Streams of Life Chapter 9 part 3

Story by chosenone on SoFurry

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#12 of Streams of Life

Last part of this chapter, which ended up at 15.5k words. I think i might do a side story in this world next. I have the next planned out but not sure if I'm in the mood to write it. Either way I've learned my lesson about writing scenes ahead of time and then trying to paste everything together afterwards.

Thanks for reading, I hope this meets your expectation and have a great day.

She murred in contentment and her tail swished quickly to and fro behind her. "You have had me near for so many days now. Tal'keelis you had best not put me off again this night if you are raising my hopes such as you are. I am in heat and I do crave relief as ever a female has." She said with a bit of a grin but she also hid worry under her smile. A distress obviously caused by me, something I can't really say I am proud of.

"I know my little Veira, where is Lexi by the way?" I told her running my hand through her hair before resting it upon the back of her neck and drawing her into a kiss. She licked her lips after the short tender kiss and smiled but pulled away from me as if to say that I should not start what I wasn't going to finish now.

"She said she was going to find dinner and then she ran off before I could utter another word. I do think that she shall be alright Tal. It seems to me like hunting is natural to her." She said as she crouched down over a small pile of kindling she had gathered striking a small knife against a chipped grey piece of flint until the dried grasses started to smolder. Then she put her face closer and gave a few shallow breaths of until a small orange flame appeared raising a small dancing trail of smoke into the sky.

"Well we can't change that she's gone. Let enjoy this fire, it may be our last chance for a bit. I think anyone following us will stop this night as well, rather than chance missing our trail and this grove seems safe and hidden." I told her as I added a few small sticks to the greedy flame watching it bounce and glow against murky blue-black night.

Veira laid her self up against my side resting her head on my shoulder as we watched the flames of the small fire. She was trying her best to be calm and in control but her breaths were shallow and very hot against my skin. She didn't wish to think about her body it seemed as her gaze was distant and her body unmoving. She was just trying to endure the primal calls of her kind until the relief that I promised her would come. For that reason I won't make any further move on her or hold her, as natural as that would be at this moment.

"Finally." Lexi remarked. The little blue fuzzball walked back into clearing were Veira and myself had our fire going. She had a very large hare with her, she picked it back up and dragged it closer to the fire. The speckled brown and red animal was nearly half her size, its limp neck had several puncture wounds and the whole of the thing seemed to have bleed out a good deal as Lexi return with her kill. "Will you open it for me Veira." She asked sweetly her body swaying back and forth as she set her kill before my wife.

"It would be my pleasure to aid such a successful hunter as yourself Lexi." Veira said kindly as she moved away from me and taking the small knife she was using earlier to start the fire slit the hare open and made about dressing it the best she could. Lexi took the heart the moment Veira had the offal removed and greedily chomped it down tearing apart the tender muscle before shifting through the other organs finding the liver and wolfing it down in similar manner, not waiting for a fire. For Veira and myself, the hare carcass was impaled over a stick that she held over the fire cooking the meat the best she could. At the least it gave her something to take her mind off her heat.

The greasy meat was only somewhat filling, but with a few dried provisions from my pack it made a good meal, Lexi taking the choicest parts for herself as is her right for making the kill and then some of the cooked flesh as well was content with just the hare. I'm not sure exactly if she eats anything other than meat, but as soon as she finished her meal she curled up across the fire from Veira and myself and promptly fell asleep.

Veira didn't say anything as we watched the rhythmic rise and fall of the blue creature's chest. I simply set down our blankets and motioned for Veira to join me. The weight of the day's travels combined with my illness making me much less in the mood that I normally would be. But it's hard to deny Veira, she deserves relief and her scent was having some effect on me different species be damned.

I have been with two Ahkomeli before so I can't say that it is the a new feeling of being with a female outside my species. Yet my heart is quivering my breaths are short and my hands are trembling slightly as Veira slowly and seductively sways her hips as she teases and every so slowly disrobed as she made her way before me. Her tail dancing around her covering and uncovering her nakedness as she stands before me her arms running up and down her body slowly bristling her fur, breaking up the golden sand color of her sides in the painted light of night. She moves with the practiced precision of one trained from birth to give her husband just such a show.

