Half-Blood Chapter XXXIV

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#35 of Half-Blood

Here we are folks! Chapter 34! This is probably my longest chapter yet! And I hope you enjoy it! As always thanks goes to RuthofPern and Plainwalk

Here are translations for several words italicized words indicate someone not speaking English

Si Tai Gung-Great Grandmaster

Kwoon- Training Hall for Chinese Style Martial Arts (Kung Fu/Gung Fu)

Duangua- a type of Chinese shirt used as the top of a kung fu uniform

Kuzi- Pants

Lín dào sa- Come to me Lín dào means come to and as means me

Méi wèn tí- lit No Problem

Wei, Wài zu- Yes, Grandfather? Wài zu specifically refers to a Maternal Grandfather

Xenia- Greek concept of sacred hospitality

Chapter XXXIV: The Question

Allison just sighed as she sat on the benches inside the bustling store. Park Royal shopping centre was one of the largest in the Greater Vancouver Area, a gilded shrine to all things commercial, Allison felt like she didn't fit in at all. True she had been here numerous times with her mother Joanna, but even then she would count the seconds until they would leave. Shopping bored her to tears really, she could never figure out why girls her age were so obsessed with the activity.

Unsurprisingly however, Erin seemed right at home amongst the clothes. The store itself was called Zora; if she remembered it was a Spanish company. The clothing was nice, she admitted but most would definitely not be practical in her line of work. Shaking her head she honestly wondered just how Erin had managed to talk her into this shopping spree. It wasn't a compulsion spell, she would certainly sense one and she doubted Erin even had any idea about them. Maybe it was the residual angelic taint? While she had cleared the taint itself, she wondered just what that angel had done to the vixen. Speaking of the vixen, Allison was surprised at the gradually growing pile next to her. Did someone truly need this many clothes?

"Excuse me, Erin? Do you think Rose truly needs all of this? I understand the boy has nothing and has been wearing your brothers clothing for the past week, but do you not thing this enough?"

Erin's ears twitched as she turned towards the other girl. She initially didn't reply but after a few minutes of contemplating she shrugged a bit before speaking. "You're probably right of course. I'm pretty much done, but I just want to make sure he has something for himself you know? He hasn't had a lot in his life."

Indeed, that was true, Allison figured. The boy had indeed come from a rather impoverished background. That was as much as the coyote could gather as she knew very little about the American fox, though today was thanksgiving in America she remembered. She wondered what the holiday was like for the young kit...Maybe she would ask him.

The Changeling did fascinate her, and the fact he was both a changeling and a water-mage was an interesting novelty, one that should by all rights be impossible, but then again Erin's brother himself seemed to break previously unshakable rules. His seer-sight was one of those things, as well as his ability to see and directly manipulate runes and tear through powerful wards without the slightest effort. So maybe she should stop thinking things as impossible.

She was broken from her thoughts however when she noticed Erin had moved towards the checkout. Deciding it would be best to go with her Allison got off the bench and stretched before walking towards tills herself. Erin had just gotten her credit card back from the young kangaroo who was manning the cash register. She gave the boy (man would probably be more appropriate as she guessed the kangaroo at about 20-21 years old) a sensuous look, which made him blush lightly.

"Thanks!" she said as she stuck her card back into her school bag.

The cashier just smiled himself and shrugged it off. "It's no problem, my job after all. I see you two go too Greenhart eh?" He asked motioning towards their uniforms.

Neither had bothered to change clothing before traveling the store. "Yeah, why'd you ask? You go there yourself?"

The kangaroo just let out a hearty laugh at that but answered between his giggling. "Oh no, if I could afford Greenhart I wouldn't be working retail. I'm a student at UBC though, and working here helps pay for schooling. Anyway, I grew up in Victoria. My little bro's best friend attended there though," the roo stated.

"And how old is your little bro... Walker?" Erin asked him after reading his name tag. "I might know them," she asked. Allison also listened in, her own curiosity struck. As far as she was aware very few students had transferred away from the school. The only person she could think of was...

