Library's Closed

Story by Star the Mutt on SoFurry

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Hey, I'm not dead! Just a little thing I wrote up for all those out there who cared. Inspired by a long lost roleplay I once did.

Also contains the adventures of a man and a young boy, please leave if you're not comfortable with this.

It was a slow summer afternoon in a quaint little village off the map, and a hot Sunday at that. Most of the residents wouldn't dare to venture out into the open and face the wrath of the sun's harmful heat. Unfortunately for Jay, he had been stuck again in the local library. He wasn't sure why he even took up the job. It didn't even really pay, since the only revenue that came in were from donations or a payment from a ruined book, and even that was scarce considering the small amount of people who come in and out of the building in the first place. At least he got some help today. A boy by the name of Deon, couldn't be over 15 at least, tiny frame and some bulky glasses on his tiny head. volunteered to help around the establishment for community service hours, probably for a nice eye catcher for a résumé. 'A kid his age thinking ahead for his future,' Jay thought enviously. 'Wonder what I was doing at his age...' Though he may not have liked it, the boy was welcomed, and Deon was a gryphon too, like he was. Today, he was doing his normal duties. Dusting, cleaning, and sorting some shelves that Jay was too lazy to really fix himself. He never really seemed to mind, which weirded out Jay a bit, but he was too focused on some paperwork anyways. He looked toward the turn-in box, empty as usual. Sometimes the adult gryphon wished that the place wasn't so barren, hell, he just wanted something to do half the time, but with Deon around, he split his duties in half. He supposed that it was a gift and a curse at the same time. He looked to the opposite side of his desk, a stack of books he had finished that day. The larger adult stared for a few seconds before grabbing the impressive stack and taking them over to be replaced. It was trivial, and it only took a second but it was something. He passed by the hardworking teen, watching his black furred rear as he bent down to reach a lower shelf. He would have ignored it if it wasn't for the fact his last book was supposed to be filed there. 'The heat seemed to be getting to him,' Jay observed. The boy was sweating in his thin white t-shirt and shorts, wiping his face with the dusty cloth every so often. It wasn't hard work, but the dry spell that they were suffering through was affecting the air. Jay did his best to avert his eyes and go back to his desk before he began to get sweaty as well, hoping to delve into another adventure book he had been eagerly awaiting to read. The gryphon seemed to perk the boy up, him moving out and looking up at the adult. "Hey boss, you almost spooked me." Deon smiled, wiping his head again and fixing his glasses. "It's so quiet in here i forget you're in here sometimes. Checking up on me?" "Nah, nah," he replied, feeling a pang in his chest from his blatant remark. "Just putting some books back is all."

Deon nodded, slinging the towel he had over his shoulder. "Reading again?" he teased, eying the book. "Was it any good?" "The humor was dry and the subplot was better than the main plot. How unfortunate that it got so little focus," Jay shrugged as he nudged the book firmly into it's spot. He was tempted to continue with the fact it was highly cliche and unoriginal, so much so that he had only skimmed through it...a lot actually. "Is the cleaning going well?" he said in an effort to change subjects. "You're free to take breaks you know." Leon shrugged and dusted off some lint on his cheek. "Thanks, but I'd like to finish up the rest before I stop, if that's fine with you." The boy smiled wide before he moved past Jay and began to dust the next shelf in a similar fashion to the last one with his tail swaying idly around as he cleaned. The bushy tip slowly slid under Jay's chin as Deon moved, through the younger male didn't seem to notice. Jay leaned back a bit uncomfortably, feeling some slight heat rushing to his face, though he couldn't resist a stare at the younger boy's tush. He exhaled a bit, remembering his repressed emotions. In all honesty, Jay had been wondering about expanding his relations with the youngster a few weeks after he began to work here; it had been almost three months. He was apprehensive at first, knowing full well that there was at least a ten year age difference between them, but he was soon enticed by the boy's hard working attitude and his outgoingness to anyone who came in. 'If I could only work up the courage...' he thought. Instead, he managed to work up the nerve to cop a feel of the young gryph's rump as he walked back to his desk. Deon flinched a bit as he felt the cold claws of the adult grope his butt, him banging his head on the shelf as he jerked up a bit. He assumed it was someone else but he remembered the emptiness of the library. It was probably his superior, though he was confused. Maybe he was just trying to get his attention. "Y-Yes Jay?" he asked the fleeing adult. As he sauntered off, the adult took on an oddly airy and playful tone. "Nothing~" he replied, thankful that he kept his face forward to hide the expression on his face. His reclusive nature kicked in soon after, thinking it'd be best to play if off like it was nothing, but at least it wasn't any protest! He blinked a bit as he watched his boss sit down at his desk, popping open yet another book. He thought for a bit, filthy rag in hand. In truth, he too had been feeling very...warm and close to the other male. He had felt these feelings before, though more at school where there were more males to stare and swoon at. Unfortunately for him, he was too embarrassed to really come out and try and catch himself a boy for himself. With Jay however, he felt at ease, that he could tell him anything, and he wanted to get to know him better. Maybe in more ways than one. He put down the rag on the shelf and gulped. Today was the day he was going to make his move. He began to walk to the desk himself, moving his hips ever so slightly to hopefully get Jay's attention. He began to choke as he left the safety of the bookshelves. He stared at Jay, his grey fur shining through his shorts and black polo shirt. He scratched his beak, still unaware of Deon standing stiff in the center of the room next to a clean reading table he had just cleaned not to long ago. 'Come on,' Deon reassured himself, remembering all the romance novels he had read and all the curiosity that flooded his pubescent mind. Before he could even think, his body was moving for him, eventually finding his tail sliding under Jay's chin again. Just as the larger male got comfortable with his legs crossed snuggly on the chair, he felt the familiar brush of the tail, looking around and spotting Deon. He cracked his eyes away and spared him a look, trying to keep a stoic expression. "Yes?" Deon didn't answer, much like Jay had. He simply began to walk off toward another set of tables, His soft, silk-like, jet black fur shined as the rays of sun from the upper windows hit it at just the right angle as he moved his hips from side to side. For a second, he thought he was taking it a little too far, but pushed the thought from his mind as he reached his towel again, cleaning the tables again and leaning over once more. Jay was never very skilled in the flirting game, but he blinked at the sudden change of personality from his little volunteer. Was it an invitation? He clenched his beak ever so slightly, unsure of what to do. It didn't take long, however, for him to slide his book away and push himself off the chair. He still seemed a little hesitant as he placed his claws on the younger gryphon's sides, but still kept his casual demeanor. Deon had a slight grin on his face as he dropped the rag to the ground, turning his head slowly to face the man. He begun to rub his tail across Jay's sides and underbelly, getting dangerously close to his inner thighs but keeping his distance nonetheless. He still had to act it out, his mind flashing dirty images of the many graphic romance novels he had caught onto while he was working here; he certainly remembered this exact scene in many of them. He managed to put on his most innocent face before speaking. "Yes?" Jay seemed to see right through it as he grinned. "Well that was an invitation," he said aloud, stroking one claw down to the boys rear and giving it a longer, well deserved feel. It was brazen, but it seemed to be exactly what they both wanted which helped calm down his beating heart a bit. He felt Deon's fur as he was groping the boy's tush. Deon let out a sigh and smiled back, subtly pressing his body back to press into the advancing hand. "Only if you want it to be," Deon replied back.

