The Marriage Ceremony

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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Short Story about a young peasant and wolfess who are married under wolf tradition. There's enough background to develop a large story here, but I won't do that. To those who responded on my last journal, I hope this is what you expected! Even with the developed idea it was still written a little too fast in my opinion.

Sunlight filtered through the treetops reaching the lively forest floor. A human boy named Aulus, no older than fourteen, laughed and panted catching up to his best friend. Claudia, the fifteen year old wolfess, jumped out of his way and hid behind a tree. She could evade with sly grace that only a wolf possessed.

"Hey!" He panted edging his way towards the tree. Her tail stuck out on a side and wagged gleefully. Quiet steps were made before jumping around the tree, only to find that the wolfess had vanished. A clawed finger tapped his back. He spun around as she skipped over to a small patch of grass where the sunlight reached the ground without interruption. 'She's good...' He smiled.

The forest filled with their jovial laughter as the wolfess continued to evade the human with ease. The friendship was unique for the entire region because of their distance in class. Aulus was technically a peasant farmer under the shoen system, the son of a vixen and a human. All of the peasants around the farm were foxes and humans, so it was very common for them to intermarry. Nearly all worked on the farms or in the fields for most of their lives without much trouble. The wolf nobles of the city-state would enact an optional small tax on the farm's output. If it was paid, the farmers could travel freely within the city's realm unmolested. The tax was often replaced with better trading deals while the wolves lived in the forest, and the farmers and nobles were very friendly to each other because of it. It was certainly a benevolent system compared to what other cities were rumored to impose.

Unlike the human's rags for clothes, the noble wolfess only wore a simple loincloth that draped to her knees. Wealthy wolves from the city came to the forests by the farm for the spring or summer where he lived. There, the canines would abandon their rich houses and fine togas to live in simple huts wearing nothing more than loincloths while hunting and foraging for food. This was their traditional way of living frugally for a season like their ancestors once did. During their seasonal stay in the forest since he was seven, Aulus would visit Claudia and her family almost daily. If not, she would visit him on the farm. It was like they both had a second family from the time they had spent with each other.

Eventually the human cornered the she wolf between a few dense trees and bramble bushes.

"I've captured you now." Aulus's breathing steadied as he stood before her. The wolfess was a head taller than him, and this would probably remain so after they fully matured into adults. She often rested her jaw on his head because of their height difference. Claudia had the same mottled grey pattern that a grey wolf possessed, but a deep brown existed in place of the grey giving her a unique appearance. Her black lips parted in a smile revealing her pretty white teeth. 'Uh oh-!' Claudia's arms shot out and suddenly hugged the tired human.

"I think you are the one who is captured." She rubbed her nose in his dusty brown hair. Aulus found himself buried in her warm neck fur, not that he minded.

"I'm yours." She giggled hearing his voice muffle through her fur. Claudia chose to sit down on a log, and somehow Aulus ended up with his head in her lap. Aulus leaned his cheek into her soft downy fur just above her coarser groin fur. He stared above the modest white furred swells of her developing breasts and the messy tuft of chest fur to see her golden smile and light brown eyes. It was the beautiful face of the one he loved, and the human could've stared for an hour. Her fur, thick black claws, digitigrade paws, long muzzle, mane, the furry triangular ears on her head... Everything about her was beautiful. A bird tweeted somewhere above them, breaking the trance between them. Aulus loved quiet moments together with her.

"Let's play a little longer before I have to go home." Claudia nudged him, tail wagging.

"I'm already tired." He smiled leaving his head in her lap. "How will I walk you home if you carry me?" She craned her neck forward and rubbed her muzzle over his face. He giggled as she nuzzled him.

"I wouldn't mind carrying you." She kissed his forehead before sitting upright. Aulus sighed feeling her warm leathery padded hands touch his cheeks and gently rub his skin. Sharp claws harmlessly grazed him, not that he minded. Her soft brown eyes intently stared at him while she touched his skin. Aulus brought a hand up and ran over the soft white fur of her tummy. He felt her breathing softly as her midsection rose and fell.

