury on him as much as I could while dodging his attacks. It didn't matter how hard or how many times I hit him, I just wasn't seeming to any damage to him. Every time I would punch or kick him anywhere on his body he just stood there unmoving.

"What is this guy?" I wondered to myself panting heavily, I was getting worn out really fast.

"Heh!" He snickered.

He punched at me with a massive fist and hit me in the chest, sending me flying backwards. I landed on my back hard as fast as I could, but he was already close enough to grab me. For a giant he moved fast. He threw me straight into the air and jumped high enough to get ahead of me. He knocked me back down to the ground and I hit it like a meteor. Blood was streaming from my mouth and nose as well as several other cuts all over my body. I coughed and a gush of crimson came out of my mouth. The tiger landed shortly after I did and walked over to me. I tried to get back up but couldn't, I was just too badly hurt.

"Poor little kitty. You broke good." He said raising his club high above his head grinning evilly. "Time to die!"

"Jessie!" Brittany screamed, crying.

I looked at her but couldn't say anything, all I could do is shed tears. I was sure I was about to die and couldn't even say I love you one more time to her before this titanic cat killed me.

"Aw don't you worry none. When I'm done squishing him I'll squish you, too. There's enough squishing to go around for everyone."

"You...leave...her...Alone!" I shouted as I jumped up and hit him in the chin with all my strength.

It was hard enough to knock him back several steps but not enough to end the fight. My vision started to fade as I fell back down landing face down.

"Why you! That hurt!" He shouted as he once again raised his weapon to finish me off.

That's when I heard a loud series of clangs running up the boardwalk. I thought I was hallucinating due to lack of blood but it looked like someone was running towards us. As quickly as the image appeared, though, it disappeared. Just as I thought, it was an illusion. The tiger swung down at me and there was a loud explosion. It didn't feel like he hit me but he definitely hit something. Looking up and saw that a rather large fox with one completely metal right leg and a metal left foot was had kicked the club and prevented my death. Looking up at the fox I noticed that he had dark red fur, a long black trench coat with no sleeves, a pair of black shorts with tears on the legs, and a black cavalier hat with a hawk feather in its band, but I couldn't see his face.

The tiger was sent flying backwards from the force of the impact, crashing through a building which collapsed on him. The fox bent down and picked me up, carrying me over to Brittany and laying my head in her lap.

"Take care of him!" He told her looking down at me from under his hat. Then he went to finish the job I started out to do myself.

"You know, you can pick on me and even attack me if you dare and I won't do anything but humiliate you at worst. It's when you hurt my friends that I'll beat the shit out of you. This young Lad, however, counts as my family." He said pointing towards me, now looking up at the tiger with a look of extreme rage. "You hurt one of three people that I can call Son. For that I'll kill you!"

The furious fox charged the tiger with the full intent of killing the cat.

"Heh! You're a scrawny doggy compared to me. What could you possibly do to..." He was silenced as the enraged fox slammed both of his paws into the tigers gut.

The fox continuously assaulted the tiger with a series of punches and kicks. Each hit causing serious damage and pain to the overgrown jungle hunter. The fox growled with fury, eyes becoming red with rage. His attacks sped up and hit with more force the angrier he got. The ground itself seemed to shake from the impacts of the attacks. The fox jumped high into the air and started to spin as he fell back to the ground. He hit the tiger with the heel of his metallic leg effectively killing the tiger with a loud crunching sound coming from his head. Blood sprayed from the feline's cracked head. Taking good measure that the tiger was indeed dead, the fox kicked him in the head one final time. Further caving in the skull of the cat.

Satisfied that the tiger wasn't going to get up anymore, the fox came back to where Brittany and I were. She was cradling my head with her hands and I could feel her tears falling on my face.

"Are you alright, Las?"

"I'm fine but I'm scared that Jessy is going to die."

"Don't you worry yer pretty little face none, Las. We'll take him to get the best medical treatment." The fox said as he picked me up. "Hop on me back and I'll take you two to the hospital as soon as we get back to me car!"

"Brittany?" I asked weakly.

"Don't talk, Jessy. You need to save your strength."

It didn't take him long to get us to his vehicle but I couldn't tell what type of car it was. He laid me in the back seat and told Brittany to get in the back with me. He said not to let me fall asleep and explained, as he floored the gas pedal and spun the car around 180 degrees, that if I go to sleep now I might not wake back up. I don't really remember anything after that very clearly. There was just a bunch of noise and blurry things rushing around me at the hospital. I do remember someone said that I needed to get into surgery immediately and being poked by bunch of sharp things. Someone put a mask over my mouth and said to breathe deeply. I did and went to sleep very shortly after that. Several hours later, I woke back up. Looking around the room I saw a lot of worried people sleeping. Except for one they were all asleep and Brittany was at the side of my bed, draped across my chest sound asleep. The fox was the only one who was still awake. Noticing that I was awake he came over to my side so I could get a better look at him.

"Do you recognize me now, Son?" he asked.


"Aye, Lad. Tis I."

"But I thought..." I started to say but was quickly silenced by the fox.

"Ssh. That's enough talking for now, Jessy. You need to get your rest. We'll talk more later when you are better."

I nodded to him.

"Good night, Lad. I'll be back later today to check on you."

"Good night, Sensei."

He left my room after that and I went back to sleep. I was glad to see my old instructor once again and happy that he was coming back. I had so many questions that I wanted to ask him but that would have to wait until another time.

A Forlorn Love Part 6

**Chapter 6: Quality Time** It had to have been late morning or possibly early afternoon when I finally woke back up to see everyone's scared and worried faces turn to happy expressions. A nurse came in to change the bandages on my head and torso...

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A Forlorn Love Part 4

Chapter 4: Unexpected Plans After putting on my finest smelling cologne and nicest clothes I went to meet Brittany at the mall just as I had done before. In my quest to make myself as presentable and good smelling as I possibly could, I failed to...

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A Forlorn Love Part 3

**Chapter 3: Trouble Brewing** ** ** I spent the rest of the weekend thinking about the date and was getting even more excited to see her again Monday. So distracted was my mind that it was hard for me to do my assignments for school that were due...

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