Porcelain God 2 Rise of the Throne

Story by solarix on SoFurry

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#2 of Porcelain God

i toyed around with this for a while before deciding to write another chapter. So here it is and be prepared for at least one more chapter too. So read and enjoy and let me know what you think aobut it in the comments thanks!!!!

Porcelain God 2

Rise of the Throne

"NO NO NOOOOOO!!!" The large hippo teen screamed as with a final flush he was sucked down the pipework and the toilet he had been seated upon slowly shrunk back to the size it had been before partaking in its meal. The lid closed over the seat and a low gurgling was heard before the lid on each commode shot open and a deep burbling belch resounded out of every bowled mouth. Life was great for Cruxor. The ancient Mesopotamian god of pottery, bowls, dishes, basically anything made of clay or a mixture of naturally occurring stone or rock. He had searched for eons before finally finding a new way the people of the planet earth could worship him. Much as it had been before they had alters dedicated to him (without their knowledge) in each and every home. Even though he couldn't inhabit all of the toilets on earth he could at least find a meal in places every now and then and when someone got too suspicious he would pick up unseen and move on. As it was he had settled himself in the toilets of a reform camp high in a mountainous zone. He had been sated for quite a while with no one giving a care when a kid went missing. Most of the furs that came to the camp were the worst of the worst, and when any of them went missing the camp warden just marked him or her or it as a runaway case and put it down to be watched for. Even if he had known that the toilet he used every morning had the ability to swallow him down to a pit where he could find his missing charges he likely wouldn't care in the slightest.

Cruxor having finished another larger meal including the hippo three mustang teens and one punk shark, had settled himself down for a nap and began to let his meal digest. While he slept one of the rich boy prima Dona tiger's made his way into the bathroom with a smaller and whimpering wolf boy. He had been abusing the poor little wolf every night for weeks the poor little canid couldn't sit down for all the soreness in his tail star. The poor wolf hadn't really caused as much trouble as some of the other hard cases had he had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time literally when he had been nabbed. The judge had seen he had no priors but since he was the only one they could lay their paws on he had to stand trial. He had been lucky the choice had been prison for six months or going to the reform camp. Being wise he had chosen the camp thinking the lesser of two evils. The tiger on the other hand had earned his place. His parents had given him everything in life a fur could want. He had not wanted for a thing, fast cars expensive clothes, special fur dyes. He had it all including the bad boy blonde highlights and upper body strength to match his personality.

Both were dressed in the camp outfits meaning sleeveless green shirts with shorts to match. The bigger tiger who was named Tyler had a good grasp on the wolf who was named Aleck, and was frog marching him for a quick fuck session and possibly something more in one of the larger toilet stalls. "Drop them slut puppy I want a good shot at that ass" Tyler growled as he shoved him in the stall. Aleck was wise enough to do as he was told and dropped his pants and the underwear with them then bent over the toilet lid and shoed his swollen and pained tailhole to his attacker. Tyler didn't wait long before dropping his pants and shoving his length in the tiger didn't prolong the torture and came after only a few thrusts before pulling out harshly.

His next move was not a new one he shoved the wolf's head into the bowl under the water and yanked the flush a few times. Then he pulled the guy's head out let him breath and repeated the cycle. This time however when he went to pull Aleck free he found the wolf's head was stuck in the trap hole. The first instinct in such a section is to freak out and Tyler did this exceptionally well. His first thought was for the wolf, poor Aleck had only had the misfortune to be grabbed up by Tyler. His second thought was for himself and what was gonna happen to him now that he had killed a fur. He was still having a panic attack when the toilet flushed again and started to suck the body down. Tyler fell back onto the floor and stared in horror as slowly Aleck's body was sucked down the pipe until all that remained was a tail. He managed to get up and look down, he watched in horror as the toilet gave one last flush and sucked the rest down. He was slowly backing away when the same toilet he had used the day before and that had just sucked down his little bitch. Grabbed him around the head and with a much faster glurp and a flush sucked him down as well.

