The Slacker and the Samurai Chapter 2

Story by Yufuria on SoFurry

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Chapter 2 - Quickly Explaining Brine was exhausted, and his mind drifted as he was carried by the Samurott. The rest it offered him was good, though it took far longer for the duo to make it back to the clearing than the headlong rush away from it had. The Floatzel's half dreams were filled with buff Samurotts dancing around him and teasing him in various, sometimes kinky, ways. When Xander set the male down after coming back to the clearing, Brine was startled back into consciousness. "Wha-" he stopped himself from asking the question, recognizing the clearing. He blushed hard and looked over to Xander, embarrassed. "S-sorry. I fell asleep, didn't I?" He hung his head in shame at the thought of having left Xander with an uncomfortable erection all this time. Or maybe the male had even worked it off after he dozed off! That would be mortifying to the Floatzel, having his very first partner have to finish by themselves because he was done and out. Xander glared back at the guilty looking Floatzel, his penis still poking out a bit from his sheath. Having to carry another male on his back who had gotten off while he was left blue-balled both literally and figuratively was NOT the best way to start off a relationship, but he could hardly blame the other Pokémon for falling asleep as he had. At least now Brine felt like he owed the Samurott something; he could cash that in later. "Don't worry about it." Xander said, despite the Floatzel already doing so. "Now, we should get to know one another a little more. At least, in different ways other than before." Brine bit his lip and nodded, sitting up a little straighter. He silently counted up the ways in which he owed the bigger male and his chest tightened at all the kindness he hadn't even started to repay. First saving him from the vines and not punishing him for the helmet fiasco, then providing him a strong presence to stay with. Not attacking or casting him out when he saw his injury. Now for blue balling his first partner...Brine almost whimpered at all the things he felt indebted to the other male for and he wanted to do everything he could to make it all up and more before Xander got tired of him and moved on. "What did you have in mind?" Brine asked, masking his feelings better this time. He still subconsciously covered his left fin, to hide his current weakness from prying eyes, not that there were any around. Xander laid down on his front, settling down and relaxing, in complete contrast to the worried otter. "Nothing...maybe just talk?" he said. "You normally from around here?" "I'm from upstream, maybe a hundred miles? Normally a short trip." Brine replied, starting to relax a little. He knew from the currently unfamiliar surroundings that he was more than a hundred miles away, because all of that area was explored by him. He normally wouldn't worry about it as a quick trip upstream was pretty easy for a Floatzel. "How about you? I don't see a nest around here." "I've been wandering around for awhile, only settled here a few days ago. Peaceful, not much noise, perfect for meditation." Xander said. "I'm guessing you take the river to travel long distances?" Brine pondered the subject of meditation before replying. He had heard of it a few times before and had learned to stay away from those doing it, as they had a heightened sense around them making it nigh impossible to pull a prank. "River travel is the quickest way to get anywhere...or rather, to get away from anywhere." Brine finally replied, his tails twitching a little the way they would before functioning as a propeller to propel him fast anywhere he wanted to go. Xander raised a brow at the Floatzel's tale's movement. "Interesting...I would have thought it was flight." he said, looking up towards the sky. "Dangerous and risky in many ways, but then, so is swimming." "You...thought I could fly?" Brine asked, slightly incredulous and not paying much attention to the rest of the statement. He looked down at himself, his fins, his fur, the flotation sac. What about his body pointed towards flight? Xander chuckled and shook his head. "I meant about the fastest way to travel." he said lowly, smirking in disbelief at the other Pokémon's misunderstanding. Brine's jaw dropped and he looked away, blushing fuiously. He stood and walked over to the edge of the clearing, grabbing a few berries from the bushes. Instead of taking his original spot back he sat next to Xander, leaning into his side. Although the male had been the source of a lot of embarrassment lately, he still felt safe around the male. He passed over a Cheri berry, saving the Oran for himself. "So you just walk everywhere?" he asked. "I journey, yes." the Samurott said. He looked back at his side when he felt Brine dig his head into his fur, and he smirked at the cute look the otter gave him. "I try to take in the sights