Don't Tease The Dog

Story by TheGMan on SoFurry

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Who's afraid of a big bad doberman? Alex is straight, but when a doberman starts eyeing him, he teases the canine until he gets bit. Hard.

There was something haunting about those golden eyes. They watched him as he tried his hardest not to look back, not to encourage the owner, a Doberman, from approaching him. He'd duck behind a strolling group of merchants and their carts on the docks, and then he'd turn to see him in pursuit. Those eyes had a raw hunger in them - and not for food.

He shivered and a warmth flooded his cheeks. The Doberman was dangerous; he had scars across his tan and black fur that showed between the red vest he wore, and the silver rapier at his side glinted like a wolf's tooth. Alex moved down past two stalls and around the corner, but he could feel those eyes, tracing over his black hair, his neat white suit - over his ass. The sensation ate at him until he glanced over his shoulder.

There he was in the shadow, between two empty vendor stalls, his eyes clear on what he wanted and Alex's eyes lowered to his package. His mouth dropped when the Doberman revealingly pulled back on his cloth pants. He should've been disgusted, called the guards, and sent him running but he was so cocky, and confident; he walked to the nearby stall, knowing he was still pursued, and leaned forward, the hem of his pants nuzzling between his ass-cheeks and giving the Doberman a good view.

His mind started to wonder what would happen when the Doberman finally pounced to take his teasing prey. He played with a wooden figure on the stand, half expecting - no, begging that he'd come from behind. "Do you carve these yourself?" He asked the reptile.

"Yes, I do, Mr. Vandrau. One copper a piece."

"I don't have any on me but, I might have to come back," he turned back and his jaw dropped, he was gone.

"Can I help you?"

Alex whipped around to see those golden eyes. "I have what I wanted, but some other time."

"Then can you both stop loitering in front of my stall."

"Take a fucking break."

The vendor put his hands up and stepped through a door behind him.

"Name's Nick," the Doberman got so close Alex could feel his breath.


"Don't care, slut."

"What the hell is wrong with- "

Alex gasped as a paw stroked him. "I take, do, and fuck what I want. Alley. Now."

"I'm not going to come in after you."

"You'll cum," he patted Alex's face. "I'll make sure of that," The warmth lingered where the paw had been as he watched him strut into the nearby alley.

Alex was a prestigious member of the city council - he started walking - and he had slept with a few women. They were boring, and words like cum and slut insulted their proper mannerism. This Doberman - this Male Doberman - wanted his ass. At first, he was just teasing the beast but if he dared to call a noble a slut, what else did he dare to do? A canine wasn't restrained by the rules of proper society. Rimming, biting, swearing, blowjobs - nothing was off the table with a canine.

At the edge between the dark alley and the nearly empty street, he could see the demonic reflection of his eyes and where his hands were stroking. He stepped into the dark and black paw landed on his arm and he didn't resist. It tugged him deeper into the darkness and in the corner of the alley, there was a small gap of space just out of sight. His heart thudded wildly in his chest; he couldn't do this!

"You're male. And a Commoner."

Nick looked at him and over him like he was judging a piece of meat, and then grabbed him by his white coat and yanked him close. "You smell like a bitch," he growled, and landed a single paw on Alex's ass closing the distance. "And bitches need bred."

"I. Oh-" His face reddened and his eyes lowered to the scars. Nick's paw was making his intentions clear.

"You want it, don't you? Tell me."


He should run.

"Then get on your knees and get to work," Nick slapped his ass, knocking any doubts out of his head. Alex dropped to his knees, his hands tugging at the button, and then pulling them down to his muscled thighs. The air burned in his throat the musk was so thick, and he found the scent drawing him in.

Nick's paw cupped the back of his head, and yanked him into his crotch, his nose pressing into the side of his sheath. He could smell the salt of his sweat between his balls. He was disgusted as he drew it in. He let his mouth open to get more, and realized how much he needed it. He was such a bitch. A needy, hungry bitch.

And so he licked and above he could hear him gasp in surprise, and he kept licking. The taste of a horny canine filled his mouth and he reveled in it. He worked him faster, going lower.

"Eager slut," he heard him moan as he got to his balls.

He'd let one rest upon his tongue, flick underneath, feeling the valley between them, and then stop under another. It felt so primal to be like this for him, and he wanted more. He filled his mouth with one, curling his tongue around it, and feeling the soft pricks of his fur. A hot drop fell on the bridge of his nose, and rolled down on his lips. He gazed up to see his cock, and to the eyes behind it, and gave a defiant looked.

Nick's paw grabbed his hair, yanking him up to it, and he lustfully whimpered at the abuse. His fingers circled his knot, feeling it throb, and then pointed it to his mouth. The tip was given a light sucking and his tongue rolled over the cum-hole, and he was rewarded with a squirt of pre. He looked up into his eyes and started to bob his head along the shaft, making sure his tongue tasted every inch.

