A Kitsune Vixen's Adventure, Ch. 11

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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A young man joins a role-playing game, but the game-master is a wizard, and turns him into his character: a female kitsune bard. Then he sends her on a quest to find a lost book....

I felt a sudden spasm and cramping in the bottom of my womb, and warm wet amniotic fluid gushed from my vagina, wetting my dress and bottom, pooling in the chair I was sitting on.

Right away, I knew what had happened: my water just broke!, I thought, the baby's coming!

I looked up at Koleb. "Take me to the hospital", I said, "the baby is coming..."

He got up from his chair in a flash, and came to my side. "Are you sure?", he asked.

I nodded. "I'm sure, Koleb, it's happening...."

He took my hand-paw, and I got up from the chair. We walked out of the dining room, leaving breakfast half-eaten on the table, and walked out to the street, pausing only for Koleb to lock the door.

As we where walking down the street towards the main thoroughfare to catch an omnibus, I had my first contraction. I got a massive cramp in my underbelly, and nearly doubled over in pain, groaning. Koleb was right beside me: "Are you alright?", he asked.

"Fine... Koleb", I panted, "It was just... a contraction."

He helped me straighten back up, a worried look on his mask.

"Come on, let's get you to the hospital", he told me.

We made it to the omnibus stop, and we where waiting with a small crowd of other people, when another contraction hit, and I doubled over in pain again. This got me curious glances and an offer of help from an elven gentleman. "No thanks...", I told him. "Just need to get... to the hospital", I managed.

"My wife's in labor", Koleb told the elf. He nodded his head, and stepped back to give me more room.

Finally, the omnibus arrived, and we climbed aboard and sat in our seats, and the driver clicked the horses reigns, and we where off.

A few minutes later, I had another contraction, the agony intense. God, this is far worse than menstrual cramps, I thought to myself, trying to breathe as Koleb held my hand. And for the first time, I cursed my transformation. Maybe being a vixen isn't so great after all....

Finally we arrived at the Mother's Temple of Sarnath, got off the omnibus, and walked past it's gated walls, through a small orchard of cherry trees in bloom, and up a marble ramp through marble columns and into the antechamber. Here, women in various stages of pregnancy waited in chairs to talk to the priestesses, before a huge marble idol of a squatting pregnant woman in whose lap incense smoldered.

Right away, one of the staff healers noticed my distress, and came up to me. "Are you in labor?", he asked.

I nodded. "It started about half a bell ago", I said, using the local term for hours.

"Follow me", he said, and led us deeper into the temple. He took us to a stone room with a bed and stirrups hanging from the ceiling, an oil lamp burning in a wall sconce. "Lay down", he said, "I'll be bringing another healer shortly."

I sat down on the bed, then pulled myself onto it and laid down. Then another contraction hit, this one just as painful as the last few. I groaned in agony as Koleb squeezed my hand-paw.

In just a few minutes, a dark-haired older woman in a white toga entered the room. "I'm Adelia, I'm a healer and I'll be your mid-wife for the birth", she said, introducing herself.

I looked up at her. "How many is this for you?", I asked.

"Births? About two thousand", she said with a smile. "Is this your first child?", she asked.

"Yes", I replied.

"Well, you look strong, so I'm not expecting any complication. But you need to get of that dress", she said, and helped me up in bed.

I climbed out of bed and got undressed, handing my dress to Koleb. Then I climbed back into the bed.

"Now lets put your legs in the stirrups", she said, spreading and lifting my legs and inserting them.

"I don't know what to do about your tail", she said. "Your my first kitsune. But it should be fine where it is", and she laid a towel over my tail.

I nodded, then groaned in agony as another contraction came.

"You're doing fine", she told me, patting my other hand-paw. "Just let the baby come."

Hours passed as I lay there, the contractions become more and more frequent as I dilated for the birth. We tried to make small talk, and Koleb brought up what we should name our child. We talked about the different names, and what they meant, and finally settled on Kyrsaku, which meant "boldness".

Finally, the contractions where two minutes apart, and I knew it wouldn't be long. Adelia walked to the door and rang a bell, and a priest in the sunset robes of Pelor came into the room. He and Adelia had a brief chat about me, mostly that I was doing well, with no expected trouble, and then he introduced himself as Lokan. He told me he would heal me after the birth to "prevent bleeding from the tears in your birth canal."

I nodded at that. Tears in my birth canal?! I wondered how hard the birth would be.

When my next contraction came, Adelia told me to "bear down and push, as hard as you can", so I did. This went on for a few hours, until I was panting.

