A Good Influence

Story by KazanK on SoFurry

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Another amazing commission I got from LucarioHatenaMaster (go watch him because he's amazing)! This time it was shared between mysticmightg and me. He suggested a hypnosis scene with both our characters and I thought it was an interesting idea. Hypnosis has always been a fun topic for me, so I couldn't resist. X3

And about the story... Yeah... For the record, this is just a one-off thing, so it doesn't have anything to do with my other stuff. I just wanted to add a short little scene to go along with the picture to give it some context, in addition to give a shot at writing hypnotism. Turns out I got a bit too into it and wrote about twice as much as I originally wanted... Oh, well.

Also, Theo is just about the fattest thing I've ever written about so... lots of juicy descriptions there. Enjoy! :3c

"I read this article the other day about a guy who got rid of his fear of spiders this way. I'm sure it could help make you bigger too!"

Kazan's ears perked straight up as his friend spoke, listening at full attention. He was skeptical at first, refusing to believe something as silly as hypnosis would ever work on him. Theo had mentioned something earlier about suggestion in his explanation, but Kazan was adamant in questioning how it could possibly help him get any bigger. Unbeknownst to him, though, he was already under Theo's control.


"No buts! Just be a good boy and listen. See all this?" Theo gestured to himself and all his immensity, shoving his arms under the overhang of his gut and heaving it up with muffled grunt for emphasis. Calm and reassuring, the red panda's voice was like honey steadily flooding Kazan's ears, "This could be you. You could get as big as me - maybe even bigger!"

The wolf's tail flicked behind him optimistically. Despite Kazan's best attempts at arguing back, his voice quickly trailed off as he stared back, quickly falling victim to Theo's alluring words. Just as the red panda had instructed, Kazan let his empty gaze, growing hazier by the moment, drift from his friend's eyes down his body. Theo was massive. Everything about him was absolutely tremendous, far surpassing even the wolf's adoptive brother. Although he wasn't eating anything at the moment, surprising as it was, the red panda's cheeks puffed out to the size of tennis balls, wobbling about ever so slightly as he continued talking. Too heavy to support their own weight, they drooped down the sides of his muzzle and seemed to meld together to form his second chin, the thick ring of fat completely blocking out his stumpy neck from the light of day. Even as it looped behind him, it made itself clearly evident with the large bulging lump stretched across the back of his head. As Kazan's subconscious continued sizing up the behemoth of a red panda, his jaw hung slack as the rest of Theo's form came into view. His eyes bugged out at the sight of Theo's broad flabby chest, the two doughy mounds of flesh sagging down the expansive curvature of the mammoth globe that was his belly, creating a deep fold just above the vast rotundity of his stomach. None of it was anything new to the wolf, but something in his mind didn't feel quite right, as if something about that colossal gut had suddenly become more mesmerizing than ever while his eyes were transfixed to Theo's.

Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by the red panda. With a haughty smirk, he hefted his boundless girth once more and gave it a few rough shakes. He commanded Kazan's attention with an enchanting effect, "Just look at my belly and watch it sway." Although, "sway" was a severe understatement. Rather, the staggering agitation of the blobbish appendage was more akin to a sloshing, quaking frenzy than anything else.

Gawking at the violent undulations, Kazan gaped at the gargantuan sack of lard sticking out a foot and a half in front of Theo. As the amorphous orb slowly settled to a rolling halt on the red panda's lap, it spilled out in front of him and onto the ground like a gigantic overfilled water balloon, forcing its owner's impossibly swollen, fat-swaddled thunder thighs wide apart as he kneeled beside the wolf. Kazan didn't even notice it softly squishing into his own sizable belly. Every movement Theo made with his arms, both of which equally caked in blubber as everything else about him, caused the monstrous mass to bounce and jiggle around with a life of its own. A chain reaction of identical motions rippled across his entire body in turn. Given how absurdly enormous his prodigious paunch was, the red panda's rear end was the only thing to come close to it in size. The pair of mountainous cheeks, each bigger and heavier than an exercise ball, jutted out behind him like a bulbous shelf, engulfing and molding over his comparatively tiny, but still swollen and sausage-like, feet.

A trickle of drool dribbled down Kazan's chin and onto his chest. While utterly dwarfed in Theo's presence, the plush curves protruding from the wolf's own frame were already formidable in their own right, but he wanted more. He wanted - no, he needed - to be bigger. He needed to outweigh his brother. Deklan had been taunting and teasing him about his recent plateau for weeks. Despite his best efforts to push himself farther and farther, cramming as much food as he could possibly fit down his greedy gullet, Kazan just couldn't gain any more than a few measly pounds. That would change, though - he'd show him.

Theo's grin grew wider and more sinister. "That's it..." he murmured in long drawn-out tones, "Just relax... Just feel yourself drop down, completely and totally relaxed..." Kazan's eyes glazed over, and a deep, ominous rumbling emanated from the depths of his cavernous belly. Theo had him right where he wanted. "I know you'd like to beat your bother, Kazan," he continued, playing to the wolf's jealousy, "And from now on, you'll have the appetite to do so. You'll eat as much as possible every day, and you'll never deny yourself food, full or otherwise." Twice as loud, the deafening roar returned like rolling thunder.

Too distracted by the hypnotic mass of flesh and fur shifting and wobbling before him, Kazan didn't even notice when Theo twisted around and produced a cake from the mini fridge behind him. Gently placing it down between them, he snickered as he watched the wolf begin to salivate uncontrollably. Kazan reached out with deliberate speed, eyes fixated on the pearly confection, while Theo did nothing to stop him. With his bare paws, the wolf sunk his pudgy digits into the icing, ruining its pristine condition. He clawed out a thick chunk and opened his maw wide before shoving it between his jaws whole. A low groan of satisfaction escaped him as his tail twitched giddily. He was no sooner finished with his first pawful than he was reaching for his second.

"Cake tastes good, huh, wolfy?" Theo smirked, "So soft and sweet and delicious... Fattening too! That's what you want, right?"

Another contented growl was all the red panda received in response. Kazan stuffed the next glob of cake inside his mouth... followed by the next... and the next... and the next... until only crumbs and frosting remained, both littering the plate and sloppily matting the fur on his paws and around his muzzle in sticky clumps. The remnants of the saccharine confection even managed to drop all over his front, staining his white chest and distended belly the same shade of blue as the frosting.

"Good... See?" Theo turned to retrieve a second cake. "Just let yourself go. Eat as much as you want. And even when you don't want anymore, keep eating anyway. Feel that belly stretch and swell. That's what you want. You want to be fat. Fatter than your brother. Fatter than anyone you've ever seen!" He paused to plop the plate down on top of the last one. "And I'm going to make you that way."

Kazan's zeal to grow bigger only grew exponentially fervent with every word that met his ears. Before Theo could even finish speaking, the wolf was already starting on his next course, but not without the red panda's help. While Kazan grabbed at the fresh cake, recklessly cramming pawful after pawful into his bottomless gut, Theo reached out as well, tearing off another hunk and passing it over.

"It feels good, doesn't it? You love being such a gluttonous little piggy. Just enjoy that feeling as your body gets heavier. Keep stuffing that fat face of yours and feel yourself grow fatter and fatter..."

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