I was speechless as she ran her hand over her sides stopping at her second pair of undeveloped breasts to twist and play with her nipples moaning slightly as she did so looking to me to see a reaction. Hoping to keep my rapt attention and she had it. I could not look away. This female, this vixen whom I have seen nude a dozen times before had me for some reason now completely enthralled.

I don't know what it is that is making her have this effect on me now, when before I could have cared less. Yet now, now I want her badly. Is it because she has shown strength now? Or is it because I have actually accepted her as my wife? I think instead it may be that she is the last female whose secret places I will have a chance to discover. The last fresh fruit that I will have a chance to pluck, no that still doesn't seem accurate or right. But still I can't exactly explain this excitement, this yearning to hold her willing body in my arms and make her mine.

My heart skips a beat as she delicately runs a finger down my chin before hefting and squeezing her breasts letting them jiggle slightly as they fall back in place. "Do you care for what you are seeing my sweet mate?" Veira slowly speaks as she leans over me presenting her breasts just in front of my face as she then moved down and gingerly licked my face, slowly moving herself to a sitting position on my lap, kissing and licking my neck and moving to my chest. I moved my hands to her hips as she sat on my lap, letting my fingers sink into her luxurious, dense fur.

I kissed her on her nose and then worked my way down her neck until I came to the tuft of longer fur between her breasts and collar bone. I nuzzled her for a change, absorbing her feminine scent. It was a bit musky and heady but a good smell. Yet there was something more to it than that. I can't quite figure out what exactly it is other than saying its 'her'. But I know that I do want more of it. I just stayed there against her chest as time slowly drifted by letting her intoxicating scent envelope my senses.

I let her have a chance to likewise and explore my body a bit. The smooth, soft pads of her fingers trailer up and down my chest. "So, smooth, no fur at all."she said intrigued at my anatomy, then quickly giving a quick lick to my nipple before looking up for permission to continue.

"I don't think you will find many men who wish to be called smooth Veira, that's a thing for human females to be, not males."

"Ah, sorry Tal, but ah, it does not matter to me if other males care for it or not only if you do so. And further I should think that you are indeed quite smooth skinned, the little furs you have elsewhere besides you head could never keep you warm come the winter. But I shall take the most careful provisions to cover you with my fur during the long cold nights to warm you." Veira said with a seductive smile and a lick of her thin pink lips while looking at me for approval still.

"Well then Veira I will say that I don't really care to have that pointed out as well as most males then, but you are free to cover me with your soft fur as you will. I will to admit that I have found our nights spent together so far, to be very...enjoyable with having you on top of me. I can't say exactly why but its just been more restful to have someone to share a bed with, even if that bed may be the cold hard ground."

"Ah, Tal! You say such things now that my heart has so longed to hear. Yet would it have be impossible to do so before now, that we could have perchance enjoyed each others company further before this night?" Veira asked as I moved a bit of her hair away from her face sweeping it to the back of her head, her bushy tail quickly wrapping around the both of us twice over as she sat in my lap trying to press herself closer against me. I held her full attention, her very breath hanging on my every word, awaiting with practiced restraint for me to continue the conversation. Her whole body was hot and tense more so than It had ever been so far in our travels. She was aching, straining to be touched, to be loved and accepted. She is so curious, full of joy at the slightest compliment and always eager to please, against what may often be my disapproval.

'No, Veira I don't think so." She is here with me now, she is my wife or mate but besides my own admitting to her being so, how much further am I really devoted to her? I don't think I could honestly say that I really love her. I mean she is nice and I have become quite fond of her and I'm sure she will always be pleasant to be around as a by product of her training at least but will she ever shed those instruction and develop into a person of her own? Will she ever become more than an actor in a play? How many more masks will she wear like the one she donned earlier in the day. An act played to a scary perfection.

"Ah, too bad then." She said her ears dropping down a bit before picking up and smiling. "All things have then transpired in the best possible way between us then, so there is nothing more that I could ask for considering."

"I guess so Veira." I rubbed the velvet fur of her horns and earn an amused face from her.

"You were so eager to pick on my horns before yet now you find them fascinating Tal?"

"Well I never actually disliked them Veira, I just was aware that they were not normal for you kind and was trying to make use of that to my advantage. I should say that given the choice, I much prefer your horns the way they are, they are quite cute. I should wonder as well to what kind of cloth could be spun form such fuzz." I told her with a serious face trying to provoke a reaction from the nude female in my lap.

