Werewolf Fiancé

Story by WereGWolf on SoFurry

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Sequel to my Personal Story, Werewolf Boyfriend

G- gave a slight moan as he stretched out in bed and coming to cuddle with his boyfriend who was sitting up in bed. Idling stroking the body besides him, G- spoke. "Morning."

"Morning, babe." Tyler said in a rough voice.

The voice gave G- a slight shiver then looked up to meet Tyler's eyes. "Did you even sleep last night?"

"I couldn't after what happened and besides I don't need that much, I do it to be more human."

Sitting up a little more, G- spoke. "Speaking of last night... What did you do last night?"

Tyler pulled his boyfriend in closer and smiled. "Well, the first thing I did was finish what someone started."

G- chuckled at the statement, since he was the one that get his wolf horny in the first place. "I'm not sorry about that at all. Did you howl when you released?"

"Hehe. Yes."

"I heard you before I fell asleep then I felt you get in bed. What else did you do last night?"

"Nothing special, just ran the property. Getting some extra pleasure out of me, jerking only does so much when like that. But, mind if I ask something now?"

"Sure. Thats fair." G- said as he rubs Tyler's slightly hairy chest, something he always loved about his boyfriend.

"Did you mean what you said last night?"

"Which part of last night?"

"The part where you said that you would love me more if I changed you into a werewolf."

"Oh, that part. Yes, I meant it."

"Do you love me enough to be with me forever?"

G- shifted in bed to kneel and look Tyler in the face then went down and gave a quick kiss. "Yes. Remember my self-loathing last night and you too good for me? I do love you and I know you love me. We both know that know when each other problems out of the way. Yes, I love you enough to be with forever."

"Well, if that is so..." Tyler said then reached into his nightstand then pulled out a box then opened it and revealed a gold band with what seemed to be diamonds around it. "This wasn't how I would have done it and not the most romantic, and this is for the human side of us. But, will you marry me, G-? And note I will explain this after your answer."

Looking at G-, you could see his eyes watering. He tried to say something but seemed to choke on his words as they tried to come out. When he finally could form words, this is what he said, "Oh, babe. Yes! Of course." G- said then hugged and kissed his now fiancé.

After the embrace, Tyler took G-'s left hand and put the ring onto his ring finger, a perfect fit. "Now, this is temporary placement for it. I will explain in a bit."

G- just nodded but asked, "What about you and a ring for you?"

Tyler smiled and pulled out a second ring and gave it to G- then held his left hand. "It was a double deal."

Taking the ring, G- put the ring on Tyler's ring finger, another perfect fit.

"Now, what if we get around and out of bed then I will explain what I meant by those two things, okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Can't stay in bed all day, as much as we would like to, right?"

"Right." Tyler said, then moved and got out of bed, naked still then bent over and grabbed his now fiancé up and walked to the adjoining bathroom. Inside the bathroom, he set G- down in the massive shower then pulled the tightie whities off him and turned the water on and stepped in. "I think we both are thinking this..."

"Shower fuck." G- said as Tyler spoke. "Yes. please."

Tyler smiled and knelt on the floor and bent G- over to reveal his ass. Instantly, Tyler dug in and licked at the tight, puckering hole. That action pulled a moan from G- as he leaned against the wall for support, his cock take some interest at the licking, slowly hardening. Pushing his tongue inside, he rimmed the inside of the hole. Unknown to G-, Tyler's tongue was his canine counterpart. Either way though, G- loved it.

Pulling out, Tyler shifted his tongue back to normal the grabbed the shower lube and spread the slick onto his hard, cut, seven inch cock. Once lubed, he poured some onto G-'s ass and fingered it slightly.

After some quick prep, Tyler teased his cock at G-'s entrance for a moment then pushed in slowly. More and more inches slowly went in, G- moaned and groaned at being filled but he loved it, loved being filled by that cock.

G- took all seven inches easily, having took it before, and them both trusted each other about being clean and of course Tyler being a werewolf made it so he was clean for sure. Tyler stayed balls deep for a moment to let G- settle for a minute then pulled out t the tip then pushed back and started his fucking rhythm.

Starting out slowly Tyler slowly worked his way to a fast pace that got both men groaning and moaning with pleasure. Tyler sneaked his hand down to his fiancé's cock and stroked it with his thrusted. That made G- moan and groan louder.

Both were in sync enough that both howled out at the same time as Tyler filled G- with his cum while G- painted the wall before him with his cum. The howling turned into pants as both came down from their pleasure high. Tyler pulled out of G- and pulled him close and kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you, too." G- replied, Tyler then washed G- and G- returned the favor.

Showering and leaning each other, they cleaned up and dried off and headed to the living room not caring for clothes too much, but did grabbed a pair of underwear on their way out of the bedroom.