"I had fun swimming with you today." He recollected their summer day together.

"I enjoyed it too." Sunning together without any clothes between them was a moment they enjoyed sharing privately.

"Does the city have ponds to swim in?"

"Kind of. They're called pools: one type is hot another is cold." Aulus imagined one over a spring, and the other near a cold creek. The peasant couldn't imagine mosaics, bathhouses, or how large bodies of water were heated.

"What are homes like in the city?" He asked.

"Let's see..." She tapped her paw causing his head to jostle lightly in her lap. He giggled until she stopped. "Some are made of wood like yours, others are made of stone and marble, but some have a combination of two. They're much larger than huts and have multiple rooms."

"Do wolves have the largest homes?"

"You are full of questions today!" She exclaimed wearing her wolffish smile. "Yes, most do."

"Do all wolves live in forest huts during the spring or summer?"

"I don't think many from neighboring cities do." She admitted with a frown. "Other city wolves aren't as traditional as they should be."

"Do they stay in the city all the time?"

"I guess." She shrugged. "It's kind of boring staying cooped up in one most of the year."

"Will I ever get to see a city?" He thought aloud looking up at her. The sudden bright smile on the canine's face was contagious and filled him with optimism about the whole idea.

"Oh, I will bring you to the city one day." Her voice rang with golden confidence that she possessed. "Maybe this summer." She returned to rubbing his face. Aulus closed his eyes and tried imagining what being in a city was like. There would be wolves, humans, foxes, and who knows what other species. A lot of people would make a city noisy especially with houses and plenty of other buildings tightly jammed together.

"Are there any trees in the city?" He opened an eye as a thumb trailed over his eyebrow.

"I already told you there's hardly enough for a grove."

"But that's hard to imagine." He faked a frown.

"Yeah, but that's how it is in the city." She picked up his hand and held the naked palm to her nose. Aulus snickered feeling the cool dampness against his skin as she inhaled.

"Why do you do that?" He watched her tuck his hand under her chin into her warm downy neck fur.

"Because you aren't in the city with me when I go back, and I want to savor your scent." She closed her eyes. Aulus knew a wolf's nose could smell anything better than his. They slowly stood up while Claudia kept his hand under her chin. The wolfess craned her nose to his ear. "When two marry under traditional wolf law, the male becomes part of the female's family. The rest of the male's family is not considered part or even related to the female's family." She whispered to him. Aulus blinked watching her let go of his hand. She was still smiling brighter than the sun.

"Why is that?" He asked. There were many aspects of the noble wolf life that he wasn't allowed to know, because he wasn't part of a wolf family.

"Maybe I'll be able to tell you more someday." She winked swishing her tail. "But don't tell anyone what I told you! It's a secret."

"I won't." He lifted her hand and kissed its furry top. Her ears went back in the form of a canine blush.

"Let's go before the sun starts setting." She held had arm out, and he gladly connected before they walked together down the forested path. The trees couldn't pass by slowly enough for them. "Remember when we went looking for a kitsune by the creek? The kind that myths are made of." She slyly tapped his back with her tail.

"That was the first summer we played together." He remembered. They recounted the tale together with plenty of laughs of how they played around a creek, imagined seeing a four tailed fox and chased after it. The hour long escapade ended with both of them soaking wet and scolded by their parents respectively, but it was the start of a wonderful relationship. By the time they finished, the wolffish homes were already within sight down the pathway. Only three other wolves were out among the few huts, all clad in simple loincloths. Aulus knew Gracchus, the fawn and white furred male who was a good friend of Claudia's parents. Aurelia, a pure black wolfess, was Gracchus's wife; and the third was a female he hadn't seen before but was probably a relative of the aristocratic families in the city. Only one hut had a thin trail of smoke exiting its top signaling that the others were empty. It was oddly quiet for a wolf's summer retreat this late in the evening.

