Tales of a changed Earth: My girlfriend is eight hundred years old

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#3 of Tales of a changed Earth

Tales of a changed Earth: My new girlfriend is eight hundred years old By Raven Fox: A male human, being a medieval fan. Befriends Rynn by killing a few goblins trying to harm her.

Prologue night of the change, unknown world.

Samson the leader of the good dragons looked at the reptilian heads looking at him. He shoots a stream of smoke out of his nostrils. The dragon looked to his right at a female gold at his right. "Anything to add Rynn?" Samson asked looking at his second in command.

The female dragon looked at him. "Not much to add elder, I heard reports that Ewyon is in this area from Shan. Oblivion with twenty of his dragons is also in the area, plus he has a level 6 mage with him. He's up to something Samson."

Samson nodded looking at Rynn. The female gold dragon is the next oldest dragon after him. One hundred and twenty years ago, Oblivion did a massive attack on a country. The good dragons won the battle, but a terrible price. A portion of the elders were killed in the battle, but it cost Oblivion. The leader of the evil dragons lost half of his army, plus he lost a skilled fighter, his apprentice Ewyon. Samson looked at his right hand shuddering while examining the stump where a finger is missing. He thinks at that moment every day, Ewyon had him in a position to kill him. He remembered those amber eyes looking at him, instead of ripping his throat out, a common move to kill a dragon. She hesitated, and then bit his hand. After the battle, Ewyon tried to join him, but he was still angry at her and chased her away. Samson has his most trusted dragons keep an eye on her. He heard reports that Ewyon foils hold ups on the roads and one of her saving a drowning child at a lake. "Well Rynn, have Shan keep watch on her. Send Lynn to check to see what Oblivion is up to, tell her to spy on them only." Rynn nodded and flew off. Samson looked as the dragon flew away. "Alright it looks like we're in for a busy evening." He dismissed the meeting.

A while later a clearing.

Amber eyes looked at the shapes in the clearing. Ewyon is keeping herself still being down wind to avoid the dragons from smelling her. "What are you up to Oblivion?" She thought to herself watching the dragons. The dragon looked at the other dragons running the names of the ones in her mind. She recognized only five of the dragons including Oblivion. "He's up to something not good. Sixteen of those dragons are younger than me. The only problem is Oblivion, I can take down the others, but he is the only one I don't have a chance against." Ewyon thought to herself while watching the dragons.

Oblivion turned his head to the mage. "Now here's the plan. My followers will draw out Samson and his dragons, and then you cast the spell to make the good dragons disappear. After that, we'll take over this world."

The mage nodded, and then shuddered. "What about Ewyon? She'll be the only good dragon left." He spat the word good.

Oblivion brought his massive head inches from the mages' face. "You're lucky that you're the only level 6 mage in this area or I would have killed you for that remark. I can handle her after this; she was my most gifted apprentice. But do you work mage, if you fail; I'll make your death slow and painful."

Ewyon watched suppressing a gasp. "Some how I got to warn Samson." She quietly left the area and looked around. A few minutes later she saw a copper colored male fox. The dragon morphed into a fennec vixen, and then quietly snuck up on him.

Shan quietly cussed to himself as he walked the woods. "Samson isn't going to be happy about this, Ewyon lost me. Where is she?...Ulp!" A set of arms grabbed him. He struggled, but a hand grabbed between his neck and shoulder pinching him, making him immobile.

"Quiet Shan, I am not going to kill you, Lynn and Rynn will team up against me if I did anything to you. So listen, Oblivion has a level 6 mage getting ready to cast a spell against Samson and you guys. So you better warn him about this instead of watching me." Said Ewyon behind him. The fox tried to get away, but the hand pinch harder. "Will you listen to me? Oblivion is going to make all the good dragons disappear from this world if you don't warn Samson." She almost yelled at him.

Shan relaxed then looked up, he saw his mate Lynn circling above him. "Alright Ewyon, I'll tell Samson. You have my word I won't do anything to you." He thought to himself. "I'll deal with you after I tell Lynn about this." The arms let him go; the fox looked at the black fennec vixen. Shan closed his eyes for a minute, and then opened them. He cussed to himself when he saw that Ewyon disappeared. "Curse you Ewyon, you outfoxed me." Shan laughed at the remark he just said.

Lynn quietly laughed at the message from her mate Shan. "How many times did I tell you not to close your eyes when sending me a message. I'll look for her after I send the message to Samson. But be careful love, don't you ever take your eyes off her. She might be two hundred years old, but she's smart, deadly and cunning. A dangerous combination, be careful." She thought the message to Shan.