Tyler went into the kitchen in a pair of red briefs while G- took a seat at the island in his boxers, eyeing the hotness of his fiancé in those red briefs. Red underwear was G-'s kryptonite, it was hot on anyone especially the man in front of him. "So, want to explain now?"

"Sure. If you don't mind me making breakfast at the same time." Tyler said, moving around the kitchen.

"I have no complaints." G- replied.

After doing some clanking in the kitchen getting some pans, Tyler prepped breakfast then started to explain. "To start, the human side of us comment when I asked you to marry me."

"Okay." G- said, waiting.

"There is only one way I can turn anyone, and that is to mate with them. And I assume you know, from your books, when it comes to mating that it is forever. But unlike your books we form bonds and know our mates in the human way of finding love. If I mate you, turned or not, the need for someone to be with, anyone, will be gone. The rings are just for the human side to show we are together, each though we will be together no matter what. Following so far?"

G- was on the edge of his seat. "Yes."

Tyler continued. "Because of mating being forever, that is why I asked if you would love me that long. And if you are turned then you and me will be around for a long while. Now, the ring won't stay on your finger once I turn you, we will get a long enough necklace for the ring so when you change into either form you will still have it on you."

"Okay. Speaking of turning me. How do you do that?" G- asked.

"That will be done when I mate you which both will be done at the same time. First off, mating is done through sex. But I have to knot you, the first knotting of someone is what claims them as a mate, and cum inside. To knot you, I can be in any form, wolf, werewolf, or man."

G- stopped Tyler there. "Man? You don't have a knot as a man."

Tyler smiled at the comment then stopped what he was doing right then and pulled his underwear down and showed his cock that started to shift. In a split sec it went from human to a canine with a knot then changed again to a canine with a sheath then back to human. "I can change anything willingly. So I can still be a man to knot and claim you."

"Damn. You are full of surprises... Continue."

Back to normal, Tyler pulled his underwear back up and continued to cook and explain. "Changing a mate usually happens while mating but can be done anytime. With me through, it you have to stay with me. Because I can only change mates, so it has to be during or after mating. To change you, all that needs to be done is to bite you. If done during mating though, the bite is usually give before fucking. This is so the change slowly takes over while you are fucked then when you are knotted and filled it seals in your change ability and claims you."

"Okay, but what do you mean by 'with me' when changing someone?"

"Caught that? What I mean by that is only a born werewolf can turn someone that he is mates with. Yes, I was born a werewolf, not turn like you will be. Now, I could turn you right now with a bite but it would stick and let you change, knotting and cumming like mating is what seals it. Now, if you are a turned werewolf like you will be, you can turn anyone with a bite and simply filling their ass with cum without knotting. Don't ask why that is, it's just been like that for our kind."

"Interesting. Speaking your kind, do you have a pack?"

If you looked at Tyler when asked that, you could see him shiver slightly. "Yes. Though I'm basically a loner. I don't go to pack functions or even full moon runs. But I am part of it still."

"What is the pack like?"

"Ha. Gay. Literally, each one is gay. That's another thing, the werewolf gene and changing only takes with males, females seem like they can't take up the gene. It's been tried several times, but to no avail. Now you are wondering about birthing then for born wolves. It's just like any birth with a human birth but it's just a quick term."

"Werewolves live a long time, how old are you really then?"

Tyler smiled and laughed at the question. "No worries, babe. I'm not that old, I was only recently born. I am the twenty-two years old I said when we met, that wasn't a lie."

"Good, it would be a little weird if you were way older than that."

"Nope, I'm not an old geezer."

"Haha! So we covered mating, changing, and born and turned wolves. Anything else?"

"Well..." Tyler said then put a plate of pancakes before G-. "Anything you want to know?"

"Mm... The only thing I can think of is, do you have any special abilities? Be it from mating or not." G- asked as he took a bite of pancakes.

Tyler grabbed a plate of his own then set down and ate as well then replied. "The only ability we can get is communication with your mate once the mating bond has taken place. So, no matter where we are, we can still talk to each other. With that, we can sense each other feelings too, rather we are showing them or not."

"Ah. Simple, I guess. Why do you plan to mate with me?" G- asked in-between bites.

"Whenever really, though at some point we are to go in front of my alpha to show that we are a mated couple. Just a formality, like I said, I'm a loner but still part of the pack." Tyler replied in-between his own bites. After, both silently finished their breakfast and cleaned up.

As the cleaned up, G- spoke. "So, what about tonight then? Get it done and out of the way and be together forever."

Tyler turned and smiled at his soon-to-be mate. "Eager?"

"A little."

"No worries mate. You will be mine forever, tonight." Tyler said then pulled G- into a deep, passionate kiss.