"I wish you could sleep over with us tonight." She held his hands and faced him.

"So do I, but I have slept with your entire family for at least one hundred nights, and sleeping between you and your mother is the softest and warmest of them all." Claudia giggled and lightly bopped him with her damp nose, leaving an imaginary imprint.

"I love you." She stepped forward and tightly hugged the human.

"I love you too." Aulus returned the intimate gesture feeling his heart soar. The two remained in each other's arms for a good minute before kissing a cheek farewell. "Tell your parents I said hello!"

"I will. Do the same for yours!" She hurried down the faint dirt pathway. Aulus watched her tail and loincloth "wag" between her legs. "I'll see you tomorrow!" She barked happily and waved back at him. Aulus waved as she walked backwards to the last few steps of her home.

"Bye!" He waved until she disappeared into the temporary spring hut. With one last look, the human turned back and headed up the gently sloping forest hill to his home. It was days like today that he cherished so much. Spending time with Claudia in the forest made his whole year. Her presence could make a stormy day into a sunny one. 'I wish I didn't have to wake up early tomorrow morning to work on the farm.' He sighed, but a smile quickly returned. That meant he would have plenty of time in the afternoon and evening to be with Claudia. Their parents knew of the romance they had, and luckily neither showed signs of disproval. Aulus did have a lingering fear that her status would make it undesirable for romance, but Claudia never showed such a worry. For all the years he knew her, the wolfess had never told him secrets that only wolves were permitted to know before this spring. 'Why has she been telling me her family's secrets so recently?' Claudia had been hinting at many of the wolves' secrets and even telling him outright what some rules or customs were. He hoped that she wouldn't be in trouble for it if someone did find out. The human cleared a bend in the trail deep in thought.

Aulus stopped dead in his tracks looking ahead on the pathway. Up the hill were two tall figures, undoubtedly wolves. The two were wearing basic cloaks to conceal most of their bodies, and masks to hide their facial features. The cloak parted down the middle enough to reveal their furry genitals; one male, one female. Were they robbers or bandits from another city? Aulus backed up but stepped on a stick causing it to snap loudly. The two figure's ears perked up and turned towards him. Their eyes had an intent stare that made his stomach tighten. 'I'm still one mile from home." He worried. The human turned around only to find two more cloaked wolves walking towards him up the pathway, another male female pair. 'Who are they?' Aulus edged to the side of the path to avoid being caught in a fight, but all eyes were on him. The powerful muscles underneath the fur on their legs were evident with every step. All four began trotting towards him sending a bone chilling feeling of dread down his spine. Four nearly seven foot tall anthropomorphic wolves moving towards him resembled a nightmare. Aulus took off in a dead run away from the path and the wolves chased him in pursuit.

The smaller human ducked under low lying branches and made sharp turns between close trees in an effort to lose them. But a glance behind revealed all four within strides of him. He pressed forward only to feel a strain. Only seconds into the run, Aulus started feeling tired. 'I ran too much with Claudia!' He felt his stamina start to slip already. He bounded over a creek and the four easily cleared the obstacle behind him. Aulus looked around while running, hoping for anything to lose them. He barely had enough time to think as they inched ever closer. Finally something useful caught his eye. Aulus veered towards a thick patch of brambles and dove inside. His pursues skidded to a halt before the natural wall and watched the human disappear from sight. Aulus crawled through the grove of brambles for his life before sliding a few meters down a steep incline. Aulus jumped up and bolted to the closest tree before anyone could spot him. He pressed his back to the trunk and quieted his breathing. The four weren't far, and he could here them scouring the area. He clutched his chest hoping no one could hear his heart thundering in his chest. 'Calm down.' His ears strained to detect where the wolves were.

They had stopped running, and he could hear dead leaves crunch and paws mulled about absentmindedly. Aulus looked around for a good tree to climb, but a taller wolf would easily be able to pluck him down. Running was the only escape plan in his mind with a possible outlook.

