Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year: Tonight's the Night

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#2 of Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year

Chris groaned and rested his head on the wall behind him. Lectures after a test were always the worst, nothing but an hour of empty talking and boredom. Chris had moved himself from his usual spot in the front of the lecture hall to the back of the room, and was sitting between the grey carpeted wall and the toughest female he could find. She was an elk who skied with the collegiate team, she was pretty dim, but dependable.

The Chemistry professor, a middle-aged leopard with greying fur, was taking his time going over the solutions to the last exam. Chris swore that the older male wasn't even halfway finished going through the test. The elk, Tanya, groaned and put her head down on the desk.

"This is terrible," Tanya began, "I think I failed."

"Not to be an ass," Chris replied, "But I think I aced it."

Tanya groaned again, louder this time. Chris looked over at the elk and put his hand on her shoulder.

"I could tutor you if you wanted," The human replied, "I'm pretty good at this, and I really owe you one."

Tanya snorted.

"You don't owe me a thing," The elk began, "Guys can do some crazy things, especially when sex is involved. You really are at a disadvantage in this situation, I learned how to handle this sort of thing in high school health class."

Chris sighed and put his head on the desk too.

"I could really use a tutor though," Tanya began, "If you're interested."

Chris gave a thumbs up and looked up at the clock. There was another five minutes before class was out and the human could run and hide in his dorm until tonight. A husky turned around to look at Chris and Tanya, a grin on his face. Tanya grumbled and stared the husky down.

"Back off pipsqueak," The elk said menacingly, "He's with me."

The husky shook his head and turned back around, his paw reaching down to adjust the front of his pants. Chris sighed again and looked up at the professor, his face blanking as he listened to the feline ramble on. Tanya put a hand on Chris's shoulder and squeezed.

"I can walk you back to your dorm if you'd like," Tanya began, "I had to do it for my little sister the first time this happened in high school."

Chris shook his head.

"I'll be ok," The human replied, "I'll wait till everyone leaves before I head back."

Tanya nodded.

"Alright," The elk began, "I have your number, I'll text you when I figure out a good time to be tutored."

The professor dismissed the class, and students began walking up front to collect their exams. Tanya got out and took a place at the back of the line. Chris looked around, and after deciding the coast was clear, got in line behind her. Most of the furs in the class walked out the front of the auditorium. The few that didn't skirted around the large angry-looking she-elk directly in front of me. Everyone ahead of me picked up their tests with no issue, when I walked up to the table, the professor looked up and smiled.

"Chris," The leopard began, "You did very well. I dare say you may be the best chemistry student in this class."

The human smiled.

"Thank you sir," Chris replied.

The feline chuckled.

"Please," The older male began, "Call me Steven."

The smile left Chris's face.

"Well, alright," Chris replied over his shoulder as he started to leave, "I'm gonna head home, I'll see you on Monday."

"No wait," Steven began, "I wanted to run something by you."

Chris paused and turned to face the leopard.

"I need a lab assistant next semester," The older male replied, "Are you interested?"

"Well," Chris began, moving closer to the leopard and resting against the table, "I'm a biochemistry major. Would this work count for my internship?"

The leopard nodded.

"You'll be helping me look at some plant viruses," Steven explained, "It's not particularly exciting, but it'll look good on a resume."

The human smiled.

"That would be awesome," Chris replied, reaching out to shake the leopard's paw, "I'd love to be your assistant."

Steven shook the human's hand.

"Glad to hear it," Steven said as he packed up his stuff, "I'll email you with the details this weekend."

Chris smiled and nodded.

"I'm looking forward to it," Chris replied, "I'll see you on Monday si-, I mean Steven."

The leopard smiled and left the auditorium. Chris's phone buzzed in his pants pocket. The human reached down and smiled.

Hey Chris, It's Mitch. You doing ok cutie?

Chris walked out of the room, his eyes glued to his phone. He looked up to cross the road, and texted back.

Yeah. Heading back to my dorm now. When are you picking me up?

Chris shivered and put his hands and phone in his pockets. The weather was clear and cold, and a wind from the north was blowing hard. It was a long walk from the chemistry building to the dorms that wound through the most densely occupied area of campus. Fortunately, it was too cold for anyone to try and talk to him.

After ten minutes of speed walking, Chris entered his building with a gasp, and blinked his eyes rapidly to dislodge the ice that formed on his eyelashes. Chris's phone buzzed as the human warmed up in the entryway. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started walking up the stairs.

Probably 9 or 10. That ok?

Sounds good to me. See you then :)

The human sighed happily and walked to his dorm room. Brutus was still naked on his bed, in the same position he was in earlier that morning. The Dalmatian snorted and woke up as the door closed.

"Fuck," Brutus began as he rubbed the crust off of his eyes, "What time is it?"

"A little after one," Chris replied, setting his book bag down at the foot of his bed, "Can I have my bed back?"

