Oh Brother

Story by Bevan on SoFurry

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#4 of Red Hots

Gabe's big brother, Dan, is everything he isn't. He's a man's man, a handsome stallion that's one of the most popular guys at school... And when he invites Gabe to hang out with him, Gabe can't say no.

What starts out innocently enough soon turns drunk and dirty as the two stallions grow closer than they could have ever imagined...

New story. I wrote this in the morning, came back, and edited it at night. I'm a bit tired, so it might be a little rough. Iif there's anything glaring, I'll clean it up later.

Note: There's a brief description of straight porn in this one, but it's still pretty gay, so that's how it's labeled. If that bothers you, skim past it. Enjoy.

It was a Friday night, and like every Friday night, I was glancing at the clock on my task bar with a sense of mounting dread. It was five minutes closer to nine since the last time I checked, with only another five left in the hour.


Friday was the one night that both our parents were out for the night, which left just me and my big brother. It was also the night my oh so popular brother would go out, get smashed at some high school party, and come home hammered.

Sometimes he'd come back with his jock friends, which sucked. They were OK guys when they were sober, but they were loud and obnoxious when they were drunk. I could crank my headphones up to 11 and I'd still hear them laughing, singing, and screaming about Madden or Call of Duty in the living room. Fuckers didn't even have good taste in video games.

But as loud as they were, I preferred them to the other kind of company my brother brought home.

It seemed like he'd bring home a different girl every other week. Once, he brought home two. Two!

Listening to my brother get his fuck on wasn't my kind of fun. I mean, it's not like I had a choice. His room was right next to mine. I could hear every moan, every gasp, the constant pounding of his headboard against the wall...

But it was frustrating as hell.

I was a nobody, a freshman piece of garbage with no life, no game, and few friends.

My brother, on the other hand, was the picture of high school perfection. He was a tall, powerfully-built Clydesdale that had more friends than I had fingers. He was confident, but not cocky, and he never walked anywhere.

He swaggered.

He was even on the football team, but I couldn't tell you what position he played. Sports aren't really my thing.

What I could tell you is that his letterman jacket was some kind of magic. That thing was the gateway to all things good in life. Parties, pussy, and all the beer you could drink.

Even a nerd like me could appreciate that kind of thing. Crave it.

Envy it.

To my big brother's credit, I don't think he had any idea how invisible and alone I felt at high school. He had an easy time of it, and just sort of expected me to go through it the same way. He never acted any different around me, his nerdy little brother, and he always tried to pull me into his circle of friends...

But I didn't belong there, and I knew it. I always felt weird around the kind of people he hung out with. I never knew what to say, or what to do. I ended up just standing there, waiting, uncertain and awkward while the cool kids talked and laughed and joked around.

Dan came through the door at nine-o-one, derailing my train of thought. I could hear his hooves clacking on the hardwood floor even through the steady beat of the Lady Gaga song I was listening to. I turned down the music and waited, expecting to hear his buddies or some piece of ass coming in behind him...

But there was nothing. No pack of macho meatheads yelling and screwing around, no drunk girl laughing her head off, nada. Nothing but the sound of his hooves, and the door closing behind him.


Was he alone?

Either my big brother had come home alone on a Friday night for the first time in forever, or... He was trying to sneak someone into the house. Either way, I was too damn curious to stay in my room.

I threw off my headset and headed downstairs, breezing through the hallway. I went past the living room and straight into the kitchen, barely glancing at my brother. Casual. Not snooping.

I saw him sprawled out on the couch, with the remote in one paw, and a beer in the other. He was clicking through channels on the enormous CRT TV our dad had bought for dirt cheap when flat screens became the next big thing.

He was alone.

My curiosity grew, but it wasn't like I could just walk up and ask him if something was wrong. Brothers didn't do that. Even I knew that.

I grabbed a Pepsi out of the fridge and looped back around to the living room doorway. I jerked my head at him, and he mirrored the gesture. We grunted at one-another.

He took a swig of beer, and after a few seconds, he looked at me. I could tell by the fuzzy, glazed look in his baby blues that he was more than a little buzzed.

"You still up?" Dan asked. He slurred the s.

"It's only nine, man," I said with a snort and a roll of the eyes. I hooked my thumb over my shoulder at the kitchen doorway. "You want me to heat some pizza? There's still plenty left."

