Chapter 11

Story by Will785 on SoFurry

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#11 of All Alone

Hey everyone! I hope you like this chapter, kind of resolving smaller points in the plot while letting some others grow. Tell me what you think! Enjoy!!^^

Chapter 11

Skylar p.o.v

I pace around my room. I have no idea what is going to happen with Ryan. After his dad saw us, he did not look happy. Ryan thought it would be best if I left, so he gave me a quick car ride home. I'd walk, but his house is like ten miles from my house. Just a quick fifteen minute car ride on the highway. It felt like an hour. He was so nervous, he didn't talk the whole way to my house, his hands firmly gripped the steering wheel and he was shaking a little. He didn't even bother trying to be upbeat, he was scared. An. After seeing the look on his dad's face, I would be too. When he dropped me off he looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "Whatever happens..." He pauses and looks away, "it's not your fault." And before I have a chance to ask him what he means he drives away. So now I am just waiting in my room for him to call me or text me or something, but so far nothing. It has been a little over a half hour. I have nothing to do but wait, so I text Zach. He responds relatively quickly. "Wanna come to the hospital? They said I should be able to leave tonight." I glance outside, it's not that bad out, then I look at the clock, it's only 4:30. "I'll be over in 20." I tell him as I grab my jacket and walk out the door.

The hospital isn't really far from my house. I would drive there, but I don't have a car, and no one taught me how to drive, with my dad gone all the time, and my mom passed away when I was too young. So I can't really drive. But I have my bike from a couple of years ago, that's the best I've got. So I'd better get going.

Ryan p.o.v

I closed my car door, and nervously walked up to the front door of my house. I opened the door, my dad was waiting for me. He didn't calm down in the time it took me to get Skylar home. I figured that he'd still be furious. He looked at me from across the hallway. I was getting anxious. "What?!" I yelled. "What do you want!?" He scowled at me. "Don't fucking talk to me that way!" He roared "I want you to stop fucking around with boys! You are a boy, so fucking act like it!" I am furious now. "You can't tell me who I love!" I yelled back, "You can't control my life!" He quickly walked towards me. "I can absolutely tell you that you will not love that faggot! That's not what love is, this is a house of God! Men love women! That is what the bible says, so that is it!" I can't hold it back anymore, "Listen up you intolerant asshole! I am so fucking tired of you telling me what's right and what's wrong! I can make decisions for myself! And I will love whoever the fuck I want to, because you can't stop me!" He swings his claws around and hits me in the side of my head. "Get the fuck out of my house." He growls. "Don't let me see you here ever again." I turn around and storm out of the house. He slams the door behind me. I get in my car and speed out of the driveway to Skylars house. The pain in my head starts to register, and I realize that I have no home, no family. I blink the tears out of my eyes and keep going. I finally reach Skylars house and I knock on the door. No answer. I knock again. Still nothing, so I pull out my phone and text him. "Where are you?" I ask him. "With Zach." He says. "I'm coming to see you guys." I tell him and get back in my car to go over to the hospital.

Zach p.o.v

"Ryan is coming now." Skylar says to me. He is worried about Ryan. And so am I, it seems like none of us can catch a break, me and Skylar with Alex, and now Ryan with his dad. We just wait a couple of minutes for him to get here. I look over at Skylar, "Are you ok?" I ask him, he looks over at me and puts on a weak smile, "Yea, I'm fine." He says, "I'm just worried about you guys." I nod. He must be so stressed. Ryan walks into the room. Skylar runs over to him and hugs him tightly. "Are you ok?" I ask him. He takes a shaky breath. "Yea, but he kicked me out." He said with a sigh. Skylar gasped. "B-b-but..." Ryan looked at him and cut him short. "It's ok, I hated him anyways." "Where will you stay?" I ask him. He shrugs, "Dunno I guess." "You can stay with me if you want." Skylar says. "Will it be ok with your parents?" He asks, "They aren't around." Skylar says and looks down. "Why not?" I ask. He looks at me with a tinge of sadness in his eyes, "My dad has a lot of travel for work, and my mom has... passed on." He says, holding back tears. "Oh, I'm so sorry for bringing it up, I didn't mean to-" he stops me. "It's ok." He says with a small smile. "So will you?" He asks Ryan again. "Sure, that sounds great." Ryan says with a smile.

After a little while, they leave to get Ryan set up in Skylars house. And my parents come pick me up to take me home. They don't say much to me, I don't know why they don't like me. I try to make them proud of me but they don't care, they never have. When we get home I just go up to my room. "Great to have you home." My dad says just loud enough for me to hear. "Great to be home." I mutter, but right now, the only thing I can think about is what is going to happen to me when I go to school tomorrow. I won't deny I'm scared out of my mind. But it's something I have to do. And I'll have to deal with it on my own. No, I won't. I have Ryan and Skylar now. They will help me, or at least I hope they will, because if not, I'm out of options, and on that happy note I turn out my light.

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Skylar p.o.v I got up for school and walked over to the bathroom to get a quick shower, but when I got there I heard the water water was already running. "Ryan must already be in there..." I think to myself, I'm about to walk away when I...

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Zach p.o.v A chill rides up my spine. I can't see, but I can hear, and deep breath taken in right behind me. I feel uneasy, something is very wrong. A claw gently touches my back, I tense up. Fear runs through my body. I try to speak, No...

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Ryan p.o.v I waited at the front of the school for Skylar. We had sort of cleared things up yesterday but I never got a chance to talk with him one on one about it. I still have to apologize and tell him how I feel about us, I want him to...

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