Brutus snorted and shook his head.

"You can get in here with me," The Dalmatian began, "Don't worry, I'm not going to try and jump you. I bet you had a rough day today."

"I'd ask what made you think that," Chris sighed, "But I already know."

"It kills me how rude some people can be," Brutus replied, "It's not that hard to just ignore it."

"I guess it is that hard," Chris sat on the foot of his bed, "Hopefully Mitch will help me out with it tonight."

"Mitch..." Brutus began, "Wait, Mitchell Hall? The wolf? The hockey player?"

"H-how did you-?" Chris began.

"I thought I smelt him on you last night," Brutus continued, "Why are you hanging out with him?"

"Because I am," The human replied, "Should I not be?"

Brutus shook his head.

"He's a nice guy, don't get me wrong," The Dalmatian began, "But he puts his friends on the hockey team first. If they invite him out to anything, even if he's got something planned with his partner, he goes. Shit that's the main reason he got dumped."

"Oh jeez," Chris replied, "How do you know Mitch?"

"Well I met him at a party one time," Brutus began, "That's how I recognized the smell. I mainly know him through his now ex-boyfriend."

"Oh?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, I met Russell during orientation," Brutus continued, "He dated Mitch for two years and things were really good, but it changed when they came to school here. Mitch started treating Russell like he didn't matter. Russell got sick of playing second fiddle to the hockey team and dumped his ass."

Chris leaned back against the wall. The wolf seemed so involved when the human had first met him.

"Wait," Brutus began, "Mitch just broke up with his last boyfriend."

Chris looked over at the Dalmatian.

"Yeah," Chris replied, "So what?"

"So," Brutus scoffed, "You're a rebound."

"Is that bad?" Chris asked.

"Usually yeah," Brutus began, "He's probably just using you to get over his last boyfriend."

"O-oh," Chris sighed, "He said he wanted to date me though. Maybe it's not like that."

Brutus sat up and put a paw on the human's shoulder. Chris moved his hand up to hold it, giving the warm, furred paw a soft squeeze. The Dalmatian chuckled and smiled.

"I hope you're right," Brutus said, "I know I haven't known you very long, but I can tell that you are a good person. Good people like you deserve to be happy. I hope that Mitch surprises me."

"Thanks," Chris replied, "I think that you are a good person too."

Brutus smiled and got up from the bed. He walked over to his dresser and got dressed, putting on a grey, form-fitting tee shirt and a pair of faded black jeans. Chris laid back on his bed, his feet on the floor, soaking in the warmth from its last occupant.

"Where are you going?" Chris asked as the Dalmatian reached for the doorknob.

"I'm going to my friend's dorms to see if they want to hang out," Brutus replied, "Do you want to come with?"

Chris shook his head.

"I'd rather be a hermit today," The human chuckled, "I'm worried about you know, my scent."

"You'll be ok," Brutus began, "You'll be ok, it's only going to be you, me, and four other people tops. If they try anything, I'll just start making out with you. That should send a crystal clear message."

Chris giggled and blushed. He looked down at his shoes and kicked them off. He fully got into bed, putting his feet up against the bedframe. The Dalmatian smiled widely and looked over the human.

"I didn't think you were a giggler," Brutus chuckled as he advanced towards Chris, "I wonder..."

The canine dived on top of the human and started tickling his sides. Chris giggled and squirmed, trying to buck the Dalmatian off of him. Brutus grinned evilly and moved lower, his fingers working just above the human's hips, making Chris kick his legs feebly. The canine bent down and looked at the human beneath him.

"Looks like I thought right," Brutus chuckled, "You are ticklish."

Chris blushed and smiled.

"Yeah, yeah I'm ticklish," The human replied, "Can you let me up now?"

The canine shook his head. Chris looked down and blushed as he saw the canine's muscular body between his legs.

"I kinda like where you are now," Brutus began, "Now I feel dumb for putting clothes on."

"Well," Chris blushed, "I've got mine on, so... It works right?"

Brutus looked into the humans eyes. His gaze lingered there as his paw moved up to caress the human's cheek.

"God, you have the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen," Brutus said, "I-I know there's an unwritten law about dating your roommate and I know that you are planning on pursuing Mitch. But, if it doesn't work out, I want you to promise me something."

Chris looked back into Brutus's eyes.

"If me and Mitch don't work out," Chris replied, "I'd love to try with you Brutus. I mean, you are practically my longtime sexual fantasy in real life, and on top of that, you are a really nice guy."

Brutus's tail wagged furiously.

"Thank you," Brutus began before starting to lick over Chris's face.

Chris protested and tried to squirm away. Brutus pulled back, blushed, and looked away.

"Sorry about that," Brutus said sheepishly, "I couldn't help it."

Chris smiled and cuddled up against the Dalmatian. He knew that he shouldn't be doing this, he was still planning on trying to start a relationship with Mitch, but Brutus just felt so right. The Dalmatian picked up on this and planted a kiss on the human's forehead.