that nature has presented us, and simply bypassing it as quickly as possible would be...unsatisfying. So I wander." he explained. "You should try it sometime, it can be relaxing in its own way." Brine nodded slowly, nuzzling into Xander's side and taking a breath. The Samurott had an oddly soothing effect on him, and he considered the words. Sure he knew a small stretch of river and the best places to prank, but everything there was so familiar it had lost any sense of wonder to him. Two other things strongly pushed him to agree. The first was that by the time he could return, his nest would be gone. He had stashed a large pile of berries in the weave before he left and they would be rotten and his nest destroyed by the time he got back, when he could bear to pull away from Xander. The second was that perhaps Xander would let him journey with him. The male had already stayed with him longer than anyone else he knew, which was a surprise to the Floatzel. "Journeying sounds...nice." he finally replied, feeling his stomach do a belly flop. "How about you tell me about some of the things you've seen?" Brine asked, his voice wistful. Xander laid his head down, going into thought. "To begin with, I remember when I was still an Oshawott being picked by a young human at the lab, and growing frustrated at the idea that all my training would be attributed to the child. It wasn't for me, so the first chance I could, I left him behind and traveled the city in which we lived." Brine flinched a bit at this information his eyes shocked as Xander looked back at him, wondering if that had been intereting enough to mention. "You're a trainer's pokemon?" he asked, a tiny tremor in his voice. "You've been in a city?" "Was." Xander emphasized. "I was a trainer's Pokémon, but it hardly makes a difference to me in the grand scheme of things." Then the Samurott saw the nervous expression on Brine's face. "At least, I hope it doesn't. Are you alright?" Brine looked away from Xander's gaze fast, gulping. He slowly lifted his eyes again and looked the bigger male in the eyes directly, searchingly. Slowly the tension eased from his body, though his brow remained slightly furrowed as he nuzzled back into the blue fur. He took a small breath to reassure himself. "No, it doesn't matter." he said softly. "I'm good, I'm good. Tell me more about your travels, but in the forests and stuff?" Xander narrowed his eyes at the Floatzel, who was clearly hiding something, but nonetheless he continued on. "The day I got out of the city, I came across a few Pokémon. I was younger and more hard-headed at the time, so of course I tried to challenge them. Needless to say, things didn't turn out so well for me." He sighed. "When I finally awoke from that beating, I woke up to the moon staring down at me, the only light in the pitch darkness I was in. I sat up, catching my breath, but I didn't move, and let my pain ease away. Finally, when it was gone...I evolved." Xander said, almost in awe at the memory. Brine let's his eyes wander, imagining the scene that Xander had painted with his words. The light that so many craved for filling the clearing. He let a small sigh of awe escape his mouth at the scene. "What happened next?" Brine asked, enraptured by the tale so far. Xander's expression brightened a little. "I traveled for a few days, a new Dewott, full of energy and eager to start a fight." He shook his head. "Ah, my younger self was so headstrong, thinking back on it. Luckily, it wasn't long before I met another Pokémon soon after; a Combusken, by the name of Tina. We got into a fight, but I can't remember who won. All I do recall is that by the time it was done...she was in my arms, and I was in hers." he said, his eyes glazing over. Brine kept his mouth shut, not wanting to interrupt the reminiscing that Xander was going through. He had to bite his lip, wondering where Tina was now and if he had just intruded on a mated couple with his actions. The blue otter looked down at the ground, taking off his helmet, letting his white hair drift over his face. He set the helmet on the ground, then laid his head down again. "We traveled together for awhile, training, sparring, resting." he said, smiling a little at the last word. Then his expression suddenly turned sullen. "Alas, it wasn't to be in the end. We tried taking on a larger Pokémon together, as we had many times before, but" he paused, closing his eyes for a moment. "Sorry, I just...I don't like to think about it all that often." he said. Brine nuzzled in, petting Xander's side in understanding and trying to provide a bit of comfort. His own mind was being crushed by the feelings that the blue otter must have gone through. He tried to squash the empathy but couldn't, with a few tears rolling free that he quickly got rid of. Xander was surprised to see the other otter crying as he was. "Maybe I should stop for now. I'll continue another time, it'll be better for both of us." he said. He