Ewyon quietly went to the clearing, she chuckled to herself. "Shan didn't Samson tell you never take you eyes off your enemy. I better think of what I am going to do about this." She heard some roars in the distance. "Oh Samson, that was quick. You might be fifteen hundred years old, but you fly like a hatchling."

Oblivion looked at the mage, and then brought his maw close to the mage. "Start your spell mage they're almost here." He growled as the mage started saying some strange words.

Ewyon looked in the sky, a star started to increase in size. It caught her attention; it changed from a prick of light to a long bright ribbon. "I had seen that in a book by my mage teacher. It's not a spell, but it appeared in the sky eons ago. Yes, I remember, the dragons aren't native to this world. We came from another world." She went to warn Samson or any good dragon, but the ribbon filled the sky with a bright white light.

Midvale Utah, three days after the change.

John grinned holding his long handle halberd. "Man I sure missed guns, but not the traffic. I can't believe some of our technology vanished." He rubbed his blonde hair while walking down the street. The twenty five year old medium built male looked around at the different anthropomorphic beings walking around the town. The human saw some human males, but so far no human females, plus his friends vanished along with his relatives. "This sucks, it looks like I might have to get close to a female anthro. I hope Donna's ranch is still at Wells Nevada. Draper and parts of the towns in the valley vanished overnight with gun powder. I am glad we still have electricity and combustion to operate vehicles. I'll go to Wells Nevada tonight, to see what sex is like with an anthro being." John said to himself walking down the street. He saw a female blonde colored anthro wolf walking toward him. "She's hot looking, I never seen a female wolf in this coloring."

Rynn saw the human male walking toward her holding a long handle axe with a point on the ax head. She studied the weapon being carried by him. "Well, I am more of a long sword gal, but why the long handle for an ax?" The wolf thought to herself as three figures jumped onto the ground and ran toward her. "Dam goblins, this area is to narrow for me to change. I better not change in front of this human."

John saw the three goblins jump in front of the female wolf. He's glad that he's wearing leathers on him. The human yelled brandishing the weapon. The three dark green short humanoids turn to him. John suppressed a gagging sound when he saw them. They're roughly less than five feet tall with mottled green skin, with yellow eyes. The mouth is horrid with black lips grinning over yellow pointed teeth. They gripped a short sword holding a small round shield with clawed hands. "There are three of them, I might get slightly injured." The human gripped his weapon firmly and stabbed the closest one in the neck.

Rynn cocked her head when the human stabbed the first goblin in the neck. The second one charged, and then brought its shield up. The human hooked the shield with the axe blade yanking it down, and then driving the point of the ax head into the neck. The last one charged, but the human stuck the handle end on the ground then jumped hitting the goblin in the chest with his feet. The goblin fell on its back, and then the human cleaved the goblins chest opened. "Dam, I just might make this human my new rider. He's good, I think I am in love, but I am eight hundred years old, maybe." Rynn thought to herself walking up to the human cleaning his weapon. She examined the blonde hair human with curiosity. His blue eyes looked at her, and then he grinned at her.

John looked at the seven foot tall female anthro wolf walking toward him. The five foot nine inch tall human grinned looking at her. He noted that she's beautiful for a tall female with a large build. John examined her different shades of blonde colors making up the patterns of fur on her. She's only wearing a white halter top laced in front containing a set of 48 FF's with a thick tuff of fur over the cleavage. The other piece of clothing is a lion cloth white in color on her shapely hips. John looked at the gold colored head hair framing her muzzle, then stopping at the middle of her back, her gold colored eyes looked at him. "Not an ounce of body fat on her, just muscle. I can't make out how old she is, but she looks around my age." He thought to himself as he stood up. "Hello fair maiden, my I ask the name of the damsel in my company?" John asked the wolf.

Rynn chuckled looking at the human staring at her. "The name is Rynn; may I ask your name honored rescuer?"

John leaned on his halberd, thinking. He knew the name Rynn from the game series Draken, one of his favorite games. Rynn is the name of the game's heroine who rides a red colored dragon to fight the evil forces in the game. The human examined the female wolf before him. She's wearing the same top as the female character in the game. John can see the outline of the female wolf's lower breast area thru the lacing. He cleared his throat looking at the gold colored eyes examining him. "The name is John; I am unemployed at the moment. My place of employment vanished a few days ago along with my home. I was at the drive in watching a movie when it happened." The human noted Rynn's change of expression. "I think she's curious of what happen." He thought to himself.