"You are an incorrigible male, picking my worst feature and complimenting me on it, and then to speak that my fur should be used for cloth like I am a kind of tueron or goat."

"Oh, but remember Veira, it doesn't matter what other males think, only what I think. So if I think your horns are nice and cute so they are. And I'd I say they should make a wonderful cloth so they will. I am knowledgeable in these matters after all."

"Grrr, turning my words against me, I should be forced to think that they are acceptable then." She said with a voice of mock defeat pursing her lips in a pout but being unable to completely hide the smile lying underneath.

"Fear not Veira, I can guarantee you that it will not be the last time I turn your own words against you so better to think more carefully on them from now on."

"Ah, and then shall I have leave to do the same unto you?"

"I would expect nothing less, my dear."

"My dear!, ah. I did not ever think that I should be so pleased upon being given to mate as I am now Tal, to hear such a word you are truly a perfect mate, ah, a husband to me." Veira's tail went wild swishing back and forth, dangerously near the fire from my point of view. That such a small word would bring such great joy to her for her to act like this, is really something. If in fact she is not acting a part.

"Ah Tal?" She spoke looking at me, her eyes begging to ask something but seemingly not able to do so.

"What is it Veira, getting impatient now? I can easily feel the heat of your sex upon my lap." She turned her head down and a bit away at that. She may be able to avoid having much of her scent give her away to me but there are many other indications that the little thing sitting upon me wishes to do more than just talk this night.

"No that is not it.....I am sorry it is nothing, how do you desire me to please you?" She said quickly trying to change the subject. But that will not do. The little bits of herself that she has shown behind these masks of hers, I think are the most important things for me to know of her. I mean, herself obeying her training and keeping with what I say despite me telling her not to says something of the type of will she has. But I want to find out what really drives her and what she actually desires, so I can't let a little slip up like this go, even if I am eager to move onto the next part.

"I would like for you to tell me what you were going to say for starters." I say sternly putting my finger to her little pink nose.

"Ah, no... Sorry, I mean of course my love." Veira said with some reluctance.

"There's nothing to apologize for Veira, I've told you about that before I know."

"And I am bound to tell the truth, yes? That was a part of the pact you made with me to become my mate?" she looked at me to make sure that she was compelled it seems.

"It was" I simply replied

"Sorry, Tal. I should think you shall not like what I have to say and it further does me no good as well, sinking my heart in poor thoughts. But ah, yes I shall always be honest with you nothing shall bar me from doing so.

I,...I thought...that you may yet abandon me again and wished for the briefest of moments to ask you on this but it is of course a foolish notion to have. It was just ah, when you found me in the bitter black pit of despair and my hopes rose greatly taking flight as birds on the warm wind of the morn, yet then to sink so low as an ant to the lion's trap again and to have for a time vindicated the words of my father against me, when you again rejected me. Such anguish, my heart can not take such things again. I wished to beg you to stay with me Tal, to keep me and use me. I should do whatever you desire me to do no matter the nature if I could only stay near unto you but ah, for I should do these things already. Yet then I realized in an instant that saying such things would anger you and lest I do so I abated or at least I tried to. So , Ah! Please be not angry with me Tal. I shall have better thoughts in the future and not doubt you again I swear by my ancestors." She said hastily blundering through her words trying to say her mind as her mouth struggled to keep pace.

"Veira it is not good to swear so lightly. And even more it is not good to doubt your mate. I admit I am still unsure of how everything will end up working out between us Veira. But I will promise you I will never make you leave my side, and I will try my best to love you until end of our days come. And since you look at me with those sad little eyes, I will say that, those words I spoke to you when I accepted you days ago are my real fears Veira. Right now I don't even think that I can say that I honestly love you. I think that is a horrible thing to say because you are my wife but I think it's true right now. But I will try, and continue on trying to love you until I can say that I can. I am sure it will come in time for both of us to become better matches for each other, so try not to worry so much, as cute as your face is when you worry. The way you scrunch up your nose and the look in your eyes are both quite endearing."

"That is horrible to say Tal'keelis. I most certainly do not look cute when I am worried. Furthermore I should hate it most thoroughly if such a thing caused you to worry more more oft because of it."

