Monday Meetings

Story by Mog Moogle on SoFurry

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Another continuation of the story. Threw in some stuff that made me happy while writing, hopefully it does some of the same for you. Caution, shameless plug at the end ^.^

Please rate it, fav it and comment

Monday Meetings

By Mog Moogle

Brad typed as fast as he could on the computer in his office. He had just worked his first full night flying solo as the night foreman. He had a two week backlog of status reports to condense for the President of the company and the Vice President of Manufacturing. He had only spent half an hour of his shift on the floor, and nine in his sparsely decorated office.

The only personal effects he had in his office were two 5 x 7 frames on the file cabinet beside his desk. The one closest to the desk was a family portrait taken the previous year at their church, something the church did every year for all the families in the congregation. The second was a picture of Paul standing in front of his car at a car show holding a large trophy, but behind that seemingly innocent photo was a hidden picture.

Paul had never had a girlfriend, even all through high school. He didn't make it any secret that he dated Brad, but was never harassed about it for fear of intense reprisal not only from Paul himself, but from most of the Football and Basketball team. Even though there were furs on the teams that didn't approve of it, (and even a few coaches,) they wouldn't stand for anyone messing with their starting quarterback or three years running MVP on the Basketball team.

Paul had taken Brad to his senior Prom, and the picture, the two stood in their tuxedos. Paul had his arms around Brad, standing behind him and slightly to his left. His muzzle was pressing against Brad's cheek, kissing it softly. Brad was smiling wide, but not at the kiss as you would expect. He was smiling at the shocked reaction of the photographer as he snapped a photo of the seventeen and eighteen year old rabbits being overtly open about their relationship in the midst of what could easily be the most harsh and traumatic environment for homosexual teens.

Brad sighed as he cracked his knuckles and flexed his fingers. He hadn't had to type so much since he was in school, and even then never anything like this. Still, he was impressed with himself, catching up on two weeks of work in one night, (albeit a long night.) Luckily for Brad, there had been a lull in the workload as the company had ended various smaller contracts to free up production lines for the large government contract. He looked over the reports and spreadsheets one last time before he hit the print button.

Brad leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes. Adjusting to this sleep schedule was going to take some getting used to. He looked at the clock on the computer; it read 7:10 AM. He had a full fifty minutes before the start of the Monday morning meeting. He picked the framed picture of Paul up off the file cabinet, carefully moving the flimsy backing so that he could slide the concealed picture out. He giggled softly at the image, remembering the night of the Prom, and the events into the next morning.

Paul and Brad walked out of the convention hall that had been rented for the dance. Paul had already taken off his tuxedo jacket and walked with it slung over his shoulder in one paw while he held Brad's paw in the other. They shared a brief kiss before getting in Paul's car. Brad assumed that they would be going home, which would not have bothered him since he wasn't much of a night-owl and it was already a little after midnight.

Brad closed his eyes as he listened to the engine humming and the road noise softly bleeding into the cab of the car. He was about to drift off to sleep when he noticed that the lights of the city had faded and numerous stars dotted the clear night sky above him. Brad sat up and looked around the car, glancing out of the windshield to see the cones of the headlight brightening a dark stretch of road that led towards the wooded hills a few miles to the south of the outskirts of the city limits.

"Where are we going?" Brad asked as he looked over at Paul.

"You'll see." Paul answered with a smile.

Brad watched as the cattle pastures gave way to the soft rolling hills and the edges of the road became enclosed in trees. A few miles into the woods, Paul slowed the car and turned off on a rough dirt road that cut its way through the woods. The trees grew denser as the massive car climbed up one of the hills, little bits of rock and gravel kicking up in the fender wells making soft pops against the protective sheet metal around the wheels.

"You're going to have to wash your car." Brad said as he looked at the road gradually becoming more overgrown as they drove.

"I wash it every other day anyway, Brad." Paul said with a soft chuckle.