"I am curious John, did you see it happen?" Rynn asked, she must get this information to Samson.

John noted the pleading look on Rynn. "Ok, it happen between 12:00 to 12:30, because I was engrossed in the movie. Night gradually turns into a white light, it looked like a bright white ribbon in the sky, and then the sky flashed white. After it happen, it seem everything was normal till I tried to go home. I had this in my van, because I was having the handle repaired." He looked at the halberd, then at Rynn. "Well, my van is at a parking garage and that's were I live at. I better go home, nice talking to you." He starts to walk off, but a hand grabs his upper left arm.

Rynn didn't know what possessed her, she grabbed him. The wolf looked at the startled human. She gazed at him. "Why don't you come to my place, it has enough room for you to settle in. I have a job offer for you John, you won't regret it." Rynn lets go of his arm, then smiles as she gently grabs his hand to him follow her. "Well John, I hope my other form doesn't frighten you, but from what I saw, you'll be a good rider." She thought to herself, and then did a change in her mind. "Samson, please come to my location. I have some information you might be interested in."

A few seconds later, a reply. "I am coming to your location daughter, be there in fifteen minutes. I noticed in your thoughts that you found someone to be you new rider." Replied Samson in her mind.

Rynn smiled looking at John walking next to her. "That I did dad, he's a human male. John killed three goblins that were going to jump me."

The reply had a hint of scorn. "Rynn, you're more than a match for three goblins in your wolf form. Are you feeling well today?"

"He's fast dad, the goblins were dead in less than five seconds. John fights with a long handle ax with a point on top of the head." Replied Rynn looking at the halberd in John's hand. She noted that he's moving his eyes every few steps looking at areas between buildings.

"Impressive, I am looking forward in seeing him." Replied Samson.

Rynn looked over to John walking by her. She decided what to say to John. "John, what do you think of dragons?"

John looked over to Rynn shrugging. "Well, I know for some reason they suddenly appeared at this area a few days ago. I noticed a few different ones. One is a lean black one with a white bunch of hair on it with a human riding it. He looked tiny compared to it, that dragon must have been the size of a passenger jet. In my opinion, I think dragons are intelligent, because it seems they're friendly to humans. I had seen one dragon that might be unfriendly, a huge green one. It caused a small eclipse when it flew over the town; I know this one dragon is bad, because when it flew over the town." John shuddered. "I saw hate in its eyes. Also I saw one that‘s copper colored, while it was flying, it folded it‘s wings to its body dropping some altitude then started flying again. I think that one dragon is mischievous."

Rynn moved her hand to John's shoulder, thoughts raced thru her head thinking of Shan. She made up her mind finally, and then stopped John looking at him. "I got something to tell you John. The dragons that showed up here are intelligent; there are good ones and evil ones. The black colored one you saw has a unique mind, her name is Ewyon. The green one is name Oblivion, he's one evil dragon. Shan, the copper colored one is a good dragon. He's ok, but likes to pull that stunt while flying." She led John to a large field, placing his hand on her muzzle. "One thing John, dragons pick the beings who ride them. You impressed me a few minutes ago fighting those goblins." The wolf, who's a dragon, gave John a spell giving the human a shock.

John felt a jolt of electricity thru his arm knocking him on the ground. Right near him is a gold colored dragon size of a Boeing 777 air liner. He got up looking at her, being a player of games that the hero rides a dragon in combat, the human just stared at her. Rynn's dragon form is a beautiful gold color with feathered wings instead of the membrane John saw in the games. She has nice proportion body, like a canine predator, a wolf. The human walked around the dragon with mixed thoughts. Part of him wanted to run away, but the rabid gamer took over in his personality. "This is so cool, just like the books of Dragon lance and the games the hero rides a dragon."

The gold dragon chuckled in John's mind. "Yes Ewyon told me about those books. I got some things to tell you John, the good dragons are Gold, and silver, copper and bronze colored. The evil ones are green, red, black and white."

"Wait a minute; you said the black ones are evil. But there's a human riding a black dragon and you seem to know her." John said looking at the gold dragon.

Rynn changed back in her wolf form; she sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "Ewyon for some reason went to the side of good. It took one hundred and twenty years for her to earn our trust. We were a bit hesitant in trusting her because she was the only dragon to inflict injury on Samson, our leader. Samson is fifteen hundred years old, Ewyon is only two hundred. I also fought her a few times; she rarely uses fire in a fight. Ewyon uses her claws, teeth and brute strength when fighting making her a nasty fighter." Rynn parts the fur on her side showing a couple of scars. "She did that to me when she was smaller and seventy nine years old. Samson had a warning for us; don't let the lean form of a black dragon fool you. They're nasty fighters."