Cruxor took both of their minds right away and what he realized from viewing their thoughts upset him. He realized that the other furs weren't really cared about but these two would be hunted for and if they dug deep enough they could and would find his stomach filled with victims as well as the bones in the lake. He knew it was time to move on again but this time he had a plan. Slowly and secretly he stretched out his existence until he was in the one toilet in the camp he hadn't bothered too much with. The private latrine in the camp warden's office/living quarters. All he had to do now was wait. The warden himself was a big muscular bull who had found himself in this position because he couldn't handle a traditional prison. It was an easy job and not much had to be bothered with other then making sure food orders showed up and that they didn't lose any of the detainees. Lately he had been having more trouble with the disappearances. Some of his charges, quite a lot actually had just up and disappeared without a trace. He was not so worried after all most of the kids at the camp didn't have families to question their disappearance and if the state cared he could simply say they got lost in the woods after all hikers went out into the woods up here all the time and disappeared.

He was filling out papers about the missing boys for his private records and listing them officially as escaped AWOL so that they were the issue of their parole officers. He had a big mug of coffee and was sipping it slowly as he read down the list of most recent disappearances when a single name popped up and he began to sweat. The name that followed made him worry more especially since a file rested on his desk with big red letters PARDONED the fact that Tyler and Aleck were now missing was enough to freak the bull. Tyler's parents had barely cared about the kid before he got in trouble. After he had gotten in trouble they had ignored him even more, but that didn't mean they would ignore the fact that their flesh and blood had simply up and disappeared on them. As for Aleck well that was a different story his file was on the desk listed as pardoned. Some judge had finally reviewed his case and decided that a mistake had been made and let the kid go free. Now however things would be trickier after all if he had left things wouldn't be so messy but with a kid who was really innocent disappearing from a reform camp, well it would mean a possible career ender for Herman the warden.

He needed damage control and fast after all he would soon have two sets of people breathing down his neck three if he counted the state exam and review board. He grabbed up the coffee cup and took a huge swig of the cooling liquid and tried to figure out what to do and how to handle the situation. His first move was to call in the head of the camp guards and put him to work trying to find the boys the second was to report them as missing to the local patrols in the immediate area then he prepped the letters to the state board. After a coffee refill he took up the phone and called Tyler's parents to alert them to the disapperence of their son. All he got was a machine and that machine wasn't even programmed with a warm message it simply said to state the person s business leave a number and get off the line. Because of the nature of the call Herman only left the information for the camp and then hung up. His next call was to the parents of Aleck, they on the other hand answered with anticipation.

"Hello?!! Who is calling please?" "Sir this is the camp warden of the Crested hills reform camp I have some news for you but I need to confirm that this is a legal guardian of one Aleck Wuff?" "Yes, yes this is his father speaking please go ahead when will we see our boy again?" "About that sir I am calling to inform you that as of this afternoon we cannot find your son and I am calling to inform you that he is officially listed as AWOL from the camp possibly fugitive from the camp. To be frank sir we have no clue where he is but another boy went missing at about the same time. We have a search party already hunting for them and at this time I have no further news." "You're saying Aleck ran away?" "At this time sir that is what we are hoping has happened I will leave you with the camp information so that you can get in touch but other than that I need to coordinate search parties" "Yes please, please find him" "we will sir let me give you the info" he rattled off all the info for the camp "and now sir I need to get to a more urgent matter" "yes I can understand thanks for letting us know" "sure thing goodbye" Herman hung up the phone and stood up. The more urgent matter was a pressure in his bowels and bladder but he fully intended to find these boys if only to save his career from winding up where he was currently heading. With a few strides he crossed over to his private bathroom and shut the door before dropping his pants and taking a seat on the toilet.