"Over here." He shivered hearing a voice whisper. The footsteps from nearby began closing in.

'Oh no...' He heard leaves crunching only meters away. 'They can smell me!' He knew how powerful Claudia's sense of smell was. Fearing the worst if he was captured, Aulus took off in a sprint deeper into the forest heading back towards Claudia and the wolves' huts. The chase resumed. He broke through a thicket but the foreign wolves were only steps behind. His strides grew shorter as his body depleted its last amount of endurance. He screamed feeling a large hand grasp his wrist. Another hand grabbed his shoulder and stopped his feeble running. Aulus struggled feeling more hands descend on him, but each arm easily held him in place. A strong smelling cloth was held over his nose and mouth. Dizziness set in before darkness took over his conscience. The wolf picked Aulus up in her arms and carried his limp body through the forest with the other wolves.


Aulus awoke to darkness, blinking several times as his memory collected. He was lying on his side on what felt to be a deerskin. The quietness was broken only by the faint sound of crickets chirping outside. Wolves were chasing him on his way home, but they caught him. Aulus took a deep breath and shifted his arms feeling skin. His clothes were gone, but he was alive. The human took a moment to thank whoever was watching him from above.

'I didn't have anything valuable on me.' He found it odd that a rival pack from another city-state would scour the area. War of any kind was usually to the north between larger cities. The south was fairly peaceful in comparison. Regardless of the circumstance, the human had no clue where he was or why. 'Am I in a tent?' He wondered, unable to make out anything clearly in the darkness. It reminded him of Claudia's hut-.

"Claudia!" He raised his head off the ground. What if something bad had happened to her or her family? 'I need to leave!' He wasn't sure where to go, but it was better than staying here. Aulus felt his joints crack as he lifted himself off the ground. His legs were sore from running, but the human was otherwise unharmed. A hand suddenly took hold of his scrotum, halting his escape. Aulus froze in a dead stare feeling claws and padded fingertips against his delicate skin. He swallowed hearing movement behind him.

"Lay down." A deep female voice calmly told him from behind, but the terrified human remained petrified. A claw traced over his skin urging him to comply. "Please lay down." The voice insisted trailing a claw along the delicate pouch. Afraid of the consequences, he obeyed and lied back down on the deerskin. An odd sense of familiarity struck him as he stared at the dark end of the shelter. The hand loosened but remained in contact to dissuade the thought of escape. "That's better." She pressed her front to his back. His eyes widened feeling naked fur against his back. He knew that voice!

"V-Vrixna!" He recognized the brown mother wolf's voice. She was Claudia's mother!

"Mmhm." She casually replied. An arm came up and held his chest while she continued rolling the twin orbs with her fingers. The arm around his chest held both of the human's arms with ease. Aulus squirmed trying to free himself in vain, he was tired from running earlier. Vrixna's leg hooked over his own and pulled back enough so that his privates remained open.

"Please let go!" He pleaded in a whimpering voice. A shape moved in the darkness. It was another large adult wolf.

"Don't be afraid Aulus. This is all normal." He recognized the voice of Claudia's father, Valens. The black male wolf lied down at his waist, facing him. His body tensed feeling warm breath waft over his vulnerable crotch and a hand hold his hip.

"What's happening?!" He cried out, utterly confused.

"Sh. You're safe in our hut." She consoled the smaller human feeling him shiver. Aulus took a minute to breath slowly, but the mother wolf's hand cradling his sac unnerved him.

"Ok." He managed to say. It was the same hut he had been in countless times to spend time with Claudia and her family. The same soft deerskins, fire pit, and wolves of course. "Who chased me?" He remembered four cloaked wolves hunt him down. "Did you scare them away?"

"No. We chased you." She ran her thumb over his twinned orbs carefully. A moment passed in silence leaving the human shocked. They had chased him!

"Why?" He swallowed, nearly choking on his words. Did they find out that Claudia told him those things? Valens rubbed over Aulus's tummy and legs feeling the human shiver. "A-am I in trouble?"

