A Love's Requiem

Story by FoxietheWindragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Chapter's One & Two

Chapter One:

When I first saw Jessie, I knew in my heart he was the one to complete me. I know that sounds corny, but at the time I didn't care. My eyes traced every inch of the husky's form, every detail, every curve.

His eyes met mine and I looked away, my face turning a bright red. Had he seen me looking at him? Had he seen the way my eyes undressed him? Could he sense that I thought he was the most perfect being on this entire planet? Well hopefully he figured out the first question, the others could wait until a better time.

I grabbed my coffee, my paw shaking badly as I brought the brim of the cup to my lips, taking a small sip. It was hot and the taste was very strong. This took my mind off the husky for a few brief seconds. So when he came up behind me and tapped my shoulder, I yipped, spilling the hot coffee all over myself.

"Shit, that's fucking hot!!!"

The husky lowered his ears and grabbed a few napkins, helping to clean up the mess I made on myself. What a great first impression huh?

"Oh God, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have come up behind you like that."

I wanted to be mad, to be so goddamn furious that I wouldn't have to feel what I felt, but it was near impossible. My eyes were glued to his, the blush returning. He must have noticed because he looked away quickly, handing me a few more napkins.

"Sorry again."

I shook my head.

"No worries at all, I shouldn't have been so clumsy."

I chuckled, as did he. I thought I'd die from this most wondrous sound. This must be what angels sound like.

"So I saw you looking at me and I was wondering, would you like to go out sometime."

I blinked, surprised at how straightforward he was being with me. But as usual, I was too chicken shit to just accept on the spot.

"Sorry dude, I'm not gay."

His eyes lit up and he laughed. It was obvious I was full of shit, but I think it amused him. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a slip of paper. Reaching past me, he grabbed a pen off the table and began writing. After just a few seconds, he put the pen back and handed me the paper.

"Well when you learn to accept who you are, give me a call. I'll buy you a coffee. My treat."

And with that, he walked out of the shop. I felt hot all over, feeling as if I would melt as I read the paper. His name was Jessie and underneath was his number. I jumped up and down.


Nothing could contain my excitement, not even the other furs who stared at me. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, but I was soon brought back down by his words.

"Accept who you are."

I grimaced at these words. I admit, it was hard for me to share my true self with others, but those who did know the real me, loved me. How could I not make someone happy? I was a fox after all. I'm fluffy, got a big tail and have a great sense of humor, among other things. The paper almost burned a hole in my pocket as I headed to my apartment. I was eager to pick up the phone and here the husky's silky smooth voice once again.

I unlocked my door, walked in, closing the door with my foot and walked into the kitchen. I reached for the phone but pulled back at the last second. Why did I have to get butterflies in my stomach now? I had just been so excited about dialing the number, but now I was frozen stiff. Scared shitless. What if I said something wrong? What if I said his name wrong, which was impossible since it was terribly simple.


I sighed and went to my room instead. I fell flat on my back, staring up at the ceiling fan as it spun, making me feel even more sick then I was. He ran through my mind as I closed my eyes, his perfect shape, his glorious body. Before I knew what I was doing, my paw was shoved down my pants, working my aching cock. I gasped out lustfully as I came hard into my boxers. The quickest jacking session I've had in my life. All because of Jessie. When I gained his trust I would tell him about this, hopefully it wouldn't ruin his feelings for me.

I pulled my paw free, looking at the creamy white liquid dripping down my fur. How could something so simple cause so much lust in oneself? And I knew that answer as I licked the seed from my paw, imagining it was Jessie's instead.

Chapter Two:

When I finished cleaning up, throwing my dirtied boxers into the wash, along with my shirt and pants, I gathered up the courage to dial Jessie's number. I walked into the kitchen, picked up the phone, placing it to my ear as I dialed the ten-digit number. It ringed once, twice, three times and four. My heart sunk slowly. He wouldn't pick up. My number was unknown. He probably knew this as he wrote it down on the piece of paper. What a fucking di...


And then I heard the silky voice I had been thinking of for the past hour. My ears perked, my bushy tail wagging furiously back and forth.

"Is this Jessie?"

I asked anyways, not wanting to be rude.

"Yes this is Jessie. Who is calling?"