"Are you ok?" Brutus asked, "You don't have to do this with me right now. I'm sure I'm just making your situation more difficult."

Chris shook his head.

"You aren't," The human replied, "This Mitch thing is starting to worry me now anyways. I'm scared he'll just use me and move on. It's nice to be able to be close to someone like this. It really takes my mind off of the stress."

Brutus nodded.

"Ok," The Dalmatian began, "I can help with that."

Chris put a hand on Brutus's cheek, took a breath, and kissed the Dalmatian on the lips. Brutus blinked and returned the kiss, his tail starting to wag slowly. Chris blushed and gasped, pulling away from the Dalmatian.

"Shit!" He pulled away from the canine, "I'm sorry, God I shouldn't have done that."

Brutus chuckled.

"It's ok," Brutus replied, "I liked it, even though I know you weren't all the way into it."

"I should have waited to make a decision about Mitch," Chris began, "I don't think I would be as confused."

"The fact that you're confused shows that you haven't made a decision yet," Brutus replied, "You hung out with him one time, that doesn't exactly qualify as a relationship."

Chris nodded.

"I suppose I got a little caught up thinking about him," Chris said with a sigh, "This whole thing is kind of a new situation for me."

"Look," Brutus began, "Go hang out with Mitch tonight and see how you feel about him. If it feels good, keep doing it, if not, try me out. In the end, neither of us can make this decision for you."

"That makes sense. Thanks Chris," The human replied, "You should go see your friends. I'm sure they're waiting."

The Dalmatian scoffed.

"They aren't waiting for me," Brutus laughed, "I was just going to stop by and see if they wanted to do something."

"Oh," Chris replied, "Want to maybe hang out here?"

Brutus chuckled.

"Sure," The Dalmatian replied, "What do you want to do?"

Chris shrugged his shoulders.

"I've got an idea," Brutus said with a smirk.


30 minutes later

"Spin the wheel," The shirtless Dalmatian sprawled over a Twister mat shouted, "Just use your feet."

An equally shirtless Chris staggered and fell ass-first onto the Twister mat as he tried to reach the spinner. Brutus howled in triumph and stood up. Chris groaned and laid out on the mat, his hands behind his head.

"Lose the pants human," Brutus began, "You gotta take them off."

Chris shook his head and pulled off his socks. Brutus howled again, mournfully, and laid down beside the human. Chris chuckled and threw them over to the other side of the room, one of the dark green socks landing across the Dalmatian's muzzle. Brutus huffed and blew the article of clothing off of his face.

"You did that on purpose," Brutus crossed his arms.

"I did take my socks off on purpose," Chris chuckled, "Had I known that your only intention was to get me naked, I would have turned down your invitation to play strip Twister."

"You and I both know that there was one reason you agreed to play," Brutus chuckled, "You were hoping you'd get to see me naked again."

Chris scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine," Chris began, "I'll admit it."

Chris's phone began to buzz in his pocket. The human groaned as he sat up and pulled the cell phone out of his front pocket. He blinked as he looked down at it.

"Who is it?" Brutus asked, sitting up beside the human.

"Mitch," Chris stated, looking at it some more.

They paused.

"Well," Brutus nudged the human, "Answer it and put it on speaker."

Chris gulped and complied.

"Hey Mitch," Chris began, "What's up."

"Hey cutie," Mitch said enthusiastically, "I know I said we had a date tonight. There's a hockey party tonight, and the guys get kind of steamed at me if I don't go. Do you want to come with?"

"I don't know Mitch," Chris replied, "I'm not really used to parties, and I've heard hockey parties are kind of crazy. Couldn't we just stick to the old plan?"

There was silence on Mitch's side of the phone.

"Ok," The wolf said, "We can work our way up to hockey parties. I don't want to overwhelm you or anything like that. What are you up to right now?"

Brutus's jaw dropped.

"I'm playing Twister with my roommate," Chris said, a smile forming on his face, "What are you up to?"

"I just got out of my American History class," The wolf replied, "I'm going back to my place to get ready for the game. Are you coming tonight?"

Chris hesitated. Brutus nudged the human again and mouthed.

Say yes

"Yeah," Chris replied, "I'll be there. You mind if I invite my roommate? It would be nice to have some company on the bleachers. I figured you'd prefer it if my brother didn't know I was coming over tonight."

The wolf laughed.

"Sure," Mitch said, "I'll pick you guys up at 5. There's two hours until the game starts, but there's an awesome coffee shop nearby that you guys could chill at."

"Alright," Chris began, "I'll see you in a few hours."

"I can't wait," Mitch replied, "See you soon."

The wolf hung up. Brutus smiled and hugged the human tightly. Chris chuckled and hugged the Dalmatian back.

"I guess Mitch proved me wrong," The Dalmatian began, "I'm happy for you."