"No! Of course not. You haven't done anything wrong." Vrixna consoled the scared human. Aulus started to squirm, hoping to slip out from their grasp but the hand holding him between his legs stopped any escape. Aulus gave up unable to move past an inch. "You're here for a very special reason."

"For what?"

"Claudia wants to marry you, and we want her to marry you." She patted his side. Aulus was stunned. They actually wanted them to marry!

"B-but I'm only fourteen!" His voice reached a higher pitch as Valens lifted his flaccid length up. That was hardly worth mentioning as a coming of age to a human! The wolf's warm leathery palm and fingertips felt him over.

"That is true for foxes and humans." She admitted. "But that is the age our young begin finding a potential mate." He gasped feeling a cool damp nose touch his underside next, and curiously explore him. "Claudia has a deep affection for you despite your background as a peasant, and you have an equally deep affection for her."

"Yes, but why all of this?" He urgently asked.

"This is a wolf marriage ceremony." She plainly explained. "When a wolfess likes a male a lot, the female's family hunts him down, holds him captive and pleasures him. If the male ejaculates, then he has given his contract of his love for the daughter. If he doesn't, then he doesn't truly love her and the idea of marriage is off." Aulus squirmed through her explanation as Valens's nose and whiskers teased his skin. "You are a good person who deeply cares for our daughter. I have witnessed this myself over the past years watching you two grow up." This was far too fast for the young human to comprehend.

"But I don't know much about wolves and-" He blurted out, but a muzzle rubbed against his cheek silencing the nervous human.

"We will teach you everything you need to know, but that will have to wait." Her hand returned to his delicate pouch, where the contract of wolf marriage lied. Aulus shuddered as her warm pads carefully coddled the smooth skin. She licked his ear and Valens went to work. Fuzzy lips brushed along his underside, teasing him delightfully. Aulus held back a gasp and watched his flaccid penis disappear between parting jaws. Teeth carefully held his tip inside without applying too much pressure. Aulus's body jolted feeling a tongue wash over his glans. "Are you alright?" Vrixna asked in her soothing motherly voice.

"Mmm." He grumbled but nodded as her hand started rubbing his sac once again. "I haven't been touched there before." The mother wolf gave an unseen smile.

'This should be easy then.' She thought to herself feeling him tense again. The sharp points of Valens's teeth grazed and nibbled at his foreskin while his agile broad tongue dipped underneath and washed over the human's most sensitive spot. Aulus's eyes screwed shut. Despite knowing how powerful and deadly a canine muzzle and claws could be, the physical stimulation urged him to arousal. He could feel his member becoming more erect with every swipe of the father's tongue. He carefully squirmed in their grasp from the erotic pleasure, but remained immobile in their grasp. The soft canine tongue easily bathed his member to full prominence with gentle licks. A claw dragged lightly along his underside from bade to tip causing the human to shudder. Aulus was really hard when Valens released the human penis from his incisors.

"He's ready Vrixna." Valens murmured at the throbbing organ in front of his nose. She nodded for him to proceed. Aulus was unprepared for the wet and heated environment of the wolf's mouth as it encased his entire length. His nose chuffed at his small patch of pubic hair and blew hot air onto his skin. Jaws closed as much as his teeth and lips would allow, locking the human's penis within the wolf's maw. His length jerked in the new surroundings, but his whole body squirmed feeling the male's velveteen tongue slighter along his underside. His smooth appendage felt so good! Teeth lightly nibbled along his base, and the ridged roof of his mouth only added to the pleasure. After bottling his feelings long enough, he finally let out a quiet moan. The mother's padded furry hand soothingly rubbed over his chest, encouraging more vocals of pleasure from the human.

