Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 26: The Home I Came to Miss

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#30 of Star Fox Chronicles

I could hear the noise, noise that wouldn't quiet down. I kept my eyes closed, hoping that the noise would go away. Eventually I opened my eyes to see the well-lit night sky. I was standing in a valley of skyscrapers, surrounding the place with lights everywhere. I couldn't help but nearly faint again as I saw human all over the place. I was obviously not on Corneria again. It wasn't something I knew, but I could tell how very familiar it was to me. I looked up around the buildings and went wide-eyed to what I saw.

'Is that the empire state building?' I thought to myself, shocked at the colossal building. I was standing Right Square in the middle of Times Square in New York City. But how in the hell did I get back to earth? About a million other questions were zooming through my head, until I focused my attention to all of the people. I almost felt as if I was invisible, for not one person was looking at me, or even acknowledging my existence in any way. I figured this was the perfect time to slip into hiding and bolted out of there. Taking a few turns until I was down in a dark alley.

I stopped right in front of a side door into a building and caught my breath for a second. As soon as I did I collected my thoughts together. What in the world is going on? Why would I all of a sudden be back on Earth, and in New York City for that matter? What is this purpose...? Before I could react the door waiting right behind me opened and a couple of men stepped out. They were talking about something related to an activity as I turned to face them, but before I could react they walked right through me. I didn't get knocked down, they didn't get knocked down or bumped or anything. They even didn't stop talking as I watched them leave.

'Am I a ghost or something?' I asked myself in my head. I must have but before I could decipher the meaning of this I heard a voice speak to me in my head, clear as crystal.

'Why are you so surprised?'

"Who's there?" I asked out loud. The two men that were leaving didn't hear me at all either. The voice spoke again, I could not recognize the voice at all, although it was deep and had a sinister tone to it.

'That's not important right now. What's important is you have been brought back here for just a few simple reasons. Don't fight the learning or you'll be here even longer.'

"That doesn't answer my question," I said to the voice. I heard the voice chuckle.

'First thing's first as you may have realized, no one hear can hear you, see you, smell you, or even touch you for that matter. Although still alive, you will find that you might as well be walking the dead. Before I can release you from this state of limbo, I have a riddle for you to solve.'

"Like what?" I nearly shouted, "I don't care about your riddles. Why did Cougar attack me and what about Star Fox and the others?" He didn't seem to pay attention to my last question and just continued.

'Two sides of a mirror, although neither side imitates the other.'

'Both share a destiny, but walk down different paths.'

'With the heart of Dragons, and the spirit of Lions.'

'With the will of Wolves, and the strength of Eagles.'

'One born of Light, the other born of Shadow.'

'Shall one day unite, to face their common foe.'

There was dead silence after that. I had no idea what in the hell he was talking about. Although for some strange reason, it just made sense. I was still wondering what the hell this has to do with the fact that I'm halfway back on Earth. Finally, I just shrugged it off and shouted back up to the voice.

"What does this have to do with me?" I asked.

'Do you want to find out? If so, then you must proceed back to Times Square to await the answer to your questions.' I waited another minute for him to say something else. Nothing came out, so I eventually shrugged it off and headed back to Times Square. I looked around for any signs as to why I am here. Eventually though, I saw the large display television on one of the buildings change to CNN. This was the news broadcast loud and clear.

"In other news, it has been nearly 6 months since the twins have been missing, and there has been no sign of them returning. Tonight's story revolves around the mysterious activity happening just prior to their disappearance." I saw the majority of people actually froze in their tracks and watched the broadcast. I could even hear some of their chatting.

"Yeah, this topic has been going on since they disappeared last August," on guy said.

"This topic seems to be hotter than the Stock Market and the bad economy now a days," another lady said.

"I think those kid's disappearance had a bad effect on our economy," an old man in a black business suit stated, "this mysterious activity has caused a lot of economical damage." I felt bad about this story having such an effect if it really was true, although now I couldn't help but feel that I had something to do with this. The screen returned to CNN.

"And now, it has been six months since the disappearance of these two young men, twins in fact. Ryan Lewis had disappeared on the night of August 11th, 2008. While his brother Eric Lewis disappeared around just a couple weeks later. There have been many theories as to why they disappeared..." I nearly fainted as I saw both of our faces appear onscreen for the world to see. Not only did the whole US, if not the world, know about our disappearances, but Eric even disappeared as well.

Who or what could have done this? I continued listening to see if I could figure things out.

"There were more strange activity around both of their disappearances, however, we shall start with Ryan Lewis. Ryan was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on September 21st, 1990, and moved with his family down to St. George a couple years later. Ryan was most known as a Chess fanatic, and was really good at it, winning several tournaments around his livelihood. The first thing to point out was Ryan disappeared the night of his first summer chess class that he was teaching. Although most have shrugged this off as a mere coincidence, some people have thought otherwise and that it may be the core of the case. Throughout the past 18 years of his existence though, scientist have discovered small strange energy distortions throughout every location Ryan had been at, not to mention it has happened in Eric's case as well. However the night of his disappearance, scientists were aware of a distortion about the equivalence of a nuclear explosion. This is still a mystery as to how Ryan disappeared, although scientists fear this is of global importance."