"Thanks Brutus," Chris replied, "I'm sorry though."

Brutus laughed.

"About what?" The Dalmatian replied, "If you end up liking him, I'll find someone else to date Chris. I'm just hoping we can be friends."

"You mean that?" Chris asked, "I'd love to be friends. Hell that makes you the first real friend I've made here."

"I do," Brutus began, flexing his muscles, "So don't worry about me, I'll reel someone in with this rocking bod of mine."

Chris blushed and shook his head.

"Let's make this game interesting," Brutus chuckled, "We both strip to our underwear, and the loser has to... clean the room for a full week in nothing but their underwear."

"That's way tamer than I expected," Chris replied as he shed his jeans, "You're on."

Brutus snorted and stripped to his underwear as well.

"I wasn't going to have sex with you before your date," The Dalmatian began, "I wouldn't do that to you. Now spin that wheel, you're going down."

After a few spins the pair of roommates were all tangled up. Brutus was on top, his crotch pressing against the small of Chris's back. Suddenly, the door opened and in walked Thomas. He was looking down at his shoes, his ears flat against his head.

"Chris I just wanted to apologize for earlier, I-," The fox looked up and blinked, "What the hell are you doing?"

Chris gulped and blushed hard. Brutus chuckled.

"We were playing strip Twister," Brutus began, "Loser has to clean the room in their underwear for a week. It would have been for sex, but someone has a date tonight."

Thomas blinked and shook his head.

"I'll get to know you later," Thomas said with a sigh, "Could my brother and I have the room please? I have to talk to him about something."

Brutus nodded and started to redress. He pointed at the human before he started to move for the door.

"We'll settle this later," He pointed at the Twister mat, pointed back at Chris, and left the room.

Chris redressed as well, and sat on his mattress. Thomas looked up at his brother sheepishly.

"I shouldn't have done what I did," Thomas continued, "I was just, blown away I guess."

"I thought you were straight Thomas," Chris began, "I really don't understand why that happened."

"I am straight," The fox replied, "Your pheromones are very feminine. It just messed with my brain."

Chris sighed and looked down at the floor.

"You're my brother Thomas," The human began, "I'll forgive you, as long as you promise that it won't happen again."

The fox nodded.

"I promise," Thomas replied as he sat down on Brutus's bed, "So, you've got a roommate."

Chris chuckled.

"Yeah," Chris began, "His name is Brutus. He's super nice. He's the first real friend I've made here."

"Good," Thomas smiled, "So who has the date tonight? You or him?"

"Me actually," Chris blushed, "Mitch wanted to hang out again tonight."

"Oh," Thomas began, "Good for you."

Thomas looked away, his paw gripping Brutus's sheets.

"Promise me you'll be safe," Thomas continued, "If things get hot and heavy, promise me that you'll make him use a condom."

"What makes you think I'll be on bottom?" Chris chuckled, "What if I'm going to be the man in this relationship?"

Thomas snorted and started to laugh. Chris smiled and laughed with him.

"With pheromones like yours," Thomas began, "There is no way."

"I'll be careful Thomas," The human replied, "Don't worry about me."

Thomas smiled and looked his brother in the eyes.

"I can't help but worry about you Chris," The fox sighed, "You're my baby brother, you're my only brother, and I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened to you."

"I'll be ok," Chris began, "Look, if anything happens that makes me feel uncomfortable, I promise that I will call you."

Thomas got up from Brutus's bed and gave his brother a hug. Chris hugged the fox back and sighed happily.

"I'll let you go then," The fox began, breaking the hug and getting up from the bed, "Have a good night tonight Chris."

The fox left the room, closing the door quietly behind him. A few moments later Brutus burst into the room with an armful of clothes.

"Let's get you ready for your date tonight," Brutus said as he threw the clothes down onto Chris's bed.


Chris shivered outside of the hockey arena. He was bundled up in a parka and was wearing a pair form fitting jeans and a tight tee shirt with the college logo on it underneath it. The game had finished awhile ago, and most of the spectators had already left. The human sighed and tried to curl up where he stood. Brutus chuckled and looked up at the stars.

"I love how clear it gets when it's cold." The Dalmatian began, "You can see so much up there."

"I can't believe I let you pick my outfit," Chris said, "I'm going to freeze to death before Mitch even gets out here."

"You'll thank me once he gets you back to his place," Brutus replied, "You look really damn good."

The human blushed and smiled.

"Thanks Brutus," Chris moved himself against the Dalmatian, "Mind warming me up? I can't feel my hands."

The Dalmatian nodded and took Chris's hands in his paws. The human sighed with relief and nuzzled his head up against Brutus's chest. The canine blushed and looked around.

"Chris," Brutus began, "This looks kinda bad. I mean, what would Mitch think?"

"You're keeping me warm," Chris replied, "If he's got an issue with it, then that's too bad."

Brutus nodded and held the human tighter.