"Not much older than you, he just turned 17 a week or so ago. His friend is named Thomas Harvey. Do you know him? He's been staying with our folks for the past few months." Erin's grin immediately turned into a scowl at that, not that Allison really blamed her. Despite never meeting the boy (he had transferred out of Greenhart last year) she still saw the emotional and psychological scars he had left on her brother...Scars she didn't think even Mansfield could heal fully.

"Oh, I know him alright..." She stated darkly before her curiosity got a hold of her, "Wait, why is he living with your family? He have a falling out with his parents or something?"

"Yup, pretty nasty one, they got into a big fight and they kicked him out. He's a nice guy, a bit gruff but nice enough. He keeps a photo of a fox in his wallet at all times said it was a reminder of something he lost, but never really expanded on it," he answered before he noticed his manager giving him the evil eye, "But you ladies better get going, before my boss skins me."

They both quickly said goodbye before exiting the shop bags in paw. Erin was remarkably silent for several minutes before finding her voice again. "I can't believe it, all the shit Thomas did too him, and the bastard has the gall to carry a picture of him around!" She seethed.

Allison merely kept her cool. "People change Erin. Harvey might indeed truly regret his sins against your brother. Do you think we should inform him about Harvey?" She inquired lightly but Erin merely shook her head.

"No, Lucas is finally starting to move on. I don't want to risk him relapsing. You weren't there when I found him after he attempted suicide. I'll never forget the sight of him foaming at the mouth as his body was convulsing... It was terrifying and I felt so helpless. It doesn't matter if he becomes a Saint! I'll never forgive him for hurting Luc!"

"I understand completely, but do you think your brother would be happy that you deliberately kept such info from him?" Allison asked as Erin waved a taxi.

She stayed silent for several seemingly lost in her own thoughts before she let out a sigh. Though Allison understood her motives and certainly understood the need for secrecy in many cases but at the same time she was always sure to inform her parents on major details especially when they involved putting herself in serious danger.

"You're probably right, but Luc is finally starting to heal, you've seen the change in him I'm sure. He actually is interacting with people. He's actually smiling! I'm just afraid if I bring up Thomas, he'll relapse. I don't want that...So no, let's keep this between us." She said as a taxi finally pulled up. Once they stepped in Erin then turned towards Allison. "Okay, anywhere you want to go? We've got awhile until Lucas wants me back. You gonna stay for dinner?"

"Yes I do have somewhere I want to go," Allison stated before turning towards the driver. "Can you please take us to the Yùn Hu Kwoon?" She asked the lemur just nodded and put it in his GPS before driving away.

Erin raised an eyebrow seemingly familiar with the destination. "I know that place, that's Tyler's grandfather's studio!" she said, "Tyler often helped him train students, so I assume he still does so. You go there often?"

"No, I typically train by myself, but often I'm called in by Mr. Tan on business regarding the Brotherhood. He is mostly in charge of overseeing actions taken by the group and often asks my opinion on certain matters." Allison explained, she quickly looked towards the lemur driver who seemed to be quite focused on driving rather than eavesdropping on their conversations.

"That's pretty impressive, you are younger than me and you seem to have a lot of pull. Why is that may I ask? You never really brought up your upbringing. I know you aren't originally from BC but other than that."

"There is a reason for my pull inside the organization, but it is not something I'm willing to disclose too just anyone. I was born in Quebec and I started training with the brotherhood shortly after my fifth birthday. I spent most of those years in a Brotherhood run monastery in China. I learned various forms of Kung Fu as well as stealth and fighting with weapons. I took an apprenticeship with Master Luo because my Parents moved here so my Father could open his bakery, and they both wished me closer to home."

"You mean you didn't live with your parents?" Erin asked surprised.

"I often spent a few months away from training, but my parents wanted me home full-time. My father in particular never fully agreed with my training, but he understood it was for my safety." Allison said, mostly too she remembered her father fighting tooth and nail to keep her home before he grudgingly agreed to their terms.

"Interesting," was all Erin replied, but Allison decided it was probably best too let this conversation die. Neither really spoke on the rest of the way to their destination. Erin was texting on her phone. An identical phone was inside one of the bags. For Rose she assumed, as Erin had mentioned wanting to get him a phone. It made sense, as it would be handy to contact the fox when needed, and not relying entirely on Thorne himself.