"Someone's workin' for anal," Nick purred, "get my balls."

Alex cupped them, fur soaked with his spit, and pushed himself. His fingers tugged on them lightly, rolling them from side to side, and he brought his other hand up to brush against his taint. He did everything he found pleased himself, and the cock gushed the reward in his throat. He took more of the shaft, deeper, until it started to jab at the back of his throat. He choked and gagged on it, and Nick gave a proud look, and he made sure to fake it several times after. He wanted his Alpha to be in control, and he wanted to give that sense to him.

At the edge of his mind, he was surprised he thought the canine as his Alpha. "Fuck," he heard uttered, and his head was pushed back freeing the cock. He looked up to the panting Doberman, his fingers gliding over his thighs, and he waited for him to speak.

"Get on all fours," He said took off the belt that held his rapier.

Alex looked to his rod. "I never - "

"Do it, bitch."

He did exactly what Nick wanted. Behind him his heavy frame drop to its knees and his fist thudded into the stone at his side. The other paw came to his crotch, grabbing him and stroking him through the fabric, and he gasped at the treatment. The touching got rougher and the Doberman growled how Alex needed him; that he needed to be his good slut and how many loads he was gonna dump in him.

His paw slid up and found the gold button of his pants and a sharp claw sliced it off.

Alex's balls and cock fell out and he gasped. That smooth pawpad was stroking him, feeling his skin and the throbbing of his heart. He pushed back against Nick's thighs, catching him between his cheeks, and got a grunt of approval. "I really need it, stud." he muttered. It was wrong, but the pleasure was too much to ignore.

"Not yet. On your stomach."

And Alex lay upon the cold stone, his ass upturned. Two big paws landed on his cheeks, their warm pads pressing into his skin and spreading them. He could feel the cool air rushing down his crack, the warm droplets of saliva, and the paws placing more weight on him, pushing his hard cock into the ground.

He struggled and tried to turn. What was he doing! "Are you fighting your Alpha?" The hot rush of his breath blasted down his crack and over his taint.

"No." He bit down hard on his lip, and submitted to his dominating words. The surge of pleasure came after, and left him with the tickle of saliva rolling down his crack.

He never imagined doing that and the tingling numbness along his thighs that came with it. Nick was depraved, uncivilized, and he wanted to be savagely fucked by him. His thoughts went silent, his body limp at the wet slck, and from the top it slipped down taking notice of every spot that made his body shake, and then down over his taint and balls.

He pulled away and growled: "Don't ever fight me again."

Alex nodded and watched him lower. It went back to those pleasing areas, but not to lick.

Each one was caressed by his open maw, his tongue rubbing along and his nose burying into his crack, and he clamped down. The skin was pinned between his white teeth, and he pulled back until it slipped from his jaws. Alex couldn't help but whimper and the maw left him, "Quiet." and Alex sealed his mouth with his hand.

Two paws came around his waist, sliding to his inner thighs, and they pulled him on his knees, his cheek still on the cobblestone, but he could see him now. Those hungering golds focused on him above his ass, and his face went red as he lowered down. His hand jumped to his lips. The nose went between his cheeks, the open maw over his pink hole. A single swiping lick, then another, and the nose rocking in rhythm. It came at him, never stopping for a breath or pause, and the need to be taken consumed him.

Both paws slid to the sides of his cheeks, holding him, and he leaned forward. His hot skin pressed against the stone as he listened to him work. It was all too much. He pushed up off the ground and turned to him, those eyes glanced up at him, but he kept going. "Put it in me," he begged.

The tongue stopped, "when I damn well want to," and continued, each time it passed it pressed a little harder against his hole. It teased and played with him and left him panting on the stone. The whole maw jerked forward between his virgin cheeks, and shoved his tongue in. Alex gasped, quivering at the squirming sensations, and then felt those paws pulling him into it. His eyes clenched as he was tongue fucked, hot spit tickling his balls as it dripped.

The powerful tongue pulled away, and he glanced behind disappointingly. Nick grinned, "you're so fucking tight I can't wait to fuck it."

"Please," he muttered into the cobblestone, still looking at him.

Nick smirked, and one of his paws started to loosen him. It rolled around his flesh, slipping in to the pink warmth, and then playing at his entrance, and it did this a half dozen times. Alex craved his knot. To feel it blow up inside as he unloaded tying him to his bitch.

"Lay on your stomach," he growled and Alex did.

There was grunting, then the cock poked him in his crack and he gasped as it squirted him, the warm fluid resting on his abused hole. The pressure of it slipped up and down in his fluids until it hooked his hole, and he found himself under the shadow of the muscular beast. He leaned forward, and sunk down.

Alex groaned into his own palm. His hole spread effortlessly to the tip and the weight behind it, and the Dobie stopped. "Relax," He heard his words, and took a few deep breaths.