He shook his head. The bangs of his black, curly mane fell in front of his eyes. "Nah," he said, "but I'll take another beer." With that, he tossed his head back, drained the rest of his beer, and plopped the can down on the table. "And get one for yourself, too. If you want it."

I paused. My brother was a drinker, and my parents knew. He had carte blanche to poach a couple beers from dad's supply, so long as he didn't go crazy. But... Well. Me? Dad would flip his shit if he caught me drinking one of his beers.

Dan must have sensed my anxiety. He smirked at me and tossed his mane away from his eyes. "Dad isn't home, you puss. Just go get'em. It's not like he'll know."

I swallowed and shuffled my hooves on the floor. I wanted that beer, but more than anything else, I didn't want to look like a chump in front of my big brother. I left my soda on the counter when I went by it, trading it for two cans of Heineken from the fridge. It wasn't the brand most people associated with us Clydesdales, but it's what my dad drank.

My brother took his can and cracked it open as soon as I gave it to him. He took a monster pull from his brew, lowered it down to rest on his hard stomach, and belched. I laughed when he grinned at me, and fidgeted with the can in my hands.

No turning back now, I thought. I fumbled with the tab, but got it open on the second try. The snap-hiss of the beer can somehow sounded a lot louder than the soda I'd opened just minutes ago.

I drank.

OK, that's a slight understatement. When I say I drank it, I mean I drank it. I tilted my head back just like my big bro, and I guzzled down mouthfuls of the stuff so fast that it leaked from the corners of my mouth and drizzled across my shirt.

It was terrible.

The beer was fizzy like a soda, but it tasted all earthy and bitter. If my big brother wasn't watching, laughing, and clapping, I'd have probably spit it out right on the floor.

I came away with a gasp after about half a can, spilling more beer across my shirt. My head was swimming and I sat down beside my brother without even thinking about it. He put his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me in against his side, giving me a powerful half-hug.

"You drank that shit faster than some of the guys on the team," Dan said, slapping my shoulder. I grinned and looked away, hiding behind my mane.

"Thanks," I mumbled. I took a cautious sip, but the beer didn't taste any better when I drank less of it. I hesitated momentarily, then I glanced at my brother. "Any of your friends... Uh, coming over tonight?"

He rolled his eyes. "Naw. They're all too busy with their fucking girlfriends to hang out." I thought of asking him about his _other_friends, but decided against it. The night was going pretty damn good so far, and I didn't want to screw things up by touching a sore spot.

"Just us, huh?"

"Just us," he echoed. He took another drink, then smirked at me. "Hey. You wanna see something cool?"

Well, yeah. Who said no when their big brother asked them that kind of question? I nodded eagerly, without the faintest idea of what I was so happy about.

Dan waggled his eyebrows, then he turned back to the TV and lifted the remote. He went through a handful of menus, and I realized he'd brought up the channel lock my parents had put on the TV. He punched in the combo like he knew it by heart.

"Dude," I murmured, stunned. I was young, but I was also an internet junkie. There wasn't a lot I hadn't seen by that point. I pirated most of my shows, and I'd watched more than a little porn.

A lot of porn.

But there was something... Naughty about this, about doing something we weren't supposed to be doing. I watched as he brought up the guide menu, and scanned through channels with names like FUR, RAM, and PUS. It didn't take a genius to figure out what kind of shows they'd have.

"Dad likes his porn," my brother said, clearly amused by my gaping expression.

"I guess so," I mumbled. A quick glance through the on-screen list told me there were at least five of them.

The selection box hovered on RAM, and my brother's thumb hit 'OK'.

I'd never seen porn on such a huge screen, with no fear of being caught. I'd always watched it on my computer, my headset half-on, with one paw on my dick and the other ready to close the window.

This was different.

There were two horses on the screen. A lioness was trapped between them, with the cat on her knees. One was driving his giant mottled dick in and out of her pussy from behind, her arms bent back in his strong hands. The other held her pretty little head with both paws and fucked her face, slapping his balls into her muzzle with every thrust...

And she was loving it. She slurped and purred and gasped as the horses worked her like she was nothing more than a piece of meat made to sate their desires. Spittle and cum ran down her chin, and I realized that one of the horses ( or someone else ) had already blown a load all over her sharp, pretty face.

My dick jerked to attention in my sweats. I was already projecting myself into the action, imaging what it would be like to have her for myself. It didn't matter which end I got.

"Hot, ain't it?" My brother breathed, practically whispering in my ear. I nodded, and never once took my eyes off the screen.