This simple action woke up the sleeping Cruxor who had only slightly paid attention to the actions of the mortal now seated upon his "mouth". The big bull let his sphincter relax and a sudden shot of brown liquidy mess flooded the bowl followed by a large blast of gas. The bull grunted as more of the liquid mass was shot out into the bowl and followed swiftly by a hissing of piss from his huge cock. The smell was awful and it was mostly due to the coffee. Herman had promised himself he was going to let up on the stuff since it always had this effect on him and it was always unpleasant. He grunted as more solid matter was pressed out of him and a sudden painful mass tried to exit him in a sudden rush but was broken down over several loud splashes. Cruxor allowed the bull to do all this in a sense of fairness. He however was planning something special for the bull and was making the seat slowly form over the big furs ass. The big bull grunted some more as trapped gas was shot free and some speckles of brown matter were allowed to splash into the bull, before he grabbed up some paper and wiped his ass a few times then tried to stand. And he tried and tried and tried but to his horror and shock he found the seat just wouldn't let him go and that was when things took a freaky turn.

The toilet beneath him gave a burbbly chuckle and flushed at the same time. The flush continued as did the laugh till if Herman could he would have added some more piss to the bowl. "W-wh-wh-what the hell is going on" Cruxor didn't reply he merely made his first attack he reached out with his "tongue" a thin filament of water and forcibly entered the bulls ass and let more and more of the thing flow up into the bulls body. "URRRRHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGG" the bull screamed as more water invaded his system and reached out touching everything inside. "What's going on someone help me" Cruxor finally responded now that he could control the bulls mind "relax warden Herman Stiles relax I am not going to feast on you as I have your other charges"

Herman was terrified and could only manage a slight squeak as more of the water "tongue" invaded his body and a smaller piece broke off and forced its way into his dick and curled around in his balls and bladder. "You are the caretaker of this camp and I have a proposition for you. I offer you the chance to serve me and continue on in this life. You wonder what I am and who I am. I will answer you I am Cruxor ancient god of the pottery worshiped by the Mesopotamians and many other cultures in many different forms and names. Now I am here being worshiped once again but in a different way. Yes I am the porcelain god now and all furs worship at my alters at least once a day." Herman finally managed to ask "what are you going to do with me?" Cruxor chuckled and the bowl beneath Herman rumbled again with his laughter as the water burbled and flushed again and even more of the demons tongue swam inside of the bull relishing the taste and pervading his senses. "I am offering you a choice you can either become my servant and help me to guide this world or I can send you where so many others have gone before" saying that Cruxor yawned the bowl wider and let the bull fall in slightly. "NO NO PLEASE NO" the bull cried "I take it then you would rather be a servant then a meal?" Herman nodded still terrified that the flush would come and he would be sucked away. Cruxor smiled inwardly to himself and let the lid slam shut over the bull in his bowl mouth. "wait you said if I agreed to become your servant I would be allowed to live you promised"

The god/demon caressed his new servant with some more tongues of water. "Relax my pet I am not eating you. I am simply changing you to be more mine then before you are not to die but to enter your womb" saying that Cruxor morphed the tongues of water and dissolved the clothes from Herman. The tongues that invaded the bull became a strange mixture of porcelain and organics as more invaded the bull including down his throat. He soon found the water around him filling up the enlarge bowl space and becoming warm. He tested with a paw and found the trap hole at the bottom had disappeared but was replaced with even more of the umbilical's that invaded his body. "Just relax and sleep my pet soon you will be reborn and our work can begin" the god whispered in his pets mind as the bull drifted off to sleep. Cruxor pulled the toilet below the house and replaced it with a crafted fake as his "baby" was allowed to sleep and the changes to his body began.

The bull's body began to change slowly at first as his fur took on a porcelain/clay sheen but still looked and felt organic. For five minutes his body morphed slowly into different shapes before reverting back to its natural form with its new over tones. His horns began their change taking on a silver tone and slowly his whole body began to turn a pure milk white with special markings all over that glowed a deep blue. His form took on a more muscular overtone and slight tracing of scales were added to the porcelain/organic sheen over his body. The umbilical's caressed him all over and a blue liquid was pumped into his body till it permeated his entire being and the bulls eyes behind the lids glowed a deep blue to match his markings. Cruxor moaned in pleasure as the bull was altered and the birth pains began to wrack his body. Soon the fake toilet in the bull's office began to stretch and contort into a new form and with a loud groaning belch it spurted a gooey fluid all over the floor. Herman was pulled through the pipes from his womb and slowly pushed free of his new "mother" the umbilical's broke free and dissolved as he was released into the world with a huge roaring flush and the toilet he was pushed out of collapsed. Herman let forth and unearthly scream and opened his eyes which slowly faded and became normal with only a slight glow.

