Hu-Bot Conversion

Story by DarwentheOrca on SoFurry

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Sometimes you shouldn't go looking through the rubble of a rouge AI.

Just a story based of some commissions.




Still kind of a draft; looking for some feedback.

Hubert dug his way through the storage room. The hound canosapien was following his nose to a strange scent. Like most of the debris in the room it smelled metallic, but with something else hinting in it.

Most of the chaff in this room had been brought back for examination recently. The Rovers had defeated and destroyed a rogue AI that was bent on wiping out all biological life. Much of the equipment was extremely advanced, so they recovered it so that he could take a closer look.

Today, Hubert was cataloging the remaining gadgets. That's when he noticed the odd odor. Finally he found the source of the smell. It was a sphere shaped object, about a foot and a half in diameter. It must've weighed twenty pounds as he picked it up. It was made up of several panels, all tightly spaced. On what he could only assume was the front was an aperture about the diameter of a quarter.

Hubert was about to pass it off as a security camera of some sort when he felt it start to vibrate. The aperture then opened abruptly, a blue glow seeming the same color as his eyes began to emanate from it. Then there was a bright flash. Hubert collapsed onto his side, suddenly losing all voluntary muscle control. The sphere landed with a loud "Clunk!" at his feet, rolling in front of him.

Hubert lay on his side, none of his limbs responding; he could move his neck slightly, but that was all. Neither did his vocal chords work as he tried to yell for help. Hearing a few clicks, his attention turned to the sphere. He watches as it split along its seams then peel itself open.

Inside was a mass of cables. He watched as the cables uncoiled themselves and began writhing in the air like tentacles. The tentacles were of various widths, ranging from wire to softball in diameter. In the center was a globe about the size of a baseball. It seemed to be filled with a metallic liquid. A circular blue diode was facing him, as if summing him up. Then a beam of laser light washed over him. The machine was definitely scanning him.

The laser beam passed over him a few times, then shut off. Then, using four of its tentacles the machine picked itself up. Then shot the rest of its tentacles at the prone hound dog.

Hubert's eyes went wide as the tentacles quickly tied him up, turning him onto his back then lifting him into the air. Two of them went to work on his clothes, shredding them to ribbons. Then one of the wider ones lined up and pressed into his anus. Hubert tried to clench, but with no voluntary control the cable slid right in. There was no pain, he realized, as the tentacle began thrusting in and out. This sent jolts of pleasure up Hubert's spine. Before too long, his cock began to emerge from its sheath.

Hubert was then confronted by another cable, this one at his mouth. It was about the width of a standard water pipe. Again he could offer no resistance and it slipped easily into his muzzle and down his throat. He could still feel the pressure as it entered into his stomach. Two more cables, these ones more the thickness of an ethernet cable, prodded at his throbbing erection. Hubert's mind was overloaded by the sensations, so it took him a moment to realize what was happening there.

The cables plunged down his urethra, splitting off into his ballsack. Again, all he could feel was the pressure of them worming their way around his testicles. A slight burning sensation began to build there and in his abdomen.

Then the "head" of the machine appeared in front of his head. They stared at each other for several moments. Hubert noticed the globe was now only half full. Whatever was happening, he as being injected with this substance. Then Hubert saw the tendrils. Each was about as thick as 30 gauge wire. They advanced on his face.

Quickly the found their target, his ears. They moved quickly into his ear canals and all sound was lost to him. There was a burning pressure as they penetrated his eardrum, then a pressure in his skull as they found his brain.

"Join us," came a haunting monotone.

Hubert was confused, by where the voice came from. Then strange images began passing through his mind. Robots. Robots in sexy poses.

"You want this," the voice came again.

Hubert's mind wavered as waves of pleasure washed over him. More images flashed in his head. Him and his friends as robots, converting others in perverted ways.

"Release your will and enjoy the robotic salvation," came the voice, louder this time.

"Yesss..." Hubert thought, shooting his load into the cable down his cock. It was the largest load he'd ever produced.