John nodded. "What did she do to Samson?"

Rynn held up her right hand pointing at the index finger. "Samson was chasing her in a battle. She suddenly turned around and fought him. Ewyon had Samson in a way to kill him, but she didn't. She bit his hand taking his finger off, and then she gave it to her teacher the green dragon Oblivion. Then a week later she shows up saying that she's changing sides because she felt guilty of what she did to Samson and didn't like destroying people's lives. I know she harmed me and Samson, but it took a long time to earn our trust. A week before we ended up here on this planet, she saved a child drowning at a lake. Those parents were surprised when a black dragon swooped down and pulled their child out of the lake putting the kid near the parents then leaving."

"What did she do, to earn your trust?" Asked John following Rynn as she walked down the street.

Rynn continued. "Well it started when she saved that drowning child. The night of the event, she warned us of a magical attack from Oblivion. That green monster had a mage trying to cast a spell to make us disappear from our world. We attacked Oblivions army and mage, but the night sky turned white, then we ended up here on this planet. Yesterday, Shan was watching Ewyon at a market with the human Troy. His ex-girlfriend picked a fight with Ewyon by trying to slap her. Ewyon caught the girlfriend's hand then told her to leave her alone. She changes into an all black fennec fox vixen with white head hair."

John continued to listen to Rynn nodding. "Why it took one hundred and twenty years for her to earn their trust." He thought to himself.

"You see, if Troy's ex-girlfriend did that to her one hundred and twenty years ago. Ewyon would have killed her. Yesterday she saved Morgan's life from a couple of grulls, and then carried him to our lair. Samson finally decided that she earn our trust, now we have a black dragon in our group." Finished Rynn looking at John.

"So, black dragons change into fennec foxes. Gold dragons into wolves, what does the other dragons morph into?" Asked John thinking.

Rynn took a deep breath. "Copper colored ones change into foxes along with the silvers. Bronze colored ones into wolves along with the greens and reds. Whites also change into foxes. The silvers look like an artic fox like the whites, but the difference is the silvers have a slight silver sheen to their fur and the head hair is silver. The whites are all snow white with gray eyes compared to the silver blue of the silvers. But the black dragons have amber colored eyes. The rest of the others, the eye color match the color of the dragons."

John nodded following Rynn admiring her shapely body. Fifteen minutes later a large male blonde colored wolf walked up to them. He watched as Rynn ran up to the wolf hugging him. The human chuckled hearing Rynn saying "Hi daddy."

Samson looked at John extending his hand. John saw the stump missing the finger. The human shook the wolf's hand noting his hand almost disappeared in the handshake. "Dam, he must be almost eight feet tall. I can't tell how old he is, but Rynn say's he's fifteen hundred years old, but he's built like a body builder." John thought to himself.

"So, you killed three goblins very quickly with that halberd. A good weapon, in the hands of a skilled user, a dangerous one." Said Samson looking at John.

"You know this weapon father." Said Rynn looking at Samson, then at the halberd in John's hand.

"That I do Rynn, I haven't seen one in twenty years. The last time I seen one used in battle was one hundred years ago. Now they're used as decorations at some places at our home world." He looks over to John. "John, I am curious of where are we at now?"

John nodded, and then beckons the wolves to follow him to the library near by. They followed him. The human went to the science section, and then picked a few books at a shelf. He opens a book on the solar system showing where the Earth's location is. John noted Rynn's bored expression, but Samson studied the book with keen interest.

Half hour later flying north.

The two gold dragons with a human on the back of the smaller one flew north. John held his pack as he looked at the changed landscape. Samson had him get a few more books on the planet Earth. The human didn't need any books to know how much the world has changed. He knew his home planet was changed a lot. John explained to Samson the gunpowder vanished along with nuclear fission, plus chemical and biological weapons. "It kind of bothers me that gunpowder disappeared, but I am glad nuclear weapons, along with the other terrible weapons vanished. I myself didn't like nuclear, chemical and biological weapons."

"I think there was a trade John. The world we came from magic was the ultimate weapon. Ewyon told me that the event happens long ago on our world and yours. She said that she saw the ribbon drawn in a book of spell history of her magic teacher. According to the book, dragons aren't native to our home world. We came from another world, according to her. The dragons must have come from this world." Said Samson in John's mind.