Finally, in a sudden movement, I felt the baby drop down into my birth canal. I cried out, squeezing Koleb's hand. "He's coming!", I cried.

"Just bear down and push", said Adelia, and I did. And I kept pushing the baby down until his head crowned out of me, and Adelia grabbed him and pulled him from me. She held him up: a healthy little todd, covered in amniotic fluid. And then she spanked him, and he started to cry.

I couldn't believe the joy I felt upon first seeing my child. I felt... proud. Proud to be a mother, proud to have given birth to him....

Then there was a moment of nausea as the afterbirth spilled out of me, further soiling the towel over my tail.

Then Adelia cut Kysaku's umbilical cord with surgical scissors, and tied it off, then cleaned him in a white towel, and handed him to me as he cried. "Put him to your breast and let him nurse", she told me.

Smiling, I took little Kyrsaku and put him to my right breast. Right away, his little mouth found my nipple, and he sucked. A pleasant electric jolt of sensation passed through me as he sucked, and warm milk flowed through my nipple into his hungry mouth.

I looked down on my baby, smiling as he nursed. Oh, God, this feels good!, I thought as he sucked my milk from me. Nursing is fun!

Koleb rubbed my head-fur and smiled down at me, and Adelia wrapped Kyrsaku in swaddling clothes.

Then Lokan put his hand to my lower belly, and said a brief prayer. Golden light radiated from his hands, and warmth suffused me. The pain in my underbelly ceased. "You're healed", he said. "Now let's get you cleaned up."

They removed the bloody towels from the bed, put them in buckets, and washed my underbelly with soap and water.

"Now try to get some rest", Adelia said. "You'll be here for at least a day."

I thanked them for their help, still nursing Kyrsaku, and they left.

I looked up at Koleb. "Will you stay with me tonight?", I asked. "In case I need anything?"

"Sure", he replied. "I'll be right here."

So I slept, worn out from the birth, and awoke the next day to the cry of my baby. He smelled like he needed to be changed, so I asked to Koleb to bring a healer, and he left and came back with one. She cleaned him with a wet sponge and changed his swaddling clothes, then handed him back to me to nurse.

They checked up on me every half bell as I rested, nursing.

After a few hours, I felt much better, and I asked a healer if we could go home. She said sure, and helped me out of bed, and into my dress. We thanked her and left.

The next few weeks where pretty hectic. I slept with Kyrsaku at my breast, so he could nurse when he was hungry, and changed and washed his cloth diapers a lot. Koleb was just as overjoyed as I was at our new arrival, and we played with him and cooed to him. Sensuella came to visit, wondering why I wasn't at work, and I showered her our new baby. She congratulated me, and asked when I would come back to work. "Your fans are waiting", she smiled at me.

I told her I'd be back in a few weeks, and asked her where I could find a good nanny. She told me to visit the Mother's Temple again, and find one there.

Koleb bought cloth diapers and swaddling clothes, and a crib for our baby, leaving us with little money left after we had paid the nearly one hundred gold to the hospital I had given birth at.

About a month after I had given birth, my belly was finally back in shape, and I found a wet nurse at the Mother's Temple who could take care of our child for a gold piece a day. I agreed, knowing I could make about three times that working, and I went back to work at the Temple of Pleasure.

The first thing I did when arriving was to talk to the healer and take another Potion of Infertility, as I was feeling well enough for sex again, and it had been too long for Koleb and I....

So that night, after work and after I had dismissed the nanny for the day, I put little Kyrsaku wrapped up into his crib, and led Koleb to the bedroom.

"Let's make love, husband", I told him, looking up into his eyes.

"Yes, my wife", he replied, smiling down at me. And we started making out. Koleb felt me up while we kissed, rubbing and fondling my itching milk-swollen tits, and cupping my pussy beneath my dress, sending warmth and tingles through me as I slowly grew wet with desire.

Once I was ready for him, I led him to the bed, and we got undressed and climbed in. I lay on my back, legs spread and knees in the air, and he climbed atop me, kissing me first on the mouth, then down my neck and chest, then sucking my nipples, making me "Eep" as he drew milk and swallowed it.

Then he smiled down at me and penetrated me, his long warm throbbing cock filling my vagina, and he began to fuck me. I moaned and whined and thrashed in pleasure until I finally came, and then Koleb came in me, telling me he loved me, and we rested for awhile, only to do it again half a bell later.

The baby started to cry as we where resting, and I went to the crib, picked him up, and put him to my breast so he could nurse, then crawled back into bed, sleeping with his mouth at my nipple, between us.

Months passed as Kyrsaku grew, and his appetite grew with him. We bought him rattles and balls and stuffed toys to play with, and generally doted on him.