Eventually they finally reached the studio. It was a large brick building, the front was littered with various Chinese lettering and a large sign simply read Yùn Hu Kwoon (or Golden Tiger Kwoon in English). Thanking the man, Erin quickly paid the fare and they stepped out into the street. After making sure they had everything, Erin then waved the lemur goodbye. The driver returned the gesture before driving off.

Turning towards Allison the other girl then started talking. "You know, I've never been here. Tyler's offered to take me but I never really took him up on the offer," she said, and was about to enter the him building before Allison stopped her. It was crucial that she understood proper etiquette so she would not embarrass herself or Allison.

"Now listen, once we enter the Kwoon you will be expected to abide by its etiquette, for example it would be rude to refer to him by his first name. Sifu Thorne is the proper way of addressing him."

"Sifu? Is that like a Sensei?" Erin asked confused. Allison simply nodded. "Wow, pretty impressive, so he's pretty much good enough to teach it himself?"

"Indeed he is, Thorne has always had an exceptional talent for the Martial Arts. Specifically he is trained in both Northern Shaolin and Hung Gar styles, which is what he helps teach. Also when we enter Mr. Tan is too be referred as Si Tai Gung* or Grandmaster. Think of it as you would refer to someone with a PhD as Doctor, a show of respect."

Erin just nodded, seemingly trying to sort everything in her head. "So why are we here?" Erin asked, "Are you thinking of taking Ian up on his request for training?"

"Yes, I have been mulling over it for the last few days and decided that it was probably for the best too teach him as well as the rest of you a proper combat style. Moore will be exempt from training since he doesn't truly need it. The Martial Arts were a specific part of his training. I am here to ask Thorne if he is willing to aid me. With roughly six of you it would be best to have another so I do not have to split my focus between all of you."

"Neat, but let's go inside! It's chilly!" Erin stated shivering.

Allison just nodded in agreement before they both entered the building. The Kwoon* was essentially one large room which was divided up into several different areas. Each area had a padded mat as the floor and two heavy metal doors that disclosed the location of both the male and female locker rooms. Everyone was wearing the same uniform, a simple short sleeved white Duangua* and a pair of black K_uzi_*. Allison herself had an identical uniform which she wore whenever she decided to train at the Kwoon instead of home where she and her father had turned a room into a makeshift gym.

Her father sometimes joined her in her workouts himself, but most times it left him a wheezing mess afterwards as his body was nowhere used to the amount of punishment her training dealt, but she certainly respected his efforts. Maybe she could rope in her Father as well? It was a thought she often had, but just as often dismissed. Erin had been awed into complete silence however. The coyote just let her be and walked to the table sitting in the very centre of the room between the sparring areas.

There at the low lying table sat two furs. One was an older wolf with light brown fur with splotches of grey along his muzzle. He was a tall man around the same height as Mansfield (183cm rounded) and had sharp brown eyes. He was wearing a similar uniform to the others, but it was much more elaborate compared to the simplistic style of the students. The other person was an American fox. He was wearing street clothes which made him stand out.

She figured that Thorne would take Rose to the Kwoon, as he seemingly already had training on his mind. She stood therefore several moments before Rose noticed her.

"Oh, hey Monet, fancy seeing you here! Mister... Ah, I mean Si Tai Gung Tan, was just talking about you!" That got the attention of the wolf, who just smiled at the fox.

"You are learning child, I only needed to correct you once! And it is good to see you Honoured One. It has been awhile since you have been here. By your outfit I take it you are not here to train?" The last part which was spoken to her was in Mandarin. Si Tai Gung Tan often preferred to speak in his native tongue when in the company of those who also spoke it. The man was originally from Shanghai but had moved to Vancouver when he was offered a position in the local Brotherhood.

Returning the favour she answered the man in his tongue, even though she was more used to Cantonese as the majority of her training was given in it. "I am afraid not Si Tai Gung, I am here to ask something of your grandson if you do not mind."

The man just let out a hearty laugh at that and waved her off in a cheerful fashion. "I would never complain about a request by you Honoured One, you are always reasonable about them. I will call him over right now." He said before turning around and looked to where Tyler was standing. He was sparring with a hefty looking black bear. He had just successfully taken down the bear before his grandfather called him? "Tyler! Lín dào sa?!*" He called out.