Something scratched at the back of his mind. His conscience mentally scolding him, telling him that what he was doing wasn't right. He was still young after all. What would his mother think? He never even told her about his feelings. She'd probably skin him, and Jay, alive if she found out. 'No one needs to know,' he thought to himself, pushing the thought back. "With someone as cute as you, I think I'd like it to~" Jay replied back, sounding satisfied with his reply. He leaned over slightly and trailed his hand through Deon's body, feeling the gryphons private regions through his boyshorts. Deon blushed and let out a surprised gasp at the initiative that Jay had. He managed to turn around on his back and face his eager perverted boss. The guilt began to etch away at his mind again, though one look at Jay and his calm and sultry gaze destroyed those thoughts. Besides, no one had ever really called him cute before. "Do you want it...?"

Deon blinked, the question snapping him out of his thoughts. His face began to blush, much more noticeable as he slowly began to comprehend what Jay had asked of him. The older adult certainly seemed to want it. Deon could probably feel the prominent erection in Jay's pants if he tried, though he wasn't about to force it unless he was absolutely sure. As Deon was thinking, Jay's free hand took it's place on the young teen's chest, moving under his shirt and stroking at his fur affectionately, only quickening the smaller gryph's thinking process. "I-I'm not going to go through with it unless you really do," Jay went on nervously, bringing his hand around and giving the tiny assistant a few rubs to his belly. Deon blushed as the cold hands brushed through his supple fur, but he had to admit, he was nervous too. The heat of the moment began to wear him down, and his worries began to melt away. His muscles began to relax as the smooth strokes soothed his nerves. His heart still began to beat quickly, but it felt...right at the same time. He only nodded and whispered. "Yes...I-I do want it." "Anything in particular, cutie?" Jay asked, his tone taking a low and teasing tone. "Or should I just bend you over the table right here?"

The nervous gryph seemed surprised at the tone change, as if some horny caged animal in his mind was uncaged, but was allured nonetheless, especially as Jay began tugging at the hem of Deon's shorts, unbuttoning them. The older male slipped his hand in, finding his way passed the youth's briefs and grabbing his balls. Deon was a little embarrassed at the attention at his orbs, but did his best to relax as his shorts slipped off, leaving him in his pure white underwear with a very prominent tent poking from the front. Jay slid his claws down to the side of the boy's hips, dragging them down and slowly undressing the little gryph. He licked his beak, observing the naked body as he disrobed the Deon further and further. At last, he was fully exposed. Deon blushed heavily, wondering what someone would think if they walked in, they did leave the library open after all. He still managed to keep his cool, even if he did cover up a little bit, though it wasn't hard to hide his childish member poking through it's sheath. "Like...what you see?" he asked, remembering a line from another romance novel. "You have the most adorable body," Jay assured him, beginning to shuffle out of his own pants much quicker than Deon had. The larger male leaned over the smaller, pressing up against him and squeezing the boy between him and the table, rubbing his rock hard length up against the boy's own member. Deon let out a gasp, feeling the warm flesh against his, already slickened with pre, and much bigger than his. If he wasn't embarrassed before, he certainly was now, even a bit envious. He still smiled as his own prick let out its glob of the clear substance. He rubbed his claws through his own chest, shakily awaiting Jay's next move.