Working was a pleasant distraction from the daily and nightly care I had to give Kyrsaku, and I got back into the pleasant routine of performing once again.

Delf had her baby, and in a few weeks she was back at the temple, dancing again, a proud mother of her first child.

My music and dancing started to make me really famous, and one day I was invited to perform at the Palace of Sarnath for the king and the nobles, and made twenty gold pieces in one show. After that, I got invited every two weeks or so to perform again for the royalty.

Months passed as my life fell into a routine of work and domestic motherhood. Then came the day Kyrsaku first spoke, calling me "Mama". I was moved to tears, overjoyed, and excitedly told Koleb.

Kyrsaku began to teeth, but thankfully he wouldn't bite down on my nipple. The Mother's Temple had a full range of soft skin nipple guards you could place over your nipples, mostly for chafing, and I bought some, just in case.

Our fist years anniversary came, and we bought each other new clothes and jewelry. And that night, as we made love together, it donned on me how happy I was in my new life, and how much I had come to love Koleb, perhaps as much as he loved me.

Winter came, and the air grew chill, and finally a year passed since I had given birth, and Kyrsaku had his first birthday. By then, I had almost completely forgotten about my quest, and when I did remember it, I brushed it from my mind; I was married now, and a mother, and didn't have the time nor the inclination to go looking for the wizards book.

I finally mostly weaned Kyrsaku, and had him eating fruit, minced fish, and bread.

Another year passed, and Kyrsaku began to talk in whole sentences. We potty trained him, which was a big relief for me, and I finished weaning him. I let go of our wet nurse and and hired a cheaper nanny.

I was going to miss nursing the little guy....

Then came the day I skipped my period again. Right away, I went to the Temple of Pelor to ask if I was pregnant. A priest cast detect life on my womb, and told me that I was going to have a girl.

I was pregnant again. I cried.Why couldn't this world make a decent contraceptive potion?, I wondered. I didn't know what to say, but at least this time I didn't faint. I went home and told Koleb, and he was overjoyed to hear that we where having another child.

I didn't share his enthusiasm. I remembered my last pregnancy, and how hard the birth was. Though with the clerics there, it wasn't as dangerous as it could have been....

So I resigned myself to doing it all over again.

So when I went back to work, I gathered all the girls around me and told them I was pregnant again, this time with a baby girl. They all squealed in delight and congratulated me, and I went and told Sensuella. She said she was happy for me.

After three months, I had to quit dancing because my baby bump was too noticeable, but I continued to play with the bards throughout my pregnancy, earning slightly less money.

The day came when I went into labor, and Koleb took me to the Mother's Temple to give birth. I delivered a beautiful little girl. We named her Ayaki. The next day Koleb and I went home and celebrated with wine, which I hadn't had in nine months.

Finally, when I was well enough to work again, I went to the temple healer and got two Potions of Infertility: one for me, and one for Koleb.

Then I dismissed our nanny and hired a wet nurse, and went back to work.

And so I nursed little Ayaki as she grew, weaning her after she had spoken her first words and began to teeth.

Soon, Ayaki was talking in complete sentences, and we had her potty trained, too.

Three years Ayaki was born, Kyrsaku was five years old, old enough to go to school, and we enrolled him in a nice public school within walking distance. That's when we where told he had magical aptitude, and could become a sorcerer. They told me he had the "Outsider" heritage, and by the time he was seven and Ayaki was in school, he was casting his first cantrips.

For our eighth anniversary, I skipped my period again. Exasperated, I went to the priests and found out I was indeed pregnant with my third child, another boy.

I would have seven children in all, four boys and three girls, becoming a grandmother when Kyrsaku got married at twenty, and twenty years after that a great-grandmother.

And Koleb and I lived a long and happy life together. I never did find the book.

A Kitsune Vixen's Adventure, Ch. 10

_A young man joins a role-playing game, but the game-master is a wizard, and turns him into his character: a female kitsune bard. Then he sends her on a quest to find a lost book...._ "Attack!", I shouted, and we spilled into the room to meet the orcs...

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A Kitsune Vixen's Adventure, Ch. 9

_A young man joins a role-playing game, but the game-master is a wizard, and turns him into his character: a female kitsune bard. Then he sends her on a quest to find a lost book...._ I awoke the next morning laying on my back beside Koleb, glad that...

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A Kitsune Vixen's Adventure, Ch. 8

_A young man joins a role-playing game, but the game-master is a wizard, and turns him into his character: a female kitsune bard. Then he sends her on a quest to find a lost book...._ I awoke the next morning to light streaming through the small...

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