Paul slowed the car as he came to a cattle gate that ran across the road. There was a faded 'No Trespassing' sign on the gate that Brad noticed as he put the car in park and got out. Brad watched as Paul walked to one end of the gate where a rusty chain was wrapped around the end and the wooden post that the unhinged end rested against. There was obviously no lock on the gate, and Paul unwrapped the chain and draped it over the top of the gate. He picked the end up off the ground and walked the gate open inside of the old fence line. He walked back to his car and got back in.

"Are we supposed to be here?" Brad asked a little concerned about the 'Violators Will be Prosecuted' warning on the sign.

"Yeah, my uncle owns this place. We hunt here every deer season."

"Does he know you're out here? We're not going to get shot at if he mistakes us for punk furs breaking into his place, are we."

"Nah." Paul chuckled. "He lives in town, he just owns this patch of land so we can come out here and play on the quads and hunt. Everyone in the family can use it whenever we want."

"Okay." Brad said as the car eased into the fenced in area.

The road inside was even rougher than it was leading up to the gate. The car's chrome bumper flatted saplings, brush and weeds that had grown up in the middle of the trail between the ruts. Every so often, they'd drive over a trail that the smaller quads had cut through the woods. Brad looked down one of the trails and saw mounds of dirt that had been piled up by a bulldozer to make a dirt track that had been overgrown for at least twenty years.

"So, how come you never invited me to come out here and ride quads with you?" Brad asked as he looked at the smaller ruts crisscrossing the path.

"You never struck me as an outdoorsy type, sweetheart. Plus I only come out here with the quads with my dad, and you know how he doesn't like how touchy-feely we get."

"I could restrain myself if I got to ride quads around. It sounds like fun."

"Yeah, but I don't know if I could." Paul said as he smiled and extended a paw to Brad.

Brad smiled as he took Paul's paw in his and squeezed it softly. They made their way farther into the woods, still on an uphill grade, but suddenly the trees broke into a clearing, and they were sitting on the crest of a ridge looking out at all of the tiny lights of the city a few miles away. Paul put the car in park and turned it off. He looked over at Brad and smiled at his expression as he admired the view.

"Paul, this is beautiful. Why hasn't your uncle built a house up here?"

"He's talked about it. It'd be too expensive though. It's way off the city grid, so he'd have to dig a well and septic system, have power lines run up here, plus there's no gas lines so he'd either have to get a propane tank or use all electric. If you knew how my uncle likes to cook, you'd know that he'd never give up his gas stove for an electric one."

"But, still ... I didn't think there was a view like this anywhere around here. I think it'd be worth it."

"Well, I'll see if I can get him to will it to me, and then after he kicks off, we'll build our dream house up here."

Brad looked over at Paul and smiled. The smaller rabbit unfastened the lap belt with his paw and eased as close to his lover as he could get. Paul put his arm around Brad and nuzzled his cheek. They sat and admired the view for a few minutes, watching as the sea of small lights flickered and danced in the distance. Brad was about to nestle in under Paul's arm and get even more comfortable when he heard the driver's door open. He jumped a little as Paul stepped out of the car and walked around to the back.

Paul opened the trunk of his car and pulled out a bundled blanket. He walked back to the front and spread it over the hood of his car, motioning for Brad to join him. Brad got out of the car and walked around to Paul as he was finishing straitening the blanket over the hood of the car. Brad yipped softly as Paul put his paws on his waist and lifted him up onto the hood, setting his rear on the top of the fender. The large rabbit walked around to the other side and eased carefully onto the hood. He moved closer to Brad as Brad scootched closer to him. Paul wrapped his arms around Brad and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Sweetheart?" Paul said softly into the smaller rabbit's ear.

"Mmm?" Brad cooed in reply.

"I wanted to bring you out here because, this is where my dad proposed to my mom." Paul paused as he reached into his left pocket and pulled out a small velvet covered box. "Will you be my little bunny?"

Brad looked at the small box as Paul held it in front of him. He slowly extended his paw and took the box. He nervously opened it, revealing a thin sterling silver band tucked neatly inside. Brad looked at it in awe, softly stroking it with his fingerpad. He pulled it free from the box and looked it over. Paul gently took it from his grasp and picked up his left paw. He slid the ring on Brad's ring finger, easing it down until it rested snuggly against his paw. Brad looked up at Paul as tears began to well up in his eyes. Paul chuckled softly as he eased his forehead down against Brad's.

