Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt35

Story by Logan Storm on SoFurry

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#36 of Pokémon - Darkest Taboo

Okay sorry for keeping you folks all waiting had problem with one thing then another, then trying to do loads of stories at the same time as well as my little art project when I needed to focus on one thing at a time.

Anyway this is a filler as will be then next one mostly to just move the story along.




As the dawn began giving way to the first rays of light, signalling in a new day Jack began to stir beneath covers of his bed, Toph remained partly curled up close to him sharing the warmth of his body while sleeping soundly with his sent giving her sense of serenity that if she where awake she would be hard pressed to remember when last she had felt such a way.

Her tight little vaginal entrance was tender from repeatedly breeding with him while he slept; she had visited him time and time again in more humanoid form as such the Jack's flaccid bulb like head remained within her inhuman body as was much of his virile seed.

Eventually she too began to awaken, as she did so he slipped free making her wince at the sudden emptiness, with a stretch and a yawn she set about cleaning herself down below with gentle light strokes of her tongue due to the sensitive ache down there.

Pausing to savour the taste of their combined juices she continues feeling at ease with his scent all around her, she knew eventually she would have to leave the warmth of the blanket and his smooth naked skin that her soft fur covered body was leaning against.

Once she was done Espeon placed her small paws up onto his hips as she reaches up over his pelvis to run her small rough tongue along his limp member a few times, letting out a soft purr while grooms the object that had given her so much pleasure night just gone.

"Mnnn...Morning Toph"

Jack groaned with a slight small from his somewhat enjoyable wakeup call by the violet coated Pokémon grooming him, he could feel each of the myriad of tiny barbs lining the flat of her tongue.

Softly he rubs along the back of her ears feeling her head nuzzle against it with all what could be described as a purring sound, scooping her up he kisses the gem on her brow feeling a tingle of psychic energy ripple down through his body allowing him to directly feel her emotions.

Toph blushed beneath her soft fur like coat feeling as if nothing else in the world could have mattered to her as much as Jack did, it was then she felt a sharp sting of shame fill her; the Trainer was nothing to her merely a means to an end nothing more.

Wriggling free from his arms she lands on her four paws leaving the Trainer confused and worried he had done something wrong.

'You should go wash up you reek'

She noted with emotionless tone to her telepathic voice, feeling somewhat dejected and confused jack did as he was told hoping this might put him back in favour with her.

As she watched him she could not help but feel the early shame she had felt suddenly become guilt but she held back the urge to go running after him, after all he was just tool for her to use and throw away when she was done with him.

Yet in-spite telling herself this over and over Toph still felt some doubt residing in the back of her mind that she could not shake loose no matter how hard she tried, it aggravated her to no end.

Curling up on the bed blaming Jack for her sense of unease and frustration she blocked out the sound of him washing while trying to visualise her home that she so desperately wanted to return to.

The smell of the flowers and sound of all the other Eeveelutions playing and enjoying the warmth of the sun in days free of worry or concern about any danger, where the only Humans to be found where the Pokémon Rangers that kept the hidden park safe.

"Um Toph..."

Jack started suddenly stopping when she lifted her head to glare at him, taking a few deep gulps of air he went to continue as she lowered her head back down with a look of apathy about her face.

"I need to go collect the others...uh...okay well if you want to stay there okay but we'll be heading off to get breakfast"

He continued getting her to finally concede her and sit up right grooming her self while he got dressed, it began to slowly dawn on her that if she wanted to make use of him she would need to act more friendlier after all if she couldn't keep his interest in her then she would wouldn't continue to gain any influence over him.

Oh she could use her psychic abilities upon him and his other Pokémon but then there was that crass Weavile who would prove immune to her power, no it would be better to continue to win him and his team over.

_ 'I am most sorry Jack, I am just not used to these emotions yet...forgive me?' _

She mewed into his mind, her front paws leaning up to rest on his lap as he sat down to put his socks on, reaching down he softly scratched behind her left ear tips of his hand sending her of into a purring session.

"It's okay Toph I should be the one apologising, I shouldn't have taken advantage of you like I did"

Jack whispers to her sending a spark of annoyance through her mind, she hated how he would take the blame that should belong to someone else but she hid her desire to mark his face with her claws for being such a fool.

Instead she nuzzles against his hand to feign affection towards him at least she believed that she was though some how she couldn't be completely sure it wasn't a genuine show of love.

Leaping down from the bed to keep herself from biting on his hand for making her confused emotionally she padded over to the door as if demanding he hurry up and get ready.

Minuets passed until Jack was packed and ready to go with his back pack over one shoulder he made his way to the door his hand closing around the handle firmly before easing it down and the door open, at which point Toph slipped through the gap that wade determined to exit the room first.

_ 'Let us seek out the slut and two crass brutes' _

Her voice rang in his mind as she lead the way down the hall way with the Trainer closing the door behind them and rushing off after her, making his way down corridors turning down one way then the next he found himself seeing more and more trainers and Pokémon as everyone began to make their way to the communal dining area.

Stopping by the overnight wing he found two Audino's at the handing back Pokéball's to trainers while Nurse Joy was speaking to a young female trainer with short red pixie style hair.

She was handing a Pokéball strapped up with a belt something that was rarely ever a good sign, most of the time it signalled that the Pokémon within was completely out of control and a danger to human and Pokémon alike.

"I see, well I guess it is for the best, I mean we can't have your Blaziken just bursting free of his own accord and doing such irrehensible things to you and anyone else nearby!"

Joy mused with a stern look on her face, as an Audino came waddling up next to her.

"Audino, please take this young girl and give her a full gynaecological examination to make sure she's okay please.

Mean time I'll get a seal for this Pokéball, can't have its occupance escape and run a muck before he can be neutered"

The small girl smiled faintly at the Nurses words as the Audino took her by the hand and led her away, another Audino tugged on joy's apron to get her attention while holding up a disk shaped cap that the Pokémon Nurse gently accepted and placed over the button on the front before twisting it clockwise to lock it into place.

With a sigh along with a little amount of effort she removed the belt that had kept the ball form opening, it began to shake as the Pokémon within tried to free itself but the seal was locked into place making such an attempt impossible.

"Now you can stay in there and contemplate on what you did and why I have to do this to you"

Joy scolded the Blaziken within before handing it to the Audino by her side, then with a few deep breaths her face returned to its soft warm expression that Pokémon and Trainer alike would all ways look forwards to seeing whenever they visited a Pokémon Centre.

"Okay eveone don't be late for breakfast now, it is one the most important meals of the day you know!"

She announced with a mothering tone to present Trainers and Coordinators alike, Jack nodded all most instinctively while saying in sync with the others around him.

"Yes Nurse Joy!"

Though no sooner than the words had left this lips than he was knocked backwards on to his backside as a small grey blue furred female wrapped herself around his waist, it was Oni and she was pleased to see him as he was to see her.

He could feel her tongue running along his face as she showed just how much she had missed him followed by constant nuzzling with her cheek to scent mark him as her Trainer.

"Okay!....Okay!...I love you to Oni!"

He smiled softly holding her, though the Human's present could not understand her words the Pokémon and Jack cold as she began to explain her late night adventures.


Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt36

. **PART THIRTY SIX.** . Early morning had been a peaceful affair with the breakfast and goodbyes made with little of the normal problems save for the odd taunt and physical disagreement between Bunny and Blaze resulting in the two Pokémon receiving...

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. **.** **PROLOGUE** . . **T** he Anthro region, an island named after Sir Anthro Charles the Fifth a noble man of considerable wealth who searching for an area of uncharted land to build his strong hold during the Great War that waged across the...

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