"Thank you for keeping all those guys off of me," Chris began, looking up at Brutus's face, "I was really nervous, you helped a lot."

"Don't mention it," The Dalmatian replied, reciprocating the gaze, "I'll do it anytime you need it."

Mitch's green Jeep pulled up to the curb with a squeal. Brutus separated himself from the human and put his paws in his pockets. The wolf reached over and rolled down the window, looking over the pair of males standing outside.

"You guys look absolutely miserable," The wolf began, "Get in before you turn into popsicles."

The pair complied and got into Mitch's car. Mitch turned on the heat and smiled at the human.

"Enjoy the game?" Mitch asked, "It was better than last night's right?"

Chris nodded.

"Yeah," The human began, "Unlike last time, the guy I went with actually took the time to explain the game. It was much more fun once I understood all of the nuances of it."

"That reminds me," Mitch chuckled as he turned around and extended a paw to Brutus, "I'm Mitch, by the way, you must be Chris's roommate."

Brutus smiled politely.

"I am," Brutus began, "Names Brutus."

"Nice to meet you Brutus," The wolf replied as he started his car, "Thanks for keeping my date warm for me."

"Don't mention it," Brutus said after a short pause, turning his head to look out the window.

There was a long awkward pause. Chris looked back at the Dalmatian and bit his lip. He may not have been the best at reading people, but he could tell that something was bothering Brutus. There was nothing the human could do about it now, not without making the whole situation even weirder. Chris turned to look at Mitch and smiled.

"So congrats on winning," The human began, "For real this time."

Mitch chuckled and smiled.

"Thanks," The wolf replied, "It's easier to play well when you know that a certain someone's there cheering you on."

"There were plenty of people cheering you on," Chris said, "I mean, there were half a dozen signs in my row alone."

The wolf reached down and squeezed Chris's thigh.

"Yeah, but none of them were you," Mitch smiled, holding Chris leg tighter as he brought the car to a stop in front of Chris and Brutus's dorm.

Brutus bit back a sigh as he got out of the car. Mitch rolled down Chris's window

"Hey," Mitch began, "Have a nice night buddy. It was nice meeting you."

Brutus nodded and wrapped his coat around himself tighter.

"Have a good night guys," Brutus replied, "I'm sure I'll see you around Mitch."

Chris waved goodbye and rolled the window up. Mitch pulled away from the curb and drove in the direction of his apartment. Brutus sighed and watched the car until it disappeared behind a shallow hill. He wiped a tear from his cheek, turned, and walked inside.

Mitch sighed happily and held Chris's hand as he drove. He looked over at the human and whined.

"Your hands are freezing," Mitch began, "Are you cold?"

Chris nodded.

"Yeah," Chris blushed and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, "I wanted to look nice for you, but that meant I couldn't really bundle up."

Mitch smiled and shook his head.

"That rule only applies when it's above 0 degrees," Mitch began, "I'll warm you up when we get home. No cute little human like you is gonna freeze up on my watch."

"That sounds wonderful," Chris chuckled, "Better than I thought the night was going to go."

Mitch's ears perked up.

"And how did you think the night was going to go?" The wolf asked.

"I thought it would just be a plain and simple hookup," Chris replied, "But instead of just kicking me to the curb in the morning. My totally sexually inexperienced charm and innocence would convince you to keep me around."

Mitch laughed.

"A guy like you deserves more than a one night stand," Mitch began, "We furs are good at reading people, and I know, just from the short time that I have known you, that you are a great guy."

Chris leaned over and planted a kiss on the side of Mitch's muzzle.

"Thanks Mitch," The human said, "That means a lot to me."

The wolf turned into his gated community and parked his Jeep in front of his place. He turned off the engine and got out, moving over to Chris's door to open it for the human. Mitch reached in and planted a quick kiss on the human's lips before extending his paw and helping the human out of the Jeep. Chris blushed and kept a hold on the wolf's paw, until the pair made their way inside.

"So," Mitch began as he closed the door behind him, "What did you want to do?"

Chris blushed and rubbed his arm. He took off his parka and hung it beside the door.

"I don't know," Chris replied, "Part of me wants to just go to bed with you."

Mitch chuckled.

"At least the pheromones aren't unfounded," Mitch started rubbing over the human's chest and shoulders, "I don't know what I'd do if you smelled this good and didn't want to have sex with me."

"Is that what we're going to do right off the bat?" Chris asked, "I was hoping we could hang out a bit before that. Maybe watch a movie or something."

The wolf nodded.

"I might fall asleep during the flick," Mitch began, "Is that alright?"

"I'd rather do something that kept you awake," Chris replied, "What do you like to do?"

Mitch moved up closer to the human, his hips pressing against Chris's. Chris blushed hard and gasped as the wolf started to kiss him deeply. The human moaned quietly, his head rolling back as the wolf began to take off the human's shirt. Mitch broke away from the kiss and pulled the shirt over Chris's head. The human looked down at the floor, his cheeks flushed red.

