A New Life: A First Time for Everything

Story by StevenFox on SoFurry

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This is my second chapter, so once again helpful, possitive comment would be nice :) Must be 18+ to read. And sorry for any miss-spellings or grammer mistakes! And I think for some reason it didn't put it under story series, so I think It'll say this is chapter one. I have already written chapter one, you can find it in my stories. (Chapter 2)


Chris and Ally walked out of class practically boyfriend and girlfriend now, even though neither of them had asked. Chris was to preoccupied in talking to Ally to notice all the females that walked by glancing at him.

"So what class do you have next?" Chris asked Ally.

"Ummmm," Ally looked through her head, "computer tech? I usually follow Drew to our next class..." Chris chuckled a little at how Ally wasn't sure what she had next.

"Well so do I," he said looking into her eyes. That just made her nuzzle even closer to him. Chris pulled her close to him so she wouldn't leave his side. They walked into the class and noticed they were a litle early. The room were in four rows of six. The desks had a computer ontop of each one

An owl sitting on a desk noticed the two walk in, "class hasn't quite started yet, so go ahead and fool around on the computers until class starts."

The two looked at each other and hopped on the nearest computers. As soon as Chris got on he immediatly went onto furpage.com, to see if Ally had one. Ally saw Chris log onto furpage and beat him to the punch and added him before he could.

"Darn you!" he said smilling and gave her a playful push. She just giggled and started typing away at something. Being the curious wolf he is, Chris looked over to she what she was doing. Making sure not to be noticed he gave her computer a quick glance and saw she was focusing on one of those IMing things. She was bragging to one of her other friends in a different class about how she had found Chris. He smilled to himself, knowing that she was bragging about him and took the opprotunity to make his move. He went onto her profile and left her a bumper sticker comment saying "will you go out with me?" surounded by hearts. It was a little girley for him but he knew she would like it.

Chris clicked the sent button and waited. He peeked over at her computer again to see if she had gotten it. She moved her mouse snd clicked on furpage. When she clicked on the "comments" button, she practically squealed with excitement and almost tackled Chris off his chair.

"Of course I will," she said hugging him tightly while sitting on his lap, burying her face in his chest. Once she withdrew from him they looked deeply into each others eyes and they shared their first kiss. It was a feeling that Chris hadn't felt in a very long time. Her lips were warm and welcoming, and all the shit that happened to him in the past seemed to melt away at that very moment. He put his left paw on her hip lovingly, savoring each moment. His thoughts rushed through his head and he didn't want it to end. Until there was a small interuption.

"Hey, hey! Looks like Ally's found herslef a bitch!" a hyena walked up to them and squeazed them close.

"Ugh, Drew your such an ass," Ally complained elbowing him, but still smilling.

Drew was a hyena, about 5 foot 10. He looked like he was in good shape, with long headfur that went past his brown eyes.

"Can't blame me for speaking the truth," he said shrugging, "the names Drew if you hadn't figured that," he continued holding out a hand for Chris.

He shook it and said, "Chris, just got here from Cal."

"Wow, that far? Almost five minutes together and you guys are practically fucking in class. Catch you two later, better take a seat before Mr. Hoot flips a shit and gives me detention again," he said walking off to find a seat.

"It's not his fault you don't turn in homework!" Ally yelled at Drew.

"Yeah, whatev," Drew found a seat four seats down from where they were, flipped out his phone and started texting as the bell rang. Ally looked back at Chris, gave him a quick kiss and sat back down in her seat.

"Class take a seat if you already haven't, Drew stop texting before you get detention," Mr. Hoot said without looking back from the board.

"Who me? I never text in class," Drew coughed to cover the sound of his phone flipping shut. Chris finally figured out that Drew was obviously a class clown.


Chris faceplanted into his keyboard and sighed with relief as the bell for lunch to begin rang. He shoved his stuff into his backpack and waited for Ally. He leaned on a wall and watched patiently as Ally packed her bag. Chris couldn't help but give Ally's ass a quick glance as she bent over to put a pencil in her bag. He looked over at Drew to see if he noticed; Drew just winked at him. She finally fished getting her stuff together and he took her hand as he opened the door for her. They were the last ones out of the class except for Drew.

"Hey Drew, you comin'? Or are you just gonna sit in your chair and stare at the wall?" Chris joked. Drew just made a stupid face and pretended to laugh.

"Naw, got detention with Ms. Drawford," he said; his eye slightly twitching.

