SoulSilver Encounters - The Eevee

Story by SoulRedFox on SoFurry

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#1 of SoulSilver Encounters

SoulSilver Encounters - The Eevee

This is just a small, heavily sex-based series I wrote back in 2010. My writing has improved dramatically since then so don't be afraid to let me know what you think.

With the ability to shift from his human form to either Vulpix or Ninetales since birth, Renard roamed his house as a Vulpix, it was much more entertaining. The scents a human couldn't pick up, the size changes, the--

He stopped and sniffed the air. The smell of sex was in the air. But the only Pokemon he has are the 'eons and they're all...

Renard's eyes widened, They--, he crept to his room and peered in through the crack and stared at the sight.

Dusk, the dominant of the 'eons, was currently mating with his Eevee, who was sucking off his Flareon brother. Renard was unable to turn his head away from them. His 'eons were gay? Not that it bothered him but--as it turned out, rather... turned him on, greatly. Curse the fact that it's harder to fap as a Vulpix!

Dusk thrust into his brother and moaned loudly. Renard could easily see that he had finished up. The Flareon, he noticed, had already been panting, already done.

Renard saw that while his brothers got their rocks off, the poor Eevee had no such relief.

"Good as always." Dusk commented, pulling out of his brother. He jumped up on the bed and cleaned himself off.

'On my bed?' Renard thought. 'Dirty little--'

"Come here then," Dusk growled. Breaking Renard's thinking, and scaring him into thinking he'd been caught. "Flare? You coming up here or what?" Renard sighed, but was surprised at what happened next.

The Flareon jumped onto the bed and straddled his eldest brother and--pushed himself down onto his cock, moaning softly.

'Fucking on my bed?!' Renard thought, outraged. 'You'll pay for that Dusk.'

He looked at the Eevee who was now curled up licking himself off. Renard felt sorry for the poor 'vee. Oddly enough, he's in fact the second oldest and not the runt of the litter.

"I'm--gonna go downstairs--" He panted after a while; his brothers, oblivious to him now.

Renard crept behind the corner and waited 'til he heard him descend down the stairs. The Vulpix shook his head.

'Poor guy' He thought. 'Can't just leave him like that.' He scurried after him.

He heard a small moan and a much relieved sigh as he entered the room. He grinned and continued his walk towards his prey, his member full erect and bobbing as he thought about what he planned.

The Eevee squeaked and turned to look at Renard. "Ma-Master!" He stuttered, embarrassed. How sweet. "Wha-wha--I did-didn't see you--" His eyes wandered down and looked at his master's maleness.

"See something you like?" He purred and walked to him, toying with him.

"Y-yes... I mean no! I mean--err--" He stuttered.

Renard was on him now, right in front of him.

"Seems like you're worn out from your 'game'" He said continuing to toy with him. "Need a paw?"

"N-no, it-it's okay now," He replied, mesmerized by his master's member, not that far from his face.

Renard grinned. "They always do that?" He asked. "Leave you hanging."

The Eevee nodded, Renard took note of his penis erecting again.

"Do you--" He began. "Can I 'play' with you, Master?" He asked out of the blue.

"Wh-what?" Renard asked shocked. Wrong about guessing he was shy. "I err--"

"It's fun," He told him and instantly crawled forwards and began sucking on his tip.

Renard yipped in surprise, and went to protest but--but--"I guess I can." He sighed, feeling the young Eevee run his tongue along his Vulpix length.

Eevee murred and took it into his mouth, bobbing his head up and down his master's rod, already proving that he was talented.

Renard moaned softly as the Eevee suckled on his cock, marvelling at the amazing job he was doing. Hell, what would you expect from a horny male with a load of horny brothers?

He stroked the back of his head gently, beginning to thrust a little into his maw.

The Eevee helped fuel this action by grasping what he couldn't fit in his mouth and jerking it roughly.

"Good boy..." Renard murred. "Very good Boooy..." His eyes closed and he dug his claws into the carpet as his instincts took control of his lust-filled body and he began to thrust harder, to which the boy didn't seem to mind at all. He continued his sucking and licking of the Vulpix's rod, rubbing the rest with ease.

Renard moaned and cooed, loving the feel of those tiny paws rubbing him up and down, feeling his warm mouth and tongue lick all over his length. Feeling close to his climax, he was now determined to fill his little maw full of his seed.

The Eevee sensed this and rolled onto his back, member still in his mouth. He reached further up and grabbed the 'pix's cock behind the knot and squeezed gently, giving his master the extra push he knew he needed.

Renard yelped in shock at the sudden pressure as pleasure surged though his body. Unable to hold himself back he cried out loudly and shot his load down the foxes throat, giving him more than enough of his hot cum.

The Eevee only murred at the satisfying load and drank it down eagerly, hardly spilling any.

"Oh wow," Renard panted. "Wow. Damn are you good."

The Eevee giggled around the cock and continued to jerk behind the knot, making sure his master wouldn't deflate.

Renard just sighed, content for him to keep him hard for whatever he wanted.

After a while the boy released the canine cock from his warm, moist mouth and continued to play with his master a little while longer while he was too lost for words. He finally let go, walked in front of his master and presented himself to him, tail raised high for his master to claim him.