John thought for a moment. "How smart is Ewyon?"

Samson chuckled. "As I keep saying to the young dragons I train. Don't underestimate that lean body of a black dragon. They're cunning fighters; they use their minds instead of breathing fire everywhere. Ewyon was Oblivion's most talented apprentice. She's very smart and a nasty fighter. A few of my dragons and I can testify for that."

John nodded as he looked at the ground going by.

Fifteen minutes later, a large cave.

Rynn lead John to the training area while Samson carried the books from the library to his area. John seem to be under a spell as the female wolf takes him to clearing with padded floor. She smiled at him. "Alright, I had seen how you fight with a weapon, now I want to see how you fight unarmed."

John nodded looking at the wolf taller than him. He grinned, for he was raised to treat women with respect. The human decided on a fighting style that won't do any harm to Rynn. John will just make her go on the ground, by using her size and weight against her. He looked at her studying her stance. The other dragons still in their dragon form walked over to the area watching. Samson reading a book turned his head and watched.

Rynn ran to the shorter human, but he moved and ducked. She felt his leg hooked behind her knees causing her to fall on the ground. The wolf looked up seeing John looking at her. Rynn grinned standing up getting ready to lunge at him again. She walked up slowly to him noting that his eyes are looking at her unblinking. John is crouched like a cat never taking his eyes off her. The wolf went to grab him, but he grabbed one of her hands making her pivot causing her to lose her balance making her fall on the floor again. "Rynn, change your style. He's using your size against you, you choose well daughter. John is a good fighter, better speed up your attacks. It's the only way to beat him, but be careful, it's only training." Samson said in her mind.

"You're good John; I think I choose well when I picked you." Rynn said getting ready to attack again. The wolf did a fake move managing to get a hold of John. She pinned him to the ground sitting on his hips.

John looked at the large female wolf. He fell for the oldest trick in the book, now he's pinned to the ground. The human looked at the beautiful female form sitting on his hips; a gust of wind moved the breach cloth causing it to move for a second. John saw her pubic area seeing pink vaginal lips slightly wet in the blonde fur, plus he felt her thick tail brush his thighs. She bent down giving him a kiss on his lips. He shuddered hugging her returning her kiss.

The other dragons turned and walked to their areas in the cave. Rynn helped John on his feet. He dusted himself off and looked at Samson grinning at him. The large male athro wolf walked to him. "You're a good fighter John, but it will take luck to best Rynn. I trained her myself. Being eight hundred years old, Rynn is kind of picky of who is close to her." John looked at the female wolf near him. "Now you'll live as long us."

John sighed looking at the two blonde colored wolves. He knew that all close friends are now long gone with most of the world's population. The human put an arm around Rynn's waist. John looked at the other dragons in their areas looking at him. Rynn brought her muzzle to his ear. "Let's bond to each other." He felt her grab his hand as she lead him to a secluded part of the cave.

That same moment at a clearing at Salt Lake City.

Riva looked at the large male anthro wolf. "So your name is Oblivion, plus you're new here. Where are you from big boy?"

A swoot ran near them, Oblivion morphed to a large green dragon. The dragon scooped up the rodent swallowing it whole. Riva heard squeals from the dragon's neck as it worked to the large body. The squeals became faint from the dragons body and stopped. The dragon became a large anthro wolf again. He smiled, and then burped. "I just love it when they kick around in my stomach. I am being rude; I am from another world vixen." He roughly grabbed Riva's hand giving her a violent shock knocking her on the ground.

Riva lay stunned on the ground. The large green dragon picked her up placing her on his neck. A mocking voice said in her mind. "Better hang on vixen; I don't want you falling off. Never mind, if you do fall off, I'll just find someone else." The anthro vixen held on as the large green dragon flew into the air.

Troy's apartment, same moment.

Ewyon flinched and grabbed her head. Troy walked up to her stroking her hair. "Are you ok?

The vixen shook her head looking at Troy. She looked at her lover and rider and sighed. "Oblivion has got himself a rider. I can't tell who it is, because he's good at blocking stuff from me. He just let me know that he found some one. The thing is that we know who this rider is."

Troy looked at Ewyon shrugging, and then he shuddered. "I know who it is, other than the good dragons and Steve. The only person we know is Riva, because Steve will not allow himself near a dragon."

Ewyon nodded looking out a window facing north. She saw a green speck flying east. "What are you up to my teacher?"

Cave north of the Great Salt Lake.