Tyler's ears quickly twitched before he turned and nodded before turning back to the bear, who was just now getting his bearings back together. "Thank you for the match Sifu Dane." Tyler told the bear in Mandarin which the bear was quick to reply.

"Méi wèn tí* Sifu Thorne, go see what your grandfather wants," the bear replied before shooing the wolf away.

The wolf looked sweaty, Allison noticed, it was obvious that he gotten a good workout today. Once he reached them he bowed towards his grandfather before asking.

"Wei, Wài zu*?"

"," the man said before motioning towards the coyote.

Tyler just nodded his assent before turning his focus towards her. "What is the favour if I may ask?" he asked, in English this time.

Noticing the language shift she herself switched to English before speaking. "Simple, I am planning to train Mansfield and the others in kung fu. I request your aid in that endeavour. It would be easier with two of us teaching rather than myself so my focus will not be overly divided."

She stated calmly, the wolf just nodded his understanding, but stayed silent as if mulling the offer in his mind before giving her a definite answer. "I accept, I was actually planning on starting to train Xan, that's why I brought him here, but I assume the training will not be here?" he asked.

Allison just nodded, "Training would ideally be at Mansfield's residence, it is more practical that way. We would not be taking up valuable space here and it will ensure their privacy as well. In will make sure that you are well compensated for your time as well, I am sure Lord Mansfield would be willing to pay for the private lessons, as it was his sons idea. Is that acceptable for you Thorne?"

Thorne just gave another nod, this time with a small grin on his muzzle. "Sounds perfectly fine, though I don't know about the payment...I am sure we can work something out." He said before looking to Erin who had since taken a spot next to Rose and was in a conversation with the fox. "What brought this on however? It isn't like you to offer private lessons." The wolf asked her in a curious manner.

"Mason needs protection. You know how powerful the fox is, what he can do should be impossible but he can do it. Both the Hunter's and Cabal want him on the belief he can somehow wipe the other out. If they manage to get their paws on him I can only shudder to think of the damage they could cause." Allison replied.

"That is true, so by training both him and Mansfield you think you allow them to protect themselves. Will you including Mansfield's little brother...Richard isn't it? The guy seems to fancy you quite a bit." Thorne teased lightly, "He's a nice kid, Xan thinks highly of him so don't hurt him okay?"

"I do not plan on harming Mansfie- ah, Richard as he insisted on us being on first name basis. I am aware of his attachment to me. Mansfield certainly doesn't hide his disapproval of it. I simply believe it is merely an adolescent crush that he will eventually grow out of," the coyote stated dismissively, "But his crush is still sweet in a way I will admit."

"I think you might fancy him a bit back yourself Monet," the big wolf noted gently. "You would usually stop such things immediately, but you allow his infatuation to continue...Which is telling, at least too me."

"What are you implying Thorne?" Allison stated wearily. She wasn't liking where this was going one bit.

"I'm saying I think you might return his feelings on some level. You use his first name for example. I've known you for years, and I'm still Thorne to you," he chided semi-jokingly, "Hell, the only reason you call Erin by her name is because she refused to answer to Mason."

"I do not have romantic attractions to him Thorne, the boy will outgrow his infatuation. With teenagers most attractions are a fleeting thing, with very few exceptions. Plus any relationship could make him an even bigger target for the Hunters and Cabal. I can't allow myself to put him in even more danger for my own selfish reasons."

Thorne just sighed but didn't say anything until Rose broke the silence by addressing him, "Hey, you almost done with training? Erin just got a text from Lucas, says he wants us home soon for dinner, invited you and Allison actually."

"Yeah, I've had Lucas's cooking and I'd be a fool to turn it down. Just let me grab a shower and we'll head up. Do you want to come with us or do you want me to drop you off at your place?" He asked, the latter bit was addressing her obviously.

"You may drop me off at home Thorne, Father thinks I have been away from home enough as is. As much as it is a shame to miss out on his cooking I think it best to not fight my parents on this."

"Alright, I'm going to shower, be right back!" he said before heading to the locker rooms.