"Is that a yes, sweetheart?" Paul asked softly, getting a soft nod against him in response.

Paul pressed his lips against Brad's and kissed him deeply. Their tongues intermingled in each other's muzzles as Brad fought the urge to cry, letting a few happy sobs and soft giggles slip into the kiss. The large rabbit pulled his smaller framed mate on top of him without breaking the kiss. Brad eased his legs on either side of Paul's and straddled him. They held their fiery kiss as Brad's paws worked in between their waists. His small paws fumbling against the belt buckles of their black pants.

Paul murred softly as he felt his mate's paws pull his belt open, and then worked the button open at the top of his fly. Paul slid his paws to Brad's hips, lifting him gently so that the smaller rabbit could finish opening their pants. After the front of Paul and Brad's pants were both open, Paul slid his paws up to the button on his tail flap. He worked the button open with practiced skill and then tugged Brad's pants down to his thighs.

Brad and Paul were both already fully erect, but while Brad's erection was free and standing ready for attention, Paul's was still pinned in his underwear. Paul finally broke the kiss as he held Brad slightly up off him. Paul looked down at Brad's member as the tip leaked pre onto his rented tuxedo shirt and pants.

"Mmn ... no underwear, just like I told you." Paul said with a smirk.

Brad giggled softly as he blushed, shaking his head as he looked down at the large bulge in Paul's white cotton underwear.

"Why'd you wear underwear, Paul?" Brad asked as he eyed him.

"So my little bunny would have to take it off me." Paul paused as he nuzzled at Brad's muzzle. "Well, get to it."

Brad slid his paws under the waistband of the tuxedo pants and underwear. He tugged them down as Paul lifted off the car a little, pulling them down until Paul's thick length was free. Paul put his paws on Brad's shoulders and pushed him down a little. Brad eased back and lowered his muzzle towards the head of Paul's rabbithood. He closed his eyes as he opened his muzzle and took the flared tip in his mouth. Brad sucked softly on the head, easing his muzzle down as far as he could.

Brad could only take half of Paul's length in his muzzle unless he was lying on his back. Over the past three years, Brad had had a lot of practice overcoming a sensitive gag reflex, and could take Paul all the way to the back of his throat, and even deeper if the angle worked for it. He began to bob his head up and down, sucking and slurping as he teased the underside of Paul's shaft with his tongue. Paul closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the windshield, moaning deeply as Brad worked his length over with his muzzle.

Paul didn't let his lover continue too long though, easing his paws on Brad's shoulders and pushing him up off his throbbing length. Brad whined a little as the head of the member was forced out of his muzzle, causing Paul to chuckle.

"Mmm ... I love how cock hungry you are, but I want to feed you somewhere else. Roll over onto your back." Paul instructed.

Brad nodded at Paul and then eased back down, shifting his body until he laid with his back on Paul's legs. Paul put his paws under Brad's arms and pulled him up into his lap, grinding his length between Brad's furry cheeks. The smaller rabbit moaned softly and rubbed his rear against Paul's length, caressing the furry cheeks to tease along Paul's shaft.

"My little bunny wants it bad, doesn't he?"

"Oh gods yes. Please let me have it."

Paul laughed softly as he eased his paws under Brad's rear, lifting him up off his lap. Brad eagerly helped Paul as he braced his paws on the hood on either side of the large rabbit. He lifted himself up until he felt Paul's member standing erect and poking at his backside. Paul roughly pushed his hips up and forced the head of his member in past the smaller rabbit's tailring. Brad gasped and then moaned softly, but wasn't given the opportunity to relax very long. Paul gripped Brad's hips and forced him all the way down his length, pushing him down until his rear was planted firmly in his lap again.

"Oh Paul! Gods you're so big. I love it."

"I know you do." Paul said as he rocked his hips against Brad.

Brad shivered and moaned as every inch of Paul teased his insides. To Paul's surprise, he felt Brad start to lift off him until about half of his penis was back out of his tailhole, and then he lowered himself back down.