'What kind of bullshit is this?' I thought, 'It could take ages to figure out what happened to Eric and me. And why the hell would they give out my whole history about me, it's almost like someone is publishing a biography of me for some reason. Besides, I would never allow such information about myself be made public. It's embarrassing.' Shortly after my thoughts were done my face disappeared from the screen to reveal the identical face of my twin brother Eric.

"Eric Lewis was born exactly one minute before Ryan was born. Eric however. The results of his disappearance however didn't revolve quite as much around distortions of energy, more as the appearance of something stranger."

"Oh boy here we go again," some teenage boy said. I ignored him and kept listening.

"In St. George, Utah around the time of Eric's disappearance, showed that there were sighting of a blue lion man. This lion, or man, or something people said it walked on two legs and had the head of a lion. It's fur seemed to be of a dark blue, and seemed to wield a lance style weapon. Some people even say that Eric was seen with the blue lion man prior to his disappearance and that the blue lion man had even kidnapped Eric. There has been no proof of this nor has this creature been caught on camera about anything, although if anyone is to see this thing, is to be known to take great precautions, as to the fact that he is known to be extremely dangerous." I really had to think for a second about this whole situation. Somehow this blue lion man seemed familiar, almost as if right out of a particular video game I liked. I wasn't sure, but what I did know was that they are connected, and I have to go find him once I get out of this place. The newscaster continued.

"A lot of Ryan and Eric's closest friends have been questioned by authorities if they knew anything, but not single one said anything and refused to answer every question. Some have stated that they would never betray either of them like that, although they did say they had no idea how or why they disappeared. Earlier speeches from President Barack Obama have stated that although they grieve for the family's loss of the two boys. The government needs to focus less on the disappearance of these boys and focus more on the problems at hand, including the economy crisis as well as solving the feuds of the Middle East. That concludes tonight's story." The noise of the streets died down as the voice spoke again, this time he was the only thing I heard.

'So Ryan Lewis, do you understand the gravity of your situation now?'

"I know what happened, and what I need to do now, but how am I supposed to, I haven't even gotten out of here yet."

'All in do time Ryan, but until then I have only a few more things to show you. The question is, can you handle it.'

"What are you talking about?" There was no answer, instead I looked around to find that the whole place was empty, not a single person was in sight, like the place suddenly deserted. I looked around in a sense of shock and wonder as the scenery began to shift, soon it grew colder and darker, until only the endless expanse of darkness remains and the only thing I felt was the cold. I was still touching ground, and felt the ground beneath me shift to accommodate the new surrounding that appeared. When everything finished, I saw snow. The white snow covered the ground surrounding a small tan house in the middle of a decent sized neighborhood. The numbers 192 in gold were built into the front of the house. I knew instantly where I was, I was standing right in the front of my own home. The house I lived in before this whole thing started. It was well into the night, and the only light in the neighborhood aside from the streetlights were the lights coming from inside the house. I slowly took a step forward, ignoring the piece of newspaper floating in the wind. The headlines from said paper saying: "Police Give Up Search of Local 17 Year Old Boys". I took a look into the window, and what I saw brought no surprise to me at all. My whole family was in there, my older brother and his wife, my mother, and both sets of grandparents.

All of them were laughing, and giving cheer to each other, they were all exchanging wrapped presents right next to the decorated tree. I was looking at a Christmas party among my family, and they were having the time of their lives. It didn't take a genius to know that I was no longer missed, and that they had moved on in their lives convinced that I was dead. It made me happy and sad at the same time to know that they are happy, but I could not join in their happiness. From there I could feel an empty feeling gurgling the pit of my stomach, like some feelings that I kept in there were just waiting to burst out of me.

And it did...

I didn't need to feel my face to notice the hot tears escaping my eyes and flowing down my face. I couldn't help but miss being home, with my family and friends. Having nothing to worry about among the galaxy other than doing well at the next chess tournament. In that life, I didn't have to be responsible for much. But in this life, I'm cut off from this luxury, and pulled into this battle that I've been fighting for quite a few months now. I turned away from the window and walked down the street. I was so deep in thought and in my crying I did not even realize where I was going, until I realized I walked all the way to the house of my best friend, Joe. Only a few other houses and an expanse of dirt fields surrounded his house, with only large weeds as the plant life. I didn't want to see if my friends still missed me or not, for doing so would bring only more pain than I already had, so I skipped it and instead walked further out into the field. As soon as I was a distance enough from his house that I could still see it but far away enough, I shouted at the voice into the heavens.

"Is this what you wanted me to see?! Why would you do this to me?!"

'Painful is it not? To see that no one really cares about you anymore?'

"Shut up," I shouted weakly.