Not until I heard my brother undoing his belt.

I looked down just in time to watch as he shifted his hips and pulled his thickening shaft free of his jeans and boxers. He was a big Clydesdale, and that meant he had a big dick. Even as skinny as I was, I was no slouch either- But he looked like he'd be right at home on that porno set.

I don't know why, but I couldn't look away. I just stared as his paw gave his dick a few short strokes, his fingers playing across the mottled flesh near his medial ring. He was hard enough to cut diamonds in a matter of seconds, and I watched with something akin to awe as a pearly bead of pre ran off the broad, flared head of his cock.

He leaned back, and his varsity jacket fell open across his white tank top when he did. It was a tight shirt, the kind of cheap, thin thing that would always draw tight across your body when you moved. It stretched across his barrel chest whenever he drew a breath.

I jerked my head back to the screen before he caught me staring. Was I blushing? It felt like it. I could feel a warm heat on my cheeks, and something hotter still deep in my stomach. Probably the beer. I set the brew down on the coffee table next to my brother's, and leaned back beside him, thinking.

Mom was always trying to get us to do things together... But I don't think this was what she had in mind.

Did he want me to... Join in? Or did he just forget I was there?

OK. Deep breath.

My slender chest heaved, and I watched as the first horse abruptly yanked himself out of the lioness' muzzle and emptied himself right on her face. The horse that was nailing her from behind pulled on her long arms, forcing her to arch her back in a graceful bow-shape. It lifted her chest up, so that the other stallion finished all over her already dripping chest.

He'd barely finished when another stallion walked on screen and replaced him, feeding his hard dick right into her hungry mouth.

I fumbled my dick out of my sweats and seized it in my grasp, pulling down hard on my medial ring. My ears flickered and I snorted as I felt a surge of lust flash across my heart, making it skip a beat. I focused on the screen and started jerking off with the furious speed of every teenage stallion ever, eager to hit my peak as fast as possible.

Then my big brother reached over, grabbed my hand, and held it, forcing me to stop. I whinnied in frustration and looked at him, trying not to think about how close his paw was to touching my dick.

"Easy," he said, his voice as smooth as silk. "It feels a lot better when you slow down. Let me show you, lil' bro."

My heart thumped in my chest like someone had just hit me with a pair of shock paddles.

I barely had time to think 'Wait, what?!' when he brushed aside my fingers and slid his paw around my bare cock, gripping it just above the firm, fleshy ring in the middle.

I'd never been touched by anyone, and when I felt the heat of his paw closing in around me, my body reacted before my mind had time to process. I gasped and jerked my hips against his paw, driving my shaft up into his touch on pure reflex. The buzz I had from the beer and the sudden burst of pleasure made the room spin, and I collapsed back against the couch.

"D-Dan," I gasped, my body writhing against his as his paw began to move.Stop. I thought it, but I didn't say it. I wasn't sure that I could even if I wanted to. I'd touched myself hundreds of times before, but it was somehow so much hotter to have someone else doing it for me.

Maybe my big brother was just better at it. He'd had a few more years to play with his.

He held me against his solid body as he jacked me off, his paw clasped around my far shoulder. I watched the screen and tried to pretend it was the lioness' fingers pumping up and down across my medial ring, but it was a lie... And the more his paw played with my cock, the more I gave myself over to it. I stopped looking at the screen and watched my big brother's paw as it crept up behind my flared, dripping cock head and pulled.

I almost came. I was hit with a wall of dizzying pleasure and I moaned loud enough to drown out the TV. My flare throbbed and expanded, and a jet of white cream slashed across my chest, leaving a streak across my black t-shirt. I was so close that my balls ached, begging for release. My paw darted toward my shaft, but my brother's paw slapped it away. I groaned in frustration.

"You blow your load now, and you're gonna get it all over the couch lil' bro." He smirked at me, and then the paw on my shoulder slid up and grabbed me by my mane, stroking it.

Do you want to go to my bedroom?_Those words flashed across my mind. I wasn't sure if I wanted to ask him, or if I wanted him to ask me, but I wanted _something.

I just couldn't ask for it.

"It's ok, I know a trick," he assured me with a drunken grin. I grinned back, and then my brother's paw pushed my head down toward my lap. I had enough time to think 'Oh', just before the flat, slippery head of my dripping cock pressed against my lips.