"Why are you embarrassed?" Mitch asked, "You're one of the sexiest looking humans I've ever got to do this with."

Chris blushed.

"I'm a virgin remember," Chris began, "I've never done this with anyone."

"I remember," Mitch replied, "I plan on taking it slow tonight. I was just building the anticipation."

"Don't build it too high," Chris said with a smirk, "I don't want to be disappointed."

Mitch curled a finger under Chris's chin and lifted his head slightly. The wolf kissed the human gently and broke away.

"You won't be," Mitch began, "Movie or bed?"

"Bed," Chris replied, "We can watch a movie in the morning right? I don't want you to fall asleep."

Mitch chuckled and rubbed a paw down Chris's back, stopping the motion on Chris's right asscheek.

"Nothing wrong with that," Mitch said with a chuckle as he squeezed Chris's ass, "Don't worry, we'll take it nice and slow. We don't even have to go all the way if you don't want to."

"I think I do," Chris began, planting a kiss on Mitch's nose, "Is that ok?"

Mitch nodded and bent over to sweep Chris off of his feet. The human blushed and giggled as the wolf hoisted him up and carried him bridal style through the house. Chris looked over the wolf's muscular body and sighed wistfully.

"Damn," The human said, hungrily looking over Mitch's body, "I should have taken your shirt off."

The wolf smiled and chuckled.

"You'll get me out of it soon enough," The wolf replied as he crossed the threshold into the bedroom, "You're fine with sleeping naked right."

Chris blushed and nodded. Mitch set him down on the bed and started to strip, taking time to show off every inch of his muscular body. He lingered at his underwear, his paws rubbing over his prominent abs before sliding the small cloth garment off. Chris turned beet red, the front of his jeans tightening as he ogled Mitch's package.

"It's your turn," Mitch chuckled, "Or would you like some help?"

"Help?" Chris asked, "I think I like the sound of that."

The wolf murred and pounced on top of Chris. Chris gasped as the wolf's strong paws pulled off his belt and pants. Mitch chuckled and looked down at the outline of Chris's erection in his tight black underwear.

"Those are cute," Mitch began, "I'll be sure to be gentle when I take them off."

"W-Why would that m-," Chris began, meeping loudly as Mitch began to kiss over his navel.

The wolf moaned dirtily as he slid off Chris's underwear. Mitch looked up at the human and started to kiss lower, his lips working over Chris's freshly trimmed pubic area. The wolf started to kiss over the base of the human's penis, slowly working his way up to the tip with a series of slow licks.

"Just," Mitch moaned quietly as he began sucking on the head of Chris's cock, "Mmm, let me know if I'm going too fast."

Chris moaned loudly and gripped the sheets as Mitch started to bob his head over the shaft of his member.

"I-I can't complain," Chris gasped and moaned shakily, his hand moving down to the top of Mitch's head, "Y-You're good at this."

Mitch chuckled and took Chris's full length in his mouth. The human gasped and blushed, his toes curling as he began leaking pre. Mitch pulled back and cleaned off the liquid. One of Mitch's paws moved down to play with Chris's balls, making the human moan louder. After a few minutes of sucking and slurping, Mitch pulled away from the human's member and chuckled.

"You're a lucky guy," Mitch began, "You're gonna get the full virginity sampler. We're gonna do a little bit of everything."

Chris blushed.

"What's next?" The human asked, his cock hard and begging for release, "Can't you keep going? I'm pretty close."

Mitch shook his head.

"It's not going to be any fun if you get all tuckered out at the beginning," Mitch replied, "Trust me, you'll finish soon enough."

"So should I suck you off too?" Chris asked, "Or what do you mean?"

"I wasn't going to ask you to do anything," Mitch replied as he laid down beside the human, "But since you offered, I can't really say no."

Chris chuckled and rubbed over the wolf's torso and abs, his fingers curling through the wolf's short fur. The human looked over the handsome male beside him, his eyes lingering on the canine's plump sheath and his semi-aroused penis.

"Anything I should know?" Chris asked, his hand moving down to stroke over the emerging pink flesh.

"Fuck your hands are soft," Mitch murred and bit his lip, "Just, watch the teeth."

Chris watched, eyes wide, as his hands coaxed Mitch's member to its full length. The wolf leaned his head back, his toes curling slowly. Chris blushed and started to kiss and suckle over the base of the canine's member, his lips brushing over the base of his slowly forming knot. It was slightly longer and thicker than Chris's largest dildo, which fittingly, was a cast of a famous wolf pornstar.

"I can't believe you want to actually put this inside of me," Chris began, "It's fucking huge."

"I'm not even going to try and get the knot in this time, I'm way too excited. Next time we can give that a try," Mitch began as Chris started to tentatively kiss and lick over the tip of his member, "I haven't done this in months."