Allison sighed as she sat down with the others. Stupid wolf was trying to start things...she still didn't know exactly what to do about him. It wasn't often that she had someone be as infatuated with her as Richard was, and while it was certainly flattering in a sense, it was also confusing. All this thinking didn't help much it seemed, so with a sigh she placed the thoughts away while she waited for the wolf to return.


Richard sighed as he sat downstairs in the basement. Things seemed so quiet. Normally it would be nice, but it just made him miss Allison all the more. He gave a quick glance at his phone and once again no texts or anything. He had given her his number two days ago, shortly before they left for school. He had hoped she would text him or something, but naturally his hopes were for naught.

Maybe Ian was right? Maybe this crush was stupid? He was definitely not new to crushes...he had plenty himself before they moved. At the same time though he had never liked a girl nearly as much as he liked Allison, he wasn't sure why that was, but it was true. She was interesting, he eventually reasoned, different from most girls her age. She could break him in two without the slightest effort but instead of scaring him it kinda turned him on...

"You okay little bro?" a voice asked, breaking him from his thoughts.

He quickly looked up saw Ian standing in front of him. As much as he loved his brother sometimes he felt the creeping vines of resentment grow inside him when he looked at him. It was stupid, he had no reason to be jealous of Ian, he didn't ask to be a Light Mage, or to be the one who got most of the attention from girls (they made him uncomfortable for obvious reasons.) Nor did he ask to be the first born and certainly didn't ask to leave their home...But it still happened somehow.

His entire life would be in the shadow of his brother, Ian would eventually inherit the role and Richard would be expected to be his advisor and confidante much like their Great Uncle William did for their Grandfather. It was how things worked in their world. His entire life would be devoted to helping Ian rule, not unlike how Greg's was. But he hid his darker emotions with a sunny smile, he didn't want to bother Ian with it, hell, he'd probably feel guilty, and Richard didn't want that, for all his flaws Ian was generally a good big brother and Richard knew he would literally do anything for him.

"I'm fine Ian, just chilling, what's Lucas up to? He throw you out of the kitchen again?" he asked, remembering what happened an hour or so ago. Ian had tried to help with cooking (Lucas had convinced Greg to let him do the cooking since Jordan had invited Luc's Dad, Aunt and Uncle (who also was the Physics Teacher for Grades 11 and 12) to dinner) until Lucas all but chased Ian out.

The wolf just gave an embarrassed wince before shaking his head, "No, just wondered what you are doing down here all alone? Everybody else is in the sitting room, you okay?" Ian asked.

Richard just sighed, he felt fine, just wanted to be by himself. He also didn't want Ian to know that he secretly hoped Allison would text or call him... he really didn't need Ian's disapproval right now. "I'm fine Ian, just felt like being alone... Mom's coming tomorrow and I can't wait, but I worry about how she'll react to Lucas. Poor kid really doesn't need her hating him, he's been through enough as is." He stated, it was true of course, he did worry about that. Lucas was a fragile thing despite his freakishly powerful magics, and it probably wouldn't take much send him back to his more antisocial nature.

"I worry too... but I can't let Lucas see that, he needs me to be confidant. I think she'll be fine, after the shock wears off I guess," Ian said with a shrug, "But he makes me happy you know, I just want to protect him, he just lost his mother and is being haunted by a phantom version of her. Possibly one formed from his own powers no less," he said, "But something seems off, even if she was formed from his powers she shouldn't have been able to affect him physically, but she does."

"Yeah, ghosts are incorporeal. I was thinking the same thing, that's why only Mediums can interact with them directly because they can see the spiritual plain. So logically if she was a ghost, Lucas shouldn't see her. If she was merely a spectre formed from his powers, she would just be an illusion, yet she pushed him down the stairs..." Richard pondered. "Does he still see her?"

Ian just nodded his head with a frown. "He says he does, but apparently never when I'm around... Maybe my light powers cancel his dark ones out? If she is merely a fragment of his powers, it would make sense," he said but sighed, "Let's talk about something else though, this is getting depressing." Ian stated. "But come-on, let's join everybody, Erin should be back soon."

