Tyger Tyger Burning Bright

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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#44 of Roman Life

In the city of Roman Life!

Hey everyone!

So one month of weekly posting, which has receiving good feedback, which I am happy of icon_biggrin.gif Thank you guys! So, to celebrate, here it is the new chapter of my ongoing series! Sorry for the title, I just love William Blake ^^ That said, hope you like it and, if you haven't ever read this series of mine, that you could find reading it enjoying ^^

And as always *insert compliments and confession of eternal love to one avatar?user=48220&character=0&clevel=2 Gritou* icon_razz.gif


Luca turned toward the cause of that scream, his tall ears flicking as he recognizes the owner of that voice. The cougar did the same, even if he could see from the corner of his eyes an expression of curiosity mixed to surprise on his short muzzle.

And there she was, strutting between tables, her stripes being covered by fancy clothes, her eyes covered with sunglasses even if it was already pretty dark. Of all the furs he would have wanted to meet that day, Lidia was at the bottom of the list. He almost barely noticed his friend Sara trailing behind her, looking as much uncomfortable as the lupo felt.

"Buonasera1 Lidia, Sara." He greeted them, standing up as education demanded him to.

"Luca, darling, da quanto tempo2!" The tigress greeted back, planting two big kisses on his cheeks with such strength that left him a bit dizzy. A young German couple passed beside them hastily, surely startled out of their socks and sandals at such a display of Italian openness.

"Probably too little for his tastes." The squirrel besides her snarked, already recovering from the surprise of meeting his coworker.

"Oh shush you. And who is this gagliardo giovine3 with you?" The big cat purred, turning her emerald gaze toward her fellow feline, who was just standing there with a baffled smile.

"My name is Edward, nice to meet you... Lidia?" The American waiter saluted the older woman, extending his paw to size her much more feminine one. Luca could practically see her ovaries doing somersaults at watching the eye candy.

"Oh an English puma!" She exclaimed excitingly, with no intension to leave her grasp on the young feline. Luckily Sara went to save the unfortunate soul right away, breaking the pawshake in the guise of seeing him.

"I don't know if you remember me Edward, but I am Sara! I was with Luca the night-"

"Of course I remember you! Nice to see you again!" The puma interrupted her with a couple of kisses on her cheeks. The lupo could swear he saw some redness on her cheeks, mentally praising his date for achieving such a feat.

"What are you doing here you ragazze4?" Luca intruded in the conversation. He was genuinely curious on that; he hadn't told Sara where he was going to take his puma on a date so this random twist of destiny was really... random. Of course, the one that answered his question was the hard core party girl, who didn't stop her ogling of the foreign cutey as she spoke.

"I hadn't see Sara here since last week, and I was, like, we totally have to! Since I am going to a small discoteca5in Trastevere, I wanted to grab something to eat close to it and here we are!" The sinuous woman managed to say all of that with only one breath, and all the time sending languid stares to Edward.

"I confirm what my friend said." The rodent at her side added, her tone implying she hadn't been all too happy to go out that night. Maybe she had planned a romantic night with her sweetheart... Before her bigger than life friend had forced her to go out. His assumption was reinforced as he saw his friend quickly typing a text, surely to her beloved far away.

"What about you two? What are you up to?" Was the turn of the tiger to ask, which made flick not only Luca's but also Sara's ears, the both of them not sure if it was a good idea to tell the truth... And ruin the hopes of the tigress to get such a young piece of meat in her clutches.

"We are doing.... how it is said in Italian... Appuntamento romantico6!" The candid and oblivious feline blurted out, his words making the lupine blush madly. It had been a while since he had someone stating such a thing so out loud.... but it kinda made him feel warm inside too.

Luca looked attentively at the tigress, ready to run in case she reacted badly to the sad news. To his dismay, Lidia didn't look... delusa7, not even annoyed, her toothy smile remaining in place. "Oh? You two are on a date? Good for you, you two look cute together!"

"Thanks Lidia, that is very sweet of you to say!" The friendly cougar replied back, and he really sounded like he meant it to the lupo's ears. He seemed to be genuinely a good guy... which seemed all too good for Luca.

"Well, we should leave you two enjoying your date." Sara somberly said, grabbing one striped arm with her tiny brown paw. "We should sit down and order."

"You are so right tesoro! Have fun guys, and a good evening!" Lidia waved goodbye to them as she was dragged away toward a nearby empty table, not too far from the one occupied by the two male furs. Making sure she swigged her ankles seductively as she moved, maybe in the wishful thinking that the American boy was interested in pussy too. Something that the lupo had to inquire for real, now that the thought had come to him.

"You too!" The mountain lion said, sitting back on his chair.

"Arrivederci8 Lidia. Talk to you soon Sara!" Luca said, locking stares with his fellow restorer and hoping she got the unspoken message.

