The world in the life of a grey husky. Chpt.2 A new friend

Story by Uniden on SoFurry

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Rays of golden sunlight were falling on the sleeping husky. Rolling over he strethced out his arms and legs, arching his back. Runing a paw over his neck, he noticed clumps of matted and crusty fur. wondering what this was, he followed the lines of padded fur down his bare chest onto his sheath. Not remembering well what had happened, the still dreary canine walked to his bathroom. Entering the country style bathroom, the husky stopped at the sink. Examining the trail of matted white chest fur, he tried to think of what or who put it there. Shrugging it off for now, he slid open the glass door to the shower and turned on the hot water. Closing his eyes and letting the warm water pulse over his body the husky felt as if the weight of the world was taken off his chest. Letting his head fall with a slight jerk, he braced himself against the wall of the shower letting the warm water roll down his tense back.

Suddenly his eyes opened wide as the realization of what had happened hit him. Mark could see himself in the bar, the gorgeous vixen who had winked at him, the cute fox he thought he recognized, and the whom he had wrestled and taken home with him. Letting the stream of knowledge hit him, he felt himself getting quite hard. Reaching down he lovingly stoked his still growing cock and sighed.

"What else could go wrong?" he asked himself as he began almost unwillingly strocking his fully erect cock. The husky leaned onto the back wall of the shower and slid down it landing on his rump with a slight thud. Letting the pulsing water water hit his legs he began strocking his fully erect cock faster, his other paw playing with his paws. After going on for what seemed like an eternity, the husky shot load after load of white cum into the falling water and watched it as it went down the drain. Bracing himself against the wall he stood up and shut off the now steaming water. Stepping out of the once clean shower the husky walked over to one of his fur driers and dried mostly off. Turning off the dryer the still somewat wet husky went on all fours and shook off just like a true canine would. Whiping off the fogged up mirror over the sink, the husky opened the mirror and pulled out a file and opening his mouth, Mark sharpens his large teeth. Running his toungue over them he murmered to himself.

"That'll do" he said with a smile and replaced the file.

Walking into the kitchen he pulled a cast iron skillet out from one of the maple cupboards. Turning on the range, the husky walked over to the stainless steel fridge pulling out some eggs, bacon, and pancake batter. Cracking the eggs on the side of the skillet, they landed with a loud sizzle. Then the husky taking a smaller skillet out, he poured the pancake mix for two pancakes and begaon making his breakfast. Fliiping the cooked pancake's onto a plate, the wonderful smell of the bacon brought out his primal instincts and his mouth began to water. Putting his breakfast all onto one plate he used his free paw to toss the skillets into the sink.

Plopping down on his black leather couch he turns on the news. Not really paying attention to it he began devouring the meal he made for himself. Hearing a report for the gym he attends, the husky briefly lifted his head, before returning to scarf down the breakfast. Finishing up and placing the empty plate on the floor next to him, he catches something out of place in the corner of his eye. Looking at the table next to him he sees a small, folded up piece of yellow paper. Picking it up he could smell the familier scent of the horse. Growling a little in anger at the fact that the horse had torn the paper out of the phone book instead of the notepad by the phone, ha carefully unfolded the note and read it aloud.

Thanks for the goo time.

Call me, 4107259391

Love, Cookie.

Shrugging to himself, the husky folded the note back up and walked to his bedroom. Donning the same type of outfit as the night at the bar, he grabbed a belt with a big chrome longhorn belt buckle. Putting on his cowboy hat and picking up his key's Mark walked out of the house into the mid-day sun. Unlocking his car, he pulled out of his driveway and headed for the gym.

Walking into the main gym room, the husky begins looking at the relativly low amount of furs in the room.

Walking down a wall with windows beginning waist high and ending at the ceiling. Looking to his left he saw a couple of feemale leopards stretching out. Still watching, the husky lifts an eyebrow in wonder and lust.

One of the leopards nudges the other whom is bending over, making he look at the husky. If he hadn't been covered in fur the two leopards would have seen him blush, but all he did was tip his hat and smile showing them his ferocious teeth. The first leopard's must have been impressed, he thought as she winked and blew him a kiss.

Feeling a big boost of self esteem the husky got onto the bowflex and began lifting one hundred pound weights. After a few reps he looks to the left noticing a rather familier fox on the bench next to him. Looking over the fox just smiles and waves.

"Who is this fox i saw him last night, why is he here too?" Mark thought to himself.

Holding the weights with one paw the husky extended one to the fox. With a slight growl he said,"howdy, my names Mark".

The little black fox looked at the larger husky's paw with a slightly confused look before accepting it with a rather large smile. "I'm Fraddas."

Placing the wieghts back on the bar and sitting up, Mark began talking to the little fox.

"So" he asked, "have you been folowing me?"

The little fox looked down at the space between his leg's and sighed. "Yes, i would like to be friends" he said without looking up.

The grey husky chuckled a little."You don't have to stalk me then, just say something to me i don't bite, hard. Look", the husky said placing a paw under the fox's chin and lifting it up to look into his eyes"Let's go see a movie and you will be able to get to know me better".

The little fox let a large smile cross his face. "It's a deal" the fox said, then standing up on the bench he jumped on the husky's back and the two left the gym like that.

The world in the life of a grey husky. Chpt. 3 The husky's troubled past.

Walking out of the gym with his new friend the husky had never felt better in his life, he felt great. No, not great, he felt wonderful beyond words. He had just been complimented by the two sexiest felines in the gym, and had found a new friend. ...

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The world in the life of a grey husky. Chpt.1 Why bar's can be fun.

Mark Uniden woke up to the screeching of an alarm clock on his dresser. he tossed his checkered patterned comforter off the lower part of his body, still half asleep. He snarled at the buzzing alarm clock showing nicely sharpened, bright white teeth....

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