tilted his head at Brine. "How about yourself? " Brine wiped his eyes and shook his head. "Nothing that could compare to your life. Just wandering around, playing a prank every now and then, getting chased away from berry bushes when I need food." He tried to give a nonchalant shrug, but it was clearly forced. "I found a new berry bush recently and stocked up. Hid it all in my nest so I could have food for the next few days. Now I'm here." He didn't look up throughout his retelling of recent events, picking at the top of his Oran berry. Xander couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at the quick answer he was given, but then, it had been hard enough to tell his own story, and he was as emotionally stable as they come, whereas Brine appeared to be as stable as a half-melted icicle "In that case, any good pranks you've done lately? That didn't involve me?" he said, glowering for a second at the Floatzel. Brine rubbed the back of his head. "Well, right before I came down here I played a prank on new Graveller in the area. He was rolling around tearing up this really nice field that has a small pond in it. I snuck in and dug a bit of the field out and built it up in his path." The floatzel was grinning lopsidedly now. "He hit the speed bump I made and skipped like a pebble would, except on the field. He ended up running into a tree and knocking some branches down. I was laughing by now and I guess there was a few butterfree living in the tree who took offense and sent him back towards the bump with an attack. He saw me and I guess someone must have mentioned me because he got real mad and shouted my name..." Brine bit his lip and then smiled again, wiping his face. "Been the first time in a while I heard my name from someone else, gets hard to remember sometimes." Brine wiped his face once more and giggled a little. "If you'd like I can tell you about the time I tricked the metapods into making a giant web?" Xander stared wide-eyed and dumbstruck at the nonsensical story he just heard come out of Brine's mouth. What was he even supposed to say to that? Good job? "Um...maybe we can hear that story another time." he said after regaining his thoughts. "Perhaps we can exchange ideas of a more...personal nature?" he suggested, a coy smile running across his lips. Brine smiled in response, nodding his head as his nuzzling of the blue fur become a little less innocent. "You lead this time. We'll make sure you have a really good time." he said, poking Xander's side lightly. "Good." he said. Then he laid on his side and lifted his leg slightly, exposing his undercarriage and all that was there. "Then let's get back to what we were doing earlier." Brine hummed his reply, sliding up against the Samurott's underside. His hands slowly rubbed down to the balls and his muzzle poked at the sheath, starting to tease it lightly with his nose and mouth. "I love your scent." The Floatzel mumbled, taking breaths and finally extending his tongue. Xander said nothing, but he did jerk a little when his scrotum was grabbed, gritting his teeth as he fought the instinctual urge to defend himself. With any other Pokemon doing this, he would have probably knocked them into next week, but the sight of Brine's mouth heading towards his crotch made him shiver with excitement. Tracing his fingers in soft circles over Xander's balls made Brine smile in a way that sent shivers down his spine. He closed his eyes and slowly licked against the tip of the sheath. He then worked his saliva in, pushing his tongue inside the sensitve fold of skin. Xander murred, and laid his head back on the ground. "For a Pokemon who has little experience with others, you sure know your way around me." he said, closing his eyes as Brine's tongue worked its way towards his cock. Brine's only response was a small moan directly into Xander's sheath. He was in a state of bliss at this point and his cock was raging hard. He ignored it completely as his tongue finally came into contact with Xander's cock, getting a good taste and not letting up. "Mmmmph." Xander hummed, feeling his center become warm and slick. He closed his legs, trapping the Floatzel firmly between them, thought he doubted the latter would mind. A small gasp escaped Brine's mouth as the legs closed, only serving to make his minstrations more erotic. His tongue flicked and slithered across Xander's cock, drawing it inexorably into his mouth. A small thrust of his hips announced Xander's erection, and he smiled as the pent up feelings from earlier returned, clouding his mind with images of he and Brine in various positions together. "Lick it." he said bluntly, referring to his cock. Brine almost whined in hapiness at the command and complied immediately. His hands shifted to the base of the sheath and held on firmly as his tongue slowly slurped across the musky surface in front of him. Unlike the whine he could not hold in the moans of pure pleasure that escaped his throat. The vibrations