Chris started to move over the first couple of inches of wolf cock with his mouth, trying to emulate the tongue motions that Mitch had used on him. He murmured a reply, trying to get more into his mouth. Mitch growled lustfully, his paw moving down to clutch Chris's blonde hair.

"Mmm," Mitch began, "You're a natural at this."

Chris moved lower and tried to deep throat the wolf, his eyes going wide as he triggered his gag reflex. The human pulled back and put the back of the hand to his mouth. Mitch chuckled and ruffled Chris's hair.

"You ok?" Mitch asked.

Chris took a breath and nodded.

"You don't have to go all out," The wolf continued, "If this night continues to be as awesome as it already is you'll have plenty of opportunities to practice in the future."

Chris blushed and smiled. He sat back, leaning up against the pillows, his hand lazily stroking Mitch's length.

"Let's move on shall we?" Mitch asked before planting a firm kiss on Chris's lips.

The human smiled and kissed the wolf back. Mitch moved back down the human's body, his paws sliding down to Chris's hips. The wolf started to kiss and lick over the inside of Chris's thighs, slowly making his way up to Chris's ass. Mitch looked up and chuckled.

"Looks like someone cleaned up down here," Mitch began, "You must have had sex on your mind all day."

Chris blushed hard.

"Well, my roommate said that I should," Chris replied, "Should I not have?"

Mitch murred and licked over the human's tight hole. Chris gasped in surprise and moaned. Mitch gave the human's asshole a few more licks, each one firmer and more insistent than the one before.

"It makes this a hell of a lot more enjoyable for me," Mitch said with a chuckle, "Holy fuck you have the cutest little butt Chris."

"T-thanks," Chris said, "I'm glad you like it."

Mitch murred and pulled back. The wolf reached up and kissed Chris's forehead.

"The lube is in the bathroom," The wolf began, "I'll be right back babe."

The wolf walked out of the bedroom, his pace slowing as he noticed Chris watching him leave. The human sighed and reached down for his phone. He just had to make sure Brutus was alright.

*Hey *

Chris texted, not really sure what to say. Mitch swore in the bathroom and continued to rummage around for his lube. A few moments passed and Brutus texted back.

Hey, how's your night going?

Chris smiled.

Good, I just wanted to make sure you were ok. You were pretty quiet on the way back to the dorms.

Mitch chuckled from the bathroom and slammed one of the drawers closed.

"Found it!" He shouted from the bathroom.

Chris received a wall of text and sighed, he could read it in the morning. He put his phone down face-first on Mitch's nightstand. The wolf came back in holding a small black and pink bottle, his had red rocket retreated slightly inside his sheath but his balls hung lowly. Chris blushed and looked over the sexy canine in front of him. Mitch squeezed a small dollop of lube onto his paw and spread it around his fingers.

"This stuff is great," Mitch began as he got back down onto the bed, "It doesn't get stuck in my fur like most lube does."

"That's good," Chris yelped as the wolf slathered on a healthy amount of lube, "It's uh, colder feeling than mine is."

Mitch chuckled.

"I wonder why you need lube of your own," Mitch said as he slowly pressed one of his fingers against the human's hole, "I hope you don't play with your toys too much."

Chris blushed and gasped as the wolf's finger penetrated him. Mitch rubbed the human's stomach, giving him time to adjust. The canine began to gently move his finger back and forth inside the human, each time moving in a little deeper.

"I haven't since this summer," Chris said, suppressing a moan, "I'm too nervous to do it in the dorms."

Mitch murred and started to press with another finger.

"Good," The wolf began, his member hardening, "Means you'll be nice and tight for me."

Chris moaned loudly as Mitch's second finger entered him. The wolf chuckled and started to spread and scissor his fingers inside the human.

"I might even be able to tie you if you want," Mitch continued, "The little escapade in the bathroom let me settle down a little bit."

Chris blushed.

"I'd love that," The human replied, "But I think you might need a few more fingers in there."

Mitch chuckled and complied, adding a third in, this finger sliding in easier than the last. The wolf applied more lube and started to fingerfuck the human. Chris moaned loudly, each of Mitch's thrusts eliciting a high pitched moan of ecstasy. Chris bucked his hips back, trying to get the wolf's fingers deeper inside of him.

"Fuck I don't know how much longer I can wait," Mitch gasped, humping the sheets desperately, "You want another finger?"

Chris nodded.

"Just to be safe," The human replied.

Mitch complied, spreading the human's tight little hole wide. Chris moaned loudly and came as the wolf hit his prostate. Mitch chuckled and pulled his fingers out.

"You can go again right?" Mitch asked.

Chris nodded.

"Good," The wolf continued, "Lay on your side for me."

Chris caught his breath and turned away from the wolf. Mitch lifted up one of the human's legs and draped it over his lower back. The room was silent for a while, aside from the needy pants and gasps of the two lovers. Mitch lined up and put his tip against Chris's hole.