'In the end, no one cares about you. Not even your Lylat friends, for they only care about the fact that you are human and they aren't. You're a shadow who can only embrace false friendships from both worlds. Thus you realize now that you are alone, and always will be.'

"I SAID SHUT UP!!!" I shouted again and summoned my blade, and out of anger I swung my blade at a nearby set of weeds and in a bright intense light, vaporized them to oblivion. All I wanted now was for this guy to shut up and let me go home. There was only one home I wanted now, and it was with my team on the Great Fox. When I settled down a bit I heard a shrill laugh from behind me, and it was all too familiar.

"Didn't he tell you that you shouldn't fight the learning?" It was Cindy, and now everything literally went to hell. The last person I wanted to see was anyone from the Claxan. "I'm sorry, did I ruin your little moment of privacy."

"Why don't you just shut your mouth you magical bitch?" I said angrily, my sword at the ready.

"Oh my, the human has a temper tantrum," she giggled and pulled out her scythe, "you know what I have to do for punishment now. Cougar was supposed to eliminate you, now I'm wondering why he would let you live." I was wondering that for a second too, but I think I know the reason now, not that I was going to tell this cunt. I charged at her with my blade and struck at her left side, only to find my blade hit square in mid air a couple of inches from her.

"Good luck getting past my barrier you little crybaby," she laughed and I let out a growl. I was getting way passed pissed, and backed off to send some small ice spike out at her. With a swipe of her scythe, she sent it flying right back at me with I caught with my blade.

"Runic Blade," I shouted the chant and let the attack blend into my own weapon.

"Well well, you've been paying attention in class," she began, "let's see if your swordsmanship is as good as they say." She charged quickly with her scythe. It was relatively easy to dodge considering her fat physique. I was getting tired of her fat mouth as well. I parried blow from blow and continuously tried unsuccessfully to hit through her barrier. Offensively she was terrible, but defensively she was nearly invincible.

'I have to find some way to get at her,' I thought as I rolled to avoid another swipe, 'she can't block everything with that.' I tried another few attack spells like Fire and Thunder, but to no success. I left the magic alone as it really began draining my strength, and soon she was getting the edge on me. We locked our weapons together and held out our positions, until she bodily lunged at me and knocked me off my feet. I managed to roll back onto my feet just as the scythe pierced into my stomach. It went a few inches deep and really brought up the pain. I grimaced a bit as I tried to stand and get it out, dropping my sword in the process. She laughed and spoke.

"That's it, struggle like the fiend you are. You'll find I'll be doing both your worlds a great service by destroying you." I then hatched an idea in my head, and in a split second grabbed hold of the scythe by the hilt. She realized this and held on greatly to it, trying to pull it out. But I held on and soon I wrenched it free from her hands and pulled it out of my side, ignoring the bleeding. I lunged at her, jumping a couple feet and swiped at her with her own weapon. As I thought the scythe ripped through her robe and skin, sending blood everywhere to stain the parched ground. She let out a yell and pulled back. Knowing her weakness I charged at her again, holding the scythe very firmly in my right hand. She pulled back, trying to hold me off with several different barrier spells to send me back, but worked to no avail as I sliced through them with her powerful weapon. The next thing happened in a split second. I was encased in a powerful green aura and felt all my attributes heighten. I jumped high into the air, double flipping into a spiral and landed right in front of her and spun the scythe at her. Time froze for just a split second while I watched her fall to the ground face first. When I looked at her, she was completely decapitated, her head was a few feet away from her body, and blood had flown and was still flying everywhere, staining her weapon and the ground in red. I set the scythe down in relief, calling my blade back and focusing attention on my wound. I tried calling out the magic to heal it, but it held very little success. Although I did manage to stop the bleeding, the pain was there and living large. As soon as I caught my breath I shouted back to the voice.

"Is that the best you can do?" Everything was quiet until another voice spoke behind me.

"He can't speak to you right now. I managed to block off his magic from you for the time being." I turned around in delight to see none other than Jovey, his staff glowing a bit.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Simple, I sensed your soul was in danger so I went looking for you. I'm glad I came here," he turned and faced Joe's house, "something about this place draws me here as well, although I can't quite figure it out. Either way, you're still alive, but you've been split half-and-half between both systems. Your conscience is here, although the rest of you isn't. I can put you together, but only in one of the two systems, so I must be giving you a choice."

"A choice?" I asked.

"Yes, if you want I can restore you here on Earth and you can return to your normal life. Or, you can rejoin the fight against the Claxan back in the Lylat System. Just know if you come back to Lylat, I can't control which planet you'll end up on. It depends on what distortion remains the strongest." I didn't need thinking, I knew exactly where I wanted to be.

"There's nothing here for me anymore," I began looking back at Joe's house, "everyone has completely forgotten about me, because to them I'm dead. However, there is one more place that hopes for me to be alive, and I plan to return."

"Very well," Jovey said, "feel free to sleep and rest while I do my work, in fact, I'll help you with that." From there Jovey began to chant something which caused me to fall asleep.