"Sure Luca!" She answered him with a small nod of her head, which he wanted to believe it meant she would keep the tigress faaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from them. The lupine wasn't fully convinced the squirrel could do that, hell, if anyone could ever manage to lock that cat in one place!

"That was most nice." His date chuckled as he planted his ass back on the chair. The tone had an amused tinge that made clear the cougar had caught the various undertones in the conversation, which kinda ashamed the lean lupine.

"I hope this encounter didn't bother you." Luca confessed, smacking himself mentally for that. One thing was for the handsome puma to catch a few hints, another confirming something was off; luckily the waitress came to the rescue, brining her food on a trail.

"Here's your robba da mangiare9, hot from the kitchen!" The dark cocker spaniel announced with a hearty laugh at her own joke, setting down two almost identical plates, each having the same sandwich but with one having some fries around.

"Thanks a lot, it looks delicious!" The cougar exclaimed merrily, licking his chops.

"It sure is! If you need anything more, don't fear to call me!" The female dog winked, scurrying away to serve another table. She didn't go to Sara's, since the lupo could see her and Lidia chatting undisturbed just a few meters away; he was keeping an eye on them, to be ready if the tigress charged back to them.

"They really look yummy, these sandwiches I mean!" The lean restorer noted, happy that the food had distracted the puma from the previous encounter.

"Yeah, they sure do! Still, why are you so troubled by Sara?" The feline asked, showing that he was still on the subject as he took a big bite of his food.

"I... I am not troubled by her! She is my friend." The lupo replied, his ears flicking and probably making the other think he was lying. Damn Lidia!

"Suuuuuuuureeeeeeeeee." The puma looked skeptical, one brow quirked up. Luca didn't remember if he had told him she had been the one connecting them to Stanley.... Better not tell him and direct the conversation to other topics.

"She is a dear friend, she doesn't scare me or anything!" He defended himself, making sure to still any moving part of his body, to reassure his date. The American boy looked at him for a long minute before being satisfied, his brow going back to where it belonged.

"So, how are she and her boyfriend doing? He was the coypu in your group, if I remember right!" He said, smiling broadly at the lupine.

"Yeah, he was the nutria10... You noticed a lot that night, eh?" The light brown dog quipped, enjoying the sight of the puma being embarrassed at being caught.

"Well, maybe my eyes were attracted by someone..." The waiter blurted out, round ears dancing on his skull and some red appearing on his mask; he quickly added more to cover his slip. "They seemed very close, I can't help but notice she is texting on her phone right now,"

"You did too? I am guessing this outing with the tigress wasn't planned at all!" He chuckled, looking at his friend for a moment but having the canine waitress obstructing his sight at that moment.

" Poor squirrel!" The feline expressed his sympathy for the unfortunate rodent. "I think I remember they weren't with you from the beginning of that faithful night, too."

"They had a dinner with... Lidia." This time was the lupo's turn to slip, the hesitation and his body language giving away his tiger-related worry. The cougar, as the predator he was, was quick to exploit that.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh so it is Lidia who you are spaventato11!" He purred, his curiosity rearing its head. "Why is that so?"

"Well... it is a long story... I don't want to bother you with it..." The lupine tried to dodge the attempt of the feline, but with no success.

"I am a good listener." The puma said, setting aside his half eaten sandwich and grinning at him. How could he resist to that? The answer was : he couldn't, he was just that weak.

"Well... You saw how... esuberante 12 she tends to be. Our first meeting left a scar in me and Ale." He gave his date the short version, hoping it would satisfy his feline curiosity. Of course, it didn't.

"Yeah, it is not hard to miss. But what did she do to you then? And to Ale?" Edward looked like a kid listening to a fairy tale, pestering his dad to know more and more details. Luckily here the lupo didn't have to invent anything, just tell the truth.

"She did scare my friend for a moment, implying she knew... stuff about his girlfriend. But she didn't." He listed the sins that Lidia had committed, more and more thinking they were being silly to fear the tigress just for that. "She still made him freak out of his mind for a couple of seconds."

"She sounds like a gossiper. And a flirt too, she didn't take her eyes off of me the entire time." The American cat mused out loud, sounding a bit flattered by that.

"Yeah. She did the same with us too, it was hilarious for a few minutes to see her trying to get in my pants." Luca chuckled at the memory, followed by the other man in that. They both could see the irony in that, a very provocative and, well, sexy woman going after a gay fur.

"I wish I was there to see her face when you told there was no game for her!" The puma said, looking saddened by that. "It is always fun to see that happening!"

"At the moment it wasn't that ... fun. Still it is amusing in hindsight." The lean wolf conceded him. After all, it had lead to Sara and the tigress having a sort of fight... nothing to be really happy about. "Still, sorry you had to be harassed by yet another old lady today!"

"Bah, she was way nicer and younger than the other one." Edward waved off with a smile. "She didn't try to grope my butt either."