"Oh yeah. Faster." Paul instructed as he moaned.

Brad eased his foot paws up closer to his body, arcing his knees and bracing them against the covered hood. He lifted himself off about half way again and then let himself drop, working his pace up until he was moving steadily. Paul rubbed up and down Brad's sides through the rough texture of the tuxedo jacket as the smaller rabbit rode him, softly bucking his hips against him when he slid down.

After a short while, Paul slid his paws down to Brad's rear and held him in place. He shifted his footing and began pumping his hips as fast as he could. Brad gasped and moaned as the large rabbit yiffed him as fast as he could, his own member dribbling pre all over the blanket and his pants as it bobbed in the air. Paul suddenly lifted his upper body up and pulled Brad even closer until he could reach his ankles. Paul tugged Brad's feet up and forced him onto his knees straddling him.

Paul eased back down onto the deck lid and grabbed Brad's wrists, forcing them behind his back and holding them in a firm but gentle arm lock. He pumped in and out of the smaller rabbit as fast as he could, his body slapping against Brad's rear on each thrust. The large rabbit's member began to swell inside Brad's tailhole, and Brad could feel ever pulse and throb resonating inside of him.

"I'm about to cum." Paul announced in between grunts.

"Please, please let me have it." Brad begged as he panted.

"Such an eager little bunny." Paul said with a chuckle.

He pushed deep into Brad as he pulled him down into his lap, his tip spraying warm thick jets of his seed deep up inside of his lover. While his cock was pulsing in orgasm, Brad panted and moaned, the warm flood filling him as he pushed back down against Paul. The smaller rabbit's member shot a pulse of his cum directly into the tuxedo pants, and the subsequent jets sprayed down the front of them and the blanket.

Paul panted softly as his member was milked by Brad's spasming muscles, and when the smaller rabbit finally let out a shaky relieved sigh, Paul wrapped his arms around him and pulled his upper body down against him and hugged him tightly. Brad eased his head back against Paul's muzzle, and Paul kissed the back of his head softly.

"I love you, sweetheart." Paul said as he nuzzled up Brad's ear.

"I love you too, Paul." Brad whispered as he caught his breath.

The two held one another for awhile, Brad beginning to drift off to sleep. He was suddenly roused when Paul shook him, opening his eyes to see the car lit up by a bright light. He looked back towards the source but the intense spotlight forced him to snap his eyes closed. Paul rolled the bunny on his side and quickly pulled his member out of him as they heard a car door close.

"Pull your pants up." Paul whispered loudly as he was struggling to do the same.

Before Brad had any time to react, a flashlight lit up the shadow on his body that the car's interior was casting.

"What are you doing out here?" He heard a deep voice ask from behind the flashlight.

"T.J.?" Paul asked as he looked at the figure silhouetted in darkness.

"Paul? Geeze, what are you doing out here? Hold on, you two get dressed, I'll go kill the spotlight." The figure said as he turned and padded back through the soft leaves to his car.

The spotlight dimmed as Brad was fastening his belt, and the figure walked back up to Paul's car. Brad looked up and saw a wolf in a deputy sheriff's uniform looking back at him.

"Who's this?" The wolf asked as he scanned the small rabbit with his flashlight.

"This is Brad. We came up here to enjoy the view." Paul said with a chuckle. "Brad, this is T.J. He's my neighbor."

"Um ... nice to meet you?" Brad said timidly.

"Enjoying the view huh? Looks like you were enjoying a little bit more than the view. So you came through a gate to get here, didn't you think that might be considered breaking and entering, at the very least you're trespassing."

"Nah, T.J. This is my uncle's land. We come out and use it all the time."

"Okay. Well, I'm going to let you off with a warning, but only if you swing by my house tomorrow and do that oil change on my car you've been saying you'll get to for the last week."

"No problem." Paul said as he took Brad's paw in his and squeezed it softly, trying to stop him from shivering. "What are you doing all the way up here, anyway?"

"We got a call from the fur that lives across the street from your ... 'driveway' up here. Said there was a loud car coming up this way."