"That's it Aulus. Think about Claudia, the one you love." Her other hand began rubbing his twinned orbs in her leathery palm like molding clay. Aulus constantly squirmed despite the large teeth caging his organ. He wanted to be with Caudia as much as possible, but what would marriage have in store for him? Would he live in the city like a rich wolf where there were few trees and many houses? What about his parents? He breathed heavily feeling his heart pound. The canine tongue swirled lusciously over his sensitive tip and earned a few reactions from the human. It was hard just to think! "You will make a great husband for her." Vrixna whispered through the light suckling noises below.

"Mmhm." Valens agreed in a hum.

"What about my parents?" Aulus felt conflicted.

"They already know." Vrixna rubbed his arm. "We discussed this recently and they agree wholeheartedly." He gasped before his body was taken over with a moan. Valens didn't ease the methodical teasing, further lowering the human's resistance. Aulus tensed and writhed in their hold.

'I love Claudia, and my parents want us to marry too!' His heart gave a stronger beat thinking about the wolfess he loved. Down below his member twitched letting out a small shot of pre.

"I think we're about to have an answer." Valens said with the phallus still in his mouth and redoubled his efforts. Aulus grunted feeling a pressure growing down below. He couldn't resist and groaned feeling the exciting arousal course through his body. Aulus watched the muzzle below, unable to see the divine pleasure it was giving him, but he clearly felt the lovely feelings growing. He shivered as a damp nose touched his ear.

"You do love Claudia right?" She asked with an unseen smile.

"Y-yes!" He feebly replied and tried bucking his hips. His member ached as it was expertly pleased. "I love her!" His words made her smile. Aulus shuddered trying to buck his hips feeling the pressure grow to a peak. "I'm close! He whined, the tongue bathing his underside urged him to release the contract. The human gave a startled cry feeling his length tingle. Vrixna felt his scrotum tighten up and gave a little tug. Aulus stiffened and moaned breaching the point of no return. Warm jet after warm jet filled the father's muzzle until a heavy blanketing afterglow consumed his body with the final spurt. Aulus shivered feeling his shrinking length slip out of the father's muzzle. Spots flickered before his eyes leaving him in a pleasurable stupor. Valens quickly stood up and spit into a bowl. Aulus panted heavily in the mother's arms.

"Oh... Wow." He was exhausted.

"Sh. Sh. You did beautifully." She happily whispered rubbing his chest. Aulus closed his eyes waiting for the spots to vanish. "Give me a wet rag to wash him dear." Vrixna carefully sat up and moved the human into her lap.

"Ok." He replied finished spitting into a wooden bowl. Valens wet a cloth in a small basin full of water.

"We don't want wolf spit all over him." She smiled patting her new son in law's shoulder. Valens laughed and handed over the cloth. Aulus grunted feeling Vrixna wash his privates with the wet cloth. Despite the size of her hands, the wolfess was gentle as any mother. "There we are. Much better now right?" She smiled patting his chest with her large wolffish hand.

"Yeah." He nodded as the dizziness subsided. He was glad that she was there to hold him up.

"Bring Claudia in to see her mate." She beckoned her husband with the fast wave of her hand. He smiled and obliged, ducking through the door flap. "Can you stand Aulus?" Vrixna helped him up. Aulus nodded despite his uncertainty. His knees threatened to buckle as he stood. His entire body was still shaking from the powerful rush of his first climax. The flap over the entrance rustled and a familiar figure entered. A mottled brown wolfess hurried to the human. Any remaining uncertainty or fears quickly dissipated as her arms wrapped around him. Aulus smiled feeling her warm furry body against his.

"We're married." The realization made him beam a smile. Claudia brushed her muzzle across his face and touched noses.

"You still have a lot to learn about us." She gently licked his lips.

"But you're a good teacher. You taught me how to swim."

"The whole family and I will be glad to show you everything." Her nose rubbed over his as her tongue kissed him.

"Do I have to wear a loincloth now?" He asked making Claudia giggle.

"You shouldn't wear anything for a few days to become accustomed to nudity, but yes, in the forest all you will need is a loincloth." She said slowly undoing the embrace, choosing instead to hold his hands.