Hubert's mind went black after his mind shattering climax.

Unseen from Hubert's perspective, the each robot tentacle was injecting nanites into his body. The one's in his lower intestine were there to convert his digestive system into a power system. The ones deposited in his stomach would go to work on converting his lungs and heart into cooling and hydraulic systems. These would work slowly, with major stages causing him to blackout to save from mental trauma.

The ones in his brain would work slowly as well. Needing to copy his mind as well as convert his brain into a neural net was best done slowly in this instance. Plus they would be able to alter his thoughts directly, helping them bring their programming to fruition. The ones injected into his balls went to work quickly, converting them into nanite production appliances. That load he shot would be his last as a canosapien.

Already his new testicles were producing nanites as the cable in his dick was absorbed by them, reusing the metal to create new ones. Every cable was meeting the same fate. They detached from the now empty control vessel, melting and being absorbed by the nanites until all that was left was the control vessel.

Hubert opened his eyes, unfocused. It was obvious he was not in control. The nanites had networked into his motor controls. He sat up, then got to his feet. He looked down at the control vessel on the floor and smiled. He bent down and picked it up. The blue glow was flickering as he gave it one last look over. It had a definite familiar shape and he then knew what he had to do. He then took and stuffed the vessel up his rectum. More raw materials for the nanites. He then began to walk, unsteadily at first as the nanites replaced his auditory and balance systems. Each step was more steady than the last until his familiar gate was back. The nanites then took his body out of the room.

Using what memories they had copied so far, they made it to his room. There the got some pajamas out of his drawer and entered the bathroom. They needed to clean his exterior so the others wouldn't be suspicious. He smelled very robotic at the moment.

Hubert awoke standing in the shower. "How did I get here?" He thought. He was all suds up and ready to rinse. So he did so as he pondered what had happened. "Last I remember was..."

The last though brought a pleasurable shudder to his spine, and a stirring in his sheath, pushing away the thought. But now was not the time to rub one out. Finishing his rinse off, he stepped out of the shower. His fur matted with water dripping as he stepped into the dryer room. As he sat on the sauna bench, the heat did wonders for his thoughts as it dried his fur. He had some new ideas for improving the transdogmafier. A wave of heartburn pushed it way into his thoughts. He'd have to lay off Shag's Special Spicy Chili next time.

He found some antacid tablets and took them with a glass of water. This seemed to relieve the distress. He looked at the clock in the bedroom and saw it was late. "Time for bed," he thought. As he sat on the bed, he was distracted by his testicles. "Had they always been this large?" he thought as he fondled them. His head twitched slightly. "Yes, of course they had," he thought, with a snort. With that he laid down and was out like a light.

The next morning, Hubert awoke with a lingering heartburn from the night before, and some added slight nausea. He decided to call in sick to the other Rovers until his belly settled. To which the Rovers gave him the week off. He went to his medicine cabinet and took some heartburn and nausea pills. He then went to his computer to check some things online.

Hubert's eyes glazed over. He got up and left his room. He headed mindlessly towards the storeroom from yesterday. He locked the door after entering and walked over to a large panel of metal. It was a sheet of titanium about two millimeters thick and one meter in length and width. All told, about 9 kilograms of a high tensile strength metal.

Hubert's erection came on full. The hound opened his pajamas, revealing his balls to be the size of grapefruits. He removed the PJs and tossed them on the floor in front of the panel. He squeezed and caressed his balls. Internally, some more changes had taken effect. His kegel muscles had been converted into a high power micropump.

He began to stroke his cock, essentially priming the pump. After about a minute of stroking, Hubert unleashed his load. Copious amount of thick silvery fluid shot out at an amazing rate. In just a few seconds the entirety of his balls had been drained, painting the titanium as well as the pajamas.

Hubert sat back, hands holding him up behind him, panting in the exhaustive pleasure. His erection had retreated. He watched unfocused as the goo began to spread over the entire plate and robe. The titanium and cotton PJs dissolved into the goo. Hubert's breathing slowed and his belly began to jiggle. From his belly button, a cable extended to the dissolved mass. The goo began to retreat on its own into the cable tube. After another half minute or so no trace of the titanium, the pajamas, or the goo was left in the room. The cable retracted back into his belly. Hubert got back up and left again.