Renard looked down when he felt the pressure recede and saw him in his position.

"Wha-what--?" He stuttered.

"Round two, master." The Eevee purred with anticipation.

Renard saw now the raging hard-on the boy had.

"What about you?" He asked.

"Oh, don't worry about me," He replied earnestly. "I'll sort myself out later."

Renard felt a little guilty but only for a second. He deserves better than that and he was going to make sure of that. He grinned at his plan. Just a few moments ago he would never have considered it but his mind now clouded with lust, was going to do it.

He walked up behind the Eevee, who was now quivering with excitement. He meeped when he was suddenly pushed aside so that he was lying on his side. Before he could ask what his master was doing, he was already mounted. Renard made it so that he would squat over the 'vee while his legs were wide open, one on the ground one high in the air.

Renard wasted no time in pushing himself into the smaller male's warm tailpipe, making both of them groan softly. He pushed barely a paws length into him and humped a few times, getting an excited squeal from the Eevee.

Renard then, with his left paw, began to stroke the Eevee's rock hard member, getting a startled yelp from him. He looked at Renard in surprise, not used to this treatment it seemed. Renard just grinned and continued to jerk him off. The Eevee moaned and gasped, enjoying a never-before feeling. He humped upwards into his paw, inadvertently causing him to ride the warm Vulpix rod.

A surge of lust filled the fire-type as he watched the young male writhe in pleasure and hump the air, giving it a sense of cuteness and sexiness. He grabbed him behind his knot and jerked him as the 'vee had him earlier. He was rewarded with more lewd squeals and moans of joy from the Eevee, causing him to pant, tongue lolling out of his mouth.

"Who's a good boy?" He asked him with a smile. The Eevee grinned. "Good behaviour deserves to be rewarded, and you definitely deserve this." He increased his grip and began to hump him once more.

The poor Eevee couldn't last much longer as his muscles tensed up and he cried out loud, shooting his load over the floor and his master's paw. He closed his eyes tightly and saw nothing but bright spots. He moaned as he spilled his seed on the carpet. He panted, tired and exhausted, but still wanting more.

"F-fuck me, please," He panted, looking at his master lustfully. "Pl-pleeease..."

Renard growled, hearing his bitch asking him to fuck him. Still keeping his grip on the base of his knot he pushed more of his member into him, causing them both to moan as he sunk in.

"M-more, Mas-ter," He whimpered. "I-I can take more."

"I bet you can," Renard said with a wide smile as he suddenly thrust forwards, sinking half of his member into him, causing the Eevee to scream in pain and shock. "I bet you can..." Renard chuckled. He released his grip on the smaller male's cock, lay down on top of him and began his instinctual mating. He leaned his head on his and humped the 'vee roughly, who, despite the initial pain, only egged him on.

His raised leg kicked and twitched wildly as he felt each thrust from the older male fill him with pleasure. He begged to be taken roughly, like a female. The Vulpix grinned broadly and increased his thrusting in and out of his warm, tight hole.

"Vee! 'vee! 'veeee!" The Eevee moaned loudly.

"Good boy. Good boy," Renard panted and kissed his cheek. "Oh yes! Good boy!" He braced his paws on the carpet and rocked himself into the Eevee, his hole tightening around the rod.

"Veeee! 'veeee!" Was all the lust riddled fox could cry out, his claws digging holes in the carpet, his body spasming, his cock, rock hard and once again begging for release.

Renard rammed his cock into the boy, pushing more of his 'pixhood into him.

"Oh yes! Oh damn Eevee!" He moaned loudly to him. "You're a fantastic bitch, my good, good boy!" He grunted, pulled himself to the floor, and thrust deeply into him. "Good! Boy! Good! Boooooy!" He pushed all the way, finally emptying himself into his bitch, growling the last syllable. He lost himself in his world of ecstasy.

The Eevee loved the talk, being called his bitch, a good boy, and if anything, it drove him further. He was so close, like he was when his brothers--

He yelped in shock and moaned loudly, his master had begun to finish him off again. He tensed up, fit to burst as his master roughly jerked him. The feeling of being filled to the brim by his master, his whispers in his ear, all drove him to an orgasm level he couldn't believe was possible.

"Come on, cum for me sweetie," His master panted into his ear. "Cum for your master, you good boy!" He kissed his cheek.

"Mast-eerrrrrr! 'veeeeee--!" He cried loudly, shooting his load once again across the floor, he shivered as he literally dumped his load. He collapsed under his master, losing consciousness, falling into a blissful sleep.

Renard licked the Eevee's cheek, still moaning and lightly humping him, amazed that he could feel so great with another male. He admired his cute face while he slept before leaning down to kiss his cheek.

"Good boy..." He murmured. He chose to stay inside him for a while and wait 'til--

A scent caught his nose, he looked up and scanned the room. From the end of the dining room, he saw a shape move quickly away. It had a large red member, black fur and a golden ring at the top of its thigh.

"Hope you enjoyed the show!" He called out tauntingly to Dusk. "You'll be next." He grinned manically. He'd make sure of that.