I spoke quickly, my words seeming to run together.

"This is Zack, I'm the fox who spilled the coffee."

I heard his laugh and I wanted to die once again. So beautiful.

"Of course. A very nice name for someone as cute as yourself."

I blushed furiously, putting my paw over the phone as I squealed in excitement. He said I was cute, I thought to myself. Every instinct in my body was more aware at this single moment. Every sound was loud, every smell more potent then it should have been. Luckily he snapped me back to reality.

"Are you there Zack?"

I shook my head, gathering my senses.

"Yes I'm here. Sorry about that, I was dozing off."

"I sure hope I'm not boring you already."

I stuttered a bit.

"Oh n-no you couldn't bore me. I j-just haven't gotten any sleep lately so I'm pretty beat."

He chuckled.

"I'm just messing with you Zacky. Don't worry so much."

I sighed in relief.

"Oh, I knew that, just wanted to make sure."

He chuckled once again and there was a moment of silence. I could hear his breathing in the background and I wanted to be with him more then ever now. I wanted his warm body against mine, keeping me safe from all the dangers in the world.

"So umm I was thinking about what you said Jessie and I... well..."

He finished for me which I was very thankful for. If I continued I probably would have made a bigger fool of myself.

"I was out of line with what I said. I put you on the spot and you had every right to react the way you did. You forgive me?"

"Of course I do."

I covered my muzzle, realizing I answered as soon as he finished his own sentence. I'm fucking this up I thought to myself. Once again, he continued before I could do more damage.

"Well that's good then. So anyways I want to know if you would like to go out tonight, maybe grab dinner. I'd like to get to know you better."

I nearly dropped the phone hearing him speak. I was nothing special, but he surely was. But why the hell should I argue? If he was asking me out, he definitely saw something he liked in me. Thank the heavens for that.

"Sure that would be great. Where should we meet?"

"How about the Cooking Korner right off of 5th Avenue? I know it's a pretty cheap place to go on a first date but the food just tastes so good. If you haven't been, you're in for a treat."

I hadn't been before and I was so happy that I hadn't. Many times I thought about going there to eat, but I always backed out and stuck with my simpler fast food meals, which grew to be very nasty after eating them every weekend. He would let me know what was good and what wasn't. My heart fluttered. Once again I stayed silent too long.

"You still there Zack?"

"Y-Yeah sounds great. Is 7 ok?"

"7 it is then Zack. I'll see you there."

"Yeah, see you there Jessie."



The phone clicked and he was gone, but I kept the phone pressed against my ear for a while longer, the dial tone filling the air with it's buzzing. My heart beat faster then ever as I finally put the phone back. It seemed as if I were floating as I went back to my room. It was 5:30, according to my clock. I needed a shower before I left, so that is what I did first.

I walked dreamily into the bathroom, turning the water on so it flowed hot as I turned the shower head on. I stepped in the tub, the hot water sending shivers up and down my spine as it hit my fur, seeping all over my skin. I closed my eyes, letting the water hit my face. The temperature was perfect, causing me to murr pleasurably. My paws moved all over my body, not sure of what to do next. I could stay like this forever, but then I wouldn't see Jessie.

My eyes snapped open and I reached over, grabbing the body wash from the corner of the tub. Popping the top, I poured the rest all over myself, lathering my fur when the bottle was completely empty. Smelling as nice as possible was one of my top priorities for this evening. The first was to get a second date with Jessie. No fuck ups. Not tonight. I rinsed the soap from my fur, shut the water off and shook the majority of the water off into the tub before opening the curtain. I grabbed a towel and dried off the rest of the way.

Picking out what to wear was the hardest part of this evening. It was 6:30 and the clock kept on ticking. I eventually chose a dark grey t-shirt, with a fancy pink logo designed by some tattoo artist, a pink thong, so what if I'm a bit girly, and tight denim jeans. I dressed as quick as possible, my eyes never leaving the clock. 6:45 now. I brushed my headfur quickly, grabbed my wallet and rushed out of my apartment, quickly locking the door behind me.

As I ran down the sidewalk, a few furs cursed. It was probably because I bumped into them and didn't stop to apologize. Oh well, tonight was my night with Jessie and if all went well, there would be more nights to come.