The world in the life of a grey husky. Chpt.1 Why bar's can be fun.

Story by Uniden on SoFurry

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Mark Uniden woke up to the screeching of an alarm clock on his dresser. he tossed his checkered patterned comforter off the lower part of his body, still half asleep. He snarled at the buzzing alarm clock showing nicely sharpened, bright white teeth. Easily grabbing the alarm clock in one paw he threw it against the closest wall defining it's shrill cry, and shattering it into many small pieces. "Good riddance" he said with a low morning grunt.

As he got out of bed, he walked over to the red ceder door of his room.

There was a full size mirror hanging from the door and a smirk appeared on Mark's face, he liked what he saw. Mark was a male husky with grey fur on his back and sides. His chest was covered with snow white fur, just like his mother's. Now Mark wasn't overly muscular but he had a nice physique that attracted the women, and some men, he stood just over 6' 2". He ran his paw down his chest and down to his six inch sheath, giving it a good morning tap.

He walked over to the dresser where the alarm clock once stood and opened the top drawer. Grabbing a pair of briefs he threw them on the bed, then he stooped down to the bottom drawer. He slid it open grabbing a pair of well worn blue jeans. He put on the brief's and jeans, and decided to skip the shirt for today.. Walking out of the room he grabbed his favorite Stetson, it was light brown with curled up sides. walking down the wooden hallway of his one bedroom cabin he picked his key's up off the table and headed out the door.

Outside it was a perfect day, the sky was clear and the wind was cool.Mark climbed into his red '69 road runner and started the old muscle car. The big block roared to life and Mike floored it heading out the driveway, making the gravel fly. Mark was on his way to his favorite bar.

The parking lot was lined with all different types of vehicles, some old and some new, but his had to be the nicest. Walking inside he pulled down his hat brim with a paw, he made his way to the bar. Analyzing his surroundings, he noticed that there were a lot of furs in the bar so early. Mark sat down at the bar and a massive brown bear with a white apron on walked up. "whata you have?" the bear asked leaning on the bar with one elbow.

"Give me a bottle of Jack Daniels" Mark said while bringing out a pack of cigarettes, never looking up.

The bear firmly put a square bottle on the bar before the husky. Mark light a cigarette and taking the bottle swiveled around on the bar stool. Lifting up his hat brim with one claw he looked over his local haunt. Looking around he see's a horse staring straight at him. A gut feeling comes up saying that there is something different about this horse but he can't quite put a paw in it. By looks it was just a normal horse but there was still something nagging at him deep down inside.

He was light tan in color with a white strip down the middle of his nose.

Taking his gaze off the horse Mark returned looking around the smokey bar room. He spies a cute black fox sitting with his back turned to him. This fox has a blue and purple stripe down his back, and something tells mark that he has seen this creature before. He shrugs off the feeling and notices another strange feeling. The feeling of being watched. Spinning around rather violently he fiends that the horse once sitting at the table was now next to him. Startled by the rather large animal being next to him so quickly the startled husky gave out a short yelp.

The horse was ordering a drink but never taking his eyes off the husky. Mark regained his composure and stared into the male horses beautiful green eyes.

"May I help you?" Mark asked.

The horse cleared his throat nervously and looked at the floor."Yes I am Cookie Relevance and uh I noticed you looking at me and......"

The nervous husky raised an eyebrow in suspicion to the horses comment."Yes?"

Looking up nervously the horse felt a wave of emotions rush into him. looking directly into the younger husky's eyes the horse pounced on him knocking Mark off the bar stool. "HEY!"

The horse was playing with the grey and white tail when he looked into the husky's deep blue eyes and very innocently asked "What?"

"You know Damn well what, your on top of me!"

The very horny and wanting horse let go of Mark's tail and chuckling "ha ha I have you ha."

The husky is suddenly hit with the reality of just what this very hot and evidently horny horse wants. Grabbing the shoulders of his "attacker" he uses all his weight and leverage to swing himself up and put himself on the once attacker's top. "Now i have you!"