"Oh, I think that is exactly what shall happen. But seriously now Veira, are you satisfied with my answer?" I put my hand to the side of her small muzzle, feeling the softness of her face. She leaned into my hand and put her hand up to mine like she was trying to feel my upon her face better as she slowly nuzzled into my hand.

"Of course love, I said they were silly things of me to think because even when such fear pulls at my heart to weigh it down unto sadness I have you to look to and abolish such foolish notions." She closed her eyes as she said this smiling and moving back to licking and kissing my neck. Her hands moving up and down my sides exploring it before coming to my Jun snake pants and coming back to look at me with a grin.

"Is that your way of saying it is time to remove those Veira?"

"The time to remove them was quite awhile ago, so I should think that you should immediately do so and recompense for lost time." She said playfully tugging on my pants to emphasize her point.

"Well, I rather like them on, and while I am still a bit weak from the venom, I think I am well enough to do this however." I pushed myself up and Veira off of me and onto her back pinning her arms to her sides as I knelt over her, my knees between her legs. She blushed as well as she could beneath her fur, finding herself in such a vulnerable position. I leaned over and kissed her, keeping her hands at her sides. She put up no resistances and looked at me curiously as I moved back and eyed her sex.

"Ah!, Tal, no not there. You should not kiss that!" She said incredulously as I decided to inspect my little toy more closely.

"Oh? I've been told I'm rather good at this. Is it wrong for a male to taste his female in your race Veira."

"Ah, saying such strange things. Of a surety it is, such things are for females to do only."

"Perhaps I will have you show me how a Gre'nahk does this to a female then Veira. I think I should enjoy that show very much. Even if I don't get to partake of the other female."

"I should show you anytime you wish Tal, just please go no further it is not proper for you to do so. I should pleasure with my mouth if you would but release me."

"I think not Veira, because you see I enjoy this type of thing and not so much as being pleasured with a mouth. I think I can make better use of my cock in your other holes." I said with a grin.

"Plural Tal? Ah, I do not understand...AH!....Tal...stop....I can not speak with you doing such lewd things unto me." She weakly struggled as I continued to tease her little wet pussy. It was both like and unlike a Human's or Ah'komeli's. A distinct lack of a little hood and clit made it different, but other than that is was more of the same from what I've seen, pink fleshy lips opening to a little oval hole. The fur surrounding her sex was extremely fine, short and soft, much like the fuzz on her horns. There was no puff of pubic fur like an Ah'komeli, nor the normal hair of a human, just a short soft fuzz like velvet which became longer and gave way to normal fur the further away it was from her vulva. Her taste was, different. Somewhat sweet and salty like some strange kind of overripe fruit, it's not overly appealing but still was feminine and nice. She was already wet before I started on her, her entire sex was damp with her fluids, continuing down to her inner thighs. Her labia was swollen and hot. Her whole nether region putting out a great deal of heat as I played my tongue across her folds releasing arms her, so I could spread and play with her better.

"I mean this Veira" I said as I placed my thumb on her tail hole and rubbed it.

"Tal'keelis! That is most certainly not a breeding hole!"

"Its not is it? Well I could easily get confused and mistake it for one, they are so close together after all."

"Grrrrr, Tal that is not humorous, that is my tailhole. Your maleness does most certainly not belong there." She said growling a bit but making no attempt to stop me.

Playing across and then up and down her nethers I spread her lips wide doing my best to sink my tongue deep into her lapping at her almost dripping wetness, trying to fill my mouth with the flavor. Then I moved to kiss her trying to get her to sample a taste of her own fluids. She accepted the kiss willingly, trying again to move her hands to my waist to remove my pants.

"Not so fast my dear. Lets make a deal, I shall remove my pants and mate you properly during your heat and then afterwards you will offer me up your tailhole willingly."

"Grrr, I fail to see how that is a deal Tal."

"You're the one asking to be mated not me Veira, and besides there is a sleeping young Synwyn close by so all the more reason not to mate right?"

"You are being mean again Tal. But as your mate I will consent if it makes you happy. For we are different species and I must adapt to strange Human customs in these matter as well it seems. But you shall mate me properly while I am in heat. I desire greatly to give you kits and do not wish to waste any opportunity to become with child, since indeed our races do not oft produce young together."