The librarian grinned and purred as he leaned down to nuzzle the boys beak with is own, as he retracted from the boy's length and aimed at his tight pucker. "Tell me if you need me to pull out..." Jay whispered as he pressed his tip against the virgin hole. Deon gritted his teeth, and tensed up, feeling his hole slowly stretch against his body's protests and getting stuffed with warm and pulsating gryphon meat. He panted heavily. It did hurt, like he had predicted. Despite the pain, he tried to spread his legs farther apart to make some room, though he was half of Jay's size. I it was understandable that he was having some trouble. Jay let out his own uncomfortable noises, unable to get any farther than his tip from the dry and inexperienced hole. He retracted again, with a slight scowl upon his face. He wanted to see the boy squirm, beg for more, He wasn't about to let a simple issue stop him. He slipped a finger into his mouth, slickening it up nice before massaging the boy's virgin anus, slipping the finger in nice and firmly. Deon let out another gasp and cringed slightly, though not as hard as the much larger and thicker length. He still kept his position, legs spread wide for his superior for the best view of his slender frame and dripping length. He slid his finger in and out, loosening it up nice before he licked his hand once more, sliding two, and eventually three. Jay stretched the hole open with his three fingers, enticing a moan from the assistant. Deon was panting to the sensations now, blushing fierce and keeping his eyes closed as his cock dripped like a fountain. Pre coated his waist, and more continued to dribble down his underdeveloped length. "Perfect..." Jay murmured to himself as he spat into his hand, rubbing his length nice and slick with his warm salvia. Thankfully he was finished, his mouth was beginning to dry out. He could have asked Jay to try and slick him up, though beaks make it difficult for anything of the sort unfortunately. It didn't matter anyways, as he aligned himself up once again, feeling the boys supple cheeks within his hands as he stretched him open once more. Deon let out nervous moans and gasps, looking up at the taller male only to find him pressing his imposing length press into his gaping hole. Deon let out a loud cry of pleasure, arching his back and happy to have his body filled again. A jet of pre spurted out and onto the boys already sullied chest. Jay letting out a moan as his length was enveloped in the warmth of the gryphon's insides, feeling them clench down and wrap around his twitching girth. He knew he wasn't going to get off anytime soon at this rate, him pulling his hips back and letting his length slid out with a loud sigh to accompany it. Deon bit down on one of his claws as his blush increased along with his moans. Jay pushed back in, still tight as ever despite the foreplay. He pushed on regardless, letting out pleased grunts and sighs as his hand found it's way over to Deon's tiny length, stroking it quickly. The wet sounds of the pre slicking up his hand echoing throughout the empty library along with the surprised coos of the younger gryph, feeling the wondrous sensations of an expert hand tingle through his body for the first time. Jay continued to thrust in tandem with his hand, Deon's length quickly becoming a nice reddish color from all the attention. It was cute in it's own way, though Jay, though he was too enveloped in his thrusts to really say much. Not that he wanted to anyways. Deon seemed to be lost in his own little world as he watched Jay work his length deeper and deeper into his abused hole, it wrapping perfectly around his length and hitting just the right marks to make them both squeal in delight with every thrust. "Mmm...J-Jay..."moaned the youngster. Jay already knew what he was going to say, he could feel the overflowing prick tremble heavily, heating up and waiting to burst. The adult began to pick up the pace, letting out loud grunts and pants as he forced his way balls deep into the once virgin assistant. Deon began to thrust his hips upward, and let out an adorable cry as he climaxed, his seed spurting out and landing on the boys chest, globbing it up with the stench of sex. Deon's eyes began to flutter as Jay hunched over, letting out his own cry as he came hard, gushing his long awaited load into the tight pucker, pulling out to rain his salty surprise onto the boy's chest as well. Deon let out a pleased smile before he closed his eyes and lay still on the table, the excess beginning to drip out of his butt. Jay let out a long and exhausted sigh, looking over the still form of the boy he had just ravaged. Again, he didn't care. He had finally gotten what he wanted. His irresistible assistant, was covered in his seed, and he seemed to enjoy himself as well. He stretched a bit, finding himself covered in a musky sweat. With all the fun, he had almost forgotten it was still scorching outside. He shrugged and picked up his pants off the ground, walking over to the front of the library where a clock stood over the entrance. "9:30," he mumbled. "Closing time."

He reached for the "open/closed" sign at the window that hung at it's usual spot, though he let stopped once he grabbed it. "Damnit..." he grumbled. "I forgot to open for the day again..."