The husky looked down into the willing horses eyes and thought to himself, this is going to be interesting. Unwillingly he let a small smirk cross his face, and letting his tail swing slowly back and forth with a nice concise rhythm. The horse being confused by the rogue shock of the husky's action.

Mark was getting tired of the awkward silence and moved his muzzle with his trademark smirk closer to the confused horse's. pulling the horses mouth into his, Mark gave the horse a passionate kiss, closing his eyes. The horse's eyes were as big as saucer plates, but in his heart he knew that he enjoyed this kiss and wanted more.

Getting up mark replaced his hat that had fallen down in the excitement and returns to the bar and pays for his and his new friends drinks. Extending a grey paw to the horse he helps him up and invites the horse to come with him. The tan horse smiled and accepted the husky's hand. walking outside into the evening sky.

Lights surrounded the parking lot showing every car there. Mark walked over to his roadrunner and unlocked the door. Looking up he noticed the horse standing at the stairway to the bar with his mouth agape. "Come on let's go" Mark yelled, breaking the horse out of his trance. This is what he had always wanted, to ride in a classic hot rod, he never imagined it would come with a happy ending. Climbing into the car , he had a great chance to examine the husky that was mesmerizing him in the way he moved and looked.

Pulling up to the house it had become dark and looking out of the open window up at the night sky."Wow." those were the most stars he had seen since he had lived on the planes with his parents. A loud slam causes the horse to wake out of his daydream. Getting out of the car and running up behind the husky, who is too busy trying to open the door. Click the door opens with a slight creek and the husky walks into the dark room, flicking on the lights, he walks down the same hall he had earlier all alone. But this time he had a horse behind him.

Opening the red ceder door the grey husky stepped in. "SHIT!" the horse looked down to notice the husky grasping his foot. Running past him the already erect horse jumped onto the big bed. Mark looked up form his bloody pad with little pieces of black plastic. Pulling them out Mark did a running leap to land on his bead next to the fully erect horse.

Sitting up the horse asked "do you mind four tongues?". This puzzled the horny husky but it also peaked his interest. "No?' the husky answered. The tan horse sat up on his knees and his stomach opened up revealing four large, slick tongues. The first tongue grabs the husky around the waist pinning his arms. As two other tongues remove the husky's pants he horse brings him up and gives him a warm passionate kiss.

Once the jeans and briefs were off the husky three tongues moved onto his cock, covering his waist in slime, but never breaking the kiss. Mark had never felt a sensation quite as wonderful and yet as different as the tongues caressing his now rock hard cock. He knew that he wouldn't take much more of this. The horse is loving the pure willingness of his husky toy.

With a shudder and no warning the grey husky blows jet after jet of warm sticky cum onto the tongues of the horse as his body goes limp. The tongues of the horse retract back into his body dropping the husky onto the bed. Instinctively the grey canine crawls up to the horses erect mass of meat and takes the first ten inches into his mouth and grabs the rest into his paws. Lovingly playing with the meet in his maw, the husky begins running his paws up the length of the horses length.

The tan horse had never seen anything like this and is loving it. Feeling all the weight of the world lift off his shoulders he watches as the husky's head going on his cock. Remembering that he hadn't came in a while he realizes that if he does cum it might be to much for the husky to handle. He tries to stop him but his body says no as a huge orgasm rocks his body causing jet's of warm cum into the grey husky's mouth.

The husky looks up at the equine as the first jet's of cum hit his mouth making him choke. Taking as much as he possibly could the husky let go of the still coming cock. Swallowing the load in his mouth, Mark licked all of the cum running down the long cock, before collapsing on his bed and falling asleep. The horse got of the wood framed bed and went into the living room. Finding a phone he called a local taxi company. Leaving a small note on the end table he walks to the door and sigh's. Opening the door he walks out into the dark of the night and into the awaiting taxi.

The world in the life of a grey husky. Chpt.2 A new friend

Rays of golden sunlight were falling on the sleeping husky. Rolling over he strethced out his arms and legs, arching his back. Runing a paw over his neck, he noticed clumps of matted and crusty fur. wondering what this was, he followed the lines of...

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