A Forlorn Love Part 6

Story by Alex Foxxy on SoFurry

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#6 of A Forlorn Love

As Jessy heals up after his fight with Caveman he gets to spend some time with Brittany to strengthen there bond.

It's also my first time attempting to write an erotic part of a story but I hope you enjoy the read.

Chapter 6: Quality Time

It had to have been late morning or possibly early afternoon when I finally woke back up to see everyone's scared and worried faces turn to happy expressions. A nurse came in to change the bandages on my head and torso both of which hurt pretty bad still. There was another pain that I hadn't noticed before coming from my right arm. Apparently, I had broken it during the fight with Caveman. The nurse didn't bother changing the bandage on my arm for some reason. Maybe she'd already changed it and I just didn't know it. I mean, I didn't even know it was broken until that point.

"You gave us all quite a scare, Jessy." Trevor said, relieved that I was alive.

"I'm sorry."

"There's no need for you to apologize, Sweetie. You were just protecting our daughter and we're very grateful to you for that." Trish said with Trevor nodding in agreement.

"Thank you for protecting me from that hideous tiger!" Brittany thanked me with a kiss, holding my snout with her paws. "But if you ever scare me like that again, I'll make you wish you was fighting that tiger again."

"OK, Baby, I won't." I knew she was joking with me.

"Good." She said as she kissed me on the nose and gave me a pat on the side of my snout.

"Has the Doctor talked to any of you guys yet?" I asked the three of them.

"Yes, she talked to me." Trevor said.

"Did she say when I might be able to leave this place?"

"She said it probably wouldn't be for a few weeks, and frankly, I agree with her. You need to get better before you leave here. I'm not the only one that thinks that either." He said gesturing to the other two.

"They're right, Sweetheart." Brittany agreed. "You need to heal up before trying to leave here. When you're better, I promise we'll go do something fun together. Just the two of us."

"That sounds lovely." I said as I drifted back into a slumber. Those painkillers that the nurse was giving were really strong.

"Poor boy. We're glad he was with you that day, Brittany. He risked his life to make sure you were safe from that monster." Trevor said. "He's a real hero. Who knows what that _thing_would have done that day if you guys hadn't gone there?"

"I know, Dad. I love him very much and am very proud of him."

"We all are." Trish said as quietly as she could so to not wake me from my slumber.

They talked very quietly during the whole conversation but I still heard everything that they said and smiled.

"Uh-oh. It looks like he heard us talk about him." Trevor said.

"How do you know?" Brittany asked.

"Because he's smiling now. Even it's a little smile I can still see it, son. We'll leave you alone now so you can get a good sleep."


"If you're going to ask if you can stay here the answer is yes. This will be a good time for some bonding with you two."

"Thanks, Dad!" Brittany squealed as she gave her dad a hug, nearly waking me up.

"Shhh! Quietly, Sweetie. You're welcome but please try to be quiet for him. At least until he's rested up. We'll come back later tonight to check on him and bring you home if you want."

"Thanks but I already know that I'm staying here with him until the day he leaves."

"Now, Brittany, you know you can't do that. You have school..."

"Trish, she knows that she does, but right now she wants to be with a very special boy to her. Come on, let's leave them alone."

"OK! I'm sorry, Brittany, we'll see you later tonight."

"It's alright, Mom. See you then."

I'm not sure how long I slept but when I woke up I was greeted with another kiss from my lovely girlfriend.

"Well, good afternoon to you as well, Honey." I said still a bit sleepy.

"How are you feeling, Jessy?"


"Poor baby. I'm sorry that you got hurt protecting me." She said as she stroked my face. A tear started to run down her face. She was feeling guilty for what had happened to me.

"Hey, now! It's not your fault that I was hurt. That person has already been punished. So don't you dare feel guilty about this! OK?" I told her as I wiped the tear from her face with the one arm that wasn't in a sling.