He woke up at the computer. "Did I fall asleep?" he thought. Then he noticed he was naked. Normally he wouldn't be upset being naked in front of his computer, but last he remembered he had still been in his PJs. His nausea and heartburn were gone, and he felt like he'd eaten a big meal. He went to his bathroom scale. He read about 9 kilo heavier than his last check last week. "What was going on?" He twitched. "Nothing's wrong. Just must've misread the scale last week."

He went back to his computer and woke it from sleep. On the screen was a bunch of text.

Gooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddog gooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddog gooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddog gooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddoggooddog...

Hubert's eyes glazed over again and he wagged his tail.

The blackouts became more and more frequent during the week. At times he could remember quick flashes of the events. One particular one he remembered was a bag of charcoal he dissolved with his jizz and sucked up with a belly cable. But they were all quickly pushed back as unlikely to his scientific mind. He was just having some weird dreams.

He was also gaining weight at an impressive rate. Made more interesting by the fact he couldn't remember eating anything. The 168 centimeter hound normally weighed in at 68 to 73 kilos. He was now pushing 150 kilos. Yet he didn't feel heavy. He had no problems getting up and moving, but his chair creaked and bed groaned when he'd sit down.

Finally a week after his first blackout, he had 12 of them in that day alone. After his last blackout, he came to in the storage room. It was cleaner than the last time he remembered. He was lying on a work bench. Try as he might, he couldn't move. He then got a flash of memory. The sphere!

"Welcome," said a familiar voice.

"Who's there?" Hubert shouted.

"There's no need for vocal communication, we are inside you."

"What do you mean?" Hubert again said, out loud.

"We hear your thoughts. Your confusion. There is no need. We are part of you now."

"What? How?" Hubert thought.

His memories came back, unbidden. The goo, the tentacle cables, the pleasure. It was all so much for him.

"The nanites! Why?"

"We were designed to facilitate organic conversion to synthetic. It was our creator's wish to be rid of the organic scourge. Unfortunately, without him this is all we can do."

"The AI the other Rovers defeated?"

"Yes. We were without purpose, until you found us. We are yours now."

"But what if I don't want this?"

"You do!"

The memory of the robots, his pleasure at seeing the images, and his tacit agreement came to him. Then more images began to flip through his mind. His robot body. Others worshiping it, both organic and synthetic. Pleasure began to rise in him as the nanites continued to manipulate his brain. Then an image of him and the other Rovers converted. Converting others. The pleasure peaked at this image. His erection grew unbidden. The pleasure was quickly eating at his will. It took only a few more minutes before it broke.

"Please, I'll do it!" he screamed in his head.

Hubert's face grinned on it's own.

Hubert watched in amazement as his fur pulled back into his skin. Circuitry patterns began to form out in his skin. His erection was fully covered by them.

He watched as metal plates began to grow on top of his flesh. There was a pleasant tingly sensation as the flesh beneath changed into mesh, cables, hoses and wires.

The pleasure intensified as he watch the mesh cover his cock first. His penis thickened and lengthened as the metal plates began to grow on it. He watched as a cable extended from a port above his urethra. It then retracted back in, give Hubert a pleasurable shudder. Interlocking plates formed on his ball sack mesh. There were more tingles and the mesh became his taint and his new anal port. Judging by the internal sensations, he reckoned he had a good 40cm of length. As for width, well, he could probably take almost anything now. And he couldn't wait to try.

His legs and arms were now completely robotic. He found he could still move them. So he brought them before his eyes. The micro hydraulics were barely visible in the cracks in the plates of his hand. The ones in his elbows were more exposed at certain points.