Ally laughed, "have fun! Come one Chris, let me introduce you to the rest of the group." She tugged him out of the room suddenly and the door closed behind them. Leaving Drew alone with the horrid Ms. Drawford.

They walked towards a small group of people, not to far from a larger group. The larger group seemed to be consisted of the more popular kids. There was a small stone wall about shin height in the shape of a large square. Bright green grass grew inside the stone square. There were about ten other animals in the group next to the popular kids.

Some were sitting on the wall and the others were standing in a circle.

Ally pulled him into the group, "the two smaller wolfs are Vince and Sheen. The horse right there is Charlie and the rhino is Timothy. Those two foxes are Christy and Brandy. The other wolf is Liza. The elk's name is Dylan and the two cannines are Mitch and Samantha."

She smilled at him once she had finsihed and all he could do was smile back at her pretty face. They found a spot on the wall and pulled out their lunches while talking with the rest of the group. They talked about where they were from for a while. but then talked about random perverted stuff. It went on for about ten minutes before an empty faced Drew came walking to the group. All he did was sit down and pull out a turkey sandwich. He began to eat his sandwich while staring at nothing, rocking back and forth.

"You're a little early aren't you Drew?" said Timothy pulling out his phone and checking the time.

"Shut up Tim," he said still slowly eating his sandwich.

"What happened?" Vince asked curiously.

"You know Ms. Drawford, the ugly lizard vice principal thing?" the group nodded in unison.

"I screwed her," he said blankly remembering what just happened.

There were numerous responses like: "Aww! No way!" and "Eww! Gross."

He just nodded, "she said I was a bad student and deserved punishment." He looked at his sandwich.

"That was to harsh of a punishment," he chucked his sandwich into a garbage can, "I'm not hungry anymore."

"Don't worry," Tim (Timothy) put his hand on Drew's shoulder, "if you can't take the fact you did it, there's always suicide."

He laughed and so did the others.

"Yeah, suicide," he joked, but sounded as if he actually considered it.


Chris had one class left and that was Physical Education. Which he didn't mind, but what he did mind was that Ally wasn't in his class. He walked up to the P.E. office and knocked on the door. A cheetah inside looked up from his desk and signaled him in and Chris walked inside.

"Hi I'm Chris, I just need my P.E. uniform."

"Ah yes, the new kid," he reached behind his desk and grabbed a uniform.

"Here you go," he handed Chris the clothing.

"Thanks," he walked out of the office and looked at the uniform. The shirt was white and had his Highschool logo across the front. The shorts were black and on the bottom left short leg was the school's initials outlined in gold.

He quickly put on the uniform so he wasn't late and walked outside, but took a moment to admire how good he looked in them.

"It was bright this morning," he mumbled to himself, noticing the cloud cover now. He looked away from the clouds and noticed a powder white wolf looking at him. She had crystal blue eyes and a body that would make any wolf howl. She blushed a bright red when he looked at her and turned her face away from him.

He smilled to himself, "Chris, you are one hell of a ladies man today," he thought to himself. He took a seat on the ground because everyone else was, so he figured he should too. A cheetah walked out from the men's locker room; and Chris noticed it was the one from before.

"Alright class let's jog to the field and start playing OTL, Tim, would you mind teaching Chris here how to play?"

"No problem coach," his newest friend Tim said.

The period went by so fast for him he felt like it just started. Although he could of done without that wolf starring at him during all of class time. Tim had introduced him to a few other people, but nothing significant happened.

He met up with Ally after school so he could give her a ride home.

"Not complaining or anything," Chris buckled his seat belt, "but why do you need a ride?"

Ally smilled at him and turned on the radio, "cuz I walk here and I don't want to walk in the rain."

"True," Chris said turnning on the windsheild wippers. The rain was coming down hard now and the rain made loud tapping noises on the roof of the car. They got lost a few times becuase Ally would get distracted by a song on the radio and forget to tell him to turn, but eventually they got to her house.

"And it's this house on the left," Ally said pointing across his face obstucting his view. He put her arm down and pulled up next to the house. It was a normal house he noticed, plain and simple, nothing like the house he lived in. He opened his door and stepped out into the rain and slid across the hood of his car like in action movies. He opened Ally's door and put his jacket over her.

She giggled and said, "you're such a goof."

"But I"m your goof," he said as they ran up to her doorstep laughing. He took the soaking wet jacket off her and revealed her true beauty. The slight rain drops in her hair just made her that much more beautiful. He leaned in close to her so he could feel her soft lips again, but instead got a surprise when he was yanked inside.