The mere act of moving was enough to make my body surge with pain and it showed. My face scrunched and I gritted my teeth.

"Are you ok, Jessy?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

"Do you want me to go get a nurse?"

"No. There's no need for that right now. I just wasn't expecting it to hurt so bad to move. Which makes me kind of worried right now."


"Well, this is really embarrassing to say, but I really need to use the bathroom."

"I'll help you."

"I'd really rather you didn't. It's not number one that I have to do."

"I said I'd help you. I don't care which one you have to do I'll help you either way. Now come on, let's get you to the bathroom. Besides you could really use a bath."

"But they only give sponge baths here."

"I am aware of that, Jessy."

She grabbed me under my arms and helped me up and to the bathroom. The first part of the experience was very embarrassing but the bath was nice. Hot water ran down my back as she used to sponge to clean my sore body. She was very careful not to get any of my bandages wet and was doing a good job of it too. I do admit that I wasn't comfortable, at first, with her seeing me naked. That didn't last long though and I got over my embarrassment quickly.

After the bath, she helped me back into the bed and covered me back up with the sheets. It was almost night time now and the sun was just barely visible on the horizon. The dim light gave my room a warm and romantic feel. Everyone else might have left but I was glad that Brittany had stayed behind to be with me. She was sitting near the head of my bead looking out the window with me at the setting sun.



"I want you to know something." I said as I took her paw in mine.

"What is it, Babe?" She inquired as she scooted her chair as close to me as she could.

"If it would ever come down to it..." She silenced me with a finger to my lips.

"Sweetie, I know that you would, and I love you for that but let's not think of things like that."

"I love you, too!" I said kissing her paw.

"Hi, guys." Trevor said as he and Trish entered my room.

"Hi, Mom and Dad."

"Hello, Sir, Ma'am."

"You don't have to keep calling us that if you don't want to, Jessy." Trish said. "You can just call us by our names."

"OK, Ma'am."

"How are you feeling, son?" Trevor asked.

"I'm feeling much better now. Brittany has been helping me out a lot today and I'm very grateful to her. If she hadn't been here today I'd probably still feel as bad now as I did when you guys left."

"See, Trish. I told you letting them have some quality time with each other would do the boy some good."

"I guess you were right, Trevor."

"Have you two eaten yet?" Trevor asked us.

"No, Dad. They haven't brought anything for him to eat yet and I haven't gone for anything either."

"Do you think you can eat something, Jessy?" Trish asked.

"Yes, Ma'am!" I said excitedly, I was very hungry.

"Good because we brought some food for you guys."

"Thank you very much!" I said to them.

"Hey it's the least we could do for you. After all you did save our daughter."

They produced a basket full of sweet rolls and a few Tupperware bowls full of vegetables and meats. It was all very good smelling and tasted even better.

"Here, let me feed you, Sweetie." Brittany offered since my dominate hand was broken.

"Thank you!"

Mouthful after glorious mouthful I ate until it felt like I was about to pop. Brittany ate some, too, but she thought that it would be best if I had most of the food. I guess she did that so I could get my strength back sooner. After we had eaten, Trevor and Trish left with the dirty dishes. They left the basket of rolls for us though.

"We'll see the two of you tomorrow. Goodnight you guys." Trevor said.

"We'll bring breakfast for you as well. Goodnight." Trish told us looking as if she was already thinking of what she should make in the morning.

"Sounds good. Goodnight." Brittany said.

"Jessy, make sure to get lots of sleep tonight. OK?" Trevor said.

"I will, Sir. Goodnight you guys."

It wasn't very long after they left that we both fell asleep. I awoke several hours later but Brittany was still sound asleep in her chair. Looking around the room I noticed that there was someone with bright yellow eyes in the room. He was looking out the window at the city from another chair in the room. He sat cross legged with his head propped up on his fist as he looked out the window.

"Sensei? Is that you?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, Lad. It's me. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling much better now. Thanks for asking."