"Suck it," he whispered. I opened my trembling lips and watched his face as I wrapped them around my own dick. His ears flickered as he heard the first sloppy slurp, and I could see the lust blazing away behind his lidded eyes.

My first thought was why the hell didn't I think of this before?! I was so worried about getting someone else to suck my dick that it never occurred to me to do it myself. I wasn't flexible enough to get more than the first few inches into my muzzle, but holy shit, it was more than enough.

I was absently aware of my brother's paw sliding free of my mane as the warm, wet heat blotted out my awareness of almost everything else. Not even the occasional scrape of my teeth on my cock was enough to dilute the overwhelming pleasure that I felt.

My flare thickened to it's fullest, and I lashed the bottom of it with my tongue. My dick was oozing so much pre that I couldn't swallow it all, but it was hard to care as it leaked out from the corners of my mouth and mixed with the hoppy taste of the beer.

My brother's paw slid down my shaft, fast and smooth, and then his strong fingers fell around my heavy balls and squashed them against his broad palm.

That one last push was all I needed. I moaned, and I'm sure it was so loud that the neighbors would have heard me if my dick wasn't there to muffle the sound. I sputtered and choked as the first salty pulse of cum fired down my throat, followed by another, and another. Maybe it seemed like more because I was gulping it all down, but it felt like I'd never cum so much in my whole life.

When it was finally over, I came up panting. My lips, chin, and muzzle were warm with the slippery heat of my own cum. I felt more of it on my chest and stomach, soaking through my shirt. I had time to take two or three breaths, and then my brother was urging my head down again.

Toward his dick.

He had it gripped in his beefy fist, and he was beating it hard and fast. His flare was so swollen that I was sure he was seconds away from cumming, and the whole length of it was smeared with pre. It was enormous, and veiny, and it smelled both equine and of potent masculinity.

"I need you lil' bro," he panted out. I could have pulled away from his paw, but I didn't think of it, not even for a second.

My big brother needed me.

I grabbed his dick around the base with both paws, and braced my elbow on his hard stomach to keep myself steady. I wet my lips with a nervous flick of my tongue, then I opened wide, and wrapped them around my big brother's cock.

His flare had already grown to the point where it was tough work just to get it in my mouth, and my jaw ached as I swallowed my second horse dick of the night. I fanned my fingers out across my big brother's throbbing meat and pumped it with my shaking paws, using short, swift strokes.

I was inexperienced and a little bit drunk, and I'm sure my teeth grazed his cock now and then, but he didn't seem to care. His deep chest rose and fell as he panted and moaned in that deep, rumbling basso voice of his. His thick fingers used my mane like reins, guiding my head up and down his cock as he bucked into my slurping muzzle.

I was practically a virgin, but even I could tell he was close. His shaft jerked with excitement whenever my lips and tongue hit a sweet spot, and he was leaking like a faucet. I was drooling spit and pre, and it oozed down his shaft, making it slick beneath my busy paws.

I never once thought of stopping, or slowing down. I kept jerking and slurping until he threw his head back and whinnied in ecstasy. He stomped his hoof on the floor, and then forced my head down until his flare nearly pushed into my throat.

And then he came.

His fat dick already had me feeling a little raw, and when his hot cum spattered across the back of my throat, it stung. But he didn't give me any time to think about the tingling pain. The swollen flare of my brother's cock formed a dam that meant there was only one way for his seed to go.

If I came a lot, then my brother was a fucking tsunami. I swallowed as fast as I could, and it still felt like there was always more, thick and rich and hot. I didn't even have time to breathe. I gulped it all down, every last drop, all while my brother shuddered and stroked the back of my head.

He must have realized I was getting close to my limit, because he pulled me off his cock just as things started to blur in the corners of my vision. I drew in a sharp gasp of air, and choked down the cum that had gathered in my muzzle.

My big brother's cock kept on going, firing ropes of potent stallion seed across my chest and throat, then it sagged in my paws and finally went still. It was a miracle that none of his cum landed on the couch. I just stared at the mottled monster and watched as rivulets of cream dribbled out from the tip and ran down across my fingers.

I went limp against him, too exhausted and overwhelmed to do anything but think and breathe. He held me against his warm body, his fingers playing with my mane.

Neither of said anything, or looked at each other. A thousand different words pressed upon my lips, but I couldn't bring myself to speak. What was there to say? Thanks for the handjob, big bro? I laid my head on his broad chest, and was lulled to sleep by the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.