"Its a deal then, I shall fill you to overflowing with my seed then see if you can make a child with it. Then after when you cannot I shall plant some of my seed in your tailhole just to make sure that's not the secret to make a child with a furred one like yourself."

'Tal'keelis, I accept because I love you and you are my mate but I can assuredly tell you that in no way will you make me with child by sticking your cock up my ass." She said bluntly with a pouting face as I removed my pants letting my member finally escape and stand tall and free in the cool night air. Veira's gaze went immediately to it, her eyes growing wide with delight and her mouth hanging slightly open.

"Spirits Tal, it is like nothing which I have seen before in shape or stature. Are all Humans this way?" Her eyes transfixed on my as of now very hard member.

"More or less Veira, I'm a bit larger than most humans without trying to sound too prideful about it. Hey! What did I say about having a better place to put this than your mouth Veira?" She had quickly moved to her knees and to my cock like a moth to a flame. Since I've had a bit of fun with her already I'll let her have a go for a bit I guess.

Running her fingers up and down my shaft, teasing my head before hefting and weighing my balls in her hands.

"Indeed these are exactly what I desire." she said as she licked her lips with a wicked smile before turning her attention back to the task at hand.

She started by carefully licking the tip then moving her tongue around the head before bring her hand up to touch and stroke it. Moving to the base of my dick she she stuck her tongue out and wrapping it halfway around my cock moved it upwards in one slimy motion. I just rested my hand on her head and pushed it forward a little, giving her a sign to get on with it. And that she did. She quickly took my cock inside her mouth and in one rapid motion thrust herself down unto its base her nose taking in the scent of my pubic hairs. It was wonderful feeling the roof of her mouth and she thrust down like that to the back of her throat and even down it a ways. She just held me there like that for a moment before she started working her tongue around my shaft, and even moving slightly away from me so she could make my head rub against the back of her throat while giving a content murrr, making no indication that she was either uncomfortable or desiring to pull off my cock.

I've never heard of a woman doing something like this. The warmth and the stimulation of her tongue is far better than any oral I have ever received. Despite taking my length in what would normally be a very uncomfortable position for a female she seemed that she was not only fine and able to continue for an untold amount of time but that she was really enjoying it. I just wonder how exactly she practiced this?

I moved her head away and she gave me a little pout as my cock exited from her mouth. Several little strand of saliva stretching from my cock to her lips as she licked them away.

"You taste most wonderful Tal'keelis, were I not in heat I should most like for you to allow me to taste your seed like that often. Yet you seem impatient and my heat is begging me for release, so please Tal will you breed me now?" She asked with anxious eyes.

"That of course Veira was my plan. I doubt I have the stamina right now to go on too long, but its time I claim you."

"Ah, yes! Please Tal." Veira quickly took up a position on her hands and knees and moving her tail aside. Her cute little rump pushed up high in the night air begging to be pounded into submission.

"No, on your back Veira." I said as I gave her a playful little spank.

"Ah, as Humans yes?" she said as she quickly flipped herself over, less sure about exactly how she should present herself.

"I like to think humans are flexible in how we do this but for the first time this is how I want you." I put my knees down inside of her legs and leaned over and kissed her as I moved her legs up in the air and to the side a bit more to get a better angle. I would be very surprised if she was able to take very much of me this night. Humans and Gre'nahk are built different from what I've heard and Veira's reaction made me sure of it. I can't help but think that she is about to find this not to be very pleasurable heat or not. She is just too small.

I put my cock against the small opening to her sex, the sight of her wet swollen labia giving me a very appealing view. Pushing slightly against Veira, parting her hot slick lips and prodding her with dick. She watched me with wide eyes as my twitching cock pushed into her slowly my head parting her slick folds easily as she surprisingly stretched to accommodate my girth, she gave a content murr as I did so and kept watching me intently. I placed a hand on her waist and leaned over her giving her a kiss as I pushed further inside her, where she quickly became much tighter.

As I pushed deeper in her there was a ring of muscle that contracted as she gave a gasp and I tried to plunge further inside her. She responded by giving a small cry and seemingly clenching down on me. I eased up on her and started with a few small slow thrusts to that point, in and out a nice rhythm, trying to give her a bit of time to adjust. Her little pussy trying desperately to accommodate me as I pushed gently deeper into a second little ring.