"Would you like me to get you anything, Son?"

"Do you mind getting me a drink of water?"

"Not at all. I'll be right back."

It had been so long since I had actually seen him that I forgot how tall he was. He had to duck to get out of the room and the doorway had to be at least 7 feet tall. It didn't take him long to fetch me a glass of water and return to my room, having to duck once more to get in.

"Here you go, Lad."

"Thank you, Sensei."

"Jessy, I really wish that you'd quit calling me that. I gave up that lifestyle a long time ago. Please just call me Jason."

"I thought that you didn't like to be called by your real name."

"You're right, I don't. I do prefer to be called Red but when people who I consider to be a close friends or family I don't mind being called Jason. As far as I'm concerned, Lad, your part of my family."

"Thank you, Jason. I have one question though."

"Oh? What is it, Lad?"

"Well, I was wondering. Since you was my Foster father for eight years, can I call you Dad?"

The reaction I got from him was a complete shock to me. He wrapped me up in a hug and started to cry.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted you to call me that, Son! Of course you can call me that!"

The commotion woke Brittany up and I explained why he was around me crying with me.

"That's really nice you two." She said smiling.

"Dad? Do you mind if I ask you why you came back here? I mean, I thought that you was with Alex hunting that biker gang."

"Aye, Lad. I was doing that and still am but something deep down inside of me told me that I should come back to see you. I'm glad that it did because you two would be pancakes right now if I hadn't come back."

"You're not kidding. Thank you for saving us, Sir."

"You're both welcome. Well, you really do need to get your sleep, Jessy. So, no more talking for tonight. There be plenty of time to catch up when you're out of this place."

"OK, Dad. Hey, Brittany, would you mind doing me a favor before you go to sleep?"

"Sure. What do you want me to do?"

"Can you go to the nurse's station and get me a cup of ice please?"

"Sure. I'll be right back."

"What's on your mind, Son?" Jason asked.

"It's Brittany, Dad. I'm scared that something is going to happen to her while I'm in here and I can't do anything to protect her. All I can do is lie here, I couldn't even go to the bathroom today without her help."

"Don't you worry none, Lad. I'm going to keep an eye on the two of you while you're in here."

"Thanks, Dad."

"Don't mention it, Son." Jason said as he got up to leave. He took his black cavalier hat off of his head and put it onto mine and pulled the brim down over my eyes. He looked back at me as he left the room. "Now go to sleep.

"OK. Goodnight, Dad."

"Goodnight, Son."

Brittany returned as Jason stepped out of the room and they both said goodbye to each other.

"Here's your ice, Jessy."

"Thanks, Babe." I said as I ate a piece of the ice.

The hours turned into days and then weeks but eventually I was allowed to go back home with Brittany and her family. I still wasn't able to properly bathe myself but Brittany still helped me out a lot. Jason would stop over every once in a while to check on me but I always felt like he was close by, wherever I went. As if he was still watching over me and Brittany, which was fine with me if he was. Brittany and I spent a lot more time together when her parents were at work and I can't think of anything else that I would've wanted to do. She made me breakfast every day and it was wonderful. She's every bit as good a cook as her mom if not better. One morning she made me a huge breakfast of eggs, sausage, pancakes, bacon, and toast. There wasn't a single bit of food left after I was done with it and it made her happy to see that I enjoyed her cooking so much. Most mornings after breakfast, I went to take a shower. This morning was no different and that's what I went to do. I turned on the shower with my one good hand before I got in to let the water warm up. After a few minutes of heating up I stepped into the shower. With the water running and all the steam from the hot water I didn't notice that Brittany had come into the bathroom. She got in behind me without even making a sound. She was remarkably quiet. I didn't notice she'd got in with me until she grabbed my butt. I jumped and turned around so fast that I almost fell down. She caught me and helped me to stand back up.