"Are you ready?" Mitch asked, planting a line of kisses down Chris's neck and shoulders.

"Y-yeah," Chris replied, "I'm ready."

Mitch grinned.

"Let me know if you need me to stop," Mitch began as he started to push.

Chris grit his teeth as the tip went in. He took a deep breath, trying his best to relax and loosen up a little bit. Mitch fought the urge to buck his hips forward, and moved into the human beside him at a tortuously slow pace. Chris groaned in discomfort and Mitch stopped.

"How much is in?" Chris asked, "This is a lot different from the toy."

"I'm a quarter of the way in," Mitch replied, "Just relax, the sooner you do that, the better you're going to feel."

Chris nodded and took a deep breath. Mitch slowly rubbed over the human's stomach and kissed over the human's neck and back. Chris murred and melted back against the wolf, his eyes closing. Mitch smiled and kissed Chris's cheek.

"You ready?" Mitch asked.

Chris nodded and moaned as the wolf began to press into him. They stopped four more times, until finally, the wolf had his bone buried inside Chris's petite butt. Mitch growled in pleasure and held Chris's hips to him possessively with one paw.

"Talk to me Chris," Mitch began as he started to slowly pull his hips back, "Let me know what you want me to do."

Chris blushed.

"D-don't do the whole thing at once just yet," Chris replied, "I don't think I can take that."

Mitch licked Chris's cheek and thrust a few inches of his cock in and out of the human. Chris moaned breathily, his hand reaching down to grab the wolf's paw. Mitch squeezed the human's paw and gasped in pleasure.

"I'm sorry Chris," Mitch began, increasing the amount of length he worked in and out of the human, "I don't think I'm going to last too long."

Chris moaned loudly and pressed his ass back hard against the wolf.

"I'm about to cum again," Chris said with a gasp, grinding his hips back against the wolf's slowly quickening thrusts, "Don't feel like you have to hold out for my sake."

Mitch murred and bit down lightly on the human's shoulder. He sped up, nearly using the full length of his cock now. Chris moaned quietly and came again, his inner walls clenching and massaging the wolf's thick member. The wolf continued this for a while, groaning and grunting in pleasure as he fucked the beautiful human beside him. Mitch panted and moaned, feeling his slowly growing knot struggling to exit the human's hole with every pull back.

"C-can I tie you? Mitch asked with a gasp, "I'm getting really close, I don't know if it'll even fit after this."

Chris blushed and nodded.

"I-it won't hurt me will it?" Chris asked.

Mitch shook his head.

"You'll be ok," Mitch panted, "Just relax."

The wolf growled in pleasure and thrust into Chris shallowly and rapidly, his hips meeting Chris's ass in a series of quick slaps. Chris gasped and moaned, getting louder and louder as Mitch's breaths got more and more ragged. Chris bit his lower lip as he felt the rapidly swelling knot stretch his inner walls. He screamed out in pleasure as it lodged against his prostate and came again. Mitch pressed forward hard and howled, pumping his lupine seed inside of his partner.

The pair gasped and groaned in post-coital bliss. After a minute or two, Mitch's blasts of cum slowed and lessened in magnitude. Chris blushed and gasped as he looked down at his slightly bloated stomach. The wolf lowered Chris's leg and planted a gentle kiss on the human's lips.

"Are you going to be ok?" Mitch asked, "I can get it out of you if you want."

Chris shook his head.

"This has been a fantasy of mine for a while," Chris replied, "I, uh, practiced a lot in high school."

Mitch chuckled and wrapped his arms around the human's chest.

"I'm glad to hear it," Mitch began, "Want to go to bed?"

Chris nodded. Mitch held the human tightly to him and moved the intertwined pair under the wolf's grey comforter. Chris turned his head to kiss Mitch's nose and lips. The wolf smiled and reciprocated the kiss, his tongue gently brushing against Chris's lips. The human turned his head back towards the wall and sighed happily.

"So what are we doing tomorrow?" Chris asked.

Mitch rubbed the human's stomach and smiled.

"Breakfast and a movie sound ok with you?" Mitch replied.

"Sounds divine," Chris chuckled, "I'll see you in the morning Mitch, I'm really sleepy."

Mitch nuzzled the human's neck and closed his eyes.

"See you in the morning baby."

Events of an Uneventful Freshmen Year: Light My Fire

I found this old and mostly finished story on my laptop, and was thinking of trying to make it into a series. Tell me what you think and enjoy. ...

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That Old Style Blues Part 2

"Hey," Emil blushed, standing in front of the door in a raincoat, "I'm sorry it took so long. The good news is that I can spend the night." Victor smiled widely and stood aside, holding the door open for the Labrador. Emil came in and smiled, looking...

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That Old Style Blues Part 1

Hello everyone! This is part 1 of a two-parter. The second part should be out next Thursday. I hope you enjoy...

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