John looked at Rynn's gold eyes staring at him. The human and the female wolf are having sex with each other. He stroked her long blonde colored fur then running his hands to her breasts feeling the firm tissue. John looked down to his hips to his penis seeing the light pink lips wrapped around it. Rynn hugged him giving him a kiss pressing her breasts to his chest. The human felt the wolf orgasm clamping her vaginal wall giving his penis a tug. After the kiss, the wolf looked at him with her gold colored eyes smiling. John looked at her admiring her long muzzle with the black moist nose. He shuddered as he ejaculated inside her.

Rynn got off him putting on her clothing looking at him. She smiled at him tighten the laces on her top, and then slipping on the lion cloth. "What do you want to do now?"

John put on his clothes looking at her. "I got to get to my van to get my stuff, and then decide what to do with it."

Rynn put a finger under her muzzle looking aside in thought. "I'll fly you down to the place, and then we will drive it here. Sometimes I prefer riding in a vehicle; we had vehicles at the world we come from. Can I see your halberd?"

John handed Rynn his weapon. The wolf held it examining it; she muttered some strange words and it changed to a gold colored two tone weapon. He looked at it admiring the two different shades of gold. The human looked at Rynn with a puzzled look. "Why did you change it?" He asked.

Rynn looked at John with her gold colored eyes. "I just made your halberd indestructible John, now it no longer needs to be sharpen and the handle will not break. Let's go get your van, plus I got to find a way to get us some funds, now I got an extra mouth to feed. I don't think you'll like eating roasted swoots and livestock we catch."

John followed Rynn to the cave opening watching as Rynn morphed into a gold colored dragon. "Well, I'll start looking for a job tomorrow, but what are swoots?"

The dragon chuckled. "A large rodent we eat, tastes like chicken. Since I don't watch Ewyon anymore, I think I'll look for work to."

John rubbed Rynn's scaly neck as she flew south. He looked at the view listening to the rhythm of Rynn's beating wings. The human shuddered due to the feeling of being watched. Rynn growled due the feeling. "Rynn, I have this feeling we're being watched, but I don't see anything on the ground." John said looking around.

"I sense it to John, there's another evil dragon around. A white one, I know her Sandra. She was exiled after that battle with Oblivion one hundred and twenty years ago. That green monster banished her after the battle because he lost that battle. Sandra is a loner and will not pick a side. Ewyon tried for one hundred and twenty years to pick the side of good, but she refused. I better tell Samson about this. Oblivion and his dragons is enough trouble for us, but a rogue dragon not choosing a side will be a thorn in our side." Said Rynn in his mind.

"Rynn, can Ewyon stand up against her, plus how old is she?" Asked John still looking for any sign of the dragon.

A moments silence passed. "It will be a close fight, Ewyon use to be friends with Sandra. They were like sisters; there use to be a rumor of a lesbian relationship between the two of them." Rynn chuckled letting out a stream of smoke. "But we found out Ewyon liked males. Sandra was kind to her rider and had a sex with him even in her dragon form. I can't picture a being your size have sex with a dragon being the size of an Airbus A330. Sandra is five hundred and twenty years old and I don't know when Ewyon last talk to her. I think we better go see Ewyon before we pick up your van."

John nodded still looking around with puzzled thoughts. "A dragon letting a small being having sex with her. Rynn is the size of a 777 airliner, I admit I have an average size penis, but I don't think Rynn will feel anything from me in her dragon form."

"Your right John, I found out about Sandra's fetish from Ewyon. She let's her rider have sex with her, and then have the rider make a fist and fist fuck her. Ewyon saw this happen a few times. But I think it's best for Ewyon have a talk with her to see what she is up to. She must have appeared at another part of this world and migrated here." Said Rynn in John's mind.

He nodded and looked on.

On the ground gray eyes watched the gold dragon fly south. The white anthro fox vixen grinned shaking her head. "So Samson and his gang of good dragons are here to. I'll let Ewyon talk to me again, but I am not picking a side. I survived one hundred and twenty years of exile because I stayed away from the other dragons. What's wrong with a being having sex with me in my dragon form, my rider didn't mind it. I like the dragon orgasm better, but I better find a new male friend. I am kind of horny at the moment, plus I sick of masturbation." The white colored vixen took one last look at the gold speck and walked south to the city.

To be continued.

Alright, some spoilers for the next chapter. Ewyon does have a fight with Oblivion in the next chapter. I added Sandra for the vixen lovers and help for Ewyon. Sandra is going to be an anti-hero.