"The hardest will be learning customs like reading, writing, and understanding the city's senate because it is operated by wealthy wolves." Vrixna elaborated.

"But in the city we can live together in our own house and raise a family when I'm older." Claudia kissed his cheek leaving a tantalizing wet smear. "Thank you for catching him." She hugged her mother. Vrixna smiled and curtly nodded.

"Did you know from the start about this Claudia?"

"Yes." Her ears pinned back. "I couldn't tell you though."

"No wonder you wanted me to run more." He exhaled.

"Sorry for scaring you in the woods Aulus." Vrixna trailed her hand over his wrist where she had grabbed him. "But it's a tradition."

"I'm glad that you caught me." He grinned.

"That's good!" She felt relieved at how successful everything went. "Do you two wish to consummate your first mating?" The two looked at her with blank stares as if they were naive kids. "Ah! That's right! You're a human which means both of you don't know..." She paused to rub her chin. "You see, when a male wolf begins to mature, an older female of the family teaches him how to mate properly. Claudia will learn from you, or at least that's how it is supposed to go." Aulus and Claudia looked at each other and shrugged. 'Hunting Aulus was much easier.' She scratched an ear. "I'll show you two how to connect without hurting each other, but the rest must be on your own." She nodded to herself.

"Ok." They both nodded. Vrixna's hand trailed to the human's lap and wrapped her fingers around his flaccid member. The mother's warm velvety pads quickly caressed his length until he hardened once again. "Young males are quick to stand." She giggled feeling his erection pulsating in her hand.

"Can I feel?" Claudia asked Aulus. He nervously bit his lip but widened his legs and nodded. The she wolf's white and brown hand loosely grasped his length. Aulus gave a light moan as she stroked him. "It's so... hard." She felt her nether lips tingle expectantly.

"Careful, or you'll spill his seed before his first mating." She warned her daughter. The young wolfess shyly retracted her hand letting the organ throb on its own. "Ready?" Vrixna asked. They both nodded. "Aulus, lie down please." She placed her hand on the human's chest. He gladly did so leaving his member standing undefended. Claudia got up on her knees and stood over his phallus. Aulus's eyes widened as Vrixna did the same over his face giving him a shady, but full view of her sex.

"I'm ready mom."

"You want to ease down like this." She demonstrated over the human's face. Aulus stared at the mother wolf's vulva inches from his face. He couldn't tell what color the skin was, but he imagined healthy black petals, the same he imagined for Claudia. The young wolf carefully eased down on his length. She whined as the organ parted her walls but proceeded as her mother instructed. Aulus held his breath feeling her womanhood envelop him into a tight heat. A trickle of fluid ran down his spire as their hips bumped together. "Oh!" Caudia cutely moaned able to feel his pulse along her walls. Her insides were like a vice grip. Claudia panted with a lolling tongue, but she enjoyed the fullness inside her.

"Are you still there Aulus?" Vrixna grinned looking between her legs.

"Y-yeah." He looked down where he and Claudia were now intimately joined. Vrixna returned to talking with her daughter as his eyes focused above where her vulva was barely an inch from his nose. He didn't know why he suddenly wanted to taste her, but maybe it was because of the intoxicating scent from her sex, and Claudia's. Aulus craned his neck forward and stole a quick lick across her furry labia. She was already wet!

"Ooh!" The wolfess cooed unexpectedly and looked down feeling a second slick swipe. "Aulus!" She declared with a chuckle and smile. The wolfess eased away from his curious tongue and sat beside the newly anointed couple. "He may enjoy the taste of your womb." Vrixna told her daughter.

"Sorry-" He started to apologize as his head cleared, but she held up a hand.

"A she wolf's innermost scent can be very alluring-" The mother suddenly felt very flustered. "Wait! I shouldn't interfere with your first bonding as mates!" She exclaimed pinning her ears back.