His first objective was clear, he needed clothes and to relieve himself of the remaining umbilical's. He made his way over to his bedroom and put on some dark sweatpants and a dark shirt then grabbed a hat to help cover his new form and let himself out into the night heading for the camps toilets. It was late and he was uninterrupted he made it into the bathroom and took a seat on the big toilet at the far end settling down and letting his waste and the umbilical's free. The toilet beneath him gripped him and Cruxor spoke in his mind. "now my minion you must cleanse this camp of all observers feed them to me in any way you see fit then go and find a new place and raise my throne so that I may begin my plans" a small part of Herman's mind railed against the idea but the new Herman simply stood up flushed the toilet and marched out heading for the infirmary to grab some of the strongest laxatives he could get. Then he made his way to the camp mess hall and put as much of the laxatives in the foods as possible. The next day would see a mad dash to the toilets and a huge meal for his master. With that complete he marched off into the woods stripping his clothes off as he went.

He trooped for the whole night and into the afternoon of the following day till he approached his destination. The area he had neared was commonly known as the devils falls toilet. Ten thousand years in the past it had been a simple waterfall that flowed slowly and made up a part of a small creek system. Then one day an underground cave system had finally let go of its support and the reprocessing of the area had begun. Now the waterfall slowly filled up a large basin that resembled the bowl of a toilet with water. It filled it till a certain point was met then water was sucked down just like the flush of a standard commode. The cycle was about once every three to four days but in rainier months it could happen at unpredictable times. While it filled it usually had enough water for swimming but parents had cautioned their children against this just in case. It was here Herman planned to raise his masters throne. He squatted over the basin and pressed hard on his insides. Even though his stomach was empty something began to press its way free. It started out slow but soon a huge log was pressing its impossible girth free of the bulls ass. The log pressed its way free gaining in length and emanating a blue color as it plopped and plopped its way free.

More and more joined the first till Herman had drained it all out then he turned and began to spray a blue liquid from his cock into the waters which began to glow a blue color as well. With every drip of his cock the area changed a little bit more. It began to take on the appearance of a standard bathroom toilet but giagantic in size. By the time herman had started pawing his cock off into the pile of waste below the toilet had taken on the sheen of porcelain and a large silver handle had formed. Herman finished christening his masters throne and walked around the rim of the seat to the handle where he reached out with blue energy and sealed the transformation with its first flush.

Miles away the camp had served two meals and so far Cruxor had feasted on half of the camp. No one was questioning where people had disappeared. They just thanked god that there were open toilets. That is till the toilet beneath them sucked them down it burped and let the stall door unlock for the next victim. By the time Herman was flushing the throne Cruxor was sucking down the last of his meals. When he heard the great flush of his throne he let all his toilets flush with a mighty roar as he ripped himself free and raced to join his minion who had climbed down and was kneeling before the throne waiting for his master.

Cruxor merged with the giant toilet and roared his pleasure with a huge flush. "You have done well my minion rest now but prepare for your job has only just begun." The demon said in the bulls mind. The great demon let his minion morph to his resting form that of a large style toilet. He in turn began his work altering the perception of his new form some would see it as a simple stone caldera others would see a waterfall with a dragons head, few would see him as he was a huge dragon that was morphed into the toilet but seated upon it. Tomorrow the beast would send his minion out to begin prepping the world for his coming but for now he simply reached out to the public toilets in nearby towns and let them yawn open and suck down the occupants. All that was heard afterword was an evil gurgling somewhere below.