"What was he doing up this late?"

"Looking for trouble. Codger calls us out there at least three times a week."

"Ah, okay. One of those types."

"Yeah, you two head on home though. I doubt the sheriff would appreciate me getting called back out here again tonight. Rides me hard enough as it is."

"I thought you were getting on in town."

"Yeah, I talked to the chief, he said I get 'preferential treatment' in the next selection since I already went to the academy, but this was the first job offer I got so I took it. You two drive safe, and try and be a little more discrete in public if you would." T.J. said with a laugh as he turned to walk back to his cruiser.

"What ... what was that about?" Brad asked in a shaky voice when he heard the police cruiser door shut.

"That's just T.J. Like I said, he's my neighbor. We used to be really good friends, but he was always a lot older than me, and just sort of stopped hanging out with me after he graduated high school."

"I ... I'm surprised he let us go." Brad said as he eased closer to Paul.

"Yeah." Paul said with a chuckle. "Well, when I was twelve ... ah, nevermind that. I'll tell you about it later." Paul said as he hugged Brad softly.

Brad sighed contently as he looked at the clock on his computer again. He rubbed his eyes with his left paw as he stood up. He looked around the office for something to wipe his right paw off with, but didn't see anything. He shrugged to himself before licking his sticky paw clean. After he was mostly satisfied with it, he zipped up his suit pants, catching a glimpse of cum on his left pants cuff.

"Damn it ... Now I'll have to get this thing dry cleaned."

He picked up the two printed reports out of the printer tray and made his way into the corporate offices. He dropped one report in the Vice President of Manufacturing's box by the office door and the other in the box by the President's office door. He yawned and stretched before heading to the break room to get another cup of hot tea.

After pouring the hot water from the coffee machine's water spout over the tea bag, he paused as he glanced at the silver band on his ring finger tucked behind his gold wedding band. He smiled to himself as he picked his cup up and made his way to the conference room. He sat down in the same place he had sat the previous Friday. After a few minutes, his fellow executives began to file in. Chad sat down beside him and greeted him. Shortly before eight, the President joined the rest of the executives.

"Good morning." The older lion greeted as he sat a stack of papers down on the table.

The meeting went pretty much the same as it had on Friday, discussing various aspects of the company that the three foremen didn't really pay too much attention to. Brad was doing his best to stay awake, having just worked ten hours on his first night shift. He sipped the hot tea from time to time to stir himself cognizant again.

"Mr. Kilmer's." The President said as Brad was setting the cup back on the table.

"Yes sir?"

"Have you reviewed the transfer requests to your shift yet?"

"Um ... yes sir, I have."

"Any problems with them?"

"Well, you've got two of the team leads from first wanting to transfer to thirds, I'd recommend against it."

"Why is that, Mr. Kilmers?"

"Well, you're talking about hiring large volumes of new furs, and these two leads would be transferring into thirds as line workers and not leads. I've worked with them on first, and they are very good team leads, and I think that they'd do a lot better training new hires than letting their leadership go to waste under third team leaders with seniority."

"Yes, but as senior employees, they have first pick on internal transfers."

"I understand, and unless they're just not happy with being team leads, I still think they'd be best if they remained where they're at."

"So what would you recommend?"

"Um ... well, I would assume they'd be willing to switch from leads to line workers for the increase in pay. If pay is the only issue, I'd say offer them a raise to stay where they're at. With a raise and the overtime being projected, I think that'd handle it."

"Mr. Linder?"

"Yes sir. The leads are due a review, and I would have no objections with offering either one of them a raise." Chad replied.

"Mr. Boone?" Mr. Zabski asked as he looked at the Manufacturing Vice President, a cheetah sitting directly to his right.

"With recommendations from two of our foremen, I see no problem in that, sir."