Richard just sighed but got up anyway. As the two walked up the stairs their noses were assaulted by countless mouth-watering smells emanating from the kitchen. It made Richard's stomach growl in anticipation.

"Wow, that smells amazing, what is he cooking I wonder?" He asked as he rubbed his growling tummy.

Ian just shrugged, but he could tell the other wolf looked just as hungry as he did. "Spinach and Cheese Ravioli I think, with some something called Bruschetta as an appetizer and some tiramisu for desert," Ian recalled, "I remember him talking about it before he chased me out of the kitchen."

"What did you do exactly too piss him off enough to kick you out?" Richard asked, honestly curious.

Ian just blushed and rubbed his nose awkwardly. "I don't want to talk about it..." He said as they entered the sitting room where all the adults were sitting. All of them had cups of tea in front of them and they all looked to be in a particularly interesting conversation since none of them seemed to notice the two brothers entrance.

"So where are you two staying Ms. Rita?" Their father asked politely, how long will you be staying?"

The vixen just chuckled lightly as she sipped her own tea, "We're staying in a hotel in West Vancouver right now. We were living in Chicago before Aydin got the offer, so we hurried and packed so we could get here. It was such short notice that we had to leave most of our things. I'm going to start looking for an apartment, but it'll probably take a while."

Jordan just nodded and sipped his own cup gently as if contemplating his next few words. "Why don't you let them stay with you Evan? Rita is your sister after all...it seems wrong not to show her hospitality. I assume even you would not be fool enough to deny her xenia*? Ahtan or not you are still bound to the laws of our Gods and you are bound by blood." Jordan said while staring the other man dead in the eye. Evan just fidgeted uncomfortably under his gaze. Richard was surprised his father would play so dirty. With xenia invoked Evan didn't really have a choice less he risk the ire of the gods.

"Fine, you and your husband may stay with me while you search for an apartment," he stated calmly, "But be warned, Marie's parents are coming for the funeral and will be staying as well. Neither know about the hidden world, and I intend on keeping it that way." He stated coolly towards his sister. Rita smiled and patted her brother on the cheek, which actually brought a smile to his face, though a tiny one.

"I missed you brother, Daphne does as well." The man's sister said softly.

"And not Lorcán?"

Rita just shook her head, "I haven't spoken to him in nearly fifteen years," she said sadly. "He became a recluse years ago not even Daphne can get a hold of him."

"How is Daphne? She still married to that British Mage? McKellar?" Evan asked, it seemed like he was beginning to relax a bit. "She actually made it to the wedding, had just had her own child a few months before," he recalled, "Too this day I still don't know how she got an invitation. I haven't seen her since."

"She never told me that she attended your wedding!" Rita said sounding hurt. "I was hurt when you never invited me. I only learned about your marriage when Marie gave birth."

"That was her business not mine," Evan said coolly before Ian finally decided to make his and Richard's presence known.

"What are you guys talking about?" He asked them, taking all of the adults by surprise.

Jordan just gave them an annoyed look, it was obvious he wasn't happy about being eavesdropped on. "Just how long were you two standing there Ian?" he asked briskly.

Ian flushed lightly and awkwardly rubbed the back of his head in a guilty fashion, "For about five minutes...Lucas still busy in the kitchen?" he asked in an attempt to change the subject. "The food smells fantastic, doesn't it?"

Jordan merely sighed probably annoyed at the attempt, but decided to let it slide. "Last I checked he was still quite busy, he should be done soon enough however," their father explained before waving over towards the empty couch, "But sit, you might as well mingle with everybody." He said before he heard the bell ring.

Flicking his ears he calmly called Agent Wilson to answer the door. The raccoon who had been sitting mostly to himself simply nodded and did so. He returned moments later with Erin and Xander and Thorne, who seemed to have been the one forced to carry the seemingly innumerable amount of bags. The giant wolf briefly stuck his head out from behind the bags before asking. "Think anyone can lend me a paw?" Both Ian and Richard were quick to aid him and lead him downstairs. Quietly they dumped the stuff in Greg's room on Xander's cot before they went back upstairs. As they entered the sitting room they noticed Lucas had finally emerged from the kitchen.