"I'm sorry, Sweetie, I didn't mean to scare you that bad." She said playfully.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Well, I thought that I'd help you get clean. I've noticed that there is always one area that we never seem to get clean." She said looking at me with lustful eyes putting a finger on my chest and dragging down.

She leaned into me and started to kiss me. I met her muzzle and gave her a deep French kiss. She broke the kiss and started to kiss me on my neck. She worked her way down with the kissing until she reached my belly button. Eyeing what she was after she began to lick her lips. Seeing her do this was enough to let the little guy come out of his sheath. She took her paw and started to massage my balls in her soft mitt. This felt so amazing that I had to lean back against the wall for support. Then she started to lick my shaft up one side and down the other. This forced moans of pleasure to escape from deep within my throat and my member started to leak some pre.

There was a noticeable smell of heat in the air and it wasn't coming from the water. She started to lick faster and faster all around my dick. Finally, she took me into her mouth and bobbed up and down only taking in a little bit of my cock at first. She sped up and started to take more and more of me into her mouth. She had a wild, lustful look in her eyes. She wanted me bad and I wanted her just as bad.

The smell of our musk was heavy in the air and it was driving me wild. I started to buck my hips but she held me in place. Looking up at me with my dick in her mouth she shook her head no. That was so incredibly hot of her that I almost blew my load right then and there but she wanted it to last longer and so did I. The feeling in her warm, wet mouth was amazing and I started to leak more and more pre. She started to make sounds of pleasure as the salty liquid entered her mouth. Faster and faster she bobbed her head up and down. Panting heavily with pleasure I lost myself and couldn't hold it anymore.

With a loud guttural noise I came in her mouth several times. I expected her to pull off of me when I came but didn't. Instead she held her head in place and let me cum in her mouth again and again. Six, seven, eight spurts of my hot salty seed burst forth into her maw. After my dick had finished erupting is when she released me and stood up moving her mouth close to my ear. When she got close to my face she opened her mouth some so I could see inside. Her mouth was full of my cum. She moved close to my ear and made a loud gulping sounds. Then she let me see inside of her mouth to see that she had swallowed all of it. This brought a new life back to my dick and I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to take her to my bedroom and mate her. She apparently was thinking the same thing because she leaned towards my ear.

"I want to have your cubs, Jessy!"

That was all it took for me to turn the shower off for now. We'd need to do that later but there was more important things to do at the time. We spent the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon making love. It was certainly a magical day and I was glad that I finally got to spend some time with her, just the two of us. We didn't get to do that often with her parents and siblings always around. On that day we were the only two in the house for most of the day and that made it even more magical to me. I really didn't want that feeling to end but all good things must come to an end. It was Sunday and we did have to go back to school the next day. Which was good too because that meant I got to not only be with her at school but also that I'd get to see my English Professor tomorrow. He's also my Creative Writing instructor.

I've always viewed him as a good friend to me. I don't know if he saw me in that way or not but he's still a good friend of mine and I couldn't wait to talk with him tomorrow. He always has something interesting to talk about and words of encouragement to give. He's been a big help to me and I thank him for being so nice as to take me under his wing to teach me how to write. I was hoping that tomorrow was going to be a fun and interesting day.

A Forlorn Love Part 7

**Chapter 7: Consulting a Friend** That morning we left early so we could go see the Dean and explain that I still needed help with getting around to my classes as well as with some other things that he didn't need to know about. The Dean said that...

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A Forlorn Love Part 5

**Chapter 5: The Caveman Cometh** That night I had nothing but sweet dreams about Brittany. She and I were doing things like going on picnics, going to fairs, and laying in empty fields just looking up at the sky and talking. Sadly, all good things...

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A Forlorn Love Part 4

Chapter 4: Unexpected Plans After putting on my finest smelling cologne and nicest clothes I went to meet Brittany at the mall just as I had done before. In my quest to make myself as presentable and good smelling as I possibly could, I failed to...

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