"All right. Before we get to the rest of the day, I'd like to have another meeting on Wednesday to discuss the finalization of the government contract, the representative on their behalf will be here at nine so it'll be the first time we all get to sit in on a meeting with him, and afterwards, I want to discuss the deal with the city to purchase the old tire plant on the lot adjacent to ours. I talked with the city planners Friday afternoon and they might be willing to give us a tax break on the property if we modernize or demolish it and build a new facility." As he concluded and gathered his paperwork, the furs around the table all stood up, but Brad's ears perked as he heard his name called. "Mr. Kilmers, I assume you're on your way home after this."

"Yes sir." Brad replied.

"I'd like to see you in my office before you go."

"Y-yes sir." Brad said as the lion stood up.

The executives all filed back out of the room. Brad stopped outside the door and waited for the President to come out behind him. Mr. Zabski shut the conference room door behind him and walked down the hall to his office. Brad followed behind him, and stopped outside the door as he picked up the report Brad had just finished in his box. He opened his office door and took a seat in his large leather chair on the other side of the desk. Brad took a seat in one of the chairs across from him.

"Mr. Kilmers, do you mind if I call you Brad?"

"No ... no sir." Brad said nervously.

"Mm ... Brad, this report is fairly good. A few little things I noticed when I glanced at it briefly before the meeting, but you seem to be taking to the job okay." He said as he thumbed through the report without looking up at Brad.

"Yes sir. Just, let me know what's not good and I'll correct it."

"Don't worry about this week. I'll email you with what needs to be in next week's when I get the time. Now," He paused as he sat it down on the desk and looked up at Brad. "I pulled your college transcripts when I was reviewing you for the position. I have to say that you are the most undereducated fur on the board. That doesn't sit well with me."

"I ... I'm sorry sir."

"You had several 'F's on your transcript before you got a trade certificate. Your major was practical engineering?"

"Yes sir, it was."

"Why did you flunk out?"

"Math sir." Brad paused as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I was never very good at math."

"Ah, yes. That's because they don't teach it right in schools. Here's what you're going to do. You're going to enroll in college again, minor in business and major in practical engineering. We'll pay for the tuition and supplies."


"You've had eight years of learning the math the right way, and when it comes to the more advanced things, I'll tutor you myself if I have to. I will not have an executive in my company with anything less than a master's degree."

"Oh ... yes sir. T-thank you."

"Don't thank me yet. Like I said, you don't meet the minimum qualifications for your job yet. If you fail this time around, you'll be back on the maintenance team."

"Yes sir. I'll ... I'll get that degree."

"Good. By the way, how did the family take the news of your promotion?"

"The ... wife is a little shocked that I make more than her now. Cody is happy for me."

"Cody, he's your son, right?"

"Yes sir, my nine year old ... and growing up fast. I was actually going to enroll him in Advanced Preparatory today after I left work."

"Good. I hear good things from the others on the board that have children there."

"Sir, may I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Why ... why are the foremen junior executives here? I mean, I know it's your company, and I'm certainly not complaining, but I've never really even heard of another company that does that."

"Well ... I'm a second generation Romanian immigrant. My father got off the boat, got married and then went to work in a factory to provide for his family. He made it as high as foreman, and when I was old enough, I was hired on. I made it to foreman myself, and I never appreciated how little say we had in how the company actually worked. After ten years of putting up with my suggestions being shrugged off, I bought a small building on this lot and started my own company. Thirty years later, this is what it is, and the furs that are most directly responsible for what actually goes on out there on the floor have a say in how the company works."

"Oh. I understand. That makes a lot of sense."

"Well, I'm sure a lot of the other manufacturing companies around here would have disagreed with that, but we're the only one on the block still in business."

Brad smiled and nodded.

"Go take care of you son, get him in that school so he can do even better than his dad. That's all my father ever wanted for me, and if I had been fortunate enough to have a son, that's how I'd want it for him."

"Yes sir, thank you." Brad said as he stood up.

Mr. Zabski stood up and offered his paw. Brad took it and Mr. Zabski shook it firmly.

"I think Chad was right, I think you have what it takes for this. Don't let me down."

"Yes sir, I won't." Brad said with a smile.

Author's note: If T.J.'s cameo peeked your interest and you're curious to see how he's doing several years down the road from his run in with Brad and Paul, check out 'On the Flipside' in my stories ^.^