"Don't worry mom, you're fine." They were thankful that the experienced mother was there to help them. The wolfess sat to the side and watched silently wearing a sweet grin. "Can you sit up Aulus?" The human tried but the awkward position made his arms buckle preemptively. Claudia pulled him up halfway only to hesitate.

"I'll help." Vrixna turned around and pressed her back to his.

"Thank you." The human found himself sitting upright with Claudia in more ways than one.

"I'll be quiet now." The older wolfess stated. Aulus looked up at the wolfess on his lap. His best friend, and now, his mate. The lovely smile across her lips told a similar happiness in comparison.

"Hey." Claudia managed to say making him quietly chuckle.

"Hi." He contently replied feeling their body heat unite. The moment was surreal. The entire day's events were surreal to the peasant human! The two were simply content in each others arms while a hand or two rubbed fur or skin.

"Do you want to make love and mate me?" She barely said above a whisper.

"Mmhm." He nodded as their lips met. The wolf's lips were thin and lined with short fuzzy fur that teased his skin. Her smooth tongue slipped passed his lips and generously played with him. Despite how powerful her broad tongue was, Claudia was gentle. Her head tilted to deepen the kiss. The canine tongue swept over the human's and lapped in his entire maw, making love in its own right. Claudia gently rocked her hips back and forth. Aulus clung to her shoulders as the pleasure melted him.

"Mmm." She hummed hearing the slick noises below. His length jerked inside her. "Ooh!" She cooed undoing the kiss and wagged her tail.

"Did you feel that?" He grinned.

"Mmhm. It was nice." She flicked her tongue across his lip.

He watched her chest rose and fall as she lightly panted. Aulus desperately wanted to see the beautiful moment to the end but sleep nagged at him with persistence. When Vrixna decided to move away, he didn't have the strength to sit upright. Without the mother wolfess to support his back, Aulus reclined to the deerskin on the ground. To everyone's surprise, the human yawned. "Are you tired?" He nodded and yawned again.

"Aren't you?"

"A little." She admitted. "But you have been through a lot." Claudia reclined on top of him slowly. Aulus tensed feeling his length move as she moved. He grinned feeling her naked fur lay on his skin. "Hook your leg over mine and I'll roll to the side." Aulus did as he was told and she quickly moved them to their sides on the deerskin.

"I'm sorry for not finishing."

"Don't worry about it." She pressed him to her white furred breast and held him close. "We can finish in the morning." The wolfess craned her neck and kissed the top of his head. The human could already imagine the next day they would share tomorrow. He tried shifting his hips only for a slick noise to remind him of their attached position.

"Your muscles are strong inside." The snugness of her walls reminded him of a tight hug.

"Strong to love you with." She whispered. Her soft words lured him to sleep like a wonderful dream, except the marriage ceremony wasn't a dream. Aulus nuzzled into her chest while she lazily combed through his hair with her claws. "Thank you Vrixna."

"You're welcome." He felt a padded hand rub his lower back. "But you may call me mother now."

"Thank you mom." He found it strange to say. "Goodnight Claudia."

"Goodnight Aulus." Their eyes closed. His penis gradually softened as the minutes passed, but his tip remained propped up on the edge of her labia. A figure returned from outside and quietly approached the sleeping pair.

"Are they done? Is everything complete?" Valens asked his mate.

"Yes." She nodded. The mother wolfess loomed over the two intimately joined. She couldn't have been prouder of her daughter and son in law.

"May our ancestors bless these two in loving union." Vrixna quietly chanted holding a ceremonial stick over them as they slept. "Starting now, he is a part of our family."

Winter's Worth VI

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The Shinoda Fox

Yasuna clutched the sash around his waist tightly as the chilled wind cut through his old kimono. Yasuna lived on the edge of the forest north of Osaka and rather than take the offshoot road along the eastern section of forest, he took an abandoned...

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The Hearth Wife

Wipers danced across a windshield, cleaning away the light drizzle that fell from the darkness above. Headlights made the best sight available in the dark as an older red pick up truck cautiously made its way along the rural road that bordered a few...

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