Her breaths became fast and shallow and she put one hand tentatively below my navel as if she was unconsciously trying to push me back before noticing what she was doing and taking her hand back and biting down on her fist. I noticed how the width of my cock was nearly the same as her wrist and I was working it inside her as gently as I could, despite the resistance. The tightness being amazing, her pussy was both a tight fit as well as she was clamping down on me with every breath. Giving me almost too much stimulation to last long.

I prodded the little ring inside her a few times before I pushed past it and she gave a muffled cry. Her back arching before setting down. Its like trying to have sex with a funnel, so quickly after pushing past the second her sex narrowed and tightened even more, the size difference between us becoming quite evident. She was as wet and horny as she was every going to be and still it was a struggle to get just a couple inches inside her.

My hand upon her waist stopping her from moving away as I pushed gently pumped my self into her sitting at a comfortable place for a minute before pushing in deeper hard, pushing my head through a third muscle ring. It felt like my cock was being squeezed until it was almost painful to me. Veira gave another cry she had her head turned to the side her eyes closed. Her breathing was erratic but I could see she was silently whimpering, water filling her beautiful devoted eyes.

I might as well make the rest of it in one go if it hurts her already. Despite the time it's taken me to get to this point less than half of my cock was actually inside her and I doubt that there's much more she can take. But I'll give her one good thrust, call it good and then let her rest for a moment. I'll just have to work with only being in this far, I can't let her get hurt even if she really wants me to do more. It's not like I'll have problems cumming with her grasping me like this.

Slowly pulling out of her before I pushed in hard bringing her hips up to meet my thrust, intending to hilt in her the best I could, listening to a squelching sound as I rammed it in her good. Veira gave a sharp cry tears falling from her eyes before biting down on her fist again. This time her other hand was trying to push me off her, the sharp little points of her claws pressing against my hard abs. I felt it as I passed through three muscle rings and as deep in her as her femaleness would allow. The tip of my cock pressing up against the entrance of her womb I'd guess, not being able to go further.

Strangely I feel like there's a bone that the top of my cock was pressing against at the end of her little love hole. Moving slightly out of her and bringing my tip back across it to try to feel it out the strange things better. Veira gave a deep gasp and moan as I did so, opening her tear stained eyes and looking at me incredulously as I started to grind against this little spot inside her.

She just froze in place as I did so her fingers and toes curling as she just held her breath. Laying my body against hers I continued to grind against her then slowly starting to make little thrusts. Then suddenly her whole body tensed, her legs wrapping around me as she did with her tail which had to this point been uncharacteristically still. Her pussy was clamping down on me with a grip that could draw water from a stone. Her body shook with little tremors as I felt a warm flush come over my manhood. Her sex starting to contract in a rhythmic succession trying to coax seed from my rod.

And she did her job as the tantalizing sensation of having my cock milked inside her caused me to bust loose and spray my pent up load inside her fertile fields. When the first stream sprayed inside her she jumped like she could feel exactly what was happening, she cried out in ecstasy her body tensing against as she was wracked by another orgasm as my balls continued to empty themselves inside her. Her claws a tearing through the blankets we were laying on digging into the soft earth under us as her hot breaths came hard and fast. Her eyes rolling up inside her head a bit and her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth as she was panting now.

I pushed across the hard fleshy plate again and pushing against her as hard as I could before shooting another load right into her womb. If she can't take after this it won't be from lack of trying. Well not that I really wish her to, but it's what mates do and I think I owe her a bit of happiness. With how she went from from being in pain to pure ecstasy, it seems like I've already done some of that.

I collapsed on top of her as I felt my balls tighten and paint her with one last stream of sticky human cum. I rolled onto my side and wrapped my arms around her, her eyes looking at me as she managed a silly grin on her face as she nuzzled into my chest and fell asleep, my cock still hard inside her.

I took several deep breaths, looking up at the stars as they went their way across the heavens. How they look down on us nightly and see all that we do, yet always stay the same taking the same routes day after day year after year. The dying fire blocking out the smaller ones yet they were there. Across the fire two eyes meet mine reflecting back the fire's light, before quickly shutting tight.

Naughty blue little thing.