Chapter 1: Origins of an Unusual Srothar

Story by Charem on SoFurry

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#2 of The 'Unwanted' Adventures of Biscuit the Srothar

Biscuit the Srothar was a feline with a goal in life: to live far more civilized than his species normally did, and cast off many of his roots in the process. Of course, one can't escape their own instincts...

Story/Characters by Charem

Srothar Species by Cyril

(This is an ongoing story; further chapters will be added over time. :3 So please bookmark and check back from time to time if you enjoy what you read!)

(What do you want to see happen next? Vote here! )

New Redhurst: The City of Limitless Potential! That was the tag-line the advertisements on TV about the bustling metropolis always used. Come visit, come stay, there's so much to do! It was probably...well, almost certainly gussied-up propaganda, but it didn't matter much to was a place for him to stake a new claim in life.

Oh, sorry. That's 'Buskott', Buskott Safnavei in full, if we want to be technical. The fellow was a Srothar, a feline and rather fluffy sort of anthro species, aside from their scaled bellies. His first name was a derivative of 'Bustinn' and 'Koturr', meaning 'chubby cat'...a decent name to receive, considering the ever-present pudge he had possessed right from birth. What made the name truly fitting, however, was how his weight was surprisingly even around his frame, when most Srothars stored weight up almost completely in their bellies. This made him notably more plump than his fellow Srothar.

As for his family name...well, that was just another reason he had hopped on that train a year ago and left the Srothar village he'd grown up in. 'Safna Veioi'...'Gather Hunt'. Just another reminder of his species' heritage...something his neighbors and family held proudly, but he could only feel disdain over. Srothars, while quite certainly a sentient species, had quite the capacity and instinctual desire to hunt and consume live prey. Indeed, a Srothar's gut could stretch out well to accommodate even meals larger than them, which served their appetites quite well. Most of their appetites, at least... Buskott could barely tolerate the practice of 'vore', and certainly never partook of it himself. Killed prey, properly cooked and prepared like a civilized meal was the only way he had ever enjoyed his meat, and he was perfectly content with his 'limitations'.

Mind you, Buskott didn't outright hate those in his home village...but he never felt he fit in, and his disdain for normal Srothar activities did not earn him much respect. Perhaps he didn't respect them much either. Getting out of the rustic community and into a more modern place, a melting pot of varied, generally-more civilized creatures...that had been a dream of his for quite some time. New Redhurst wasn't perfect, but it had certainly proven itself worthy of his personal requirements and allowed Buskott to establish himself in life the way he wanted to.

The year spent he'd in the bustling city had been a reasonably good one. Buskott had landed both a job and an apartment on the first day there. He was a waiter at a restaurant known as 'Steaks-a-Plenty', a place predictably specializing in juicy steaks...suffice to say, it wasn't a 'classy' restaurant, but a clean and well-managed one all the same, with enough pay to more than cover his living costs. His apartment was a simple studio apartment in a block of flats just outside downtown; small, but well-built and certainly comfortable enough for the Srothar. Living in such a cramped household as he had back in his village, even such a small domicile felt like a luxury of space and peace to him.

It was almost a perfect situation for Buskott. Well, except for one thing: very few people ever called him 'Buskott'.

You see, his chubby build only grew plumper after establishing in New Redhurst. For all his disdain over vore, he -did- love food, and the city offered a limitless supply of new dishes to sample from the many cultures that lived there. On top of this, his light-yellow fur color was...always decidedly 'buttery' in shade, and few people could pronounce his real name quite right. It was only logical, then, that he picked up the nickname 'Biscuit', a nickname that was so fitting that many thought it was his real name.

(In fact, we shall address him with it as well from now on, reader! Truly, you'll come to learn it is even more fitting as time comes to pass...)

Now, Biscuit simply laughed and shrugged when the nickname was used towards him at first. But as more and more people innocently spoke it over his real name, he began to feel a bit annoyed. Then...came the teasing. The occasional unsavory individual who would cry out something like "Ha! Biscuit? That's a pet name! I guess you're a little pet kitty then, feline?" or "Hey fat-cat, looks like you've been meowing for lots of treats lately!" ...In such a large city, you get all sorts, and Srothars were not at all common in such an environment...and thus easy to tease, even without a nickname making them an easier target. Such speciesism was of course unsavory to any reasonable person, but it happened, and it happened far too much to Biscuit for his liking...making him hate both the insults and the nickname quite equally.

He was no fool though. He would hold his tongue whenever he could, especially when on the job. A good deal of people uttering out 'Biscuit' probably meant no harm in it; some even complimented his name for sounding 'adorable' (not that he was sure he -liked- being called 'adorable', but a compliment's a compliment?). Even when some asshole spouted insults at him, he would keep his response to a quiet growl at best...after all, he was a civilized creature, as much as the uncivilized idiots would proclaim otherwise. Civilized sorts didn't let such petty things get to them...right?

But Biscuit knew that his funny name and his plump weight weren't the real reasons he was getting teased... It was his -heritage-, that damn heritage. Srothars were known as some of the more 'wild' sentient species out there, with all their instincts and voracious habits... There was a stigma against all that by more-civilized species...and Biscuit -agreed- with them. Why couldn't they understand that?...

There was not much the Srothar could do aside from gritting his teeth, and moving on with his life. But one can only bottle up something so far until it explodes out...

Chapter 2: More Than Peckish

A gentle breeze wafted into Aspen's tent bright and early the next morning, rustling his leaves until the sound awoke him. The ex-human sat up, slowly brushing at his tail-leaf, wondering why there were leaves in his tent...until his grogginess wore...

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Chapter 2: Only in Skin?

One particular weekend, Biscuit was quite exhausted by the time his shift at work had ended. A trio of older teenagers - the motley crew of a fox, squirrel, and bunny - had decided to make his day miserable, hanging around the restaurant for most of...

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Chapter 0: Preface

This aims to be a continuously-growing series of short stories involving the titular Biscuit. World-building and character-establishing shall start things out, but from there, events will happen whenever I think of a cool new one to write about!...

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