of Brine's moan only added to the sudden feeling of ecstasy that ran across Xander's dick, and he squirmed, trying not to blow right then and there. "Saaamuur." he breathed. Brine breathed out warmly on the musky shaft then opened his mouth wide, letting the spire slide into his mouth. He tightened his lips and started sucking gently. The Samurott moaned as he heard Brine's lips smacking around his penis, which was trapped in the vacuum that was the otter's mouth. He could feel his balls churning, wanting to release right there, but damn it to Arceus if he was going to finish that quickly and let this pleasure not continue. "Keep...doing...that." he said, every word punctuated by a suck from the Floatzel. Brine's tongue flicked over the head in response, then it was in his throat. Xander's cock was longer than his own and he almost gagged as it slid past where his own stopped. Holding back the urge to gag, Brine swallowed, his eyes starting to water. He didn't want to pull off for anything now, having such a delicious cock gracing his mouth and throat. "Sa...Sa...Samurott." Xander said, not wanting to move out of fear of disturbing his friend's efforts. What he was feeling was incredible, but looking at Brine, he could tell the Floatzel was struggling a bit to take his whole pride. "You ok?" he asked, concerned for the other otter's well being. Brine tried to moan in response, but it only came out for a few seconds before he gagged. His entire body tensed up, especially his throat, which gripped Xander's cock tighter than any hand ever could. Xander gasped as a hard squeeze on his dick made him fall back, shaking from the pressure on his sensitive pride. It wouldn't let up though, and eventually, it was too much. Xander came, the results of a whole day's worth of teasing ejaculating into the Floatzel's mouth. The shift backwards by Xander made the spire pop free from Brine's throat. The Floatzel instinctively drew a breath, but only recieved cum. His swimmer's instinct kicked in and his lungs closed down as he swallwed every drop that entered his mouth. As soon as clear air was available his body would switch back to gasping for breath, but for now he moaned, letting the thick liquid cover his every sense. Xander's head flew left and right, his body spasming from the intense orgasm going through him. Every muscle in his body tensed, his cock continuing to empty his mighty cum factories into Brine's maw. His hips thrusted slightly, pumping more of his seed into the waiting mouth. Brine took a quick gulp of air between spurts of cum then dived back down, taking Xander into his throat again and swallowing along with the spasms. His throat tensed and relaxed with every spurt, milking the cum out. Xander had reached the peak of his orgasm, and he held himself in place, not moving as his stream of cum already began to taper off. Brine nuzzled and swallowed now and then. His hands moved back to the now spent balls and rubbed them as gently as he could. Xander jumped when his balls were touched again, the last of his male juice having left barely a second ago, but he recovered and looked up at the Floatzel. The latter's lips were still on his cock, suckling his semen out beautifully. "You just love sucking don't you?" Xander said, desperate for something to say. Brine churred and slowly pulled off, swirling his tongue very lightly to leave Xander's cock clean and shining.

"You taste so much better than I do. I just couldn't help it." he replied, blushing and looking up at Xander. Xander didn't know what to think of a compliment like that. Being told your cum tasted better than another's sounded like a joke, but Brine has said it in all earnestness. He himself didn't know what his cum tasted like at all, although because he was not very eager to find out. Not for now at least. "I trust you're filled? I'm spent." he said, looking down at his still dribbling cock. Brine rubbed his stomach and nodded, smiling a little. With a careful caress he picked up the liquid dribble and sucked it from his finger. "Sorry about before. I'm glad I could help you finish off this time." He moved a little closer to the Samurott, laying down next to him. Xander hesitated, thinking about whether he should do what he was thinking about doing. After a moment, he figured it couldn't hurt, then leaned over and kissed the Floatzel on the cheek. Brine jumped in surprise at the action, then held a hand over his cheek, as if to keep the feeling there. He smiled at Xander and gave him a quick hug and cheek kiss of his own. "I've never told a male this before, but...I think I might just love you." Xander said, rubbing his muzzle and hugging the otter with an arm. Brine's reply was a tighter hug and a small gasp as he nuzzled into Xander's neck. "I might just love you too." He said softly after having his muzzle buried in Xander's neck for a minute.

The Slacker and the Samurai Chapter 1

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