The inner dimension

Story by Lahorse on SoFurry

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It was another of those lazy, rather cold Fridays. I was back from high school with the weekend ahead. Not that I had plans for that night or the following day. Actually, my idea was simply to give myself a break of school obligations, seeing that none of my friends were going to be in town for the following couple of days and my parents had also left for the weekend to visit my grandparents who lived far away. The rather cloudy day, threatening to unleash its full load at any moment, contributed to the mood. As an only child, I had the entire house for me. It was going to be pleasant and relaxing.

The evening passed by and before I could notice, it was quarter to midnight. I yawned and stretched my numb muscles and headed to bed, with nothing in my mind but the cozy and warm bed waiting for me. I fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up, startled, lying on the ground. The dark sky dotted with stars was the first thing I looked at. My first reaction was to roll over and stand on my feet, so I could try figuring out where I was. I began feeling dizzy as soon as I stood up, and my head felt like it was going to burst out. I reached out for it with my two hands, trying to hold back the pain, but I was shocked to touch a hard, rather rough skin. I put my hands down instantly, wondering why did I feel so different to the touch, to examine my palms. I couldn't. My vision was blurred. It was a matter of seconds before I began to faint, enough time to catch a glimpse of my dark black fingers and overhear powerful, distant roars and terrifying growls.

The room was in utter darkness and silent. My heart was beating uncontrollably, the only sound in that lost corner of the house. I recall shuting the windows and door, yet a gentle, almost imperceptible breeze was blowing. The room suddenly flashed in a white and blue cold light, the same way the streets brighten up when a lightning strucks. Enough to glance at a pair of red, demonic eyes and a perfectly white grin made up of countless pointy teeth. I tried to yell and get out of the bed, but only a weak shriek came out, and my limbs didn't respond. The blankets seemed to weigh tons, and my head slowly sank into the pillow, my vitality gradually being absorbed by it.

Now I was tied up tightly against a tree, arms and legs completely immobilized. I struggled to set myself free, pointlessly. Out of frustration, my body reacted with a reflex that went down my spine to my bottom and way further. Muscles on my upper back also contracted. After an hour, I finally gave up. The chains haven't given in not even an inch and my tongue hung out of my mouth, as I panted to recover air. My vision was totally fine this time. In fact, I realized I was able to distinguish everything, the trees, the rocks scattered all around me, the paths leading into a forest not far ahead, with such a detail I could have never thought of. I gazed up at the sky, almost completely deprived of stars this time and with no moon. My hearing perceived the sound of even dull splashes probably caused by small animals in a stream nearby. My tongue tasted the air while my nostrils caught the various scents in it: dust, smoke, warm and cold blooded beings running here and there. When I finally looked down again, there was somebody standing in front of me. He was wearing a gown, so his body was mostly covered, except for a muzzle that emerged from inside his hood, same with his paws, peering beneath the gown. His long, scaly tail was much more difficult to hide for him, let's not talk about his extended pair of dark green wings, though I couldn't be completely sure on this last thing despite my improved sight. I grew both in astonishment and wrath. Too surprised to be afraid and too helpless to consider my current situation. It's highly probable the stranger sensed that, because before I could babble a word, he hit the gorund once with his scepter or staff and I was struck with a bolt of light that left me unconscious.

There was no way my mind was playing tricks on me this time. It was far too obvious to ignore it. There I lied, too weak to open my eyes, but the grunts and groans of guttural voices were by no chance casted by my imagination or torn apart mind. I was in full control of my hearing, but nothing more in my body belonged to me. I started to notice that I was being pulled by a massive force downwards, my bed swallowing me into itself, or so it seemed so. I began panicking and tried to free myself from that of oppressive situation. In my head, I struggled and tussled, but that was all. This time I was truly powerless, there was nothing I could do. My last thought was about what it would become of myself as I sank into a non-existant void.

Now I was standing on top of a hillock, surrounded by strangers with the same appearance as of that sorcerer who had knocked me down before, not sure if the day before or a thousand years ago. But this time none were dressed in gowns or similar clothes, but full royal and armour suits. Their aspect was indeed breathtaking. I stretched out my wings and wagged my tail furiously, feeling in full control of them. I opened my mouth and allowed myself to let a massive roar come out. As I took off with a violent shock of my wings, I heard someone muttering to himself 'It's worked.'