"Dinners done, you guys arrived right on time," he said to Erin and Xander. No Allison though, Richard realized making his heart sink, probably went home... which sucked. He thought as he quietly pouted to himself. "Greg's fixing the table, so come on, we can't let it get cold!" Lucas said before he walked towards the dining room. Ian was the first to follow naturally, followed by Xander and Tyler, than the adults until it was just him and Erin.

"You okay Rich?" She asked, her voice sounding concerned. "You look kinda crestfallen." Richard just shrugged in an indifferent manner but the girl continued on. "You're bummed because Allison didn't show up aren't you?" She asked which just made him glare. "What? It's obvious!" She said defending herself. "Just relax, but get something to eat! I'm starving!" With that the tiny vixen bodily dragged him into the dining room where everyone else seemed to be patiently (well except for Ian maybe).

Once the two were sat down Greg quickly began to serve everyone their food. It tasted even better than it smelled naturally. Richard could only hum in delight as the glorious food filled his muzzle over and over again as he stuffed himself. Everyone else seemed to have similar reactions of joy as they ate until everyone finally had their fill. While he was rubbing his tummy he noticed there seemed a bit left over... maybe...

"Hey Lucas, do you think we could make a doggy bag for Allison and her parents maybe?" He blurted out causing everybody to stare at him, which made him feel awkward. Lucas himself just gave him an odd look before he answered.

"Uh... sure, if we still have enough? Why do you ask? It's getting late though, and I don't know if the Agents are willing to go out again."

"Maybe you could make a portal or something? Like what you did a few days ago?"

Ian quickly tried to shut that idea down however. "No he will not! I don't want him messing with runes!" Ian shouted, but Lucas almost seemed to ignore him as he looked to be seriously considering it.

"I might, I've actually been curious about runes, I can see them and I would love to learn more about them. Who knows, rune magic could come in handy sometime, especially if I can make a portal in a pinch. I might actually save our lives someday." Lucas said, mostly to himself.

Jordan merely gave him a concerned look, he didn't seem to like the idea that much either and Richard almost felt guilty for mentioning it. If something happened to Lucas because he tried to fulfil his request Richard could never forgive himself and he knew that Ian would never either.

"Are you sure about this Lucas? Runic magic is incredibly dangerous, even if you can see the runes you still know almost nothing about it."

Lucas just gave him a smile and a small nod, "I'm sure, but let me make that bag. I should have some more food in the kitchen. Hey Greg, do you think you could grab the tiramisu and bring it out for me?" Greg simply nodded and followed him, once they were out Ian quickly got up and all but dragged Richard out of the room until he slammed the younger wolf against the outside wall.

"If something happens to Lucas I'll never forgive you! You got me!?" The bigger wolf snarled in his face before sighing. "I love you Richard, always will, but if Lucas is hurt because of your obsession with Monet..." he said but stopped before shaking his head, "I don't know... but you need to figure things out. If you don't I'm afraid this obsession will destroy you. I don't want to see that." He finally stated. "I can't lose you Rich, you're my baby brother."

Richard just hugged him tightly and whispered in his ears lightly, "I know, I'll try and work something out, just trust me Ian, I'm actually surprised Lucas was so willing to do so honestly. I expected him to refuse, especially after your protest." Richard stated. "But I think Lucas is someone who hates not knowing something. His powers are a mystery to everyone, but he'll be fine I'm sure. If he can outright ignore our wards, this should be easy"

"I hope you're right..." was all Ian said before he walked away back into the dining room. Richard just stayed back weighing things up. Was this a good idea? Ian was right, this was a dangerous thing, they still knew so very little about runes and Lucas's powers. Hell, they knew NOTHING about Lucas's powers really. He just sighed to himself, he was sure it'd be fine. With that resolve he quickly marched himself towards the room.

Lucas was already holding the doggie bag in his paws surprisingly, and was have a quiet discussion with Ian. "I'll be fine, stop worrying Ian. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing!" Lucas said, seemingly brushing off Ian's concern. "So, who's going through the portal?" He asked most everyone stepped back, even Xander and Greg, despite both having been through Lucas's portals before. Ian just bit his lip, as if debating with himself which gave Richard the opportunity to step up.