She threw him against a wall and chucked his hat across the room. Then she tore off his shirt and set it beside them.

"We need to get out of these wet clothes," she said playfully as she too took off her shirt.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Chris looked around hesitantly, "what about your parents?"

"Oh don't worry about them, they're out of town visiting some friends." She unzipped her pants and let her jeans fall to the floor. Chris just stared at her as she twrilled around for him in her underwear. The gstring she wore showed off the ass he couldn't take his eyes off.

"You like?" She winked at him. All he could do was nod, to hypnotized by her body. He was lost for words. She began to take off her bra and Chris pulled his jeans down along with his boxers.

"Someones a little anxious," she said getting on her knees. She licked his ballsack. Chris inhaled sharply and let out a moan of pleasure as the tip of his cock came out of his sheath. She continued to lick at his cock until the full eight and half inches was showing. He arched his back as Ally took in his full length, wrapping her tounge around his cock as her head bobbed. She was taking him over the edge with each and every movement.

"She must have done this before," he thought and looked down at Ally.

"There's no way a virgin can be THIS good."

He could barely take in what was happening, and thought he shouldn't be the only one being pleasured. He scooped her off the ground and carried her over to the livingroom.

She giggled and took off her gstring showing her already wet slit. He layed her down on a couch and moved ontop of her, kissing her all the way up. When he reached her lips he gave her the most passionate kiss she ever recieved. While he was kissing her, he slowly pushed two fingers into her slit. She moaned into the kiss as he removed his two fingers from her slit.

He crawled down to her waist and put his paws on each side of her. He dragged his toungue across her slit. This released yet another moan as he plunged his tounge deep into her. He then decided to try a trick his friend taught him. With his toungue all the way in, he used the tip of his toungue to massage the top of her vaginal wall, hitting her G spot.

"Oh my god Chris..." She put her paw on top of his head to make him go deeper. She couldn't take it, she needed him right then and there.

"Chris stop teasing, just take me already," she said still moaning.

"If you say so," he positioned himself ontop of her again with the tip of his cock at the entrance to her vagina. But paused.

"Are you sure about this?"

She gave him a reasuring nod, and with her permission, he slowly entered her, with Ally moaning every inch of the way. He looked at her surprisingly as he broke her hymen, blood trickling down her leg.

"You're a virgin?"

"Of course, I was saving it for the right one," she settled down as pain turned to pleasure. This made Chris fall more in love with Ally, knowing that he was the one. He pulled out so just the tip was inside and quickly rammed back in.

She let out a loud howl as she was overwhelmed with pleasure. Chris supported himself on his two paws above Ally and continued to ram inside of her. She continued to moan while Chris was panting ontop of her, slowly quickening the pace. Her pussy tightened around his cock as she reached her climax.

"Oh Chris!" She shouted as her first orgasm hit her hard. It was a long, hard orgasm and she wrapped her arms around Chris so he wouldn't go anywhere. Her fluids lubricated his cock, making him able to quicken then pace even more. He buried his muzzle into her neck and kissed it softly. This only made her moan more and she exposed more of her neck to him. Taking advantage he kissed and licked her exposed neck, making them fall more into ecstacy.

"Oh god Ally," he managed to say, with his face in her neck, feeling his climax come closer and closer with each thrust. In one quick motion he slammed his knot into her. Ally let out a loud howl as his knot entered her awaiting pussy, making her orgasm a second time.

They howled together as Ally was filled with Chris's cum. His orgasm lasted for a minute as Chris kept shooting his cum into her. Their fluids mixed and some oozed out of her pussy. He layed down on her as his orgasm finally subsided and she nuzzled his shoulder. Chris was tired from what he did, and wanted to sleep right there, in the arms of his lover.

"Chris, that was great, how are you so good?"

"The internet is a helpful thing," he said smilling.

"You perve," she giggled at him.

Chris's knot finally swelled down and he was able to pull out of her.

"Let's go wash off," Ally said standing up.

"Cool but, where's your shower?" He asked.

"Why use the shower when mother nature is giving us this lovely weather?" She ran to the back door.

"You comming?" She asked when Chris hesitated to follow.

"Rain is cold though!"

"We'll use each other for warmth then," she walked up to him, gave him a kiss and pulled him outside into the pouring rain.


Sorry it took so long for whoever was waiting, I know it took a while. I had to check over it a bunch of times!