"Who could blame her for trying that?" Luca kept smiling through his too flirtious remark, hoping that it had come across as a witty quip more than a creepy one. And, most importantly, not like he would like to grope the coungar's ass... which he did, but still he didn't have to know!

"Ceramente13!" He smiled toothily, which relieved the lupo a bit. "Surely, you don't seem to have luck with striped cats. Like with that friend of yours that... day."

Edward's smile faded a bit when remembering of that day, and so did the lupo's, but both didn't seem to want to recall all of it. "Yeah, Carlo usually is bad news. Even though that one time it wasn't his fault at all...."

"Yeah... He caused that mess just indirectly and without wanting to." The mountain lion agreed with him, not that he had the right to accuse the tiger for something so awful.

"And for the one time he showed he had learned his lesson...." The lupo trailed off, not wanting to delve too much in his personal past. It was never good to do that on a first date, right? But the feline didn't seem to be of the stesso avviso14.

"Is he one of those that is set in his ways or something?" The younger male questioned, picking up his fries one by one. He had almost finished all of his food by now, while Luca's panino was left there, still untouched.

"Yeah. Well, more like he is too stubborn and blind to see his flaws or even try to change himself." He answered, a bit of sourness in his voice. He covered that with a muzzleful of sandwich, which was, indeed, as good as the cocker spaniel had advertized.

"How long you two had been together?" Edward asked, making him almost choke on his food. How did he divine the tiger was an ex of his? Maybe he had told him that piece of information... or maybe he was that good after all.

Gulping down the panino with his beer, he took that pause to prepare his answer. Talking about exes was always something tricky, even when you weren't trying to woo a guy. Finally he thought he was ready and opened his mouth. "Just a couple of years, end of high school and first year of university."

"I see, high school love... Those don't tend to last." The cougar noted, nodding his head in a knowing and sad way. "You change too much or discover something you don't like in the other."

"I didn't change... as far as I know. Neither did he." He pointed out, strangely feeling like he should defend the tiger and himself on that.

"So you discovered a flaw in him... a major one." The American big cat said, his voice and expressing clearly trying to convey his curiosity; he seemed one of those who liked to delve in the past of the others, or maybe he was testing him. Either way, the lupo had to answer.

"He... treated someone I hold dear in a very bad way." Luca confessed, his tall ears moving in awkwardness.

"Someone.... Ale?" The feline whispered; he couldn't make out if he was upset by that or not. He sounded like he was, but there was no need for him to be no?

"Yeah. Carlo is the one that made us meet, and even if they were friends he totally ignored the rottie for no good reason whatsoever." The lupo said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Is Ale so dear to you that you broke up with your boyfriend for him?" The tone of the puma was....indecifrabile15. Did he don't like how close he was with his best friend? What right did he have to question that? None at all!

"Yes, he is close, but Carlo doing that showed me he was vain and hurtful with others." The wolf replied, his annoyance increasing more and more despite his best intention, and he was sure his body was telling that to the feline. But he kept going on despite the clear signs.

"Well, maybe, but it is clear you two are really close. I can see that in how you talk about him." Edward persisted in that sort of interrogation, his smile still in place despite the tone of the conversation.

"That's because he is my best friend and my roommate, that is why!" The lupo almost shouted his answer. How dared the boy critize his friendship with the rottie? They had known each other for just a few weeks, he couldn't say anything on that regard.

"Well I understand that. It is just unusual to hear of someone breaking up with someone because of a friend." He said that calmly, and somehow that irritated him to no end. There are friendships that are worth keeping, even if it meant doing big sacrifices.

"For me it was logical. I can't be with someone who treats my friends like garbage, or lie!" Luca shot back, expressing his feelings. Carlo had done both, and that meant they were through, sincerity was an important value for him.

"I've never lied to you, if that makes you happy." The puma told him, his smile still in place, like he was talking with a child throwing a tantrum.

"But you did." His tone was glacial when he delivered those three, simple words. His date had lied at least once, and he couldn't believe he had forgot about that; he had let his golden eyes and good look charm him, setting aside the issue, while he should have addressed it immediately.

"Beg your pardon?" Edward looked confused, seemingly oblivious of what he was talking about. That was the last straw, too much, and the next words surged from the lupo in a huge burst.



1) Good evening.

2) Literally it means "how much time", it is equivalent in meaning to "it's been so long".

3) Handsome youth, both terms are a bit out of fashion this days.

4) Girls

5) Disco.

6) Romantic date!

7) Disappointed.

8) See you soon.

9) Stuff to eat. Fun fact: the correct spelling is "roba", but people in Rome tend to doubles the -b in many words, i.e. the name Fabio is pronounced Fabbio etc.

10) Myocastor coypus, also know as simply coypu.

11) Scared.

12) Exuberant.

13) Certainly/sure.

14) The same opinion.

15) Indecipherable, unreadable.