Confessions of a Dragon: Online and Real Life - The Intro
#1 of Confessions of a Dragon: My Memiors of My Time on Earth
Online and Real Life: Confessions of a Dragon
Note: This is the very first thing I posted here. It serves more of an intro to myself more than anything. If it takes root, then I will make a story series relating my various experiences, focusing on mainly vore and some yiff thrown in as well. I plan to cover many of the events and individual cases, of course changing the names to protect the innocents. As for the guilty, they are taking cared of already. Rest assured of that.
I must confess I am quite active on the internet, perhaps too much. I made chats and online role plays (RPs) online throughout the years. I get in my 'dragon' character and type away. Recently I been getting a lot more sessions in the past few weeks, much like I did in the past. Yeah, a good deal of them are of a sexual nature, hot and sensual if you know what I mean. But most of them ends up with me voring the other person on the line. I devoured somewhere 40 during last week (and got vored myself for the fist time too). Over the last couple of years, I devoured more than a thousand times.
Unlike what often happens online, my prey do not reform and return in real life. No, once they met their fate in my stomach, they don't come back. Luckily it is rare for me to get in one of my 'moods', but nothing satisfy my hungry like a live squirming meal. That normally presents a problem but I found a great way to deal with it.
Ever notice how criminals like serial killers never get caught but instead seemed to disappear off the face of the earth? Well, I have 'friends' who keep tabs on these 'unsolved' cases. A lot of the time the police have strong evidence against a suspect but can't go to trial with if since it violates a technicality or some other red tape. This is where I come in. I'm the last resort, providing the solution when nothing conventional helps.
I pay that person a personal visit and we would 'discuss' the situation with the incriminating evidence. Often they would confess on the spot surprisingly enough, detailing their crimes. Other times I have to work it out from them (a big hungry dragon can be persuasive indeed). A few would be defiant. They would profess their superiority over humankind and declare that I of all creature should understand that. I reserve special treatment' for such cases (involving the use of breathing and feeding tubes to prolong the agony for up to a week). Yeah, my stomach becomes a confessional chamber with my acids washing away their sins. I can be a righteous bastard in these matter, especially with child killers. The worst of the worse gets the most horrifying treatment, all unusual and cruel you bet.
Now some of you (well, just about all I would assume) would think me of a monster. This I won't deny. After all eating humans is not accepted behavior in the least. But at least I am doing a service even though in a unsavory way. Getting rid of the scums of the earth I happily do. I double and even triple check to see no innocents gets caught up in this. I even set a few of the accused free once I determined they are not involved with the murders. Of course they got a very stern warning not to tell of their harrowing experiences. Thankfully this happens very rarely (less than a paw full). My investigating friends are very thorough with their work.
This now brings to my own confessions. For one thing I doubt if any of you believe my accounts. It matters not however. I just want to write down my experience. While every one of them deserves it, I does make me feel guilty sometimes. Being the punisher does carry a heavy burden. That is why I demand a confession before carrying out the deed. Once I get certain details about the case where only the killer would know, then I am rest assured the culprit is the right one. So I know the there is no mistakes, but still my conciseness can bother me. I guess writing all this out helps lift some of the weight of my chest. If there is enough interest, I can post a lot more of more of my experiences, complete with all the juicy graphic details. I even had on of my associates videotape off the x-ray monitor of one of the 'sessions'. Great for showing the guilty what will happen to them. I'm sure some of you hungry for more. I can start with my first 'case', detailing how that worked out.
I do have to keep my identity a secret. News that a dragon is on the lose in the general population, much less a man eater, would cause much panic as one can imagine. The internet is the perfect medium to keep contact with others as well as human friends. No, I won't reveal where we lurk, at least not the real life stuff. However, I can say I am often found in several IRC channel on FurNet. Ask me where if you are curious enough. But be warned, things can get rater chilling in there. Some of my role plays are inspired by real life events and can get very graphic. But if you can stomach it, don't be shy and contact me for more information. As for the others, be happy I'm not coming for you... unless you are a very bad criminal. In that case, give me your address so I we can meet for an up and personal confession session. Looking forward to get together and 'meating' you.