"I'll go," he offered. "It was my idea after all," Richard said, catching everyone's attention. Both Jordan and Ian looked about to protest but he quickly managed to stop them short. "Neither of you had a problem last time, you stepped through his portal also remember? I trust Lucas, and again, it was my idea so it's only fair," he reasoned. Not giving them a chance he quickly turned towards Lucas, "Let's open that portal shall we?"

Lucas just nodded and closed his eyes before taking a breath. Nothing happened for several moments until out of nowhere a rip in space appeared before spreading, showing what looked like a driveway of a small two story house.

"Hurry will you, I'll have to close the portal behind you, but just text me and I'll reopen it okay?" Lucas said, his voice straining somewhat. Understanding the meaning Richard quickly grabbed the bag and raced through the portal finding himself in the self-same driveway. Like Lucas said the portal disappeared behind him. Shaking his head briefly he held the bag close and ringed the doorbell once he reached the porch. Nothing happened for several moments but just as he was about to ring the doorbell again the door swiftly opened and Richard was faced with an imposing looking coyote man.

"Who are you? If you are one of those salespersons or Jehovah's Witnesses I'll tell you what I told the others, I'm not interested," but just as he was about to slam the door Richard managed to stop him.

"Wait! I'm a classmate of Allison, names Richard Mansfield! I'm sure you heard of me?" The coyote just gave him a skeptical look before nodding.

"You are one of the Mage boys that moved here from Scotland correct? What are you doing here boy?" The man asked, slowly getting annoyed at the intrusion.

"I err... brought some food. Lucas fixed a lot and I asked if I could make a doggy bag for you... Is Allison here? I want to talk to her." The coyote just gave him a small frown but turned away from him.

"Hey Allie! Some boy is here for you, calls himself Richard Mansfield!" He called out and almost immediately a much younger and smaller female coyote entered his vision. Allison looked like she was wearing some form of training garb, he wondered if she had been training before she locked eyes with him.

"What brings you here so late Mansfield? It's 20:00?" she asked him. It took a while to find his voice, but Richard did while he showed her what he was carrying.

"Lucas fixed food and we decided to give you some... also, I wanted to talk to you about something..." Richard said awkwardly.

Allison just gave him an odd look before she sighed and motioned her father aside. "Let him in Father, I will hear what he has to say. You take the food to the kitchen." Reluctantly the man nodded and took the bag from Richard while Allison led him into the tiny sitting room. Once she was sat Allison just gave him a piercing gaze. "What do you want to talk to me about? And why couldn't this wait until tomorrow?" Richard just gulped but steeled his resolve, if he didn't do it now he doubt he ever would.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out somewhere? You know, just you and me? You could show me around some," he said, honestly feeling like his face was on fire.

Allison only raised an eyebrow, as if he surprised her. "Are you... Asking me out Mansfield?" she stated blandly.

"Richard, we agreed on first name basis remember?" he corrected her lightly, "But yes, you could say that. I really like you Allison, and I want to know you on a more personal level." He answered honestly as he could.

Allison merely stayed silent. "You caught me by surprise honestly, not many have ever asked me out, and in almost all cases I would refuse, but...you also interest me Mans- *ahem* I mean Richard. So I do accept. I will decide on a destination and tell you tomorrow, is that okay?" Richard just nodded, honestly surprised she accepted. "Very well then, I'll lead you out unless you have more to ask?" Richard just shook his head before he got up and followed Allison outside. "Thank you for the food Richard, that was most thoughtful."

Before she could close the door Richard stopped her. Taking even himself by surprise Richard quietly lifted Allison's chin up before gently kissed her on the lips. Smiling about her surprise Richard merely bowed and stepped away before saying. "Good night Allison, see you tomorrow," he said before he turned around and quickly texted Lucas letting him know he was ready, his head and heart feeling lighter than it had in a while.

Once the portal opened he turned around one last time and waved goodbye to Allison before stepping through finding himself back home before the portal closed Allison disappearing from his view. With a smile he hugged Lucas before he walked towards his own room humming a cheery tune while everyone just wondered what was going on. Today was a good day, he reasoned before vanishing down the stairs still humming that tune.