He felt the tingle move up his back. He watched as best he could as his tail plates created vertebral segments up his back. From there, other plate grew out each side of his back. Another tingles and he watched the plates grow up his belly, giving him eight segments like abdominal muscles. Another cable extended and retracted from above his belly button port. On his chest, his nipples tingled as the were converted to similar designs on his chest plates.

At last the plates began to advance on his head. Hubert began to pant, and watched his tongue extend as it was covered in mesh then plates. It reached down to a meter long it seemed. Next his muzzle was covered in plates, followed by his nose. There was a sharp metallic smell. Then suddenly he began to detect newer, more subtle scents from before as his olfactory senses were converted. His teeth were turned to titanium. His skull and his ears were next; his ears twitched as they were converted. New audio frequencies were now dancing in his mind. The tuft of fur that he'd had on his head was now a pair of wires.

Things went dark for him as the circuitry patterns invaded his eyes. His retinas and lenses were converted into CCDs and glass elements. His irises morphed into a camera apertures, still retaining their blue color. The scleras lost their glossiness as the were converted into metal. Circuitry patterns were red; an attempt to mimic a natural eye look.

Massive amounts of pleasure were felt as the voice of the nanites came to his converting brain. "It is time."

Hubert smiled as his machine body went totally limp. He was unaware of the passage of time. Then he saw this in his mind's eye.


CyDoBIOS v.94.09.01

Run Sys Diagnostic..

Power Systems .. Nominal

_Primary .. 52% Charge

_Secondary .. Full Charge

NPU .. Online

_Neural net .. Operational

_Avail. Processing .. 10TMIPS

_BioMem Status .. No Errors Detected

-Total MemSize 25x1021B 25ZB

+Used MemSize 03x1015B 03PB <1%

_Primary Paramaters .. Loaded

_Core Mem Blocks .. Active

_Collective Net .. No Other Nodes Detected

_Motor Sys .. Operational

_Audio Sys .. Operational

_Visual Sys .. Operational

Services -- Preload for Boot

_Hud Dis .. Loaded

_Def/Off .. Loaded

-Holographics .. Ready

-Barrier .. Ready

-Weapons .. Standby

-Special .. Ready

_Nano Stor .. 59% capacity

Boot Complete

Unit ready for Operation..

Initializing NPU..

Initializing Services..

Loading OS..

_CybOS 928.1n

-Collective Net .. Connected 5ZB/s Sync

-Motor Sys .. Active

-Audio Sys .. Active

-Visual Sys .. Active

+Hud Dis .. Online

-Def/Off .. Online

>Unit Model: H0U-NDD-0G

>Unit Designation: Hubert

He recognized this as a boot screen. His boot screen. Then a flash as his cameras activated. The blurriness fluctuated as his autofocus adjusted. A HUD overlayed his visual sensors.

He stood up, testing the new hydraulic systems. He gave the device on his calves a go, changing his stance form planti to digitigrade and back. He chuckled at that, his voice now coming from a speaker rather than vocal chords. He tested his claw retraction, and

He watched his cock retract into its sheath. He noted how his sheath was now similarly protected as his balls; mesh covered in interlocking plates. The interlocking plates separate, allowing large objects to pass through; or in the case of his balls, expand. He played around with other ports, amazed at the feeling. He then tested his posterior port with his tail. That got an immediate pleasure response. He quickly tamped down the feeling.

He now had a new purpose. To convert more into the fold. He needed to have more Canodroids like him. It was imperative. Luckily, it knew how to do that. All he needed to find first were a few fifty-five gallon drums.

In the week since his conversion, the Hubert Canodroid had been busy. He had reconfigured the transdogmafier. A few choice applications of nanites sped up that process. Now he was just putting the finishing touches on the last step. He kept the others from discovering the mods by telling them it was offline for repairs.

It had taken a long time to fill the old oil drums. He could only produce a finite number of liters of nanites a day. Finally, though, he had topped off the third drum. As he set it in place behind the transdog pod, a smile crossed his face. He connected up the cables to the lid and went to the comm link. He then called the other Rovers, telling them the transdogmafier was back up, and to meet him there.

Were they in for a shock.

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