He nodded then the smooth shaft went in. He tried to take his advice but it was so alien, so big; he clenched and his eyes shot open. He cried out into his hand, and the burning caused tears to run and more cock plunged into him, it was endless. Two heavy paws pressed into his back. Then the pain went away and he went limp to the pleasure.

Nick grunted behind him, and he could feel the cock dipping in and out, not because it had hilted, but to strike something inside him. It made his cock ache and drip and he swore he would cum from it.

"Like that?" Nick taunted.


"Too bad," it plunged into him until the knot rested against his hole, and Nick was panting over his shoulder.

A massive forearm wrapped under his neck, holding him, and he felt a soft nibble on his ear. A paw pushed his hand away and sealed his mouth. Nick's hips pulled away from his ass and he moaned into the paw as the cock was driven home with a hard slap.

"I did a good job getting you loose."

The Dobie pulled back his hips and then slammed him with all his power, bashing his knot at his hole. Alex's whole body felt the shock of pleasure.

Nick nibbled at his ear again to show his approval, and he humped him furiously, and each time, the pain seemed to lessen and the feeling of pleasure shot up his back and out his mouth in muffled grunts, cries and moans.

He was pulled on to his side, Nick leaned down, wrapped his arm under his knee, and lifted it up. The shift of position had the blunt tip rolling over that pleasure spot, and Alex was terrified someone would come down enough to see them. To see his balls and cock bouncing as he was mercilessly fucked by a canine, "Move back," he begged.

"No." The paw cupped his mouth again.

Every thrust rushed up and over that spot had his cock slapping against his thigh. Long white strings of cum flew across the cobblestone. His face grew hotter and the grunts of pleasure harder to stifle. Nick kept pushing him to the breaking point, before rolling them back on Alex's stomach.

He removed his paw, and just held him as he panted. "Are you... knotted?" Alex asked.

That got a chuckle from Nick, "when I knot you, bitch, you'll know it." His cock slid out with a wet squelch, "now get on all fours for the finale."

Alex climbed on all fours and glanced back to Nick. "I want you to meet someone," he was pointing forward, "Vrax."

Alex's eyes turned straight ahead. He saw the thick plates of overlapping scales along the sides of his massive thighs and the lighter longer ones that ran horizontally up along the inner part of his thighs, towards his crotch, and... The cock was pink and straight like Nick's except for an upward curve at the triangle shaped tip, and the horizontal ridges hugged around the base where two orbs rested against his shaft. He practically bowed to it as the owner came to stand over him.

"I think he likes it."

"What if someone comes?" Alex asked. Vrax dropped one boulder sized knee after another, tossed his pants behind him, and sat a white cloth down next to his knee.

"Be a good slut an' we all might," Nick grinned, and wrapped his paws around Alex's waist, "shut him up."

Vrax's claw cradled his chin, angling it to his cock, and then fed it in. Alex fought the need to gag as the massive dick was crammed into his throat, and was rewarded with a squirt of pre. Vrax had been clearly busy in the nearby alley.

Nick pounded his ass harder than before, pulling out the full length before every muscle in his body had it thrusting back in. His cries were muffled gasps of air around the cock, and the reptile grunted in restrained pleasure but did nothing. Nick leaned back, and thrusted upwards and then downwards, and slipped his cockhead over every inch.

Alex looked up, his eyes half open in wild pleasure, and a few gentle sucks and rolls of his head had Vrax's slit-eyes narrowing down on him. He began to work his shaft, Nick still at his ass, and gave him all of his focus. Vrax scratched his hair and shot a look over to Nick.

Alex cried out as he felt his hair pulled, the cock flinging from his mouth covered in spit and cum, and he was lifted off his palms. Vrax crossed the gap, covering his mouth. He was slammed down on Nick's cock, the knot bashing through. His whole body clenched and shudder in pain, and then he exploded, the dry orgasm causing him to shake on the cock as his insides squeezed.

The knot grew to fill him. Nick nuzzled him, and nibbled on his ear, the cum already starting to drip on the cobblestone."Take it all slut," Alex heard him in his closed-eye afterglow. "And give him the special, Vrax." The paw covered his mouth.

His hair was yanked back and Vrax was jerking his cock over him. Vrax grunted and long strands of cum slapped across his face and hair and the sheer volume had it running off his chin. "Clean it."

Alex wrapped his mouth around that cock and pulled back revealing a tongue-cleaned reptile dick. Vrax stepped back with a sideways grin.

"Listen," Nick whispered, "this happens so rarely that - if you don't put up a fight - I will fuck you after I kidnap you. Ransom demands and all that take time and maybe I just will keep you."

No longer horny, Alex quickly realized how much of an idiot he had been, then sighed. It wasn't a bad deal and he needed a vacation.

"Even got twins -- one likes the front, the other the back." Vrax stood over him, pouring a vial on the white cloth, and brought it towards him. "Three deep breaths."

Alex almost inhaled the cloth.